Maybe they aren’t so bad?


Really, rankings? These two Jersey cities are consistently ‘the worst.’ We beg to differ

Newark and Jersey City are New Jersey’s most populated cities, so it’s no wonder that they’re often the target of the various “worst places” reports on behalf of the Garden State.

This includes Newark being named the worst city for renters in the nation by Forbes and the seventh worst city for renters by WalletHub; ranking as the fourth worst city to raise a family; and the third worst city for renovating a fixer upper home.

Both Jersey City and Newark were also named in the top 10 noisiest cities; ranked among the worst cities for their average size of new apartments; ranked in the 10 worst cities for recreation; and named in the bottom half of 180 cities for their selection of fun spots.

Despite all of the flak people give these two North Jersey cities, whether it’s for good reason or not, there are actually some great attractions to visit in these places.

So we’d like to use this opportunity to do what we do best here in North Jersey: Talk about how great we are so everyone else can know it too.

This entry was posted in Demographics, Gold Coast, New Jersey Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

177 Responses to Maybe they aren’t so bad?

  1. Jim says:

    First! Wake up Boys!!!

  2. grim says:

    Been almost 5 years since I’ve been back to India. Stopping in Mumbai for a few days to meet with clients, then off to Ahmedabad to meet with one of my teams.

    I’ve been to Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore. Never been further north than Mumbai. Had a few opportunities to head to Delhi, but never made it up there.

    Will be primarily around Colaba, which I’m psyched about. Usually never around the touristy areas, and staying at the Taj Palace, which looks pretty cool.

    Grabbed the direct flight from EWR into Mumbai, 14 hrs. Pretty sure I’m going to entirely regret flying Air India.

  3. Juice Box says:

    Have fun Grim… Never been myself.. We have an office in Hyderabad that we are expanding now aka not filling any roles here in the good ole USA. I will be on my call with that office momentarily….. They have a weird half hour time zone there IST… 5:18:00 pm there now.

    I am not bad time zone wise and I am always cognizant of meetings on Friday so I try and do our touchpoints on Tues and Thursday, who wants to be on a call late at night on a Friday? Our new CTO is west and won’t do any calls early for even the east coast so the poor workers in India are expected to join way way late past midnight even on Friday.. Pricks….

  4. SomeOne says:

    Grim, consider yourself lucky if you have/had a working seat and working display (in the unlikely scenario you are flying coach).

  5. grim says:

    Yeah I should have just bit the bullet and grabbed a seat on Swiss, that’s what I’d always done in the past, and never regretted it.

    My all time fav is Asiana’s A380, damn that was the best seat I’ve ever flown. That was JFK -> Seoul, 2nd floor seats. I don’t think they do that first class pod and lounge thing anymore, shame, but I remember that being a $6000 ticket, and that was pre-covid. Probably be close to 8 or 9k now, insane.

    Think I watched 6 or 7 movies in a row on that flight.

  6. Libturd says:

    Lufthansa through Frankfurt on my way home was pretty decent. Excellent beer and movie selections. Not a great lay-flat seat since it was angled, but I heard they fixed that. Expect a lot of bare feet on Air India.

  7. Fast Eddie says:

    Flying from San Fran back to Newark last month on the red eye was pretty cool. I don’t fly that often but seeing the sky begin to turn that light blue and then the sun slowly rising on the horizon was awesome. I didn’t sleep, knew I wasn’t going to, just chilled out and ‘daydreamed’ for six hours. You couldn’t read, they dim the lights. The pilot was amazing… before the flight gave more details than any other I’ve ever heard and then explained the descent step by step as we dropped below 5,000 feet. The turns on approach and then the landing was so smooth, I wasn’t sure when the wheels hit the ground.

  8. Libturd says:

    What were you doing in San Fran? Slumming?

  9. Fast Eddie says:

    What were you doing in San Fran? Slumming?

    I joined a tent city and protested anything the binary person next to me was protesting. ;)

    Other than that, it was business for 4 days and a team outing day of fun and adventure!

  10. 3b says:

    Traders see odds of rate cut in September at 100 percent.

  11. Libturd says:

    “Traders see odds of rate cut in September at 100 percent.”

    Well they have to get it in before the second coming dismantles the FED.

  12. LAX says:

    Hahaha. The FED has steamrolled every hot economy we’ve had. Will they be missed?

  13. Fast Eddie says:


    Omg.. lol. I can only imagine the number of memes, videos and pictures emerging.

  14. Juice Box says:

    Menendez guilty!

    Does our Governor appoint his wife to finish his term?

  15. Chi in LBI says:

    More for Fast Eddie (missing in action Phoenix Edition):
    From 2016

  16. Fast Eddie says:

    Make Gojira Great Again!

  17. leftwing says:

    “Libturd says: Well they have to get it in before the second coming dismantles the FED.”

    How many times are you going to post a link that specifically disproves the liberal echo chamber tripe you assert, LOL.

    Direct quote from YOUR link beginning with paragraph two, FFS LOL…My emphasis for the dull liberal brains…

    “A small group of the former president’s allies has produced a nearly 10-page document outlining a policy vision for the central bank, according to the report.

    The group argues that Trump should be consulted on rate decisions and would have the authority to remove Jerome Powell as Fed Chair before his term ends in 2026, the report added.

    ****The Journal said it could not determine if the former president was aware of or signed off on the effort, but some people close to the discussions believe the work has received his blessing.****

    ****”Let us be very specific here: unless a message is coming directly from President Trump or an authorized member of his campaign team, no aspect of future presidential staffing or policy announcements should be deemed official,” the statement from campaign co-chairs Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said.****”

    In other words, 100% speculation, zero support for your assertion.

  18. leftwing says:

    Oh, and Lib, don’t forget….once he gets into office he’s going to execute some Army Generals!


  19. Fast Eddie says:

    Oh, and Lib, don’t forget….once he gets into office he’s going to execute some Army Generals!

    Only after he claims himself dictator for life.

  20. LAX says:

    Pew Pew Pew

  21. LAX says:

    1:02 she’s got the tits for it.

  22. leftwing says:

    On Menendez, from CBS NY, direct quote….

    First a black thing (Willis), now a Cuban thing… downright rainbow coalition of DEI tax evading political whores…

    “Menendez has insisted that he had a decades-long habit of stockpiling cash that stemmed from his family’s experience in Cuba. His older sister told jurors of their parents’ practice of storing cash at home after their family fled persecution in Cuba in 1951, before Menendez was born. She called it “a Cuban thing.”

  23. Libturd says:

    Lefty. We’ll see what Trump does. Personally, I think Trump is an asshole for comparing Powell, the Republican lawyer HE APPOINTED, to Xi Jinping, when he asked, “My only question is, who is our bigger enemy, Jay Powell or Chairman Xi?”

    But Trump can do no wrong and I suppose, should not be taken at his word.

  24. Juice Box says:

    Leftwing… he should have taken Bitcoin, much harder to prove.. funny thing is well physical evidence….you cannot really lie about serial numbers on bills especially new ones the banks hand out. The stacks of $100 dollar bills were printed recently and not withdrawn from his bank and had DNA of one of the other bribery suspects on it.

  25. Juice Box says:

    Ho humm anoter day as we inch further towards thermonuclear war. Missed this one from the NATO summit.

    Biden to allow shipment of long range missiles to Germany….

  26. Libturd says:

    “Ho humm anoter day as we inch further towards thermonuclear war.”

    Or another cold war. Maybe it will reverse the global warming?

  27. 3b says:

    Market is up up up!! Multiple Fed cuts talk is back in vogue. I just don’t understand this Powell guy, worst Fed Chairman ever.

  28. Libturd says:

    Both Trump and Biden want to make their rich friends (and themselves) much richer. What’s not to understand? The economy is probably turning over anyhow.

  29. OC1 says:

    Ho humm anoter day as we inch further towards thermonuclear war.

    I think you’ve got this exactly backwards.

    Pax Americana, baby!

  30. 3b says:

    IMF says inflation may not keep falling.

  31. BRT says:

    Is Trump making himself richer? The entire legal system…I mean dem establishment is trying to bankrupt him.

  32. Libturd says:

    I thought he was using campaign contributions to pay his legal fees.

  33. Libturd says:

    And there is always THIS. If you choose to believe it.

  34. LAX says:

    3:12 He’s on the hook for big money just for flapping his gums and defaming his rape / assault victim. Trump is a pedophile rapist, too.

  35. 3b says:

    Vance and Harris are going to debate either late July, or some time in August.

  36. leftwing says:

    “But Trump can do no wrong and I suppose, should not be taken at his word.”

    Since you’ve decided to digress to Pumpkin level of reading comprehension the point was that the words you inaccurately ascribed to him he did not utter and moreover specifically disclaimed.

    But why let facts pierce your preformed opinion….

    Carry on in the CNN/MSNBC mode of “make shit up, credit it to DJT, then rip him apart for your fiction.”

  37. leftwing says:

    Speaking of which…here’s a gut busting LOL….Apparently NBC canceled MSNBC Morning Joe on Monday morning because they didn’t trust the hosts and panelists to stay inside of reasonable lanes because of their TDS….

    THAT level of ‘reasonableness’….they can’t even be trusted and their show is shut down by their network the day following the shooting because of it….is the *high end* of the liberal theocracy…

    The places you are picking up your gibberish and the Fab feeds….unadulterated bird cage liner.

  38. LAX says:

    Meanwhile Faux News plays 24×7 spinning yarns and lying their dumb asses off to anyone stupid enough to tune in.

  39. Libturd says:

    We’ll see.

  40. leftwing says:

    So Lax….

    “Meanwhile Faux News plays 24×7 spinning yarns and lying their dumb asses off to anyone stupid enough to tune in…Trump is a pedophile rapist, too…”

    You remember the whole Pizzagate trafficking conspiracy theory from 2016?

    How out of touch and ridiculous those followers of that idiocy were?

    You have become the identical mirror image of them…in tone, intensity, gullibility, and absurdity.

    Same distance from the median on the bell curve, other direction. Wave hello to those brothers-in-arms of your political mental decline in passing!

    And please, keep pumping out your yarns from sources even less credible and trustworthy than Morning Joe!

    Makes for a good chuckle, at least among those of us not presenting diagnoses from the DSM-5.

  41. SmallGovConservative says:

    Take-aways from the past few days…
    – Old enough to have lived through the JFK, MLK, RFK, Wallace, Ford, Lennon, Reagan, Trump assassinations/shootings and of those I recall, never was the collective response as nonchalant as this one — acceptance by the R’s, regret (at a missed opportunity) and low-key victim-blaming by the D’s
    – Dems remind us on a daily basis that they are thoroughly incompetent, and incapable and uninterested in good governance; not sure what’s worse, the keystone cop performance by the Secret Service, or SlowJoe immediately announcing full confidence in the DEI dingbat that he put in charge of it
    – Add the SS to the list of once mostly-reliable institutions that the Dems and their woke, score-settling agenda have completely broken; did anyone see the chubby girl who couldn’t holster her gun? what about the 5’4″ girl who joined the huddle around T after the shooting and left his entire upper torso and head exposed? Girl Power!!!
    – The SS performance was so bad that I wouldn’t blame anyone for thinking it was an inside job
    – Dems are now so desperate that Joe is going to propose nationwide rent controls; no words to describe Joe’s craven, contemptible vote-buying
    – JD vs Carmella, that might be a bigger slaughter than T vs SlowJoe
    – LibLax and the rest of the ‘cucks for Carmella’ should be ashamed and embarrassed

  42. LAX says:

    Old fart screams at the clouds. Film at 11.

  43. Grim says:

    Prime day deals?

    Nah, crap.

  44. leftwing says:

    In all seriousness, good to see you’re upgrading where you get your news analyses!

    Bravo, Lax!

    Good for little buddy!

  45. LAX says:

    I literally learned about the shooting from this very board….

    This guy:

  46. TraitorJoe says:

    Leftist radicals are experts at sabotage. Subverting and undermining are part of their dna. Like termites. So engineering something to fail, like they did with our border security is very easy for them.

  47. 3b says:

    Depending on who you believe, the efforts to remove Biden as the Democrats nominee for President are decreasing or increasing after the failed Trump assassination attempt.

  48. Fabius Maximus says:

    “You have become the identical mirror image of them…in tone, intensity, gullibility, and absurdity.”

    Left are you sticking people into one of your ‘boxes’ and then assigning them thoughts according to how you classified them?

    So that was an interesting few days. Now the fact Donnie was shot at is a BFD. The why and how throw up a lot of questions. One of the biggest being how Donnie went from a band aid in the morning to showing up to the Convention as a walking ad for Kotex.

    I agree with Small that all is not well in the house of SS. That started with Pence refusing to get in the car. Candidate Joe, refusing his assigned detail and requesting his old team out of retirement. And when the agency was subpoenaed for their phones, they were magically cleaned of all texts and there was no backups available. There was so much about how that all went down, that did not look right.

    But the biggest question I see is how a GOP supporter from a staunch MAGA family, does this. Occam’s Razor says he’s a Patsy.

  49. 1987 Condo says:

    Zero Fail, book about the demise of the Secret Service…it ain’t pretty…

  50. Fabius Maximus says:

    JD Vance, that pick is going sideways fast. All the past comments and stories coming to light.

    Here is a great piece explaining how he is a fraud and will kiss ass to get ahead.

    And here is another great piece where the right just woke up to the fact that he’s a fraud and will kiss ass to get ahead.

    At least the VP debate will be a classic.

  51. Mike S says:

    The war in ukraine screwed up the direct united flight from EWR to BOM. Bangalore these days has a lot of really great brew pubs open late.

    I did lufthansa and british airways my last trip.

    Taj in bangalore is the nicest hotel i ever stayed in.

    I went to a decent negroni bar last time I was in mumbai

    Uber works really well in both cities.

  52. Fabius Maximus says:

    So Elon, the mega Billionaire has pledged 180Million to Donnies campaign. That’s 0.01% of his worth. It should however make up for the shortfall in his fundraising and replenish some of the GOP Coffers that Donnie has raided to pay his legal bills.

  53. Libturd says:

    Nice market today.

    Trump says Taiwan doesn’t need our help defending itself. I give him credit. He did not confuse Taiwan with Thailand this time. Markets, especially chip stocks, cratering. Nasdaq down the most I recall in multiple years. Go Donald and isolationism.

  54. Libturd says:

    Trump also fucking with the FED again saying rate cuts shouldn’t occur before election. Because you know, like with the immigration bill, what’s good for America, but bad for Trump, is well, bad for America.

    He’s all yours.

  55. Chi in LBI says:

    Fab: Spare us your sanctimonious crap. It’s called being a politician.

    At this juncture, you would go straight MAGA if it meant getting your career back, so please pipe down.

  56. LAX says:

    But would you eat smegma to get your career back?
    Asking for a friend.

  57. Libturd says:

    Trump when president, “lower the rate, do it, lower the rate.” And the FED did.
    NOW Trump “they better not lower rates, it would be so unfair.”

    He’s all yours.

  58. Libturd says:

    Nasdaq approaching a 3% drop today. We haven’t seen drops like this since the early days of Covid. I suppose, this is the foreshadowing of Making America Great Again.

    I have a strange feeling that in four years, we ALL will have wished that kid was a better shot.

  59. leftwing says:

    “Left are you sticking people into one of your ‘boxes’ and then assigning them thoughts according to how you classified them?”

    Dude is convinced DJT is a pedophile rapist and thrives off of Project 2025 by way of a subreddit called ‘interestingasfuck’.

    Pretty sure that box is self selected. Like a puppy who sticks its head in an empty cereal box and collides into all the furniture in a blind panic…

  60. leftwing says:

    “Nasdaq approaching a 3% drop today. We haven’t seen drops like this since the early days of Covid. I suppose, this is the foreshadowing of Making America Great Again.”

    Hmmm, yet the deafening silence on the rates and runups last week on the back of better DJT prospects….at least acknowledge the black and white sign when you drive down the One Way liberal street…

    Oh, and take of the Blue shades, you may hit someone…a candidate opining on an ‘independent’ Federal branch? The horror, the HORROR!

    “Trump also fucking with the FED again saying rate cuts shouldn’t occur before election.”

  61. Old realtor says:

    If I remember correctly you recently made a reference to the likelihood that one of your sons isn’t straight. That being the case, how do you feel about politicians like Vance who oppose gay marriage and hold other less than enlightened positions on LGBTQ rights?

    I have a kid who is gay. Cannot vote for anyone who opposes gay marriage. Normalizing discrimination against people based on their sexuality is completely unacceptable.

  62. leftwing says:

    And lastly, market wizard, semis are also down on Biden’s comment on more immediate and actionable export controls on chips…/smh as SMH is the major drag on NASD, down 5.8% to 2.7% on the index….

    But, to take a turn on one of your favorite phrases, Trump can do no right for you. It’s all his fault!

  63. 3b says:

    Schiff calls for Biden to pass the torch.

  64. leftwing says:

    “If I remember correctly you recently made a reference to the likelihood that one of your sons isn’t straight. That being the case, how do you feel about politicians like Vance who oppose gay marriage and hold other less than enlightened positions on LGBTQ rights?”

    Not exactly what I said if you go back and look and I’m only parsing past words as the party I had in mind may/may not be and if so I’m most certainly not outing a young adult on a public RE forum…

    That aside, I can respect other people’s opinions and views while still maintaining relationships or even friendships with them…kind of an adult thing to do, and moreover if I limited my social group to people whose views only conformed with mine it would be a rather homogenous, closed, and ultimately boring group, no?

    As that same thought pertains to politics, I’m a realist.

    This country was established with an intentionally weak Executive and many Legislative circuit breakers.

    Meaning the chance of any ‘radical’ idea – Left or Right – making it through both houses of Congress, a filibuster, and the Executive branch is low. Or conversely, if something can clear those three hurdles with 60+ Senators and SCOTUS no matter how ‘radical’ one views the idea it probably ought to pass.

    Regarding politics like friends I’ll hang with a politician when I agree with their larger viewpoint and most of their positions provided any more ‘radical’ views won’t come to be.

    There will be no National Abortion Ban, there will be no Christian Nationalist state, there will be no ‘nationalizing’ of the Fed, nor will there be any other of the over-the-top FUDs pedaled by the Left.

    So, yeah, given the above I’m fine with Vance…There is overwhelming big picture appeal to me (military, Yale Law, VC, hillbilly background, age, etc), so if he has a personal objection to gay marriage – which from a national policy perspective has zero legislative chance of being acted upon – I’ll overlook it.

    To be clear, I would have a different opinion if such a view were likely able to be acted upon…

  65. LAX says:

    12:55 hey dumbass, yeah you. You stupid ingrate.

  66. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    July 17, 2024 at 11:44 am
    “Go Donald and isolationism.”

    The world accordingly to LibLax…
    – Ten million illegals (a few rapes, a few murders, a few cops beaten) = OK
    – War in Europe ($200million cost to taxpayers) = mehhh
    – War in Middle East (US hostages still in Gaza) = so what
    – Highest inflation on 40 years = minor inconvenience
    – Tariffs on China = outrageous! unbelievable! fascist! end of democracy!

    You stooges literally look dumber by the day.

  67. leftwing says:

    LAX, lol man. Lighten up Francis.

    C’mon, that was a soft underhand pitch…

  68. LAX says:

    You are forgiven.

  69. leftwing says:


  70. Fast Eddie says:

    I’m not going down the ‘divine intervention’ road but you gotta wonder; the American flag takes the shape of an angel, then Trump turns his head at the exact right moment and finally, the American flag is shown flying upside down in a state of so-called distress as a bloodied Trump is exiting in the same view. A bit surreal if nothing else.

  71. Chi in LBI says:

    Water is freezing. The sun is hot. It is fucking unbelievable down here. Best ever.
    Enjoy it while you can. O- man says it is underwater by 2026 (oh, except shoreline Martha’s Vineyard).

  72. LAX says:

    2:46 gullible. Trump resembles the anti-christ. He’s a pedophile, rapist, ignorant, loser.

  73. OC1 says:

    I’m not going down the ‘divine intervention’ road but you gotta wonder; the American flag takes the shape of an angel, then Trump turns his head at the exact right moment and finally, the American flag is shown flying upside down in a state of so-called distress as a bloodied Trump is exiting in the same view. A bit surreal if nothing else.

    I saw somewhere that one of those shops on the Jersey Shore was selling t-shirts with that image on the front THE NEXT MORNING.

    Gotta love capitalism!

  74. Fast Eddie says:

    Every one of those photos with his fist in the air and blood on his face is iconic. It’s moments worthy of the best of ‘Life Magazine’ type photos. It’s courage, leadership, defiance and determination all in one. Compare that to a party that isn’t sure which bathroom to use and the contrast is drastic!

  75. OC1 says:

    There will be no National Abortion Ban, there will be no Christian Nationalist state, there will be no ‘nationalizing’ of the Fed, nor will there be any other of the over-the-top FUDs pedaled by the Left.

    Left- you forget that the pres nominates judges, cabinet members, and a whole bunch of other people in the federal govt.

    If Trump get’s a Republican senate, they will rubber-stamp whoever he wants.

    All those appointments will have some discretion in how they interpret and implement regs and laws.

    For example, a Trump AG could could interpret the Comstock Act (still on the books) in such a way that makes it illegal to distribute abortion drugs.

    So some of those “over-the-top FUDs pedaled by the Left” could indeed come to pass.

  76. LAX says:

    Trump get’s his ear scratched at a rally. Cult members fall all over themselves.

  77. Libturd says:

    Being shot at hardly makes one a leader. In my book, it most likely means you are pissing plenty of people off. If you are being shot at, only a moron stands around pumping their fists in the air. But what do I know. I suppose common sense is no longer a trait worthy of having.

    I’m sure Buddha and Vishnu and Allah played a role in the divine intervention as well.

  78. OC1 says:

    If it was divine intervention that saved Trump, it kinda makes you wonder- What did the almighty have against the 3 bystanders who were shot (1 dead, 2 critical)?

    BTW- has Trump called or met with any of the victims or their families?

  79. leftwing says:

    “So some of those “over-the-top FUDs pedaled by the Left” could indeed come to pass.”

    Push some money to the middle of the table.

    I’ll take those bets all day long without delay.

  80. LAX says:

    Christian Nationalism isn’t quite as popular as you might imagine.

  81. Jim says:

    OC1 says:
    July 17, 2024 at 7:48 pm
    If it was divine intervention that saved Trump, it kinda makes you wonder- What did the almighty have against the 3 bystanders who were shot (1 dead, 2 critical)?

    BTW- has Trump called or met with any of the victims or their families?

    Yes he has and will also attend the funeral along with family. He is not Biden. Trump also spoke with the wounded.

  82. OC1 says:


    Some cynicism is good, but I think Carlin takes it a bit too far.

  83. Scrap says:

    “There will be no National Abortion Ban”

    LOL….he also said Wade would not be overturned months before it was and it was apparent the SC was open to doing so. His political prognostication skills are inversely proportional to his own level of arrogance.

  84. leftwing says:

    Yeah, Wade was a surprise. But hardly over the top. Pushed the decisions down to the States where it likely should have been all along. If people within a jurisdiction want it (or anything else) vote it in. If not, don’t.

    On the topic of the FUDs it’s obviously not just about taking the House and Senate but getting 60+ seats in the Senate…if a Party is in such a position that it yields that to the other – and the Presidency – almost by definition they are so far off mark their ‘ideals’ should be back shelved. Not like that hasn’t happened before, each Party has been on the wrong side of landslides as they move too far out of mainstream. Appears this may be the Dems turn as a good part of America is saying their ideals have landed with both feet out of bounds….

  85. LAX says:

    “I’m sick” -Joe Biden

  86. Old realtor says:

    You hedge every bet you make when investing. Never know what can happen. Roe was overturned. No reason gay marriage won’t be next. No 60 votes needed. No need for congress to be involved. You have your head buried in the sand.

  87. SomeOne says:


    If a Party is in such a position that it yields that to the other – and the Presidency – almost by definition they are so far off mark their ‘ideals’ should be back shelved

    The last time this happened was when Obama man won with an heavy majority and a filibuster-proof senate. GOP got more extreme on tax cuts (somebody on this board took that president’s rise *very* personally!)

  88. SomeOne says:

    Never know what can happen. Roe was overturned. No reason gay marriage won’t be next. No 60 votes needed.

    US has had strange things …

    1924: Enacted amid increasing public and political anxiety about the country’s rapid social and demographic changes [whatever that is] … Immigrants from Asia were banned … to preserve the ideal of U.S. homogeneity.

    until being substantially revised by the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 and ultimately replaced by the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

  89. leftwing says:


    Don’t think we’re disagreeing. Or at least not that much.

    Yes, Roe was overturned on a Federal level in the most literal sense…more specifically the Court said it should never have been in front of them and that it should properly be a legislative (voting) decision for the citizens and their representatives to decide…which is where it has been returned.

    Dobbs doesn’t come close to anything resembling a National Abortion Ban.

    You want a National Abortion Ban you’ll have to win at the ballot box by getting the House, a supermajority in the Senate, and the Presidency and then craft and pass legislation to withstand judicial scrutiny. Otherwise, it’s up to the citizens of each State decide…Deep South Bible Belt, abortion strongly limited. NE Liberal Bastion, not….

    The point I was making/responding to was the FUD generated by the Left *should Trump be elected*. That is, the legislative and executive side. The vast majority of those FUD examples of *what Trump is going to do!* just aren’t going to clear our system. By intention and structure.

    Hell, in his first term some of his smaller endeavors were shut down simply by the Left suing under appropriations…no time to research but IIRC wasn’t the Wall delayed/terminated because the funds being used weren’t specifically allocated for that use?

    Anyway, the point is we have a complex and functioning system of checks and balances guys….American History 101. It has survived 250 years and many events during that time much more alarming than some populist real estate developer winning another four year Presidential term.

    Just because one – you or I – disagrees vociferously with a politician doesn’t mean the world is ending or there is some ‘existential crisis’ should he be elected. Each side needs to get over themselves.

  90. Fast Eddie says:

    Just because one – you or I – disagrees vociferously with a politician doesn’t mean the world is ending or there is some ‘existential crisis’ should he be elected.

    Women’s health will be taken away and democracy will end! Haven’t you been following the news?

  91. Libturd says:

    Well they are taking away women’s rights and gay men’s rights too. Not to mention banning books.

  92. Juice Box says:

    Lol – Spent 44 Billion to be the best Troll in the world.

  93. OC1 says:

    Women’s health will be taken away and democracy will end!

    But Trump did try to end democracy!

    What else would you call trying to throw out the votes of a majority of American voters???

    BTW, JD Vance has said he that if he was VP he wouldn’t have certified the 2020 election.

    So if Trump wins, there is a good likelihood that Vance would be the R nominee in 2028. And as the current VP, he would be in a position to certify- or not- the results of his own election!

  94. BRT says:

    What books were banned?

  95. Juice Box says:

    OC1 – Short memory? 2000 election certification that happened in 2001?

    More than a dozen Democratic lawmakers objected to Al Gore certifying the 2000 election, after the Supreme Court ruled. But because those Democratic lawmaker failed to recruit a single senator to join their cause, under congressional rules they were unable to open debate.

  96. Hold my beer says:

    What are the chances Biden uses Covid complications as his reason to drop out of the race?

  97. Juice Box says:

    Zero – Old people are senile and stubborn.

  98. LAX says:

    11:04 apples and oranges. Don’t revise history to suit your argument.

  99. LAX says:

    10:46 This is a very real concern. Watching legitimate elections fade from view.

  100. OC1 says:


    I am sure you also remember that Gore conceded the election after the supreme court decision? And that, as VP, he didn’t contest the electoral college results?

    And I am sure you also remember that 147 republicans (more than 10x a dozen), voted to not certify the 2020 results?

    And that Gore did not support states sending “altenate electors” that favored him? And that he didn’t call any individual govs asking them to “find” more votes for him?

    And I am sure that you also remember that Gore didn’t encourage (or if you prefer, condone) a mob storming the capitol?

    Gore fought the Fla results in court, lost, and accepted defeat.

    Trump fought many state results in court, lost, and tried to overturn his defeat.

    The two situations are not remotely alike.

  101. LAX says:

    The issue with Trump is that he engaged in illegal activity that many would like to see him held accountable for. Biden administration dragged their feet on the prosecution and waited far too long to bring charges and the accountability millions feel Trump is due.

  102. leftwing says:

    “But Trump did try to end democracy! So if Trump wins, there is a good likelihood that…….”

    Exhibit A of the functioning of the Republic, and the FUD misinformation and emotion the Left peddles…

    You’re proving my point, not providing counterpoints FFS…

    It really doesn’t matter to me but should to you….it’s exactly shit like this that is swinging all but the Bluest voters TOWARD the Rs this cycle…

  103. leftwing says:

    Exhibit B supporting my point is Lib’s well thought and insightful reply at 10:26a…/s

    Simplistic fear mongering through dishonesty and distortion is the core of what will cost the Ds the White House this cycle…

    “Well they are taking away women’s rights and gay men’s rights too. Not to mention banning books.”


  104. Juice Box says:

    Revise history? Your are more senile than Sleepy Joe. Here is a quick 2 minute watch on how it went…

  105. leftwing says:

    “What are the chances Biden uses Covid complications as his reason to drop out of the race?”

    Don’t know but if I’m him any WH doctor comes near me with a syringe for my symptoms I’m running away as fast as if the Corleones offered me a ride to the airport from Tahoe in the front seat of their Buick.

  106. Boomer Remover says:

    Hold – Its what came to my mind first as well. The timing is just too convenient.

  107. Fast Eddie says:

    It’s glorious watching the democrats crashing in flames.

  108. LAX says:

    I wouldn’t count on too much yet. I also wouldn’t overestimate the popularity of the rapist outside of his rabid followers of fundies and racists.

  109. Juice Box says:

    LAX – re: “Biden administration dragged their feet”

    Sorry Bud, you cannot point the finger at Biden. This is lawfare, totally outside the purview of the President and his duties. There is a firewall between the DOJ and the POTUS ya know. Biden also has said has flat our said he does not tell Merrick Garland what to do.

    Let’s see Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith special prosecutor in November of 2022. In June of 2023 the documents case in Florida was charged and late in August of 2023 the four more federal felony counts in DC were added. Judge Cannon just ruled on July 15th that his appointment was illegal ending the Federal case in Florida for now. That has no affect on the charges in DC now does it? Whoops Supreme court ruled separately on July 1st that the President does have some immunity. If you are going to point fingers it’s Jack Smith and Merrick Garland only. Leave Sleepy Joe out of your prosecution angst.

  110. Libturd says:

    Well it looks like the two presidents, Schumer and Pelosi have talked Biden into stepping down. I am guessing the announcement will be on Saturday. Whoop dee doo.

    Again, if the replacement is another establishment DEM, then might as well cancel the election. Let’s see how smart these two are.

  111. Libturd says:

    Can we point fingers at the corrupt SCOTUS?

    The ten million in gifts received by Thomas is enough to make you puke. He should be in prison with Menendez. Instead, such an honorable man doesn’t give two shits. Trump was right. This country is going to hell. Or at least the government is.

  112. Fast Eddie says:

    So, very little chance to victory for the left and thus, they demand a do-over. Damn the delegates and the will of the people. You’ll vote for who we tell you and govern from behind the scenes. That’s the left’s version of saving democracy.

  113. LAX says:

    12:05 stfu

  114. LAX says:

    12:18 you too, stupid

  115. OC1 says:

    “But Trump did try to end democracy! So if Trump wins, there is a good likelihood that…….”

    Exhibit A of the functioning of the Republic, and the FUD misinformation and emotion the Left peddles…

    You’re proving my point, not providing counterpoints FFS…

    It really doesn’t matter to me but should to you….it’s exactly shit like this that is swinging all but the Bluest voters TOWARD the Rs this cycle…



    How would you characterize Trumps actions re the 2020 election if not “trying to end democracy” (at least in the context of the 2020 election)?

  116. Libturd says:

    Trump is a disgusting man. How anyone could believe in him is beyond me. He is a mattress salesman with a history of failure. His business acumen is poor. His mouth should be washed out with soap and his pedophiliac tendencies (teen pageant anyone?) are well known. Yet he has a cult-like following. This country really is in trouble.

  117. LAX says:

    12:11 Amen! Thinking they really need a different candidate with some credentials.
    My thought is that “if” they find this person, they’ll have a chance to beat Trump.
    As of now, Trump and his handlers feel he is a shoe-in. This is sad, because we already saw what an absolute shit-show Trump’s first term looked like. A revolving door of staff, personal family enrichment and graft on an epic scale. Disinterest in governing but love of the trappings of office. The stacking of a corrupt court with more right-wing nuts.
    Lies and insurrection that led to death and desecration of the Capitol.

  118. Juice Box says:

    Plain and simple folks, things people have been saying for years now.

    Run a better candidate.

  119. Fast Eddie says:

    I guess O’Biden is done. History will reflect a one-term failed legacy on domestic and foreign affairs as well as division in the country not felt since the onset of the American Civil War. Governing behind the scenes, global wars erupting, the use of law-fare to attack opponents, taxing the poor through inflation, directing the narrative through media and casting aside the will of the democrat voting bloc are the failures that come to mind quickly. A deep dive will reveal much more as it unravels along with what’s left of the democrat party.

  120. LAX says:

    But the stock market loved him.

  121. LAX says:

    12:59 maybe it needs to unravel. Maybe DEI and BLM and River to the Sea all need to disappear in favor of a more focused and centrist party. I’m not sorry to watch it burrrrn. Maybe we need better borders. Trade & Domestic policy.

  122. Jim says:

    LAX says:
    July 18, 2024 at 1:01 pm
    But the stock market loved him.

    Actually the stock market loved the inflation and outrageous spending. That is how business thrives and makes money. But you knew that right?

  123. LAX says:

    1:19 we’ll watch the market tank if Trump wins. Everything he touches turns to shit. But you knew that right?

  124. OC1 says:

    The US economy and stock market are very resiliant no matter who the president is, provided that he doesn’t do anything really stupid.

    IMO, “not doing really stupid stuff” is a very underated quality in a president!

  125. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    “they are taking away women’s rights and gay men’s rights too. Not to mention banning books.”, “corrupt SCOTUS”, “a disgusting man…a history of failure…business acumen is poor…mouth should be washed out with soap and his pedophiliac tendencies”

    This is what TDS looks like, folks. It’s precisely the the kind of overly emotional, unhinged babble you’d expect to hear from an 18-year old girl. Take a deep breath Lib, once you’ve stopped hyperventilating remember that MSDNC isn’t the only place that you can get your ‘news’ — and that the vast majority of grown men in this country have already moved on from the Dems and the kind of highly-feminized fear-mongering that you’re peddling.

  126. LAX says:

    1:42 so you are saying, iffn you’re macho, Trump’s your guy?

  127. LAX says:

    I don’t read anyway??? Amirite? Who the hell needs book learnin’

  128. OC1 says:

    I guess O’Biden is done. History will reflect a one-term failed legacy on domestic and foreign affairs blah, blah blah

    History will judge Biden pretty well (though a lot depends on what he does over the next few weeks).

    Strongest post-covid economic recovery of any of the major economies. Low unemployment (down from 10% under Trump to 4%). REAL wages (especially for low-income americans) higher than pre covid. US alliances strengthened (Pax Americana, baby!)

    Far from a great president, but a good “normie” president.

  129. Boomer Remover says:

    Thomas’ face is simply disgusting to look at. I held the supreme court in high regard, but I’ve come to the realization that it’s no different than other government establishments.

  130. Jim says:

    LAX says:
    July 18, 2024 at 1:27 pm
    1:19 we’ll watch the market tank if Trump wins. Everything he touches turns to shit. But you knew that right?

    I guess you missed the low inflation years when Trump was president, gas @ 1.75 a gallon, low unemployment , great stock market. Comparing that to Joe Biden’s 30% food inflation, $4.00 gas( even with Joe emptying the strategic oil reserve), Spending trillions of our dollars. It sounds more like whatever Joe did has turned to shit, asking anyone who goes to a food store each week. I guess you were too stoned to know what Trump was doing for the country, because everything was a hell of a lot cheaper.

  131. Boomer Remover says:

    Arguing back and forth about whose gas prices were lower is a low IQ boomer argument. As if the president had enough control over the oil vertical, world markets, geopolitics and a handful of other factors, to affect the per gallon price at your local station.

    Same goes for unemployment, and other leading/lagging indicators which are sown years earlier but are not felt until much later.

    It’s all the same sht just a different team.

  132. Fast Eddie says:

    Strongest post-covid economic recovery of any of the major economies. Low unemployment (down from 10% under Trump to 4%). REAL wages (especially for low-income americans) higher than pre covid. US alliances strengthened (Pax Americana, baby!)

    Strongest post-c recovery: When you start from zero, where else can you go? Everything ceased so much that dear were running through Manhattan like a scene from “I Am Legend.”

    Low UE: Again, Start from zero. That’s like the Obammy administration post Lehman collapse. The DOW was around 9K, an epic buy. The empty suit strutted around, opened his mouth and said things that had influence on nothing. The left was thrilled just to have someone as hallow as themselves. 10% UE? Um… that thing called covid turned the engine off. A democrat would’ve had different results? Snicker…

    REAL wages: lololol. Above the 25% gain in the price of housing, food, energy and services costs? Once again…. lololololol!!

    US alliances strengthened: I’ll just “lolololololol’ here.

  133. BRT says:

    Joe is good at negotiating for himself and his family. He’s probably holding out of dropping out for a big payout to his bagman.

  134. 3b says:

    Juice: If I had to guess there is no great love lost between Biden and Obama, or Biden and Hillary Clinton. According to an article in the WSJ from people that have known Biden for years, he holds a grudge and long.

  135. Fast Eddie says:

    The old bastard should stay in the race and tell them all to go fuck themselves. They want him out now after the used him? And for what? To save the down ballot races? Fuck off.

  136. OC1 says:

    Real wages have risen for most Americans. That’s just a fact.

    I don’t know why your real wages haven’t risen- perhaps the reason for that is something other than “Biden’s bad economy”.

    You don’t want to give Biden credit for the post covid recovery and low UE, but you do want to blame him for the (world-wide) post covid inflation?


    Not sure how you square that circle…

    Oh, I forget another Biden accomplishment- record US oil production.

    Like I’ve said before “not doing stupid stuff” is an underated quality in a president. And Biden (mostly) hasn’t done stupid stuff.

  137. OC1 says:

    I think Biden’s refusal to acknowledge his mental and physical decline is a combination of 1) hubris (pretty normal for a politician) and 2) his family and advisors telling him what he wants to hear, rather than what he needs to hear.

    BRT- I assume your comment about Biden waiting for “a big payout to his bagman” was just a joke, because it’s too stupid to be taken seriously otherwise.

  138. Juice Box says:

    “a big payout to his bagman” How so “too stupid”…

    Netflix paid Obama to be a “producer”. It must have been for all that time he spent in Hollywood making movies right, you know coming up with movie ideas and optioning scripts, raising money overseeing budgets etc…

    Just a reminder back in 2014 Obama took the unusual step of asking the FCC to adopt the approach sought by Netflix instead and of course the FCC complied and changed direction.

  139. SmallGovConservative says:

    OC1 says:
    July 18, 2024 at 3:07 pm
    “I think Biden’s refusal to acknowledge his mental and physical decline is a combination of 1) hubris (pretty normal for a politician) and 2) his family and advisors telling him what he wants to hear, rather than what he needs to hear.”

    You forgot a couple: 3) knowing it will be the end of the corrupt Biden Inc since his deadbeat kid and deadbeat brothers won’t be able to sell access to Joe anymore and 4) knowing that he won’t be able to pardon his deadbeat kid if/when he’s convicted on tax charges after Joe exits.

  140. SmallGovConservative says:

    OC1 says:
    July 18, 2024 at 1:53 pm
    “History will judge Biden pretty well…Strongest post-covid economic recovery…”

    You (conveniently) forgot a few ‘accomplishments’: 10 million illegal immigrants, 9% inflation, war in Europe, war in the middle east, surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban, surrendering the Red Sea and Suez canal to the Houthis, Americans held hostage in Gaza, freeing the world’s most notorious arms dealer, letting China fly spy balloons across the country, etc, etc

  141. OC1 says:


    Don’t ever change, man, don’t ever change. :)

  142. leftwing says:

    “left…How would you characterize Trumps actions re the 2020 election if not “trying to end democracy”…

    Pursuing with the legal means available to him to conclusion.

    Would you like to characterize the Left’s and MSM’s reaction to his actions?

    (a) Entirely laughable
    (b) Failed liberal spin to FUD people to their ticket
    (c) The province and safe space of drama queens
    (d) all of the above

  143. Juice Box says:

    3b – re: “he holds a grudge and long….” Cumon dude no way, Biden and Obama describe themselves as brothers from another mother….

    That’s nothing really, and I can’t wait too see if they top what ELSE happens this election cycle.

    Remember the first time Trump ran for office? According to Hillary Clinton and the DNC Trump really hated Obama, and had a huge grudge so he even had a pissing party of sorts on a bed Obama once slept in and well Putin even had a video tape of it! I mean this “revelation” was spread all over Washington, the FBI knew the summer of 2016 and CIA Director John assigned dozens of CIA agents to work the case. The details were even given to Patriots John Mcain (who was shocked) and Lindsey Graham ( who I have read smiled when he read it) so they then gave it to the FBI, but turns out they already had it. It made it all the way to the Oval office too, back then the chiefs of four U.S. intelligence agencies were called to the White House to brief Pres Obama and VP Biden about the existence of the tape…. and presumably whether if they had a copy or not….I was told FBI Director James Comey even described Steele as a “credible source” back then….

    Can’t wait to see what happens next.. I mean last week it was an assassination attempt, who knows what kind of drama we are in for, only 109 short days to go….. Perhaps Judge Merchan will make Trump campaing from Rikers island….So many possibilities. Maybe Trump has a black child? That one did not fly when Bill Clinton ran perhaps it will this time?

  144. Libturd says:

    I don’t ever watch MSNBC, except perhaps for a laugh. Same with Foxnews and the other 17 right wing bullshit spewing networks. For the most part, I get my news from Tangle and Reuters and Bloomberg, etc. Though besides Lefty, who doesn’t simply parrot the narrative, I know every single rightwinger here can’t turn off those 17 networks. How do I know? Because you all spew the same bullshit.

    It’s really amazing to me to how you can attribute wars that have nothing to do with America to Biden. And how conveniently you forgot who negotiated with the Taliban leaving the local leaders out of the bargain, to arrange our withdrawal from Afghanistan. And let’s discuss how well Trump’s accords in the Middle East helped maintain any peace. Inflation? Well, most economists attribute it to leaving the interest rate, too low for too long. Who begged and pleaded for that? Then add the money storm Trump started, but Biden caused it. Heck, we are lucky as hell Biden/Powell didn’t let it run away. As for immigration, here’s a clue from Stu to you. Trump Reduced Legal Immigration. He Did Not Reduce Illegal Immigration. And again, tell me what Trump did for the middle class? Absolutely nothing. His tax plan greatly aided the wealthy and brought in significantly less revenues than he said it would. So much that the deficit increased at about the same speed which it did under Biden. Only Biden brought you infrastructure. Trump brought you rich executives. By nearly any economic number, Biden completely outperformed Trump and that was during an administration plagued by Covid for years. Trump signed an agreement with Qatar. Big fucking deal. Again. You are all duped. I can understand being upset with the establishment gravy train that is the Democrats. But I can’t understand how you think a man who holds a bible in one hand and grabs them by the pussy with the other is an improvement. He has sold a whole bunch of religious and shallow-minded morons a string of lies. Again, you will likely see for yourselves how self-destructive this gauche nincompoop is. He is all yours. Again, I won’t be voting for the POTUS as usual.

  145. LAX says:

    2:10 supply & demand – butt then yOu kNeW tHat…

  146. Juice Box says:

    Lib – re: ” I won’t be voting for the POTUS as usual”

    Cumon dude…..Say it…..KAMALA,KAMALA, KAMALA

  147. leftwing says:

    “Libturd says….What books were banned…Exhibit C…”

    So when I call you out on simplistic fear mongering on DJT and the R platform causing an ‘existential crisis’ your response is ‘they’ are banning books, supported by two links…according to you ‘they’ are actually….

    A small NJ town (Glen Ridge) that is Dem by a 2:1 ratio….and….

    One of the reddest States in the nation that removed some books in schools in accordance with ITS laws and ITS citizens wishes…notably, not your wishes, because they don’t give a flying fuck what you think (nor should they) and it’s beyond me why you even care what another State’s citizens are doing in THEIR State…

    So, uhm, ‘existential crisis’?


    I’ll pick choice (d) for you….

    Oh, and BTW, do you have an opinion on the speed limits of flat open highways in TX and NV exceeding Federal Standards historically? It’s a serious problem and you really ought to opine…..

  148. Chi in LBI says:

    Does Trump go down the George Steinbrenner path. Basically, the final chapters rewrite the entire legacy, so the massive insane shitshow gets fumigated from history.

    Here we sit. If we get Vance from 2029-2037, and he is deemed successful, then suddenly all this acrimony gets a Machiavellian slant?

    July 18, 2024 at 12:30 pm
    Trump is a disgusting man. How anyone could believe in him is beyond me. He is a mattress salesman with a history of failure. His business acumen is poor. His mouth should be washed out with soap and his pedophiliac tendencies (teen pageant anyone?) are well known. Yet he has a cult-like following. This country really is in trouble.

  149. Chi in LBI says:

    BTW – I think my Fab Maga comment was a cheap shot. I regret posting it. My apologies to Fab and The Board.

  150. 3b says:

    Lib: I don’t think you are being fair on the Afghanistan issue. Yes, Trump negotiated the term of the withdrawal. Fast forward to the actual withdrawal, and then they were logistic issues with the actual withdrawal at the time. How can Trump be held accountable for something that happened after he was gone? Why didn’t Biden simply ask for an extension? Continue an orderly withdrawal, but past the deadline. As long as we were withdrawing, I don’t see how taking longer to withdrawal than the original time frame would be an issue. I don’t recall that we even asked for an extension. Our withdrawal was shameful and the loss of young American lives unacceptable, not to mention all the Afghans that worked for the U.S. government that were left behind, and all of the equipment. Biden executed the withdrawal, he should be held responsible for the disaster it was.

  151. leftwing says:

    “Real wages have risen for most Americans. That’s just a fact.”

    And…yet again….a liberal posting data that specifically refutes the exact point he is trying to make…..from YOUR graph:

    For 1Q2020 inflation adjusted median earnings were…367
    For 2Q2024 inflation adjusted median earnings were…368

    What the serious fuck dude, do we need Pumpkin back to teach the Left in here how to read a simple line graph?

    You guys need to stop accepting MSDNC talking points hook, line, and sinker and start thinking for yourselves…didn’t the debate teach you anyhting?

    From your line graph the real breakout and runup occurred starting in 4Q2014 where she bounced from a frequent 330 level and really accelerated starting in 4Q2017 and up to the 365 in 1Q2020…

    Which conforms with other observations here regarding inflation and supports most citizens views that they were ‘better off’ during that period…

  152. Fast Eddie says:

    Same with Foxnews and the other 17 right wing bullshit spewing networks.

    Other 17? Which ones?

  153. Fast Eddie says:

    Regarding that graph of real wages… it appears that the Trump years were the best over the last 40 years. In retrospect, I really did well in promotion(s), wages and bonuses during those years. That debacle in Afghanistan was definitely a sign of things to come. I don’t even blame Joe, he was just going along these last 4 years. The real fuck-up is Obamy. I never knew people could be duped so easily. Then again, growing up in Hudson County and being exposed to all kinds through our business, it gave me an education at a young age that no money could buy.

  154. Juice Box says:

    Rest in peace, Bob Newhart… 94 years old

  155. 3b says:

    I have to say I feel bad for Biden. All his supporters turning on him, as if his mental decline was something that just happened. So much for loyalty.

  156. Juice Box says:

    President’s son say the appointment of the Special Prosecutor was illegal toss my cases and convictions.

  157. BRT says:

    ok, so I took a look Lib first book on that article you posted

    “All Boys Aren’t Blue” by George M. Johnson.

    Here are some parts of the book for you to read. I’m not willing to type that smut out or copy and paste it in a forum.

    There are certain things that belong in school and certain things you that don’t. This falls under the latter.

  158. BRT says:

    People have been claiming we’ve been making gains on wages while simultaneously complaining about the cost of housing, healthcare, and college tuition for 2 straight decades.

  159. OC1 says:

    Pursuing with the legal means available to him to conclusion.

    There are a few prosecutors who might disagree…

    But regardless of whether things were legal or illegal, there are also these things called “norms”.

    Like you don’t encourage your VP to violate the constitution, and you don’t browbeat state election officials to “find” you more votes, and you don’t support slates of “alternate” electors, and you don’t encourage your supporters to march down to the capitol and take their country back, and you don’t tell your AG to “find” non-existent voter fraud…

    When it comes to the presidental behaviour, “norms” are as important as laws.

  160. SomeOne says:

    surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban

    Didn’t DJT sign the agreement of transfer of power to the Taliban?

    “remove members of the Taliban from the sanctions list with the aim of achieving this objective by May 29, 2020”

  161. OC1 says:

    And…yet again….a liberal posting data that specifically refutes the exact point he is trying to make…..from YOUR graph:

    For 1Q2020 inflation adjusted median earnings were…367
    For 2Q2024 inflation adjusted median earnings were…368

    I’m sorry- I thought 368 was higher than 367. Guess that’s liberal math.

    But outside of the weird covid spike (when lots of low wage workers were laid off, but high wage workers continued working from home) it looks to me like like nearly all the quarterly numbers during Bidens term are higher than they were in Trumps term- certainly the yearly averages are.

    So i stand by my statement- real earnings are up.

  162. leftwing says:

    “I’m sorry- I thought 368 was higher than 367. Guess that’s liberal math…So i stand by my statement- real earnings are up.”


    OK, my bad…you are right.

    Wouldn’t want to cheat the Left out of that 3/1000ths of a gain over four years….

    Oh Lord, thank you. I needed a good gut busting laugh….

  163. LAX says:

    Awesome beach day today. Malibu Lagoon Park. Hidden gem with amazing sand, surf, and views of Malibu. Just below Pepperdine U. Perfection.

  164. OC1 says:

    OK, my bad…you are right.

    Wouldn’t want to cheat the Left out of that 3/1000ths of a gain over four years….

    Of course with a noisy time series like that you really need to look at some sort of rolling average (rather than individual quarters) if you want to see what the trend is.

    But hey, if you want to say “real incomes today are higher than the highest real income achieved during the pre-covid Trump administration” (which is true) I’m OK with that.

  165. leftwing says:

    Keep swinging and missing OC…fine by me.

    In fact I strongly encourage you and the Left to continue to make this argument – loudly, publicly, and relentlessly – that the last four years for Americans were better than the prior years.

    Please. Do it. That level of tone-deafness will be worth a percentage point or two move in swing State votes….

    Hint: It’s about the change. From 1Q20 to 2Q24 there was no change (ooops, sorry, forgot to credit you with that 0.06% annual improvement lol). People ended where they started, the lower end getting raped by covid in the process.

    From 1Q13 to 1Q17 (Obama years) the measure went from 331 to 352, 1.6% annualized.

    From 1Q17 to 1Q20 (Trump, pre-covid) the measure went from 352 to 367, 1.4% annualized.

    There’s your difference.

    But, please, keep telling people to not believe their eyes, math, or pocketbooks…..

  166. leftwing says:

    Or talk to this guy…lol.

    Not the brightest bulb but I’m guessing if he leans Blue he’ll be VERY receptive tpo your message…

  167. LAX says:

    ( )( ) =========D –nompound–

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