Flipper Nation Episode 2: The Blame Game

Some early weekend humor!

Flipper Nation: The Blame Game

There’s more where this came from at: FlipperNation.com
If you cannot view this video, you can check it out at YouTube instead.

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16 Responses to Flipper Nation Episode 2: The Blame Game

  1. Pat says:

    These guys are growing on me.

    Betcha they get a TV show.

  2. NJGal says:

    I just love the end – “I am NOT on their team!” along with the skinny guy bragging on how he also slept with Carmen – two and a half times.

  3. chicagofinance says:

    This one is very good.

  4. curiousd says:

    since most of us are on the market you MUST take the time to check out this site before buying. You plug in the address you are looking at and it will put your house on the map and show you where all the convicts live within a 20 mile radius. AWESOME stuff. (It’s fun to look at manhatten… sure gets dense after 100 street…wonder why.)

    it was made by John Walsh of Americas Most Wanted

  5. Richard says:

    tv show? hardly. it’s an ok piece. the acting is subpar.

  6. Pat says:

    Richard…the cheeseball acting makes the dig.

  7. Orion says:

    curiousd, re: #4

    This link is fr**gin unbelievable! The area I’ve been looking into is LOADED with them!!
    Unbelievable. Thanks for the tip!

  8. v says:

    “…it’s next to starbucks”

  9. Eisbär says:


    ALL of those “real financial heroes” youtube videos are great. Then again, I am a sucker for singers with splendid mullets :-)

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