Rioting, looting, destroying monuments of the Confederacy, Columbus, Lincoln, etc… so that means any monument and protest is fair game, right? If we’re going to go all Orwellian, then monuments to civil rights leaders and a clean slate on the playing field of life is all fair, yes? I mean, it’s all about equality, so let the games begin!
Why should it be ok to display statues of those who fought to protect slavery? How would you feel about that as a black American? Just the fact that these statues were erected to begin with is testimony to the racist nature of American society.
Last week, when this Jew saw a store in Santa Monica with a sign reading “black-owned business” so as to avoid being destroyed, it evoked chilling memories.
Fast You can’t have these confederate statues and state flags. Many of these were built in the 1920s, during the KKK activity, well after the civil war.
It’s offensive. If I were a Black American I would have a problem with then too.
I side with 30 yr on this – Their is value in the documentation of historical atrocities and wrongs. But they don’t need to be put on equal display with those historical figures that were a positive influence on humanity.
Right now, slave labor is being used to make most of your products. Talk about a bunch of hypocrites. Act like they are so against slavery, but have no problem buying the cheaper product made by children in India. What do you think a lot of Chinese workers are…slaves. But it’s okay, you like your cheap products, Walmart says so. Now go complain about slavery from a 150 years ago instead of the slavery happening today. Hypocrites. Boycott southern history, but won’t boycott modern slavery….because you benefit.
They are still a part of American history. They are not bad people, they were alive in a different era. At the end of the day, they are still Americans and played a vital role in our history. Trying to erase them from our history is not only wrong, but it’s childish.
What did General Lee do that he should be erased? Support his state and fought to defend it? He was the best general in American history and he was close to leading the union in the Civil War (Lincoln tried hard to recruit him and almost did). Back then, people were more loyal to their state than the country. So you are going to erase this guy from history for defending and remaining loyal to his state? He didn’t choose slavery, he chose defending his state from what was perceived as tyranny. Is that not noble?
Leave slavery and racism out of it, the guy honorably surrendered and did what he was supposed to do. If you can’t accept that, you should leave the country. Lee is just as much a part of our history as Lincoln. Putting up a statue of Lee is not honoring racism or slavery, it’s honoring a good man that was our greatest general. He was probably one of the most honorable Americans to ever live. Had he betrayed his state and joined the Union, we would most likely be celebrating him as one of the greatest American to ever live.
If we are going to treat the losing south like this, erasing their history, and calling them evil; why didn’t we just let them go their separate ways? Why did we force them back into our country? If you hate what they stood for, why bring them back into our country?
“If we are going to treat the losing south like this, erasing their history, and calling them evil; why didn’t we just let them go their separate ways? Why did we force them back into our country? If you hate what they stood for, why bring them back into our country”
This was the easiest market top call I have experienced. When I saw the barstool sports ceo ranting about how he is better at this game than buffet, knew a market top was in.
Day traders market till most of the day traders lose all their money.
That’s funny, they vandalized a Gandhi statue? How ignorant can you be? Imagine these people having their way and taking over our govt? Imagine being governed by this nonsense.
If I was to vandalize a Gandhi statue, I would paint a red dot on his forehead.
Paw Patrol should have been taken off of the air years ago for it was little more than a 30 minute toy advert. Though they were spot on with the Mayor. What an idiot.
“Folks we are back to Covid19 get with the program.
Lock-down prevented 60 million infections in the USA, or about 3 million deaths.”
Yeah, my co-worker just came back to work after getting blasted with it. Judging by what she said, and I know her well, it drained her battery to almost zero-and she is in good shape. This one is not big on drama either, and it scared the hell out of her.
Asbury Park city council voted to reopen indoor dining trying time save downtown, as it will die again perhaps for another 30 years, will the governor send in the State Police?
If they have multiple tats, pink hair and start protesting, enforcement will kindly step aside. Throw in an LBGTQIA label and they may hand you a loaded debit card with ample, walking around money, too.
My belief is your controversy. Your belief is my controversy.
See the problem yet?
“…[there] is value in the documentation of historical atrocities…they don’t need to be put on equal display with those historical figures that were a positive influence on humanity.”
My positive influence is your atrocity. Your positive influence is my atrocity.
See the problem yet?
So for my Intex pool, which has already been in use for a week, I needed to pull an electric, plumbing and building permit. Everybody gets a piece. Want to know how really stupid it is? The only reason I need a plumbing permit, is to ensure I put a check valve on the hose when I fill it. I said, what if I keep the hose above the waterline when filling it? He said I still need it according to code. The building permit, is required because you need it for the plumbing permit. The electrical permit, is to ensure you have a GFCI outlet in place. Of course, the plug on the dinky pump/filter already has one, so now it trips every time you turn it off. At least I didn’t have to ground the pool. By the way. It completely kicks butt, until it collapses.
Libturd says:
June 11, 2020 at 11:49 am
So for my Intex pool, which has already been in use for a week, I needed to pull an electric, plumbing and building permit. Everybody gets a piece. Want to know how really stupid it is? The only reason I need a plumbing permit, is to ensure I put a check valve on the hose when I fill it. I said, what if I keep the hose above the waterline when filling it? He said I still need it according to code. The building permit, is required because you need it for the plumbing permit. The electrical permit, is to ensure you have a GFCI outlet in place. Of course, the plug on the dinky pump/filter already has one, so now it trips every time you turn it off.
The South lost. Those statues were erected to fcuk with black people. Would you be cool with a Hillary Rodham Clinton statue in DC? Well, besides the excessive material cost needed to sculpt the cankles? How about a Hitler statue in Germany? Timothy McVeigh in Oklahoma City? Or better yet, let’s gift a statue of Truman to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Lib- you pulled permits? Hahahahahahaha, you will be taking it down in about 90 days right after Labor day. Tell them you are only putting 23 inches of water in it. The law says more than two feet requires a permit.
Confederate monuments are one thing, maybe we shouldn’t have them. We definitely should not be flying the confederate flag. That being said we constantly view history through a 21st lens. It is important we keep monuments to figures who greatly impacted our history.
On Columbus, we don’t even know the truth. It was the 15th century, what people did was very different and we would find the behavior of most people to be abhorrent. Additionally most people do not realize the history, Columbus was defamed by the crown when they tried renege on the agreement. You see the crown never expected him to return let alone find a new world. Scientific advisors to the Catholic Monarchs knew the size of the earth, that it was round but thought it to be an impossibly long distance to travel, the running assumption was he would run out of food and water in the middle of the ocean. There was a campaign to defame Columbus when they tried to abrogate the original agreement that gave him 10% of the profits. We simply do not know what happened nor do we have objective reports from the time. What we do know is Columbus changed the world which was remarkable for an uneducated, non-noble person at the time. Colonial governors in general did horrible things to the natives. I for one think we can celebrate Columbus while also acknowledging he caused the natives a lot of pain and suffering. It’s not an either or we can and should revisit our history to try to understand what happened.
Even Robert E. Lee was not pro-slavery, again we need to look at the view points of the time. People do not view things through a 19th century lens. Life was much more difficult, brutality was something that touched all folks at that time. Revising history to fit the narrative of today isn’t the right thing to do. At the time the prevailing thought by most people of the day in the south was that Slaves were better off as slaves in US than they were as free men in Africa. Which to some extent might have been true. As flawed as a country we were and are we still are a beacon in the world.
One needs to remember and should let the BLM crowd know that the White European didn’t invent slavery. One needs to remember that free blacks introduced African slaves to the British North American colonies. As an institution slavery in the colonial era came from the muslim world via the Portuguese. Slavery continued to exist within Africa and saying it was somehow different isn’t really credible. It was every bit as brutal, dehumanizing and wrong in Africa/the ME as it was in Europe or the Americas. It was European sensibilities and the ideas around liberty(the same that founded our country and freed Europe from monarchies) that brought about an end to slavery. Slavery continued to exist in Africa and the Muslim world for quite some time. The wrongs and inhumanities transcend race and have been committed by everyone, people are sh*tty, as long as we understand that we know what to expect, laws are the solution. The modern narrative that the white man committed all of these evils is unwarranted. Yes white people in the past, present and future have committed heinous acts but so have people of every race. We need to focus on unity, honest conversations and a path to a better future not looking to the past and dwelling on how we got here but how we can move forward in a more fair and equitable society.
We had a black man as president, the highest office in America. Shouldn’t he be a role model? He came from a broken family, lived in various parts of the world with grandparents at times, away from his Mom, his grandfather barely gave him recognition and despite it all, became the President of the United States. So where are the boundaries if you have the desire to achieve? You wanna protest? Okay fine. And then you’re going to go study and go to work, right?
BTW my red neck hot tub is salt water too. I drain and refill it from my pool every two weeks or so with a hose attachment to my filter return lines. It’s a toasty 104 degrees right now, and yes I do take the occasional conference call from it, video off for sure, nobody needs to see my oasis, they might get ideas about coming over.
Most of the articles only had a short 30 second version of this speech; this one has the full 3 minutes. Conclusion… bunch of hypocritical babies.
He says 375 million police interactions with the public, with overwhelming positive responses. I wonder if the average person would agree with that. His definition of positive must mean the ‘citizen’ doesn’t die. He then says nobody talks about how many police officers were killed last week … does he not realize that while people dying in police interactions is rare given the total number of interactions (~1,000), the number of cops killed is microscopic (89 in 2019… 41 of which were accidents). Hell, wearing a seat belt might have saved 7% of these unfortunate deaths. And, PLENTY of people talk about when a police officer dies. It’s the usually playbook by cops/unions, campaigning and lobbying to make their job sound more dangerous. OMG, people are ambushing us non-stop!!! It might have happened twice all year.
I’m happy he said we condemn the officer’s actions in Minneapolis; he then said “it’s not what we do.” I guess he forgot about Eric Garner (yes, different facts but still).
I like their putting the one black person in front… but someone needs to teach him to not only put him in front by in view of the camera (you don’t see him until the very end).
LOL, they didn’t even resign – just refuse tactical duty assignments. Real heroes. How many people on this board can refuse work assignments and not lose their job?
“Buffalo’s police union webpage read: “These guys did nothing but do what they were ordered to do. This is disgusting !!!”
I can’t understand how people continue to routinely use that phrase (just following orders) as a defense. I wonder what’s the disgusting part… the public reaction or the babies refusing to work?
The babies should be held responsible as well as the ones giving the orders – talking about criminal justice reform in it’s entirety. Not any specific incident.
Bible warns about idol worship, and worse worshippers that is good enough for me.
Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God.
Juice Another trillion maybe 2, it’s only paper!! Apparently the tax filing date is going to be extended too, September or possibly December. It’s apparently being discussed again.
12:30 Uh. No jobs? Limited opportunity? Lots of time ?
Lots of anger watching the police kill their families.
Policing will be forced to change. This is it buddy.
Inflection point.
Would African Americans be better off in Africa? Nope, but keep dwelling on slavery in America that ended a 150 years ago. Go help these people, you hypocrites. You got your freedom, and even became president. Go help the people that really need it..
“In 2017, the International Labour Office estimated that 7∶1,000 people in Africa are victims of slavery.[5]”
12:30 Uh. No jobs? Limited opportunity? Lots of time ?
Lots of anger watching the police kill their families.
Policing will be forced to change. This is it buddy.
Inflection point.
You’re too intelligent to post something like this. I’m surprised you hit “enter” and left yourself so vulnerable. No riots under Oblama? Was Baltimore a mirage?
Juice the whole permit thing is such a racket. My house had some termite damage when I bought it. So I hired a contractor, he of course pulls a permit, it was structural damage, the headers holding up the floor in my great room. They come in place a bunch of jacks, remove the header, replace it, lag together some 2×12, lag those into the concrete, cut the floor joists and connect them using simpson brackets. Simple all done repair is good, arguably stronger than the original 1920’s setup certainly more pest resistant. Inspector comes, first thing the obese man complains about is that he can’t drive up to the house I have contractors working on the front of the house. Then he say ok where is it, goes down the stairs to basement asks me to point it out mind you we are 30 ft away, asks who did the work, I tell him and he oh Jimmy he knows what he’s doing it’s as good as it’s can be. Signs off. Worst thing about it was having to wait for an obese government employee to eyeball it so work could continue.
The permit process isn’t to ensure work is safe/done correctly. It is to drive fees, and ensure they can adjust property values for property taxes. The inspections are a joke, and I’ve seen a lot per permitted electrical and plumbing work that doesn’t meet code, yet has been signed off. The trades largely self police and building inspectors only really look closely when it is a home owner doing the work themselves. Permits should be reserved for larger work, and building and code compliance departments are downright terrible. The idea that these towns want permits for sheds and all of this little cr*p is just absurd. Outside of major renovation it is simply not needed. Even if you are redoing a kitchen as long as you aren’t moving anything it should not require a permit.
The country-pop trio — which won Record and Song of the Year Grammys for the 2009 smash “Need You Now” — have renounced the name that fans have known since Charles Kelley, Dave Haywood and Hillary Scott joined forces in 2006.
The trio broke down on Twitter just why — in the wake of George Floyd’s death in police custody and the Black Lives Matter movement that has intensified in its wake — it is changing its name.
As of Wednesday, call them Lady A. I guess that’s better than Lady Bugs!?
Thanks 3b for the confirmation on the markets. Just didn’t expect it all at once. I really do yearn for the calm melting up of the Obama economy.
I know the rules. It’s a 48″ by 18′ diameter round pool. It’s big enough to see from the street. I should have known better, but it’s fun arguing with the code enforcers until it’s not.
Everyone else. The cops need serious reform. What happens in Africa has nothing to do with what happens here. African American’s are still horribly mistreated in tons of aspects of their lives. Us white people better be careful as we are not that far away from being just another minority in this country. I have a lot of friends who are cops. I don’t blame them for the problems individually, but I do know their entire program is completely fukced up. They DO profile. They do use excessive force. They DO think they are all GI Joe or Jane.
You are mainly right. I read the codes before every project and do build by code just in case they do stop by. They almost never do. Just collecting a fee.
Ever have one come by for replacing a water heater? That’s $50 here, and I have never had a single one inspect.
As always good write up. Can really appreciate this one since it’s about history. You can’t apply 21st century culture mindset to human civilization from the 1500’s. These weren’t civilized people by today’s standards. Yet, simple minded folks do.
Libturd, you are correct in your “hypocrites” analysis. I don’t know what it is but after a sentence my brain auto tunes in pumpkins voice. There has to be a word that explains the phenomena.
How’s everyone’s utility bill from work at home? My was down 1% yoy , I have been slowly upgrading to LEDs. But figured 6 laptops running 8 hours a day would have increased it
Did Columbus change the world? He did not start colonialism. Human beings die driven by survival and greed. That’s what civilizations did back then, conquered others to better themselves. Look at what the Vikings did? Does it mean that they were bad or didn’t know any better? Conquer or be conquered was their way of life during that era.
Murphy continuing hypocrisy is reaching Trump-like levels. Contradicting himself day-to-day, sometimes one sentence to the next. But of course not as bombastic and psychopathic as Trump.
Biden says Trump May have to be removed from office by military if he loses election. Way to go old Joe, with all that’s going on add more fuel to the fire!
3b, I’m thinking the time period measured may be off on mine. Perhaps last year it was 35 days and this year it 30. I was happy to see it, but makes no sense. It was tough to judge the other months as March was estimated which screwed up April.
Essex, on Hitler there is no comparison. There is no lens to look through, there is no possible rational way to somewhat justify what happened. He invaded his neighbors and committed ethnic cleansing even by 1930’s standards it was horrifying. People are sh*tty and most of the citizens of Germany were complicit in this.
No one is building statues to Hitler, there was no merit in anything he did. Germans suffered immensly because of his actions. In the end Hitler was the loser he was in his youth, the mentally ill Private who later got hooked on Meth and proceeded to seduce a broken nation to follow him down the path to hell.
It is false equivalence as bad as some of the confederates were many of these men are recognized as flawed people of their time. Most of them were racists, again it was the standard of the day even the abolitionists largely were. Many were not really pro slavery and had it least some compassion for the plight of slaves. A small portion of southerns held most of and profited most from slavery. A large portion of the southern population did not like it and really did not want Africans or descendants of Africans in the US mind you in the US South 30% of the population was of African descent. A lot of the concern about the end of slavery was about what would happen in a post slavery south, what would happen to the economy, what would happen in society. There was fear of change, few were enthusiastic about Slavery.
3b there is no better place on earth to be a black male than the United States. There are more opportunities and an enviable standard of living by international standards. Slavery was wrong, discrimination was/is wrong, you won’t hear a debate from me on that. What you will hear from me about is the path forward to a post racial society. Dwelling on the historical injustices is not the key to moving forward. Should people know their history, yes, should we dwell on it no…..
Ex Whatever. Point is that kind of talk is irresponsible and not helpful. I will be glad to see Trump gone, but have zero confidence in old Joe, 49 years in politics!! Sounds like same old, same old. And the radical left is scary they will destroy this country/ and or a civil war.
He is the only person who copies and pastes from Wikipedia. He doesn’t even bother to try to remove the footnotes. I still don’t read his posts. Dude is a compulsive liar who needs real help for his mental disorder. It’s truly a shame he lacks any self awareness. He’s like a stain on the entire teaching profession. He’s like Wayne’s own Chauvin.
ExEssex – How do you reconcile the theory that “the blacks” as you say, are against Trump when there are far and away more black-conservatives running for the House this year than have ever been run by the DNC?
There are dozens of new black faces running as conservatives this cycle. Your projection does not match reality.
The term “douchebag” generally refers to a male with a certain combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behavior, or outward presentation.
Though the common douchebag thinks he is accepted by the people around him, most of his peers dislike him. He has an inflated sense of self-worth, compounded by a lack of social grace and self-awareness. He behaves inappropriately in public, yet is completely ignorant to how pathetic he appears to others.
He often talks about how cool, successful, and popular he is, yet never catches on to the fact that he comes across as a total loser. Nevertheless, he firmly believes that he is the smartest, most desirable, and most charming person in the room… and will try to bad-rep anyone who would threaten to expose this facade.
He fancies himself a ladies’ man, yet tends to be a joke to all but the most naive of women. He tries to portray himself as part of the in-crowd (a fashionista, an upwardly mobile professional, the life of the party, etc.) but only succeeds in his own mind.
To everyone else, he is an annoying and arrogant phony who comes across as a wannabe overcompensating for his insecurities. He tries to appear like the center of whatever group will tolerate him, but in reality, he is just a tag-along who mooches drinks, women, contacts, social standing, and other benefits from the group… while contributing nothing.
Jcer We as a country have faults if people realized we were all being played we could affect real change. Instead people will breathe a sigh of relief when Trump is gone, and we will get back to the normal BS, which in large part got Trump elected. I have always maintained a lot of Trump voters would have voted for Sanders.
Good guy and thick skin, but for some reason can’t help yourself from messing with me. If the name is not the Great Pumpkin, don’t associate the post with this name. Just leave me alone if you are a good guy.
Libturd, the Master Beta says:
June 11, 2020 at 2:07 pm
He is the only person who copies and pastes from Wikipedia. He doesn’t even bother to try to remove the footnotes. I still don’t read his posts. Dude is a compulsive liar who needs real help for his mental disorder. It’s truly a shame he lacks any self awareness. He’s like a stain on the entire teaching profession. He’s like Wayne’s own Chauvin.
I wouldn’t say pumps is trash. I think he’s misguided and prone to have his ear bent by populist nonsense. Fact is. What’s real if it’s real to you to is reason enough.
Oppression must end. Stupidity is oppression. You need to realize we’re all in this boat together.
“How do you reconcile the theory that “the blacks” as you say, are against Trump when there are far and away more black-conservatives running for the House this year than have ever been run by the DNC”
You have a citation for this because it absolutely sounds like a made-up stat that probably originated from some right-wing propaganda site. But I guess it proves a point you want to make.
To answer your question, Trump is mainly correct about the negative role of welfare on the blacks. It’s one of the very few things he’s gotten right when it comes to relations with blacks. This is the basis of the platform of the black conservative. But black conservatives due not embrace their history nor see color. What they do do (I love putting those words together), is use their skin color to try to swing a few democrats to the right. This explains the increase in number. No bias here. Just saying it like it is. Like most out-of-touch conservatives, they are anti-gay marriage, pro-life and too bound by the Christian Church to be a leader in a country found on the first amendment.
Lib, no argument on “Criminal Justice” reform, I think we know mistakes are made and that profiling does exist. Now the counterpoint on profiling is that 6-7% of the population commits 50% the crime. It is no different than the Israeli’s profiling of Palestinians, when all terrorism is committed by one group, the people fitting the profile are subject to enhanced scrutiny. Also key to note about Israeli security and anti-terror actions, the racial profiling in Israel is actually effective.
As for African Americans being mistreated, at this point the civil rights movement has largely been a success, equal rights under the law is the norm not the exception. The mistreatment is mostly an inconvenience at this point, that doesn’t make it right but it does not even register on the list of problems impacting the modern black community. At this point it begins and ends with personal responsibility and doing the right things to succeed. Many problems are self inflicted or exacerbated by poor choices. White people engaging in the same behavior are often in the same boat.
We can talk about police brutality, but the statistics bear out that the narrative is false. Police are not a significant cause of black mortality. Any number of innocents who are harmed or killed is too many and should be addressed but as far as major problems go it is not the most impactful.
The police are doing a job that isn’t fun(I’m not talking about suburban cops, that is the easiest job around), I’m talking about Urban cops, they are paid peanuts and have to interact with the lowest people in society, they are put at risk and never know when some scum is going to shoot at them. Defunding the police is just a nasty statement, go tell that to the cops families who lost their lives in Jersey City during the siege, who saved the lives of children in the Yeshiva next to the grocery store. We are friendly with some people in the DA’s office in JC and some people on JC SWAT, they get shot at more than you’d think. The scum of the earth is out on the streets pushing Drugs on kids. What to hurt urban minorities and poor people, get rid of the fine folks keeping the streets safer for their children. Are there bad cops, yes but really who is signing up for a 40k a year job that is either insanely boring or one where people are shooting at you? Are some cops on a power trip, you bet, are most totally ignorant when it comes to the law, absolutely.
The key problems in the criminal justice system today can be traced to a few issues, one is lack of resources, criminal justice is not easy, proving something beyond a reasonable doubt is hard and on the job performance(for the prosecutors and the police force) is judged by criminals caught and successfully prosecuted. These are the metrics they want to look good, all too often they are willing to bend the law to make a case and to successfully prosecute people. The other issues can be tied to the unevenness of justice as you can see the state doesn’t pay, so your prosecutors, police, etc are not evenly matched to face off against highly paid attorney’s. The only people you have in government legal roles are either too incompetent/lazy to make big bucks in the private sector or are ideologically driven. Either way it is a problem.
Pumps, Columbus did change the world. It was because he was uneducated yet knew just enough to get himself into trouble. Most knowledgeable people of the day figured he’d make it a few thousand miles into the trip before starving in the middle of the ocean. The Spanish only green lighted it because it was a small amount of money and they though maybe he’d find an island or something, no one imagined a continent. The other curious thing is without the fall of Constantinople in 1453 likely there would have been far less in the way of atlantic exploration. The only people with enough practical sailing experience to undertake these voyages were the Mediterranean traders(Genoese, Venetians, Pisans, Ragusans, etc). The Turks moving into their sphere of influence causing a lot of these folks to move into the service of European kings exploring the atlantic. If not for the Ottomans Europe likely would have built closer ties to the orient over land rather than through sea exploration.
That’s only counts the crime that the government wants to count (e.g. not white collar crime).
“people fitting the profile are subject to enhanced scrutiny”
The inalienable rights this country claims to celebrate and protect in our written constitution should prevent this.
“they are put at risk and never know when some scum is going to shoot at them.”
Factually inaccurate. Well, I guess the second half is accurate but only because it’s a self proving statement – no one knows when some scum is going to shoot.
Libturd (breaking the echo chamber) says:
June 11, 2020 at 2:57 pm
To answer your question, Trump is mainly correct about the negative role of welfare on the blacks. It’s one of the very few things he’s gotten right when it comes to relations with blacks. This is the basis of the platform of the black conservative. But black conservatives due not embrace their history nor see color. What they do do (I love putting those words together), is use their skin color to try to swing a few democrats to the right. This explains the increase in number. No bias here. Just saying it like it is. Like most out-of-touch conservatives, they are anti-gay marriage, pro-life and too bound by the Christian Church to be a leader in a country found on the first amendment.
In a Democratic City, you can’t vote Republican. They don’t even run. As Sonnie said your choice is left or further left…and in a Democratic Republic, local politicians have the most influence over people’s lives.
I don’t have a link – Not everything is ready for you to consume in some easy list. But the candidates running for congress is very easily found. Do some reading if you want to learn more. Or don’t look into it, believe whatever you want. Doesn’t change the facts.
The Congressional Black Caucus will be an interesting mix by the time the next Congress gavels into session. Conservative blacks along with other minorities are going to do very well this election cycle.
I for one am very excited for some fresh faces in the congress.
Did the Six Flags Safari today. Great old school experience for the kids. Well done by Six Flags. I also hit up Belmar prior to the rain. Got a slice on the boardwalk. Absolutely empty.
Joyce, that is a ridiculous argument. White collar crime is a problem but violent crime on the streets and the drug trade ARE the issues effecting most communities. The police aren’t capturing white collar criminals nor could I see a scenario where they reasonably would be expected to do so.
You are taking my line about scrutiny out of context, I was referring to Israel. Unfortunately the constitution and our god given rights are not really respected by politicians on the left or right nor government bureaucrats who as indicated are ignorant to the law. Additionally given the complexity of modern law, Beriya’s statement “show me the man and I’ll find you a crime” is very true, the police can always find a way to stop you they are exercising discretion the constitution never comes into it.
You people are totally ignorant about what goes on in the urban centers. People do shoot at cops, it is certainly not a good time. Have you ever seen Trinitarios gang members walking down the street? These are the people who carry machetes and hack up their enemies into little bits. Now imagine you are a police officer are responsible for policing the neighborhoods where these gangs operate. Please try to have some perspective.
ExEssex says:
June 11, 2020 at 1:07 pm
Lady Antebellum says it needs that name no more.
The country-pop trio — which won Record and Song of the Year Grammys for the 2009 smash “Need You Now” — have renounced the name that fans have known since Charles Kelley, Dave Haywood and Hillary Scott joined forces in 2006.
The trio broke down on Twitter just why — in the wake of George Floyd’s death in police custody and the Black Lives Matter movement that has intensified in its wake — it is changing its name.
As of Wednesday, call them Lady A. I guess that’s better than Lady Bugs!?
I have friends who are retired NYPD cops they have seen horrific things that none of us will ever see. My friend who is retired NYPD Sargent did a lot with drug
And organized crime, said the worst were Eastern European; they will kill anyone
You said a small percentage commits half the crime. It’s wrong unless you ignore certain categories. The war on drugs is much more of a problem.
I didn’t take your profiling comment out of context. You preceded the comment by saying ‘mistakes are made and profiling exists, and here’s the counterpoint for it.’ a counterpoint that is wrong.
I work in it. People in the suburbs really have no clue. If they think racism is the source of this all, they are out of touch and out of their mind.
Blaming racism and cops is a cop out (no pun intended). It’s blaming entire groups, instead of individual actions/choices.
For example, it’s like blaming racism and cops for the horrible living conditions in the poverty stricken areas of Columbia or Mexico. Why we do it here in America is beyond me.
We blame the (failing) schools. We blame racism. We blame the police. We blame corporations. We blame the rich. How in the world will blaming any of these things solve poverty? How will they correct bad choice after bad choice? And money/poverty is really what this is about, right…or we wouldn’t even be bringing up reparations to make things right in the racism discussions.
Maybe, I’m totally wrong, but this is what I see.
“You people are totally ignorant about what goes on in the urban centers. People do shoot at cops, it is certainly not a good time. Have you ever seen Trinitarios gang members walking down the street? These are the people who carry machetes and hack up their enemies into little bits. Now imagine you are a police officer are responsible for policing the neighborhoods where these gangs operate. Please try to have some perspective.”
I have huge issues with profiling, even if 100% of the crime is committed by 99% of the same race. Because, it’s unfair to the 1% of that race that is not involved and it’s unfair to the 100% of everyone else as 1% of them are going to get away scot-free.
All of the Glen Ridge police pull over nearly all black drivers when less than 1 in 100 drivers in town are black. DWB is incredibly strong here. Anyone want to explain to Pumps why? I made the mistake of reading part of one of his posts. Are black drivers more likely to commit vehicular crime?
This is REALLY how it is here. How much crime do you think this stops?
Going on record, as much as I despise the man, I am voting for Trump.
Between the heavy handed Covid lock down in NY and NJ, these riots, and now throwing anybody out of work who may have made a documented off-color or racist statement over the course of their lives I’ve seen the leftist dream of the future USA and I don’t want any part of it.
Trump may be a lunatic but he ain’t as crazy these leftist nuts.
“I don’t have a link – Not everything is ready for you to consume in some easy list. But the candidates running for congress is very easily found. Do some reading if you want to learn more. Or don’t look into it, believe whatever you want. Doesn’t change the facts.”
The fact is you are wrong, very wrong. It is very easy to find candidates running for congress which is why it was very easy to figure out how wrong you are. And I suspect you didn’t actually do any sort of reading yourself but rather regurgitated something you read that fed your confirmation bias.
looks like Asbury will be leading the way on reopening indoor dining. Gov Murphy says there will be enforcement today in his news conference but the State Police punted.
“Acting New Jersey State Police Superintendent Patrick Callahan told NJ Advance Media it will be up to local authorities to issue summonses. He also stressed that compliance with orders has been strong of late.”
I’m not defending it, it is not fair and it is not right. It just is and even if they change the criteria, the result likely looks the same. Kind of like the changes made to affirmative action, the result is more equitable because instead of looking at skin color you are looking at how disadvantaged a person is. Before it was an injustice, now if you are from a broken home in detroit with failing schools race doesn’t matter when you go to apply to state schools your application is treated the same. In Glen Ridge the likelihood is they change their profiling based on where the car is from, East Orange, Orange, Irvington or Newark are getting stopped. Chances are the person being stopped is a person of color. Crime is tied very heavily to poverty, when you have little or nothing to lose you can commit crime. People with assets of all colors and backgrounds are far less likely to commit crime because they have something to lose(job, home, family, etc). When you have nothing they can take your freedom, that’s all you’ve got, people like us have a LOT so for us we would never risk it for some petty crime.
Lib I grew up down the road from Patterson, the cops hung out at the border and stopped every old car and every minority. When you pay 15 or 20k in property taxes people demand a low crime rate. They can change their policies but the rate of crime might go up… the electorate in your town willing to accept this? Will people b*tch when their insurance rates go up? I will tell you in Millburn which is close to Irvington/Hillside/Newark cars are stolen out of driveways.
Pumpkin is actually right the issues go so much further than racism/the police/schools. Until you live and interact with people living in these place you don’t understand what is at the core of the issues. Some kids do manage to make it out, policies that help disadvantaged kids get to college are a big help(but it isn’t a race issue it is about being disadvantaged). Culturally there is much broken with urban culture, it is a culture of misogyny, that has contempt for education and hard work. Single parent household mean that there is no enough parental involvement to keep kids on the right path. Kids in school are not protected, bad kids hold back the whole lot by disrupting education. School choice is actually the right move in urban areas, parochial schools get a better result for far less money because of the discipline they force on the kids, if the kids are too disruptive they get kicked out. The more successful charter schools largely work the same way.
You make it sound as if monitoring the public is easy. WTF is see something say something…… policing is difficult and dangerous….. I think the point with body cameras seems to be protecting the public, but I often find that it is the police who are protected….. law enforcement is enhanced….. why? when you see the patent nonsense that cops stare down most of the time, it is very illustrative….
Of course there is police misconduct and evil sociopaths in blue, but it is a profoundly sh!tty job…..
Libturd says:
June 11, 2020 at 4:43 pm
I have huge issues with profiling, even if 100% of the crime is committed by 99% of the same race. Because, it’s unfair to the 1% of that race that is not involved and it’s unfair to the 100% of everyone else as 1% of them are going to get away scot-free.
“Chicago Police Board President Ghian Foreman, who oversees the panel in charge of serious officer discipline, said cops hit him with batons as they clashed with protesters who marched on the South Side over Floyd’s killing.”
The lounging around the congressmans office is funny too..
“Rush said he got a call that his campaign offices at 65th and South Wentworth had been burglarized and there was videotape of eight or more police officers “lounging in my office” as looters were in the shopping center nearby.
Rush looked at the videotape and saw eight or more cops, including three supervisors, with their feet up on desks, he said.
“One was asleep on my couch in my campaign office,” he said.
“They even had the unmitigated gall to go and make coffee for themselves and to pop popcorn, my popcorn, in my microwave while looters were tearing apart businesses within their site and within their reach,” Rush said”
Hehehe, my sentiments exactly. President PT Barnum is ridiculous but the left is so far off the rail I don’t know how any rational person can support this behavior. FYI I’m a registered democrat who before Obama’s second term was generally onboard with the policies they were espousing.
Progressive critics and advocacy groups are responding with alarm and anger to the Trump administration’s refusal to disclose the names of more than 4.5 million companies that have collectively received over $500 billion in corporate bailout money through a federal program created to provide businesses with relief from the coronavirus pandemic.
The over $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signed by President Donald Trump in March established the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) with $349 billion in funding for forgivable loans. After the initial capital ran out in just 13 days, lawmakers approved $310 billion more—though over $130 billion of that amount was still left as of Tuesday.
I think some folks here should be thanking Black Lives Matters profusely, because they are taking the risk and paying the cost for stepping out for their rights, which in turns defends everyone’s rights.
The militarization of police departments, civil forfeiture abuse, the list goes on. There are structural issues that affect us all, but the brunt of this is born by the Black community. So when they fight for their communities, it has a net-positive effect for America as a nation
This may be why corporate leaders are taking this moment seriously and speaking out. Could divesting what’s left of Capitalism from structural racism and colonialism, to the degree that this is possible, actually good for the bottom line?
Lib, thanks for the insight about GR. I did not know the stats were that dramatic
Jcer’s post at 6:57 really breaks it down. It’s the truth. I live and breath this. A lot of these feel good protesters don’t get it. They are in fairy tale land. How is it that some kids go on to Ivy League schools and become doctors attending the “failing” school I work at? How can this be? I’ll tell you how, jcer explained it.
A majority of the population not only sees education as a waste of time, they make fun of kids for doing well. It’s political suicide, but you have to get people to be there for their kids. You have to make a law that if you have kid, you will be there helping them with hw, feeding them, and giving them a stable home environment to grow up in. My blood boils thinking about this. How can you torture your own kids and put them through a living hell? Then on top of that, you blame their miserable life you created for them through child abuse on racism and cops. Go look in the mirror, they are your damn kids for God’s sake. Why would you do that to them? They have one life to live, and you are trying to make it as miserable as possible for these kids.
Oh, you are having trouble with 3 kids. Well why the hell did you have number 5? Why would you do this? Why?!
Yes, this is what I see on a daily basis and it makes me sick. They are just kids..
I try my best to help, but I can only help so much. I can’t save them all. I donate as much as I can, as there is a knock on my door on a daily basis to donate to some cause. Then I have to listen to people blame whites and call them racist when most are just trying to help. I don’t get it.
Dink – I worry my source may be too “right wing conspiracy” for you.
From the NYT, excerpt since I know you won’t read the article:.
In 421 districts across the nation, nearly 250 veterans and over 180 minorities have filed to run as Republicans, according to the House Republican campaign arm’s internal tracking, as well as a record number of women.
Who just hit the nail on the head. Called it weeks ago. 500Billion slush fund, with no accountability.
Hey Gary, In this path to greatness, your outrage at Os 800 Billion package to right the ship after GWB ran the economy into a wall. Hows that measuring up against Donnies 5Trillion and counting?
I live in Republ1can He11. We had a rare occurrence last year. A Dem ran for Mayor and lost 4:1. What you got for me? Where is my representation coming from?
I got 30 secs into that piece on Sonnie and bailed after she said “Removing Regulation and Taxation” That did nothing for the middle class down. How’s those water regs doing for those folks in Flint?
During the Khmer Rouge reign former civil servants, doctors, teachers and other professionals were stripped of their possessions and forced to toil in the fields as part of a re-education process. Sounds similar to “cancel culture” & “diversity training“.
How can you support lefties anymore? They are full blown crazy. Yes, America was so bad you need to overthrow it..right.
“ This week the Seattle police withdrew from their East Precinct in the Capitol Hill neighborhood, after threats that it would be torched. The cops removed barricades and began “decreasing our footprint,” Chief Carmen Best said, as the protesters had requested. Ms. Best called it “an exercise in trust and de-escalation.” But human nature abhors a vacuum, and CHAZ revolutionaries soon declared their autonomy.
As a cardboard sign at the border of the CHAZ warns: “You are now leaving the USA.” Seattle residents report “that they have been subjected to barricades set up by the protesters,” Assistant Chief Deanna Nollette said on Wednesday, “with some armed individuals running them as checkpoints into the neighborhood.” Open carry is legal in Washington state.
CHAZites have also set up medic stations and a “No Cop Co-Op” to distribute snacks. There were rumors of a rudimentary system of taxation, “reports of citizens and businesses being asked to pay a fee to operate within this area,” Ms. Nollette said, although this is in dispute and hasn’t been substantiated.
She added that police were interested in a dialogue with the Foreign Ministers of the CHAZ, if any could be contacted. “There is a whole city-wide effort at this point,” Ms. Nollette said, “to try to identify who the leaders are.”
At a gathering of CHAZites Wednesday, there was talk of perhaps forming governance. “In a leaderless movement there has to be people stepping up to be leaders,” argued a protester identified as Rell, per the Seattle Times. That night, a crowd enjoyed a funk-rap concert by the band Marshall Law.”
What is left of capitalism? That is quite an extreme statement.
AP says:
June 11, 2020 at 7:39 pm
I. Could divesting what’s left of Capitalism from structural racism and colonialism, to the degree that this is possible, actually good for the bottom line? Could divesting what’s left of Capitalism from structural racism and colonialism, to the degree that this is possible, actually good for the bottom line?
The disclaimer at the bottom of the registration for Trump’s rally in Tulsa: “By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. … liable for any illness or injury.”
Lets address this before we get started into the symbolism of Juneteenth in OK .
Does BLM accuse Israel of genocide against Palestinians?
Israeli. Fka the only US ally in that entire region.
AP says:
June 11, 2020 at 7:39 pm
I think some folks here should be thanking Black Lives Matters profusely, because they are taking the risk and paying the cost for stepping out for their rights, which in turns defends everyone’s rights.
Don’t believe everything you hear about working from home. The pandemic has closed offices around the world. The video-conferencing service Zoom has seen its corporate subscriber numbers grow more than 350%. Cloud companies are falling over themselves to tell people “see, we told you so! The cloud works!” Well, up to a point.
OK, the cloud does work. The technology is fast and (mostly) secure. For too many years small business owners – a great number of them my own clients – ignored these powerful technologies that would have allowed their employees more flexibility. Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve learned that, assuming a relatively new computer and a relatively decent broadband connection, most office workers can get much of their jobs done from their home offices. And, depending on the person, potentially be more productive.
So does this mean the end of the office? A “new normal”? Everyone just goes home and phones it in? Of course not.
Sure, big companies like Square and Twitter are now giving their employees the ability to work from home “permanently”. And, no surprise here, surveys like this one are now saying that people prefer to work from home where they can hang out with their dogs and wear their fuzzy slippers instead of getting dressed to sit in a corporate center cubicle for eight hours. Some analyses insist that working from home increases productivity. Other reports are saying that – because of this phenomenon – offices will become empty, rents will plummet, company cultures will forever change and the face-to-face workplace will fade into history.
Don’t believe it. The demand for real estate may dip, but it’ll return. Don’t burn your cubicles or destroy your beautiful new open office plan. This trend, like a pendulum, will ultimately swing back in another direction. Why do I say this?
It’s because what value does a small business have when its employees are allowed to roam free, loosely connected via Office or G Suite, and because of the unavoidable lack of supervisory controls are allowed to do, say and think things that may not be consistent with a company’s mission or messaging? Not very valuable at all. Case in point: my company.
Because my company has been virtual for more than 10 years. Every one of my 10 people works from home. Sure, the overhead is low. But you know what? I miss an office. My company suffers from not having one. We have no culture. We rarely see each other as a group. We are not really a team, and lack bonding or social connections. We miss out on extemporaneously sharing ideas. Our innovation suffers. As a result, the value of my business suffers. I know I’m not alone in this.
Pumps I work with developers, my direct boss is on the west coast. We have teams in LA, Vancouver, SF, Toronto, NY, NJ, India, St. Petersburg Russia, Poland, and Budapest. Recent our direct teams in the US/Can had a survey on work from home all the participants indicated they wanted to return to the office at least once or more a week as for certain things it was taking longer to resolve issues and solve problems. All indicated good productivity but are working significantly longer hours due to meetings that in the office are not necessary. Now seeing as we already were used to working with distributed teams, and are allowed to WFH as much as we like(I had a developer up and move to Florida and continue to work remotely)we are well adapted to remote work, even for us there is a hit and it is not the preferred model of operation. We spend a mint on travel between offices and there is a reason for this….
Pumps I think people don’t understand urban communities. Until you’ve lived around it, you don’t get it. People also tend to talk feelings/empathy rather than looking at the data. Around the year 1960 black wealth begins to decline and the rate of children born out of wedlock and raised in single parent households begins to rise. No one wants to discuss the elephant in the room which is data pointing to a people making negative progress(wealth, workforce participation, incarceration rates, etc) despite significant opportunities being made available. The destruction of the family unit coupled with welfare for single mothers has created a cycle of poverty that has been incredibly difficult to break. The black family unit in the segregation south was relatively strong after the civil war so “slavery” is certainly not the cause and racism is not the cause. The decline of participation in the black church can also be seen during this period, which may somehow be tied to the decline in all metrics that define prosperity for blacks as a people.
Yes. We have the technology to trace who is an African descendent of slaves. Prove you’re a descendent, then apply for assistance. Assistance that is a leg up… not a hand out.
Just one black conservatives idea:
I called this initiative The African Descendants of Slaves Business Reparations Opportunities (ADOS-BRO). The basic premise is this:
Just as the federal government ensures every American citizen can attend college by providing guaranteed loans, the federal government can create a program that guarantees low-interest business loans and/or grants to Black entrepreneurs.
One of the major challenges for such entrepreneurs is accessing capital to scale their businesses. I know this, because I’m currently within “this struggle.”
In order to qualify for such loans or grants:
a person must be an ADOS (similar to how a person must prove her naturalization);
the ADOS must demonstrate her business’s usefulness to the market by bootstrapping the venture for the first two years (similar to how students must prove competency before entering college);
the ADOS must submit documents validating her business’s product or service via testimonials and case studies (similar to how students must submit high school diplomas before entering college);
the ADOS will then be granted the guaranteed loan and/or grant based on a set amount allocated to each ADOS (similar to how students are guaranteed $175,000 for college debt);
the ADOS will then be required to repay the business loan so the program is available to the next generation of ADOS (similar to how graduates are required to pay back the student loans).
Chicago says:
June 11, 2020 at 11:45 pm
Do their rights in reparations?
Grim – you should do something worthwhile with that government cheese and spread the wealth. Vegas opened last week, a couple of quick calls to concierge services at the Bellagio, NoMad, Cosmo etc and you could score a free suite. Stu probably has a connection for a cheap two stop flight on Southwest and buffet coupons. Heck rustle up a few players and split it to fly private and drink Silk City on the way out and the whole weekend, Viva Las Vegas…Viva Las Vegas…
For the many of you here who say you dislike Ttump but will pull the lever for him in November anyway, what is it you don’t like about him? What are you getting in return that is so irresistible that you will make this compromise? What do you think of Trump as a human being?
Are you comparing your plight to a Black American in Chicago? Check your privilege
CHAZ is a new country in the Pacific Northwest. You are a privileged white male with the means to move there.
Fabius Maximus says:
June 11, 2020 at 10:01 pm
I live in Republ1can He11. We had a rare occurrence last year. A Dem ran for Mayor and lost 4:1. What you got for me? Where is my representation coming from?
I got 30 secs into that piece on Sonnie and bailed after she said “Removing Regulation and Taxation” That did nothing for the middle class down. How’s those water regs doing for those folks in Flint?
The New Jersey Attorney General and 46 other states filed a lawsuit against 26 generic drug companies, including three in Parsippany, for conspiring to raise the prices of 80 topical drugs in violation of federal and state antitrust and consumer protection laws.
The high-level executives from many generic drug manufacturers would get together for regular “industry dinners” to collaborate on price-fixing tactics, according to the Attorney General.One example of these “dinners” was in January 2014 when at least 13 high-ranking executives from companies Actavis, Aurobindo, Lannett, and Perrigo met at a steakhouse in Bridgewater, according to the suit.
A group e-mail exchange, quoted in the lawsuit, shows how one executive asks if his and his colleague’s meals at the steakhouse will be paid for by a rival executive’s company. The rival executive responds: “It’s amazing how many in the group like 18-year-old single malt scotch when they aren’t buying.”
Scroll up to that post at 11:01. The one with the photo of the Seattle Police chief standing outside the precinct. That should all end peacefully as long as the right wing stay away. And there are a lot up in the NW.
IF they added an “i” to your plan name, they could have named it
“Adios Bros, I got mine so i’ll sell out you!”
Chi, what is left of Capitalism once the free exchange of goods and services are limited on personal and partisan political agendas; when rational price discovery, sound value fundamentals, protection against monopolies, etc, have been seriously eroded?
The financialization of the economy has drained real value from the economy to the point that it’s sustained by constant injections of liquidity. It’s a massive issue.
Understood that extreme macro headwinds necessitate extreme gov intervention, but at this point are we in a state controlled economy and just don’t know yet? One that picks winners and losers at that?
The state can legitimately play a moderating, independent role in the economy, supporting small businesses, increase market participation by decreasing inequality, etc.
Regarding reparations, where I’m at right now, not having read very much about the topic, I think it is meaningful and just, although perhaps it should go to individuals, bit instead in investing in institutions that address structural issues, like Historically Black Colleges, museums, economy opportunity areas, etc.
30 year I did not vote for Trump in 2016, and don’t plan on It this year. I had not planned on voting at all. But if the Democrats do not disavow the radical left, including the madness in Seattle which apparently one poster here is OK with, than I will vote for all Republic with the exception of President.
Comedy hour. They threw her away earlier, but because she is African American, and timing is right, they put her back up there. How can people not see through this? They are clearly using race to gain votes. How do these people live with themselves? Cry about racism on one hand, and then try to use it to win an election on another.
I voted for Trump in ’16 – warts and all because he is what he is, but is incompetent at it and the Clintons were way worse and competent at it.
I will not vote this election and could vote for Biden if VP is Warren or Sanders. I really don’t care if Trump gets re-elected or not. Either way -it will be another 4 crappy years of boomer locust presidency.
My fear is not so much Trump. But 4 years of Obama like Corporate Democrats where nothing is address or changed and the snowball of dysfunctions keep getting bigger, meaner and uglier and by 2024 will have a competent Trump like lunatic dictator elected.
So better 1-3 yrs of an incompetent nincampoop than a dementia ridden corporate sell out. Neither of them will make the full term -nature is against them. And we can finally move on on whatever is left from the boomer locust ashes.
D’s post above nails it. If we are going to talk reparations, that’s the way to do it. Just giving away huge sums of money with no strings attached is the equivalent of handing the urban poor a winning lottery ticket..they will lose it all quickly, and be right back in the position of poverty. You see it over and over with the lottery.
So I think that it is a fabulous idea to help through business startups. All you have to do is do the work to come up with an idea and a business plan, and you will have the means to attack it. Beautiful thing. That’s how you really help someone.
AP says:
June 12, 2020 at 8:31 am
Regarding reparations, where I’m at right now, not having read very much about the topic, I think it is meaningful and just, although perhaps it should go to individuals, bit instead in investing in institutions that address structural issues, like Historically Black Colleges, museums, economy opportunity areas, etc.
They’ll pay their protection money and the corruption will continue. Where are the criminal complaints? If the gov’s believe what they wrote in the complaint, it’s racketeering.
Phoenix says:
June 12, 2020 at 8:22 am
How many millions stolen here, yet the country is set on fire over a 20 dollar bill.
American justice, the best money can buy.
I didn’t vote for trump in 2016, but I will this time.
First, let’s make this clear, there are no good human beings when you get to the level of politics at the presidential stage. It’s very difficult to find a good person in any type of politics. So it’s lame to call trump a bad guy, at least he tells you what is on his mind (even though his position changes regularly), at least you know what you are getting.
He doesn’t give a crap about these social issues that have become way to extreme and one big blame game. F’k that noise. All I care about is the economy. What are you doing to help my pocket. Trump is doing a damn good job on that front, and for that, he gets my vote.
So don’t accuse me of being racist or ignorant for voting for trump, but do call me greedy. I do care about the economy and what it does for me very much.
30 year realtor says:
June 12, 2020 at 7:27 am
For the many of you here who say you dislike Ttump but will pull the lever for him in November anyway, what is it you don’t like about him? What are you getting in return that is so irresistible that you will make this compromise? What do you think of Trump as a human being?
You have become my favorite poster. Your posts are honest and based on facts, not emotion. You consistently knock it out of the park on a regular basis. You are the clean up hitter. I really wish you would run for office, but at the same time, I don’t want that for you. It will corrupt you and take out the smart individual this world needs.
Petition going around to change the name of the middle schools in Clifton. These people..
They want a fake world where everything is perfect/feel good. Absolutes…dangerous. Say it with me, nothing is perfect. Nothing is perfect. Nothing is perfect.
Here is how the billionaire mind thinks. He continues to rake in millions upon millions due to Fed induced market that dumps money back on taxpayer. He thinks ‘gee, how can we let more workers go’ and now 100K is a lot of money for a white collar worker apparently. This is why NYC area is f-ed. That said, I agree this is happening and wage deflation is the outcome.
Billionaire bond investor Jeffrey Gundlach, the CEO of $135 billion DoubleLine Capital, sees the potential for a “wave of more higher-end unemployment’ hitting white-collar workers making more than $100,000 per year as employers increasingly question the value these employees bring.
In 11 weeks, more than 42 million Americans filed for unemployment insurance as the COVID-19 pandemic wrecked the economy. The bulk of these job losses hit lower-income households the hardest.
“A lot of times it’s not the earthquake, it’s the fire,” Gundlach said on a webcast for the DoubleLine Total Return Bond Fund (DBLTX), later adding that he could “easily see layoffs in various industries” affecting higher earners.
Gundlach, who runs the Los Angeles-based bond investment firm, explained that one of the outcomes of remote work is it reveals who produces and who doesn’t.
“What people may have learned for white-collar services jobs, in particular, during the work-from-home lockdown situation, at least in my perspective — I’ve talked to a lot of my peers on this — I kind of learned who was really doing the work and who was not really doing as much work as it looked like on paper that they might have been doing,” Gundlach said.
He’s witnessed this at DoubleLine, where people running “certain groups” haven’t been as responsive, while the more junior members on their team have stepped up.
“I wonder where they’ve gone. It seems like the people who work for them are constantly in contact with me doing all this work and some of the supervisory, middle management people I’m starting to wonder if I really need them. And this is just a one sample thing,” he added.
He also makes a case that it’s wage deflationary.
“If a $100,000 white-collar worker gets laid off, I think that they just stare in the mirror in the morning with just fear in their eyes looking at their own eyes because what are you going to do?” he said. “A lot of people don’t have any savings, not enough savings. If a certain swath of the employment-population has a significant layoff in the echo of the pandemic, which I think is coming, then they’re probably going to be looking for a job and there won’t be many openings relative to the unemployment pool with that type of a skillset.”
“Obviously, I think these people will take another job with a pay cut,” he continued. “If you’re making $100,000 and you’re staring at the abyss of no income and you have de minimus savings, especially if you have a family to feed, I think that $75,000 similar job would look pretty attractive even as an interim step.”
Bystander: And Gundlach May run out of investors at some point if there are not enough good jobs to afford people the ability to invest. The rich do end up eventually devouring themselves .
Nazi Germany never came close to reimbursing my family for a generations-old grain processing plant, located on the Black Sea in Koenigsburg, a three story mansion with tennis courts, and the lives of my grandparents’ parents. Their remittance was a pittance.
What frustrates me is that I manage 8 resources in US, UK and Switzerland. I have a worker in Switzerland who sucks. People hate her, mostly justified. I could never ask her to work overtime or weekends without approval from Swiss regulator. She has to have ample work space and be near a window by law. We could not get rid of her without major legal problems so we have to wait until another role opens and shift her off team. Could be a year or more. The other female worker, in UK, had child in Sept 2019 has been on maternity leave for almost year. She has missed major app rewrite and tons of work..but by UK law, returns to a job and gets bonus. Here in US? We have layoffs galore, 16 hour work days, weekend releases and 8 full grown men crammed in 10 X 10 space so company could save money. Our Europe IB could give a sh*t about major production imbalance coming from US. They will do minimum provided by law and people in Europe get same bonus and high quality of life. People like Gundlach have this view bc they are financially backed by Fed and allowed to sh*t on worker. Capitalism works bc it keeps jobs plentiful and there are ample opportunities to move if unhappy. From my view, this is breaking down and people like Gundlach are not held accountable and we offer no strings attached to bail them out. They would have no business if not for Fed/taxpayer spending yet own the system nothing. Mentality has to change. Not trying to claim life is fair but corp fascism is worst in US bc constantly kissing their rear ends. Arrogance is at all time highs. I sit on these calls and constantly being asked to review people and break them down into %s to save a few bucks. Only US and India are ever touched.
Bystander: I posted a long response to you, and I assume it went into the moderator abyss. American Corporations sold the American people out and they bought off the Democrats and Republican politicians to do it. Joe Biden in DC for over 45 years!! And he is the answer to our prayers??!! Nonsense!
1. must be verified direct descendant of a slave to receive payment AND
2. Payment is due only from those verified to have direct lineage to US slave ownership.
Imagine a first generation immigrant being told they must be reparations for slavery that they had nothing to do with.
How many in this area have parents or grandparents that were immigrants? 3 out 4 of my grandparents arrived from Germany just prior to Hitler really kicking things off. My ancestors were much more likely to have been slaves rather than slave owners.
No, 3b. He is not the answer but this country won’t survive the reign of terror by Orange-faced IT. He f*cks with people in Seattle and it will be bad…reallly, really bad. We need a clean slate. Biden was never someone I wanted as primary but he will have to do.
If people only complain about social programs, that may indicate a bias of some sort. But what’s wrong with complaining about taxes if someone thinks they’re too high or does not like how they’re spent. Where are property and income taxes coming from it not one’s pocket? Among other taxes
With respect to social programs, as whole they’ve been an unmitigated failure.
AP says:
June 12, 2020 at 12:19 pm
I never got why people position paying for social programs as if it’s literally being taken out of their pocket.
With all the wasteful and unaccounted for government spending, we so often target our ire at programs that actually have a shot at improving things
There is no logic and they were always going to vote for him anyway. They like that he speaks for their scared, xenophobic agenda. Not even the right word bc they hate citizens demanding change more. They see Dumpy’s (sad) tough rhetoric as strength. It is the opposite. He is the weakest character to step into 1600. They would be happy if gassed and killed protesters. Sick people.
I have been ethnically cleansed on both sides of my family tree. There aren’t that many of us. On my father’s side, three brothers had it pretty rough….. Hoxha, Tito & Mussolini saw to that…… two are mentally ill and the other is a severe alcoholic. At least my brother and I are the only kids of that Motley Crew…… but we are clearly white privileged ivy-league a%%holes, and my life up to about 16 was clearly a disgusting act of cultural appropriation. The Nazi’s liquidated my mom’s progenitors except select people such as her mom and dad. Never met either of my grandfathers.
Interesting experinece when I was 22. I visited Haifa an older husband and wife. The husband was a distant relative probably in his late 60’s. Concentration camp survivor etc…… we strongly resembled each other….. interesting experience.
Bystander: I agree but the nonsense in Seattle is scary shit. It’s an insurrection, and I don’t think it has anything to do with George Floyd. The Democrats need to condemn it unequivocally! If they don’t Trump will win in my opinion.
One of the most fcuked things in quite a while….. very 2020
Judge to Rule on Hertz’s Controversial Stock Sale in Bankruptcy
Company seeks to sell $1 billion in shares to capitalize on a market rally, despite significant risk of a wipeout for shareholders
By Becky Yerak, Peg Brickley and Aisha Al-Muslim
June 12, 2020 12:52 pm ET
Hertz Global Holdings Inc. hopes to raise up to $1 billion in new equity from a counterintuitive stock rally while under severe financial strain, a seemingly unprecedented move from a large bankrupt company eager to capitalize on market anomalies.
Bankruptcy experts said the planned stock sale raises questions about whether a company under chapter 11 protection can exploit equity markets for financing when the value of its shares, as with nearly all bankrupt issuers, is at significant risk of being wiped out.
“I will give them credit for creativity—trying to turn something potentially worthless into a pot of cash,” said John Penn, a bankruptcy lawyer at Perkins Coie LLP who isn’t involved in the Hertz case.
Hertz is scheduled to appear in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Del., on Friday to seek permission for the stock sale, which the company has described as a “unique opportunity” to raise capital on more favorable terms than the strings-attached loans that bankrupt companies more typically receive.
The company filed for bankruptcy last month, saddled with about $19 billion in debt and hundreds of thousands of vehicles that have been largely idled as Americans travel less due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Bankruptcies typically wipe out shareholders, save for rare instances in which the corporate debt can be paid in full and money is left over. Hertz shares have nonetheless gone on a gravity-defying rally since its bankruptcy filing, even though the company’s bonds continue to trade at distressed levels, indicating little faith among creditors they can be fully repaid.
Shares of other companies in or near bankruptcy, such as Chesapeake Energy Corp., Whiting Petroleum Corp. and J.C. Penney Co., have also rallied, seemingly inexplicably, in recent weeks.
Behind the speculative frenzy, experts said, are the Federal Reserve’s forceful actions to stabilize markets, rising investor enthusiasm over the economy reopening and hordes of individual investors who are new to the market and showing a strong appetite for risk.
Unfortunately for potential buyers, Hertz bonds are trading deeply below par, indicating that the odds for any value left over for shareholders are low, said Nick Mazing, research director at investment research platform Sentieo.
Jared Ellias, a law professor at the University of California, Hastings College of Law who has studied hundreds of bankruptcies, said he couldn’t find a similar maneuver in the past for a company of comparable size.
Hertz could believe that its shares do have value while its corporate debt is simply mispriced, he said. The company’s nearly $3 billion of unsecured bonds traded at around 40 cents on the dollar Friday.
“But to the extent the debt pricing is accurate, and there won’t be money for shareholders at the end of this case, then what they appear to be looking for is a group of investors, perhaps made up significantly of retail investors, who will buy stock from them that will ultimately be worthless,” Mr. Ellias said.
Companies in chapter 11 shouldn’t look to finance their bankruptcies with what amounts to donations from individual investors, he said.
Jonathan Lipson, a Temple University law professor, said the timing for Hertz’s request is problematic because creditors haven’t weighed in and the company’s most up-to-date financial details haven’t been filed. He acknowledged, though, that Hertz shares could theoretically rebound and retain value despite the bankruptcy.
The car-rental company is in a different situation than PG&E Corp., which is also bankrupt, but headed to market to sell $9 billion in new equity as it prepares to exit chapter 11. PG&E said from the start of its chapter 11 case that it would preserve shareholder value.
The New York Stock Exchange, where Hertz shares are listed, didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment. The NYSE has moved to delist the shares, but they continue to trade pending an appeal by Hertz. The Securities and Exchange Commission, which regulates the U.S. stock market, declined to comment.
Billionaire Carl Icahn sold his entire stake in Hertz at roughly 72 cents a share, days after it filed for bankruptcy. A steady stream of directors and executives also have been selling Hertz stock since the chapter 11 filing on May 22, at prices ranging from about $1 to roughly $5.
The Hertz case is pretty messed up and should be illegal.
As for reparations, they should be paid from descendants of slave owners and only paid to those families with direct lineage to slaves.
As for social programs, most need the same reforms that our PDs do.
In other news, my BILs union does not want people to return to work. I’m sure the teacher’s union will demand the same thing. The private sector? Get on the train suckas! You got to pay the bills for the teachers who are working 3 hours a day from home.
You guys are full of bull. Seattle is no different then the nitwits with AR-15 going into the State Houses in the red states or wearing their guns as the BLM crowd marches by.
Both Seattle and the red state Nitwits are free to do their performances in their respective ideological zones. Nitwits with guns in red states and Marchers in blue states.
That CEO speaking about WFH and showing how it shows who produces and who does not. I personally look forward to shaming any company that lays anyone off, if the only reason was lack of production during a lockdown.
I had the best year of my career last year. My production this year is going to be down at least 25%. Still profitable and not really worried, but I couldnt live with myself if I laid off a guy that didn’t do well in 2020. Who knows what the home life situation is for any individual employee. Do they have multiple kids? Special needs? Did a wife or family member contract COVID?
You force people to work along side their family and produce at the same rate as during normal times?
If/when I interview again, I will be asking how many, if any, employees were let go during the 1st half of 2020.
The son of Basketball Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was arrested in Orange County, California earlier this week after allegedly stabbing a neighbor multiple times, it has been revealed. Adam Abdul-Jabbar (near left, right), 28, was arrested and booked on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon on Wednesday and subsequently released, according to Orange County Jail booking information obtained by the Daily Mail. TMZ was the first to report the arrest. The victim was hospitalized ‘with multiple non-life-threatening injuries,’ a police spokesperson told TMZ. On his booking slip, Adam Abdul-Jabbar is listed as a 6-foot-7, 180-pound Gamestop employee. Police told TMZ that the officers responded to a call in San Clement on June 9 around 10pm local time. ‘The suspect, who is the neighbor of the victim, was arrested without incident,’ a police spokesperson told TMZ. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (far left), 73, has not issued a statement on the arrest.
Joyce, respectfully disagree on unmitigated failure. I mean surely there’s waste, fraud, and band-aid solutions that don’t address structural conditions.
I found a really balanced centrist news source (actually, it’s one Jewish guy) who puts out a free 10-minute newsletter on current events from Monday – Thursday. I can’t tell you how many times this guys opinion matches mine. It’s like he’s reading some of my posts and copying them. He even made the same Hitler statue comparison I did. You can also pay him and get more, but the ten-minute report is really excellent and his take on everything is truly balanced. Joyce. You would love him.
AR15 carrying Boomer Locust showing their “packages” trying to intimidate others in their turf. Try that bs in blue state and that would be bodies. This is your typical red state boomer locust
Blue City/State resident occupying their space, where they work, live, pay taxes and they demand services their way based on those taxes they pay and those votes they cast. So they can have it their way. In fact – a red stater might call it “States Rights”.
This whole Seattle thing is blown out of proportion.
Personally, I think it’s great. Who/what does it threaten exactly besides the right’s sensibilities. Have you ever been to Seattle? It’s like New Brunswick with a ton of drug addicts. It’s got the demographics of Princeton University. Heck, you don’t even have to pay to ride transit in downtown Seattle. The only way this ends violently is if Starbuck’s threatens to close.
Nooo not my Gold Club membership!!! Nooo now I have to wait in line with the comorbid covid19 Kathys and Kens!!
Seriously I am or maybe flying out for July 4th week. Call me crazy for risking infection and an intubated death but I need to get the F-OUT of HERE before I lose it completely.
Reminds me of Ludlow Street in NYC back in the day on pretty much any given night in the summer. Used to go into Max Fish run the pool table for a few hours until the patchouli and smell of stank at 5 am made me go home and vomit. Then it was off to my day job…
Imagine if those ar 15 carrying right wingers took over a part of Dallas and made it their own country.. I’m sure it would be a major problem, right?
Well those anarchists are carrying ar 15’s and just took over a part of Seattle. I’m glad you see this as harmless. Wait till it happens in your neighborhood, then it will matter, correct?
Dink?? Did you get a chance to see the link below, referencing the unprecedented numbers of minorities (and veterans) that have filed to run for congress under the GOP banner?
I am re-posting in the hopes that you and anyone else that thinks the all we need to solve the race issues is more Democrat elected officials in control, sees that the answer is staring us in the face. There are minorities that want to make a difference, don’t write them off b/c they are under the GOP flag.
Dink – I worry my source may be too “right wing conspiracy” for you.
From the NYT, excerpt since I know you won’t read the article:.
In 421 districts across the nation, nearly 250 veterans and over 180 minorities have filed to run as Republicans, according to the House Republican campaign arm’s internal tracking, as well as a record number of women.
Starbucks is sending out 250,000 BLM themed t-shirts to its employees to wear to work, not mandatory, but let’s say it won’t help your hours if you know what I mean…
Perhaps they should stop giving the PoPo free Coffee which started back on March 25th?
Stopping the free coffee would be more “Performative” for three of the four below.
Performative Allyship –<—Check!
Performative Christianity <—not this one
Performative Activism <—Check!
Performative Protest <—Check!
This is what BLM believes:
Four years ago, what is now known as the Black Lives Matter Global Network began to organize. It started out as a chapter-based, member-led organization whose mission was to build local power and to intervene when violence was inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.
In the years since, we’ve committed to struggling together and to imagining and creating a world free of anti-Blackness, where every Black person has the social, economic, and political power to thrive.
Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism. Our intention from the very beginning was to connect Black people from all over the world who have a shared desire for justice to act together in their communities. The impetus for that commitment was, and still is, the rampant and deliberate violence inflicted on us by the state.
Enraged by the death of Trayvon Martin and the subsequent acquittal of his killer, George Zimmerman, and inspired by the 31-day takeover of the Florida State Capitol by POWER U and the Dream Defenders, we took to the streets. A year later, we set out together on the Black Lives Matter Freedom Ride to Ferguson, in search of justice for Mike Brown and all of those who have been torn apart by state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism. Forever changed, we returned home and began building the infrastructure for the Black Lives Matter Global Network, which, even in its infancy, has become a political home for many.
Ferguson helped to catalyze a movement to which we’ve all helped give life. Organizers who call this network home have ousted anti-Black politicians, won critical legislation to benefit Black lives, and changed the terms of the debate on Blackness around the world. Through movement and relationship building, we have also helped catalyze other movements and shifted culture with an eye toward the dangerous impacts of anti-Blackness.
These are the results of our collective efforts.
The Black Lives Matter Global Network is as powerful as it is because of our membership, our partners, our supporters, our staff, and you. Our continued commitment to liberation for all Black people means we are continuing the work of our ancestors and fighting for our collective freedom because it is our duty.
Every day, we recommit to healing ourselves and each other, and to co-creating alongside comrades, allies, and family a culture where each person feels seen, heard, and supported.
We acknowledge, respect, and celebrate differences and commonalities.
We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.
We intentionally build and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting.
We are unapologetically Black in our positioning. In affirming that Black Lives Matter, we need not qualify our position. To love and desire freedom and justice for ourselves is a prerequisite for wanting the same for others.
We see ourselves as part of the global Black family, and we are aware of the different ways we are impacted or privileged as Black people who exist in different parts of the world.
We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location.
We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead.
We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.
We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.
We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.
We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).
We cultivate an intergenerational and communal network free from ageism. We believe that all people, regardless of age, show up with the capacity to lead and learn.
We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.
That CEO will learn the hard way with what happens when a company tries to pay talented individuals low wages. If he implements this, his company has no future. He just put the gun to its head. But hey, he will make some quick cash in the short term…
If he thinks people are going to waste their time managing white collar workers for 75,000, he must be smoking some good weed.
I checked out the Safari, self guided, may do with kid. Thanks. Right there atop the page is the following disclaimer. We’re going to be seeing a lot of these:
” Exposure to COVID-19 is an inherent risk in any public location where people are present; we cannot guarantee you will not be exposed during your visit. The CDC advises that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from Coronavirus. Guests should evaluate their own risk in determining whether to attend. People who show no symptoms can spread Coronavirus if they are infected, any interaction with the general public poses an elevated risk of being exposed to Coronavirus. By coming to the park, you acknowledge and agree that you assume these inherent risks associated with attendance.”
Movement is masked in feel good rhetoric claiming to help black lives, when it’s really a political power grab employing brainwashing victim mentality to get power.
That is the absolute worst thing you can do to someone. Make them think they are a helpless victim. That their life is not good due to someone else holding them back. Now every set back in this individual’s life will be approached with excuses. (For example, white racism is why I can’t read on grade level…,just lying to yourself and making excuses)
That’s what I’m trying to teach my daughter. Life is not fair, but hard work overcomes it. Work hard and learn from your mistakes. Don’t make excuses or play the blame game, because it’s a waste of time and energy. And time is the most valuable thing, you don’t have much time on this planet. So don’t waste it on a pity party.
Michael: [Goes over to Pam and Stanley] Oh! This is a good one!
Pam: [To Stanley, who has been assigned “Black” as his race] Hi, how are you?
Stanley: [To Pam, who has been assigned “Jewish” as her race] I’m fine, how are you?
Pam: Great… Umm…
Stanley: I admire your cultural success in America.
Pam: Thank you.
Michael: Come on, Olympics of suffering right here – Slavery vs. The Holocaust, come on!
Stanley: [Removes his card] Who am I supposed to be? [Finds out his card says “Black”].
Michael: That was inadvertent, we didn’t actually plan that.
Dwight: [Having been assigned “Asian” as his race] Lots of cultures eat rice. That doesn’t help me. [Goes over to Pam] Shalom! I would like to apply for a loan.
Pam: That’s nice, Dwight.
Dwight: OK, do me. Something stereotypical so I can get it really quick.
Michael: Pam, come on. “I like your food?” Come on, stir the pot, stir the melting pot, Pam! Let’s do it, let’s get ugly, let’s get real!
Pam: OK, if I have to do this, based on stereotypes that are totally untrue, that I do not agree with, you would maybe not be a very good driver.
Dwight: Oh man! Am I a woman?!
Kevin: [To Angela, who has been assigned with “Jamaican”; He himself has been assigned with “Italian”] Hey.
Angela: Hey.
Kevin: You wanna go to the beach?
Angela: Sure.
Kevin: You wanna get high?
Angela: No.
Kevin: I think you do, mon.
Angela: Stop…
Michael: [Voice raised, Indian accent] Kelly, how are you?
Kelly: I just had the longest meeting.
Michael: Oh! Welcome to my convenience store. Would you like some googi googi? I have some very delicious googi, googi, only 99 cents plus tax. Try my googi, googi. [Lowering voice] Try my googi, googi. [High-pitched voice] Try my googi, googi. Try my… [slap!]
Michael: [Trying not to cry] All right! All right! Yes! That was great, she gets it! Now she knows what it’s like to be a minority.
I guess the wheels really are coming off the bus. A section of a major city has been taken over, and if some news reports are to be believed businesses are being asked to donate money, and this is not an issue?? Millions are out of work Covid is still here, the Fed is ruining out of options and the list goes on! I hope old Joe is up to the job!!
I have Dominican and Chinese friends, and they are the most conservative people I knows, on every topic. And they have no problem airing their views on FB.
Joe will be sleeping on the job. The Dems instead of pulling the folder of “What worked was..”, they are going to pull the folder of “Obama 3.0…” By 2024, if we are not split up with most of the Northeast and Pacific West part of Canada, New Rhodesia with concentration camp mass slaughter in the south, Mexico’s either Army or Drug Lords retaking the South West and no one will take the Central/Midwest states as they s$ck so much no ones wants them.
What works,k break up – Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Bank, Big Agriculture, Big Insurance, Big Airlines, Medicare For All, and prosecute White Collar Crimes.
“We didn’t wake up one day and put our finger in the air and make some gut decision as to which, what’s the order of events. This is premeditated. This is systematic. There is a method to this, and there is a public health underlying reason to all of this.”
Insert Hamlet line about protesting too much.
He’s been saying that forever while refusing to answer any questions about metrics, future schedule… while firing and investigating people who leaked information. He’s committed to transparency while simultaneously saying:
“People leaking things and giving the outside world some sense of how the sausage is made, as it were, you know, I’ve got no time for that and that’s got to stop. The fact of the matter is Judy, and I and (State Police Col.) Pat (Callahan) are up here literally every day,” Murphy said.
They’re up there everyday not answering questions and denying OPRA requests.
Mexico has enough problems running what they have, without adding more territory. And Texas would never go for that. As for Canada the Pacific Northwest is even too liberal for them. California would want to be independent, but good look getting water from Nevada. New England states will also become independent, as well as upstate New York State. North Jersey will be absorbed by rump NY state, which includes NYC.
Pennsylvania will take the rest of NJ from Monmouth Co down.
On reparations, sure allow descendants of slaves to go after descendants of slave owners. As for the rest of us, why should we pay for something we not party to, even at the time the vast majority of Americans did not own slaves even in the south. Given the number of immigrants this country has had you’d be hard pressed to find many descendants of slave owners. Furthermore as there was no income tax literally no funds from slavery went into the public coffer. So this is purely money that went into the pockets of slave owners.
Also considering the economic scenario at the time the delta between the costs of keeping slaves and paying laborers was not hugely different. Laborers were basically paid a sustenance wage. Point being the value of the slave labor is always massively overvalued in any proposed reparations scheme.
Again look at the data. Paradoxically as opportunity became available and as racism waned all data points begin to trend negatively(rates of incarceration jumped, wealth decreased, etc). Why do we think randomly distributing money will suddenly make things better, is going to improve lives, race relations? I’m thinking not.
Pumps unfortunately that is the reality, these companies will put the screws to us and get away with it. The only thing that can stop them is a strong job market….with covid that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. I know people who had their salaries reduces.
I just watched the Bruce Lee documentary. Guy came to the US with $100 in his pocket. Overcomes racial barriers to turn himself into an international star. And it wasn’t luck. It was determination.
By labeling protesters “terrorists” FOX News, white cops, Franklin Graham, Trump, Republican senators, the US Military, Tom Cotton, and white evangelical voters are busy erasing the difference between Americans peaceably exercising their constitutional right to protest and Islamic extremists placing roadside explosives. Why? Because the agenda of the right is now to induce the US Military to massacre protesters as a Trump “show of strength.” Why? To “energize” Trump’s white evangelical base, turn out the vote and keep him in power.
Fab: Typical, but it’s what you do. Big difference between Bundy and occupying a portion of a major city. Another arrogant old bastard, and you are a pompous one too.
Both extremists? Check. Both racists? Check. Both violent? Check.
“California sandwich shop closed after owner likens Black Lives Matter to KKK, stresses he doesn’t support BLM”
“Since the fallout, Mann said in an interview with ABC10 that he defends his statements, claiming he does not allow politics in his shop — and insisted he would not allow a MAGA hat in his store, either. However, he does reportedly regret sending the email.”
The whole world turning to chaos and anger. It’s just amazing that it only focuses on white racism. It’s like this whole movement is being carried out by Russia and China. Using social media to Inflame racism and division in Western powers. Wtf is going on?!
“The killing of George Floyd has resonated in Europe, drawing thousands of demonstrators into the streets of cities like Paris, London and Berlin. Statues of colonizers and slave traders have been pulled down or defaced.
The message has been one of solidarity with protesters in the United States — but also a call to look at racism at home.”
Range ventilation is pretty high tech. In terms of indoor spaces, a gun range has probably the best indoor ventilation you’ll find outside a laboratory.
Maybe not a crazy conspiracy theory. Article is from 2018..
“The report details how black Americans were among the most exploited online communities by the IRA, cataloging how the Russian firm developed an “expansive cross-platform media mirage” that specifically targeted black people by leveraging popular social media sites. The campaign was “designed to exploit societal fractures” and “erode our trust in media entities and the information environment, in government, in each other, and in democracy itself,” the report states. “This campaign pursued all of those objectives with innovative skill, scope, and precision.
The 100-page report is based on data sets provided to the Senate by Facebook, Twitter, and Alphabet, comprising tens of thousands of posts between 2015 and 2017. In addition to social media sites, the IRA’s vast and varied disinformation campaign played out across issue-specific domains that they bought such as,, and—“a complex effort” to manipulate public opinion with the intention of siphoning votes from Hillary Clinton to help elect Donald Trump. The black community, often a reliably strong voting bloc for Democrats, was a substantial target.
The IRA went about instigating mistrust in law enforcement and political institutions, while cultivating seemingly authentic narratives of black pride.
Spread among Facebook pages, Instagram accounts, Twitter accounts, and YouTube channels, the IRA’s tactics ranged from ad targeting, meme warfare, video manipulation, and the creation of sham account profiles. As my WIRED colleagues point out, much of this content was designed to encourage a lack of faith among black Americans in democratic institutions and decelerate black turnout for Clinton. “As the election became imminent,” the New Knowledge report says, “those themes were then tied into several varieties of voter suppression narratives: don’t vote, stay home, this country is not for Black people, these candidates don’t care about Black people.” (A second report, also produced for the Senate, by Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project and Graphika comes to similar conclusions about the IRA’s work, according to the Washington Post.)”
“The IRA went about instigating mistrust in law enforcement and political institutions, while cultivating seemingly authentic narratives of black pride.”
Speaking of ventilators, how did you make out with the Wuhan Wheeze?
grim says:
June 13, 2020 at 8:33 am
Range ventilation is pretty high tech. In terms of indoor spaces, a gun range has probably the best indoor ventilation you’ll find outside a laboratory.
Turn off all utilities and see how long that utopia lasts.
Ironic the first thing they did was set up walls and now have segregated gardens. What’s next, everyone having to wear the symbol of their religion on all of their clothes?
And what is a plant ally? Does that mean vegetarian? Odd since vegetarians would be eating something they are the ally of.
Beer- I think it’s great. The young people don’t want to be in lockdown anymore and they found a way out via protest. They know their chances of death from covid19 are low, they want to sing, dance and be young. If I was a young 20 something again I would be right there with them if I was just forced to sit home for nearly 4 months.
I mean it when I say it watch #CHAZ at night when the really left/right crazies are off twitter, some really entertaining stuff, it won’t last too long as well we all eventually move on in our lives.
As I mentioned Asbury should send a bug FU to the governor and go all in on protest. Setup an Autonomous Zone that accepts everyone as long as well they pay admission. That town will not survive without the summer business. It’s all going to hell for the restaurants and entertainment venues.
NYPD has backed off too the protesters are still at it but it has become more of a party & festival and a way to escape lock-down at night and socialize.
“Because the agenda of the right is now to induce the US Military to massacre protesters as a Trump “show of strength.” Why? To “energize” Trump’s white evangelical base, turn out the vote and keep him in power.”
Fabs, dude…..
I understand we all have our personal echo chambers but seriously?
If your political hangouts were sexual proclivities they would be banned in 49 states and Guam.
Left: I was shocked when I read his comment. If he believes this and he is supposed to be an educated man how many others believe this. The leftists are going to push
Many moderates/centrists to the right.
All remember this, the russkies (8ssh8l8s), china (p8ss8s) and the towel heads (camel h8mpers) want us down because for better or worse we are the moral vanguard (d!cks). Best said by the geniuses of South Park here
Wife talked to the owner of the Habit Burger and Grille by us today. He said indoor dining is slated to start the 22nd, just 1 week after outdoor dining is “legalized”. He won’t even bother with anything outdoor because he said the amount of prep and hoops he would have to jump through to meet the regulation is not worth it for the 4 tables if they are allowed indoor with the same regulations a week later.
Murphy and his team are like a band of clueless administrators who are just trying to make things up on the fly…meanwhile, they had 3 months to prepare. Common sense does not exist anymore with respect to any policies. Even progressive Asbury Park is fed up with it.
He also said, regularly, they have 30k in sales per week at this time. He’s currently at 18k.
Joyce: True. But there was not the madness that there is now. I don’t recall anyone saying the military would be called out to shoot Americans. The US military is not the Chinese, Russian, or British army that shoots civilians.
As for Obama many people myself included enthusiastically voted for Obama, fell for the whole hope and change thing, which sadly turned out to be more of the same.
As for Obama many people myself included enthusiastically voted for Obama, fell for the whole hope and change thing, which sadly turned out to be more of the same.
You sure you grew up in the Bronx? You didn’t see this shyster and scam artist a mile away?
Fast: Yes I grew up in the Bronx. And yeah I voted for Obama, after 8 years of the disaster of Bush and his I will show Daddy Iraq war, I voted for Obama. I have been an independent and centrist. Not that it matters anymore. The lunatics on the left and right along with the bought and paid for politicians are destroying this country.
2:37! I feel a lot better about surviving another 4 years of liberal rule than four more years of Trump’s dangerous empty rhetorical and preening idiocy .
Yay we get a Billion dollar bridge that should cost allot less…
“Shortly after dining with Gov. Phil Murphy at his Bedminster golf club, President Donald Trump announced late Friday night he has “given authorization to proceed” on replacing the 110-year-old Portal Bridge, a long-sought and long-stalled New Jersey rail project.”
After dining with Murphy, Trump announces key N.J. rail project can move ahead
Just agree with Trump that he is the best president ever, and you get free stuff. He’s vain and gullible that way.. It worked for Kim Jong Un, and it worked for Murphy. Kind of like how Christie hugged and kissed Obama to get hurricane money.
Rioting, looting, destroying monuments of the Confederacy, Columbus, Lincoln, etc… so that means any monument and protest is fair game, right? If we’re going to go all Orwellian, then monuments to civil rights leaders and a clean slate on the playing field of life is all fair, yes? I mean, it’s all about equality, so let the games begin!
Why should it be ok to display statues of those who fought to protect slavery? How would you feel about that as a black American? Just the fact that these statues were erected to begin with is testimony to the racist nature of American society.
Last week, when this Jew saw a store in Santa Monica with a sign reading “black-owned business” so as to avoid being destroyed, it evoked chilling memories.
That’s how bad it is in America today.
So, 30 year, would it be ok for me to deface a statue of Chester A. Arthur?
Did I advocate defacing anything?
Ok fine, is it even ok to display a statue of Chester A Arthur?
My opinion is all these controversial statues belong in museums with explanations of both the positive and negative associations with the subject.
Fast You can’t have these confederate statues and state flags. Many of these were built in the 1920s, during the KKK activity, well after the civil war.
It’s offensive. If I were a Black American I would have a problem with then too.
They defaced Ghandi’s statue too. I blame the paint manufacturers.
I side with 30 yr on this – Their is value in the documentation of historical atrocities and wrongs. But they don’t need to be put on equal display with those historical figures that were a positive influence on humanity.
Right now, slave labor is being used to make most of your products. Talk about a bunch of hypocrites. Act like they are so against slavery, but have no problem buying the cheaper product made by children in India. What do you think a lot of Chinese workers are…slaves. But it’s okay, you like your cheap products, Walmart says so. Now go complain about slavery from a 150 years ago instead of the slavery happening today. Hypocrites. Boycott southern history, but won’t boycott modern slavery….because you benefit.
They are still a part of American history. They are not bad people, they were alive in a different era. At the end of the day, they are still Americans and played a vital role in our history. Trying to erase them from our history is not only wrong, but it’s childish.
What did General Lee do that he should be erased? Support his state and fought to defend it? He was the best general in American history and he was close to leading the union in the Civil War (Lincoln tried hard to recruit him and almost did). Back then, people were more loyal to their state than the country. So you are going to erase this guy from history for defending and remaining loyal to his state? He didn’t choose slavery, he chose defending his state from what was perceived as tyranny. Is that not noble?
Leave slavery and racism out of it, the guy honorably surrendered and did what he was supposed to do. If you can’t accept that, you should leave the country. Lee is just as much a part of our history as Lincoln. Putting up a statue of Lee is not honoring racism or slavery, it’s honoring a good man that was our greatest general. He was probably one of the most honorable Americans to ever live. Had he betrayed his state and joined the Union, we would most likely be celebrating him as one of the greatest American to ever live.
If we are going to treat the losing south like this, erasing their history, and calling them evil; why didn’t we just let them go their separate ways? Why did we force them back into our country? If you hate what they stood for, why bring them back into our country?
“If we are going to treat the losing south like this, erasing their history, and calling them evil; why didn’t we just let them go their separate ways? Why did we force them back into our country? If you hate what they stood for, why bring them back into our country”
But how can you possibly leave slavery and racism out of it? You’re sounding a lot like an immature Holden Caulfield right now.
Folks we are back to Covid19 get with the program.
Lock-down prevented 60 million infections in the USA, or about 3 million deaths.
And it’s still out there! No Cure, No Vaccine, only a ventilator waiting for you if you don’t follow the protocols.
We are doomed! Doom is back on!
How can you support and ignore slavery today, while continuing to whine about slavery that ended long ago?
There is a Gandhi statute in the news. This one in Davis California.
Google it since I cannot post the link.
According to the stylized hieroglyph painted in red it seems the message from the protesters is Ghandi was a di*ckhead.
You know what a lot of people in the north leave out in their comparison to the south…HOA fees.
This was the easiest market top call I have experienced. When I saw the barstool sports ceo ranting about how he is better at this game than buffet, knew a market top was in.
Day traders market till most of the day traders lose all their money.
That’s funny, they vandalized a Gandhi statue? How ignorant can you be? Imagine these people having their way and taking over our govt? Imagine being governed by this nonsense.
People must be desperate for work these days as there is a white college age kid cutting my lawn this morning.
If I was to vandalize a Gandhi statue, I would paint a red dot on his forehead.
Paw Patrol should have been taken off of the air years ago for it was little more than a 30 minute toy advert. Though they were spot on with the Mayor. What an idiot.
Working with several undergrads who are kids of clients.
They had jobs lined up that evaporated. Now they have nothing.
Lib, it’s a kid show. It’s harmless.
“Folks we are back to Covid19 get with the program.
Lock-down prevented 60 million infections in the USA, or about 3 million deaths.”
Yeah, my co-worker just came back to work after getting blasted with it. Judging by what she said, and I know her well, it drained her battery to almost zero-and she is in good shape. This one is not big on drama either, and it scared the hell out of her.
If this thing wants you…….
Asbury Park city council voted to reopen indoor dining trying time save downtown, as it will die again perhaps for another 30 years, will the governor send in the State Police?
…will the governor send in the State Police?
If they have multiple tats, pink hair and start protesting, enforcement will kindly step aside. Throw in an LBGTQIA label and they may hand you a loaded debit card with ample, walking around money, too.
Tucker Carlson might be looking for walking around money soon too.
Defund the Paw Patrol. Euthanize Chase. Recall Mayor Chickoletta.
F-ck the South.
“My opinion is all these controversial statues …”
My belief is your controversy. Your belief is my controversy.
See the problem yet?
“…[there] is value in the documentation of historical atrocities…they don’t need to be put on equal display with those historical figures that were a positive influence on humanity.”
My positive influence is your atrocity. Your positive influence is my atrocity.
See the problem yet?
So for my Intex pool, which has already been in use for a week, I needed to pull an electric, plumbing and building permit. Everybody gets a piece. Want to know how really stupid it is? The only reason I need a plumbing permit, is to ensure I put a check valve on the hose when I fill it. I said, what if I keep the hose above the waterline when filling it? He said I still need it according to code. The building permit, is required because you need it for the plumbing permit. The electrical permit, is to ensure you have a GFCI outlet in place. Of course, the plug on the dinky pump/filter already has one, so now it trips every time you turn it off. At least I didn’t have to ground the pool. By the way. It completely kicks butt, until it collapses.
LBGTQIA ? Where is the”+” you privileged fcuking?
Libturd says:
June 11, 2020 at 11:49 am
So for my Intex pool, which has already been in use for a week, I needed to pull an electric, plumbing and building permit. Everybody gets a piece. Want to know how really stupid it is? The only reason I need a plumbing permit, is to ensure I put a check valve on the hose when I fill it. I said, what if I keep the hose above the waterline when filling it? He said I still need it according to code. The building permit, is required because you need it for the plumbing permit. The electrical permit, is to ensure you have a GFCI outlet in place. Of course, the plug on the dinky pump/filter already has one, so now it trips every time you turn it off.
The South lost. Those statues were erected to fcuk with black people. Would you be cool with a Hillary Rodham Clinton statue in DC? Well, besides the excessive material cost needed to sculpt the cankles? How about a Hitler statue in Germany? Timothy McVeigh in Oklahoma City? Or better yet, let’s gift a statue of Truman to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
“Want to know how really stupid it is?”
Not stupid on their part. They have an easy 7-3 career with a pension.
Let’s just say, I’m not pulling any more permits ever again.
What’s with the market today? This can’t all be the FED meeting.
Lib- you pulled permits? Hahahahahahaha, you will be taking it down in about 90 days right after Labor day. Tell them you are only putting 23 inches of water in it. The law says more than two feet requires a permit.
Trump spikes the ball on the recovery.
FED provides realistic guidance.
Market crashes (again).
F-ck Trump.
mOrE bIBlE pIcTuReS
Confederate monuments are one thing, maybe we shouldn’t have them. We definitely should not be flying the confederate flag. That being said we constantly view history through a 21st lens. It is important we keep monuments to figures who greatly impacted our history.
On Columbus, we don’t even know the truth. It was the 15th century, what people did was very different and we would find the behavior of most people to be abhorrent. Additionally most people do not realize the history, Columbus was defamed by the crown when they tried renege on the agreement. You see the crown never expected him to return let alone find a new world. Scientific advisors to the Catholic Monarchs knew the size of the earth, that it was round but thought it to be an impossibly long distance to travel, the running assumption was he would run out of food and water in the middle of the ocean. There was a campaign to defame Columbus when they tried to abrogate the original agreement that gave him 10% of the profits. We simply do not know what happened nor do we have objective reports from the time. What we do know is Columbus changed the world which was remarkable for an uneducated, non-noble person at the time. Colonial governors in general did horrible things to the natives. I for one think we can celebrate Columbus while also acknowledging he caused the natives a lot of pain and suffering. It’s not an either or we can and should revisit our history to try to understand what happened.
Even Robert E. Lee was not pro-slavery, again we need to look at the view points of the time. People do not view things through a 19th century lens. Life was much more difficult, brutality was something that touched all folks at that time. Revising history to fit the narrative of today isn’t the right thing to do. At the time the prevailing thought by most people of the day in the south was that Slaves were better off as slaves in US than they were as free men in Africa. Which to some extent might have been true. As flawed as a country we were and are we still are a beacon in the world.
One needs to remember and should let the BLM crowd know that the White European didn’t invent slavery. One needs to remember that free blacks introduced African slaves to the British North American colonies. As an institution slavery in the colonial era came from the muslim world via the Portuguese. Slavery continued to exist within Africa and saying it was somehow different isn’t really credible. It was every bit as brutal, dehumanizing and wrong in Africa/the ME as it was in Europe or the Americas. It was European sensibilities and the ideas around liberty(the same that founded our country and freed Europe from monarchies) that brought about an end to slavery. Slavery continued to exist in Africa and the Muslim world for quite some time. The wrongs and inhumanities transcend race and have been committed by everyone, people are sh*tty, as long as we understand that we know what to expect, laws are the solution. The modern narrative that the white man committed all of these evils is unwarranted. Yes white people in the past, present and future have committed heinous acts but so have people of every race. We need to focus on unity, honest conversations and a path to a better future not looking to the past and dwelling on how we got here but how we can move forward in a more fair and equitable society.
Lib Fed meeting and their grim outlook for economy and the rise in Covid, spreading in other states. It’s not over.
We had a black man as president, the highest office in America. Shouldn’t he be a role model? He came from a broken family, lived in various parts of the world with grandparents at times, away from his Mom, his grandfather barely gave him recognition and despite it all, became the President of the United States. So where are the boundaries if you have the desire to achieve? You wanna protest? Okay fine. And then you’re going to go study and go to work, right?
BTW my red neck hot tub is salt water too. I drain and refill it from my pool every two weeks or so with a hose attachment to my filter return lines. It’s a toasty 104 degrees right now, and yes I do take the occasional conference call from it, video off for sure, nobody needs to see my oasis, they might get ideas about coming over.
NY Police Union Boss Rages: ‘Stop Treating Us Like Animals and Thugs, and Start Treating Us With Respect!’
Most of the articles only had a short 30 second version of this speech; this one has the full 3 minutes. Conclusion… bunch of hypocritical babies.
He says 375 million police interactions with the public, with overwhelming positive responses. I wonder if the average person would agree with that. His definition of positive must mean the ‘citizen’ doesn’t die. He then says nobody talks about how many police officers were killed last week … does he not realize that while people dying in police interactions is rare given the total number of interactions (~1,000), the number of cops killed is microscopic (89 in 2019… 41 of which were accidents). Hell, wearing a seat belt might have saved 7% of these unfortunate deaths. And, PLENTY of people talk about when a police officer dies. It’s the usually playbook by cops/unions, campaigning and lobbying to make their job sound more dangerous. OMG, people are ambushing us non-stop!!! It might have happened twice all year.
3B – Mnuchin says another Trillion or so for the bonfire coming.
How dy’a think a statue to Adolf Hitler would go over in Tel Aviv?
Okay, couple more comments…
I’m happy he said we condemn the officer’s actions in Minneapolis; he then said “it’s not what we do.” I guess he forgot about Eric Garner (yes, different facts but still).
I like their putting the one black person in front… but someone needs to teach him to not only put him in front by in view of the camera (you don’t see him until the very end).
If they don’t like the spotlight, maybe they should change their behavior. Or better yet, quit like the 50 something cops in Buffalo did.
LOL, they didn’t even resign – just refuse tactical duty assignments. Real heroes. How many people on this board can refuse work assignments and not lose their job?
“Buffalo’s police union webpage read: “These guys did nothing but do what they were ordered to do. This is disgusting !!!”
I can’t understand how people continue to routinely use that phrase (just following orders) as a defense. I wonder what’s the disgusting part… the public reaction or the babies refusing to work?
The babies should be held responsible as well as the ones giving the orders – talking about criminal justice reform in it’s entirety. Not any specific incident.
Bible warns about idol worship, and worse worshippers that is good enough for me.
Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God.
Camden will be the new model for defunding.
12:07 an excellent role model POTUS followed by an unhinged imbecile.
So why are they destroying their neighborhoods instead of studying?
Juice Another trillion maybe 2, it’s only paper!! Apparently the tax filing date is going to be extended too, September or possibly December. It’s apparently being discussed again.
12:30 Uh. No jobs? Limited opportunity? Lots of time ?
Lots of anger watching the police kill their families.
Policing will be forced to change. This is it buddy.
Inflection point.
12:30 no one rioted under Obama’s tenure.
12:30 maybe they are studying?
The more you know about US History, the less you like the place.
Ex That could be said for a lot of countries, good and bad in all. If it’s such an awful place why do millions still want to come here?
re: 12:36 – Lay off the bong already.
Freddie Gray even CNN calls them riots.
Would African Americans be better off in Africa? Nope, but keep dwelling on slavery in America that ended a 150 years ago. Go help these people, you hypocrites. You got your freedom, and even became president. Go help the people that really need it..
“In 2017, the International Labour Office estimated that 7∶1,000 people in Africa are victims of slavery.[5]”
12:30 Uh. No jobs? Limited opportunity? Lots of time ?
Lots of anger watching the police kill their families.
Policing will be forced to change. This is it buddy.
Inflection point.
You’re too intelligent to post something like this. I’m surprised you hit “enter” and left yourself so vulnerable. No riots under Oblama? Was Baltimore a mirage?
So Pumps is now posting as a racist named Hypocrites?
12:40 hE iNsUlTed mAh cOuNtRy.
Four years ago:
12:50 I’m not saying I’m for/against.
I’m trying to empAtHiZe.
Juice the whole permit thing is such a racket. My house had some termite damage when I bought it. So I hired a contractor, he of course pulls a permit, it was structural damage, the headers holding up the floor in my great room. They come in place a bunch of jacks, remove the header, replace it, lag together some 2×12, lag those into the concrete, cut the floor joists and connect them using simpson brackets. Simple all done repair is good, arguably stronger than the original 1920’s setup certainly more pest resistant. Inspector comes, first thing the obese man complains about is that he can’t drive up to the house I have contractors working on the front of the house. Then he say ok where is it, goes down the stairs to basement asks me to point it out mind you we are 30 ft away, asks who did the work, I tell him and he oh Jimmy he knows what he’s doing it’s as good as it’s can be. Signs off. Worst thing about it was having to wait for an obese government employee to eyeball it so work could continue.
The permit process isn’t to ensure work is safe/done correctly. It is to drive fees, and ensure they can adjust property values for property taxes. The inspections are a joke, and I’ve seen a lot per permitted electrical and plumbing work that doesn’t meet code, yet has been signed off. The trades largely self police and building inspectors only really look closely when it is a home owner doing the work themselves. Permits should be reserved for larger work, and building and code compliance departments are downright terrible. The idea that these towns want permits for sheds and all of this little cr*p is just absurd. Outside of major renovation it is simply not needed. Even if you are redoing a kitchen as long as you aren’t moving anything it should not require a permit.
Lady Antebellum says it needs that name no more.
The country-pop trio — which won Record and Song of the Year Grammys for the 2009 smash “Need You Now” — have renounced the name that fans have known since Charles Kelley, Dave Haywood and Hillary Scott joined forces in 2006.
The trio broke down on Twitter just why — in the wake of George Floyd’s death in police custody and the Black Lives Matter movement that has intensified in its wake — it is changing its name.
As of Wednesday, call them Lady A. I guess that’s better than Lady Bugs!?
Thanks 3b for the confirmation on the markets. Just didn’t expect it all at once. I really do yearn for the calm melting up of the Obama economy.
I know the rules. It’s a 48″ by 18′ diameter round pool. It’s big enough to see from the street. I should have known better, but it’s fun arguing with the code enforcers until it’s not.
Everyone else. The cops need serious reform. What happens in Africa has nothing to do with what happens here. African American’s are still horribly mistreated in tons of aspects of their lives. Us white people better be careful as we are not that far away from being just another minority in this country. I have a lot of friends who are cops. I don’t blame them for the problems individually, but I do know their entire program is completely fukced up. They DO profile. They do use excessive force. They DO think they are all GI Joe or Jane.
You are mainly right. I read the codes before every project and do build by code just in case they do stop by. They almost never do. Just collecting a fee.
Ever have one come by for replacing a water heater? That’s $50 here, and I have never had a single one inspect.
Anytime a random poster comes on here saying something you don’t agree with, it’s automatically pushed on me by you and 3b.
And what exactly did this poster say that you are calling them a racist?
Why do you have to throw that word around without basis?
Libturd says:
June 11, 2020 at 12:58 pm
So Pumps is now posting as a racist named Hypocrites?
12:41 yOu cAlL tHaT a rIoT…??
Hold my beer.
As always good write up. Can really appreciate this one since it’s about history. You can’t apply 21st century culture mindset to human civilization from the 1500’s. These weren’t civilized people by today’s standards. Yet, simple minded folks do.
Libturd, you are correct in your “hypocrites” analysis. I don’t know what it is but after a sentence my brain auto tunes in pumpkins voice. There has to be a word that explains the phenomena.
How’s everyone’s utility bill from work at home? My was down 1% yoy , I have been slowly upgrading to LEDs. But figured 6 laptops running 8 hours a day would have increased it
Did Columbus change the world? He did not start colonialism. Human beings die driven by survival and greed. That’s what civilizations did back then, conquered others to better themselves. Look at what the Vikings did? Does it mean that they were bad or didn’t know any better? Conquer or be conquered was their way of life during that era.
Walking mine is up about 75.00 bucks, but saving 300.00 on commute. Plus dry cleaning.
Murphy continuing hypocrisy is reaching Trump-like levels. Contradicting himself day-to-day, sometimes one sentence to the next. But of course not as bombastic and psychopathic as Trump.
*human beings did, driven by survival and greed
Biden says Trump May have to be removed from office by military if he loses election. Way to go old Joe, with all that’s going on add more fuel to the fire!
1:34 he’ll have to get Trump to come out of his bunker first .
3b, I’m thinking the time period measured may be off on mine. Perhaps last year it was 35 days and this year it 30. I was happy to see it, but makes no sense. It was tough to judge the other months as March was estimated which screwed up April.
Walking I agree makes no sense. We are running 3 laptops, recently a/c too, so I expect it to go up more, but still a savings.
Essex, on Hitler there is no comparison. There is no lens to look through, there is no possible rational way to somewhat justify what happened. He invaded his neighbors and committed ethnic cleansing even by 1930’s standards it was horrifying. People are sh*tty and most of the citizens of Germany were complicit in this.
No one is building statues to Hitler, there was no merit in anything he did. Germans suffered immensly because of his actions. In the end Hitler was the loser he was in his youth, the mentally ill Private who later got hooked on Meth and proceeded to seduce a broken nation to follow him down the path to hell.
It is false equivalence as bad as some of the confederates were many of these men are recognized as flawed people of their time. Most of them were racists, again it was the standard of the day even the abolitionists largely were. Many were not really pro slavery and had it least some compassion for the plight of slaves. A small portion of southerns held most of and profited most from slavery. A large portion of the southern population did not like it and really did not want Africans or descendants of Africans in the US mind you in the US South 30% of the population was of African descent. A lot of the concern about the end of slavery was about what would happen in a post slavery south, what would happen to the economy, what would happen in society. There was fear of change, few were enthusiastic about Slavery.
3b there is no better place on earth to be a black male than the United States. There are more opportunities and an enviable standard of living by international standards. Slavery was wrong, discrimination was/is wrong, you won’t hear a debate from me on that. What you will hear from me about is the path forward to a post racial society. Dwelling on the historical injustices is not the key to moving forward. Should people know their history, yes, should we dwell on it no…..
Ex Whatever. Point is that kind of talk is irresponsible and not helpful. I will be glad to see Trump gone, but have zero confidence in old Joe, 49 years in politics!! Sounds like same old, same old. And the radical left is scary they will destroy this country/ and or a civil war.
Day 42…. Ex-President Trump is still in the bunker…. claiming the election was fixed by tHe bLaCkS….
He is the only person who copies and pastes from Wikipedia. He doesn’t even bother to try to remove the footnotes. I still don’t read his posts. Dude is a compulsive liar who needs real help for his mental disorder. It’s truly a shame he lacks any self awareness. He’s like a stain on the entire teaching profession. He’s like Wayne’s own Chauvin.
ExEssex – How do you reconcile the theory that “the blacks” as you say, are against Trump when there are far and away more black-conservatives running for the House this year than have ever been run by the DNC?
There are dozens of new black faces running as conservatives this cycle. Your projection does not match reality.
2:13 it was a joke douchébag.
The term “douchebag” generally refers to a male with a certain combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behavior, or outward presentation.
Though the common douchebag thinks he is accepted by the people around him, most of his peers dislike him. He has an inflated sense of self-worth, compounded by a lack of social grace and self-awareness. He behaves inappropriately in public, yet is completely ignorant to how pathetic he appears to others.
He often talks about how cool, successful, and popular he is, yet never catches on to the fact that he comes across as a total loser. Nevertheless, he firmly believes that he is the smartest, most desirable, and most charming person in the room… and will try to bad-rep anyone who would threaten to expose this facade.
He fancies himself a ladies’ man, yet tends to be a joke to all but the most naive of women. He tries to portray himself as part of the in-crowd (a fashionista, an upwardly mobile professional, the life of the party, etc.) but only succeeds in his own mind.
To everyone else, he is an annoying and arrogant phony who comes across as a wannabe overcompensating for his insecurities. He tries to appear like the center of whatever group will tolerate him, but in reality, he is just a tag-along who mooches drinks, women, contacts, social standing, and other benefits from the group… while contributing nothing.
“So Pumps is now posting as a racist named Hypocrites?”
Yup, and just reread his post at 8:51 and realize he teaches history in a low income district. What a piece of trash.
Ex – You are right, I am a douchebag. You nailed it.
Jcer We as a country have faults if people realized we were all being played we could affect real change. Instead people will breathe a sigh of relief when Trump is gone, and we will get back to the normal BS, which in large part got Trump elected. I have always maintained a lot of Trump voters would have voted for Sanders.
Don’t take my word for it! take our quiz:
Speaking of bad Presidents, dictator like how about that Woodrow Wilson!!
This pan:
Good guy and thick skin, but for some reason can’t help yourself from messing with me. If the name is not the Great Pumpkin, don’t associate the post with this name. Just leave me alone if you are a good guy.
Libturd, the Master Beta says:
June 11, 2020 at 2:07 pm
He is the only person who copies and pastes from Wikipedia. He doesn’t even bother to try to remove the footnotes. I still don’t read his posts. Dude is a compulsive liar who needs real help for his mental disorder. It’s truly a shame he lacks any self awareness. He’s like a stain on the entire teaching profession. He’s like Wayne’s own Chauvin.
2:40 just relax:
What is the Lib using another name to pick on me?
See how that works, lib?
Dink says:
June 11, 2020 at 2:21 pm
“So Pumps is now posting as a racist named Hypocrites?”
Yup, and just reread his post at 8:51 and realize he teaches history in a low income district. What a piece of trash.
I love the term douche bag! It was big when I was a teen, then seemed to die off and came back a few years ago.
I wouldn’t say pumps is trash. I think he’s misguided and prone to have his ear bent by populist nonsense. Fact is. What’s real if it’s real to you to is reason enough.
Oppression must end. Stupidity is oppression. You need to realize we’re all in this boat together.
I don’t have the patience to do what pumps does.
“How do you reconcile the theory that “the blacks” as you say, are against Trump when there are far and away more black-conservatives running for the House this year than have ever been run by the DNC”
You have a citation for this because it absolutely sounds like a made-up stat that probably originated from some right-wing propaganda site. But I guess it proves a point you want to make.
To answer your question, Trump is mainly correct about the negative role of welfare on the blacks. It’s one of the very few things he’s gotten right when it comes to relations with blacks. This is the basis of the platform of the black conservative. But black conservatives due not embrace their history nor see color. What they do do (I love putting those words together), is use their skin color to try to swing a few democrats to the right. This explains the increase in number. No bias here. Just saying it like it is. Like most out-of-touch conservatives, they are anti-gay marriage, pro-life and too bound by the Christian Church to be a leader in a country found on the first amendment.
Lib, no argument on “Criminal Justice” reform, I think we know mistakes are made and that profiling does exist. Now the counterpoint on profiling is that 6-7% of the population commits 50% the crime. It is no different than the Israeli’s profiling of Palestinians, when all terrorism is committed by one group, the people fitting the profile are subject to enhanced scrutiny. Also key to note about Israeli security and anti-terror actions, the racial profiling in Israel is actually effective.
As for African Americans being mistreated, at this point the civil rights movement has largely been a success, equal rights under the law is the norm not the exception. The mistreatment is mostly an inconvenience at this point, that doesn’t make it right but it does not even register on the list of problems impacting the modern black community. At this point it begins and ends with personal responsibility and doing the right things to succeed. Many problems are self inflicted or exacerbated by poor choices. White people engaging in the same behavior are often in the same boat.
We can talk about police brutality, but the statistics bear out that the narrative is false. Police are not a significant cause of black mortality. Any number of innocents who are harmed or killed is too many and should be addressed but as far as major problems go it is not the most impactful.
The police are doing a job that isn’t fun(I’m not talking about suburban cops, that is the easiest job around), I’m talking about Urban cops, they are paid peanuts and have to interact with the lowest people in society, they are put at risk and never know when some scum is going to shoot at them. Defunding the police is just a nasty statement, go tell that to the cops families who lost their lives in Jersey City during the siege, who saved the lives of children in the Yeshiva next to the grocery store. We are friendly with some people in the DA’s office in JC and some people on JC SWAT, they get shot at more than you’d think. The scum of the earth is out on the streets pushing Drugs on kids. What to hurt urban minorities and poor people, get rid of the fine folks keeping the streets safer for their children. Are there bad cops, yes but really who is signing up for a 40k a year job that is either insanely boring or one where people are shooting at you? Are some cops on a power trip, you bet, are most totally ignorant when it comes to the law, absolutely.
The key problems in the criminal justice system today can be traced to a few issues, one is lack of resources, criminal justice is not easy, proving something beyond a reasonable doubt is hard and on the job performance(for the prosecutors and the police force) is judged by criminals caught and successfully prosecuted. These are the metrics they want to look good, all too often they are willing to bend the law to make a case and to successfully prosecute people. The other issues can be tied to the unevenness of justice as you can see the state doesn’t pay, so your prosecutors, police, etc are not evenly matched to face off against highly paid attorney’s. The only people you have in government legal roles are either too incompetent/lazy to make big bucks in the private sector or are ideologically driven. Either way it is a problem.
Pumps, Columbus did change the world. It was because he was uneducated yet knew just enough to get himself into trouble. Most knowledgeable people of the day figured he’d make it a few thousand miles into the trip before starving in the middle of the ocean. The Spanish only green lighted it because it was a small amount of money and they though maybe he’d find an island or something, no one imagined a continent. The other curious thing is without the fall of Constantinople in 1453 likely there would have been far less in the way of atlantic exploration. The only people with enough practical sailing experience to undertake these voyages were the Mediterranean traders(Genoese, Venetians, Pisans, Ragusans, etc). The Turks moving into their sphere of influence causing a lot of these folks to move into the service of European kings exploring the atlantic. If not for the Ottomans Europe likely would have built closer ties to the orient over land rather than through sea exploration.
“6-7% of the population commits 50% the crime”
That’s only counts the crime that the government wants to count (e.g. not white collar crime).
“people fitting the profile are subject to enhanced scrutiny”
The inalienable rights this country claims to celebrate and protect in our written constitution should prevent this.
“they are put at risk and never know when some scum is going to shoot at them.”
Factually inaccurate. Well, I guess the second half is accurate but only because it’s a self proving statement – no one knows when some scum is going to shoot.
Ah lol time…painting over the bed kills me…
There is a movement to get Republicans to draft a bill to offer African Decendants of Slaves (ADOS) Reparations.
Libturd (breaking the echo chamber) says:
June 11, 2020 at 2:57 pm
To answer your question, Trump is mainly correct about the negative role of welfare on the blacks. It’s one of the very few things he’s gotten right when it comes to relations with blacks. This is the basis of the platform of the black conservative. But black conservatives due not embrace their history nor see color. What they do do (I love putting those words together), is use their skin color to try to swing a few democrats to the right. This explains the increase in number. No bias here. Just saying it like it is. Like most out-of-touch conservatives, they are anti-gay marriage, pro-life and too bound by the Christian Church to be a leader in a country found on the first amendment.
Sonnie Johnson critical of Republicans at the White House
In a Democratic City, you can’t vote Republican. They don’t even run. As Sonnie said your choice is left or further left…and in a Democratic Republic, local politicians have the most influence over people’s lives.
I don’t have a link – Not everything is ready for you to consume in some easy list. But the candidates running for congress is very easily found. Do some reading if you want to learn more. Or don’t look into it, believe whatever you want. Doesn’t change the facts.
The Congressional Black Caucus will be an interesting mix by the time the next Congress gavels into session. Conservative blacks along with other minorities are going to do very well this election cycle.
I for one am very excited for some fresh faces in the congress.
Did the Six Flags Safari today. Great old school experience for the kids. Well done by Six Flags. I also hit up Belmar prior to the rain. Got a slice on the boardwalk. Absolutely empty.
Joyce, that is a ridiculous argument. White collar crime is a problem but violent crime on the streets and the drug trade ARE the issues effecting most communities. The police aren’t capturing white collar criminals nor could I see a scenario where they reasonably would be expected to do so.
You are taking my line about scrutiny out of context, I was referring to Israel. Unfortunately the constitution and our god given rights are not really respected by politicians on the left or right nor government bureaucrats who as indicated are ignorant to the law. Additionally given the complexity of modern law, Beriya’s statement “show me the man and I’ll find you a crime” is very true, the police can always find a way to stop you they are exercising discretion the constitution never comes into it.
You people are totally ignorant about what goes on in the urban centers. People do shoot at cops, it is certainly not a good time. Have you ever seen Trinitarios gang members walking down the street? These are the people who carry machetes and hack up their enemies into little bits. Now imagine you are a police officer are responsible for policing the neighborhoods where these gangs operate. Please try to have some perspective.
They suck. They ripped off Alan Parsons…..
ExEssex says:
June 11, 2020 at 1:07 pm
Lady Antebellum says it needs that name no more.
The country-pop trio — which won Record and Song of the Year Grammys for the 2009 smash “Need You Now” — have renounced the name that fans have known since Charles Kelley, Dave Haywood and Hillary Scott joined forces in 2006.
The trio broke down on Twitter just why — in the wake of George Floyd’s death in police custody and the Black Lives Matter movement that has intensified in its wake — it is changing its name.
As of Wednesday, call them Lady A. I guess that’s better than Lady Bugs!?
I have friends who are retired NYPD cops they have seen horrific things that none of us will ever see. My friend who is retired NYPD Sargent did a lot with drug
And organized crime, said the worst were Eastern European; they will kill anyone
You said a small percentage commits half the crime. It’s wrong unless you ignore certain categories. The war on drugs is much more of a problem.
I didn’t take your profiling comment out of context. You preceded the comment by saying ‘mistakes are made and profiling exists, and here’s the counterpoint for it.’ a counterpoint that is wrong.
I work in it. People in the suburbs really have no clue. If they think racism is the source of this all, they are out of touch and out of their mind.
Blaming racism and cops is a cop out (no pun intended). It’s blaming entire groups, instead of individual actions/choices.
For example, it’s like blaming racism and cops for the horrible living conditions in the poverty stricken areas of Columbia or Mexico. Why we do it here in America is beyond me.
We blame the (failing) schools. We blame racism. We blame the police. We blame corporations. We blame the rich. How in the world will blaming any of these things solve poverty? How will they correct bad choice after bad choice? And money/poverty is really what this is about, right…or we wouldn’t even be bringing up reparations to make things right in the racism discussions.
Maybe, I’m totally wrong, but this is what I see.
“You people are totally ignorant about what goes on in the urban centers. People do shoot at cops, it is certainly not a good time. Have you ever seen Trinitarios gang members walking down the street? These are the people who carry machetes and hack up their enemies into little bits. Now imagine you are a police officer are responsible for policing the neighborhoods where these gangs operate. Please try to have some perspective.”
I have huge issues with profiling, even if 100% of the crime is committed by 99% of the same race. Because, it’s unfair to the 1% of that race that is not involved and it’s unfair to the 100% of everyone else as 1% of them are going to get away scot-free.
All of the Glen Ridge police pull over nearly all black drivers when less than 1 in 100 drivers in town are black. DWB is incredibly strong here. Anyone want to explain to Pumps why? I made the mistake of reading part of one of his posts. Are black drivers more likely to commit vehicular crime?
This is REALLY how it is here. How much crime do you think this stops?
Going on record, as much as I despise the man, I am voting for Trump.
Between the heavy handed Covid lock down in NY and NJ, these riots, and now throwing anybody out of work who may have made a documented off-color or racist statement over the course of their lives I’ve seen the leftist dream of the future USA and I don’t want any part of it.
Trump may be a lunatic but he ain’t as crazy these leftist nuts.
“I don’t have a link – Not everything is ready for you to consume in some easy list. But the candidates running for congress is very easily found. Do some reading if you want to learn more. Or don’t look into it, believe whatever you want. Doesn’t change the facts.”
The fact is you are wrong, very wrong. It is very easy to find candidates running for congress which is why it was very easy to figure out how wrong you are. And I suspect you didn’t actually do any sort of reading yourself but rather regurgitated something you read that fed your confirmation bias.
looks like Asbury will be leading the way on reopening indoor dining. Gov Murphy says there will be enforcement today in his news conference but the State Police punted.
“Acting New Jersey State Police Superintendent Patrick Callahan told NJ Advance Media it will be up to local authorities to issue summonses. He also stressed that compliance with orders has been strong of late.”
I’m not defending it, it is not fair and it is not right. It just is and even if they change the criteria, the result likely looks the same. Kind of like the changes made to affirmative action, the result is more equitable because instead of looking at skin color you are looking at how disadvantaged a person is. Before it was an injustice, now if you are from a broken home in detroit with failing schools race doesn’t matter when you go to apply to state schools your application is treated the same. In Glen Ridge the likelihood is they change their profiling based on where the car is from, East Orange, Orange, Irvington or Newark are getting stopped. Chances are the person being stopped is a person of color. Crime is tied very heavily to poverty, when you have little or nothing to lose you can commit crime. People with assets of all colors and backgrounds are far less likely to commit crime because they have something to lose(job, home, family, etc). When you have nothing they can take your freedom, that’s all you’ve got, people like us have a LOT so for us we would never risk it for some petty crime.
Lib I grew up down the road from Patterson, the cops hung out at the border and stopped every old car and every minority. When you pay 15 or 20k in property taxes people demand a low crime rate. They can change their policies but the rate of crime might go up… the electorate in your town willing to accept this? Will people b*tch when their insurance rates go up? I will tell you in Millburn which is close to Irvington/Hillside/Newark cars are stolen out of driveways.
Pumpkin is actually right the issues go so much further than racism/the police/schools. Until you live and interact with people living in these place you don’t understand what is at the core of the issues. Some kids do manage to make it out, policies that help disadvantaged kids get to college are a big help(but it isn’t a race issue it is about being disadvantaged). Culturally there is much broken with urban culture, it is a culture of misogyny, that has contempt for education and hard work. Single parent household mean that there is no enough parental involvement to keep kids on the right path. Kids in school are not protected, bad kids hold back the whole lot by disrupting education. School choice is actually the right move in urban areas, parochial schools get a better result for far less money because of the discipline they force on the kids, if the kids are too disruptive they get kicked out. The more successful charter schools largely work the same way.
You make it sound as if monitoring the public is easy. WTF is see something say something…… policing is difficult and dangerous….. I think the point with body cameras seems to be protecting the public, but I often find that it is the police who are protected….. law enforcement is enhanced….. why? when you see the patent nonsense that cops stare down most of the time, it is very illustrative….
Of course there is police misconduct and evil sociopaths in blue, but it is a profoundly sh!tty job…..
Libturd says:
June 11, 2020 at 4:43 pm
I have huge issues with profiling, even if 100% of the crime is committed by 99% of the same race. Because, it’s unfair to the 1% of that race that is not involved and it’s unfair to the 100% of everyone else as 1% of them are going to get away scot-free.
As bad it might be here there is always Chicago..
“Chicago Police Board President Ghian Foreman, who oversees the panel in charge of serious officer discipline, said cops hit him with batons as they clashed with protesters who marched on the South Side over Floyd’s killing.”
The lounging around the congressmans office is funny too..
“Rush said he got a call that his campaign offices at 65th and South Wentworth had been burglarized and there was videotape of eight or more police officers “lounging in my office” as looters were in the shopping center nearby.
Rush looked at the videotape and saw eight or more cops, including three supervisors, with their feet up on desks, he said.
“One was asleep on my couch in my campaign office,” he said.
“They even had the unmitigated gall to go and make coffee for themselves and to pop popcorn, my popcorn, in my microwave while looters were tearing apart businesses within their site and within their reach,” Rush said”
Hehehe, my sentiments exactly. President PT Barnum is ridiculous but the left is so far off the rail I don’t know how any rational person can support this behavior. FYI I’m a registered democrat who before Obama’s second term was generally onboard with the policies they were espousing.
The real looters:
Progressive critics and advocacy groups are responding with alarm and anger to the Trump administration’s refusal to disclose the names of more than 4.5 million companies that have collectively received over $500 billion in corporate bailout money through a federal program created to provide businesses with relief from the coronavirus pandemic.
The over $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signed by President Donald Trump in March established the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) with $349 billion in funding for forgivable loans. After the initial capital ran out in just 13 days, lawmakers approved $310 billion more—though over $130 billion of that amount was still left as of Tuesday.
I think some folks here should be thanking Black Lives Matters profusely, because they are taking the risk and paying the cost for stepping out for their rights, which in turns defends everyone’s rights.
The militarization of police departments, civil forfeiture abuse, the list goes on. There are structural issues that affect us all, but the brunt of this is born by the Black community. So when they fight for their communities, it has a net-positive effect for America as a nation
This may be why corporate leaders are taking this moment seriously and speaking out. Could divesting what’s left of Capitalism from structural racism and colonialism, to the degree that this is possible, actually good for the bottom line?
Lib, thanks for the insight about GR. I did not know the stats were that dramatic
Jcer’s post at 6:57 really breaks it down. It’s the truth. I live and breath this. A lot of these feel good protesters don’t get it. They are in fairy tale land. How is it that some kids go on to Ivy League schools and become doctors attending the “failing” school I work at? How can this be? I’ll tell you how, jcer explained it.
A majority of the population not only sees education as a waste of time, they make fun of kids for doing well. It’s political suicide, but you have to get people to be there for their kids. You have to make a law that if you have kid, you will be there helping them with hw, feeding them, and giving them a stable home environment to grow up in. My blood boils thinking about this. How can you torture your own kids and put them through a living hell? Then on top of that, you blame their miserable life you created for them through child abuse on racism and cops. Go look in the mirror, they are your damn kids for God’s sake. Why would you do that to them? They have one life to live, and you are trying to make it as miserable as possible for these kids.
Oh, you are having trouble with 3 kids. Well why the hell did you have number 5? Why would you do this? Why?!
Yes, this is what I see on a daily basis and it makes me sick. They are just kids..
I try my best to help, but I can only help so much. I can’t save them all. I donate as much as I can, as there is a knock on my door on a daily basis to donate to some cause. Then I have to listen to people blame whites and call them racist when most are just trying to help. I don’t get it.
Ex Did not the Democrats approve that bill as well?
Dink – I worry my source may be too “right wing conspiracy” for you.
From the NYT, excerpt since I know you won’t read the article:.
In 421 districts across the nation, nearly 250 veterans and over 180 minorities have filed to run as Republicans, according to the House Republican campaign arm’s internal tracking, as well as a record number of women.
7:47 then Trump fires the oversight/watchdog. Yeah that happened numbnuts.
Ex Essex You are a cranky arrogant old bastard.
He’ll do well in Cali.
I honestly thought:
Ex Essex You are a cranky arrogant old bastard.
Who just hit the nail on the head. Called it weeks ago. 500Billion slush fund, with no accountability.
Hey Gary, In this path to greatness, your outrage at Os 800 Billion package to right the ship after GWB ran the economy into a wall. Hows that measuring up against Donnies 5Trillion and counting?
Throw in the bank printing paper and have to be closer to 7 trillion no?
Did you see this one? Trump Rally Forces People to Sign a Waiver to Not Sue if They Contract Coronavirus
I live in Republ1can He11. We had a rare occurrence last year. A Dem ran for Mayor and lost 4:1. What you got for me? Where is my representation coming from?
I got 30 secs into that piece on Sonnie and bailed after she said “Removing Regulation and Taxation” That did nothing for the middle class down. How’s those water regs doing for those folks in Flint?
Just another sell out.
During the Khmer Rouge reign former civil servants, doctors, teachers and other professionals were stripped of their possessions and forced to toil in the fields as part of a re-education process. Sounds similar to “cancel culture” & “diversity training“.
Seattle showing Donnie how its done.
Bunker Boy is going to stick!
How can you support lefties anymore? They are full blown crazy. Yes, America was so bad you need to overthrow it..right.
“ This week the Seattle police withdrew from their East Precinct in the Capitol Hill neighborhood, after threats that it would be torched. The cops removed barricades and began “decreasing our footprint,” Chief Carmen Best said, as the protesters had requested. Ms. Best called it “an exercise in trust and de-escalation.” But human nature abhors a vacuum, and CHAZ revolutionaries soon declared their autonomy.
As a cardboard sign at the border of the CHAZ warns: “You are now leaving the USA.” Seattle residents report “that they have been subjected to barricades set up by the protesters,” Assistant Chief Deanna Nollette said on Wednesday, “with some armed individuals running them as checkpoints into the neighborhood.” Open carry is legal in Washington state.
CHAZites have also set up medic stations and a “No Cop Co-Op” to distribute snacks. There were rumors of a rudimentary system of taxation, “reports of citizens and businesses being asked to pay a fee to operate within this area,” Ms. Nollette said, although this is in dispute and hasn’t been substantiated.
She added that police were interested in a dialogue with the Foreign Ministers of the CHAZ, if any could be contacted. “There is a whole city-wide effort at this point,” Ms. Nollette said, “to try to identify who the leaders are.”
At a gathering of CHAZites Wednesday, there was talk of perhaps forming governance. “In a leaderless movement there has to be people stepping up to be leaders,” argued a protester identified as Rell, per the Seattle Times. That night, a crowd enjoyed a funk-rap concert by the band Marshall Law.”
What is left of capitalism? That is quite an extreme statement.
AP says:
June 11, 2020 at 7:39 pm
I. Could divesting what’s left of Capitalism from structural racism and colonialism, to the degree that this is possible, actually good for the bottom line? Could divesting what’s left of Capitalism from structural racism and colonialism, to the degree that this is possible, actually good for the bottom line?
Animal Farm.. these individuals participating in this crap, better read and understand it.
Greatness Gary!
The disclaimer at the bottom of the registration for Trump’s rally in Tulsa: “By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. … liable for any illness or injury.”
Lets address this before we get started into the symbolism of Juneteenth in OK .
Does BLM accuse Israel of genocide against Palestinians?
Israeli. Fka the only US ally in that entire region.
AP says:
June 11, 2020 at 7:39 pm
I think some folks here should be thanking Black Lives Matters profusely, because they are taking the risk and paying the cost for stepping out for their rights, which in turns defends everyone’s rights.
Do their rights in reparations?
Who would qualify and on what basis?
What is the status of biracial people or people of color born of foreign nationals?
Who would fund the program?
Who would administer the program?
Do their rights in reparations? = Do their rights INCLUDE reparations?
Don’t believe everything you hear about working from home. The pandemic has closed offices around the world. The video-conferencing service Zoom has seen its corporate subscriber numbers grow more than 350%. Cloud companies are falling over themselves to tell people “see, we told you so! The cloud works!” Well, up to a point.
OK, the cloud does work. The technology is fast and (mostly) secure. For too many years small business owners – a great number of them my own clients – ignored these powerful technologies that would have allowed their employees more flexibility. Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve learned that, assuming a relatively new computer and a relatively decent broadband connection, most office workers can get much of their jobs done from their home offices. And, depending on the person, potentially be more productive.
So does this mean the end of the office? A “new normal”? Everyone just goes home and phones it in? Of course not.
Sure, big companies like Square and Twitter are now giving their employees the ability to work from home “permanently”. And, no surprise here, surveys like this one are now saying that people prefer to work from home where they can hang out with their dogs and wear their fuzzy slippers instead of getting dressed to sit in a corporate center cubicle for eight hours. Some analyses insist that working from home increases productivity. Other reports are saying that – because of this phenomenon – offices will become empty, rents will plummet, company cultures will forever change and the face-to-face workplace will fade into history.
Don’t believe it. The demand for real estate may dip, but it’ll return. Don’t burn your cubicles or destroy your beautiful new open office plan. This trend, like a pendulum, will ultimately swing back in another direction. Why do I say this?
It’s because what value does a small business have when its employees are allowed to roam free, loosely connected via Office or G Suite, and because of the unavoidable lack of supervisory controls are allowed to do, say and think things that may not be consistent with a company’s mission or messaging? Not very valuable at all. Case in point: my company.
Because my company has been virtual for more than 10 years. Every one of my 10 people works from home. Sure, the overhead is low. But you know what? I miss an office. My company suffers from not having one. We have no culture. We rarely see each other as a group. We are not really a team, and lack bonding or social connections. We miss out on extemporaneously sharing ideas. Our innovation suffers. As a result, the value of my business suffers. I know I’m not alone in this.
Pumps I work with developers, my direct boss is on the west coast. We have teams in LA, Vancouver, SF, Toronto, NY, NJ, India, St. Petersburg Russia, Poland, and Budapest. Recent our direct teams in the US/Can had a survey on work from home all the participants indicated they wanted to return to the office at least once or more a week as for certain things it was taking longer to resolve issues and solve problems. All indicated good productivity but are working significantly longer hours due to meetings that in the office are not necessary. Now seeing as we already were used to working with distributed teams, and are allowed to WFH as much as we like(I had a developer up and move to Florida and continue to work remotely)we are well adapted to remote work, even for us there is a hit and it is not the preferred model of operation. We spend a mint on travel between offices and there is a reason for this….
Pumps I think people don’t understand urban communities. Until you’ve lived around it, you don’t get it. People also tend to talk feelings/empathy rather than looking at the data. Around the year 1960 black wealth begins to decline and the rate of children born out of wedlock and raised in single parent households begins to rise. No one wants to discuss the elephant in the room which is data pointing to a people making negative progress(wealth, workforce participation, incarceration rates, etc) despite significant opportunities being made available. The destruction of the family unit coupled with welfare for single mothers has created a cycle of poverty that has been incredibly difficult to break. The black family unit in the segregation south was relatively strong after the civil war so “slavery” is certainly not the cause and racism is not the cause. The decline of participation in the black church can also be seen during this period, which may somehow be tied to the decline in all metrics that define prosperity for blacks as a people.
if I can make it there I can make it anywhere…….
Facebook is so great at keeping up with family, y’all remember that around Thanksgiving Dinner! keep posting those funny family stories.
Well that’s interesting. EIDL loan was funded last week. Nobody asked us if we still wanted it.
Yes. We have the technology to trace who is an African descendent of slaves. Prove you’re a descendent, then apply for assistance. Assistance that is a leg up… not a hand out.
Just one black conservatives idea:
I called this initiative The African Descendants of Slaves Business Reparations Opportunities (ADOS-BRO). The basic premise is this:
Just as the federal government ensures every American citizen can attend college by providing guaranteed loans, the federal government can create a program that guarantees low-interest business loans and/or grants to Black entrepreneurs.
One of the major challenges for such entrepreneurs is accessing capital to scale their businesses. I know this, because I’m currently within “this struggle.”
In order to qualify for such loans or grants:
a person must be an ADOS (similar to how a person must prove her naturalization);
the ADOS must demonstrate her business’s usefulness to the market by bootstrapping the venture for the first two years (similar to how students must prove competency before entering college);
the ADOS must submit documents validating her business’s product or service via testimonials and case studies (similar to how students must submit high school diplomas before entering college);
the ADOS will then be granted the guaranteed loan and/or grant based on a set amount allocated to each ADOS (similar to how students are guaranteed $175,000 for college debt);
the ADOS will then be required to repay the business loan so the program is available to the next generation of ADOS (similar to how graduates are required to pay back the student loans).
Chicago says:
June 11, 2020 at 11:45 pm
Do their rights in reparations?
Grim – you should do something worthwhile with that government cheese and spread the wealth. Vegas opened last week, a couple of quick calls to concierge services at the Bellagio, NoMad, Cosmo etc and you could score a free suite. Stu probably has a connection for a cheap two stop flight on Southwest and buffet coupons. Heck rustle up a few players and split it to fly private and drink Silk City on the way out and the whole weekend, Viva Las Vegas…Viva Las Vegas…
For the many of you here who say you dislike Ttump but will pull the lever for him in November anyway, what is it you don’t like about him? What are you getting in return that is so irresistible that you will make this compromise? What do you think of Trump as a human being?
Are you comparing your plight to a Black American in Chicago? Check your privilege
CHAZ is a new country in the Pacific Northwest. You are a privileged white male with the means to move there.
Fabius Maximus says:
June 11, 2020 at 10:01 pm
I live in Republ1can He11. We had a rare occurrence last year. A Dem ran for Mayor and lost 4:1. What you got for me? Where is my representation coming from?
I got 30 secs into that piece on Sonnie and bailed after she said “Removing Regulation and Taxation” That did nothing for the middle class down. How’s those water regs doing for those folks in Flint?
Just another sell out
“Who would fund the program?” You would.
“Who would administer the program?” They would.
The “other” form of looting.
The New Jersey Attorney General and 46 other states filed a lawsuit against 26 generic drug companies, including three in Parsippany, for conspiring to raise the prices of 80 topical drugs in violation of federal and state antitrust and consumer protection laws.
The high-level executives from many generic drug manufacturers would get together for regular “industry dinners” to collaborate on price-fixing tactics, according to the Attorney General.One example of these “dinners” was in January 2014 when at least 13 high-ranking executives from companies Actavis, Aurobindo, Lannett, and Perrigo met at a steakhouse in Bridgewater, according to the suit.
A group e-mail exchange, quoted in the lawsuit, shows how one executive asks if his and his colleague’s meals at the steakhouse will be paid for by a rival executive’s company. The rival executive responds: “It’s amazing how many in the group like 18-year-old single malt scotch when they aren’t buying.”
How many millions stolen here, yet the country is set on fire over a 20 dollar bill.
American justice, the best money can buy.
Scroll up to that post at 11:01. The one with the photo of the Seattle Police chief standing outside the precinct. That should all end peacefully as long as the right wing stay away. And there are a lot up in the NW.
IF they added an “i” to your plan name, they could have named it
“Adios Bros, I got mine so i’ll sell out you!”
Chi, what is left of Capitalism once the free exchange of goods and services are limited on personal and partisan political agendas; when rational price discovery, sound value fundamentals, protection against monopolies, etc, have been seriously eroded?
The financialization of the economy has drained real value from the economy to the point that it’s sustained by constant injections of liquidity. It’s a massive issue.
Understood that extreme macro headwinds necessitate extreme gov intervention, but at this point are we in a state controlled economy and just don’t know yet? One that picks winners and losers at that?
The state can legitimately play a moderating, independent role in the economy, supporting small businesses, increase market participation by decreasing inequality, etc.
Regarding reparations, where I’m at right now, not having read very much about the topic, I think it is meaningful and just, although perhaps it should go to individuals, bit instead in investing in institutions that address structural issues, like Historically Black Colleges, museums, economy opportunity areas, etc.
Need to get better informed about this though.
30 year I did not vote for Trump in 2016, and don’t plan on It this year. I had not planned on voting at all. But if the Democrats do not disavow the radical left, including the madness in Seattle which apparently one poster here is OK with, than I will vote for all Republic with the exception of President.
You are now entering Free Chaz , a little cultural appropriation there.
Comedy hour. They threw her away earlier, but because she is African American, and timing is right, they put her back up there. How can people not see through this? They are clearly using race to gain votes. How do these people live with themselves? Cry about racism on one hand, and then try to use it to win an election on another.
“Kamala Harris, Front-runner (Again)”
30 yrs,
I voted for Trump in ’16 – warts and all because he is what he is, but is incompetent at it and the Clintons were way worse and competent at it.
I will not vote this election and could vote for Biden if VP is Warren or Sanders. I really don’t care if Trump gets re-elected or not. Either way -it will be another 4 crappy years of boomer locust presidency.
My fear is not so much Trump. But 4 years of Obama like Corporate Democrats where nothing is address or changed and the snowball of dysfunctions keep getting bigger, meaner and uglier and by 2024 will have a competent Trump like lunatic dictator elected.
So better 1-3 yrs of an incompetent nincampoop than a dementia ridden corporate sell out. Neither of them will make the full term -nature is against them. And we can finally move on on whatever is left from the boomer locust ashes.
D’s post above nails it. If we are going to talk reparations, that’s the way to do it. Just giving away huge sums of money with no strings attached is the equivalent of handing the urban poor a winning lottery ticket..they will lose it all quickly, and be right back in the position of poverty. You see it over and over with the lottery.
So I think that it is a fabulous idea to help through business startups. All you have to do is do the work to come up with an idea and a business plan, and you will have the means to attack it. Beautiful thing. That’s how you really help someone.
AP says:
June 12, 2020 at 8:31 am
Regarding reparations, where I’m at right now, not having read very much about the topic, I think it is meaningful and just, although perhaps it should go to individuals, bit instead in investing in institutions that address structural issues, like Historically Black Colleges, museums, economy opportunity areas, etc.
Need to get better informed about this though.
They’ll pay their protection money and the corruption will continue. Where are the criminal complaints? If the gov’s believe what they wrote in the complaint, it’s racketeering.
Phoenix says:
June 12, 2020 at 8:22 am
How many millions stolen here, yet the country is set on fire over a 20 dollar bill.
American justice, the best money can buy.
I didn’t vote for trump in 2016, but I will this time.
First, let’s make this clear, there are no good human beings when you get to the level of politics at the presidential stage. It’s very difficult to find a good person in any type of politics. So it’s lame to call trump a bad guy, at least he tells you what is on his mind (even though his position changes regularly), at least you know what you are getting.
He doesn’t give a crap about these social issues that have become way to extreme and one big blame game. F’k that noise. All I care about is the economy. What are you doing to help my pocket. Trump is doing a damn good job on that front, and for that, he gets my vote.
So don’t accuse me of being racist or ignorant for voting for trump, but do call me greedy. I do care about the economy and what it does for me very much.
30 year realtor says:
June 12, 2020 at 7:27 am
For the many of you here who say you dislike Ttump but will pull the lever for him in November anyway, what is it you don’t like about him? What are you getting in return that is so irresistible that you will make this compromise? What do you think of Trump as a human being?
You have become my favorite poster. Your posts are honest and based on facts, not emotion. You consistently knock it out of the park on a regular basis. You are the clean up hitter. I really wish you would run for office, but at the same time, I don’t want that for you. It will corrupt you and take out the smart individual this world needs.
Keep up the phenomenal work.
JCer says:
June 12, 2020 at 1:13 am
Petition going around to change the name of the middle schools in Clifton. These people..
They want a fake world where everything is perfect/feel good. Absolutes…dangerous. Say it with me, nothing is perfect. Nothing is perfect. Nothing is perfect.
Here is how the billionaire mind thinks. He continues to rake in millions upon millions due to Fed induced market that dumps money back on taxpayer. He thinks ‘gee, how can we let more workers go’ and now 100K is a lot of money for a white collar worker apparently. This is why NYC area is f-ed. That said, I agree this is happening and wage deflation is the outcome.
Billionaire bond investor Jeffrey Gundlach, the CEO of $135 billion DoubleLine Capital, sees the potential for a “wave of more higher-end unemployment’ hitting white-collar workers making more than $100,000 per year as employers increasingly question the value these employees bring.
In 11 weeks, more than 42 million Americans filed for unemployment insurance as the COVID-19 pandemic wrecked the economy. The bulk of these job losses hit lower-income households the hardest.
“A lot of times it’s not the earthquake, it’s the fire,” Gundlach said on a webcast for the DoubleLine Total Return Bond Fund (DBLTX), later adding that he could “easily see layoffs in various industries” affecting higher earners.
Gundlach, who runs the Los Angeles-based bond investment firm, explained that one of the outcomes of remote work is it reveals who produces and who doesn’t.
“What people may have learned for white-collar services jobs, in particular, during the work-from-home lockdown situation, at least in my perspective — I’ve talked to a lot of my peers on this — I kind of learned who was really doing the work and who was not really doing as much work as it looked like on paper that they might have been doing,” Gundlach said.
He’s witnessed this at DoubleLine, where people running “certain groups” haven’t been as responsive, while the more junior members on their team have stepped up.
“I wonder where they’ve gone. It seems like the people who work for them are constantly in contact with me doing all this work and some of the supervisory, middle management people I’m starting to wonder if I really need them. And this is just a one sample thing,” he added.
He also makes a case that it’s wage deflationary.
“If a $100,000 white-collar worker gets laid off, I think that they just stare in the mirror in the morning with just fear in their eyes looking at their own eyes because what are you going to do?” he said. “A lot of people don’t have any savings, not enough savings. If a certain swath of the employment-population has a significant layoff in the echo of the pandemic, which I think is coming, then they’re probably going to be looking for a job and there won’t be many openings relative to the unemployment pool with that type of a skillset.”
“Obviously, I think these people will take another job with a pay cut,” he continued. “If you’re making $100,000 and you’re staring at the abyss of no income and you have de minimus savings, especially if you have a family to feed, I think that $75,000 similar job would look pretty attractive even as an interim step.”
Bystander: And Gundlach May run out of investors at some point if there are not enough good jobs to afford people the ability to invest. The rich do end up eventually devouring themselves .
I support reparations. Always have. Don’t worry white people. It will not be THAT expensive.
Maybe reparations could be announced during a week long festival, like Woodstock, and everyone can get loaded and finally declare peace ; )
I’ll watch it on pay per view. Too old for the mud.
Nazi Germany never came close to reimbursing my family for a generations-old grain processing plant, located on the Black Sea in Koenigsburg, a three story mansion with tennis courts, and the lives of my grandparents’ parents. Their remittance was a pittance.
What frustrates me is that I manage 8 resources in US, UK and Switzerland. I have a worker in Switzerland who sucks. People hate her, mostly justified. I could never ask her to work overtime or weekends without approval from Swiss regulator. She has to have ample work space and be near a window by law. We could not get rid of her without major legal problems so we have to wait until another role opens and shift her off team. Could be a year or more. The other female worker, in UK, had child in Sept 2019 has been on maternity leave for almost year. She has missed major app rewrite and tons of work..but by UK law, returns to a job and gets bonus. Here in US? We have layoffs galore, 16 hour work days, weekend releases and 8 full grown men crammed in 10 X 10 space so company could save money. Our Europe IB could give a sh*t about major production imbalance coming from US. They will do minimum provided by law and people in Europe get same bonus and high quality of life. People like Gundlach have this view bc they are financially backed by Fed and allowed to sh*t on worker. Capitalism works bc it keeps jobs plentiful and there are ample opportunities to move if unhappy. From my view, this is breaking down and people like Gundlach are not held accountable and we offer no strings attached to bail them out. They would have no business if not for Fed/taxpayer spending yet own the system nothing. Mentality has to change. Not trying to claim life is fair but corp fascism is worst in US bc constantly kissing their rear ends. Arrogance is at all time highs. I sit on these calls and constantly being asked to review people and break them down into %s to save a few bucks. Only US and India are ever touched.
Bystander: I posted a long response to you, and I assume it went into the moderator abyss. American Corporations sold the American people out and they bought off the Democrats and Republican politicians to do it. Joe Biden in DC for over 45 years!! And he is the answer to our prayers??!! Nonsense!
Mr grammar man, Königsberg, the site of German ethnic cleansing following WWII was located on the Baltic Sea.
I support reparations as long as intergenerational welfare programs are eliminated at the same time.
Now called Kalingard and part of Russia.
And it was sieged and flattened per to that. There any nothing left to repay. Take it up with Putin.
I can support reparations as well:
1. must be verified direct descendant of a slave to receive payment AND
2. Payment is due only from those verified to have direct lineage to US slave ownership.
Imagine a first generation immigrant being told they must be reparations for slavery that they had nothing to do with.
How many in this area have parents or grandparents that were immigrants? 3 out 4 of my grandparents arrived from Germany just prior to Hitler really kicking things off. My ancestors were much more likely to have been slaves rather than slave owners.
But I know, just shut up and pay.
I never got why people position paying for social programs as if it’s literally being taken out of their pocket.
With all the wasteful and unaccounted for government spending, we so often target our ire at programs that actually have a shot at improving things
No, 3b. He is not the answer but this country won’t survive the reign of terror by Orange-faced IT. He f*cks with people in Seattle and it will be bad…reallly, really bad. We need a clean slate. Biden was never someone I wanted as primary but he will have to do.
If people only complain about social programs, that may indicate a bias of some sort. But what’s wrong with complaining about taxes if someone thinks they’re too high or does not like how they’re spent. Where are property and income taxes coming from it not one’s pocket? Among other taxes
With respect to social programs, as whole they’ve been an unmitigated failure.
AP says:
June 12, 2020 at 12:19 pm
I never got why people position paying for social programs as if it’s literally being taken out of their pocket.
With all the wasteful and unaccounted for government spending, we so often target our ire at programs that actually have a shot at improving things
30 year,
There is no logic and they were always going to vote for him anyway. They like that he speaks for their scared, xenophobic agenda. Not even the right word bc they hate citizens demanding change more. They see Dumpy’s (sad) tough rhetoric as strength. It is the opposite. He is the weakest character to step into 1600. They would be happy if gassed and killed protesters. Sick people.
I have been ethnically cleansed on both sides of my family tree. There aren’t that many of us. On my father’s side, three brothers had it pretty rough….. Hoxha, Tito & Mussolini saw to that…… two are mentally ill and the other is a severe alcoholic. At least my brother and I are the only kids of that Motley Crew…… but we are clearly white privileged ivy-league a%%holes, and my life up to about 16 was clearly a disgusting act of cultural appropriation. The Nazi’s liquidated my mom’s progenitors except select people such as her mom and dad. Never met either of my grandfathers.
Interesting experinece when I was 22. I visited Haifa an older husband and wife. The husband was a distant relative probably in his late 60’s. Concentration camp survivor etc…… we strongly resembled each other….. interesting experience.
Bystander: I agree but the nonsense in Seattle is scary shit. It’s an insurrection, and I don’t think it has anything to do with George Floyd. The Democrats need to condemn it unequivocally! If they don’t Trump will win in my opinion.
One of the most fcuked things in quite a while….. very 2020
Judge to Rule on Hertz’s Controversial Stock Sale in Bankruptcy
Company seeks to sell $1 billion in shares to capitalize on a market rally, despite significant risk of a wipeout for shareholders
By Becky Yerak, Peg Brickley and Aisha Al-Muslim
June 12, 2020 12:52 pm ET
Hertz Global Holdings Inc. hopes to raise up to $1 billion in new equity from a counterintuitive stock rally while under severe financial strain, a seemingly unprecedented move from a large bankrupt company eager to capitalize on market anomalies.
Bankruptcy experts said the planned stock sale raises questions about whether a company under chapter 11 protection can exploit equity markets for financing when the value of its shares, as with nearly all bankrupt issuers, is at significant risk of being wiped out.
“I will give them credit for creativity—trying to turn something potentially worthless into a pot of cash,” said John Penn, a bankruptcy lawyer at Perkins Coie LLP who isn’t involved in the Hertz case.
Hertz is scheduled to appear in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Del., on Friday to seek permission for the stock sale, which the company has described as a “unique opportunity” to raise capital on more favorable terms than the strings-attached loans that bankrupt companies more typically receive.
The company filed for bankruptcy last month, saddled with about $19 billion in debt and hundreds of thousands of vehicles that have been largely idled as Americans travel less due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Bankruptcies typically wipe out shareholders, save for rare instances in which the corporate debt can be paid in full and money is left over. Hertz shares have nonetheless gone on a gravity-defying rally since its bankruptcy filing, even though the company’s bonds continue to trade at distressed levels, indicating little faith among creditors they can be fully repaid.
Shares of other companies in or near bankruptcy, such as Chesapeake Energy Corp., Whiting Petroleum Corp. and J.C. Penney Co., have also rallied, seemingly inexplicably, in recent weeks.
Behind the speculative frenzy, experts said, are the Federal Reserve’s forceful actions to stabilize markets, rising investor enthusiasm over the economy reopening and hordes of individual investors who are new to the market and showing a strong appetite for risk.
Unfortunately for potential buyers, Hertz bonds are trading deeply below par, indicating that the odds for any value left over for shareholders are low, said Nick Mazing, research director at investment research platform Sentieo.
Jared Ellias, a law professor at the University of California, Hastings College of Law who has studied hundreds of bankruptcies, said he couldn’t find a similar maneuver in the past for a company of comparable size.
Hertz could believe that its shares do have value while its corporate debt is simply mispriced, he said. The company’s nearly $3 billion of unsecured bonds traded at around 40 cents on the dollar Friday.
“But to the extent the debt pricing is accurate, and there won’t be money for shareholders at the end of this case, then what they appear to be looking for is a group of investors, perhaps made up significantly of retail investors, who will buy stock from them that will ultimately be worthless,” Mr. Ellias said.
Companies in chapter 11 shouldn’t look to finance their bankruptcies with what amounts to donations from individual investors, he said.
Jonathan Lipson, a Temple University law professor, said the timing for Hertz’s request is problematic because creditors haven’t weighed in and the company’s most up-to-date financial details haven’t been filed. He acknowledged, though, that Hertz shares could theoretically rebound and retain value despite the bankruptcy.
The car-rental company is in a different situation than PG&E Corp., which is also bankrupt, but headed to market to sell $9 billion in new equity as it prepares to exit chapter 11. PG&E said from the start of its chapter 11 case that it would preserve shareholder value.
The New York Stock Exchange, where Hertz shares are listed, didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment. The NYSE has moved to delist the shares, but they continue to trade pending an appeal by Hertz. The Securities and Exchange Commission, which regulates the U.S. stock market, declined to comment.
Billionaire Carl Icahn sold his entire stake in Hertz at roughly 72 cents a share, days after it filed for bankruptcy. A steady stream of directors and executives also have been selling Hertz stock since the chapter 11 filing on May 22, at prices ranging from about $1 to roughly $5.
The Hertz case is pretty messed up and should be illegal.
As for reparations, they should be paid from descendants of slave owners and only paid to those families with direct lineage to slaves.
As for social programs, most need the same reforms that our PDs do.
In other news, my BILs union does not want people to return to work. I’m sure the teacher’s union will demand the same thing. The private sector? Get on the train suckas! You got to pay the bills for the teachers who are working 3 hours a day from home.
3b & ByStander,
You guys are full of bull. Seattle is no different then the nitwits with AR-15 going into the State Houses in the red states or wearing their guns as the BLM crowd marches by.
Both Seattle and the red state Nitwits are free to do their performances in their respective ideological zones. Nitwits with guns in red states and Marchers in blue states.
The fact that most of you are even debating these leftist ideas means their plan is working.
That CEO speaking about WFH and showing how it shows who produces and who does not. I personally look forward to shaming any company that lays anyone off, if the only reason was lack of production during a lockdown.
I had the best year of my career last year. My production this year is going to be down at least 25%. Still profitable and not really worried, but I couldnt live with myself if I laid off a guy that didn’t do well in 2020. Who knows what the home life situation is for any individual employee. Do they have multiple kids? Special needs? Did a wife or family member contract COVID?
You force people to work along side their family and produce at the same rate as during normal times?
If/when I interview again, I will be asking how many, if any, employees were let go during the 1st half of 2020.
And you thought your neighbors were assholes.
The son of Basketball Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was arrested in Orange County, California earlier this week after allegedly stabbing a neighbor multiple times, it has been revealed. Adam Abdul-Jabbar (near left, right), 28, was arrested and booked on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon on Wednesday and subsequently released, according to Orange County Jail booking information obtained by the Daily Mail. TMZ was the first to report the arrest. The victim was hospitalized ‘with multiple non-life-threatening injuries,’ a police spokesperson told TMZ. On his booking slip, Adam Abdul-Jabbar is listed as a 6-foot-7, 180-pound Gamestop employee. Police told TMZ that the officers responded to a call in San Clement on June 9 around 10pm local time. ‘The suspect, who is the neighbor of the victim, was arrested without incident,’ a police spokesperson told TMZ. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (far left), 73, has not issued a statement on the arrest.
Joyce, respectfully disagree on unmitigated failure. I mean surely there’s waste, fraud, and band-aid solutions that don’t address structural conditions.
Fast, fair is fair. Not a left-right issue. I’m an independent.
Bynot: no difference? Are you kidding??
What’s next in the zone? Skrillex, of course
Seriously, Trump called them anarchists so why would Dems step into that one? Let him make the move
I found a really balanced centrist news source (actually, it’s one Jewish guy) who puts out a free 10-minute newsletter on current events from Monday – Thursday. I can’t tell you how many times this guys opinion matches mine. It’s like he’s reading some of my posts and copying them. He even made the same Hitler statue comparison I did. You can also pay him and get more, but the ten-minute report is really excellent and his take on everything is truly balanced. Joyce. You would love him.
3b, yep not difference.
AR15 carrying Boomer Locust showing their “packages” trying to intimidate others in their turf. Try that bs in blue state and that would be bodies. This is your typical red state boomer locust
Blue City/State resident occupying their space, where they work, live, pay taxes and they demand services their way based on those taxes they pay and those votes they cast. So they can have it their way. In fact – a red stater might call it “States Rights”.
This whole Seattle thing is blown out of proportion.
Personally, I think it’s great. Who/what does it threaten exactly besides the right’s sensibilities. Have you ever been to Seattle? It’s like New Brunswick with a ton of drug addicts. It’s got the demographics of Princeton University. Heck, you don’t even have to pay to ride transit in downtown Seattle. The only way this ends violently is if Starbuck’s threatens to close.
re :Hertz
Nooo not my Gold Club membership!!! Nooo now I have to wait in line with the comorbid covid19 Kathys and Kens!!
Seriously I am or maybe flying out for July 4th week. Call me crazy for risking infection and an intubated death but I need to get the F-OUT of HERE before I lose it completely.
You’ll be fine. Just chew on some Yerba Santa leaves.
re: Seattle thing aka CHAZ
Reminds me of Ludlow Street in NYC back in the day on pretty much any given night in the summer. Used to go into Max Fish run the pool table for a few hours until the patchouli and smell of stank at 5 am made me go home and vomit. Then it was off to my day job…
Imagine if those ar 15 carrying right wingers took over a part of Dallas and made it their own country.. I’m sure it would be a major problem, right?
Well those anarchists are carrying ar 15’s and just took over a part of Seattle. I’m glad you see this as harmless. Wait till it happens in your neighborhood, then it will matter, correct?
Dink?? Did you get a chance to see the link below, referencing the unprecedented numbers of minorities (and veterans) that have filed to run for congress under the GOP banner?
I am re-posting in the hopes that you and anyone else that thinks the all we need to solve the race issues is more Democrat elected officials in control, sees that the answer is staring us in the face. There are minorities that want to make a difference, don’t write them off b/c they are under the GOP flag.
Dink – I worry my source may be too “right wing conspiracy” for you.
From the NYT, excerpt since I know you won’t read the article:.
In 421 districts across the nation, nearly 250 veterans and over 180 minorities have filed to run as Republicans, according to the House Republican campaign arm’s internal tracking, as well as a record number of women.
The GOP is a cesspool. Always has been always will be.
With regard to the bow/arrow mouthfbreather @ 2:37PM I hope they gouged out his eyes when they swarmed him.
KAJ’s son works at gamestop? What the f?!
Starbucks is sending out 250,000 BLM themed t-shirts to its employees to wear to work, not mandatory, but let’s say it won’t help your hours if you know what I mean…
Perhaps they should stop giving the PoPo free Coffee which started back on March 25th?
Stopping the free coffee would be more “Performative” for three of the four below.
Performative Allyship –<—Check!
Performative Christianity <—not this one
Performative Activism <—Check!
Performative Protest <—Check!
This is what BLM believes:
Four years ago, what is now known as the Black Lives Matter Global Network began to organize. It started out as a chapter-based, member-led organization whose mission was to build local power and to intervene when violence was inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.
In the years since, we’ve committed to struggling together and to imagining and creating a world free of anti-Blackness, where every Black person has the social, economic, and political power to thrive.
Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism. Our intention from the very beginning was to connect Black people from all over the world who have a shared desire for justice to act together in their communities. The impetus for that commitment was, and still is, the rampant and deliberate violence inflicted on us by the state.
Enraged by the death of Trayvon Martin and the subsequent acquittal of his killer, George Zimmerman, and inspired by the 31-day takeover of the Florida State Capitol by POWER U and the Dream Defenders, we took to the streets. A year later, we set out together on the Black Lives Matter Freedom Ride to Ferguson, in search of justice for Mike Brown and all of those who have been torn apart by state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism. Forever changed, we returned home and began building the infrastructure for the Black Lives Matter Global Network, which, even in its infancy, has become a political home for many.
Ferguson helped to catalyze a movement to which we’ve all helped give life. Organizers who call this network home have ousted anti-Black politicians, won critical legislation to benefit Black lives, and changed the terms of the debate on Blackness around the world. Through movement and relationship building, we have also helped catalyze other movements and shifted culture with an eye toward the dangerous impacts of anti-Blackness.
These are the results of our collective efforts.
The Black Lives Matter Global Network is as powerful as it is because of our membership, our partners, our supporters, our staff, and you. Our continued commitment to liberation for all Black people means we are continuing the work of our ancestors and fighting for our collective freedom because it is our duty.
Every day, we recommit to healing ourselves and each other, and to co-creating alongside comrades, allies, and family a culture where each person feels seen, heard, and supported.
We acknowledge, respect, and celebrate differences and commonalities.
We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.
We intentionally build and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting.
We are unapologetically Black in our positioning. In affirming that Black Lives Matter, we need not qualify our position. To love and desire freedom and justice for ourselves is a prerequisite for wanting the same for others.
We see ourselves as part of the global Black family, and we are aware of the different ways we are impacted or privileged as Black people who exist in different parts of the world.
We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location.
We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead.
We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.
We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.
We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.
We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).
We cultivate an intergenerational and communal network free from ageism. We believe that all people, regardless of age, show up with the capacity to lead and learn.
We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.
That CEO will learn the hard way with what happens when a company tries to pay talented individuals low wages. If he implements this, his company has no future. He just put the gun to its head. But hey, he will make some quick cash in the short term…
If he thinks people are going to waste their time managing white collar workers for 75,000, he must be smoking some good weed.
I checked out the Safari, self guided, may do with kid. Thanks. Right there atop the page is the following disclaimer. We’re going to be seeing a lot of these:
” Exposure to COVID-19 is an inherent risk in any public location where people are present; we cannot guarantee you will not be exposed during your visit. The CDC advises that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from Coronavirus. Guests should evaluate their own risk in determining whether to attend. People who show no symptoms can spread Coronavirus if they are infected, any interaction with the general public poses an elevated risk of being exposed to Coronavirus. By coming to the park, you acknowledge and agree that you assume these inherent risks associated with attendance.”
“Restorative Justice” it’s big out in CA.
No one,
Movement is masked in feel good rhetoric claiming to help black lives, when it’s really a political power grab employing brainwashing victim mentality to get power.
That is the absolute worst thing you can do to someone. Make them think they are a helpless victim. That their life is not good due to someone else holding them back. Now every set back in this individual’s life will be approached with excuses. (For example, white racism is why I can’t read on grade level…,just lying to yourself and making excuses)
That’s what I’m trying to teach my daughter. Life is not fair, but hard work overcomes it. Work hard and learn from your mistakes. Don’t make excuses or play the blame game, because it’s a waste of time and energy. And time is the most valuable thing, you don’t have much time on this planet. So don’t waste it on a pity party.
It’s literally impossible. They scan you tickets through the glass with the window closed.
Today should be known as Diversity Day:
Michael: [Goes over to Pam and Stanley] Oh! This is a good one!
Pam: [To Stanley, who has been assigned “Black” as his race] Hi, how are you?
Stanley: [To Pam, who has been assigned “Jewish” as her race] I’m fine, how are you?
Pam: Great… Umm…
Stanley: I admire your cultural success in America.
Pam: Thank you.
Michael: Come on, Olympics of suffering right here – Slavery vs. The Holocaust, come on!
Stanley: [Removes his card] Who am I supposed to be? [Finds out his card says “Black”].
Michael: That was inadvertent, we didn’t actually plan that.
Dwight: [Having been assigned “Asian” as his race] Lots of cultures eat rice. That doesn’t help me. [Goes over to Pam] Shalom! I would like to apply for a loan.
Pam: That’s nice, Dwight.
Dwight: OK, do me. Something stereotypical so I can get it really quick.
Pam: OK, I like your food.
Dwight: Outback Steakhouse! [Australian accent] I’m Australian, mate!
Michael: Pam, come on. “I like your food?” Come on, stir the pot, stir the melting pot, Pam! Let’s do it, let’s get ugly, let’s get real!
Pam: OK, if I have to do this, based on stereotypes that are totally untrue, that I do not agree with, you would maybe not be a very good driver.
Dwight: Oh man! Am I a woman?!
Kevin: [To Angela, who has been assigned with “Jamaican”; He himself has been assigned with “Italian”] Hey.
Angela: Hey.
Kevin: You wanna go to the beach?
Angela: Sure.
Kevin: You wanna get high?
Angela: No.
Kevin: I think you do, mon.
Angela: Stop…
Michael: [Voice raised, Indian accent] Kelly, how are you?
Kelly: I just had the longest meeting.
Michael: Oh! Welcome to my convenience store. Would you like some googi googi? I have some very delicious googi, googi, only 99 cents plus tax. Try my googi, googi. [Lowering voice] Try my googi, googi. [High-pitched voice] Try my googi, googi. Try my… [slap!]
Michael: [Trying not to cry] All right! All right! Yes! That was great, she gets it! Now she knows what it’s like to be a minority.
I guess the wheels really are coming off the bus. A section of a major city has been taken over, and if some news reports are to be believed businesses are being asked to donate money, and this is not an issue?? Millions are out of work Covid is still here, the Fed is ruining out of options and the list goes on! I hope old Joe is up to the job!!
I have Dominican and Chinese friends, and they are the most conservative people I knows, on every topic. And they have no problem airing their views on FB.
You have to be f’ing kidding me?
“The president’s plan to hold mass rallies in Florida and elsewhere as we experience a resurgence in COVID cases is irresponsible and selfish.”
If that doesn’t tell you the bs partisan politics at play, then what will?
Joe will be sleeping on the job. The Dems instead of pulling the folder of “What worked was..”, they are going to pull the folder of “Obama 3.0…” By 2024, if we are not split up with most of the Northeast and Pacific West part of Canada, New Rhodesia with concentration camp mass slaughter in the south, Mexico’s either Army or Drug Lords retaking the South West and no one will take the Central/Midwest states as they s$ck so much no ones wants them.
What works,k break up – Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Bank, Big Agriculture, Big Insurance, Big Airlines, Medicare For All, and prosecute White Collar Crimes.
Yeah. I remember my first beer.
Murphy: “We will do whatever it takes to save any life we can.”
So why aren’t we remaining in lock down until a vaccine?
“We didn’t wake up one day and put our finger in the air and make some gut decision as to which, what’s the order of events. This is premeditated. This is systematic. There is a method to this, and there is a public health underlying reason to all of this.”
Insert Hamlet line about protesting too much.
He’s been saying that forever while refusing to answer any questions about metrics, future schedule… while firing and investigating people who leaked information. He’s committed to transparency while simultaneously saying:
“People leaking things and giving the outside world some sense of how the sausage is made, as it were, you know, I’ve got no time for that and that’s got to stop. The fact of the matter is Judy, and I and (State Police Col.) Pat (Callahan) are up here literally every day,” Murphy said.
They’re up there everyday not answering questions and denying OPRA requests.
Any of you guys in this video?
Mexico has enough problems running what they have, without adding more territory. And Texas would never go for that. As for Canada the Pacific Northwest is even too liberal for them. California would want to be independent, but good look getting water from Nevada. New England states will also become independent, as well as upstate New York State. North Jersey will be absorbed by rump NY state, which includes NYC.
Pennsylvania will take the rest of NJ from Monmouth Co down.
may or may not be setting up the nj tracing program
On reparations, sure allow descendants of slaves to go after descendants of slave owners. As for the rest of us, why should we pay for something we not party to, even at the time the vast majority of Americans did not own slaves even in the south. Given the number of immigrants this country has had you’d be hard pressed to find many descendants of slave owners. Furthermore as there was no income tax literally no funds from slavery went into the public coffer. So this is purely money that went into the pockets of slave owners.
Also considering the economic scenario at the time the delta between the costs of keeping slaves and paying laborers was not hugely different. Laborers were basically paid a sustenance wage. Point being the value of the slave labor is always massively overvalued in any proposed reparations scheme.
Again look at the data. Paradoxically as opportunity became available and as racism waned all data points begin to trend negatively(rates of incarceration jumped, wealth decreased, etc). Why do we think randomly distributing money will suddenly make things better, is going to improve lives, race relations? I’m thinking not.
Pumps unfortunately that is the reality, these companies will put the screws to us and get away with it. The only thing that can stop them is a strong job market….with covid that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. I know people who had their salaries reduces.
And after all this, will anything change?
Today should be known as Diversity Day:
Not quite getting your point on this one.
Is it that most of US office culture don’t get the true meaning of Diversity?
I just watched the Bruce Lee documentary. Guy came to the US with $100 in his pocket. Overcomes racial barriers to turn himself into an international star. And it wasn’t luck. It was determination.
“A section of a major city has been taken over”
Lets just review your posts and stance on Cliven Bundy and then we can discuss how hard you are clutching those perarls.
From Frank Schaeffer
By labeling protesters “terrorists” FOX News, white cops, Franklin Graham, Trump, Republican senators, the US Military, Tom Cotton, and white evangelical voters are busy erasing the difference between Americans peaceably exercising their constitutional right to protest and Islamic extremists placing roadside explosives. Why? Because the agenda of the right is now to induce the US Military to massacre protesters as a Trump “show of strength.” Why? To “energize” Trump’s white evangelical base, turn out the vote and keep him in power.
Fab: Typical, but it’s what you do. Big difference between Bundy and occupying a portion of a major city. Another arrogant old bastard, and you are a pompous one too.
Both extremists? Check. Both racists? Check. Both violent? Check.
“California sandwich shop closed after owner likens Black Lives Matter to KKK, stresses he doesn’t support BLM”
“Since the fallout, Mann said in an interview with ABC10 that he defends his statements, claiming he does not allow politics in his shop — and insisted he would not allow a MAGA hat in his store, either. However, he does reportedly regret sending the email.”
What does your mood watch say?
Hold my beer says:
June 12, 2020 at 6:34 pm
Yeah. I remember my first beer.
The whole world turning to chaos and anger. It’s just amazing that it only focuses on white racism. It’s like this whole movement is being carried out by Russia and China. Using social media to Inflame racism and division in Western powers. Wtf is going on?!
“The killing of George Floyd has resonated in Europe, drawing thousands of demonstrators into the streets of cities like Paris, London and Berlin. Statues of colonizers and slave traders have been pulled down or defaced.
The message has been one of solidarity with protesters in the United States — but also a call to look at racism at home.”
Lawsuit to open NJ ranges. Shut down since March 21. Murphy is trying to run them out of business in the state.
Range ventilation is pretty high tech. In terms of indoor spaces, a gun range has probably the best indoor ventilation you’ll find outside a laboratory.
Can you expand on this?
3b says:
June 12, 2020 at 10:33 pm
Big difference
Maybe not a crazy conspiracy theory. Article is from 2018..
“The report details how black Americans were among the most exploited online communities by the IRA, cataloging how the Russian firm developed an “expansive cross-platform media mirage” that specifically targeted black people by leveraging popular social media sites. The campaign was “designed to exploit societal fractures” and “erode our trust in media entities and the information environment, in government, in each other, and in democracy itself,” the report states. “This campaign pursued all of those objectives with innovative skill, scope, and precision.
The 100-page report is based on data sets provided to the Senate by Facebook, Twitter, and Alphabet, comprising tens of thousands of posts between 2015 and 2017. In addition to social media sites, the IRA’s vast and varied disinformation campaign played out across issue-specific domains that they bought such as,, and—“a complex effort” to manipulate public opinion with the intention of siphoning votes from Hillary Clinton to help elect Donald Trump. The black community, often a reliably strong voting bloc for Democrats, was a substantial target.
The IRA went about instigating mistrust in law enforcement and political institutions, while cultivating seemingly authentic narratives of black pride.
Spread among Facebook pages, Instagram accounts, Twitter accounts, and YouTube channels, the IRA’s tactics ranged from ad targeting, meme warfare, video manipulation, and the creation of sham account profiles. As my WIRED colleagues point out, much of this content was designed to encourage a lack of faith among black Americans in democratic institutions and decelerate black turnout for Clinton. “As the election became imminent,” the New Knowledge report says, “those themes were then tied into several varieties of voter suppression narratives: don’t vote, stay home, this country is not for Black people, these candidates don’t care about Black people.” (A second report, also produced for the Senate, by Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project and Graphika comes to similar conclusions about the IRA’s work, according to the Washington Post.)”
The rest of your comment was spot on.
“The IRA went about instigating mistrust in law enforcement and political institutions, while cultivating seemingly authentic narratives of black pride.”
It was for humor.
Fabius Maximus says:
June 12, 2020 at 9:49 pm
Today should be known as Diversity Day:
Not quite getting your point on this one.
Is it that most of US office culture don’t get the true meaning of Diversity?
Speaking of ventilators, how did you make out with the Wuhan Wheeze?
grim says:
June 13, 2020 at 8:33 am
Range ventilation is pretty high tech. In terms of indoor spaces, a gun range has probably the best indoor ventilation you’ll find outside a laboratory.
Joyce – Humor has been cancelled. If you aren’t trying to climb the ladder to ever greater heights of victim-hood, then you are racist.
Why are we making such a big deal about this? These are “mostly peaceful” protestors.
MSNBC told me so. They just care about black lives.
This is how England feels about it.
“Make no mistake – BLM is a radical neo-Marxist political movement”
Asbury loses in Court for indoor dining, what they should have done is declared Asbury an Autonomous Zone with 24 x 7 ongoing protest.
Reminds of one of best Bill Burr bits. A great man..
Autonomous Zone is the best new reality TV show in ages.
So farthey have segregated their garden and setup walls to prevent migrants.
Wonder what they had for breakfast.
Juice: So a wall and a segregated garden. Ironic I would say.
3B – Best of all watching is free #CHAZ on twitter just for the LARPing alone.
Juice and 3b
Turn off all utilities and see how long that utopia lasts.
Ironic the first thing they did was set up walls and now have segregated gardens. What’s next, everyone having to wear the symbol of their religion on all of their clothes?
And what is a plant ally? Does that mean vegetarian? Odd since vegetarians would be eating something they are the ally of.
“Don’t make the ANTIFA clowns martyrs. It’s a trap. Don’t intervene now.”
Beer- I think it’s great. The young people don’t want to be in lockdown anymore and they found a way out via protest. They know their chances of death from covid19 are low, they want to sing, dance and be young. If I was a young 20 something again I would be right there with them if I was just forced to sit home for nearly 4 months.
I mean it when I say it watch #CHAZ at night when the really left/right crazies are off twitter, some really entertaining stuff, it won’t last too long as well we all eventually move on in our lives.
As I mentioned Asbury should send a bug FU to the governor and go all in on protest. Setup an Autonomous Zone that accepts everyone as long as well they pay admission. That town will not survive without the summer business. It’s all going to hell for the restaurants and entertainment venues.
NYPD has backed off too the protesters are still at it but it has become more of a party & festival and a way to escape lock-down at night and socialize.
Just and example from Washington Sq park last night.
During the sixties a lot of protestors were just going to them for the atmosphere and to meet people.
is that the electric slide? didn’t realize that was a protest song.
A little snark on #CHAZ but a good compilation of that new reality.
“Because the agenda of the right is now to induce the US Military to massacre protesters as a Trump “show of strength.” Why? To “energize” Trump’s white evangelical base, turn out the vote and keep him in power.”
Fabs, dude…..
I understand we all have our personal echo chambers but seriously?
If your political hangouts were sexual proclivities they would be banned in 49 states and Guam.
Left: I was shocked when I read his comment. If he believes this and he is supposed to be an educated man how many others believe this. The leftists are going to push
Many moderates/centrists to the right.
All remember this, the russkies (8ssh8l8s), china (p8ss8s) and the towel heads (camel h8mpers) want us down because for better or worse we are the moral vanguard (d!cks). Best said by the geniuses of South Park here
We have severe social issues that fall usually based on the back and forth definition of best said by the best scene of Bridges of Spies and Mel Brooks
The RIA, Iran, Chinese are just been aided by big tech creeps like Zuckenberg that need to be check and put in their place.
Grim release moderation please
Wife talked to the owner of the Habit Burger and Grille by us today. He said indoor dining is slated to start the 22nd, just 1 week after outdoor dining is “legalized”. He won’t even bother with anything outdoor because he said the amount of prep and hoops he would have to jump through to meet the regulation is not worth it for the 4 tables if they are allowed indoor with the same regulations a week later.
Murphy and his team are like a band of clueless administrators who are just trying to make things up on the fly…meanwhile, they had 3 months to prepare. Common sense does not exist anymore with respect to any policies. Even progressive Asbury Park is fed up with it.
He also said, regularly, they have 30k in sales per week at this time. He’s currently at 18k.
Imagine what Tom Wolfe, in his prime, would have made of this moment
This is identical in reverse to what people were saying when Obama was president
3b says:
June 13, 2020 at 12:18 pm
The leftists are going to push Many moderates/centrists to the right
Joyce: True. But there was not the madness that there is now. I don’t recall anyone saying the military would be called out to shoot Americans. The US military is not the Chinese, Russian, or British army that shoots civilians.
As for Obama many people myself included enthusiastically voted for Obama, fell for the whole hope and change thing, which sadly turned out to be more of the same.
As for Obama many people myself included enthusiastically voted for Obama, fell for the whole hope and change thing, which sadly turned out to be more of the same.
You sure you grew up in the Bronx? You didn’t see this shyster and scam artist a mile away?
Life Matters and Then You Die.
Fast: Yes I grew up in the Bronx. And yeah I voted for Obama, after 8 years of the disaster of Bush and his I will show Daddy Iraq war, I voted for Obama. I have been an independent and centrist. Not that it matters anymore. The lunatics on the left and right along with the bought and paid for politicians are destroying this country.
2:37! I feel a lot better about surviving another 4 years of liberal rule than four more years of Trump’s dangerous empty rhetorical and preening idiocy .
Yay we get a Billion dollar bridge that should cost allot less…
“Shortly after dining with Gov. Phil Murphy at his Bedminster golf club, President Donald Trump announced late Friday night he has “given authorization to proceed” on replacing the 110-year-old Portal Bridge, a long-sought and long-stalled New Jersey rail project.”
After dining with Murphy, Trump announces key N.J. rail project can move ahead
What a lethargic weirdo:
Those protest areas look like a great place to hear crappy music and meet some weirdo losers
After dining with Murphy, Trump announces key N.J. rail project can move ahead
all it took was a blow job?
Just agree with Trump that he is the best president ever, and you get free stuff. He’s vain and gullible that way.. It worked for Kim Jong Un, and it worked for Murphy. Kind of like how Christie hugged and kissed Obama to get hurricane money.
Trump probably had someone in the kitchen make an Alabama Cupcake for Murph.
Egg McMuffin and hash browns
joyce says:
June 13, 2020 at 9:58 am
Wonder what they had for breakfast
Try finding one attractive human being amongst the protesters…enough said.
No One says:
June 13, 2020 at 7:22 pm
Those protest areas look like a great place to hear crappy music and meet some weirdo losers