From HousingWire:
Here are the 10 hottest housing markets that fueled a record-breaking August
The hottest housing market in America right now might still be Vallejo-Fairfield, California [San Fran area] but this doesn’t mean the rest of the list stood still. Interestingly, one new market not only joined the list, but also jumped up to the eight spot. And to the city that was sitting comfortably as the eighth hottest market, well, it fell completely out of the top ten, barely even making the top twenty.
Needless to say, the summer housing season was on fire, recording the hottest August housing market in a decade, as Jonathan Smoke, chief economist for, the creator of the hottest medium-sized to largest market list, explained.
“Summer 2017 was one of most competitive buying seasons that we have ever witnessed, fueled by historically low mortgage rates and inventory shortages that resulted in record-high prices,” said Smoke.
“With the school year starting now in most of the country, we’re seeing some drop-off in demand, which may provide some relief for buyers weary from battling it out against other buyers all summer,” he noted.
So what exactly is hot?
According to, the hottest markets received from 1.4 to 4.5 times the number of views per listing compared to the national average, and in terms of supply, these markets saw inventory move from 21 to 39 days more quickly than the rest of the U.S.
On the positive side for home shoppers, the report stated that the hottest markets saw inventory movement slow down slightly, with the median age increased by two days on average from July.

Sorry about the IP change, didn’t realize folks had it whitelisted.
We’ve been running way under utilization on the server, so it didn’t make sense to pay for high $$ web hosting. The hosting company I was with only did bigger iron, not shared infrastructure, thus the move.
The performance is pretty good, considering.
From Bloomberg:
McMansions Define Ugly in a New Way: They’re a Bad Investment
In the late 1990s, Americans started referring to tract-built luxury homes popping up in the suburbs as McMansions, a biting portmanteau implying that the structures were mass-produced and ugly. There was also the implied snark that their denizens, however wealthy, lacked the sophistication to tell filet mignon from a Big Mac.
Lately, these homes have been the subject of fresh scorn, thanks to an anonymously authored blog that breaks down the genre’s design flaws in excruciating detail. Posts lambasted builders for erecting garages bigger than the homes they’re attached to, dropping giant houses on tiny lots, plus shoddy construction and a mishmash of contrasting styles. (Gothic Tudor, anyone?)
It’s fun reading that nevertheless raised the question: How well have these homes kept their value? Not well, compared with the rest of the U.S. housing market.
The premium that buyers can expect to pay for a McMansion in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., declined by 84 percent from 2012 to 2016, according to data compiled by Trulia. In Las Vegas, the premium dropped by 46 percent and in Phoenix, by 42 percent.
McMansions cost more to build than your average starter ranch home does, and they will sell for more. But the return on investment has dropped like a stone. The additional cash that buyers should be willing to part with to get a McMansion fell in 85 of the 100 largest U.S. metropolitan areas. For example, four years ago a typical McMansion in Fort Lauderdale was valued at $477,000, a 274 percent premium over all other homes in the area. This year, those McMansions are worth about $611,000, or 190 percent more than the rest the homes on the market.
Worst of McMansions blog is so good.
for nom:
From a CNBC story about Clintons schedule:
“The diplomatic dance of determining who gets access and who does not: Billionaire George Soros gets a half-hour meeting in the secretary’s office. The CEO of Boeing gets a drop by in the outer office. Ben Affleck gets a sit-down.”
Kind of shows you where her priorities are.
[4] chifi
Huma cuts off Weiner
RE: comment numbers
.commentlist is missing “list-style: decimal”
Did the Post really publish a cover with the dude’s wang on it?
Isn’t he an exhibitionist?
Probably a dream come true for him.
secks sells. in other news, JJ still awol😐
I’ve concluded that as much of a tool as Trump is, voting for Hillary is akin to treason.
libturd and the berners have their integrity in the right place, even if not always for the right reason.
Is it any wonder that Huma and Hillary are so tight?
Jesus, I just saw the JJ moment. I meant having a common theme in being married to sex addicts
Huma might be, but Hillary is probably wide enough to store several thousand hard copy emails by now.
Is it any wonder that Huma and Hillary are so tight?
The drug that Hillary is on(Provigil or similar) can only keep her going for about 2 days, then she crashes hard, that’s why you’ll never see her in person three days in a row again. You might not see her again at all until the first debate. I predict an “ankle sprain” or something similar in the near future so she doesn’t have to walk or stand in public anymore before the election.
If you search the State Department emails on Wikileaks for Provigil you’ll find the research that her top foreign policy aide did on the drug and then emailed his findings directly to HRC. It’s a stimulant that heightens alertness but doesn’t give a “high” so it’s not sought out on the street. It’s also used to treat Parkinsons.
I can’t even imagine the incredible stress HRC is under. Just imagine concurrently:
1. Battling health problems.
2. Running for POTUS.
3. Waiting for the possibility of the contents of a Payless Warehouse to drop.
I don’t buy the whole brain damage countercampaign being waged against HRC.
Reads like something out of “Our Brand is Crisis”.
Trump’s fat ass is a taco bowl away from a coronary.
Most of the HRC videos claiming to show her in some sort of grand mal fit are so horrendously edited to include “jitter” that I don’t know if they are a joke or just a shit attempt at being serious.
grim – drawing a paycheck from CNN? You realize HRC has virtually zero public appearances scheduled, right?
And once the black Neurologist, who was next to her always, was outed…he disappeared. There is no way this is all conspiracy theory crap. The only thing I will allow for is that it massive disinformation by the Dems themselves. Let the rumors brew and brew and brew and then HRC come out and kicks ass in the first debate and then runs like a Timex for the remaining weeks. FB and Twitter and Google definitely have a hand in this, but they might be accomplices in a larger game they don’t know about. Censorship *is* happening right now. The only thing that is in question is whether the censorship is because the information is true or because they want enough people to believe it is true when it actually isn’t.
Secks addiction is something GenXers can get behind.
I’m here all week.
In the past 300 days, Trump has given several HUNDRED hours worth of press conferences to the media, and Hillary has given zero.
She is protected by the DNC and the “mainstream” media, which are equivalent.
She won already, why bother?
Just sit back and let Trump dig his grave deeper.
“EU slaps Apple with a $14.5 billion tax bill.”
How you like your libs now Apple?
Drone meets shotgun.
Trump up by 3:
She won already, why bother?
Just sit back and let Trump dig his grave deeper.
[15] expat
If you want to see how they will run things, watch old West Wing episodes. The parallels that the HRC campaign has to this show are uncanny.
[25] expat
You’re a conspiracy theorist of sorts. What do you make of the fact that polls from left leaning publications show a tighter race than unaligned pollsters?
I’m trying to be an actuary today. It sucks
Burkinis in Mantoloking soon?
I’m really not. I’m more of a performance artist showing my tiny cadre of liberal friends and acquaintances what media bias would look like if it wasn’t on their side. I do believe that Trump probably has some number above his polling numbers, but I don’t have the data to know how much. My guess is 1 to 3 points. If there was verified video that shows Clinton does indeed eat live fetuses for breakfast and spits their little hearts out into a spittoon, she might only win by 2 points.
You’re a conspiracy theorist of sorts. What do you make of the fact that polls from left leaning publications show a tighter race than unaligned pollsters?
Trump Rally in Holmdel coming up
Chart of Hillary’s speeches in August.
Juice – love the graphic. She did do her Alt-Right smear speech last Thursday, probably also 10 minutes. She’s due to speak at the American Legion convention on 8/31, then a week to rest up for her next one at the Commander-in-Chief Forum on 9/7. then the 3 debates and that’s it through October 19th.
Whoops, left off the Congressional Black Caucus on 9/17. So she’s scheduled for 3 speeches, 3 debates, 0 press conferences between now an 10/19.
Speaking of polls, I heard something on the radio several days ago that I’m not sure is true. I *think* I heard that many (most?) polls poll likely voters which are are voters who have voted in recent presidential (or maybe federal?) elections. What I think I understood is that anyone who is newly registered or already registered but hasn’t voted in a long time isn’t polled. If that is the case, Clinton would be highly over-represented in the preferences of those polled, no?
Wouldn’t it be funny if we found out that Clinton has binders of women?
More emails harvested from the Woman’s Server –
ONJExPat [30];
I’m more of a performance artist showing my tiny cadre of liberal friends and acquaintances what media bias would look like if it wasn’t on their side.
According to a recent CNN poll, 104% of Americans do not believe the media is rigging the presidential election.
12:18 AM – 26 Aug 2016
When looking at poll numbers (Trump is +3 today), keep in mind when many Trump supporters are asked “Will you vote for Trump?” their answer will be “no” or “undecided” — but once the curtain closes, and it’s just the voter and the lever, they will make their actual choice.
People don’t need “experts” on TV, or polls, to interpret what is happening to the country. They can see the factories closing, then can see jobs disappearing, they can see salaries stagnate, and they can see establishment politicians on both sides of the aisle doing everything in their power to make things worse for Americans.
I doubt the health stuff too. Remember when McCane was suffering too? Oh the playbook is so worn.
Truth is, Hillary wins if she keeps her mouth closed (Pokemon Go to the polls). And Trump has no choice but to stick his big fat foot in his.
SHE wins in a landslide and the middle class gets raped alone. Versus an unlikely Trump victory where both the lower and middle class get raped.
I think a lot of people want Trump Tywin. But I don’t think they want the risk he represents. He is truly a powderkeg waiting to be lit. SHE is the safer bet, albeit the status quo.
We need a centrist already. Enough of this divisive crap. Time to find some common ground rather than always have to take sides.
People don’t need “experts” on TV, or polls, to interpret what is happening to the country. They can see the factories closing, then can see jobs disappearing, they can see salaries stagnate
Democrat looks at this as the outcome of the rich taking from the poor.
Republican looks at this as the outcome of the poor taking from the rich.
I think Trump is more of a centrist. Clinton is the one who is partisan.
I actually think Trump is further left than Hillary, since you can’t believe a word that comes out of his back-pedaling mouth. Based on his many Howard Stern appearances, Trump was very similar to Stern. He was a bit of a fiscal conservative, but definitely pretty far left on almost all social issues. He may say he wants to build a wall. But there will be exceptions, like for those who make Trump memorabilia. The dude is duping all but the most staunch conservative Republicans. Hillary, on the other hand, is fooling her entire party pretty much. Much like Bill did.
He chased away the war mongering neo-cons. Who the fcuk wants them anyway. Killlary can have them. Staunch Republicans…please.
Expat doesn’t think hes a conspiracy theorist but hes earnestly pushing one of the dumbest ones that’s come around in awhile. I can’t believe him and others are still running with this hillary health nonsense. I thought it was a joke at first as well or maybe some sort of social experiment to see if partisans are so gullible they would believe anything they read if it’s in opposition to the other candidate. I can’t even keep track of what they’re insinuating as well. She either has a seizure disorder, parkinsons, or some other ailment. And to gobble it up coming from the far right reaches of right wing propaganda outlets and then complain about media bias within the same breath is astonishing to me.
McCain submitted 1100+ pages of medical records over a ten year period. He had a melanoma 10 years prior. Hillary has a head filled with blood clots and bad ideas combined with…
I doubt the health stuff too. Remember when McCane was suffering too? Oh the playbook is so worn.
Lib – He is. That’s what’s confounding both sides.
I actually think Trump is further left than Hillary
Trump might fix the cities by legalizing drugs.
Not to mention thwart the Mexican drug tade.
dammit. trade
Trump won’t even disclose his taxes after he said he would. Dude takes flip-flopping to a level never seen. And his speeches are borderline asinine, though admittedly popular with lots of Americans. Then again, so is reality TV and terrible car commercials.
Here’s my outside chaos bet:
Hillary or Trump (probably Hillary) drops out/dies out/indicts out.
No presidential election in November, down ballot elections still take place.
Paul Ryan takes over as interim POTUS on January 20th.
New election in the Spring.
Is that a possible scenario? I’m not saying probable, but does that possibility exist legally?
If this election is any indicator of the future of our country, then America is in big trouble.
Is that a possible scenario? I’m not saying probable, but does that possibility exist legally?
Turns out Kaepernick thinks Clinton should be in jail.
Whoops…that one didn’t fit the narrative.
Reince Priebus giving a pretty good speech in Everett, WA right now introducing Dondald Trump….
Check that, Priebus introduced Giuliani.
Trump going to Mexico to meet with el presidente. Secret service can’t be looking forward to that.
There was this distracting ~50 year old behind the podium with a massive rack in a tight pink dress. She wasn’t hot in any way except for the massive rack. They just gave her the hook and replaced her with a big guy in a white Trump T-shirt. LOL
Open the borders, seize the guns, and empty the jails
I swear, he is actually looking for anarchy.
How many lawsuits
Chris Brown lol….