From NJ1015:
Flipped homes represented more than 6 percent of all New Jersey home sales in 2017.
More than 7,500 one-family properties that exchanged hands last year already had a sale on record in the previous 12 months, according to state-by-state analysis from real-estate tracker ATTOM Data Solutions.
Atlantic — 388 flips, 5 percent of total sales
Bergen — 556, 7.6 percent
Burlington — 581, 95 percent
Camden — 805, 3.6 percent
Cape May — 150, 6.6 percent
Cumberland — 119, 6.1 percent
Essex — 535, 7.2 percent
Gloucester — 309, 2.8 percent
Hunterdon — 56, 7.2 percent
Hudson — 394, 5.9 percent
Mercer — 295, 4.7 percent
Middlesex — 244, 5.1 percent
Monmouth — 573, 4 percent
Morris — 297, 7.6 percent
Ocean — 1,040, 3.2 percent
Passaic — 101, 6 percent
Salem — 60, 4.3 percent
Somerset — 176, 6.2 percent
Sussex — 204, 8.5 percent
Union — 592, 3.8 percent
Warren — 68, 1.3 percent
Flip floppers
“Some things are true even if Donald Trump believes them”…Tom Friedman, CNBC interview this am..
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” -Stephen Hawkins.
We will always be inspired by his life and ideas.
DB, from yesterday.
Here’s an easy $500 on 15K to get you started.
Last week we noted that in what was a radical U-turn to what other public pension funds have been doing in recent years – most notably Calpers – the struggling New Jersey public pension system decided that instead of lowering its expected rate of return, it would raise it, from 7% to 7.5%.
The simple reason behind this odd increase in projected returns was an accounting sleight of hand which would allow the state of New Jersey to save some $238 million in pension contributions as a result of the higher discount rate applied to the fund’s liabilities. And with a pension funding level of only 37% for the 2015 fiscal year, the worst of any state in the US, New Jersey would gladly take even the most glaring accounting gimmickry that would delay its inevitable death.
Unfortunately, being the not so proud owner of the most distressed and underfunded public pension fund in the US is just the start of New Jersey’s monetary woes, and as Bloomberg reports, New Jersey’s fiscal situation is so dire that new Governor Phil Murphy has proposed taxing online-room booking, ride-sharing, marijuana, e-cigarettes and Internet transactions along with raising taxes on millionaires and retail sales to fund a record $37.4 billion budget that would boost spending on schools, pensions and mass transit.
Your house is your bank!
Cash Call ads all over the radio this morning.
You would be proud of me. Some clown in a lifted pickup backed into my suv and took off, making a small dent on the tailgate and causing the plastic molding to rattle constantly anytime I was driving over 15 mph. I just wanted the rattling to stop since it is a 10 year old car and the dent was only the size of the palm of a hand. Auto body shops wanted $650-$800 to fix it plus I would have to leave it for a day or 2 and get a rental car. I found a place that Fixed the rattling in 30 minutes and only charged $40. I then went to the dealer for some touch up paint to fix the paint chip for $21. Saved myself $600 on the repair and $100 on a car rental.
As a bonus I learned there is a Krispy Kreme Store in Arlington
Murphy to raise sales tax back to 7%
Murphy to give free college
Murphy to give pot
Murphy to raise tx to 10.75% for people with more money than pusy
Murphy to give more money to school unions and pensions
Murphy to raise min wage on public workers first
Autobody shops are the biggest clowns when it comes to estimates. When someone backed into my driver side door, I just wanted the dent popped out. Not even touched up. They all wanted to replace it for $1500. So I drove around for 3 months with the dent. I had no less than 4 guys come up to me in the parking lot offering to do it. A lot of them wanted $200 or $300. When I was at Ikea in Philly, some guy who owns a body shop there…or maybe he owns a chops shop, who knows…he came up and offered $150. I said $40 and it’s a deal. He didn’t hesitate. He took out his suction cup and mallet and did it in like 3 minutes flat.
Jersey Guv: Smoke Up NJ
I’ll let you know if we actually get more money
For the first time ever oldsters outnumbering babies in the US. Get ready as the baby boomers suck the haggard teets dry.
People over 65 years old would outnumber children by 2035, a first in U.S. history, according to updated projections released by the Census Bureau on Tuesday.
The milestone would be the latest marker of the nation’s aging, which has accelerated with baby boomers’ move into their senior years and recessionary effects on births and immigration over the past decade.
The shift deepens challenges for fiscal policy and economic growth.
Nice job. Body shops are a gold mine. If insurance is covering it, there are really some great shops around to have the repairs done. If the car is off collision/comprehensive, then head to the ghetto. I know a cash only guy in Newark (Regal) who did about $3,000 worth of work to my 18 year-old Civic for $200. He wanted me to spend an extra $100 to get the paint to match since the car was so old. I told him it didn’t need to match. It matched just fine. Dude is an artist. Place looks shady but very reliable.
Sometimes you win sometimes you lose with body work. My wife hit a deer with the Altima and I went to one of those guys….two years later paint was peeling off the bumper like crazy.
Murphy to give free college
Murphy to give pot
Might be a good strategy to keep millennials in state longer.
House flipping…maybe a sign of an overheated market…or one that’s healing.
In that case offer free Tide pods too.
grim says:
March 14, 2018 at 9:49 am
Murphy to give free college
Murphy to give pot
Might be a good strategy to keep millennials in state longer.
For $200, I would take a loss happily. Car was 18!
“Sometimes you win sometimes you lose with body work. “
Stephen Hawking, RIP. I understand it’s also Einstein’s birthday today and it happens to be pi day – 3.14. Surreal.
Your dose of good news from our friend at zerohedge
Did any of you guys look at that police and fire binding arbitration doc I posted yesterday? 119 towns went to arbitration the year before the cap was put in place. Once the 2% cap was put in place, that number dropped to eleven. Prior to cap, cops received on average, >4% increases prior to calculating step and longevity bonuses. Real increases were likely close to 7%. Everyone talks about the sales tax and millionaires tax, when it will be the loss of the cap on binding arbitration that will cause the most pain. When your public serpents are awarded 7% increases and there is a property tax cap of 2.5%, the money for those raises are coming from somewhere else in the budget. Most likely, the schools.
I read a comment yesterday (not sure of it’s validity) that said NJ cops make 70% more than the average in the US and their total compensation plan averages $200,000 annually. Also, NJ has 270% more cop coverage by population than the rest of the country on average.
But try to point this out in this state and you will be labeled a pariah.
I’m telling you all, Christie was the best thing for this state. His optics sucked but he did what was necessary. Everyone else, including Murphy already, just kicks the can down the road.
Murphy has the couth of a dementia patient.
And how about my Red Bulls!
Jose Altidore is the worst diver in the history of soccer. He is a national embarrassment to the sport.
Couth..? Please. As we circle the drain and the moron-in-chief is the standard bearer for how to act like an imbecile .
Conor Lamb..proof that you might get good real estate advice and sometimes good financial advice from this blog..but political advice? Not likely. I keep reading here that elitist liberals don’t get it and will get slaughtered in mid terms. I also thought they were unhinged and out of touch with Trump support from lower classes. Hmm, seems like Dems learned that showing up to vote makes the difference. Trump won this district by 20 pts only 16 months ago.
A young millennial Marine takes a D seat. Worst nightmare for Rs.
Fact -Labor Secretary Acosta touts that 4 million Americans got a bonus or raise (most just a small one time bonus) from tax cut. There are over 130 million working full time. Do the math. 97% have not benefitted and companies are well into the budget plan for these tax savings.
By…I hope you are right. Trump is a moron. But until the unhinged “get it,” I don’t see much traction.
Murphy was forced to resign from that seat in the midst of controversy. In the last two elections, I don’t think the Democrats even ran an opponent. The circumstances are complicated…I don’t think any safe assumptions can be made from the outcome.
Besides, that district will look completely different when it is redistricted.
“As we circle the drain and the moron-in-chief is the standard bearer for how to act like an imbecile .”
Murph’s action reek of similarity. Another rich guy who loves the spotlight.
“You didn’t build that says:
March 14, 2018 at 9:08 am
Murphy to raise sales tax back to 7%
Murphy to give free college
Murphy to give pot
Murphy to raise tx to 10.75% for people with more money than pusy
Murphy to give more money to school unions and pensions
Murphy to raise min wage on public workers first”
Let him go to town, I say. I am safely across the river and so is my money.
I got a call over the weekend from a former comrade from my DC days. He was apparently considered for a position that while pretty unsexy, would still require Senate confirmation.
He is a hardcore conservative so he was concerned about the raking he would get from the ProgSocs in the Warrenista camp. He also knew that this would not be a career as whoever replaces Trump would put in their own people (ironic considering he was a NeverTrumper who must have held his nose with two hands and voted for Trump with his toe)
After he and I spitballed about it for awhile, he eventually decided he didn’t want it. He is eminently qualified and ATEOTD it had little or nothing to do with his disdain for Trump, but it was indicative of the “lure” of public service, or lack thereof. It just isn’t as attractive as it used to be. Rex Tillerson must be secretly happy he’s done and sad that he gave up his Exxon gig a year early.
And I was also thinking this morning that Romney must be thanking his lucky stars that he didn’t get offered the SoS job.
That $200 repair was a great deal. One place wanted to charge me $40 just to take off the interior molding and look to see if there was internal damage to the tailgate a nd then another $800 to fix it if there was no internal damage. They must have mistaken me for some sort of a-hole.
My car is now quieter than before it got bumped. I guess the molding had loosened a bit over the years.
“Ex-Jersey says:
March 14, 2018 at 10:33 am
Couth..? Please. As we circle the drain and the moron-in-chief is the standard bearer for how to act like an imbecile .”
We’ve been circling the drain long before Trump ever came on the scene. And it’s because we’ve been circling the drain that people voted for him.
Lib, forget them. I can’t stand the fringe element of either party. Yes there are unhinged,TG focused, peacenik anarchists on left as there creationist, war mongering racists on right. They make no sense and don’t define my beliefs. You would think they make up majority of parties by reading this blog. If we could have a candidate that wants to focus on now. Starts with a conversation on military budget but neither Obama not Trump seemed to care about it. Without that discussion, the rest is noise about how we can’t afford social, health or entitlement programs. We absolutely need better mental health care in this country particularly for returning vets and children. This is clear and should be focus.
Hey Pumps – Have any class reunions coming up? Of course you don’t.
The Great Pumpkin says:
March 13, 2018 at 7:57 pm
You might have more knowledge than me due to
ageformal education, but you are not more educated than me. Don’t get it twisted.Does anyone else find it ironic that the MSM, when they take brief intermission from Russia-gate, likes to denigrate our president for all of the staff positions he hasn’t filled? It’s almost like they’re saying, “You have all of these secure government jobs you could be giving out, what’s the matter with you?”
Get ready for him to whip those numbers out when 2022 comes rolling around.
We’ve been circling the drain long before Trump ever came on the scene. And it’s because we’ve been circling the drain that people voted for him.
Lamb’s positions on the issues are telling…
Anti-Nancy Pelosi?
Hell I’d vote for a pro-gun Democrat.
Every day was Hair Pie day to jj…..
Fast Eddie says:
March 14, 2018 at 9:58 am
Stephen Hawking, RIP. I understand it’s also Einstein’s birthday today and it happens to be pi day – 3.14. Surreal.
A good front cover of NY Post regarding Tillerson….
We can’t afford the healthcare.
Bystander says:
March 14, 2018 at 11:21 am
Lib, forget them. I can’t stand the fringe element of either party. Yes there are unhinged,TG focused, peacenik anarchists on left as there creationist, war mongering racists on right. They make no sense and don’t define my beliefs. You would think they make up majority of parties by reading this blog. If we could have a candidate that wants to focus on now. Starts with a conversation on military budget but neither Obama not Trump seemed to care about it. Without that discussion, the rest is noise about how we can’t afford social, health or entitlement programs. We absolutely need better mental health care in this country particularly for returning vets and children. This is clear and should be focus.
The DNC doesn’t understand that a Reagan democrat can win in red areas. The DNC only wants to run or back progressive candidates completely ignoring the local constituents desires because they would not want to offend a sjw keyboard warrior on one of the coasts by supporting a conservative Democrat who is sane and would usually vote along party lines. They would rather have a right wing extremists in office who will vote against them 100% of the time than a Reagan democrat voting with them 90% of the time. The dnc would rather be martyrs than pragmatic winners.
Anarchists left? I always considered Anarchists right of Libertarians.
Things are all mixed up in US politics. That’s for sure.
I would consider a Reagan democrat. The democrat party is stuffed with shrieking freaks, misfits, losers, twinkies and oddballs. Trump annihilated 16 politicians and defeated a supposed lock, has a set of balls and is pushing his agenda WHICH appeals to those who actually produce despite the leftists weirdos and snowflakes attempting to demolish him at every turn. If you want a liberal democrat in office, then you pay for the giveaways and entitlements.
Sure we can, just not the excessive snot wiping, 3rd opinion loving, and test/lab happy system that we have now. Also penthouse doctors and staff won’t be getting $21,000 for hour worth of services.
Are the patients asking for more and more tests or are the doctors suggesting them? Either way. I agree with your premise. Let’s stop paying thousands or even hundreds of dollars for a X-rays and MRI’s.
Most definitely it is the doctors, probably to cover their rears. Same sh$t with vets now. It is all lab and tests.. and why you now pay $700 for Buddy’s worm issues. There is no initial diagnosis anymore or particularly “try this $50 fix” over the $2000 one.
Bystander my sister is an emergency room vet. The trend in that industry is to pay the Vets incentives based on billing, so your Vet is likely has a bonus tied to sales, so they want you to buy the special food, drugs and every test in creation because if they don’t hit their number their pay goes down. It’s actually what she hates about it because there is a lot of pressure even besides the pay incentives to upsell and she knows a lot of the customers coming in cannot afford what they are charging.
Did most Republicans have an issue with Bill Clinton at the end of his term?
Fido isn’t going to sue for malpractice but the owner of the practice has an MRI machine he needs to pay off, so now fido needs a full battery of tests…..
Well, anarchists..until 2020 election 😀.
No jail time and they pay a pittance.
Theranos Inc. and its founder Elizabeth Holmes agreed to settle U.S. allegations that they raised more than $700 million from investors through an elaborate fraud in which they exaggerated or made false statements about their technology, business and financial performance.
Holmes agreed to pay a $500,000 penalty to resolve the case, surrender voting control of Theranos, and be barred from serving as an officer of a public company for 10 years, the SEC said.
But old Dems felt betrayed.
They could not tell what was coming, as we truly see his sell out and its effects now. But they could tell and feel in their bones, that he was not “right” as a dem. Just pick out 2 of the list below and you can see how he dynamited the middle class.
-Sallie Mae privatize. Banks started giving colleges kick back points for loans -like car dealers
-Removal of Glass Stegall, not just removal – but way its was done. Weill’s Travellers/Citi purchase was illegal for a full year, but instead of enforcing the law, change the law. Weill rewarded Hillary with a big donation for her Senate campaign.
grim says:
March 14, 2018 at 1:48 pm
Did most Republicans have an issue with Bill Clinton at the end of his term?
No jail time and they pay a pittance.
Theranos Inc. and its founder Elizabeth Holmes agreed to settle U.S. allegations that they raised more than $700 million from investors through an elaborate fraud in which they exaggerated or made false statements about their technology, business and financial performance.
Holmes agreed to pay a $500,000 penalty to resolve the case, surrender voting control of Theranos, and be barred from serving as an officer of a public company for 10 years, the SEC said.
The fact that the company still keeps her around is laughable. She made friends in high places and so many people wanted her fraud to not be true.
Trump “likes to watch many hours of television each day and believes that cable television is a good way to gather information, so it’s natural that Kudlow would seem to him to be an authority on economic matters.”
“We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into
prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying
to lift himself up by the handle.”
Student speaks in front of the U.S. Capitol on #NationalWalkoutDay:
“Their right to own an assault rifle does not outweigh our right to live.
The adults have failed us. This is in our hands now, and if any elected official gets in our way, we will vote them out.”
I really wasn’t prepared to cry during my lunch break today but seeing our kids stand up & speak out like this has filled me with sorrow how much we’ve failed them while giving me extraordinary hope that we will make things better.
We will.
Trump’s day so far:
-Conor Lamb won, 20-point Dem swing
-Ben Carson lied, he bought $31K table
-Stone told Nunberg he met w/Assange
-Hearing date set in Stormy Daniels trial
-Rand Paul opposes Pompeo & Haspel
-Millions protesting for gun reform on #NationalWalkoutDay
MAGA – year 1
Jobs and the economy
Passage of the tax reform bill providing $5.5 billion in cuts and repealing the Obamacare mandate.
Increase of the GDP above 3 percent.
Creation of 2.5 million new jobs, cutting unemployment to 4.1 percent.
Saw the Dow Jones reach record highs.
A rebound in economic confidence to a 17-year high.
A new executive order to boost apprenticeships.
A move to boost computer sciences in Education Department programs.
Prioritizing women-owned businesses for some $500 million in SBA loans.
Killing job-stifling regulations
Signed an Executive Order demanding that two regulations be killed for every new one creates. He beat that big and cut 16 rules and regulations for every one created, saving $8.1 billion.
Signed 15 congressional regulatory cuts.
Withdrew from the Obama-era Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of environmental regulations.
Signed an Executive Order cutting the time for infrastructure permit approvals.
Eliminated an Obama rule on streams that Trump felt unfairly targeted the coal industry.
Fair trade
Made good on his campaign promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Opened up the North American Free Trade Agreement for talks to better the deal for the U.S.
Worked to bring companies back to the U.S., and companies like Toyota, Mazda, Broadcom Limited, and Foxconn announced plans to open U.S. plants.
Worked to promote the sale of U.S products abroad.
Made enforcement of U.S. trade laws, especially those that involve national security, a priority.
Ended Obama’s deal with Cuba.
Boosting U.S. energy dominance
The Department of Interior, which has led the way in cutting regulations, opened plans to lease 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas drilling.
Trump traveled the world to promote the sale and use of U.S. energy.
Expanded energy infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline snubbed by Obama.
Ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to kill Obama’s Clean Power Plan.
EPA is reconsidering Obama rules on methane emissions.
Protecting the U.S. homeland
Laid out new principles for reforming immigration and announced plan to end “chain migration,” which lets one legal immigrant to bring in dozens of family members.
Made progress to build the border wall with Mexico.
Ended the Obama-era “catch and release” of illegal immigrants.
Boosted the arrests of illegals inside the U.S.
Doubled the number of counties participating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement charged with deporting illegals.
Removed 36 percent more criminal gang members than in fiscal 2016.
Started the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program.
Ditto for other amnesty programs like Deferred Action for Parents of Americans.
Cracking down on some 300 sanctuary cities that defy ICE but still get federal dollars.
Added some 100 new immigration judges.
Protecting communities
Justice announced grants of $98 million to fund 802 new cops.
Justice worked with Central American nations to arrest and charge 4,000 MS-13 members.
Homeland rounded up nearly 800 MS-13 members, an 83 percent one-year increase.
Signed three executive orders aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions created new National Public Safety Partnership, a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crimes.
Trump has nominated 73 federal judges and won his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
Ordered ethical standards including a lobbying ban.
Called for a comprehensive plan to reorganize the executive branch.
Ordered an overhaul to modernize the digital government.
Called for a full audit of the Pentagon and its spending.
Combatting opioids
First, the president declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids.
His Council of Economic Advisors played a role in determining that overdoses are underreported by as much as 24 percent.
The Department of Health and Human Services laid out a new five-point strategy to fight the crisis.
Justice announced it was scheduling fentanyl substances as a drug class under the Controlled Substances Act.
Justice started a fraud crackdown, arresting more than 400.
The administration added $500 million to fight the crisis.
On National Drug Take Back Day, the Drug Enforcement Agency collected 456 tons.
Protecting life
In his first week, Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy that blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions.
Worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers.
Published guidance to block Obamacare money from supporting abortion.
Helping veterans
Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act.
Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support.
Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
Created a VA hotline.
Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data.
With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.
Promoting peace through strength
Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review.
Worked to increase defense spending.
Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission.
Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies.
Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command.
Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders.
Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security.
Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory.
Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons.
Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism.
NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan.
Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region.
Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack.
Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used.
Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.
Restoring confidence in and respect for America
Trump won the release of Americans held abroad, often using his personal relationships with world leaders.
Made good on a campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Conducted a historic 12-day trip through Asia, winning new cooperative deals. On the trip, he attended three regional summits to promote American interests.
He traveled to the Middle East and Europe to build new relationships with leaders.
Traveled to Poland and on to Germany for the G-20 meeting where he pushed again for funding of women entrepreneurs.
You can get them all really cheaply on the same modern equipment and by equally skilled and experienced doctors in Thailand for 1/6th the price. You’ll have so much money left over that you could purchase a gorgeous lifetime partner in Pattaya simultaneously.
You can’t be serious! A talking head put in charge of economic decisions. Bizarre, simply bizarre and freightening. We are screwed. This is what happens when you put idiots in power.
“Larry Kudlow, a man who spent $100,000/month on cocaine, will advise Trump on smart ways to spend our money.”
“He denied the existence of a housing bubble, even after it collapsed. He touted the “Bush boom” and boasted that there wouldn’t be any recession in December 2007—the month the recession began. Once the downturn was undeniable, Kudlow dismissed it…”
Yep just glad it’s not Jim Cramer! He’s no less qualified than anyone from GS.
Expecting wealthy crooked businessmen (who have bought our govt for themselves) to produce prosperity is even worse. Let’s give them a huge tax break everybody, that will produce prosperity for all!
Elizabeth Holmes steals 700 million, gets no jail time, and only has to pay a 500,000 fine. We are owned by these people. Yet, they get idiots to worry about free Obama phones. Unreal!
D-FENS says:
March 14, 2018 at 2:28 pm
“We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into
prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying
to lift himself up by the handle.”
Kudlow was the associate director for economics and planning in the OMB during the Reagan Administration. Good move!
When I was 16 I would have walked out of class if we were protesting ham sandwiches.
I love class walkouts.
Very Stable Genius says:
March 14, 2018 at 2:33 pm
I really wasn’t prepared to cry during my lunch break today but seeing our kids stand up & speak out like this has filled me with sorrow how much we’ve failed them while giving me extraordinary hope that we will make things better.
We will.
LOL. The P-word turns grim into a super-censor every time. He’s almost as fun to wind up as Pumps.
And that, kids, is how ISIS started.
When I was 16 I would have walked out of class if we were protesting ham sandwiches.
Strategically place four Belgian Malinois’ fitted with titanium teeth in every school in the country.
At my last job the engineering department celebrated Pi Day, and it was great. Lot’s of pies were brought in, served 3/14 at 1:54. When I got my first good calculator, an HP-21 (circa 1976, $125) I immediately memorized Pi to 9 digits, 3.141592654. I have no idea how greater nerds memorize it to 100’s of digits, I’m still trying to learn every note on the guitar fretboard.
Pumps – Pi is a mathematical constant.
Oh you mean the failed experiment of supply side economics? Aka trickle down economics aka Reganonomics? You know the one that left our country in debt and sold out our working class by bashing unions and shipping the jobs overseas?
Fast Eddie says:
March 14, 2018 at 3:16 pm
Kudlow was the associate director for economics and planning in the OMB during the Reagan Administration. Good move!
nuts. 1:59PM, of course.
The guy is a hero to most neoconservatives.
Fast Eddie says:
March 14, 2018 at 12:43 pm
I would consider a Reagan democrat.
Yes, financial disaster is upon us….I’ll believe it when I see it. No way this country just lets one of the most important locations in our national economy just crash. No chance in hell.
D-FENS says:
March 14, 2018 at 10:01 am
Your dose of good news from our friend at zerohedge
You are going to let this crash? It will take out a good chunk of the economy. Remember how small this state is in terms of sq footage (also south jersey mostly produces nothing as well as west jersey). So that little area of our country is the 8th largest state economy and produces 3% of our national gdp. The rest of the country can not let such a productive area in our economy just collapse, it will take them down too.
So it’s in everyone’s best interest to take federal funding and invest in the infrastructure of north jersey.
“New Jersey GDP was $510,586,000,000 in 2016 according to BEA data. New Jersey GDP represents 3.12% of US GDP which made it the 8th largest state economy in the nation in 2016. Real dollar values expressed in 2009 chained dollars”
Here’s some math. For just the price of 1/5th of the porkulous, the feds can bail out New Jersey.
Nj is too big to fail mofo’s!! If you had to save banks, you better step up and save Jersey.
Not that I feel one way or the other, but I think you’re claim here should be saved for about 4 years. Screenshot and see if we can reference it later.
Should be interesting.
By my calculation, my marginal federal plus state plus medicare tax rate will hit 50.1% if Murphy gets his hike to 10.75%. In Florida my marginal rate would be under 40%.
No one is bailing out Jersey. If it goes it goes. If we were so great and so wonderful and smart and savvy we would not be in the mess we are in.
This thread is triggering me. Make it stop!
re: my marginal
Murphy is just taking back some of what Trump gave them. 20,000 New Jersey residents and 19,000 nonresident New Jersey taxpayers would see the increase to 10.75% if the millionaires’ tax is approved to raise an additional 765 Million in income taxes.
Trumps tax breaks as follows.
At 10 million income Federal drops from 39.60% t0 36.72%
At 1.1 million income Federal drops from 39.60% to 32.54%
“Does anyone else find it ironic that the MSM, when they take brief intermission from Russia-gate, likes to denigrate our president for all of the staff positions he hasn’t filled?”
Does anyone find it ironic that the only ones on here that complain about whats a media channel covers, are the only ones that actually watch it.
Kudlow is an idiot.
Lets roll tape from the starting point of the last recession, he served up this omlette!
There is no recession. Despite all the doom and gloom from the economic pessimistas, the resilient U.S economy continues moving ahead’”quarter after quarter, year after year’”defying dire forecasts and delivering positive growth. In fact, we are about to enter the seventh consecutive year of the Bush boom.
The pessimistas are a persistent bunch. In 2006, they were certain a recession was just around the corner. They were wrong. Instead, the economy posted two consecutive quarters of near or above four-percent growth.
Earlier today, a doom and gloom economic forecast from Macro Economic Advisors was released predicting zero percent growth in the fourth quarter. This report is off by at least two percentage points. These guys are going to wind up with egg on their faces.
“for all of the staff positions he hasn’t filled?”
I find it funny that with all the talk about Elon Musk, Space X and the pudh to Mars that Donnie still hasn’t appointed someone to lead NASA. Maybe all the Evangelical Creationists and Climate Deniers are too busy to step up.
The right is trying to spin the PA defeat. Lamb ran as Pro-Choice in a red district. The GOP alarm bells are ringing on this one.
Here are 67 great EPA regulations Donnie got rid of. Who needs clean water and air anyway!
Where you out doing your civic duty today?
Breaking News:
The Democrat Conor Lamb has an insurmountable lead in a Pennsylvania House race in Trump country. We’re calling it in his favor.
Philosophy major?
Nj is too big to fail mofo’s!!
That’s why all of the rich people move from Manhattan to Wayne. Oh, wait. They don’t. You never know whether a HS dropout will be your neighbor.
Here are 67
great EPA regulationsObama Executive Orders Donnie got rid of. Who needs clean water and air anyway!Can’t strangle business with a bill from Congress? No problem, just do it with your pen…plus…you can create jobs for friends at the same time!!!
Good news for Wayne…
Hell yeah! Get to that level or stay a loser. Your choice.
Trumps tax breaks as follows.
At 10 million income Federal drops from 39.60% t0 36.72%
At 1.1 million income Federal drops from 39.60% to 32.54%
“But it rested on its toy leadership laurels, and missed the sea change that Amazon was bringing to the retail industry. It partnered with Amazon in 2000 to run its fledgling e-commerce operations, a move it later realized was a major tactical mistake. Instead of teaching Toys R Us how to do e-commerce, Amazon learned how to sell toys, and used that knowledge to beat Toys R Us at its game, by undercutting it on price.”
33k jobs at TRU, they employ more people than the coal industry. Where’s the bailout?
It partnered with Amazon in 2000 to run its fledgling e-commerce operations, a move it later realized was a major tactical mistake.
Same strategy Starbucks used with Kraft Foods.
^^^^About 20 years ago I thought it was ridiculous that we buy such a sh!tload of plastic bullsh!t from a Communist country. I am still unswayed, and perhaps we now have a president who thinks similarly.
Going to miss Toys R’ Us. American icon that was “amazoned.” One day in the future Amazon will get beat by its own game….lots of companies solely focused on beating Amazon now. There will be blood….
Lot of my blood and sweat into helping them survive. I tried.
Get ready for a “paid” fire department once the developers take hold of that property. Sad times.
Perfect for HQ2
In 1979
Crony capitalism at its best. Can bail out one industry, but ignore others. Society is such a joke. Game of picking winners and losers.
“33k jobs at TRU, they employ more people than the coal industry. Where’s the bailout?”
As much as I hate to say it, sales tax on internet purchases isn’t a bad way to go (nexus or not).
No sales tax on the internet put a lot of companies out of business.
Above $150, it’s impossible for a brick and mortar to compete against online.
Absolutely. It’s completely unfair to have one business paying a sales tax and another not while competing in the same market. Just wrong.
Lib will probably like this. My 1983 Toro 3521 Snow Blower broke it’s pull-start cord today. Luckily, I was about 4 shovels short of finishing the cleanup from our recent 16″ snowfall. I did three full runs yesterday during the blizzard (our house and our elderly neighbor) and was finishing up today. I found that Ace Hardware and other places sell a kit for less than 7 bucks to do a repair/replace. Our machine had apparently had the cord replaced once before because three of the locknuts holding the rewind mechanism were painted red and one wasn’t. I ended up driving less than a mile to the Home Depot and buying 5 feet of replacement cord for 48 cents. I didn’t bring any cash with me and actually charged the 48 cents on one of my rewards credit cards. I never saw so few orange aprons in the store. My assumption is that most of them are F150 owners and are out plowing today. I found an old guy who took me to the cord and cut off the appropriate amount. He suggested I needed 6 feet, I told him I was confident I only needed 5.
“Misleading headline. Toys r us didn’t kill a thing. We killed it by using it as a showroom, helping us make a decision on what we’ll order online later.”
“Fair point. It is a bipartisan tradition in New Jersey for governors to leave their successors a mess to clean up, but Christie took it to a new level. Murphy has little choice but to make meaty investments in transit and schools, which Christie mercilessly starved, and in the pensions system, which was a mess long before either man arrived.
All of that now falls into Murphy’s lap. And if someone can fund those big items without raising taxes, I’d like to hear the secret plan.
The skittish Democrats who fear Florio’s ghost need to brush up on their history. Murphy’s tax hike is not nearly so risky.
For one, Florio’s tax hike was roughly three times as large as the one Murphy proposes now, once you adjust for inflation.”
Give the guy a chance. Maybe these investments in our public transportation will finally help your commute. Christie starved njtransit. Maybe that’s part of the reason it’s in such bad shape.
They own us. Lmao
“The Senate on Wednesday passed the biggest loosening of financial regulations since the economic crisis a decade ago, delivering wide bipartisan support for weakening banking rules despite bitter divisions among Democrats.
The bill, which passed 67 votes to 31, would free more than two dozen banks from the toughest regulatory scrutiny put in place after the 2008 global financial crisis. Despite President Trump’s promise to do a “big number” on the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, the new measure leaves key aspects of the earlier law in place. Nonetheless, it amounts to a significant rollback of banking rules aimed at protecting taxpayers from another financial crisis and future bailouts.”
CC was the first governor in my lifetime who got some control over property taxes. It’s a shame the mostly blue press in NJ (besides the Asbury Park Press and 101.5) focused almost solely on issues that don’t have anything to do with property taxes. Like hanging on closed beaches or taking helicopters to sporting events. When push came to shove, he was the first governor to stand up to the Unions in NJ that got the state into the position it is in. I hope everyone manages to get a 2 percent raise this year, for if you don’t, you’ll be making less than you did last year after the property tax increases. But fear not. Your local cops and firemen will all be paid almost as well as you are at age 40 as they will from 45 to 90. You? You get spend 4% of what you managed to save over your 40 year career. So what degree does a fireman need these days?
As for Toys R Us. Kids don’t play with toys any more. They touch glass. That is really what undid Toys R Us. Who buys toys on Amazon? No one I know of.
The original Toys killer was Walmart….. then Target….. then the internet in general….not Amazon specifically…. then the iPhone….
CC had a fantastic 18 months, and then he quit on us…….then he was exposed as a fraud. The Bridgegate thing was everything you thought logically made sense, but hoped he wasn’t so petty that it was true. But it had to be.
I could buy that. Amazon certainly didn’t help. But I can’t remember the last time I saw a toddler playing Chutes & Ladders or anyone playing Monopoly (besides the digital version).
I still don’t think it was his idea. I won’t defend that he didn’t immediately terminate everyone involved. But I’m sure it was an attempt by someone close to him to hop aboard the White House Train. As for NJ Transit? It’s wasn’t underfunded. It was run by buffoons. It still is.
This Lamb guy might be the first Dem I’ve seen in a long time who gets it. Shame the rest of ’em are as clueless as Moana.
Know state workers…… CC is a micromanager and puts people in over their heads in administration of various facets of the the bureaucracy. this way he has a legion of lieutenants beholden to his whims out of fear.
Libturd sporting Tiger Wood says:
March 14, 2018 at 9:40 pm
I still don’t think it was his idea. I won’t defend that he didn’t immediately terminate everyone involved. But I’m sure it was an attempt by someone close to him to hop aboard the White House Train. As for NJ Transit? It’s wasn’t underfunded. It was run by buffoons. It still is.
nothing happened without CC knowing about it
leftwing: you going?
The original Toys killer was China
Walmart….. then Target….. then the internet in general….not Amazon specifically…. then the iPhone….@TheRickWilson
Divorce is a painful, terrible thing so I’m not going to mock Donald Trump Jr.
Oh, who am I kidding?
Donald Trump’s day so far:
– Lied to Justin Trudeau
– Bragged about it
– He’s that far gone
– Trump lawyer in trouble
– Donald Trump Jr divorce?
– Stormy Daniels sex tape?
– What is even happening
– It’s still only 6:30am