Healthy Shmealthy

From CNBC:

Here are the nation’s healthiest—and unhealthiest—housing markets

Housing remains in high demand in most of the nation, but the housing recovery looks increasingly uneven, depending on location.

Whether buyers are shopping for their own homes or for investment properties that will throw off some cash, certain markets are becoming far more lucrative than anyone might have expected just a few years ago. Still, some of the hottest markets are falling from grace.

A few of the recession’s hardest-hit housing markets have suddenly some of the healthiest. Tampa, Florida, which lost thousands of homes to foreclosure in the past decade, now takes the title of the nation’s healthiest housing market, at least according to TenX, a real-estate auction and analytics company. It rated locations based on a number of key factors, including population and job growth, unemployment rate and wage growth, as well as industry-specific indicators like inventory and construction.

On the other end of the spectrum, Northern and central New Jersey hit rock bottom of the list. Home prices there are high, while job and population growth are lackluster. Los Angelesand San Francisco are suffering from other ills, namely affordability. Prices are so high and inventory so weak that the potential for both sales and price growth are very low.

Healthiest housing markets

Columbus, Ohio
Las Vegas

Unhealthiest housing markets

Northern New Jersey
Central New Jersey
Long Island, New York
San Francisco
Los Angeles

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51 Responses to Healthy Shmealthy

  1. Mike says:

    Good Morning New Jersey

  2. Juice Box says:

    Only city I would ever consider on that list is Dallas.

  3. grim says:

    I love how two of the hottest real estate markets in the world (LA+SF) are unhealthy.

    Like a supermodel on a diet of marlboros and cocaine.

  4. grim says:

    Or am I thinking of a grateful dead song?

    Arrows of neon and flashing marquees out on Main Street
    Chicago, New York, Detroit and it’s all on the same street
    Your typical city involved in a typical daydream
    Hang it up and see what tomorrow brings

    Dallas, got a soft machine;
    Houston, too close to New Orleans;
    New York’s got the ways and means
    But just won’t let you be, oh no

  5. D-FENS says:

    North Jersey Real Estate is as healthy as a Rock Star that’s had too much cheap gas station wine.

  6. D-FENS says:

    CNN Going for the Pulitzer Prize

  7. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Is this list based on flipping in the short term? It’s def not based on buying and holding for the long term. Article bashes some of the best and safest locations for holding long term and praises locations that might see an uptick in the next year or two. Let’s all run to vegas, jacksonville, or columbus to buy real estate. It’s hot, people!

  8. 3b says:

    Grim an unaffordable sky high real estate market is not a healthy market. The next step could be down we have seen this before. Just saying.

  9. chicagofinance says:

    Chinese money is fleeing China because the Prime Minister is a psycho with the potential to overstay his mandate…….if you turn off that spigot (big if) there will be that “giant sucking sound”……. No One keep me honest……

  10. D-FENS says:

    Speaking of sickness…


  11. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    How many thousands of hours of CNN coverage over collusion, meddling, and interfering have we heard now without a single instance ever revealed? What I would give for just one documented meddle.

  12. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    I love the “It’s absolutely proven that Russia meddled” combined with “It’s absolutely been disproved that any surveillance on the Trump team ever occurred.”

  13. Comrade Nom Deplume, the anon-tidote says:


    More grist for the automation mill.

    and on that note, I was going to post this gem and posit that the author hasn’t even considered all of the peripheral job losses that are 3 or 4 degrees removed from the actual first order group of drivers.

    It was like I said to my wife once while watching “I, Robot”: “No one works so what do those people do to make money, anyway?”

  14. No One says:

    The statists on this board should make themselves useful and write propaganda for this website that claims Venezuela is still strong under lefty control. They are looking for contributors!

  15. grim says:

    Nonsense – maybe for interterminal transfers, but replacing truck drivers?

    You guys ever get freight deliveries as common practice? If a robot drives a truck, who unloads the freight?

    9 out of 10 times, a truck rolls up and we need to unload or move 2-3 pallets of someone elses freight to unload the delivery. This involves pallet jacks and forklifts, sometimes completely removing freight from the vehicle and reloading, as well as ensuring the remaining freight is loaded correctly and stabilized. Not to mention dealing with lift gates, assisting with unloading, waiting for trucks or other vehicles to move out of bays – or unloading without using a bay. Missed and refused deliveries screw up everything even further – as the loading of the truck is based on the delivery route.

    How about we invent a robot to clean the house and do the laundry? Something that will actually help all of us.

  16. Juice Box says:

    Grim – I welcome our new Robot overlords.

  17. grim says:


  18. STEAMTurd says:


    Once my favorite toy. Now my shirt size.

  19. STEAMTurd says:

    Essex Fells taxpayers owe $7 due to accrued sick days. Montclair $200. Love that progressive government.

  20. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Great post, esp the last line! lmao

    grim says:
    March 30, 2017 at 10:15 am
    Nonsense – maybe for interterminal transfers, but replacing truck drivers?

    You guys ever get freight deliveries as common practice? If a robot drives a truck, who unloads the freight?

    9 out of 10 times, a truck rolls up and we need to unload or move 2-3 pallets of someone elses freight to unload the delivery. This involves pallet jacks and forklifts, sometimes completely removing freight from the vehicle and reloading, as well as ensuring the remaining freight is loaded correctly and stabilized. Not to mention dealing with lift gates, assisting with unloading, waiting for trucks or other vehicles to move out of bays – or unloading without using a bay. Missed and refused deliveries screw up everything even further – as the loading of the truck is based on the delivery route.

    How about we invent a robot to clean the house and do the laundry? Something that will actually help all of us.

  21. The Great Pumpkin says:

    “IN THE early 20th century the future seemed bright for horse employment. Within 50 years cars and tractors made short work of equine livelihoods. Some futurists see a cautionary tale for humanity in the fate of the horse: it was economically indispensable until it wasn’t. The common retort to such concerns is that humans are far more cognitively adaptable than beasts of burden. Yet as robots grow more nimble, humans look increasingly vulnerable. A new working paper concludes that, between 1990 and 2007, each industrial robot added per thousand workers reduced employment in America by nearly six workers. Humanity may not be sent out to pasture, but the parallel with horses is still uncomfortably close.”

  22. D-FENS says:

    I wonder if people were so scared when the clothes washing machine was invented.

  23. STEAMTurd says:

    Self driving cars can’t come soon enough. The last couple of weeks, I’ve almost been driven off the road by complete morons. Two were on their smart phones. One was most likely an “undocumented resident.”

  24. The Great Pumpkin says:

    11:25 -Really good article.

    “Horses might have fared better had savings from mechanisation stayed in rural areas. Instead, soaring agricultural productivity led to falling food prices, lining the pockets of urban workers with more appetite for a new suit (or car) than anything four-legged. Similarly, the financial returns to automation flow to profitable firms and their shareholders, who not only usually live apart from the factories being automated but who save at high rates, contributing to weak demand across the economy as a whole. Indeed, roughly half of job losses from robotisation (as from exposure to Chinese imports) are attributable to the knock-on effect from reduced demand rather than direct displacement.”

  25. The Great Pumpkin says:

    It’s all about creating that demand!

    This is what I meant by hoarding of money. Yet, people like joyce told me over and over again that there is no such thing as hoarding. This is exactly what has been killing growth in the economy. All the profit gains going to the top does not lead to strong growth in the economy. All you get is a huge sucking sound on the demand in an economy as capital never reaches the hands of the people that create demand/growth. And like a domino effect, the excess capital stuck in a few hands serves no purpose, unable to find “real investment” opportunities due to lack of capital in the hands of the general population to signal demand, and the result is stagnation.

    Obviously, I don’t think this will be the new norm. Balance will be returned to the economy; somehow, someway.

    “Similarly, the financial returns to automation flow to profitable firms and their shareholders, who not only usually live apart from the factories being automated but who save at high rates, contributing to weak demand across the economy as a whole.”

  26. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    LOL. Screen Zombie gloves. Palm and 3 fingers have silicone “grippie” pads. Thumb and forefinger a”51% Conductive Yarn” so you can find out if you are internet famous yet.

  27. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    You could easily up your score with an NSAID like ibuprofen. If a player really went all out he could probably receive the award posthumously for achieving severe hyponatremia.

  28. yome says:

    What will the Illegals do?

    “How about we invent a robot to clean the house and do the laundry? Something that will actually help all of us.”

  29. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    Pumps disproves this daily. If he ever went to sleep-away camp I would think his mother would label his clothes “not cognitively adaptable” instead of his name.

    Some futurists see a cautionary tale for humanity in the fate of the horse: it was economically indispensable until it wasn’t. The common retort to such concerns is that humans are far more cognitively adaptable than beasts of burden.

  30. Juice Box says:

    re: giant sucking sound

    I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on…..

    There were a few thousand Real Estate purchases in Manhattan worth over $3 million every year for the last what 4 or 5 years, all performed by LLCs. The US Treasury Dept said they were cracking down.

    We they aren’t simply because they still aren’t tracking the wire transfers. A wire transfer does not constitute cash for Form 8300 reporting purposes…..

  31. D-FENS says:

    Report: NSA Ready To Share Intel Docs With Congress But DNI Blocking Transfer

  32. The Great Pumpkin says:

    That’s crazy that we spend 27,000 per inmate not including salaries and pension. What a complete waste of money. We are crying about 20,000 a year to educate someone, but embrace locking people up for 27,000 a year. Madness! Complete madness!

    “Some here comment on the costs of public education. But there are costs to lack of public education too. A large proportion of prison inmates drop out of school before graduation. Often they drop out because they have been arrested and the thereby denied education. On the other hand, few people who go on to college or university end up in prison.

    According to the U.S. Department of Justice in 2001, the latest figures I could find, the average cost per prison inmate per year was $27,347. Many inmates are in prison for more than 12 years and the cost per inmate does not include salaries and pensions for police officers who are needed because of crime committed in our state. There is no denying that public education is expensive. But our schools are the institution which provides education so young people will not wind up in prison with all of its associated costs.

    Here is the link to the data:

  33. Phoenix says:

    Lenient sentences given.
    What was the dollar cost for this game to be played? Has to be in the millions of dollars.
    How many people missed airline flights, sick/injured in ambulances, lost jobs/wages due to being late. missed deliveries, missed job interviews, the list goes on and on.
    They were let off way too lightly..

  34. STEAMTurd says:

    Let the prisoners teach the kids. Problem solved.

  35. Phoenix says:


    Money to be made.
    Remember this one. Many lives destroyed..

  36. leftwing says:

    For what that judge did to that number of children he ought to be locked up for 25 years. In some hard core wing of a dismal facility. Prick.

  37. leftwing says:

    Re: the housing market article/video depends how one defines healthy.

    Seems the authors like areas with population and recent moderate growth.

    Seems they dislike that have already exploded, like ours. Anecdata:

    Buddy decided to FSBO his (deceased) parent’s house which he had renting. Spiffed it up a bit, nothing major, polished floors, new paint inside, sealed basement. Baseline appliances, newish. Hoped he would clear $875k six months ago. Kicks and giggles tossed it on at $975k. Sold on the first weekend, $965k, no broker, multiple offers. One couple who bid it called him to follow up as they put a concurrent bid in on an 1800 sq ft built in 1947 on less than a quarter acre listed at $825k. That house had an open house on the first weekend, the couple told my buddy they lost out and the broker told them it went for $875k, $50k above ask, less than 10 DOM.

    This little gem on the main road in town can be yours for only a million. Five houses up from the police station and seven up from the train station.,-74.370339,40.728121,-74.39965_rect/14_zm/

    If you don’t mind moving a few houses down, to right next to the police station, you can get in at the bargain price of only $825k,-74.370339,40.728121,-74.39965_rect/14_zm/

    Market is beyond 2006 here.

  38. Hugh Jaynus says:

    Healthy Shmealthy

    Hillary still has Parkinson’s disease, Humassages, and, drunk blackouts, and drunk black guys to pick her up.

    Also, Ted Koppel is a gray old puzzy.

  39. Juice Box says:

    Former Judge Mark Ciavarella is in a Medium Security prison, his release date is 2035, if he lives to 85 he might get out.,_Williamsburg

  40. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Truly scary to think about how many people out there will do anything for money. Just look at our planet, destroying it for nothing more than a quick buck. Pretty mind blowing when you think about it; people are willing to pollute/poison the water they drink and the air they breath all so that they can have a piece of paper that only carries value in the human mind. Really can’t make this sh1t up!

    Btw, everyone involved in this case should be lined up and shot. Why should we pay the costs for keeping them alive in jail after committing a crime like this.

    Phoenix says:
    March 30, 2017 at 2:53 pm

    Money to be made.
    Remember this one. Many lives destroyed..

  41. yome says:

    What song is he ready to sing?

    Mike Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, has told the Federal Bureau of Investigation and congressional officials investigating the Trump campaign’s potential ties to Russia that he is willing to be interviewed in exchange for a grant of immunity from prosecution, according to officials with knowledge of the matter.

    As an adviser to Trump’s presidential campaign, and later one of Trump’s top aides in the White House, Flynn was privy to some of the most sensitive foreign-policy deliberations of the new administration and was directly involved in discussions about the possible lifting of sanctions on Russia imposed by the Obama administration.

    He has made the offer to the FBI and the House and Senate intelligence committees though his lawyer but has so far found no takers, the officials said. Flynn’s attorney, Robert Kelner, declined to comment.

  42. Bystander says:

    Kids for cash documentary. You can watch the whole crazy story, even that creep judge gives his side. Guy belongs in hell.

  43. Bystander says:

    Wow, game changer for Chump supporters – reports that Flynn will testify against Trump WH regarding the Russia ties, if he gets an immunity deal.

  44. Hugh Jaynus says:

    Fake News, Flynn is doing nothing of the kind.

  45. XRumerTest says:

    Hello. And Bye.

  46. Grab them by the puzzy says:


    With Flynn news:

    Feel free to call it TREASON now.

    1st to flip gets the shortest sentence

  47. Grab them by the puzzy says:


    Michael Flynn wants immunity before talking.

    Last year, he said immunity “means you probably committed a crime.”

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