I’ve eliminated all the affiliate advertising from this site. This is in response to an article written by Andrew Kleske of the North County Times:
Housing Bubbles and the Web sites that love them
Andrew made a comment about advertisements on many of the other bubble blogs. Some see this as a source of potential bias or a conflict of interest. Because of this, the ads must go. I do n0t want to give any journalist ammunition against what I’m saying. This is something your local newspaper or news website won’t ever consider (think of the thick Sunday real estate section).
Just to clear the slate, I have not made a single dollar through any of the advertising on this website. Previously, when using Google Adsense, I did make accumulate approximately 8 dollars, however Google took the money back and deleted my account due to “complaints of inappropriate content”. How fitting.
Caveat Emptor,
i honestly never even noticed there were ads on here. but I appeciate how hard you work and i like how you are not giving them any ammo.
Good work Grim. I wonder if other blogs should be aware of this? In any case your blog is excellent!
Grim good work.
These guys are saying decrease of 5% and without folks like Grim they would be talking about another 14%. Boycott Real Estate!!! Wow lets get that moving and see what happens
your blog is great, Grim. that guy should go back to reporting little league or whatever he usually does
Good for you. Thank you.
Lots of lifestyles at risk when Real Estate turns down. The industry will continue to prepare a propaganda attack coming in the next few weeks to combat all the “Bad News”.
Just listen to the spin and manipulation. Use Of “Normalized” markets. Keep up the rap. It’s going on deaf ears. if you are 22-40 years old do not buy a house at these prices. The Baby spooners and Old geezers are livng off your backs.
The housing bubble burst because of blogger.com!
Is anyone else having problems with comments tonite?
There seems to be a really bad lag for me. At first I thought it was just a really slow night..
And Bloomberg had this report. “Government of Singapore Investment Corp., which manages more than $100 billion of foreign reserves, said it may buy real estate in India and Brazil for the first time to guard against the risk of falling U.S. property prices.”
“‘Whether it’s going to be a bubble or a slow leak is hard to say,’ Seek Ngee Huat, president of GIC Real Estate Pte, said in an interview. ‘We will explore new markets in places like Brazil and India. There are high risks’ in the U.S. housing market.”
It’s getting worse by the day.
It must have been tough to give that $8 back..lol.
You provide much more solid information, analysis, (and good advice!) than the mainstream news media does. Keep up the good work. I’m personally following the housing market very closely since I am already “priced out” and need to wait for a decline before I can contemplate getting in.
Thanks again for all your efforts.
Agreed. The news is supposed to be “fair and balanced”.
I feel that it’s heavily biased on it’s opinions based on their revenue from their sponsors. I feel that if they posted too much about a falling market; advertisers such as mortgage & home building companies wouldn’t be advertising.
Agree 100%..
In fact, it seems I’m public enemy #1 on the NJ.COM forums. At first they would delete my posts and replies. Now they’ve just gone ahead and deleted my account.
Thanks to all the readers that continue to post up on the NJ.COM forums on my behalf.
It’s sad. traditional media outlets are just digging their own graves by failing to do accurate reporting. it’s rather like Arthur Anderson and Enron
Keep pounding away. You are making lots and lots of people uneasy. Especially those that are benefitting from this craze.
Why do that? Newspapers feature reams of ads. In our local rag most of the ads are RE related.