Jobs strong in NJ

From the NJBIA:

NJ Gains Jobs in May, Unemployment Dips to 4.6% 

The state’s unemployment rate declined by one-tenth of a percentage point for the second consecutive month to 4.6% in May, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data released on Thursday by state labor officials. 

Total nonfarm employment in New Jerey rose by 16,500 jobs to reach a seasonally adjusted level of 4,393,700. The strong rebound in May followed the revised loss of 8,100 jobs in April, state officials said. The revision did not affect the statewide unemployment rate for April, which remained unchanged at 4.7%. 

In May, seven out of nine private industries recorded month-over-month gains. These sectors include leisure and hospitality (+7,200); education and health services (+2,900); trade, transportation, and utilities (+2,700); other services (+900); manufacturing (+600); professional and business services (+500); and financial activities (+500).  

Public sector jobs increased by 1,800 for May. 

Private sector job losses in May include construction (-400) and information (-200). 

Over the past 12 months, New Jersey has added 80,200 nonfarm jobs. About 86% of those gains were in the private sector, with six out of nine private sector industries recording a gain between May 2023 and May 2024. 

These year-over-year job gains occurred in private education and health services (+40,000); trade, transportation, and utilities (+10,500); leisure and hospitality (+9,600); other services (+5,400); professional and business services (+3,900); and construction (+3,700).   

Losses were recorded year-over-year in information (-2,900), and manufacturing (-1,300), while financial activities recorded no change. The public sector has recorded a gain of 11,200 jobs over the past 12 months. 

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61 Responses to Jobs strong in NJ

  1. LAX says:

    First f-ckers

  2. No One says:

    Isn’t it awfully early in CA?

  3. Chi in Chicago says:

    Or late

  4. 1987 Condo says:

    I see NJ Train service disrupted again today, when will there be a discount for living in a so called “train town”?

  5. Very Stable Genius says:

    working from home is better

    1987 Condo says:
    June 21, 2024 at 8:24 am
    I see NJ Train service disrupted again today, when will there be a discount for living in a so called “train town”?

  6. 3b says:

    1987: Problems this week since Wednesday on NJ transit. Hoboken smells wonderful in the hot weather.

  7. 3b says:

    Fast: 1.2 million, but the luxury and location are unparalleled. And as I said prestigious town and a prestigious county. The black and white combination is sophisticated and elegant and yet gives a nod to the simple farmhouse of long ago.

  8. BRT says:

    Saudi’s move off petrodollar and magically we are now reporting they might have been responsible for 9/11.

  9. Fast Eddie says:

    3b: That’s the same going price for those “boxes” on a portion of the ex-golf course in River Vale. Why am I sharing walls with strangers for that price? To each their own but if I’m dropping $1.2 million, I want my own joint and greenery as a property border.

  10. Old realtor says:

    1.2 ain’t sh*t today in North Jersey. There are million dollar homes in Waldwick and Emerson. My 2 family in Hawthorne is worth over $900,000. Eddie, you sound like my father when he tells me about going to the movies for a double feature, hot dog and a soda for a quarter back in the day.

  11. Fast Eddie says:

    Eddie, you sound like my father when he tells me about going to the movies for a double feature, hot dog and a soda for a quarter back in the day.

    Get off my lawn, ya nose pickers!

  12. Juice Box says:

    re: Saudi’s

    Makes sense the Chinese are buying more and more Russian Oil instead of expensive Saudi crude priced in dollars, so they take Yuan and sell it at a discount to keep China as a customer.

    Saudi Arabia is still a tiny country of 36 million, as compared to India, China, and Russia. Note the announcement said nothing about trading oil in Rubles. It said they it would not longer be exclusively dollars but what does that really mean?

    So what if they sell oil to India and take Rupees as payment? India needs dollars not the other way around, and Saudi needs Rupees? Lol….Hardly.

    As far as China they produce very little oil. Does Saudi Arabia need Yuan? What are they going to do with it? Convert it to other currencies probably.

    The Saudi’s have nearly a Trillion dollar Sovereign wealth fund, all of their surplus money is invested locally. They aren’t buying Apple or Tesla with their savings. They are building their own airlines, ski resort cities and luxury housing and even cruise lines. Take a look a their plans it makes sense for them to hold their own money it’s spent locally, so here is really no need for them to hold so many dollars when they reinvest mostly in their own economy.

    Sure we protect them from Iran and protect the shipping lanes too. Perhaps they need to invest in their own Navy instead of relying on ours to keep those oil shipping lanes open? Move the US fleet away and watch the Houthi’s sink a few crude carrying ships and you can bet there will be a new agreement again.

  13. leftwing says:

    Fabs, nice thoughtful response last night. Thanks for that.

    Couple points…

    “Trump’s brand of populism has brought its own set of challenges, particularly in terms of party coherence and policy consistency.”

    Agree on the consistency and coherence issues, but by definition that’s what change entails, no? In other words, no one inside the GOP should be surprised.

    “The problem is that the GOP do not have a way forward that does not include Trump.”

    DJT isn’t a problem for the R Party until he is…The political parties are, like any corporate entity, ultimately about self propagation and winning. Right now the Repubs with DJT are 1-1-0, and the slight favorites to win in this go around.

    When you get a 1972 or 1964 (McGovern/Goldwater) where a Party with a ‘radical’ platform or candidate loses with less than 40% of the popular vote and less than 10% of the electoral vote then that candidate and platform will overnight become a non-entity for the Party. Until that happens, yeah, some Repubs can get their panties all twisted over personality issues but they are a sideshow for the Party if the Party is winning…Again, this is why so many ‘traditional’ Repubs – including some he hit the hardest and in the most personal manner – are falling in line behind him.

    “The GOP was the party for you, its no longer. You need to work out how you handle that.”

    Once again, never been part of the GOP. Based on what they were during most of my adult years I actually despise those fucks.

    Their only – only – redeeming value is that they are generally the lesser of the two evils…

  14. No One says:

    Meanwhile rich people in China travel into HK to buy big insurance policies essentially denominated in dollars to bypass China’s strict capital flow regulations and invest in dollar policies that give them higher interest rates and a stronger currency than the RMB does.

    The denomination of oil trading doesn’t really matter. It’s all referenced back to the dollar priced indexes.

    What might matter eventually is the US’ soaring debt, which as usual is driven by social welfare income transfer spending, though Chinese and Russian propaganda, and MAGA folks would have people think deficits are all because the US hasn’t given up its global military influence. Funny how lots of MAGA folk actually promote “peace through weakness and withdrawal and disunity amongst allies” rather than Reagan’s “peace through strength” formula which the libs hated at the time. But Trump in the 80s was a big critic of Reagan, so it makes sense.

  15. leftwing says:

    “The Saudi’s have nearly a Trillion dollar Sovereign wealth fund, all of their surplus money is invested locally. They aren’t buying Apple or Tesla with their savings.”

    Might want to check that…the Saudis are among the largest, most diversified equity investors globally, owning 5-10% stakes in many public and private entities throughout the world.

  16. Juice Box says:

    left – way way ahead of you. You are getting slow old man.

    PIF fund only has a pittance of US stocks, and it’s shrinking..

    U.S.-traded stocks with a market value of about $18 billion as of March 31, down from $35 billion at year-end, according to an analysis of a Form 13F filed May 15 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

    60% of the money is local Saudi companies, the rest deployed elsewhere in the Middle East and Asia.

  17. 3b says:

    Home prices hit record highs, spring market sluggish, some cities starting to see price declines.

  18. 3b says:

    Fast: The condos in Paramus were built on an old nursery, so a bit of history too.

  19. 3b says:

    The million dollar homes in Waldwick and Emerson may drop dramatically when we have a recession, and we will have one again at some point. Then those homeowners will be crying about their loss of equity, and how they did not know and blah, blah, and then of course there will be cries for the Fed to put a floor under the price drops, and keep people in their homes and all that crap.

  20. 3b says:

    The public equities market is continuing its decline from the 1990s. The peak was about 8000 publicly traded companies in the U.S., now I believe it’s about half, and continuing to decline.

  21. Juice Box says:

    3b – It’s a good time to be a single home builder…Saw the surveyors out on a road nearby. It’s perhaps a 3 or 4 acre wooded property owned by the local cemetery.

    Whole area is zoned single family, so little danger of a multi mix used being approved. There was an old Garden Center nearby that closed down a decade ago. Six new Single Family 6,000 sq ft homes going up 2.2 million base price.

  22. 3b says:

    Juice: It is all great until it’s not, but what do I know. And why these single family homes, ain’t nobody having kids today. I guess the dogs need rooms of their own too.

  23. 3b says:

    A brawl broke out on the football field after Westwood High School graduation the other night. Multiple fights on the field, 7/ 8police departments and Bergen Co Sheriff department called. One person hospitalized, others treated at the scene. Police are investigating. Hope this does not affect property values.

  24. Fast Eddie says:


    “Multiple local agencies assisted in dispersing the crowds on Thursday night including the Hillsdale, Westwood, Old Tappan, Oradell, Emerson, River Vale, Waldwick, Ho Ho Kus, Ridgewood, and Paramus police departments as well as the Bergen County Sheriff.”

    10 Police departments to break up a school fight. Some cop from Newark just laughed reading this story.

  25. Very Stable Genius says:


    The Supreme Court said a Texas man under a domestic violence order may be disarmed, narrowing a key 2022 ruling that vastly expanded gun rights.

    Friday, June 21, 2024 10:35 AM ET

  26. Old realtor says:

    Curious if the fights were parents or students. Lots of school board drama in Westwood in recent years.

  27. Fast Eddie says:

    It’s a good time to be a single home builder

    Nonsense. 300 pods @ $900,000 apiece on 1.5 acres is the only way to go. There’s no such thing as single home construction in NJ. Drive until you hit Altoona and make a right for 30 miles. There’s your single home construction.

  28. Juice Box says:

    3b – Women today are the brawlers. The men just film.

    I like the wig toss near the end of the video..

  29. Fast Eddie says:


    Nice vid! I gotta give it to our enemies… they waited patiently for decades for U.S. society to reach m0ron levels to the point where they’re walking across our borders with zero resistance. Even Rome at least put up a fight before it fell. We’re too fat, drunk and stupid to even recognize it. This nation is filled with Kent “Flounder” Dorfmans.

  30. Very Stable Genius says:

    Fox News and the facebook enhance Russian propaganda to manipulate boomers.

    Old realtor says:
    June 21, 2024 at 10:56 am
    Curious if the fights were parents or students. Lots of school board drama in Westwood in recent years.

  31. Very Stable Genius says:

    there’s no maga without Fox News and the facebook

  32. BRT says:

    lol, Westwood? It’s funny, if you look at the districts where Morris borders Somerset (Basking Ridge, Madison, Chatham, New Providence etc…). These schools have zero violence. The kids there don’t even understand that a physical altercation is even possible. I haven’t seen an actual fight in 15 years of teaching. You go elsewhere, there’s a fight du jour. Sometimes, a morning and an afternoon tussle.

  33. Phoenix says:

    Juice Box says:
    All of this law enforcement for a cat fight.
    Times have changed. Men are neutered, women are the aggressors now.

    Just sayin

    June 21, 2024 at 10:57 am

    3b – Women today are the brawlers. The men just film.

    I like the wig toss near the end of the video..

    A brawl broke out on the football field after Westwood High School graduation the other night. Multiple fights on the field, 7/ 8police departments and Bergen Co Sheriff department called.

  34. Fast Eddie says:

    If I’m the police chief for any town outside of Westwood, my message to the on-duty force would be: “If you respond, you’re fired.” You’re coming to Westwood from as far as Old Tappan or Waldwick to break up some dudes fighting over a chick? Defund these police departments and let the county cops police the towns.

  35. Phoenix says:

    Fast Eddie,

    This one is for you. Top 100. Pay attention to lyrics.

  36. Fast Eddie says:

    Gee, maybe the Hackettstown PD should have responded, too.

  37. Phoenix says:

    The “Uvalde Treatment.” Hehe No duty to protect.

    I just might have to start going to these functions for the extra entertainment.

    Fast Eddie says:
    June 21, 2024 at 11:26 am

    If I’m the police chief for any town outside of Westwood, my message to the on-duty force would be: “If you respond, you’re fired.” You’re coming to Westwood from as far as Old Tappan or Waldwick to break up some dudes fighting over a chick? Defund these police departments and let the county cops police the towns.

  38. Juice Box says:

    There is always video these days.

    Someone made a compilation from the fights, there is a nice take down at the end give that kid a scholarship…

  39. 3b says:

    Juice: It’s the women’s turn now. The wig toss was very dramatic!

  40. 3b says:

    Maybe Washington Township will want out of the regional middle/ high school arrangement. They consider themselves the wealthier more sophisticated, quiet town. Kind of like Oradell to River Edge.

  41. The Great Pumpkin says:

    The downturn in Austin, TXs housing market is remarkable.

    Inventory has now spiked to the highest level on record.

    More than 25% higher than the previous, pre-pandemic high.

    And the listings just keep coming.

    Values down nearly 20% already and could have another 15% decline to go.

    1) Austin is remarkable because only 2 years ago, most housing analysts believed this market wouldn’t crash.

    They believed the Kool-Aid of “everyone is moving to Austin”. It’s becoming the Silicon Valley, etc.

    But it was always obvious that this market would crash.

    2) Here’s why it was obvious.

    Back in May 2022, Austin’s Housing Market hit a 50% overvaluation rate.

    Typical home value of $556k v fair home value of $365k based on local incomes.

    Locals were completely priced out of the market. And once the inevitable slowdown in inbound migration came, the market would obviously correct.

    3) The downturn in prices in Austin over the last two years (about -20%) combined with some income growth has now made the market only 15% overvalued in 2024.

    Meaning that most of the pain in terms of the correction is likely over.

    However, there is still more downside to come.

    4) Now – prices in Austin *could* drop by even more, below the long-term norm, if there is a corresponding recession that leads to lots of job losses.

    In that scenario, like what happened from 2007-2012, we can see prices drop further than you would anticipate.

    So that’s still a distinct possibility, and means homebuyers in Austin should still be careful buying in 2024 despite the lower prices.

  42. leftwing says:

    “left – way way ahead of you. You are getting slow old man.”

    Hahaha, point conceded. Saving what old man energy I have for more, uhm, pleasant activities than fact checking here!

  43. LAX says:

    11:05 why do Trumpublicants hate America so much?

    Perhaps you should move to Russia.

  44. OC1 says:

    “The downturn in Austin, TXs housing market is remarkable.”

    Austin has experienced a building boom (mostly rental apartments) over the last few years.

    Funny how that works- build more housing, and the cost of housing drops.

    Apartments AND houses are now more affordable for everybody!

    It’s only a “downturn” if you’re a house flipper and bought in the last few years.

  45. Fast Eddie says:

    Perhaps you should move to Russia.

    Russia is coming here, no need to move. Keep pulling the lever for dems and it’ll happen faster. And I snort when a liberal mentions ‘America’ because I know how painful it is to write or speak that word. It brings negative feelings for those that wish for the transformation to be complete. You know… it takes a rainbow village, kumbaya, dei and all that shit.

  46. OC1 says:

    “Nice vid! I gotta give it to our enemies… they waited patiently for decades for U.S. society to reach m0ron levels…”

    Just want to point out that those morons (parents with high school age kids) are overwhelmingly Gen Xers.

    Didn’t see stuff like that when the boomer’s kids were graduating!

    Good job guys, good job!

  47. 3b says:

    Fast: My apologies the Sky View Estates Condos are on Spring Valley right off of Continental Ave (River Edge). Just drove by and they are adding a few landscaping touches.

  48. LAX says:

    2:37 you are fucking stupid dude.

  49. Fast Eddie says:

    3:09 (Insert Elvis voice here) – Uh, thank you… thank you very much.

  50. Old realtor says:

    Ironic? Mass shooting at MAD BUTCHER butcher shop.

  51. leftwing says:

    Fast/3b….please get it right, you are in NJ, land of the cheeseball overpriced low-end developer for the shallow striving masses…

    It is SKYE Drive Estates….with the ‘E’

    Now there, that makes it all worth it!

    $1.2m, fuck that, I’ll bid 1.4!

    Bet there’s a canned image of a mythological griffin somewhere around the property too, lol. Metal, on a cheap brickface pillar.

  52. 3b says:

    Left: Ironically the estates are right across the street from an old school place called Ted’s North, more like an enlarged shack, but this place has great blue collar food, including salted dripping in oil French fries in a brown paper bag, great breakfast sandwiches and lunch sandwiches too.

  53. Old realtor says:

    It became Ted’s in the 1980s. Before that it was Komsa’s Farm. They raised chickens and were known for their excellent fried chicken.
    I went to high school with someone from the family that owned the farm where the townhouses are now located.

  54. Old realtor says:

    On the positive side, the townhouses are less than a block from Van Saun Park.

  55. 3b says:

    Old: Literally across the street to get to Van Suan Park, and of course the traffic. Spring Valley/ Forest/ Midland Ave are super busy streets, and getting worse. As for Ted’s North, it’s a big piece of property. I am surprised some developer has not bought the property; you could definitely stuff a few town houses on it.

  56. 3b says:

    Old: I used to go to the nursery there often. Then, it was closed and the land sat vacant for years. Perhaps, they had to do a clean up after a nursery/ farm was there for so long. I would imagine chemicals/ pesticides etc.

  57. JUice Box says:

    Some twisted logic…Rahimi case ruling favors Hunter Biden? Lol!

  58. Juice Box says:

    Ask AI a simple question…

    why was hunter biden convicted?

    I’m still learning how to answer this question. In the meantime, try Google Search.

  59. Chi in Chicago says:

    Mets smoked the Cubs today.

    My son sniped 2 tix 3 rows from the Mets dugout for $117 all-in each.

    Walked down the lake shore from Wrigley to Rush/Division for food.

    The city is still trying its best to unfuck itself.

    I think my son has been impressed.

    The idiots that run it are on full bore.

    We walked into a liquor store, and it has a sign saying the prices after midnight are higher because the city instituted a special liquor license that charges stores extra tax After midnight

  60. LAX says:

    I always loved Chicago during nice weather.

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