We haven’t taken a look at the mobility snapshot in a few weeks. Very interesting trends! Congratulations NJ – Keep Walking!

We haven’t taken a look at the mobility snapshot in a few weeks. Very interesting trends! Congratulations NJ – Keep Walking!
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Walk on by …..
MTA numbers still way down YoY,2 million a day not going to work.
Anecdata – Hedge fund buddy of mine has a maniac boss that demanded his employees show up to work, in person, in NYC every day since Memorial Day.
He says, the tunnel traffic is an absoulte nightmare. No one is taking the train/bus.
The scant few that do come to NYC everyday are driving and it’s taking minimum 2 hours to get from Chelsea to Union county.
Pretty straightforward stuff – but when people do start heading back, it is going to be a nightmare getting in/out of NYC
Regarding those MTA numbers – no revenue, can’t pay salaries and who knows what it’s doing to pensions. Here in NJ we know higher tolls and gas taxes are paying for the shortfall but no government jobs being slashed. This is exactly what Ayn Rand described in her writing; punish the doers to pay for the leeches.
Would love to sit with a brew and learn more about what you do. A GTG with all you guys in the area would be cool.
re: “A GTG with all you guys”
ALL? Eddie you are such a comedian.
Jobs Report: UP 1.37 million
U/E 8.4%
Friskies, yes Friskies for all.
“With the impact of the pandemic under review, the CBO estimates the insolvency date for Social Security Disability Insurance to be 2026, and the Social Security retirement program, known as Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, by 2031. Medicare Hospital Insurance faces insolvency by 2024 if nothing is done to rectify these projections”
Email Article
Change in non-farm payrolls: 1.371 million vs. +1.350 million expected, vs. +1.763 million in July
Unemployment rate: 8.4% vs. 9.8% expected, vs. 10.2% in July
Average hourly earnings, month over month: 0.4% vs. 0.0% expected, +0.2% in July
Average hourly earnings, year over year: 4.7% vs. 4.4% expected, 4.8% in July
Labor force participation rate: 61.7% vs. 61.8% expected
Some of you guys. :)
Fast Eddie says:
September 4, 2020 at 8:10 am
“Here in NJ we know higher tolls and gas taxes are paying for the shortfall but no government jobs being slashed. This is exactly what Ayn Rand described in her writing; punish the doers to pay for the leeches.”
You keep forgetting what Phil told us two years ago; remember it this time, realize how lucky you are to live in NJ, and keep paying your taxes. /sarc
“We need to be that state that’s good value for money. You say: ‘You know what? It may not be the cheapest place in the country to live, but you get a lot back for that.”
Fabius Maximus says:
September 3, 2020 at 4:28 pm
“PSU football doctor: 30-35 percent of COVID-19-positive Big Ten athletes had myocarditis. Given that the recovery is 3-6 months, its hard to see how any college sport can play this year.”
Not surprising to see a meek and timid putz like Flab run with a story like this; it fits perfectly with his TDS-fueled fantasy of keeping the country locked-down forever — or at least until November. Also not surprising that he wouldn’t return to update the story after it turned out to be completely false; to the point that State Penn Univ had to issue an apology on behalf of the flaky doc. Turns out he literally had no idea what he was talking about.
“Dr. Sebastianelli wishes to clarify this point, and apologize for any confusion…he recalled initial preliminary data that had been shared verbally by a colleague…there have been no cases of myocarditis in COVID-19 positive student-athletes at PSU”
Fast: Thanks for clarifying.
wAr dEaD aRe loooooooooooosers & suCkers
pReSideNt bOneSpurs
Covid level for Dallas county has been downgraded from red to orange. Texas positivity rate has dropped below 10% this week.
Job market coming back, vaccine on the launching pad, DOW and NASDAQ rocketing higher… basically a “V” shaped recovery. What now, dems?
Y’all can bring your money just leave your failed policies back home
“I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump said at an Iowa summit during his presidential campaign in 2015, adding, “I don’t like losers.”
– President Dumbass
Let’s not forget this was the same guy who spent three years consuming the Russia hoax narrative on a daily basis. And still believes…
And he also recently bought a twitter hoax about Ben Shapiro creating sham websites using his own email address. And also said that antifa is a myth despite being around for a century and now a handful of their losers have ended up in a body bag.
Like I said, he’s the perfect Orwellian citizen.
9:13 bUt tEXaNs lOvE pEoplE fRom nEw jErsEy…..
SmallGovConservative, it is amazing how the fake news flows. I always wonder if it really was a mistake in a case like this. I do think our three letter agencies deal in misinformation, we have done it in many, many countries to impact the results of elections. There has been a link to the CIA for every president since Clinton, Clinton was tied to intelligence in the Mena drug running, with Bush the links are clear his dad ran the CIA, and Obama given how he moved around the people he was in contact with it would not surprise me if his grandfather was in the agency. Trump was not the CIA’s anointed candidate, they have wanted him out since day one, despite how we may feel about Trump something very unusual has been going on.
9:15 nO cOlLusSion.
Trump is clearly a Russian asset and an American traitor.
Comrades! Lazy Americans think there are Seven Fridays in a week!
Lancet says Russian COVID-19 Vaccine “Safe And Effective”
How about wearing a rubber suit?
Canada’s chief public health officer is advising people to wear masks during s*e*x and not to kiss anyone!
Lol take em, take them! Help lower our cost and drive up yours. You really have to be sick in the head to leave Cali for Texas. Do these people understand how sh!tty the weather is? Leaving one of the most beautiful places for Texas…cool story.
“I actually think we’re not appreciating it as big and profound as it actually is. Our joke has been that New York and California are the land of the flee, and Texas is the land of the free,” Ari Rastegar, founder of Rastegar Property Company, an Austin-based real estate investment firm, told Yahoo Finance’s The Final Round.
Obama tried to spike the incoming administration. That makes him anti democratic and a political terrorist. Just like his mentor bill ayers. It no wonder the political cancer had metastasized, he’s inspired millions with his subversive tactics.
I guess Texas has nothing to compare to the view of a highway in Wayne. Enjoy the toll and gas tax increases. At least with global warming you won’t have to shovel as much snow.
Search Results
Featured snippet from the web
People are fleeing from New Jersey more than any other state—here’s the No. … New Jersey became the No. 1 state to move away from in 2018, according to new data from moving and relocation company United Vans Lines. The top reason why residents left was for a professional opportunity, the UVL data shows.
In New York and New Jersey, they are likely to find a shrinking population, as residents flee the metropolitan states and their high cost of living.
Recent U.S. Census Bureau estimates show that New York and New Jersey were among 10 states that lost population between June 2018 and July 2019. New York’s estimated decrease of 76,790 residents was the nation’s highest for the second consecutive year.
I am really enjoying the left narrative that Trump is going to win on election night but in the days and weeks after, as they count the mail-in votes (which somehow, against all statistical probability) will be heavily in for Biden.
See how it works – Set the narrative with Clinton(s) and others – Joe DO NOT CONCEDE, NO MATTER WHAT!!!
We will find a way to win this even if the people vote the wrong way.
Next up – Joe will catch Covid by end of the month. Won’t be able to debate. He may send Harris instead. Or offer to do it via teleprompter (err zooom).
Conspiracy theory is fun, I can see why people get hooked on this.
I’ll enjoy it. Enjoy the thousands of mouth breathers moving in by the day.
Winning!! Quality of life going upppp!
ExEssex says:
September 4, 2020 at 9:32 am
In New York and New Jersey, they are likely to find a shrinking population, as residents flee the metropolitan states and their high cost of living.
Recent U.S. Census Bureau estimates show that New York and New Jersey were among 10 states that lost population between June 2018 and July 2019. New York’s estimated decrease of 76,790 residents was the nation’s highest for the second consecutive year.
When WFH crashes commercial real estate things will reaaaally get interesting.
Pelosi using the old Marion Barry defense
Let’s see what happens. I’m in the doubt it group.
ExEssex says:
September 4, 2020 at 9:36 am
When WFH crashes commercial real estate things will reaaaally get interesting.
Salon owner raised 135k so far.
NJ’s suburban office megaliths are going to be the new Machu Picchu.
Wonder what it means for municipal budgets, who have been floated by these mega campuses.
Ex – We don’t agree on much, but we are in-line regarding CRE.
Retail, Office, Hotel – It is going to be a bloodbath. Deals that have loans coming to term have no ability to pay-off, there just isn’t sufficient NOI.
Multi-family is still in good shape – unless it is student housing. FNMA/FRE are doing student on rare situations. CMBS has no execution for student either. Find a local bank that will catch the falling knife or get ready to default
We sold off all our NJ real estate last year, buildings, warehouses kit and caboodle, and leased them back. Sweet Sweet unintentional timing. New C-Suite is never here in NJ, when I see them on Zoom I see other places in the background etc. I don’t think any actually live here most are now in Manhattan and elsewhere. Board of Directors lives all over the country. I would say once our lease for the office buildings is up they will decamp from New Jersey for good.
And like lots of commercial property in NJ, towns will move to rezone to multi and mixed use. I don’t know if that model will work anymore if people don’t need to live near the train to go to NYC, might be tough to get the financing for such a project now.
You guys make no sense.
So what about all those office buildings in Texas and Nashville. They are going to be okay?
If commercial falls, our economy is dead. You are destroying so many jobs and businesses tied to commercial property. From janitors to construction to restaurants to the energy industry….all dead.
10:01 you got it half-right “our economy is dead”
So keep thinking it only impacts people in commercial real estate…such a naive view.
I don’t know what I do. I know what I was hired to do but it is not impossible to direct development delivery. Basically, start with 70 member technology team (Analysts, Dev, QA), move 80% of them to India, 10% in Europe and 10% in US. Have several apps that feed all major global regulatory authorities across globe (FINRA, DTCC, FCA, FINMA) and try to get 30 executive stakeholders globally to provide inputs on regulatory IT change priorities, with no one business side centrally coordinating efforts. Deal with red tape nightmare of constant resource movements (quits, visa issues, transfers), outsource vendor hiring issues, scrutinized budgets, insane exec management reporting. I’ve never experienced anything like this is my career. In my past, I actually worked on IT delivery and program management. My manager is too overwhelmed with exec one off initiatives and so its pushed over to me.
re: “You are destroying so many jobs”
No worries Green new deal will take care of it, jobs for everyone.
I cannot speak for other areas of the country but the budgets of many NJ fiefdoms won’t be intact beyond 2021 without the rateables. Keep an eye on the demolition permits. Is there a tracker for that?
Just think of the impact of the heart of our national economy (nyc), dies. We are done, there is no recovering from that.
It produced so many jobs that can’t be replaced if everyone left nyc. That dense economic activity will be flushed down the drain.
Pumps – Comrade Deblasio says no restaurants until June 2021 and that is if the vaccine works. If you have a bone to pick it’s with him.
Juice: People won’t need to live near the trains any more. So seeing this mini exodus of people out to the close in train towns just makes no sense. Probably more mixed use and multi family, Bergen Co prior to the pandemic was in a multi family building boom. Some are already on line and rented, and I assume the others will be too. So if property can be bought on the cheap and it will be, I suspect this type of activity to go on. Parking lot at my train town this morning empty, as in no cars. We are going into the 7th month of this, and it’s becoming the new normal. I already know of two companies whose leases are up this year, and they are dumping most of their office space. Anyone that thinks it’s going back to the pre pandemic environment is a fool. Dumping real estate is the next best thing or even better to dumping people. Huge cost savings.
Wow at the current rate that San Francisco salon owner is getting about $10,000 and hour. It will peter out once the MSM forgets about it that is unless Pelosi open’s her mouth again. Can she resist?
Overall automobile sales have been off sharply during the pandemic, but in a reversal of what’s happened in most slowdowns, prices have climbed to new highs, thanks to a combination of limited stock, cheap financing and low fuel prices that have consumers gravitating to bigger, more expensive trucks and SUVs.
The average new vehicle sold in August cost a record $35,420, according to research firm J.D. Power, capping a surge in prices that began before the pandemic hit the U.S. This weekend could offer some reprieve from those highs, analysts say, but without the kind of big discounts dealers typically offer.
3b – Did you every venture into Feathers after getting off the train? I heard covid-19 killed that business for good, from what I hear it was always a fun time in there, but never experienced it myself.
$100,000 Jeep Grand Wagoneer
Juice: Never did, but local paper said they are struggling. Supposedly Ru Paul was going to do some fund raiser. A cop I knew in town who has since retired to NC of course, told me the parking lot was filled with cars that had baby seats in the back. This was prior to Gay couples adopting children, so apparently these were supposedly married straight males living a double life.
Cost savings at what cost to the economy? Dumping people is a good thing?
I guess you think lowering wages is a good thing? Huge cost savings at your expense.
“Dumping real estate is the next best thing or even better to dumping people. Huge cost savings.”
Yes, it was a setup. First they tricked her into going indoors. And they must have tricked her into not wearing her mask indoors.
3b – When I was a kid a bunch of Irish cousins and uncles on vacation were in town, they were out drinking in NYC with my dad and stopped there for another round after getting off the train. They walked across from the parking lot and the tried to enter and the doorman said are you sure you want to go in here? They did not get it as they were gentle country folks and said they wanted to go in for a drink, doorman opened the door and told them to have fun. They still tell that story to this day about their visit to “feathers” believe it or not, not in a bad way just part of the Craic.
Seems like the big boxes are moving deeper into the burbs.
For example, Driscoll Foods moving from Clifton to Wayne, Gucci (Kering) moving from Secaucus to Wayne.
At the same time, old GAF HQ in Wayne shifting from office space to higher density housing.
Hear that Pumps your Wayne property value just shot up 10%, no go out and put in a built in pool already.
Juice: The Irish do like their Craic! Similar story we used to take my Irish country cousins to Hunts Point back in the day driving around at night, which was stupid on our trip part of course. But at 19 or 20 we didn’t care. It was hysterical to see their reaction at all the women and some men that were out doing there thing. They were like blubbering idiots!! They still talk about those times too!
These plans were well underway before corona, right? Seems like it was a shift as Kering major tenant at American Dream,err Nightmare. Things changes. Probably too far into to stop it. Also, what is the deal with Focus Workforce Management hiring a lot of jobs for Driscoll? They are more of a temp agency for manufacturing, right?
I was speaking from the perspective of the company in their efforts to save money. Instead of just dumping people they can dump office space or both. You should have been able to understand that.
Another 224,000 Americans deaths in the next four months do to Covid-19?
Didn’t Trump fire this guy yet?
Generation Work-From-Home May Never Recover
The social and economic costs borne by young people without offices
The first time I undertook this construction process was in 2009, and it was an abject failure. I was nine months out of college and had already been laid off from my first full-time job, thanks to Wall Street’s evisceration of the American economy. A woman I knew only from an internet message board hired me to write blog posts for her fashion website, a stroke of luck that turned me nocturnal within six weeks. I lived like a 13-year-old on perpetual summer break—no gods, no masters, no parents, no bedtime. It took two years for me to meet my co-workers in person, and I often fantasized about eating lunch with a live human being, or even just bumping into one on the way to the bathroom. What would it be like to have “work clothes” again? I had never expected to miss driving 45 minutes to sit at a desk in a makeshift office above a country-club pro shop, where, in my first full-time job, I’d done menial tasks in the marketing department.
At first, I assumed my setup would soon be common, and therefore somehow better—we’d all build our internal offices together. “There’s no stopping it,” a Reuters writer proclaimed a few months after I began my blogging gig. “The work force that fuels tomorrow’s small businesses may largely be a stay-at-home crowd.” Laptop prices were shrinking, and more employers were issuing them to their workers. Smartphones started to fill Americans’ pockets. Skype was well established as an early leader in videochat, and co-workers silently traded jokes on GChat. The Great Recession would force a reckoning in how stuffy old companies operated, and offices would soon be obsolete.
Then it just didn’t happen. In fact, something like the opposite happened: Co-working spaces sprang up for people without traditional offices, and the concept attracted hundreds of millions of investment dollars and, for a couple of years, my patronage. In 2018, I finally got a regular job. I sometimes ate lunch with my new colleagues. I bought a fancy water bottle for my desk. After a few months of commuting, I understood the allure of podcasts.
Now a once-in-a-century pandemic has resurrected the abandoned future. I’m back on my couch, along with millions of other Americans. And as soon as we were remanded to our homes in the spring, the predictions of a decade ago sprang back to life: If the COVID‑19 experiment has proved anything, it’s that employees can be productive without being physically present, so why not jettison expensive corporate leases and free everyone from commutes? But the longer people spend editing spreadsheets or taking conference calls at the kitchen table, the more obvious it is that workers lose far more than physical space when they lose their office.
Look on the bright side. If more people are working from home, then people will tend to want bigger and nicer homes. His and her offices, more space generally, whole home backup generators. I have all that and my work can be done perfectly remotely, so I’m all set. Except I’d prefer to do it from another state.
Wow, the teacher doesn’t get it. He doesn’t work corporate, so his opinion means nothing. Yet, here we are once again with me being on the right side of the ball.
I’ve said this for years on this blog. The least scientific type of “scientist” out here are modelers and forecasters. Garbage in the black box, garbage out. Just because someone has a degree does not mean they are complete idiot.
Remember this “scientist”. The one who has no concept of dilution or UV light.
An atmospheric scientist at UC San Diego studying how viruses and bacteria are ejected from the ocean pleaded with surfers Monday to stay out of the water to minimize chances of contracting coronavirus, a report said.
The scientist, Kim Prather, also urged people bicycling or walking along the coast to follow the same rules, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.
No One better leave soon before Emperor Phil decides to not refund the estimated tax payment of 2 percent of the sale amount of your home or worse make it higher.
BRT….saw a game of soccer — 30-40 year olds in a park – recreational.
How risky is that? Seriously, give us an idea.
Bicycling? Can this sh*t fly into your nose??
11:26 WFH will affect different teachers/students differently. For me? It’s working.
It’s working pretty darn well. There isn’t any place for non-performers to hide.
You assume you are being watched 24×7 and you rock every lesson by the book. Offer up exceptional results regardless up the medium and you sir will thrive in the new order.
One of course can have an opinion. It would be helpful if the person voicing the opinion actually had real life experience with it, as do most of the posters on this board. Not to mention we are living it now. To simply dig up something that supports your opinion means absolutely nothing. Moreover, your opinion is based not on any genuine concern for people, but your own selfish interests. Thousands of people have embraced WFH for multiple quality of life reasons. It’s here accept it move on.
That’s why you guys embrace it…you are old. You already moved up and you have been doing your jobs for decades. Imagine being in your 20’s and 30’s, stuck in your house all day by yourself. Fun.
Good luck learning the job and trying to move up. Good luck having friends…
“Even those who self-select into the work-from-home “lifestyle” report feeling distant from new professional opportunities, outside their companies as well as inside, Peditto told me. Deprived of desk neighbors, impromptu coffees, and any real way to, for a lack of a better term, read everyone’s vibe, she said that new hires and young people who work remotely risk remaining unknown quantities. And unknown quantities don’t become beloved colleagues, or get promoted. How you begin your working life tends to shape your professional and financial prospects for decades to come. Those who were just starting out during the financial cataclysm of 2008 and the recession that followed have had their fortunes stunted by it, and many will never recover. For recent graduates beginning work via Zoom in the twin chaos of a pandemic and a financial crisis, the impact could be even more profound.”
Right now, outside in the daytime?, essentially zero unless you are hugging and kissing people on the cheek. The virus can’t make it through humidity and is deactivated very very quickly in the sunlight. That’s why pandemics prior to the invention of air conditioning completely disappeared during late spring and summer months, only to return again in the mid fall.
BRT:Is there a final consensus on the whole heat light thing?
Wtf? It was headline news on aol. I wasn’t digging for anything. Just sharing someone’s opinion that has actually worked from home.
“To simply dig up something that supports your opinion means absolutely nothing.”
Not aol…apple
11:44 depends on the house. Now stay with me. This whole thing will further inflame the class differences. Resources will be the defining factor in who makes it through this or not. Public healthcare “an issue”…living wage “an issue”….child care (an issue).
Yeah I know same as it ever was, but it bears repeating.
BRT:Is there a final consensus on the whole heat light thing?
Yes. We didn’t even need to prove it prior to the existence of this virus, but we have just to document it. These things apply to all RNA viruses. That’s why sterilization and UV light have been industry standards in disinfecting surfaces and objects. It’s kinda like, you didn’t need to verify that 60% alcohol or peroxide kills the virus.
But you never worked from home in the corporate sector, that’s the difference.
You’re right because you found an article online that you agree with?
The Great Pumpkin says:
September 4, 2020 at 11:26 am
Wow, the teacher doesn’t get it. He doesn’t work corporate, so his opinion means nothing. Yet, here we are once again with me being on the right side of the ball.
BRT: Thanks. Makes perfect sense.
What isn’t corporate these days? You think education hasn’t been overtaken by corporations?
I post an article spewing a message you don’t like, and you all jump down my throat. Just accept the fact that WFH hurts people dramatically on a social level. Their health goes down hill unless they are some anti social type of human being. Sounds like 3b type, the one that doesn’t want to talk anyone or be by anyone. Their happy place is alone in their safe place (home). Too bad majority of the population doesn’t work like that.
It’s never healthy for most to be alone all the time in their home. Kills you quickly. Start talking to the walls.
That’s what sucks about getting old. If you abandoned your family and friend relationships, your life becomes meaningless.
You have no idea whether it hurts people or not, only what you read. You can’t speak from personal experience, nor do you appear to have friends or family that can comment as you never reference them. Of course if you wish you can start doing that, and of course it will all be negative assuming it’s even true.
I can understand why some people would be terrified of having to keep themselves company. Doesn’t bother me much. I also did WFH for over a year after 9/11 took out my office.
Articles in support, articles against… right? What makes that one correct vs others, is it because you agree with it?
Yes, you can be closer to family if you work from home (or) I suppose farther away if you act like a dick or withdraw.
The point is if you are able to pay stuff off or have a dual income through this. A steady income. You are definitely in the catbird seat. I just wouldn’t rush out and buy a $90k ute.
BRT and anyone else,
How is this possible to enact if the virus has such a “silent attack” rate with symptoms not showing up for days (or at all), one can test negative for days until the viral load builds up, plus testing can yield false positives/negatives, etc
How many people need to get sick before a N.J. school closes? Here’s the state’s ‘matrix.’
A smart person might consider that Facebook, Tinder and variety of apps have all but eliminated basic physical friendships. It is a solid decade. I had friends for 15-20 years that became FB variety. Happy to see pics and my update, satisfied with that. No need to pic up a phone or visit. You would have to be a dumba$$ to think home work is not next block. Corps were just looking for a reason. These leases are 10-15 years out. They will not renew now.
No One: Agreed. You have to be comfortable with yourself. I like the solitude and the lack of distractions. Of course you need to have an active social life and interests, which I do. Those that rely solely or mostly on work for that outlet need to make some changes. I don’t argue that for some young people WFH will be tough, but most will adapt. WFH is not going away.
Please take the following in the vein of trying to make sense of what seems nonsensical. Everything is about the external view of things. Read the employment contracts of these executives. How are they evaluated? They will manage to the form over substance. Also, who are the clients of the IB? Is there a quid pro quo? We will contract with you to do M&A, Capital Markets etc., but your enterprise spend must be with us. Who are the management consultants who advise the IB on org structure & technology architecture?
You are on an INTENTIONAL death march. Find an organization where you role is mission critical or else is part of the revenue line. They don’t want you to be effective. They are directly or indirectly sabotaging you because it is benefits metrics or it creates plausible deniability.
Bystander says:
September 3, 2020 at 9:51 pm
It is how the exec decides to spend money not that money is not there. Tons of money spent on management reporting teams and tools to scrutinize us more. Expensive vendor software to map all our costs and projects. Even hiring a dozen Agile coaches when they have sponsorship/agreement from business side to support transition. It won’t work. They are going to lose major staff. I count 4 exec directors leads that are existing.
Damn, and a happy Labor day weekend to you, Chi ;>)
Believe me, absolutely on the hunt. Unfortunately, late 40s and ex-managers is mid to late 50s so all in same boat. Network is getting older.
Re: WFH – Not only are some of us trying to do work but are interrupted more than we care to be by the household occupants who need some “urgent” service in the form of maintenance, housekeeping, pot washing, care-giving, facilities, business adjustments or other assorted activities that are thrust upon the primary bread winner of said abode. I prefer the old school method of going to work and coming home.
Fast: I respect your opinion, as you actually do it. There are drawbacks with WFH of course. But you are going to have to make your peace with it, as it’s here to stay.
Picture yourself from day 1 of your 40 year career, never coming into physical contact with anyone from your workplace. What kind of life would you have lived? We are letting these techies push us towards a world with rare human contact and interaction. Really feel bad for the the future if this is how it ends up.
No One says:
September 4, 2020 at 12:12 pm
I can understand why some people would be terrified of having to keep themselves company. Doesn’t bother me much. I also did WFH for over a year after 9/11 took out my office.
I think Facebook is bad news for relationships. A lot of negative people out there, and Facebook makes them hate their friends and family. Jealousy and all the other negative emotions take over. It’s here for good, but I don’t know if it was a good thing. Hope they don’t destroy the workplace too with WFH…
Biggest thing, Facebook makes a lot of people hate themselves.
Politics on there…dangerous.
How is this possible to enact if the virus has such a “silent attack” rate with symptoms not showing up for days (or at all), one can test negative for days until the viral load builds up, plus testing can yield false positives/negatives, etc
How many people need to get sick before a N.J. school closes? Here’s the state’s ‘matrix.’
I would say the most prudent thing to do is some random testing weekly for maybe 50 people?
I don’t actually think we have much to worry about. We did the dry run of school during coronavirus in Jan/Feb. That’s what everyone is ignoring. We had full on interaction and kids in each others face for 2 months while this thing silently went through the population. Given that 2 million NYers were infected based on population studies w/ anti bodies. We didn’t have mass teacher deaths. I haven’t read a single story on a NJ teacher dying from it. Is there one out there?
Given the precautions we are taking, I think there is a good chance we have no teacher deaths. We have the ability to monitor state data to see if cases are growing. I can imagine us shutting down late Nov/Dec as a precaution and would be in favor of it. At that point, we can probably vaccinate all the teachers and move on.
To me WFH means freedom. To good, the bad and the ugly.
Fast, re ” This is exactly what Ayn Rand described in her writing; punish the doers to pay for the leeches.”
This is not what Rand actually describes though, that’s what she attempts to project. Big difference.
Re Bystander, why not join a big tech company instead? Steady pay, better growth arguably, and better culture definitely than IBs. Been there.
My new aeron tho……
Working while (often frantically) pacing back and forth in the backyard is more my cup of tea
Pumps I am going to be contrarian and agree with you, Facebook is an unspeakable evil. People go on facebook to either post how wonderful their life is or to look at others to convince themselves how much better their life is than their peers. Facebook is deeply unhealthy for most people mentally, I’ll go on every once in a while to see what all the people I know are up just out of curiosity.
Total WFH is also bad, I did it when my fist was born for a few months, nice to be at home with the baby but all in all a monotonous existence. Again it is not good for most people, I’m all for flexibility if someone wants to go visit family for a few months in an other country or some life event dictates by all means WFH. People under normal circumstances benefit from periodic interaction. I’ll say this in the current WFH regime everyone is clocking more hours to accomplish the same work and the amount that is done incorrectly has increased. I’m with Gary, no substitute for face to face interaction, Zoom, Teams, et al. are better than nothing but not the same. Young people will never learn how to behave professionally if there is no return to office.
BRT, my 2 year old has been back in daycare for 2 months, I haven’t heard anything and I’ve seen hospital nurses dropping their kids off, in fact it seems like the guidelines have resulted in less illness overall, the kids were always sick before. Most of the daycare workers are older women who would be considered at high risk for covid. Somehow a 60 or 70 yr old woman can get up and go to work but NJEA’s finest cannot. I am pretty sure I had covid in late feb as we had an outbreak in our office first week of march, I’m also convinced my kids got it and were almost entirely asymptomatic besides a weird rash which looked like scarlet fever but all tests were negative. They weren’t doing covid testing at that point.
“Countless studies have been done showing that remote workers are 10-20% more productive and/or work longer hours than in-house employees, yet they’re promoted up to 50% less than their in-house counterparts. And this is at *very* remote-friendly places.”
“The AAA game industry, at best, is going to become “begrudgingly remote”. Many parts of development are still easier/better done onsite, face-to-face, particularly those with high levels of brainstorming and gigantic asset downloads.”
“The people who are onsite at hybrid companies are front and center. They’ll likely be assigned the better projects. They’ll be first for promotions. Management, despite what they say, love to see people’s butts in seats as an indicator of their engagement.”
“For those who see “I can move wherever I want and keep my California salary” as a major upside, I just want to encourage caution because it might be at the expense of your own career growth. I’ve been the remote exception at a fully-onsite company and it sucked, to be frank.”
“It’s demoralizing to be passed over in conversations because you’re not onsite. It’s hard to watch your career stagnate while others who are onsite fly past you or are offered better perks & affordances. Make sure you push for policy change and not just remote-capability.”
JCer, “Somehow a 60 or 70 yr old woman can get up and go to work but NJEA’s finest cannot.”
Not here to defend NJEA’s finest but those 60 yr olds don’t have a choice or a fighting chance.
I say let each person decide for him or herself. The medical consensus and risk profile is still in flux.
Personally, in my district, the hybrid model is not effective at all. Kids going in person have no recess, cannot socialize at all, so what’s the point?
Abolish teachers, refund schools and decentralized the educational model.
This is a horse buggy moment. If you cannot teach effectively remotely, we should be working on that.
Let each block have their own pod, where we residents can pool their tax money and hire a local non-teacher to help shepherd students through.
You would be a fool to think that they will give high compensation in a low cost location. They are not in the business of being nice. What dictates high wages is the high cost market. They don’t willingly give out high compensation. Take away the high cost markets and take away your high cost compensation. The worst part, open up your position to not a “limited” local market to compete with, but now compete with an international labor market for your position …f’ed!!!
“They’re not gonna let folks keep that California salary either.”
“yeah, definitely not. But people seem to hope they will…”
Just drove from home to office….. can’t believe the amount of traffic in eastern Monmouth county…. holy crap….. tons of NY plates too….. on local roads?
I’ve never seen route 34 so backed up through Colts Neck…….
Bystander says:
September 4, 2020 at 12:52 pm
Damn, and a happy Labor day weekend to you, Chi ;>)
Believe me, absolutely on the hunt. Unfortunately, late 40s and ex-managers is mid to late 50s so all in same boat. Network is getting older.
“Teacher, leave those kids alone”
BRT, my 2 year old has been back in daycare for 2 months, I haven’t heard anything and I’ve seen hospital nurses dropping their kids off, in fact it seems like the guidelines have resulted in less illness overall, the kids were always sick before. Most of the daycare workers are older women who would be considered at high risk for covid. Somehow a 60 or 70 yr old woman can get up and go to work but NJEA’s finest cannot. I am pretty sure I had covid in late feb as we had an outbreak in our office first week of march, I’m also convinced my kids got it and were almost entirely asymptomatic besides a weird rash which looked like scarlet fever but all tests were negative. They weren’t doing covid testing at that point.
I suspect I had it around Feb 21-23. I had a confirmed fever, lack of appetite, and increase in heart rate (from fitbit data). I was also exposed to two parents in Millburn coughing on their deathbed the week prior while tutoring (their son was never sick). Wife also has the same fitbit data with an anomalous increase in heart rate by 4 bpm a few days after my symptoms. She also had severe breathing difficulty while trying to go for a run 2 minutes in. My kids never got sick.
I have had several students inform me that they tested positive for antibodies. I was also on cafeteria duty the entire month. Dozens leave their trash behind like pigs and we clean it up ourselves along with the custodians. There’s zero question I was exposed.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we all fall into the T-cell category where we already have T-cells capable of recognizing the receptors from previous coronavirus infections. We’ve seen the same thing happen in prisons, homeless shelters and meat packing plants. These types of places have shown to be much more asymptomatic than any other places (in some cases >95%).
I don’t want to talk about educational issues here, but please explain how one learns effectively remotely? You think all kids are good and want to learn? It’s hard enough to teach these kids in person and now you think it’s possible remotely? GTFOH. Try having a class of 32 kids on zoom. Good luck getting them to stay engaged. Think, dude!! Hate parents like you.
Your post screams that you have no respect for the teaching profession and that you CAN DO IT BETTER. So step up. Let’s see you do it.
AP says:
September 4, 2020 at 2:23 pm
Abolish teachers, refund schools and decentralized the educational model.
This is a horse buggy moment. If you cannot teach effectively remotely, we should be working on that.
Let each block have their own pod, where we residents can pool their tax money and hire a local non-teacher to help shepherd students through.
How much does a baby sitter cost? You think you can just go hire a good teacher on the cheap? You are lucky to have socialized public education system, especially if you have a special needs child or one with a behavioral issue. Those kids are expensive to educate for 14 years.
Your post def hit a nerve with me. I’m sick of the disrespect for the profession.
Of course of the jobless or shut in are the radicals and activists participating in chaos on the street.
Devoid of meaning, they believe that politics will be a way to substantively improve their lives and self worth.
It will not work of course. Politics are one of many false profits. Just like they atheistic soviets who came before.
Pumpkin, “Try having a class of 32 kids on zoom. Good luck getting them to stay engaged. Think, dude!! Hate parents like you”
Please take what I said with a grain of salt. I was being somewhat provocative, although there’s a kernel of truth to decentralization.
Re “You think all kids are good and want to learn? It’s hard enough to teach these kids in person”
I get that, but this bifurcation between the academically motivated and the les academically inclined will happen anyways. It’s unavoidable in a sense. What this gives us is an opportunity to rethink what education should be in the “new economy”
Some of the less academically interested loss can be enabled more along professional training lines. They will be more happy, find well paying jobs more easily, and ideally make more money.
Amen. Agreed.
We are educating kids for the corporations of 30 years ago. Yes, even Blue Ribbon Schools.
Biden’s press conference is an incredible joke. This is obvious.
Multiple questions about when and how frequently Joe is Covid tested – cue the positive test soon.
Side note – the media is deep throating ole Joe so hard. It’s embarrassing to anyone with a brain to see the questions Joe gets vs Trumps presser with real press corps.
What a circus this all is.
By the way – Watch the Q&A – The guy has to read something off his lectern after every question – He literally stops talking, reads, and then jumps into it.
I understand a lot you hate Trump. That’s fine. But please, Joe Biden is a mummy.
I took it the wrong way. Sorry, thought you were one of those that beat up the profession.
I think the most important things about schools…the experience. You go remote, you lose the experience. K-12 and college are some of the best experiences of your life. It truly is.
“You go remote, you lose the experience.”
We will have to design and architect new, better experiences. Including significant in-person socialization opportunities, sports, etc
What are the jobs of tomorrow? We are rapidly eliminating any job that requires basic intelligence. Tech is moving rapidly and it’s bringing changes we are not ready for. Are we really ready for a world where only a minority of workers are needed to keep society going? Can we peacefully compromise as a race of humans on who gets what? How does capitalism function under a system so efficient that it only needs a few workers? How does the consumer consume under this pretense?
AP says:
September 4, 2020 at 2:42 pm
We are educating kids for the corporations of 30 years ago. Yes, even Blue Ribbon Schools.
Teachers will always have an important role, but what it means to be a good teacher could change for the better.
“Are we really ready for a world where only a minority of workers are needed to keep society going?”
No, but we need to get there asap.
“What are the jobs of tomorrow?”
Anything that services or entertains our oligarchic masters better.
AP those older ladies aren’t working because they need to for the most part it is because they want to(the other alternative is to become a church lady or take up knitting) the younger women in the daycares are the ones who need the job but can’t come back because their kids are not in school, the job doesn’t pay enough to justify the alternative childcare cost. No one is doing this job for money, it is because they like being with small children, lots of easier ways to make between 12-20 per hour.
BRT yeah the elevated heart rate I think is an indicator. Mine was around 100 bpm when it is normally 65-70, couldn’t climb a single flight of stairs without huffing an puffing, fever, digestive issues, loss of taste and smell, horrible aches and pains, swabbed for the flu and strep was negative, I hope it was covid otherwise there is another horrible bug out there that was circulating this winter. The guy I sit next to looked like he was dying one day, coughing, he fell asleep at his desk, back in April he tested positive for antibodies and wasn’t sure when he had it, absolute idiot when you’re sick STAY HOME.
Big PPP fraud in Bergen County. $9 million stolen after attorney submits fradulent loan applications for made-up companies.
I don’t understand how he expected to get away with this.
To the point of high compensation in low cost areas, of course they won’t and why would they? Those that work in corporate America know that many companies already have salary tiers based on a locations cost of living. What’s the point of the big compensation in this area when you have to piss it away on over priced real estate including inflated rent, and obscene property taxes. Then there is the out of control public sector unions not to mention the private sector construction/carpenter unions, with there 65.00 an hour coffee guy. All that big compensation pissed away. Will NYC salaries come down absolutely. Older people like me self will eventually be retired and new workers added at lower salaries. This in turn will force NYC and the surrounding area to say f you pay me. You want to be here this is the cost. No more. Geographic dispersal which was happening before the pandemic and now coupled with WFH is accelerating it. Time for this area to be competitive, which includes the infrastructure. Are their challenges for the young people with WFH of course will some type of hybrid be used initially yes. And those young people will get older and married and have kids and WFH will become just as attractive to them as their older colleagues.
BRT yeah the elevated heart rate I think is an indicator. Mine was around 100 bpm when it is normally 65-70, couldn’t climb a single flight of stairs without huffing an puffing, fever, digestive issues, loss of taste and smell, horrible aches and pains, swabbed for the flu and strep was negative, I hope it was covid otherwise there is another horrible bug out there that was circulating this winter. The guy I sit next to looked like he was dying one day, coughing, he fell asleep at his desk, back in April he tested positive for antibodies and wasn’t sure when he had it, absolute idiot when you’re sick STAY HOME.
Sounds like you had it bad. My infection was very mild. Only 4 bpm elevation, fever, no appetite. Kicked it in 2.5 days. My brother was delivering things in NYC when the hospitals were packed with covid patients. He was in the hospitals with no mask. He lost his sense of smell and taste. Apparently, his remedy for breathing was just eating habanero peppers every 10 minutes because he could barely taste the spicyness and it completely opened up his nasal passages.
Big PPP fraud in Bergen County. $9 million stolen after attorney submits fradulent loan applications for made-up companies.
I don’t understand how he expected to get away with this.
Buy a pol?
So we should keep some ghost pepper salsa around for medicinal purposes?
This area is never going to be cheaper. When will you realize the correlation between desirable and not desirable when it comes to cheap low cost areas and expensive high cost areas. A place like the nyc metro area will always be desirable. Cali coastline will always be valuable. These are locations where people want to live for whatever reasons.
Not many people can make it in a cheap location after living most of their life in a high cost location. Going from desirable to undesirable, and it just is not easy to get used to.
Go to any high cost location in any country, and guess what, it’s the most desirable real estate in said location. Go to low cost, and more than likely, it’s not really desirable. Only thing it can offer to attract someone is low cost.
The coronavirus outbreak has pushed millions of Americans, especially young adults, to move in with family members. The share of 18- to 29-year-olds living with their parents has become a majority since U.S. coronavirus cases began spreading early this year, surpassing the previous peak during the Great Depression era.
In July, 52% of young adults resided with one or both of their parents, up from 47% in February, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of monthly Census Bureau data. The number living with parents grew to 26.6 million, an increase of 2.6 million from February. The number and share of young adults living with their parents grew across the board for all major racial and ethnic groups, men and women, and metropolitan and rural residents, as well as in all four main census regions. Growth was sharpest for the youngest adults (ages 18 to 24) and for White young adults.
Like I said to survive it will have to be competitive, and that means a lower cost of living. Will there be a premium yes. I have never said there would not be, it’s just not going to command the premium that it did. There simply will be no justification for it. To think otherwise is foolish. Those of us in the corporate world understand this.
“Salon owner raised 135k so far.”
216k. You go girl.
L1berals are hypocritical lying violent pigs.
Unbelievable the third in line to the Presidency who is asking me for 3 TRILLION dollars says “I didn’t know the local ordinance, someone lese’s fault…”
L1berals. They want to take your money and control your life, usually effecting one by doing the other.
AI is getting really, really good.
Left: That’s my biggest problem with the Democrats I understand the anybody but Trump mantra, but the fact that they can’t or won’t acknowledge how weak Biden is, is absolutely amazing. A guy in Washington 45 years and they can say yeah he is exactly what we need. Makes no sense.
Beer just cuz you can’t taste it doesn’t mean it won’t sting on the way out.
Just watched a few minutes of Rachel Maddow while I was eating dinner. Personally, the “suckers and losers” story sounds fishy to me.
The “suckers and losers” article was released the day before the first mailed ballots went out. Much of the story centers on happenings from 2018 (but, this was only reported on right now, on the eve of the election) – no mainstream media attention was ever brought on the alleged comments for two years even though the whole staff of the white house has basically come and gone twice since then, creating a huge list of disgruntled former employees. The story was published yesterday, but there is already a “votevets” video of parents of servicemembers who died in combat denouncing the president. If not fabricated, and not exaggerated, then at least this is heavily coordinated.
I am not trying to spout conspiracy theories. I suppose the other side of the coin here would be that the reporter heard from a disgruntled former staffer about the president’s comments months ago. Then, the reporter spent months tracking down extra corroboration of the alleged statements. Then, he discovered additional alleged similar statements made at several honored locations in American military culture (Arlington Cemetary, the marines cemetary in France, etc.). Then, had the AP reporter fact check and corroborate the sources’ statements. Again, everything was kept silent throughout this whole process and did not make it out in the mainstream media. Then, the reporter informed the DNC a little bit before publishing so they could get their messaging prepared, including mobilizing voteforvets’ families for the script-writing, editing, and dissemination of the video. Of course, these statements SEEM like the kind of the things that the President would say, but the timing and seeming coordination are noticeable.
I have no idea what goes on at the highest levels of politics, but this one just seems fishy.
8:02 i for one welcome our new overlords.
Gov. Phil Murphy announced Friday he was reinstating the smoking ban inside Atlantic City casinos indefinitely, reversing a decision he made earlier in the week that public health experts and state lawmakers said posed a health risk as the pandemic entered its sixth month.
How anyone could be able to eat dinner while watching / listening to Rachel Maddow and not have a gag reflex is beyond me.
“Protestors” damaged a group of buildings on Lafayette St in Lower Manhattan last night. Between the damage caused and Biden speaking like a grandpa who got lost while out on a walk Trump should be able to sail in for another four years.
Similar to other recent posts I am starting to have more discussions with more moderates or Dems who are getting tired of how slanted the media has become and how the lawless is not denouced by the media and the politicians. The call out or cancel culture or whatever want to call it has become so pervasive that there is a silent majority just not for Trump voters. The lunatics are now running the asylm. Not sure how it all ends.
“tired of how slanted the media has become and how the lawless is not denouced by the media”
For me, that’s a messed up statement. It’s not the media’s job to denounce or approve of anything. It’s their job to report as accurately as possible. If they “denounce” or “approve” of something that would make them biased. I don’t want an opinion when I watch the news, I want raw data.
I want my media like a gas, water, temperature, or oil gauge. To report accurately what it sees. I will form my own opinion on the data I get.
Want to know how the DNC loses NY? You get your BLM militia to start attacking people at resturants, climging on their roofs etc.
The DNC made a devils bargain with the radical left. They lost control of these thugs. If you don’t know how this plays out, please read about the UK PM election Johnson v Corbyn. This is painfully obvious for anyone that isn’t full TDS.
“The call out or cancel culture or whatever want to call it has become so pervasive ”
That all started with #metoo and the ilk that goes with it. Make an allegation from 2 centuries ago with no evidence and destroy a life and career.
I’m sure many of those deserve it but I’d bet there are a good percentage that get trashed over lies. Money is a good incentive to lie-especially when there is almost never a downside to it.
Trump is about to be cancelled.
“Want to know how the DNC loses NY? ”
DNC Greedy boomers choose corporate master GrapeNuts Biden and CheshireCatFace Harris.
The above is from Rochester. That is an important area for the DNC to win.
NYC, Rochester, Albany, and a few others – Those are the only places that keep NY blue. They just chopped out one of their own legs. Smart.
At this point four years ago, then-candidate Donald Trump held a massive lead of 20 points over Hillary Clinton among military voters. This time around, he’s struggling to keep up. A new Military Times poll revealed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leads Trump by about four percentage points among active-duty troops.
And that was before today’s bombshell report published in the Atlantic. The article outlines a number of instances when President Donald Trump derided U.S. service members, even describing the country’s war dead as “losers” and “suckers.”
Source: Time
That hasn’t dampened a backlash on social media among military veterans. Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, a frequent Trump critic, urged Twitter followers to vote against the president, posting a widely shared video in which he relayed a story about how his father was shot down over Vietnam. “I am stunned that anybody in the United States military would consider you anything but a loser or a sucker,” Eaton said. “You’re no patriot.”
Other veterans posted similar statements in response to the article, which described how Trump cancelled a scheduled visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018 because he didn’t see a reason why he should honor people who managed to get themselves killed, nor did he want to get rained upon in front of TV cameras. “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” the report quoted Trump as saying.
“Trump is about to be cancelled.”
Never underestimate the alcoholic voters of America.
“The above is from Rochester. That is an important area for the DNC to win.
NYC, Rochester, Albany, and a few others – Those are the only places that keep NY blue. They just chopped out one of their own legs. Smart.”
I predict Trump will win. What I won’t try to predict will be the ramifications of that win.
It will anger the feminists, however.
But Murphy looked at “the science” again. This is their reference. An article that espouses ideas, no studies. Maybe they should ban talking in a casino as well.
In a word—possibly. While there are no studies looking directly at secondhand smoke and the spread of the coronavirus, the same droplets people spray when they’re coughing, sneezing, or talking are exhaled when they’re smoking (and vaping).
Additionally, it’s possible that the smaller evaporated particles that are released when speaking, singing, and smoking may be transmitted via aerosolization (i.e. staying in the air for a long time), Julie Lyou, MD, MPH, a pulmonologist with St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton, California, tells Health.
This means you may be able to contract the coronavirus through secondhand smoke. “It’s plausible to presume that a plume of smoke, which is comprised of respiratory droplets, can result in COVID-19 transmission,” Osita Onugha, MD, thoracic surgeon and assistant professor of thoracic surgical oncology at John Wayne Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, tells Health.
There’s also one crucial difference between exhaling breath and exhaling smoke—you can breathe through a face covering, but you can’t smoke through one.
“Since the novel coronavirus is spread via direct person-to-person contact, activities that include being in close contact (less than six feet) without a mask on should be avoided, which includes secondhand smoke,” Dr. Lyou says. “The act of smoking requires the person to take off the mask, so this is considered a high-risk environment for anyone in the vicinity.”
Although there’s no evidence that smoke makes the virus travel farther, Dr. Onugha says there’s no safe distance that can be recommended to protect someone when standing around cigarette smokers, and advises wearing a face covering to minimize the risk of transmission.
Phoenix, this was another video of the incident. They tell the people “you don’t need to run away, then begin tossing chairs into the deck and breaking glass”. They also walked up to a bunch of patrons and flip their dinner over. I gotta feel for these restaurants, they are barely holding on and this mob of idiots comes and chases out all their paying customers and causes physical damage to their business.
“I’m pretty unhappy with you, Mr. Trump. So I’m going to keep this short for your famous short attention span,” Eaton said in the clip. “You have shown disrespect to the military on countless occasions. I am stunned that anybody in the United States military would consider you anything but a ‘loser’ or a ‘sucker.’ You’re no patriot.”
Eaton pulled out the dog tags found at the crash site from where his father, a fighter pilot, was killed during the Vietnam War in 1969.
“Our Army, our Navy, our Marine Corps, our Air Force, our Coast Guard. Brave men and women. They’re not just brave. They’re smart and wise,” Eaton said in the video. “So, Mr. Trump, come Nov. 3, we’re all voting for a real patriot — Joe Biden. And everybody who hears this, please take notice and please vote. Vote Democratic. Our country’s honor depends on it.”
Scares the living crap out of me. Being a teacher in an urban setting, I don’t know what these kids are going to do as adults. I tell them, all those “driving” jobs are dead. All those cleaning jobs, dead. Any basic job is dead, it’s going to be taken over by a machine that can do it cheaper. Burger flipper, dead. They are going to even have autonomous machines to cut grass.
I’m sorry, but there is going to eventually be a huge war between the people that can get a job and the one’s that can’t. One way or the other, both sides are not going to be happy with the arrangement. The people with jobs are not going to want to pay higher taxes to support the bottom half. The bottom half is going to want more with no means of getting it, other than by force.
Jobs keep masses busy and give them purpose. We already have a bunch of “make work” jobs already in our economy, how many more can you create? Some big problems coming in the future.
grim says:
September 4, 2020 at 8:59 pm
AI is getting really, really good.
You think people are going to be happy being in the class with no job because you are too stupid to get one?
It will, it attracts the best of the best. That’s why not everyone can be a New Yorker or from north jersey. It’s a highly competitive location that most of the population can’t handle. Even the poor in this location are more competitive than the avg in small town USA.
That’s why lots of people leave the area, they can’t compete. It’s too difficult for them, and would rather go to an easier competitive environment.
3b says:
September 4, 2020 at 7:48 pm
Like I said to survive it will have to be competitive, and that means a lower cost of living. Will there be a premium yes. I have never said there would not be, it’s just not going to command the premium that it did. There simply will be no justification for it. To think otherwise is foolish. Those of us in the corporate world understand this.
I’m hearing anecdotal reports that the police in NY are basically on strike.
I feel for the restaurants as well.
This anger is displacement.
It has taken years to build up pressure and is not going away but is going to increase.
The locusts have been eating all of the food and leaving their excrement for the youth to live with.
All they do is continue to pass laws and try to tighten the noose instead of making things better all in the name of greed. After awhile people don’t care anymore.
It’s all so easy to see. Despair is all around you. But in the tinted windows of their Lexus as they sip wine sitting on their padded pension bottoms they don’t see the plight of those working hard just to keep food on the table.
America is in it’s death throes. It did not have to be. It had the chance to be the example for the world, but the boomers stuck their proboscis in and sucked it dry leaving just waste and debt. Outsourcing for greed.
Enjoy what you made. The youth is your spawn.
“I’m hearing anecdotal reports that the police in NY are basically on strike.”
Had they been on strike earlier Epstein would likely have been on trial by now and we would know the truth on all of the rats.
So, now the dems are going to use the “Trump dissed the military” clap trap. How many more fake crises’ will the dums try in the next two months? Biden looks ancient when he walks and talks. His energy level is at minus one. Anyone with any logical capacity whatsoever is asking themselves when did the democrat party die? Pathetic. The left is littered with the worst group of perverse, iniquitous and depraved m0rons imaginable. You’re seriously considering putting the future of our country in the hands of meager, piteous, feeble, miserable losers.
Phoenix, “tinted windows of their Lexus”
My Lexus’ windows aren’t tinted.
Trump fired the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt after he warned superiors that COVID19 was spreading among his crew. The virus subsequently spread amongst the crew.
After Iran’s retaliatory strike, 109 US troops suffered brain injuries. Trump dismissed these as “headaches”
On July 20, 2017, in room 2E924 of the Pentagon, Trump told a room full of Generals, “You’re a bunch of dopes and babies”
Said 26,000 military sexual assaults were to be ‘expected’ bc America lets women serve
Invited the Taliban to Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11
Claimed that his military budget made up for his lack of military experience
Claimed if a Humvee was hit by an IED, soldiers “go for a little ride upward & they come down.”
Pardoned multiple war criminals, which was a crushing betrayal to the men of the 1st Platoon who helped convict him for violating long standing military values, discipline, and command. (May&Nov, 2019)
Trump mocked Lt. Col. Vindman for his rank and uniform. He threatened said purple heart officer, resulting in the Army providing him protection
Trump’s Chief of Staff worked—in secret—to deny comprehensive health coverage to Vietnam Vets who suffered from Agent Orange.
There is a facility in Tijuana for US veterans that Trump deported.
Trump knew since Mar 2020 that Russia paid bounties to kill American troops, yet he has done nothing.
In May 2020, the White House ended National Guard deployments one day before they could claim benefits
The Trump admin seized 5 million masks intended for VA hospitals. Kushner distributes these masks to private entities for a fee, who then sells the masks to the government
Russia took control of the main U.S. military facility in Syria abandoned on Trump’s orders. Russia now owns the airstrip we built
On Oct 7, 2019, Trump abruptly withdrew support from America’s allies in Syria after a phone call with Turkey’s president (Erdogan). Turkey subsequently bombed US Special Forces.
Trump sent thousands of American troops to defend the oil assets of the country that perpetrated 9/11
In Sept 2019, he made an Air Force cargo crew, flying from the U.S. to Kuwait stop in Scotland (where there’s no U.S. base) to refuel at a commercial airport (where it costs more), so they could stay overnight at a Trump property (which isn’t close to the airport). Trump’s golf courses are losing money, so he’s forcing the military to pay for 5-star nights there.
In Sept, 2019, Pentagon pulled funds for military schools, military housing funds, and daycare to pay for Trump’s border wall.
In Aug, 2019, emails revealed that three of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago pals, who are now running Veterans Affairs, are rampant with meddling. They had no experience in the VA, none of them even served in the military, nor underwent any approval process to serve as de facto managers. Yet, with Trump’s approval, they directed actions and criticized operations without any oversight. They wasted valuable staff time in hundreds of pages of communications and meetings, emails show. Emails reveal disdainful attitudes within the department to the trio’s meddling.”
Veterans graves will be “dug up” for the border wall, after Trump instructed aides to seize private property. Trump told officials he would pardon them if they break the law by illegally seizing property
Children of deployed US troops are no longer guaranteed citizenship. This includes US troops posted abroad for years at a time (August 28, 2019)
On Aug 2, 2019, Trump requisitioned military retirement funds towards border wall
On July 31, 2019, Trump ordered the Navy rescind medals to prosecutors who were prosecuted war criminals
Trump denied a U.S. Marine of 6 years entry into the United States for his citizenship interview (Reported July 17, 2019)
Trump made the U.S. Navy Blue Angels violate ethics rules by having them fly at his July 4th political campaign event (July 4, 2019)
Trump demanded US military chiefs stand next to him at 4th of July parade (reported July 2, 2019)
In June 2019, Trump sent troops to the border to paint the fence for a better “aesthetic appearance”
Trump used his D-Day interview at a cemetery commemorating fallen US soldiers to attack a Vietnam veteran (June 6, 2019)
In other news Batman has the bat flu
PAC behind the Trump denigrates the Military stories being pushed is called American Bridge run by the infamous David Brock.
Follow the money, they are buying lots and lots of ads that were timed with the Atlantic story. Not that anyone reads the Atlantic.
Little more on follow the money.
This election cycle biggest spender was Bloomberg with his half billion spend on his failed campaign.
We should see that surpassed as the filings continue to come in
Interesting Covid-19 analysis done recently with the Summit Supercomputer – The bradykinin hypothesis and other potential treatments such as Vitamin D and Hymecromone.
“As bradykinin (Storm) builds up in the body, it dramatically increases vascular permeability. In short, it makes your blood vessels leaky. This aligns with recent clinical data, which increasingly views Covid-19 primarily as a vascular disease, rather than a respiratory one. But Covid-19 still has a massive effect on the lungs. As blood vessels start to leak due to a bradykinin storm, the researchers say, the lungs can fill with fluid. Immune cells also leak out into the lungs, Jacobson’s team found, causing inflammation.”
And Covid-19 has another especially insidious trick. Through another pathway, the team’s data shows, it increases production of hyaluronic acid (HLA) in the lungs. HLA is often used in soaps and lotions for its ability to absorb more than 1,000 times its weight in fluid. When it combines with fluid leaking into the lungs, the results are disastrous: It forms a hydrogel, which can fill the lungs in some patients. According to Jacobson, once this happens, “it’s like trying to breathe through Jell-O.”
This may explain why ventilators have proven less effective in treating advanced Covid-19 than doctors originally expected, based on experiences with other viruses. “It reaches a point where regardless of how much oxygen you pump in, it doesn’t matter, because the alveoli in the lungs are filled with this hydrogel,” Jacobson says. “The lungs become like a water balloon.” Patients can suffocate even while receiving full breathing support.
Since essex is a bit of racist against Hispanics he probably missed this. Talking to my Hispanic friends they seem to be hearing from their news sources that biden is controlled by China and should not be trusted. These are long time democrat voters. I think the polls may be missing the Hispanic vote.
I love all peoples equally which is to say not at all.
bUt yOu kNoW tRuMp hAs dOne mOrE fOr hIsPanIcs tHaN aNy
ONe eVer. ” tHoSe CAgEs dOn’T cOmE cHEaP” -Trump
NJ ballots will be mailed next week folks.
Interesting take on how New Jersey could be the laughing stock of this years election.
“Governor Murphy’s election rules have the real potential to make him and New Jersey the laughing stock of the nation and cause constitutional chaos. It is very possible that Jersey ballots will not be tabulated before the Electoral College meets on December 14 or when the President is to be inaugurated on January 20”
“It took more than a month for New Jersey election officials to count and certify the 1.47 million paper ballots cast in the July 7 primaries. 3,957,303 votes were cast in NJ in 2016 general election. This year will probably top 4,000,000 votes with paper ballots counted by hand and scanner. What could go wrong with Murphy’s Law?”
Liberals are the biggest rac1sts of all. They hate Israel and use people of color as human fodder to champion their cause. They view the heartland of America as useless flyover country. A liberal wouldn’t dare live in rural America because it would compromise their “superior” tolerance and diversity. They love diversity, as long as it’s not in their backyard and only so much as to garner a vote for “their” objectives.
I have Hispanic friends who are incredibly conservative, including being socially conservative. If they were white they would be considered bigots. And they have no problem voicing their feelings about other ethnic groups. Lots of immigrants would be far more comfortable in the Republican than Democratic Party. Liberals won’t acknowledge that. Reading about all those upper west siders who voted for De Blasio twice, fleeing the neighborhood because De Blasio filled area hotels with homeless and drug addicts. Ironic in my opinion. But typical.
And Oblammy puts kids in cages.
Just mention building low and moderate income housing in a suburban town chock full of proud liberals , and watch them twist and turn as they explain it won’t work in their towns, but rest assured they are not racists. They support low and moderate income housing, just not in their towns.
12:29 really…. that was r i d i c u l o u s.
Utter and total projection….except for maybe the Israel part.
So you give to the JDF? You have lived in the prairie?
Look i like being with my crowd more than you can imagine.
But let’s be honest, jews can be incredibly annoying. Snobbery
Like you have never ever seen.
When liberals talk about people of color, they mean black or African American people only. Anything Hispanic is not even in the picture because they know Hispanic are mostly conservative, posses strict values, work their @sses off and think logically. The left doesn’t give a flying shit about black people. They only reason they “cater” to black people is because their vote is the deciding factor in every election cycle.
I like my Hispanic neighbors. They are very nice and neighborly.
tRuMp wIlL pRotEcC sUbURbS
YEaH iLoVe tAcOs i’M wOkE.
Thanks for the laughs fellas. Good luck finding an argument that sticks as to Why Trump gets another four years.
Essex I don’t care who wins. All the same to me.
Good luck finding an argument that sticks as to Why Trump gets another four years.
There’s a difference between truth and argument; though, a liberal mind can’t comprehend it.
Ed – To a guy like ExEssex, truth is whatever personal emotion of the moment feels like.
Facts are irrelevant. Don’t engage with people like this. It’s like trying to convince a 3 year old that eating ice cream for breakfast isn’t healthy. These people believe their personal emotions trump facts with total disregard for anyone else.
The typical Leftist (not liberal, not democrat, they aren’t the same) is a total narcissist, simultaneously filled with personal guilt and superiority over those that dare disagree with them.
My opinion stems from my experience, the rough hewn hind quarters of America,
a dermis bearing the welts and seditious rancor of a world gone mad. Trump is an unsightly tumor that must be removed.
on Saturday Trump visited the Trump National Golf Club, in Virginia, passing by various roadside protesters, including one who waved a placard that read: “Elect A Clown Get A Circus”. Some supporters also held up Trump 2020 signs.
CNN, which tallies Trump’s visits to golf courses, reported that this visit was the 295th trip to one of his own golf courses during his presidency.
During his campaign for the White House in 2016, Trump was a harsh critic of the amount of golf Barack Obama played during his time in office. Yet once in the White House, Trump has played far more often than his predecessor.
Ex – I would pay $1,000 to see Biden try to get thru 18 holes without a nap.
Golf is demanding ! I hear ya.
DJT is powered by hamberders.
Eddie, re your support for hispanics, you can champion this cause:
They’ve launched the latest effort to persuade the federal government to posthumously award Serna the medal, the nation’s highest honor for battlefield heroics, arguing it was denied because of racism and xenophobia.
“It clearly appears Private Marcelino Serna did not receive the Medal of Honor due to him being a Mexican American and an immigrant,” Lawrence Romo, national commander of the American GI Forum, a civil rights organization and federally chartered veterans group, wrote to the Army.
Enjoy your fast tracked vaccine
US fast tracked a flu vaccine in 1976
In 2009 under Joe Biden they gave out the H1N1 vaccine as a live virus administered nasally, they had no study and relied on data for a different flu trial. EverY Drug store was pushing it Like a crack dealer on the corner for $29.99 and they even had to discount it Later because people were not taking it.
“A recent study suggested that seasonal LAIV may not be as effective as seasonal inactivated vaccine in adults, but more data are needed to confirm if one is better than the other. Both vaccines are expected to be effective against 2009 H1N1.”
Bodes well for NYC but I hear it will always command a premium and things will never go down in value.
“The push to work-from-home may have accelerated the exit out of Silicon Valley for now, but tech startups that remain are turning to a different type of workforce: remote workers overseas.
As more and more companies adjust to a distributed reality, executives say they are increasingly looking outside of the United States to tap into a global talent pool, largely untapped by big tech
“It’s incredibly hard to hire world class engineers [in the Bay Area] because they have so many options and you can always get more money at Google (GOOG) and Facebook (FB) and Apple (AAPL) so it’s really hard for a startup to compete for talent, so you have to be very flexible,” said Chris Kelly, founder and CEO of brand intelligence platform Survata. “You have to find world class talent and that doesn’t have to be in the Bay Area”
Nice that all Dumpy supporters here will continue your sad and pathetic support of this cretin. You must be in a dilemma now that your #1 source of real news also confirmed sources that Orange clown called our Vietnam dead “suckers”. Of course, it will same lame “fake news” and “Sleepy Joe is old” and “what will Dems do” arguments to defend voting for worst president and person in history.
They game is the game. I am not voting for either just keeping score.
Here is a statement, someone care to fact check?
More soldiers died and were wounded under Joe Biden than Trump. More civilians in war zones died under Biden than Trump.
True or Not True Folks?
True or Not true folks.
statement “2 years ago Joe Biden gave a medal to a war criminal”
Interesting take on that day Nov 11, 2018 in Medium, people did protest against Joe doing it but well he did it anyway.
I think when the vaccine is available I will stick to my supplements and see what happens. My parents know a few people who got seriously ill from the 76 vaccine and a 1 who wound up in a wheel chair
Beer- I believe the scientists and science over politicians.
Kamala Harriss is now smearing the scientists now to score cheap political points, even though Moncef Slaoui, the scientific lead of the US’s vaccine development said this week he would resign if there was political influence.
“Harris said she expected that medical experts would not be allowed to make decisions on a vaccine without interference from above.
“If past is prologue that they will not, they’ll be muzzled, they’ll be suppressed, they will be sidelined,” Harris told CNN. “Because he’s looking at an election coming up in less than 60 days and he’s grasping to get whatever he can to pretend he has been a leader on this issue when he is not.”
Who here thinks “Build Back Better” is a great campaign slogan? I mean great not just Meh….it’s really meh to me..
I don’t feel the energy to put down my beer get off my couch and vote yet.
Just remember folks the FDA does not screw around. They revoked the The Emergency use of hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 in June, the scientists did their job over any political pressure.
Bystander says:
September 6, 2020 at 10:05 am
“Nice that all Dumpy supporters here will continue your sad and pathetic support…”
Here we go again; the guy that wants to be governed by Harris/Pelosi/Biden bleating on like a fishwife about how mean and crude Trump is. We get it, we’ve always gotten it. Those of us likely to vote for Trump are not doing so because we like his demeanor, but because he has generally been spot-on wrt priorities and policies, and because of his solid list of tangible, important accomplishments during his first term. And most importantly, because he represents the only thing standing between us and the third-world governance of the modern day Dem party — the party that brought us the ‘peaceful’ protesters of Minneapolis, Portland, Kenosha and Rochester. You, on the other hand, have not been able to list one affirmative reason to vote FOR Harris and Hiden Biden. The only pathetic thing I see are the middle-aged men here that want to be governed by Nancy and crew.
These BLM Rochester videos are bad for Biden. I don’t have much insight into the Facebook feed of a 40-something mom in the suburban midwest, but if these videos are getting to her, I believe they are having an impact.
At what point does BLM face the problem of prosecution-by-association that the KKK faces? Namely, it is my understanding that by being an official leader in the KKK, you can face prosecution for the violent acts of the rank-and-file in your organization, even if you have nothing to do with it and didn’t know anything about it.
That Rochester video is very disturbing. How does it help their cause? Those are BLM people and cannot be dismissed as “outside agitators”.
If I live in that area I am not taking my wife out for date night in downtown Rochester anymore much less bring the kids with us.
How about the owners of those restaurants. Did everyone come back and pay their check? How about all of the food on the line being cooked? How much service wear (plates, glasses) and tables were damaged? Can they reopen or will they? If I don’t want to go back in that area to go out for dinner you can bet there are more like me.
I don’t think you need to go out to the midwest to find a 40 something mom who might agree with social justice issues but are appalled by videos like that. There are right here.
11:45 … on which planet is Biden President…?
Last time i looked Trump was in charge this is Trump’s America, anyone with any sense knows that. Hell, Trump has even lost the military vote. Sure some Karen’s might fear a black planet, but who knows some might crave a lil chocolate.
Sounds like you F$ckers are getting worried.
Smalldik at it again. I would put Commander in chief as #1 on list of priorities for a prez. In any other year, you would too but because are part of insane Orange clown posse, you will soften it, defend it and talk to “policies” that point to nothing. If you can’t move your vote against due to flippantly disrespecting our troops and war dead then you got nothing Smalldik. You are one of the lost Rs who just can’t take that D just might be better leader. Looking for reasons, sad sad.
Hell, Trump has even lost the military vote.
No he hasn’t. Move on to the next crises, this one didn’t work either. Keep trying, though. And besides, the left hates the military. I’d say that you need to stick to your beliefs but the left don’t have any.
America got a small tate of what’s it’s like to live under a tinpot authoritarian over the past 4 years. We got a glimpse of what it’s like to live in Brazil.
This election was a chance to take the off ramp in this highway to perdition.
There are basically three remaining living political systems in the world today: Liberalism, Communism and Fascism. Choose wisely. In simpler words: think twice before joyously thrashing Liberalism.
Is this the Liberalism that you speak of?
‘We’re Shutting the Party Down’: Rochester Protesters Take Over Restaurants in Third Night of Protests
Or maybe this?
‘Portland’s grim reality: 100 days of protests, many violent’
Military thing did not stick, another $50 million down the drain.
What is next? What surprise? How about Russian hookers pissing all over Trump in a bed Obama slept in Moscow?
Bystander says:
September 6, 2020 at 1:06 pm
“I would put Commander in chief as #1 on list of priorities for a prez.”
As would I, and Trump’s record is outstanding — especially compared to the last guy, ‘lead-from-behind Oblama’. Remember him berating Israel on his way out the door, after having pathetically begged Iran to sign his weak-kneed nuclear non-treaty? Notice how you haven’t heard a peep out of Iran, or any of the other bad actors in the middle east, since Trump took over. The one time that Iran tried to cause a bit of trouble under Trump they ended up shooting down a Ukranian passenger plane. So on the middle east alone under Trump, you have a neutered Iran, no more ISIS, no more adventurism from the Russians (remember they took Syria under Oblama), and Israel signing peace agreements with 3-4 historical enemies. The Russians? Barely a peep from them under Trump — remember when they invaded a European country under the last Dem prez. China? Trump is the first prez ever to identify the long-term threat they represent — and do something about it. Remember the last admin — Joe taking his deadbeat kid on an official visit to China so that he could sign a lucrative personal business agreement with his Chinese partners? Border security? Trump’s building a wall while the Dems are clamoring for open borders and protecting illegal aliens. I could go on but why bother. You putzes think he’s mean and want to be governed by Nancy Pelosi etc — that is until you’re eating out one night and ‘protesters’ decide to flip your table and toss your chairs; that’s when your wives will give you new marching orders.
Bloomberg is very good with articles today.
This one to lower the temperature in discussion about Putin’s kept orange woman
This one for you option traders
This two show the real danger of why we need a strong government going after Wall Street. The real want of Wall Street – expressed by an Orange’s nitwit
And the moves by China to do with Wall Street what it did to US Manufacturing by using the same Siren’s song tempo and bass of Greed
1:11 the left doesn’t piss off our allies….the left doesn’t start senseless wars…..
The armed forces like that. Q Anon aside.
Here Eddie someone who agrees with you:
Noor bin Ladin, the niece of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, revealed she’s a big fan of President Donald Trump in an interview with the New York Post.
“I have been a supporter of President Trump since he announced he was running in the early days in 2015. I have watched from afar and I admire this man’s resolve,” said the Switzerland resident.
Trump has long been accused of spreading anti-Muslim hate speech and pledged to ban Muslims from the US during his 2016 election campaign.
But Noor bin Ladin claims that the US would be better protected from a second 9/11 under Trump.
“Is this the Liberalism that you speak of?”
No, but I’m afraid your post does exemplify the “joyful thrashing of Liberalism” I warn against.
“that’s when your wives will give you new marching orders.”
That’s a tell. I gather you’re not married? : )
Oh no Small..turn the projector away from Trumps mushroom.
From Fox “the real media” news:
ISIS launched more than 100 attacks in Iraq in August, a sharp uptick from previous month
Fears of an ISIS resurgence are becoming more pronounced
Hollie McKay By Hollie McKay | Fox News
Took the wife and kiddo to Sand Point Preserve in LI. Really lovely. 90% Asian families, I suspect due to the proximity to Flushing.
I read yesterday that Minnesota may go red in the election for the first time in over 50 years. Lol.
Doubtful buddy, you better gird up for a big loss.
The thought police have gone global
I believe the real good fireworks, entertainment and same time low moment will occur after Trump is a confirmed loser, maybe won’t happen till after inauguration day.
That is the moment Putin will let out of the bag all the goodies he had on Trump. Putin won’t be able not to help himself, as it will show how good Russia was and the USA was not at the spy game. At the same time, it show how the once shiny city on the hill is a shiny big turd full of itself, vis-vis a Trump getting elected.
The only thing holding Putin bag is to see if Trump wins and delivers his list. Putin wants 4 things and gave him permission to put more financial restriction pressure which works to his advantage for within Russia political control and he has ways around those restrictions from systems set up since the cold war. As it help deter suspicion of Trump being soft on Putin.
So far Trump has delivered 3 out of 4. The 4th is the big prize. 1 – Out of Lybia 2- Out of Syria 3- Out of Ukraine (In all Russian military/ private mercenaries are very active).
The 4th one – the holy grail, is the USA out of NATO. If it happens, in one big step Russia regains heavy presence in Europe – becomes Russia, Germany, France, UK. and fulfillment of nutty Russian right winger and favorite Putin writer Aleksader Dugin. With the icing on the cake of Turkey becoming a free floater that he can make a deal with to assert control of Middle East vs Iran/Saudi Arabia/UAE/Israel.
So rest assure, if there are embarrassing videos or anything it will come out the moment Trump is out of power and can’t do more for Putin.
Biden might win NJ in November, but Murphy May have accidentally screwed NJ by forcing us to vote by mail in more ways than he understands…
“Under New Jersey law, according to David Wildstein who knows more about New Jersey government and politics than any academic, the Secretary of State can’t certifying elections before every race is decided. That means that, even though Pallone is likely to be reelected easily and that former Vice President Biden is expected to win NJ’s votes in the Electoral College, their elections will not be certified if, for example, the paper ballots in the 7th District congressional race between State Senator Tom Kean, Jr and Congressman Tom Malinowski is still being counted, recounted, challenged or results in a tie come January.
If the Kean-Malinowski race is not decided before December 14 when the Electoral College meets to officially elect the President and Vice President, New Jersey will not be represented.”
Trump is just getting started. Trump tied Hillary during the debates in 2016, with zero experience. Biden will be eviscerated in the 2020 debates. Go on the White House youtube channel and spend 20 minutes watching Trump unfiltered at a press conference; he has conplete command of every issue and also the key players, and he handles with ease the DNC shill “journalists” with endless attacks disuised as questions.
The man has been savagely attacked and smeared for 4 years, yet has accomplished so much. Every decision and every action has been to benefit Americans and the country, something absent from the White House for many decades.
Pence will follow Trump in 2024.
Corn, “handles with ease the DNC shill “journalists” with endless attacks disuised as questions.”
False. This is so patently false that the white House has taken to placing non-reporters and feeding questions.
“Every decision and every action has been to benefit Americans and the country”
Disagree. I don’t assign malice to others I don’t know, but it strikes me that a lot of decisions are driven much more by what will energize the base instead.
Let’s go up to outdoor diners and drink their beer. Pandemic? What pandemic?
Corn, Truth, Small are all same person. Burnt Orange coloring on their lips.
If not, you guys be careful on those Trump rally flotillas this labor day. The combined IQ of those boaters is lower than Dumpy’s military approval rating.
“Eye to eye stand winners and losers
Hurt by envy, cut by greed
Face to face with their own disillusions”
Duel, Propaganda