Yes, Yes, Yes

From the AP:

New Jerseyans say yes, yes and yes again

New Jersey voters on Tuesday approved additional funding for property tax relief, park maintenance and highway and mass transit improvements.

The three ballot questions asked whether the state constitution should be amended to use:

Half the money taken in from this year’s sales tax increase to ease the state’s property taxes, the highest in the nation. With 28 percent of precincts reporting, the measure was approved by 68 percent of voters; 32 percent opposed it.

Money from corporate income taxes to improve and preserve state parks. This measure was favored by 57 percent of voters, with 43 percent against.

More money from the state’s gasoline tax to pay for road, bridge and mass transit improvements. The measure was approved by 58 percent of voters; 42 percent of voters were against it.

State officials were confident all would pass. New Jersey voters haven’t defeated a public question since 1990,
when they rejected borrowing $135 million for affordable housing.

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2 Responses to Yes, Yes, Yes

  1. Seneca says:

    From the Bergin (sic) Record:

    ” When asked in exit polls why they were voting YES on all the public questions, NJ voters responded: “Menendez asked me to do it…. Menendez asked me to do it…”

  2. mopde says:

    When asked in exit polls why they were voting YES on all the public questions, NJ voters responded: “I voted yes now where do I get paid “

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