So much for “quick and painless”

From the Wall Street Journal:

Economists See
Housing Slump
Enduring Longer
Downturn Is Expected
To Keep Growth Tepid;
Retailers Feel the Pinch
June 9, 2007; Page A1

Economists are giving up on the idea that the U.S. housing slump will be quick and relatively painless.

Instead, more are concluding, the downturn that began nearly two years ago will last at least through the end of 2007, remaining a major drag on the U.S. economy. The culprits: a glut of homes for sale and growing caution among lenders who now regret being so free with their mortgages during the boom.

The rise in interest rates is only adding to the gloom. The average rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages stood at about 6.65% Friday, up from 6.35% in early May, according to HSH Associates, a financial-publishing firm in Pompton Plains, N.J. Though that rate remains far below the 8.2% average of the 1990s, the recent jump makes it harder for many Americans to afford new homes. “That’s putting more pressure on housing and delays its ultimate recovery,” says Andrew Tilton, a senior economist at Goldman Sachs in New York.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke acknowledged in a speech Tuesday that the housing market remains weak, and warned that residential construction “will likely remain subdued for a time, until further progress can be made in working down the backlog of unsold new homes.”

The market started to cool in mid-2005 after a buying frenzy that drove up the average U.S. home price nearly 60% in the first half of the decade and more than doubled prices in many areas near the East and West coasts.

Late last year, some economists were saying the market would start bouncing back by the middle of 2007. That hasn’t happened, partly because inventories of unsold houses have continued to grow and a surge in mortgage defaults has made lenders much more reluctant to grant credit to people with spotty payment histories.

David Resler, chief economist at Nomura Securities International Inc. in New York, says he is surprised by the degree to which speculation caused builders to overestimate demand, leaving a glut of houses and condominiums.

Ian Shepherdson, chief U.S. economist for High Frequency Economics, a research firm in Valhalla, N.Y. , doesn’t expect a recession but says weakness in housing will help keep U.S. economic growth at a sluggish pace averaging less than 2% for the next several quarters.

Housing accounts for a lot of jobs, not only in construction but in related areas such as mortgage finance and furniture sales. Zoltan Pozsar, senior economist at Moody’s, estimates that housing-related sectors created nearly 1.3 million jobs between January 2003 and March 2006. Since then, he says, housing jobs have declined by almost 300,000. He sees more losses to come during the summer, which is usually a big building season.

Economists at Merrill Lynch admit it is hard to predict how the slump will play out from here. “We are not sure how deflating a $23 trillion asset class — the value of real-estate assets on the household balance sheet — will end, but we doubt that it will end well,” Merrill economists wrote in their recent report.

Lenders have eliminated most no-money-down “subprime” loans for people with weak credit records. That means many people who hoped to buy homes this year will have to wait until they can clean up their credit records and save for a down payment.

At a conference of mortgage lenders in May, David Lowman, head of the mortgage business at J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., warned: “The largest part of the problem in the subprime space is ahead of us, not behind us.” Many borrowers who got loans the past couple of years are still paying the low initial monthly payments and have yet to face the steeper adjustable rates that kick in after two or three years. Once they do, foreclosures are sure to rise.

Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s, a research firm in West Chester, Pa., expects lenders to acquire about 900,000 homes this year and roughly the same number next year through foreclosures, up from an average of about 500,000 a year from 2000 through 2006. That will add to the glut of homes on the market, further depressing prices in some areas.

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2 Responses to So much for “quick and painless”

  1. ~Housing Stocks Tumble on Higher Rates, Threat of Continued Price Declines

    The pool of would-be home buyers has already been drying up as banks tighten lending criteria amid a meltdown of the supreme mortgage sector, which lends to people with spotty credit histories. Other buyers have been staying away as home prices fall because they do not want to invest in an asset that may depreciate.


    USA TODAY: Housing slowdown smacks Realtors hard
    By Noelle Knox, USA TODAY

  2. ~FLASH: PIMCO’s bond guru Bill Gross predicts US housing market to be “decimated”

    “These increases in rates over the past few days have placed the 30-year mortgage market at close to 7% in conventional terms,” said Gross, chief investment officer for Pacific Investment Management Co. and manager of the world’s largest bond fund.

    “This will decimate the housing market if it wasn’t already decimated before, and certainly put the Fed on hold, and maybe allow the Fed to reduce rates…six to nine months from now.”

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