Photos of the Week

Photo of the Week:

NOLA 2008 – A Photo Essay In Three Frames by NJPatient

New Construction in Old Metairie

Balconies in the French Quarter

Del McCoury at Jazz Fest

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7 Responses to Photos of the Week

  1. HEHEHE says:

    I saw Del at Carnegie Hall last year. JazzFest is my favorite New Orleans event. Way better time than Mardi Gras.

  2. Mikeinwaiting says:

    Now that’s the way to do new construction.

  3. BC Bob says:


    Where are the —- on the balcony?

  4. lostinny says:

    BC 3
    It’s not nighttime or Mardi Gras in that pic.

  5. lostinny says:

    Nice work Patient.
    Now how am I going to get myself back down there?!

  6. Jamey says:

    Nice photos, Patient. Did you drive? How was it?

    In the Quarter, particularly looking up the streetcar tracks/pedestrian island on Canal Street, one gets the impression that one is in a city somewhere in South America.

    Was down in NO for a family reunion a few weeks ago. Man, that place is STILL f**’d up. Tent cities under I-10, blocks away from the ‘Dome.

    Sadly, though, most of that f***d-upedness was extant prior to Katrina.

    But for a taste of the devastation–and the stunted recovery–just take a drive out to Metarie on Audebon Ave.

    And would it have killed the Sheraton Corp PR dept. to have sprung for a gallon of paint for the stage?

    I would eat a sandwich at Mother’s on Poydras every day if I could. (My cousin, Marty, said “colon cancer for Orleanians is a sign of having lived the good life…”)

  7. Bystander says:

    The Del McCoury Band is phenomenal..if you like bluegrass. Either way, you will not find better musicians on the planet.

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