From the Gloucester County Times:
South Harrison looks at housing after lawsuit
In response to a New Jersey Builders Association lawsuit, the township has proposed changing its affordable housing requirements, now calling for an affordable housing density of 11 percent in developments of 18 or more homes.
Previously, the township required 20 percent of all residential construction coming into the township to be designated for low- to moderate-income families.
“We are trying to keep up with what the state wants,” said Planning Board Chairman Marc Nagtegaal of the new ordinance.
Under Council on Affordable Housing regulations, low-income residents make less than $35,000 annually and moderate income residents make some $55,000 a year.
To comply with the growth share ordinance, builders are required to designate 11.1 percent of their homes as affordable housing in developments of 18 or more homes, placing them within COAH guidelines.