From the APP:
NJ manufacturing doing better than you think, making these things you’d never imagine
Each month, Unex Manufacturing Inc. executives get a phone call or email from an economic development group in another state — Florida, Texas, South Carolina, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio — asking if they are ready to move out of New Jersey to a cheaper location.
A move would no doubt help Unex lower its taxes and labor costs and keep up with its competitors. But after 60 years in New Jersey, the executives have stood their ground. They are staying.
“We have a good group of people here,” said Howard McIlvanie, vice president of operations and one of the company’s owners. “If we picked up and moved, we might lose a majority of them, and I don’t think we’d want to do that.”
New Jersey’s manufacturing industry, written off not long ago as a relic, is staging a modest comeback. New companies, aided by advances in technology, are starting from their homes. Policymakers are devoting more resources to manufacturers and training programs. And companies in the state have more job openings than they can fill.
A return to the state’s manufacturing heyday seems unlikely. New Jersey remains expensive and has recently lost high-profile manufacturers.
But New Jersey government and industry officials aren’t conceding defeat, noting that the state’s biggest economic development selling points — an educated work force and location in the heart of the Northeast — are coming in handy for “advanced” manufacturing firms that require high-tech skills.
New Jersey’s manufacturing sector has increased from 241,300 jobs in December 2013 to 255,000 jobs in December 2023, stemming what was a decades-long decline.
“Not declaring victory, but we’d characterize that as a good start,” Tim Sullivan, chief executive officer of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA), said last week at a Freehold Township conference sponsored by New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program, an industry trade group.
But New Jersey government and industry officials aren’t conceding defeat, noting that the state’s biggest economic development selling points — an educated work force and location in the heart of the Northeast — are coming in handy for “advanced” manufacturing firms that require high-tech skills.
More job openings than they can fill… I’d like to see the requirements for these high-tech skills. Is my next career in manufacturing?
Kamala talking about her Glock on 60 minutes and Stern is an interesting play. Is the hope they skew some of the gun toting middle (if that’s even a demographic)?
How we looking?
Manufacturing will never come back. Ever
Reagan shipped all to China and made the US economy a gambling casino. He lowered corporate taxes, ballooned federal deficit, and created Socialist Marxist universal healthcare for boomers.
Like an Elon Musk rocket ship.
That’s exactly what they are trying to do.
We could bring manufacturing here, but the middle class could not afford the products made here anymore.
Response from Insurance company in two months: Were out. Bye Flo Rida.
In what consumer advocates consider a groundbreaking win for policyholders, the Florida Department of Financial Services is requiring that all claims adjusters provide an explanation for each change they make to a consumer’s loss estimate, document those changes and retain all versions of the estimate and identify who made those revisions.
Hehe. Once upon a time a health department was designed to help people stay and get healthy.
Now they are just another arm of the law coming out to attack you. Stop Resisting.
Florida’s health department threatened criminal charges for television stations that run a political ad calling for the repeal of the state’s six-week abortion ban, one of the nation’s strictest.
At least two stations received cease-and-desist letters Thursday written by John Wilson, general counsel from the Florida Department of Health,
Farming, meat, poultry is all done by illegals. Only way to control labor costs.
Magas kids as hell ain’t gonna do those jobs
Phoenix says:
October 10, 2024 at 8:21 am
We could bring manufacturing here, but the middle class could not afford the products made here anymore.
I woke up today hoping to be fed a steady diet of clips from a storm of biblical proportions and instead, I saw a radar map that shows Milton has already fkd off the east coast of Florida. Some clips of tepid flooding, minor damage, but looking like a nothingburger?
Helene def overdelivered, but Milton was overhyped. Good news to No One.
Well, in their defense the price of Wagyu beef and French wine has gone up substantially.
House lawmakers expensed at least $2.5 million under a program that allows them to be reimbursed for their spending without submitting receipts through the first five months of 2024, over $120,000 more than they expensed during the same period last year, according to data released by the House as of Oct. 9
Inflation what inflation?
The CPI rose 0.2% in September and the core CPI rose 0.3%, both numbers stronger than anticipated
The data reinforces the notion that not only will the Fed not cut rates 50 basis points in November, but might chose to not trim rates at all.
We could always bring back slavery. Hey it worked for the elite landowners in the past.
How many would Bill Gates need to farm all of the land he owns in America?
The key to boiling the frog in the pot is to do it so gradually that the frog has no clue it’s being boiled.
Juice Box says:
October 10, 2024 at 8:53 am
Inflation what inflation?
The CPI rose 0.2% in September and the core CPI rose 0.3%, both numbers stronger than anticipated
The data reinforces the notion that not only will the Fed not cut rates 50 basis points in November, but might chose to not trim rates at all.
Very Stable: Don’t be an idiot it was the Dems and Repubs that sent jobs overseas , and NAFTA was in the 90”s.
Very Stable:” MAGA kids ain’t doing those jobs” Yeah, but the Dem kids will? What a doofus.
Juice: The Fed never should have cut in the first place as I had been saying, and should have increased rates further.
So inflation comes in 50% higher than the official Fed target just a month after the Fed drops interest rates by 50bp, no doubt having patted themselves on the back at the time for having so skillfully ‘beaten’ inflation. And this month’s terrible inflation number comes at a time when oil/gasoline prices have significantly fallen. There is literally no part of our government that works properly anymore.
3B is correct on that one. Mainly Clinton. Never trusted them. One need only see the contributions to their foundation, how they used them and how rapidly they dried up in 2016 once Hilary lost. Dems are masters of profiting off of their power.
Yeah, it should be harder for someone who needs a loan to get one. The poor guy who doesn’t have a stay at home job needs to pay higher interest on his car loan, how dare he deserve a break while toiling at a job to keep his wife happy.
3b says:
October 10, 2024 at 9:15 am
Juice: The Fed never should have cut in the first place as I had been saying, and should have increased rates further.
“There is literally no part of our government that works properly anymore”
It’s not that different in the private sector. Sadly, the only people who work hard these days are the immigrants.
Bill was enjoying his time at the podium while Monica was doing her thing. You can’t expect both heads to be thinking at the same time can you?
Libturd says:
October 10, 2024 at 9:25 am
It’s not that different in the private sector. Sadly, the only people who work hard these days are the immigrants.
But the stay at home guy gets all the money.
It is about the money, isn’t it always?
Garth Brook’s accuser is angry he named her in court.
She is no longer anonymous. Oh well.
The outsourcing primarily started under Bush 1.0/Clinton. Bush 2.0 put the pedal to the metal and Obama took office once it was 100% complete. Either way, it’s stupid. The idea that a nation of 50 states comprising of an entire continent can’t produce and consume 99% of the goods it sells is asinine. One has to wonder how the country function in the early 1900s.
Went to ShopRite yesterday, family size Cheez-Its are now $7.49 per box, up from $6.99 about a year ago. That’s my barometer to measure inflation. Cheeze-Its and Chex Mix are the go-to devices.
Media today….Shut up and eat your inflation, it’s the lowest it’s been since 2021 so go ahead and pull the lever for the Democrats. Do you want to go back to 9% inflation like it was two years ago? Then pull the lever for the Republicans. I double dog dare ya!
Again this story is not behind the paywall. Why is that? Why did the Washington Post choose to not put this story behind the paywall? I tell ya why…Erection Interference!!
Sadly, the only people who work hard these days are the immigrants.
They work very hard, are silent and diligent in their work.
The Fairness Doctrine was abolished a long time ago, under Reagan.
After that the news just turned to crap.
Eddie likes them cause they work for Chex Mix and Cheez-its.
Oh, and water from the garden hose.
But he also wants to send them back, and build a wall to keep them out.
Must be hard to be going back and forth between needing them and hating them at the same time. Or do you just treat them like a girlfriend you f and then send her home after you finish?
Fast Eddie says:
October 10, 2024 at 9:31 am
Sadly, the only people who work hard these days are the immigrants.
They work very hard, are silent and diligent in their work.
If you don’t use a vitamin on Cheeze-Its, then you are truly getting robbed.
Here’s a clue from Stu for you.
Often with the manufacturerers coupons and the store sales, you can get up to four boxes for free. I just threw out three boxes. Jr. loved them that we had a bunch in storage. They all expired. I’m not a fan.
Coupon. Why was I thinking vitamin. Fuck I’m getting old.
Libturd says:
October 10, 2024 at 9:39 am
Coupon. Why was I thinking vitamin. Fuck I’m getting old.
Low Blood sugar. Eat more Cheez-Its.
I don’t want to set the world on fire…. Hehe.
Star Wars has introduced its first transgender ‘stormtrooper’ in a move that has left fans of beloved sci-fi franchise divided.
Named ‘Sister’, she is clad in armour painted in the blue and pink of the transgender flag, and was pictured for the first time in a new book released earlier this week.
The dreadlock-sporting soldier first appeared in a reference in an earlier 2022 novel ‘A Queen’s Hope’ before later being depicted in a piece of fan art.
Now her story and picture has been featured in Star Wars: The Secrets of the Clone Troopers – which added her to the franchise’s official lore.
Cheez-Its.. I’m not a fan. Free Range is better.
Cheddalicious @ Whole Foods $3.49 a box ($0.58/Ounce)
For you teachers on the forum. Need to have your school get one of these as well.
A long time ago in a galaxy far away….. we have the The Secrets of the Clone Troopers. They were all men who desired to become women. Using the Empire’s advanced medical technology robots who put these brave troopers into a Bacta tank, then will then emerge as the princess they always thought they were.
Come see the transformation for yourself at Disney Orlando…all for the low price of $499.99 per ticket.
Ten 410
Gonna be a boom boom weekend?
“Israel’s security cabinet will vote Thursday on its response to Iran’s ballistic missile attack, an Israeli official told CNN. Earlier, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said the retaliation would be “powerful, precise, and above all – surprising.”
Police tracked assemblyman’s stolen BMW to Newark, intercepted it in New York prior to it reaching the shipping containers. If your car gets stolen and you track it via GPS to a location, the police won’t bother…unless you are connected.
There was a woman in town who got her car stolen. They were driving it around neighboring town for two days before it disappeared off the GPS. The cops refused to help her.
Juice Box says:
October 10, 2024 at 11:43 am
Gonna be a boom boom weekend?
“Israel’s security cabinet will vote Thursday on its response to Iran’s ballistic missile attack, an Israeli official told CNN. Earlier, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said the retaliation would be “powerful, precise, and above all – surprising.”
Did someone say boom boom?
If that shit happened to me, I would follow the stolen car at a distance and would wait for the thieves to go into a store or home. While in there, I would run out with a battery powered lug wrench and loosen all of the lug nuts. When they went to drive away gangbangers, the wheels would all fall off.
Don’t have another key to steal it back?
At that point, just take it back.
How many of you remember when Chex Mix and Rice Crispy Treats were something you made rather than something you bought?
I’m surprised Libturd didn’t buy some generic brand rice and corn squares and generic brand puffed rice cereal and just make it himself.
How many of you remember when Chex Mix and Rice Crispy Treats were something you made rather than something you bought?
Deplorable MAGAs can’t get off the couch to make this stuff from scratch, they’re too chubby. Besides, the oxygen tank line isn’t long enough to move around freely.
A buck knife to the sidewall Lib. Assuming they aren’t run flats.
Well, that’s exactly the meaning of Make America Great Again.
Confederate flag reminds you that the South fought civil war to keep slavery. MAGA knows damn well that they need slavery to survive.
MAGA ain’t no gonna do no slaves jobs
Phoenix says:
October 10, 2024 at 8:55 am
We could always bring back slavery. Hey it worked for the elite landowners in the past.
Even after slavery Republicans maintained one of the most brutal apartheid regimes in the south until the 1960’s civil rights movement
MAGA knows damn well that they need slavery to survive.
And a six pack and an F-150.
How are you doing? What is the local take? Wishing you the best under the circumstances.
No One says:
October 10, 2024 at 2:40 pm
How many of you remember when Chex Mix and Rice Crispy Treats were something you made rather than something you bought?
I’m surprised Libturd didn’t buy some generic brand rice and corn squares and generic brand puffed rice cereal and just make it himself.
The original Crispix Mix recipe was da bomb diggity.
Very Stable: It was the Democrats who maintained that brutal regime in the south. You are a real doofus.
Phoenix:Artificial low interest rates created the mess the economy is in. Yes, let’s just lower them and start the madness all over again.
Trump tells Detroit auto workers he will make interest on car loans tax deductible if we wins the election. Him and Harris are giving away everything except the kitchen sink!
Autos, credit cards, really any loan’s interest were deductible pre 1986 Reagan tax act overhaul. Clinton juiced up the deductibility for FIRE corporate and personal.
The thing to think about is that pre-1986, getting a loan was tougher because of qualifying for higher interest rate, plus the banking system was more hemmed in by regulation and technology.
Just think of the results with combination of limit on personal bankruptcy, plus high credit card and loans interest rate for the credit challenged crowd, plus the ability to deduct it from income taxes. It would start another mega bubble on purchasing chinese crap and of course self feeding inflation.
Hell Capital One would really be Capital’s One – “Anyone gets a credit Gold Mastercard – 99% APR – all deductible of course.
Ex. of likely finances
Fat Eddie’s cousin’s – Fat Bastard
Income from Spectre=$1,000,000
Fed Taxes -$400,000
Interest on all Loans -$399,000
Tax credit on Loans +$399,000
Fed Tax due =1,000
DEDUCTIBILITY of interest is different than a CREDIT…… deductibility is nice, but a straight tax credit is fucking gold.
OrangeTurdsDoesKnows HisTaxDeductions says:
October 10, 2024 at 5:28 pm
Autos, credit cards, really any loan’s interest were deductible pre 1986 Reagan tax act overhaul. Clinton juiced up the deductibility for FIRE corporate and personal.
The thing to think about is that pre-1986, getting a loan was tougher because of qualifying for higher interest rate, plus the banking system was more hemmed in by regulation and technology.
Just think of the results with combination of limit on personal bankruptcy, plus high credit card and loans interest rate for the credit challenged crowd, plus the ability to deduct it from income taxes. It would start another mega bubble on purchasing chinese crap and of course self feeding inflation.
Hell Capital One would really be Capital’s One – “Anyone gets a credit Gold Mastercard – 99% APR – all deductible of course.
Ex. of likely finances
Fat Eddie’s cousin’s – Fat Bastard
Income from Spectre=$1,000,000
Fed Taxes -$400,000
Interest on all Loans -$399,000
Tax credit on Loans +$399,000
Fed Tax due =1,000
Hehe. No jail time for corporate criminals. But don’t steal that loaf of bread or Javier will come looking for you.
TD Bank Pleads Guilty and Pays $3 Billion to Settle Money-Laundering Case
Authorities cited joking by bank employees about crimes: “‘You guys really need to shut this down”
My bad. Used credit instead of deductibility.
Yes, is correct. REFUNDABLE Tax Credit would be Gold encrusted with Diamonds.
Income from Spectre=$1,000,000
Fed Taxes -$400,000
Interest on all Loans -$409,000
Ref tax credit on Loans +$409,000
Fed Tax refund = $9,000
Insane aurora light show in NNJ tonight.
Hope y’all got a chance to see, once in a lifetime show.
Space nerd Grim electric ground currents …
Power outages are unlikely it’s about 25% of the 1989 event.
Acyn @Acyn
Obama: Constant attempts to sell you stuff. Who does that? Selling you gold sneakers and $100,000 watch and most recently, a trump bible. You know, he wants you to buy the word of god, Donald Trump edition. Got his name right there next to Matthew and Luke.
One of the best things that you will see all week!
Bringing it to the people. Gary, will you post picks of your Trump Kicks when they arrive?
Acyn @Acyn
Obama: Constant attempts to sell you stuff. Who does that? Selling you gold sneakers and $100,000 watch and most recently, a trump bible. You know, he wants you to buy the word of god, Donald Trump edition. Got his name right there next to Matthew and Luke.
Apologies posting from multiple locations.
But this WTF is this one minute in with the circles?
Heritage Foundation 2025 project will combine return of apartheid with the fundamentalist religiosity of Iran.
Blacks and women will have no rights, again.
Very Stable Genius says:
October 10, 2024 at 3:17 pm
Even after slavery Republicans maintained one of the most brutal apartheid regimes in the south until the 1960’s civil rights movement
The Robotaxi unveil was so bad, it was almost like a parody of a presentation a public facing firm would put on. It was all smoke and mirrors again. That shag bus they all came out of was so ridiculous, only an Elmo simp would buy it. How would it turn into a street with a steep(er) gradient, for starters?
How do people keep believing this carp? Him squirming around and smirking when he said end of 2026. Yeah, okay. Sure. And those rounds of applause and cheers. How gullible does one have to be to have been invited into that audience?
The only thing this was missing was a dancing woman in a space suit. And by the way, whatever happened to that endeavor?
Elmo is a grifter.
It’s sad to see how dumbed down the discourse has become. All you need is a teleprompter and a few boogeyman to rouse the idiots. The world is laughing.
Clipped a deer this morning, no damage on my 2012 civic. Still heading towards 300k miles before I get a new car.
And now, a word from our future president:
Fast: She is qualified to be President, fantastic choice. I was told that on this here blog. You need to open your mind, and concentrate not on her mouth and words, but on her hands everything is in the hand gestures. Focus on them and her positions and policies will become crystal clear to you. And, remember her core values have not changed.
3b, but you were never told it prior to July. Funny how things change.
It’s just a terrible idea. My sister rents those zip cars from the city every once in a while to drive to the shore. Autonomous taxis? They are going to be littered with trash, graffiti, and reek of smoke by the end of their 1st week.
3b and BRT
Y’all need to relax. Here’s the wordsmith in action.
My guess is she goes back in hiding. Maybe they’ll say she has a positive COVID test something. She’s a liability every time she’s in public no matter hire scripted.
It is dumb but if you read between the lines what she’s saying is nothing will change. They’re even planning to keep the cabinet. Same radicals and revolutionaries pulling the strings.
Perhaps she didn’t notice Bidens decline because she is so inarticulate it was like talking to a mirror.
BRT: True.
TraitorJoe says:
October 11, 2024 at 8:21 am
“The world is laughing.”
Good stuff as always, TJ. But more specifically, our adversaries are laughing. Our weak, useless ‘allies’ are even farther along in the descent into progressive insanity than we are. So they’re likely too worried about completely losing their countries to the third-world riff raff that they’ve invited in, to laugh at the Dem imbeciles that are trying to do the same thing here.
Nice editorial in the WSJ this morning, on Harris ‘ week of soft interviews. She can’t even handle those. The Journal piece thinks her comment that nothing comes to mind as far as any changes Biden policies etc will seal it for many independents who believe she is no different then Biden , and has no policies or positions that would differentiate her from Biden. She is just a Democrat party cog , the powers behind the scenes are in charge.
Hold: True. How would she know when she is a babbling brook herself. Oh, and some on the blog have said they did not see Biden s decline prior to the debate. There were numerous examples, but they were all explained away, he was always prone to gaffes, he used to stutter, he is folksy, it’s right wing distortions. All nonsense of course, it was there in plain sight.
It’s sad she is so incoherent. It’s always a rambling word salad.
Boomer – I don’t know that Robot Bartender seemed pretty cool. Not sure if it was remote controlled however.
The Robotaxi coming in around 2 years? Well it look like it is going to be on the existing Model Y frame, so production is definitely possible however the full self driving mode will probably need the same thing Waymo does today. When there is an issue the vehicle will come to a stop, like say the road is blocked by a fallen tree. These corner case driving scenarios for full self driving for at least a few more years, just as they still are for Waymo’s software. A human remote operator will be summoned remotely to drive the car. This is what is done today with Waymo vehicles. Long tail with current AI the will learn to deal with nearly any corner case scenario, it is just a matter of time.
Waymo has proven already the self driving taxis they have cause less accidents, they have the data so the vehicles are insurable. Regulator guardrails have been added to when there is say a fire or road construction city official enter into the system and the self driving vehicles avoid the area they are geo-fenced from driving near accidents for example.
More to come. Elon has the deep pockets and the tech..Can he get regualtory approval? Maybe this is just one of the reasons why he is backing Trump.
Elsewhere in the speech, Trump went from talking about manufacturers leaving American cities, to Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket company, to discussing “the Biden circles.” He said:
And then all of a sudden, you hear that they’re leaving Milwaukee or they’re leaving wherever they may be located. It’s very sad to see it. And it’s so simple. I mean, you know, this isn’t like Elon with his rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon where they wanted to land. Or he gets the engines back. That was the first I realized. I said, “Who the hell did that?” I saw engines about three, four years ago. These things were coming. Cylinders, no wings, no nothing. And they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle. Boom.
Reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right? He’d have eight circles and he couldn’t fill ’em up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote. I don’t know. I don’t know. Couldn’t fill up the eight circles. I always loved those circles. They were so beautiful. They were so beautiful to look at. In fact, the person that did them, that was the best thing about his, the level of that circle was great. But they couldn’t get people, so they used to have the press stand in those circles because they couldn’t get the people. Then I heard we lost. Oh, we lost. No, we’re never gonna let that happen again. But we’ve been abused by other countries. We’ve been abused by our own politicians, really, more than other countries.
In his speech, Trump also suggested he would impose 1,000% tariffs on imported automobiles and daydreamed about “exposing my really beautiful body” on the beach.
This is fantastic: I was watching MSNBC for the last 30 minutes and the bulk of the conversation was how Kumella needs to reach out to women more and push the “reproductive” narrative and how she needs to let it rip on these interviews… whatever that means. Oh, and how Trump is fueling toxic masculinity. Very amusing 20 minutes.
Then, Meeka has a split screen interview with Andrew Sorkin from CNBC talking about Trump’s tariffs and the new car purchase deductible. It was very light on substance. So, then they talk about Musk’s Robotaxi and how Meeka couldn’t get in one because Andrew explained that it has no pedals and no steering wheel. So, one of the ugly broads on the studio panel says… get this… “Oh great, it’ll run over people of color.” I fucking laughed out loud. That was gold!
The whole 30 minutes was entertaining. According to Meeka, Trump is driving misogyny, sex1sm and rac1sm with males. And, of course, we need to protect women and their “right to go to a doctor”. Brilliant. Oh, and they seem to be really concerned about Cumalla and how this race seems really close. I’m not sure what they’re concerned about, she’s up +5 nationally and in 5 of 7 swing states so what’s the problem? The Washington Post and NY Times has her comfortably ahead. Anyway, a most entertaining watch this morning.
They will use the same argument they use for Biden. Pres Harris will be surrounded with competent aides and a cabinet that will help guide the country.
No shut up and eat your Joy. They don’t have an in-addition-to-joy strategy. It’s just Joy Joy Joy!!!
That was classic. Colbert has gotta be saying, “Omg, she’s horrible.”
I think it’s very hard to say what the current electoral picture looks like. One thing I know is that Kamala will not receive the popular but that Joe did.
Not every moderate has tds and not all of them have been captured. They got played by the Biden administration and they know it. They won’t get fooled again.
Kamala: Same as Biden, but now she packs a gun, drinks a beer, anc cackles.
Trump. Rambles on about circles. Hehe.
One big giant cluster fucc.
She sounded like a drunk dementia patient.
Robotic bartenders have been a thing for a while now, though the packaging is certainly not as elegant as Tesla bot.
One can only hope that Elmo’s Model Y plowed into a perpendicular tractor trailer disengaging autopilot .7 seconds before impact.
The circles Trump was talking about was on Joe’s campaign, one stop had people in circled groups. It was to make the crowd look bigger but there was like, 50 to 100 people so they had to fill out the area. I remember watching it thinking, wtf are they doing?
Boomer – eggs will be broken, cars were driven for decades without seatbelts . Three point seatbelts weren’t mandatory until 1973. Locking seatbelts weren’t mandatory until 1996.
Taking the kids to urgent care this afternoon for follow up to car accident. They both have more symptoms. One was already diagnosed with whiplash but now has sore shoulde and mild nausea. The other now has a stiff neck and pain where the seatbelt rests. I drove my son to his college class last night and he was having trouble remembering the highway exits. I think he has mild whiplash and a possible low grade concussion. They were at a full stop with his foot on the brake and got rear ended at 15-20 mph on drivers side of rear bumper. I’ve heard it’s pretty common for concussions to show up a few days after a car accident so want to get them checked.
Juice: They may surround her with competent aides, but will she listen to them? I think she is too arrogant and will not.
Beer – Were they in shock? Nerve overload etc after a car accident.. I had whiplash once, it took weeks to start feeling 100%.
The first half is 2024 saw the highest rate of home equity loan activity since 2008. So the equity is no just yet some more debt.
Urgent care’s first line are generally physician extenders like Nurse Practioners or Physician Assistants with Physician back up for consultations, but they are all geared toward the McDonald’s style of medicine with get in and get out asap.
Pick a Physiatrist that is part of an academic medical center in your area and make him the provider for these issues instead of in/out places.
Don’t know if your auto insurance Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or your medical insurance is the payer here. But soon enough the issue will start with subrogation to collect from the other vehicle and refusals to pay. Likely creating a need for you to get an ambulance chaser to represent you.
3B – We have two major conflicts with nuclear powers happening right now, and there is nobody I MEAN nobody here in the USA trying to get people to a negotiating table. It’s constant escalations, with more coming this week as Israel plans to strike Iran. The end game is a nuclear exchange.
They only country actually trying to end the Ukraine war is Erdogan and Turkey.
Kamala has a plan? She is not talking about one.
Both were in shock from the crash. Not sure if they now have anxiety from it or have mild concussions. I didnt want him to drive over 20 miles on highways to his class last night so I drove and read a book in lounge area.
I’m going to get the car checked at collision shops in town today. I suspect it will get totaled. Rear brake light is at an odd angle, rear bumper needs to be replaced, I think something happened to the suspension too. When I drove it home from the accident I could feel mild vibrations in the gas pedal and the steering wheel would turn slightly to the left if I took my hands off the wheel. All the impact was on left corner of rear bumper. Possible the frame or rear axle got slightly bent since they were hit by a Pathfinder which outweighs the car they were in by around 800 pounds.
If you can make a comedian a politician in Ukraine you can make a happy giddy woman a politician in America.
People get off on laughter alone. And Walz is a goofy guy, but likeable.
Americans aren’t interested in substance, they have to be constantly amused and entertained.
Our PIP covers 10k per person per accident and we have 300k for uninsured drivers per person. Will be getting an attorney too. One kid already diagnosed with whiplash. Suspect they both have whiplash and mild concussions plus bruises and anxiety.
And the at fault driver never asked if they or the driver of the other car she hit were ok. She Had the audacity to give me an attitude about taking a picture of her plate and calling the cops. I thought she had hit my kids and was doing a hit and run and the car in the left lane boxed her in. Didn’t realize at first she had hit the car in left lane too. She Just kept saying she didn’t mean this to happen. We were at a full stop for over 10 seconds when they got hit. Other driver was not paying attention. If there was not a car in front of her she probably would have gone out into the cross street which is the busies street in town. 3 lanes wide at that spot and 45 mph but lots of people do 50-60 on it.
3B – VP Harris said given the opportunity she would not meet one on one with Putin to begin any kind of negotiation to end this war. What kind of leadership is that?
Other driver was paying attention.
Just not to driving a car.
Narcissistic tyrannical leadership. Just wait till she gets in power and feels the American public should bow to her and that she won’t listen to them either.
Juice Box says:
October 11, 2024 at 11:21 am
3B – VP Harris said given the opportunity she would not meet one on one with Putin to begin any kind of negotiation to end this war. What kind of leadership is that?
Pro Tip: Women hate cameras. They bring truths to lies.
She Had the audacity to give me an attitude about taking a picture of her plate and calling the cops.
Cop assualts woman, judge turns her back to it, takes her kid away.
Lady deserved more than 200k. PoPo fired. Where is PoPo working now?
Juice: Harris is totally out of her league in foreign affairs as well as anything other area. Until the last few years she probably never heard of Putin, never mind Ukraine, and she only recently has been to Europe since she became VP. Putin will destroy her if she ever met with him.
Hold: We are all dumber for having listened to it. Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, our choices for President. May God have mercy on the USA.
Until the last few years she probably never heard of Putin, never mind Ukraine..
Russia is a big country. Ukraine is a small country. Russia invaded Ukraine. This is wrong.
Trump has the brothers’ attention; three baby mamas, a convicted felon, got shot like Tupac and is selling gold top sneakers. Word up, yo!
Six and a half thousand square feet in Colts Neck… and your living room is raymour and flanningan recliner corner piece and a TV up by the ceiling?
Fast: To be unburdened by what has been, and lawns, people like lawns.
My lawn is decimated by the lack of rain. Much of it died and the seed I laid down 4 weeks ago has not sprouted. We’ll try again in spring I guess
I did not replant this fall, have a few bald patches on a slope in my front yard that gets allot of sun. I will go out in March and take care of it with an overseeder.
3b says:
October 11, 2024 at 10:44 am
“They may surround her with competent aides…”
This is not possible. As I’ve noted, the modern Dem party is completely devoid of competence, reason and talent. Not only is her VP a self-described knucklehead, a Carmella admin would be filled out with useless, lazy dopes like Lloyd ‘AWOL’ Austin, Tony Blinken, who gets pantsed every time he meets with a foreign counterpart, ‘Open Borders’ Mayorkas, and assorted other duds.
Feds Goolsbee sees “ way more “ rate cuts coming. Current rates are just way too high for a normal recovery. Sweet suffering Jesus!!
Took car to 3 auto shops. First 2 said I had to make appointment through insurer and wouldn’t even look at it. 3rd one took a look, thought insurance would repair it since it needs a new rear bumper and the left rear quarter panel can be fixed. If no serious damage to suspension should be fixed by insurance.
The auto body guy also thinks it got hit at 25-30 mph. The driver that hit the kids would definitely have gone into oncoming traffic if she hadn’t hit the cars. No way a 4,200 pound car can go from 25 to zero in 2.5 car lengths.
Got a contract from an attorney. They want 1/3rd of everything recovered except car repairs. They even want a chunk of PIP and medical bills. That doesn’t seem right. Looking for another attorney now.
2nd law firm said the same thing. They take 1/3rd of all and then pay the medical bills and the kids get what’s left. Is that standard?
Future Mrs Phoenix?
Boeing to lay off 17,000 10 percent of its worldwide workforce.
I was just noting that the colors are shit this fall. The dryness has crapped out everything……… the only colors are the aurora bourealis….
BRT says:
October 11, 2024 at 12:14 pm
My lawn is decimated by the lack of rain. Much of it died and the seed I laid down 4 weeks ago has not sprouted. We’ll try again in spring I guess
Juice Box says:
October 11, 2024 at 12:23 pm
I did not replant this fall, have a few bald patches on a slope in my front yard that gets allot of sun. I will go out in March and take care of it with an overseeder.
I know where that is….. if you pull up Google Maps, it is the northeast swath above the corner of Dutch Lane and Boundary Road….. just east of Marlboro.
2 things…. I think that guys destroyed more old trees than Kushner just did. Wow he mowed down acres and acres of wood…. why did he have to do that? Now he has this stupid mushroom sitting in an open field.
The other thing is that he has taken years and years on this project. If this home was third party construction, the owner would have sued the shit out of him. He is using it as showroom I guess.
I believe it is third generation laundered Brooklyn Mob money.
Boomer Remover says:
October 11, 2024 at 11:52 am
Six and a half thousand square feet in Colts Neck… and your living room is raymour and flanningan recliner corner piece and a TV up by the ceiling?
Hehe. Kamala Man ad.
Phoenix says:
October 11, 2024 at 6:50 pm
“Hehe. Kamala Man ad.”
Is it true that the fat fruitcake is LACKS?
Is that ad real or a SNL skit?
7:34 It’d be fun to watch you bleed.
Trump camp now worried about surface-to-air missiles….
I have something similar going on in my backyard. The #2 guy in the DOE, former NRG CEO has a farm that backs up to my block. He just bought out the gigantic 5 acre lot where the house burned for 1.2 million so that he wouldn’t have any neighbors. It’s a “farm”. He just took down a whole forest to turn it into something similar. The worst part is, my neighbor had a long standing agreement to be allowed hunt deer in those woods. This idiot has put an end to that and we are now being overrun by them.
10:32 Dang. Must be nice ta have a spread like that. Sometimes I think acreage is the way to go. Nompound style, yo. It’d be amazing to crank up a guitar as loud as you wanted. Build a big a stage, have shows. venison can be delicious
I watched a series on Netflix last weekend called Tokyo Swindlers. It was about sophisticated con men in Tokyo who created fake deeds and ids to sell land they didn’t own. Was very dark and violent too. Was pretty good if you don’t mind subtitles.
I saw this article about a land con in Massachusetts. Imagine the lawsuits this will create
Title insurance cover this sort of thing?
Would guess yes on the land sale, but a hard no on the construction costs.
Possible that the existing owners got a free retirement home?
And what’s with those photo captions, they reek of AI generation.
While the property had been priced at $699,900.00, it was bought for a surprising $525,000.00 and soon a green-painted house was erected
It’s not a green painted house, it’s green backer board, the house exterior isn’t finished. Who the heck would make that kind of mistake?
I’m amazed no one noticed the photo on the drivers license and passport was the exact same on. Selling desirable land at a deep discount should have raised suspicions too.
Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll check it out.
But Gary won’t try anything that requires reading
Hold my beer says:
October 11, 2024 at 11:16 pm
I watched a series on Netflix last weekend called Tokyo Swindlers. It was about sophisticated con men in Tokyo who created fake deeds and ids to sell land they didn’t own. Was very dark and violent too. Was pretty good if you don’t mind subtitles.
Another real estate swindling deal.
Tell you what he isn’t. Not a soldier fighting for his country. Probably billing the men that are so they can wack off before getting killed by Russian artillery. Probably living a good life in America profitting off of desperate women.
Another Ukrainian winner.
OnlyFans’ profits have skyrocketed in the past year and news that its owner earned more than $300m (£238m) in dividends has ignited fresh questions about the pornography mogul.
Leonid Radvinsky is a 41-year-old Ukrainian-American entrepreneur with an estimated net worth of $2.1bn.
He bought the company in 2018 from father and son team, Guy and Tim Stokely, who had started it two years earlier with a £10,000 ($12,500) investment.
He’s thought to have paid millions of pounds for it. But who is he, and where has his money come from?
What do we know about him?
To put it bluntly, very little. Despite the premise of the platform he owns, Mr Radvinsky chooses to keep his personal life private. He has not given many interviews.
Yet despite an apparent aversion to publicity, there are hints about his life on a LinkedIn profile and a personal website.
According to his LinkedIn, Mr Radvinsky is a venture capital investor, philanthropist and technology entrepreneur who has “a special interest in emerging social media platforms”.
Fucking Alpha move this week, cannot go into detail. Probably f’ed myself longterm but wtf….you only live once.
Wife booted you out?
Believe all women.
Seriously. Who would enter a real estate deal like that without a contract?
2:28 No, this is work related.
re: ” work related” you finally working?
Congrats Essex…They always need a washroom attendant.