All that driving means the Mouth Breathers will infect us all with Covid. Getting my first vaccine shot today in Atlantic City.
Anecdotal train station parking lot had about 50 cars yesterday, it”s been 20 or less cars for a year now. Lot holds about 250 cars. People are getting lockdown fatigue and will start to live dangerously.
My doom for the day. They are saying it could take a few more weeks to clear the sues canal, and the delay will exacerbate Europe’s COVID caused port issues. And further mess up their supply chain.
Moving average takes sharp downturn. I read an article claiming NJ was dumping cases from 2020 into the data. Not sure about the veracity of that. But either way, it appears to be possibly a sharp downslope from here into the warm weather. Most states rapidly approached late spring/summer baseline very quickly.
So it looks like a temporary scare from more transmissible forms of the virus and we get bailed out by warm weather and uv light. Doctors office emailed all their clients two days ago, they have the vaccine available for anyone that wants to schedule an appointment. The next 4 weeks are crucial.
You got that wrong Trolling. If this was Trump reporting on the unemployment numbers, there would be a list of endless accomplishments. Try this.
Due to my mere existence, the jump in minority employment and especially black employment was the greatest biweekly jump in the history of the greatest economy ever. My predecessor couldn’t do this in eight years. And it’s only going to get better you see. I have created more jobs than jobs themselves. I know it sounds impossible, but look it up.
The surge in illegal immigration across the southern U.S. border is shaping up to be the biggest in 20 years. Unlike migrant surges in 2019 and 2014, which were predominantly made up of Central American families and unaccompanied children, so far this one is being driven by individual adults.
Most of the migrants are Mexicans, often men in search of work with the pandemic easing and the U.S. economy set to boom. Apprehensions at the southern border totaled 382,000 from the beginning of the fiscal year in October through February, up 42% compared to the same period of 2019—a year that saw the highest number of apprehensions since 2007. In 2020, the influx of migrants plummeted due to the pandemic.
If anyone really wants to get sick to their stomachs, do the math on the operating costs of passenger rail running at 20% capacity. It’s absolutely sickening. $1.5 billion of their $2.6 billion budget is labor and benefits. Approximately 14% of their current budget is coming from fares. The rest is coming from Federal Covid stimulus. So when Murphy proudly announces that he has not raised fares, it’s because he could double them and it wouldn’t even make a dent in the shortfall.
The latest I found data for was 2010. NJT rail was losing $2.33 per mile per passenger. NJT buses, 41 cents per mile per passanger. In comparison to 2019, their ridership is nearly identical.
Why are we operating trains that cost five times the amount of buses to operate, when we have enough buses to easily handle the capacity needed to carry ALL of NJ Transits current heavy rail passengers?
Back of the envelope math would put NJ Transit cost savings at over 1 billion dollars. And these people are not going to be needed post covid either. Realistically, NJ Transit can half their employment budget and still operate easily. Honestly, they could probably cut 2/3rds of it. That would be 1.7 billion dollars in annual savings. Nah. Better to borrow 4 million and keep everyone sitting around twiddling their fingers.
Forget driving, look at that walking data!
Great to see people out walking, getting healthier.
The increase in walking may save more lives than the Vaccine.
There wasn’t an increase in walking. The country got much heavier this past year.
Now a very small study using objective measures — weight measurements from Bluetooth-connected smart scales — suggests that adults under shelter-in-place orders gained more than half a pound every 10 days.
That translates to nearly two pounds a month, said Dr. Gregory M. Marcus, senior author of the research letter, published on Monday in the peer-reviewed JAMA Network Open. Americans who kept up their lockdown habits could easily have gained 20 pounds over the course of a year, he added.
I was looking to take my young kids riding every single day in April when Murphy decided it was a good idea to close a 25 mile bike path in my town until friggin June! I wasn’t ready to take novice riders on the road so the bike rides were taken off the table. Hooray for public health!
Looking for a house and trying to be able to move fast when the right one comes along.
Question for you if I may: Measuring humidity in basement walls and floors – I understand for the floor, I need a device that works with concrete and for the walls, something that can be used with sheetrock, wood paneling or other as I won’t know what walls are made of until I am in the home. I have read pros and cons on pin and pin-less meters. Any info appreciated.
On another note, you have an Ascent. Any issues with the battery or electric short in systems discharging battery?
I have reached an all time high!! Two-Fiddy. Literally have no excuse other than I like to eat….a lot. My first bought with Covid left me skinnier than I had been in ages. That lasted about 4 weeks.
Lost weight actually about 12 lbs. Mainly from not eating out all the time breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have been walking and riding my bike but not much else.
I lost 10 pounds from March to September. Gained 6 back from September to now. Plan on losing more now that it’s getting nicer. Going to just shoot hoops for an hour with the kids.
11:17 Subaru battery issue and windshield issue BOTH are very real. You will replace your windshield and your battery. My 2018 needed both. Battery is apparently undersized for the car so it dies early. Windshield is anyone’s guess. I love my flat 6 though and would buy one of those is you can still find one. The turbo 4….meh.
Up 15 at one point, lost half of that. Working on dropping the rest of it, now that weather is getting nice. I will be back to my normal weight of years.
For those trying to shed a couple of pounds, has a lot of great workouts for free. Choose from a menu, what you want to do, HIT, upper, lower, with equipment, without, whatever you want. Also reasonable programs, I think like 5 weeks for $20.
Black Mountain Products makes nice resistance bands. Unlike weights where resistance is only one direction, you are under load both directions. Buy direct or on Amazon.
“3b says:
March 23, 2021 at 6:31 pm
Hold: Exactly! And some are the same people that claim NJ schools are the best, and states like Delaware and Rhode Island have horrible school systems, yet they turn around and send their kids to these state schools, where the overwhelming majority of the students are from the same supposedly awful school systems. Go figure!!”
3b, figures from the National Center for Educational Statistics show University of Delaware undergraduate enrollment at 57% out-of-state and University of Rhode Island at 58%.
Can you defend your “overwhelming majority” assertion?
NJ schools are better (debatable by how much), but once you get to college, IQ is more important and anyone can play catch up very quickly. Schooling system needs to lay the foundation, that’s all. Unfortunately, with over a year of no real school for some kids, that foundation is now missing bricks.
Judging by the service issues I run into nearly every place I go, NJ’s public school’s ain’t THAT great.
Someone gave us a Chipotle Gift Card, swore I would never order from there again due to past mishaps. Put in an order at 6pm for 6:45pm pick up. ASAP was available. Get to store at 6:45pm, there is no line in store except for the mobile order pickup queue which is 15 deep (including a bunch of uber pissed uber eats drivers). Manager yells out, anyone else from 6:15pm pickup? Then sick of listening to all of the complaining, sends us all out of the store to wait outside claiming Covid protocol. Before I leave I ask him why the 4 people in the assembly line for in-store orders aren’t helping? He says, they can’t read the screens where the mobile orders pop up. I say, well why don’t you just print the receipt. He says, they won’t have the labels then. I said, print the labels too. He is starting to blow up now. At 7:15 I get my order. The bag nearly rips open in the parking lot and when I get home, D’s chocolate milk was missing.
I think NJ schools are actually pretty good but rather unforgiving. I am seeing a similar thing in the public school in my town. Tenure emboldens mediocre teachers into thinking they are wonderful. “That” is not my statement BTW but came from a long-time Principal I know. I miss tenure like anyone would, I now work in a smaller school so I also took a pay cut. But I do like what I do. In my experience you can have kids with great pedigrees and minds, but it is up to them whether or not they use them. So much of school comes down to peer groups for kids and you can watch this unfold like any parent. Old-school pushing is hard for some parents and we exercise our share, but for teachers it is somewhat troublesome. We have gone from Top Down to some weird ‘client-centered’ model of teaching which really opens things up to what the student ‘wants’….very few want rigor. Very few want that hardcore roadmap to success.
did you see they now offer quesadillas! They’ve offered them for 10 years. But all of the sudden, everyone is excited about them. Good marketing. I’ll never understand Chipotle stock. It’s like the tech stock of fast food. But yes, I posted about my weird experience a few months ago where I went in to order and they were only doing mobile. But the guy asks me to call up on the phone right there while I stand in front of them and order. I still like the place but I go like twice a year at this point.
Y0: Univ Delaware enrollment might have changed from the time period I was referencing, for my oldest. A large part of the UD outside enrollment is from NJ I am sure. Does not change my analysis, all these Jersey kids going to school with the Delaware kids whose school system we are told is horrible. As for URI, I believe they are part of the New England states programs those states have with their state universities.
My older son got the quesadilla and loved it. I opted for the healthy cauliflower rice in a bowl (to be healthy). To call what I ordered a soggy salad would be a compliment. There was absolutely no care taken whatsoever. With the cauliflower, it was a $13 salad.
My friend who is a Cornell professor gave testimony to the House Financial Services Committee last week. Pretty cool. Was complementary of Maxine Waters, at least in terms of how Waters treated people, professional courtesy, and making an effort to do small things. Totally belies my impression of Waters’ public persona.
Think about it….. selection bias. UD is going to draw a good number of the better Delaware kids. UD as a Jersey graduate is quite a middling option……
3b says:
March 25, 2021 at 3:03 pm
Y0: Univ Delaware enrollment might have changed from the time period I was referencing, for my oldest. A large part of the UD outside enrollment is from NJ I am sure. Does not change my analysis, all these Jersey kids going to school with the Delaware kids whose school system we are told is horrible. As for URI, I believe they are part of the New England states programs those states have with their state universities.
Yo: Does not change anything, I acknowledged my numbers were off on UD from
when my oldest was looking. I also noted that URI has intestate agreements with other New England states. Ironic, that Delaware and Rhode Island are always criticized for their supposedly lousy schools , yet many Jersey kids attend them. And to Chgos point yes I would assume those schools draw some of their best kids, but certainly not all of them. My friends Daughter went to James Madison, graduated, about 10 years ago. He told me all the first year Jersey kids were housed in a separate dorm, close by to a dog food factory. The school had an understanding with the factory that on parents/ family day the company would not make any food due to the smell.
Anyhow I will leave it at that. Send your kid where you want. But this NJ has the best schools is tiresome. I honestly was not all that impressed.
Ex: my grandmother was Garfunkel’s piano teacher. Simon was in my mom’s first grade class. Nothing but the dead and dying back in my little town is fcuking Kew Gardens Hills. A bunch of Hasids now…
My dad had that cassette S&G Concert in Central Park, in his car. Whenever we went somewhere, it was a choice between Frank, S & G or Engelbert Humperdink. I know every lyric, every talk-up between songs and the two clear lyrical fukc-ups by Art, like my TD Ameritrade Login. That version of America and the crowd roaring when they mention the NJ Turnpike was pretty phenomenal.
I was lucky enough to see their last reunion show in AC in 2010. Gator and I were the youngest people there by about 30 years. That was the third to last show they performed. It was clear, Paul was doing a big favor for Art. Shame. Simon has quite a solo catalog and much of it, especially the African stuff is really good. Took my older son to see him about three years ago in Tahoe at a concert at the lake, which is simply a great venue.
When real estate is stagnant for 10 years in one of the hottest real estate markets on the planet (nyc metro), consider it an enormous buying opportunity. I’m a sucker for calling it out 8 years in advance, but not buying more. Unfortunately, I was in way too invested in real estate.
I saw all ten of the people killed at that King Soopers shooting were white. Are journalists hot on the trail of this possibly being a racially-motivated hate crime? Or perhaps a religious motivation?
Since his name is Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, journalists are careful to jump to no conclusions whatsoever, unlike other shootings that offer greater identity politics opportunities.
I was at the Central Park S & G concert when dinosaurs walked the earth. I’ve fed Art a few times over the years. Very quirky guy. He once summoned my daughter out of the green room to help him put on his eyeliner. Chifi – Not the daughter who is on the Westchester Cornell Club panel. I had no idea, she’s pretty low key about her accomplishments.
He’s an illegitimate president and walking corpse who needs a kids menu to parrot lines that have no meaning to his pitted brain. It represents the whole sham that is the democrat party. As I was driving yesterday, I noticed the houses with American flags and thought about the ones that didn’t during the campaign and thereafter. The left and their toadies don’t like America, don’t like what it stands for and feel no allegiance to our classical roots. Personal failure breeds resentment and resentment breeds self-loathing. Something or someone let them down. Every week is a new protest, a new reason to finger-point, a new villain to blame. The sight of the American flag and classic ideology triggers anger because the progressive mind feels that they are not a part of it and have been left behind.
He ain’t all there. It’s that simple. If he was your grandfather, at this point, you would have confiscated his car keys so he can’t drive to McDonalds on his own. That’s basically what we did for mine. One of us drove him every morning for 4 years straight. We also opened all his outgoing mail to stop him from mailing out money to fraudsters.
While we are at it, please explain why Biden is an illegitimate president. How do you know the political ideology of the person flying an American flag at their home if there isn’t a campaign sign on their lawn? Have you ever considered that people who disagree with you can still love this country?
Earlier this week you were making yourself a martyr saying what an austere lifestyle you live. Does that include the BMW and the house with the fancy Bergen County address? You are just a bag of wind!
Flying or not flying the American flag does not make you a good or bad American, stuff that mindset is just as worrisome as some of the nonsense on the left, that if you don’t agree with all of their policies or positions on various issues, then you are suspect and must be silenced. These extremist positions on both sides are in the process of destroying this country.
Chgo: Biden says the filibuster is a relic of Jim Crow era, yet he did nothing in his almost 50 years in D.C. against it, and in fact defended it in the past. The hypocrisy from the Democrats is just astounding to me.
“These extremist positions on both sides are in the process of destroying this country.”
Hell yeah. I ran into perhaps the third centrist I’ve met in the past decade or so yesterday. We had to get a new washer installed, since the timer on our super cheapo 11 year old GE went bad and there is not a replacement to be found for under $250. That whole washer cost me $425 back in 2011. Shame too, because it really was a well designed machine. I even checked for used parts and apparently, this part was so suspect that GE ran out of them nearly 5 years ago. It’s crazy. When I try to buy appliances, the less options/buttons, the more reliable as there is less to break. In this case, besides the start button, there was only this one knob. Well that one knob is great until it’s the thing that breaks. Did the due diligence and got an LG. Same design, impeller, top loading and high efficiency (less water/soap/etc.) and energy star rated too. Will cost $13 a year to operate. Unfortunately, it was only available as a smart device, which is kind of cool, but completely unnecessary. Kind of like the refrigerators with the iPad built in. Machine cost $800, but is huge. As we approach three years from selling our place, we are slowly making smart upgrades. My next project is to replace the broken tiles on my fireplace hearth and perhaps put a marble/granite/quartz(who knows) face on it. We don’t use it any longer since it is so inefficiently designed.
Still no judgement from our case with the town, so no third floor upgrade yet.
Oh yeah, the washer installer was the centrist. He was from the DR and was complaining to me how he’s been busier than ever since those checks came out. He said, none of the people he’s installed washer’s for seemed to have needed it. I said, exactly, but we both supported the government helping those in need. He then says, I didn’t get one since I’m essential. I said, welcome to my world. He then said he paid 12K in taxes over what was withheld and I said, welcome to my world again. He went on to explain how he hated Trump, but supported about half of his policies. I’m not sure what Home Depot is paying him, but it’s some pretty good scratch apparently.
Washers for everyone! The Korean government must be exuberant.
Does that include the BMW and the house with the fancy Bergen County address?
30 plus years of eating shit and working my @ss off and I have to apologize for having a decent house and car? Not. And I never felt like a martyr by not taking trips and cruises and buying fancy toys. I’m okay with a snack and a movie.
Obviously the anti Asian violence scare campaign is the next chapter in the leftist narrative. I wasn’t sure where they were taking it but it’s now clear.
Nothing new really. Categorize everyone. Then whip up fear of some boogeyman, in this case anti Asian mobs and then promise protection.
The same tired playbook. Never mind the fact that the left has been pushing policies to target Asian achievement for years.
Lib: It’s tough being a centrist, you are suspect on both sides. I have been labeled all sorts of things by Democrats and Republicans. I refuse to buy the BS from either side. I have always been that way, never registering for either party. I call issues as I see them, not through the prism of Democrat/ Republican, left/right.
The President was at his most dishonest in addressing the Senate legislative filibuster. Asked if the 60-vote threshold is a legacy of racist Jim Crow, Mr. Biden said yes. But then what was Senator Biden doing in 2006 joining a filibuster attempt (which failed) against Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ?
On Wednesday Sen. Ben Sasse, the Nebraska Republican, did the public service of reading Mr. Biden’s entire hour-long 2005 speech defending the filibuster on the Senate floor.
“If there is one thing this country stands for it’s fair play—not tilting the playing field in favor of one side or the other, not changing the rules unilaterally. We play by the rules, and we win or lose by the rules,” Mr. Sasse quoted Vintage Joe of 2005. “That quintessentially American trait is abandoned in the ‘nuclear option.’ Republican Senators as well as Democratic ones have benefited from minority protections. Much more importantly, American citizens have benefited from the Senate’s check on the excesses of the majority.”
But on Thursday Mr. Biden toed the new Democratic Party line that the filibuster is being “abused in a gigantic way,” and he pointed to statistics from last year. Readers may recall that in 2020 Democrats were in the minority and used the filibuster to block GOP proposals, including Sen. Tim Scott’s bipartisan police reform. Were Democrats racists then, and was Mr. Biden in 2005?
I’ll never fly nor salute an American flag until I see justice (liberty and justice for all) and since I don’t expect to ever see it I that’s one less thing for me to concern myself about.
Let’s not also forget the Islamic shooter in CO who killed 10 white folks was let in under one of the Schumer visas from a country that was in the travel ban. Easy to connect the dots.
We can’t vet these people yet we let them in anyway. Collateral damage in the quest of the left to establish a permanent one party rule.
How many Asians need to be attacked before GOAT and No One believe they are being targeted? Do you believe Dylann Roof just happened to shoot up a Black church? When is it no longer a coincidence? You both supported a president who made racist statements about Asians related to the pandemic.
The Biden presidency is so interwoven with the propaganda industry narratives that they are inseparable. There is no separation from what I can see. They probably drop a script off at the White House every day.
Sure most of the immigrants running over the border are just hard working people, but like any other group there is a certain percentage that are a problem.
So now you have more potential problems.
America truly is a joke. We lock our doors, put Ring cameras up, gates, fences. Have military bases on the borders of other countries. Yet we let people just walk into the country, plenty of them unchecked.
30 year,
I was attacked, and I am not Asian. I was attacked by the system designed to prevent attacks.
Well maybe if they prosecuted the bastards who waste resources on someone like me-the Amy Coopers of America, they might have some resources to help Asians.
And the way you know just how screwed up our politicians are, here is another Cuomo special:
“Callers who deliberately make false reports based on their race, gender, or religion, can find themselves facing charges for a hate crime.”
Why not just make it a major crime to make a false report? Does it have to have any of those other defining characteristics in order for hate to exist?
Makes absolutely no sense. Or maybe it does…the country needs population growth, so maybe these are the poor fools picked to fill our poverty ranks. They will consume products and do the jobs that nobody wants, aka economic growth for the players at the top.
“Yet we let people just walk into the country, plenty of them unchecked”
They also don’t respect education like Asian and European immigrants, leading to a group of citizens that will always be poor. You don’t have to worry about them all moving up since they are illegal.
America embraces it’s bull shite and deep fakes. Being “clever” and sneaky, winning at all costs is an endearing quality to have. Getting over on one another, using 50 coupons to save that last nickel, tricking people with fine print, the whole country is infested with snake oil salesmen. And if you can’t be slick or bright enough, then just be a nasty Karen and attack your way into getting what you feel you deserve.
Love the cop story from Bolder. The hero. Gave up his high paying IT job to be a lowly police officer in order to give back to his community. Well, I for one don’t buy this line of crap. Plenty of posters on here fighting for IT jobs that are being outsourced with headhunters offering them pennies for their work. How much you want to bet that Mr. Hero Officer was probably in the same situation. How much of a pay cut you going to take with 7 kids anyway, or did you need the security of the bennies and pension for your brood?
Teachers are paid to teach. Doctors are paid to provide healthcare. Roofers put on roofs. A roofer that falls off a roof is not a hero. He is unlucky. Well, same with a police officer that gets shot. That’s part of the job, is it not? It’s the risk you take by taking that job and you are rewarded by a lifetime pension at 20 years should you survive.
A volunteer fireman is a hero. A neighbor that runs in a burning building and saves the neighbor is a hero. A drafted military soldier who dies in combat is a hero.
When you take a check you are no longer a hero, it’s your job. Get over it.
A 30-year-old MIT graduate was found dead in his Chicago apartment on Tuesday. Theodore Hilk was found surrounded by bomb-making equipment for three different explosive devices, and had two active pipe bombs stored in his refrigerator. The discovery, which police initially thought was a meth lab, sparked an evacuation of two floors of the Streeterville apartment block. The Chicago Fire Department later uncovered Azide, a substance most often used commercially as a detonator for large explosives, in Hilk’s flat. How Hilk got hold of the cache of explosives and what he intended to use them for remains unclear.
The migrants that are coming in now, will be in competition with the ones that are already here, and American employers that use them will take advantage of that. And this madness will continue. Then on the social side throw in the Pepe Le Phew nonsense and all the rest of the faux outrage, and we just continue the rapid decline. Oh and the Fed and their don’t worry about inflation, although it appears to me they already are. So we I will say this Trump is right about one thing, the Chinese are indeed laughing at us.
Well, if Karen would shut her mouth, stop complaining about her husband, how bad her life is, how she needs more and more clothes, a bigger house, and more money maybe her life would be better.
Maybe instead of droning on about raising her children, how she can’t wait to send them off to school so she can sit on the couch and get drunk on whine watching the lifetime channel and instead embraced them her life would get better.
All of these white woman racists, had they just had more children themselves instead of chasing the almighty dollar, might not have become the minority they are now becoming. Women control the birth rate. A man makes no decisions after the 10 minutes are up- she decides. So if white women are having a problem with minorities all they need to do is look in the mirror cause it’s their decisions that made them minorities.
On the bias of the shooter. His family was from Syria. He was raised here. Trump’s ban on travel from Muslim countries had nothing to do with it.
“Today, the 21-year-old suspect Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa will appear in court for the first time to face 10 counts of murder charges. Born in Syria and raised in the U.S., the suspect was described by his brother as paranoid, antisocial and mentally ill, according to The Daily Beast. His only previous criminal record was a 2018 misdemeanor assault against another high school student, which was reportedly in response to ethnic slurs and taunts. His “identity was previously known to the F.B.I.” because he was linked to the subject of another investigation, according to The New York Times.”
My best guess, and I’ll carefully qualify it as that, is that it sounds like he was sick of the bullying and took it out on the group most likely responsible for it. This is why Trump’s hateful populist politics is one big fail. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Neither does calling Barrack O’Bama by his Muslim sounding middle name (Hussein) every chance possible.
So not only did these politics embolden hatred, but of course, maintaining easier access to higher volume firearms was also promoted.
You really don’t get to have it both ways. That’s all I’m saying.
The Chinese are not “laughing at us”.
These are ridiculous statements gleaned from
the rights’ pathetic talking points. Biden may be right when
he wonders aloud if the Republican Party will still exist in 2024.
“My best guess, and I’ll carefully qualify it as that, is that it sounds like he was sick of the bullying and took it out on the group most likely responsible for it. This is why Trump’s hateful populist politics is one big fail.”
So it’s your logic that Trump is the reason this person was bullied?
America has been fighting in the Middle East- ummm, almost like forever.
That is nothing new at all. Where that propaganda started I don’t know, but that Middle East crap is something we need to get the hell out of and let everyone over there fight it out themselves. Trump was withdrawing troops. That’s the right idea.
Essex: Stop with the right wing nonsense crap. You proved my point exactly, if you don’t like something you label it and the person right wing. Is that perhaps because it makes you uncomfortable? As perhaps it’s true? Look at how we are tearing ourselves apart over a lot of crap that is just mindless BS, like Pepe Le Phew. Yes the Chinese are laughing at us, as they continue to rise, and we decline. You are a teacher at least entertain the fact that there is validity to the statement.
Lib: We simply don’t know at this point if we can handle millions more in the 21st century, with automation, job outsourcing, AI and all the rest. Time will tell.
That’s the irony in all this…democrats allowing more people to come here that will directly lower the wages of all low skilled workers by doing it for less because they will live in a one room apartment with 5 other people. Talk about playing out your supporters.
3b says:
March 26, 2021 at 10:25 am
The migrants that are coming in now, will be in competition with the ones that are already here, and American employers that use them will take advantage of that.
Phoenix: We should have all of our troops out of the Middle East. There will never be peace or stability there. Let the Chinese and Russians have it. Although you would think the Russians would have learned from Afghanistan.
Well, maybe not laughing, but clearly strategizing. One way to take over a country is to overpopulate it. You can do that without firing a shot.
Just keep importing more of your own, have them reproduce using your resources and you are good to go.
Viruses do the same thing. They hijack your machinery in order to make more copies of themselves.
The winner will be the race that has the least whiny women and the most babies. And white American women are the most whiny and needy of the bunch. Don’t expect much output from them.
3B these talking points are obvious and laughable.
It’s like you think everyone is as dumb as the folks who spout
this nonsense. The looney toons reference is also foolish.
China is absolutely laughing at us. Not at the Republicans or the Dems though. At our country as a whole. As we continue to bail out the rich at the expense of the middle and poor. They are on a resource buying spree to ensure that their brand of soc1alism will continue to improve the lives of all of their people. I am not talking about rights here. I am talking about looking at their country with an unbiased eye. Are they currently behind us. Sure! Will they be much longer? Judging by the lack of impact the tariffs had on their economy? Probably not.
People in this country are so fed up with corrupt politics that many won’t even trust a vaccine or can be trusted to quarantine when infected with a deadly virus. Lord knows contact tracing didn’t happen here.
In a war between China and us, I would be praying our technology and innovation would give us the upper hand. Lord knows the will of our soldiers won’t. And this is no knock on our military heroes. It’s just that loyalty is much stronger under most soc1alist regimes than corrupt capitalists.
“And white American women are the most whiny and needy of the bunch. Don’t expect much output from them.” That is only if someone falls for one of those types of women. Believe me, others exist and I can tell you they will carry the future on their shoulders.
As this Colorado shooting plays out, I think it will end up being the story of a mentally ill dude (probably autistic) getting sick of the anti-muslim taunting than the U.S. actions in the Middle East. The Syrian’s I know in the United States are not the proud to be Muslim type. They tend to love Syrian culture, but not so much the quran. Especially the ones who emigrate legally to the United States.
America is run by corporate owned politicians that are attorneys. That’s all you need to know. It’s why corporations can pollute, destroy and take over.
China runs it’s corporations, and they do what is good for China, not for themselves.
America is going to eat itself alive from the inside like a case of Fornier’s gangrene.
Most Syrians are Sunni, who tend to be a little more peace loving and fanatic than Shia Muslims. Of course, there’s a chance this guy was Christian or even Jewish as both populations exist in Syria. I have two friends who are Persian Jews from Iran, who have Arabic names.
“America is going to eat itself alive from the inside like a case of Fornier’s gangrene.”
Until the population holds our politicians to some sort of standard of decency, it’s only going to get worse. We’ve reached the point that Biden and Trump are the best we can do out of a population of 330 million (yeah, some aren’t 35).
I disagree. Sure there is taunting, but this Middle East hate thing is ingrained in America and has been for many years. That’s nothing new, and we have been bombing that place for years.
As far as mentally ill, sure. Anyone who kills random innocent people would qualify as mentally ill.
For me, Sandy Hook still bothers me. Little kids. Now that kid was mentally ill. But who was the real idiot? His MOTHER. Yes, the brainiac who thought shooting guns would make a man out of this very ill son of hers. Who purchased them and provided them for him. That one was a real winner. She was the cause of that disaster, not her son.
Sure. But it got way worse over the past 4 your years. And yes, I think about Sandy Hook a lot. They really need to lock away the parents in those cases.
Lib; I agree with most of what you said, but it’s also the faux outrage crap like which cartoon character is a sexual predator etc stuff that the Chinese are laughing at us about. It in my mind shows what time and leisure people have on their hands in this country to come up with a new outrage seemingly every other day. As for whose troops would fight hardest, I disagree, I think the Chinese males due to China’s one child policy have been coddled and many when push came to shove would be too soft to fight. I would still take US armed forces over Chinese. And all those who volunteer for the US armed forces are in my mind heroes, otherwise there would be a draft.
Worse. No. America is just showing it’s true colors. Yeah you are seeing the racist white woman. Isn’t it better to know the rat your dealing with? I wish I did when I was married.
The justice system in America is the problem. Its the reason cities are on fire, and the same reason some people stormed the Capital. It’s why cancel culture has taken over where judges and juries used to be the place where justice was to be administered.
Now, you go outside the law to get justice. Any way you can. It’s completely ineffective.
Just watched a 48 hrs episode, the DNA of a Killer. They put away an innocent man for 20 years, and after he was found innocent, the judge made him plead guilty anyway for his freedom calling it “time served.”
Well, eff that. You are always bitching about the medical systems in America. Well, I live that every day. And there is nothing I have ever seen in my career, not even close, to what is as corrupt, ineffective, immoral, or as disgusting as what is called the American justice system.
It smells worse than Fornier’s gangrene, and if you have been fortunate enough to have ever smelled it or even courageous enough to look at a picture of that you might understand.
Check out the series “Yellowstone.” It plays out just like this.
Phoenix says:
March 26, 2021 at 10:53 am
America is run by corporate owned politicians that are attorneys. That’s all you need to know. It’s why corporations can pollute, destroy and take over.
China runs it’s corporations, and they do what is good for China, not for themselves.
America is going to eat itself alive from the inside like a case of Fornier’s gangrene.
It’s just is slipping into the third world. Might as well move to where the weather is nice, where there is no pollution, where people genuinely like each other and where elections are celebrated due to their diversity of options. Also where breakfast consists of a frozen coconut and a straw. And where there is no medical billing. :P
Most of the Asians attacked around NYC-Metro are by African-Americans…… or are we not allowed to say that?
30 year realtor says:
March 26, 2021 at 9:35 am
How many Asians need to be attacked before GOAT and No One believe they are being targeted? Do you believe Dylann Roof just happened to shoot up a Black church? When is it no longer a coincidence? You both supported a president who made racist statements about Asians related to the pandemic.
Essex: Cheap uncalled for shot on your part. But if nothing else you proved my point on the hypocrisy of the proud open minded left. Have a magical day!
I guess they could be softer there. Do they drink estrogen laced Tea?
Feminists in America have been turning bulls and bull calves into steer over here. Look how many high profile men have been neutered lately. Hell, they can even go back in a time machine and neuter from the past. They even snipped off the nuts of one of their own advocates, Al Franken, with a picture from the past.
But I guess they could be softer, who knows. Don’t care enough to find out.
Actually the big issue with a china war is not going to be the military damage.
Its going to be the real fact of overnight realization of how much is made in china and how it will require overnight building of factories here, requiring the invoking of the Defense Act and the destruction of present corporate America’s finely tune and very profitable outsourcing manufacturing infrastructure. Is back to the early 70’s in corporate America, but this time starting from the beginning while lacking generational experience and know how.
Just take 2 general lines of products.
Computer chips, look at how car manufacturing had to stop production. No think what happens if Taiwan Semiconductors in Taiwan and Samsung in South Korea go down because of attack.
Pharmaceuticals, many made in India, but their base substance all come from China. Let’s say a lot of people are going to die because of lack of antibiotics, insulin, cardiac, cancer, and host of other medications as the new infrastructure is built. Kiss Big Pharma good bye.
You can say that. Just not on TV. Here is my uncancelled opinion on it. The urban blacks hate the Asians because lots of Asians set up small retail businesses in the black community and thrive doing it. These Asians respect education and the opportunities given to them unlike their customers who have become dependant on the dole. We’ve all been there. You are waiting in line at a bodega and the brotha in front of you is a nickel short of the three dollars he needs for the blunt to wrap around his ganja. He is screaming at the owner who refuses to sell it to him for $2.95, even though the owner paid 50 cents a cigar in bulk for it. Brotha can’t believe it. Rest of brothas in line don’t even get pissed for having to wait. They are used to it. Me, I just want my $3 40-ounce of Beck’s for my ride to Citi Field. Eventually, I pony up the nickel to the dude in front of me just so I can get going and the Asian owner gets mad at me for it.
Asians will call these brothers niggers to their face. They are much tougher than the Chinese soft boys 3B met in college. With that said, it still does not justify the crime.
Phoenix: I would say they are well capable of disrupting our communication systems. Then there is North Korea, we could destabilize them , which would cause them to attack South Korea, meanwhile millions of North Koreans would flee into China which the Chinese government would not want. Then of course the Russians will try to gain leverage, it would have made sense to have a working relationship with them, but of course we screwed that up to.
Americans can’t even read a road map let alone make a computer chip.
Their wives, in order to be happy, need a 700k house with 30k taxes and and a 50k kitchen in order to place a 50 dollar Uber Eats meal on a plastic plate. They want to zoom to work while the Tahoe they dreamed about sits in the driveway until there is a sale at Talbots.
Was on Facebook, one of the mommies wants to go on a mini vacation with her family.
Says Great Wolf and Kalahari are too expensive-any cheaper ideas?
She is an ATTORNEY. How cheap is this freak? Charges her clients 600 per hour, but can’t afford 200 per night?
I hope her kids throw her in a Cuomo nursing home when she gets old and decrepit.
You know, save a buck.
Not justified? Yeah, watch this. He’s justified all right. I don’t agree with the law, this is pure street justice and I would let this guy walk any and every day.
Phoenix: I briefly glanced at an article in MarketWatch this morning, basically says that male member size and sperm count has been dramatically declining over the last 30 years or; apparently attributable to the use of some type of plastics.
The suppression in that bill is disgusting. It will backfire horribly. So much so that I’d be willing to bet that Georgia now goes further blue. Any takers?
11:50 come on don’t be such a baby. You launched a teacher insult and I countered with a stinging jab. Pop!!! Right in the eye. You wanna know a secret, I’m not really as liberal as you might think. There.
Just saw a brand new White Bugatti at Whole Foods last night. Not sure if it was the 3, 6 or 12 million dollar one. Went shopping today up and down the highway did a few stops because we are doing a B-Day party tonight with friends and family. Brand new Maserati SUVs on the road and all other kinds of expensive brand new cars with temporary tags on the road today. I guess people are going on spending sprees…
ExEssex ground war? Where and for what? They want to rule the seas and are quickly ramping up their navy. Many other countries might start sinking their fishing fleets which are sucking up everything in the oceans and encroaching on many other countries territorially waters.
I won’t be labor this with you. It was a teacher insult. I made a statement about Trump being right in his statement that the Chinese are laughing at us. You immediately discounted it as right wing nonsense. No thoughtful consideration, no perhaps there is some truth to that. No, you immediately discounted the statement. I then noted the fact that you are a teacher and said I would have thought based on that fact you might have considered the statement further rather than just dismissing it. There was certainly no insult in that statement. That’s all I will say on the subject going forward.
Brisket update. Meat is now at 145 F since I dropped in my electric smoker this morning, it’s a wifi smoker with an App, lets me know how it’s doing and will shut down to warming mode once the meat his 190 F. I am spritzing the meat every hour on the hour.
We are doing a small B-Day gathering tonight, weather is wonderful. I put out all of my outdoor furniture and will be lighting the firepit and we will be lighting off fireworks tonight as well. If it was any warmer I would have opened my pool!!
Pfizer Covid Jab yesterday went well no issues for me, my wife has a sore arm her nurse jabbed her a bit harder than mine I guess.
The Chinese are not laughing at us. It’s two groups. The government, the party and the lemmings, and the other group is everyone else.
We will win in the long run, because any totalitarian regime is always going to create brain drain. The effect on serial entrepreneurs such as Jack Ma will be chilling. The main reason that China looks so formidable is that the information flow is restricted.
That said, there is no question that we will have to go right at the CCP, but it will be more of Yankees-Red Sox rivalry, but in the long run, the best players are going to want to come to the U.S.
There is going to be a seminal moment where China does something out of hubris, or a bad miscalculation, and they will not be able to hide. Maybe it will be their Chernobyl moment. It is only a matter of time. Its just uncomfortable for the U.S. to have such a well organized, talented and determined foe.
Why not tow that stuck ship in the Suez Canal backwards a few yards torefloat it with a few dozen heavy bulldozers or a few dozen loaded dump trucks? US Navy has to help them now?
Anecdotally, my rheumatologist is Chinese and took her family back to visit relatives in 2019. A huge overpass that had just started construction over a road she traveled from the airport was finished when she took the road back in 2 weeks. Train station renovations are done overnight. Her son was gobsmacked when he went with his cousin to a restaurant, a “person” came onto a screen to welcome him by name. No money was exchanged, everything was done by face recognition. Nobody uses cash there. Everything is done by smart phone. COVID contact tracing was by phone, anybody near a COVID positive case was rounded up and tested within days. She said the Chinese are light years ahead technologically. When their 5 year old niece proclaimed she was going to the playground after dinner two blocks away alone, her American relatives were shocked. Apparently the kids are out alone all the time with no safety concerns. My doctor said she was a student and in Tiananmen Square during the uprising. She fled to the USA to escape communism. She has lived in both countries with both systems and now believes her Chinese relatives are living a better happier life than hers in America.
The whole PPE supply chain showed how reliant we are on foreign stuff and it should have been a wake up call. The semiconductor shortage is another wake up call. We should just make it national priority to move almost all of our production to domestic, regardless of how much it costs.
After spending a lot of time on this blog one thing that I have learned (from Grim and others) is that ‘ours’ is a dwindling culture and lifestyle. America is crumbling. I’ve managed to live in four regions of the Country and can say that nowhere is immune. Survival in these here United States is not a lock anymore!
The rest of the world lives pretty well while our Country crumbles and slowly dies. Do we need a liberal in office? Yes, if that is what it takes to rebuild things and improve the place.
That is why I support infrastructure improvement vs rewarding already rich millionaires with tax breaks.
A British reconnaissance plane that monitors Russian war games in the Arctic and Moscow confirmed it has now completed initial tests of Vladimir Putin’s deadly new missile.
Reports say the 6,100 mph Zircon hypersonic weapon has now been fired a total of four times from the Admiral Gorshkov frigate and will go into service next year.
The problem is, what happens to china long term? It’s all gravy when you are building this fast, but what happens when it’s all built? Add in the fact that they will have a declining population at some point stuck with this massive debt used to build all this so rapidly.
I think China already peaked and is already on the decline, they just know it yet. America is copying them now, we are putting in a huge modern infrastructure project in the coming years. We will again be the shiny new, but the difference, we won’t be dealing with a population that is declining and based predominately on old people. They have a huge coming demographic problem….huge population turning old while at the same time, not enough women to keep up with their past population growth. Remember, it costs a lot of money to take care of older population that dwarfs the younger population (ask Japan).
This is where all their technology will come in handy for the elites. When things turn bad, they will suppress it all.
NJCoast says:
March 26, 2021 at 1:51 pm
Anecdotally, my rheumatologist is Chinese and took her family back to visit relatives in 2019. A huge overpass that had just started construction over a road she traveled from the airport was finished when she took the road back in 2 weeks. Train station renovations are done overnight. Her son was gobsmacked when he went with his cousin to a restaurant, a “person” came onto a screen to welcome him by name. No money was exchanged, everything was done by face recognition. Nobody uses cash there. Everything is done by smart phone. COVID contact tracing was by phone, anybody near a COVID positive case was rounded up and tested within days. She said the Chinese are light years ahead technologically. When their 5 year old niece proclaimed she was going to the playground after dinner two blocks away alone, her American relatives were shocked. Apparently the kids are out alone all the time with no safety concerns. My doctor said she was a student and in Tiananmen Square during the uprising. She fled to the USA to escape communism. She has lived in both countries with both systems and now believes her Chinese relatives are living a better happier life than hers in America.
So if you are going to enjoy peak China, better get over there now before these problems begin to surface. Enjoy their new infrastructure before it gets old. Enjoy a population where everyone’s quality of life is rapidly rising. Just don’t stay too long…it will get bad.
ExEssex says:
March 26, 2021 at 1:58 pm
“… ‘ours’ is a dwindling culture and lifestyle. America is crumbling…”
Unfortunately, I largely agree with this. But I completely disagree that a liberal in office is the solution. In fact, ‘liberals in office’ is largely the reason for our problems. While you can still find examples of good Republican governance, it is almost impossible to find an example of an entity that is well governed by the modern, radically leftist, Dem party. NYC is a perfect example: it was literally fixed (crime reduction, welcoming business/employment climate) by Rudy, and he and Bloomberg delivered a true golden age, which is completely unraveling under BillD. Whether it be the disgusting homeless problem of the western cities, tolerance of riots and destruction in Portland and Minny, the generational corruption and incompetence of failed cities like Detroit, or the effective bankruptcies of Dem-led states like Ill and NJ due to ‘buying’ of votes from public employee unions, this country is indeed crumbling — one Dem-governed municipality at a time. And we’ll now have at least 4 years of the same incompetence at the federal level — open borders, wasteful spending at levels never seen before, military weakness, etc…
Every president/congress has spent more than the one before and more ever before since maybe the 1830s. That’s on an absolute basis… as well as on a percentage or inflation adjusted basis with very few exceptions.
Eventually the African American community has to decide if they want to adopt Marxism. Clearly it’s what they are being sold on. It’s going to tear them and possibly apart like it has elsewhere it’s been tried.
Pumps: Economic stagnation for years was one of the many factors that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, no consumer goods, Black market inferior products that thru did produce. The Soviet Union never caught up with the West economically, there is no comparison to today’s China.
Stop limiting the discussion to the feds. My point is that that Dem malfeasance exists at all levels of govt and you will be hard pressed to find a single example of good governance by the modern Dem party — at any level.
Look at this comment from the Reps that lead Bridgewater NJ — at least they’re trying. Can you imagine a modern Dem that even cares/thinks about being a good steward of taxpayer funds — they’re so busy being activists, self-anointed saviors and score-settlers that they don’t care a bit about tax payers.
…said Mayor Matthew Moench. “The only thing that was clear about this budget was that we knew that we could not make up our lost revenue solely on the backs of our residents. This would have led to a double digit tax increase. We needed to made deep, painful cuts…”
” it is our responsibility, as elected officials, to be conscious fiscal stewards of every single dollar,” said Council President Howard Norgalis…
During the 1920’s they were a mess and still a farm based economy. By the end of WWII, they were a superpower. Took over half of Europe. It is the same..
What makes them great now, will hold them back later. True capitalism is superior. They have their hands in everything, and sooner or later, the hand is going to get caught in the cookie jar.
3b says:
March 26, 2021 at 3:01 pm
Pumps: Economic stagnation for years was one of the many factors that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, no consumer goods, Black market inferior products that thru did produce. The Soviet Union never caught up with the West economically, there is no comparison to today’s China.
Long term buying opportunity. Hope it stays low this entire year, I like buying value at the beginning of the next trend up.
That’s why, if you don’t have the stomach for this game, don’t play it.
“As usual, Wood is unfazed. During this “risk-off period,” her expected return for ARKK has risen to roughly 25% from 15% per year over the next five years, she said in a Wednesday panel organized by CFA Institute China.
“While our companies are sacrificing right now, forgoing short-term profits, investing aggressively,” Wood said, “we believe that the payoff will take place within five years. “And therefore, you’ve got both the revenue growth exponential and the margin catch-up, which can lead to some very powerful returns over time.””
Pumps: They did that on the backs of millions they slaughtered. They became a superpower , but empires are expensive to run. They were never ever an economic threat. There is no real comparison between the old Soviet Union and today’s China. And we the USA and the rest of the west, but primarily us gave it all to China.
I know you are merely providing a data point, but I find the description frightening.
There is going to be an entire population of people incapable of performing the most basic personal activities independently.
“She has lived in both countries with both systems and now believes her Chinese relatives are living a better happier life than hers in America.” That is such a telling cultural statement. Having grown up in Flushing, and attending grade school, high school and college with many Asians….. I find that statement incredibly hollow. Of course, I am placing an incredibly cynical prism on it, but I’ve seen that attitude up close. I would describe it as almost a linear kind of thinking. It is mindset of almost pure pragmatism and valuing convenience over everything else.
NJCoast says:
March 26, 2021 at 1:51 pm
Anecdotally, my rheumatologist is Chinese and took her family back to visit relatives in 2019. A huge overpass that had just started construction over a road she traveled from the airport was finished when she took the road back in 2 weeks. Train station renovations are done overnight. Her son was gobsmacked when he went with his cousin to a restaurant, a “person” came onto a screen to welcome him by name. No money was exchanged, everything was done by face recognition. Nobody uses cash there. Everything is done by smart phone. COVID contact tracing was by phone, anybody near a COVID positive case was rounded up and tested within days. She said the Chinese are light years ahead technologically. When their 5 year old niece proclaimed she was going to the playground after dinner two blocks away alone, her American relatives were shocked. Apparently the kids are out alone all the time with no safety concerns. My doctor said she was a student and in Tiananmen Square during the uprising. She fled to the USA to escape communism. She has lived in both countries with both systems and now believes her Chinese relatives are living a better happier life than hers in America.
Check this out using the veil from NJ Coast’s story…..
China’s Youthful, Debt-Fueled Spending Spree Sparks a Reckoning
A new generation helped power rising consumption. Now, new financial regulations are forcing lenders to reassess their business strategies.
Many young, free-spending Chinese people used short-term loans.
By Xie Yu
March 13, 2021 5:30 am ET
Chinese regulators attempting to rein in Ant Group Co. and a swelling online-lending industry have a target in their sights: the excessive, debt-fueled lifestyles of the country’s youth.
Leading up to last year’s coronavirus pandemic, a new generation of tech-savvy and free-spending citizens helped power rising consumption, a growing driver of China’s economy.
Many used short-term loans to pay for expenses such as prestige cosmetics, electronic gadgets and costly restaurant meals. They found credit easy to obtain, thanks to Ant and other Chinese financial-technology companies that provided unsecured loans to millions of people who didn’t have bank-issued credit cards. In 2019, online loans accounted for as much as half of short-term consumer loans in China, according to estimates from Fitch Ratings.
Now, new financial regulations are forcing lenders to reassess their business strategies and have sparked a reckoning about the American-style borrowing and spending habits of China’s younger population. Starting in 2022, Ant and its peers will have to fund at least 30% of the loans they make together with banks, a rule designed to make online lenders bear more risk.
In recent weeks, a grass-roots campaign on Chinese social media dubbed “coming ashore”—a metaphor for becoming debt-free—has been gathering steam, with people sharing their experiences and regrets about overspending and borrowing.
On microblogging site Weibo and Xiaohongshu, another popular social-media platform, people have posted photos of shredded credit cards and screenshots that show them closing their online credit facilities. Some described clawing their way out of debt by reducing daily expenses and avoiding unnecessary purchases.
“A top-down crackdown on overspending has prompted a national soul-searching,” said Daniel Zhi, a partner at KPMG China who leads its financial-strategy consulting service, adding that the regulatory action has “put a lid on the whole online-lending industry.”
In November, a day before Ant’s blockbuster initial public offering was pulled, a column by an official from a division of China’s banking and insurance regulator said that while consumption is a pillar of China’s economy, financial institutions and fintech companies need to act responsibly to protect the rights and interests of their consumers.
The official, Guo Wuping, said fintech companies allowed people to borrow excessively, causing “some low-income people and young people to fall into debt traps.” He described Ant’s Huabei virtual-credit-line service as inclusive but not favorable, as some fees associated with it were higher than what banks charge on credit cards. Ant declined to comment.
Other Chinese state-media outlets have also criticized fintech platforms for encouraging young people to overspend. Last month, a report from China’s central bank said the country is trying to increase domestic consumption without relying on consumer debt. Default rates for short-term loans have been low, but officials worry about risks that could arise if excessive borrowing isn’t curtailed.
Ant, which is controlled by billionaire Jack Ma, is China’s largest provider of online short-term consumer loans. The owner of the popular payments app Alipay had the equivalent of $267 billion in outstanding consumer loans as of June, making up nearly a fifth of China’s total short-term household debt.
Ant’s personal-lending services Huabei and Jiebei—meaning “just spend” and “just borrow”—were used by about half a billion Chinese citizens in the 12 months to June alone. Most of the funding has been supplied by around 100 banks and other commercial lenders Ant partners with.
Mona Wang, a 27-year-old who works in the financial sector in the central city of Xi’an, said that at the end of last year she owed the equivalent of more than $15,000 to various online lenders and banks, including Ant’s Huabei and credit-card issuers. The debt, which totaled roughly 15 times her usual monthly income, was largely the result of her spending on Sal^atore Fe##agamo shoes and other branded items, she said.
A few months ago, during Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. ’s annual Singles Day online shopping festival, Ms. Wang said, she used Huabei to splurge on items including bottles of fiery Mouta! liquor, Lul^lemon yoga clothes, a Dyson hair dryer and a vacuum cleaner. “They just looked like bargains that you should not miss,” she said.
Ms. Wang said she later realized she had overstretched her finances and has had some sleepless nights. Fortunately, she said, a bonus she received in February helped her repay half the debt, and she is now trying to carefully manage her expenses to pay down the rest.
Ant and its peers used to run advertisements that promoted liberal spending behavior. One promoting Huabei, which ran last October, featured a 37-year-old construction worker taking his daughter to a fancy restaurant for her birthday. Another showed a delivery man who used Huabei to buy a saxophone with the words, “Don’t scrimp on the things you love.”
Ant declined to comment on the advertisements. Since the IPO was pulled, the company and its top officials have said that they are rectifying their business and that Ant has made changes to how it lends. In December the company said it had reduced credit limits for some younger borrowers to promote more rational spending habits, without providing specifics.
On Friday, Ant laid out a framework for how it would self-regulate its various digital-finance businesses. As part of this, the company said it would lend responsibly and wouldn’t extend loans to young and low-income borrowers beyond sums needed to cover their basic living expenses.
Yuzhang Wang, 26, said his Huabei credit limit was recently cut to the equivalent of about $2,500 from more than $4,600. Mr. Wang lost his job last year at a vocational-training institute in Beijing and fell behind on more than $30,000 in debt that he had racked up, including from Huabei, on outlays such as Gu@@i and Ver#sace accessories, 1Phones, and costly dinners. He said debt collectors had called him and his family, threatening lawsuits.
Mr. Wang moved back to his hometown, where he juggles working at a factory, driving for a ride-hailing company and hosting wedding parties. He has also resold some purchases online. He has managed to slash his debt by two-thirds.
Economists say they don’t expect China’s online-lending pullback to dampen overall consumer spending severely, given its importance to the economy.
“Consumption is likely to take a hit if online-lending channels are tightened and if Beijing prioritizes reining in financial risks for the short term,” said Aidan Yao, senior emerging-Asia economist at AXA Investment Managers. However, he said that Beijing wants to keep economic growth up and so wouldn’t go so far as to severely limit consumption.
Katie Chen, a Fitch director covering nonbank financial institutions in China, said regulators wouldn’t want to eliminate the entire online-lending industry: “Rather, they want to ensure online lenders do not take excessive risk that could threaten the stability of the financial system.”
Asking people who don’t get a paid day off to pony up the bus fare for the 30-minute trip to the voting center where the line is 4 hours long to cast a vote is wrong. This law change will take a 2 hour line and make it a 4 hour line. I’m still waiting for the proof of fraud.
I agree, Libturd. I assume none of the three of us read the bill’s text as of yet, but based on the article, the changes do not improve controls. Just limiting mail in voting and not combined with other changes is a joke…
Have those freedom loving GA legislatures improve controls AND accesss. Do both if they truly love what gary and more importantly gary’s father stood for all those years.
Let me know when that council president actually makes the cuts instead of just talking about them.
They are ALL the same. McConnel and Pelosi. Biden and Trump. The list is endless. You are a fool to believe that any of them are in it for anything more than to enrich themselves at your expense.
The owner of the American Dream, the mega-mall in New Jersey once billed as the future of retail, has put up nearly half of the ownership of its two largest malls to stay in business.
In March last year, just five months after it opened, American Dream was forced to shut its doors as Covid-19 surged in the US. It stayed closed until October, when some of its attractions and stores reopened.
The 3m-sq-ft mall was regarded as a litmus test for the future of brick-and-mortar shopping at a time when Amazon and online retail are taking an ever larger share of retail sales. Shopping was supposed to be just a fraction of the American Dream experience. The complex, a 30-minute drive from Manhattan, was supposed to house cinemas, restaurants, hotels and multiple theme parks, with multiple attractions having a 2020 opening date.
IF, and a big IF, we lose the US Constitution and become an authoritarian police state, regardless of the leader. It could be Trump Federation of America or United States of Amazon, Google and Apple (USAGA), or whatever.
The issue becomes, we are a police state underling. So now an average citizen will put their loyalties toward “that” police state that treats them a bit better then the other one. We all are going to have a “government chip” in our body, the issue will be which one gives us pain, no pain, or even pleasure on demand.
So yes, if you have a Trump States of America with a new found apartheid to anyone that is not white. You bet your cojones that loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party, a criminal syndicate, or any other entity will occur.
As free marketeers say – is a free market. In this case of “ideologies”, loyalty goes to whoever treats a bit better. BTW, same thing happenned under the feudal lords in Europe after the end of the Bubonic Plague, all of the sudden they had to treat their serf better or risk losing them and having to acquire new ones.
BidenIsTheGOAT says:
March 26, 2021 at 3:01 pm
Eventually the African American community has to decide if they want to adopt Marxism. Clearly it’s what they are being sold on. It’s going to tear them and possibly apart like it has elsewhere it’s been tried.
You are already a police state, and the noose is tightening. That 48 hrs I mentioned, yeah, showed how the police skirted laws and warrants using a database from
Turns out they used it to try to convict the wrong man. He got lucky.
Funny how it’s okay for them to break the law to go after you, but not okay for you to break the law.
Had one of them say hi to me. Took every bit of energy to bite my tongue and not tell him to go eff himself. Not after they tortured me.
Those 55 and older will soon be eligible for COVID vaccine in N.J., Murphy announces. Here’s new list of who qualifies.
Seriously? Wtf, all my 16 year old students are signing up the past 2 weeks. My local doctors office emailed everyone and said they have it if you want it. Who on this planet is waiting for Murphy to give you his official blessing?
When not a single analyst or commentator likes tech, and all the do is pump cyclicals and “value”(which have gone parabolic) I think its time to take the other side of the trade at this point.
Just wait until the worst governor the state has ever elected gets reelected. I would happily take ManGravy back before Murphy. He is so blatantly dishonest. Reminds me a hell of a lot like Trump.
Gay/homosexual doesn’t even factor into my decision when looking at a politician, professional, or any average person. Some of the brightest, nicest, most competent and reasonable people I know are homosexual. I’d support them in any way.
I just wouldn’t date them. Not my thing. Not even after the divorce from hell.
Tech down 20-40% with sustainable growth for years to come. I will take any day over the “value” that has gone parabolic and is in a bubble. Those cyclicals have a few quarters of growth and then they go bust.
McGreevy was in over his head and Charlie Kushner owned him lock stock and barrel. When Kushner went down it was all over, McGreevy was an ambitious guy but he didn’t have the stomach to do what needed to be done to be the machine politician his benefactors wanted. Murphy is arguably much worse than Corzine yet somehow the idiots in this state will vote for him, he is making me wish for the fat man again.
On China how much is real and how much is a mirage? Remember this is a country that grossly violates human rights and basically has forced labor camps. When the labor has no rights and you have nothing but people infrastructure can appear overnight. The same is true of so called “technological lead” the Chinese have, they have a huge pool of cheap engineers so they can build all kinds of cr@p for all kinds of purposes. All the core infrastructure is IP from the USA, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Europe/UK, the Chinese have had to steal a lot of this. Mind you all smart phones for all intents and purposes run on either Apple or Google, running on processors designed in the USA and manufactured in Taiwan. No one is using cash because the government doesn’t want them to they want insight into how money moves, they are scared sh*tless of bitcoin.
The people admiring China are the same people who in 1930 would have been extolling the virtues of the N@zi regime(clean streets, no crime, economic advancement, technology). I’m sorry I don’t care what the quality of life is I’d never look at living in a place like China with rose colored glass. For everyone’t benefit lets hope the Chinese regime collapses.
My old neighbor learned Mandarin in college and got business job traveling between China and the US. He’s done this for over 20 years. Last year, they detained him for a month when he was on his way back to the US. He has no idea why. But it scared him so much, he refuses to go back there.
I don’t admire China because of their rights violations. Though, I won’t deny that they are a legitimate foe and growing stronger by the day. I wouldn’t say the same for us. That’s really all. I am distinctly aware of their censorship and lack of individual rights. None the less, that type of blindness and loyalty can be very dangerous in war.
What a week at work. Working at a sh$tty IB you really see how f-ed the whole system is. The rules and strategies are all centered around not paying people or paying the least regardless of market. We will do anything to not hire tech in US. 90 open roles in our tech tower, 95% of them are in Pune, 30 roles are in my group as 3 major rewrites. They froze us for 3 months and now fuked. Business is ticked and now IT mgt on our a$$ to hire. 25 interviews 6 offers and 6 rejects as higher offers. Mgt does not get, wont boost pay levels and just wants us to beat up Infosys and Wipro. They want us to track why candidates are declining in India. Wake up, the answer is always they got more money. Mgt won’t switch to hiring a single role in US. Our 2021 projects are dead. Yet, not one job contact here is US for my tech background. Amazing
Jcer: I don’t think anyone here admires China, I certainly don’t. But there is real concern, that they will overtake us and end up the dominant economic/ military power in the world. I know there are crazy leftists in this country who would love to see that. As well as in other parts of the world. That is the choice going forward who will be the dominant player in the world going forward, the US or China. It’s always been that way. I would like to think most people would rather the USA, we are certainly no saints, but we are far better in China. Meanwhile the mainstream left in this country just keep screaming about Russia and that awful Putin.
I always find it fascinating talking to people from different cultures/countries realizing that it is one person’s perspective. I always ask them their thoughts of the US and what their country’s media presents about us. Had an interesting conversation with the guys from Gogol Bordello about their experiences growing up in Russia and the Ukraine.
I work with a recent Russian immigrant. He says our government is going down the same path as his did about 30 years ago. He says it’s a huge mistake. This is a very smart guy. He had a balanced opinion of Trump. Liked his trade policies. Hated his immigration policies and personality.
One constant it seems is that when a country is in turmoil toilet paper is always in short supply. A couple of years ago when someone was telling me they were sending toilet paper to friends in Venezuela, I thought that wouldn’t happen here.
What a week at work. Working at a sh$tty IB you really see how f-ed the whole system is. The rules and strategies are all centered around not paying people or paying the least regardless of market. We will do anything to not hire tech in US.
Talley reportedly held a master’s degree in computer science, but he switched careers around age 40.
“I can tell you that he’s a very kind man and he didn’t have to go into policing, he had a profession before this, but he felt a higher calling,”
“It was remarkable to me that somebody would go to law enforcement from IT,” Jeremy Herko, who is now a lieutenant with the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office, told The Washington Post. “He lost pay. He lost time away from his family. He joined the police academy without a guaranteed job.”
One thing for sure. Between the virus, the social division at home 99% by economic struggle,the newly belligerent chinese communist, and the blocked Sues canal. It has showed that globalization was a pile of horse manure dreamt up by the drug addled greedy boomers and is going to die off with them in the next decade.
Intel planning to open a plant (or 2) and trying to evolve to a fab that can serve other customers like Apple, Microsoft, Google etc. They lost so much time and talent in the last decade by not opening up their technology, not seeing the mobile transformation, being cocky for cloud leadership which they are losing by minute, choosing MBA marketing folks to run the company instead of the fine scientist tradition. Now they brought back the guy who participated to the x86 revolution. Good luck. It is a bit late. The hard technology secrets are no longer within the country limits. The STEM graduates don’t want to the hard work and commit to a risky hardware career. The software sector and fabless companies are pumped with so much VC money that nobody invests in a 5-10 year physical goods. I wish them luck but they are in so much constraints only a government guarantee would help them succeed.
TSM is investing in AZ too and they will have much more success. This line of business takes decades to develop and perfect.
I said this because of the IB experience mentioned above. It is very hard to revert the force of outsourcing and cheap labor. Perhaps a war, or the threat of it can change this in the long run. Economic forces alone will find the least path of resistance.
All that driving means the Mouth Breathers will infect us all with Covid. Getting my first vaccine shot today in Atlantic City.
Anecdotal train station parking lot had about 50 cars yesterday, it”s been 20 or less cars for a year now. Lot holds about 250 cars. People are getting lockdown fatigue and will start to live dangerously.
MTA Subway ridership has improved a little perhaps 8% since the worst days of the pandemic.
Date Ridership % Change From Pre-Pandemic Equivalent Day
Tuesday, 3/23/21 1,878,917 -67.0%
Monday, 3/22/21 1,802,994 -66.7%
Sunday, 3/21/21 1,012,372 -58.1%
Saturday, 3/20/21 1,306,827 -56.8%
Friday, 3/19/21 1,909,471 -65.3%
Thursday, 3/18/21 1,774,042 -68.1%
Wednesday, 3/17/21 1,869,583 -67.2%
Tuesday, 3/16/21 1,801,500 -68.0%
Monday, 3/15/21 1,733,158 -67.9%
Sunday, 3/14/21 923,968 -62.1%
NJ to get 500k vaccine doses next week – picking up speed. We’ll be at 1/3rd population vaccinated soon.
Israel appears to be hitting the wall, they are going to need to start vaccinating teens to keep pace.
It seems Nobody wants to come back to work in Manhattan from Long Island.
Date Ridership % Change From Pre-Pandemic Equivalent Day
Tuesday, 3/23/21 83,100 -73%
Monday, 3/22/21 84,200 -73%
Sunday, 3/21/21 34,700 -60%
Saturday, 3/20/21 41,700 -61%
Friday, 3/19/21 80,000 -74%
Thursday, 3/18/21 76,500 -76%
Wednesday, 3/17/21 81,400 -74%
Tuesday, 3/16/21 77,700 -75%
The bump we saw last summer wasn’t work commuters, it was the revival of the great American road trip, or just aimlessly driving around to get out.
You can see this with the HUGE weekend peaks last summer.
NJ Path Ridership still sucking wind down about 79%.
Latest # is from January.
January 2021 UPTOWN 12,899 average daily VS 60,906 in January 2020
January 2021 WTC 13,097 average daily VS 63,724 in January 2020
UST 10 rallying back to support at 158
Chi – Japan was selling, won’t last into April per Morgan Stanley.
Wayne park and ride has more daily cars for sure, but it’s still a ghost town.
I remember having to fight for daily spots there pre-covid.
Juice Two or 3 cars in my train parking lot everyday, at most. Funny though the 2 or 3 cars are always parked right next to each other.
My doom for the day. They are saying it could take a few more weeks to clear the sues canal, and the delay will exacerbate Europe’s COVID caused port issues. And further mess up their supply chain.
Unemployment lowest since pandemic started. Thank you President Biden
Moving average takes sharp downturn. I read an article claiming NJ was dumping cases from 2020 into the data. Not sure about the veracity of that. But either way, it appears to be possibly a sharp downslope from here into the warm weather. Most states rapidly approached late spring/summer baseline very quickly.
So it looks like a temporary scare from more transmissible forms of the virus and we get bailed out by warm weather and uv light. Doctors office emailed all their clients two days ago, they have the vaccine available for anyone that wants to schedule an appointment. The next 4 weeks are crucial.
You got that wrong Trolling. If this was Trump reporting on the unemployment numbers, there would be a list of endless accomplishments. Try this.
Due to my mere existence, the jump in minority employment and especially black employment was the greatest biweekly jump in the history of the greatest economy ever. My predecessor couldn’t do this in eight years. And it’s only going to get better you see. I have created more jobs than jobs themselves. I know it sounds impossible, but look it up.
Trollingfasteddie says:
March 25, 2021 at 8:59 am
“Thank you President Biden”
Yeah, thanks Joe…
I could go on, but why bother.
Does not fit narrative….. must suppress….
The surge in illegal immigration across the southern U.S. border is shaping up to be the biggest in 20 years. Unlike migrant surges in 2019 and 2014, which were predominantly made up of Central American families and unaccompanied children, so far this one is being driven by individual adults.
Most of the migrants are Mexicans, often men in search of work with the pandemic easing and the U.S. economy set to boom. Apprehensions at the southern border totaled 382,000 from the beginning of the fiscal year in October through February, up 42% compared to the same period of 2019—a year that saw the highest number of apprehensions since 2007. In 2020, the influx of migrants plummeted due to the pandemic.
Forget driving, look at that walking data!
Great to see people out walking, getting healthier.
The increase in walking may save more lives than the Vaccine.
Trollingfasteddie says:
March 25, 2021 at 8:59 am
“Thank you President Biden”
Yeah, thanks Joe…
I could go on, but why bother…
If anyone really wants to get sick to their stomachs, do the math on the operating costs of passenger rail running at 20% capacity. It’s absolutely sickening. $1.5 billion of their $2.6 billion budget is labor and benefits. Approximately 14% of their current budget is coming from fares. The rest is coming from Federal Covid stimulus. So when Murphy proudly announces that he has not raised fares, it’s because he could double them and it wouldn’t even make a dent in the shortfall.
The latest I found data for was 2010. NJT rail was losing $2.33 per mile per passenger. NJT buses, 41 cents per mile per passanger. In comparison to 2019, their ridership is nearly identical.
Why are we operating trains that cost five times the amount of buses to operate, when we have enough buses to easily handle the capacity needed to carry ALL of NJ Transits current heavy rail passengers?
Back of the envelope math would put NJ Transit cost savings at over 1 billion dollars. And these people are not going to be needed post covid either. Realistically, NJ Transit can half their employment budget and still operate easily. Honestly, they could probably cut 2/3rds of it. That would be 1.7 billion dollars in annual savings. Nah. Better to borrow 4 million and keep everyone sitting around twiddling their fingers.
I’ll leave this here.
Trollingfasteddie says:
March 25, 2021 at 8:59 am
“Thank you President Biden”
Yeah, thanks Joe…
I could go on, but why bother…
Meant 4 billion of course.
Biden news conference alert 1:15PM EDT
Everyone knows mass shooters are white
…… and our thoughts turn to Spring renewal….
Forget driving, look at that walking data!
Great to see people out walking, getting healthier.
The increase in walking may save more lives than the Vaccine.
There wasn’t an increase in walking. The country got much heavier this past year.
Now a very small study using objective measures — weight measurements from Bluetooth-connected smart scales — suggests that adults under shelter-in-place orders gained more than half a pound every 10 days.
That translates to nearly two pounds a month, said Dr. Gregory M. Marcus, senior author of the research letter, published on Monday in the peer-reviewed JAMA Network Open. Americans who kept up their lockdown habits could easily have gained 20 pounds over the course of a year, he added.
I was looking to take my young kids riding every single day in April when Murphy decided it was a good idea to close a 25 mile bike path in my town until friggin June! I wasn’t ready to take novice riders on the road so the bike rides were taken off the table. Hooray for public health!
BRT: Average weight gain for adults was 29 pounds, one in ten I believe gained 50. This was on a report I read somewhere recently.
I’m in the 20 pound club. Haven’t really eaten more, but lack of walking killed me. Been reversing the effects lately.
Looking for a house and trying to be able to move fast when the right one comes along.
Question for you if I may: Measuring humidity in basement walls and floors – I understand for the floor, I need a device that works with concrete and for the walls, something that can be used with sheetrock, wood paneling or other as I won’t know what walls are made of until I am in the home. I have read pros and cons on pin and pin-less meters. Any info appreciated.
On another note, you have an Ascent. Any issues with the battery or electric short in systems discharging battery?
Thanks much,
I have reached an all time high!! Two-Fiddy. Literally have no excuse other than I like to eat….a lot. My first bought with Covid left me skinnier than I had been in ages. That lasted about 4 weeks.
Lost weight actually about 12 lbs. Mainly from not eating out all the time breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have been walking and riding my bike but not much else.
I lost 10 pounds from March to September. Gained 6 back from September to now. Plan on losing more now that it’s getting nicer. Going to just shoot hoops for an hour with the kids.
11:17 Subaru battery issue and windshield issue BOTH are very real. You will replace your windshield and your battery. My 2018 needed both. Battery is apparently undersized for the car so it dies early. Windshield is anyone’s guess. I love my flat 6 though and would buy one of those is you can still find one. The turbo 4….meh.
Up 15 at one point, lost half of that. Working on dropping the rest of it, now that weather is getting nice. I will be back to my normal weight of years.
Thanks EX.
For those trying to shed a couple of pounds, has a lot of great workouts for free. Choose from a menu, what you want to do, HIT, upper, lower, with equipment, without, whatever you want. Also reasonable programs, I think like 5 weeks for $20.
Black Mountain Products makes nice resistance bands. Unlike weights where resistance is only one direction, you are under load both directions. Buy direct or on Amazon.
“3b says:
March 23, 2021 at 6:31 pm
Hold: Exactly! And some are the same people that claim NJ schools are the best, and states like Delaware and Rhode Island have horrible school systems, yet they turn around and send their kids to these state schools, where the overwhelming majority of the students are from the same supposedly awful school systems. Go figure!!”
3b, figures from the National Center for Educational Statistics show University of Delaware undergraduate enrollment at 57% out-of-state and University of Rhode Island at 58%.
Can you defend your “overwhelming majority” assertion?
NJ schools are better (debatable by how much), but once you get to college, IQ is more important and anyone can play catch up very quickly. Schooling system needs to lay the foundation, that’s all. Unfortunately, with over a year of no real school for some kids, that foundation is now missing bricks.
Judging by the service issues I run into nearly every place I go, NJ’s public school’s ain’t THAT great.
Someone gave us a Chipotle Gift Card, swore I would never order from there again due to past mishaps. Put in an order at 6pm for 6:45pm pick up. ASAP was available. Get to store at 6:45pm, there is no line in store except for the mobile order pickup queue which is 15 deep (including a bunch of uber pissed uber eats drivers). Manager yells out, anyone else from 6:15pm pickup? Then sick of listening to all of the complaining, sends us all out of the store to wait outside claiming Covid protocol. Before I leave I ask him why the 4 people in the assembly line for in-store orders aren’t helping? He says, they can’t read the screens where the mobile orders pop up. I say, well why don’t you just print the receipt. He says, they won’t have the labels then. I said, print the labels too. He is starting to blow up now. At 7:15 I get my order. The bag nearly rips open in the parking lot and when I get home, D’s chocolate milk was missing.
I’m guessing Pump’s was the manager’s teacher.
Essex, the wife had a Foster years ago and it would go through a windshield a year, figured they would figure it out by now.
I think NJ schools are actually pretty good but rather unforgiving. I am seeing a similar thing in the public school in my town. Tenure emboldens mediocre teachers into thinking they are wonderful. “That” is not my statement BTW but came from a long-time Principal I know. I miss tenure like anyone would, I now work in a smaller school so I also took a pay cut. But I do like what I do. In my experience you can have kids with great pedigrees and minds, but it is up to them whether or not they use them. So much of school comes down to peer groups for kids and you can watch this unfold like any parent. Old-school pushing is hard for some parents and we exercise our share, but for teachers it is somewhat troublesome. We have gone from Top Down to some weird ‘client-centered’ model of teaching which really opens things up to what the student ‘wants’….very few want rigor. Very few want that hardcore roadmap to success.
did you see they now offer quesadillas! They’ve offered them for 10 years. But all of the sudden, everyone is excited about them. Good marketing. I’ll never understand Chipotle stock. It’s like the tech stock of fast food. But yes, I posted about my weird experience a few months ago where I went in to order and they were only doing mobile. But the guy asks me to call up on the phone right there while I stand in front of them and order. I still like the place but I go like twice a year at this point.
Y0: Univ Delaware enrollment might have changed from the time period I was referencing, for my oldest. A large part of the UD outside enrollment is from NJ I am sure. Does not change my analysis, all these Jersey kids going to school with the Delaware kids whose school system we are told is horrible. As for URI, I believe they are part of the New England states programs those states have with their state universities.
My older son got the quesadilla and loved it. I opted for the healthy cauliflower rice in a bowl (to be healthy). To call what I ordered a soggy salad would be a compliment. There was absolutely no care taken whatsoever. With the cauliflower, it was a $13 salad.
NJ Coast: I see your daughter is part of a panel at a Westchester Cornell Club event…. cool!
Credible numbers show most UD and URI students come from out of state, not “overwhelmingly majority” in state as you put in writing.
On the topic of NJ real estate, if anyone cares, here are the year to date stats through February:
Sales +13%
Homes for sale -48%
Median sales price +22%
My friend who is a Cornell professor gave testimony to the House Financial Services Committee last week. Pretty cool. Was complementary of Maxine Waters, at least in terms of how Waters treated people, professional courtesy, and making an effort to do small things. Totally belies my impression of Waters’ public persona.
Think about it….. selection bias. UD is going to draw a good number of the better Delaware kids. UD as a Jersey graduate is quite a middling option……
3b says:
March 25, 2021 at 3:03 pm
Y0: Univ Delaware enrollment might have changed from the time period I was referencing, for my oldest. A large part of the UD outside enrollment is from NJ I am sure. Does not change my analysis, all these Jersey kids going to school with the Delaware kids whose school system we are told is horrible. As for URI, I believe they are part of the New England states programs those states have with their state universities.
Yo: Does not change anything, I acknowledged my numbers were off on UD from
when my oldest was looking. I also noted that URI has intestate agreements with other New England states. Ironic, that Delaware and Rhode Island are always criticized for their supposedly lousy schools , yet many Jersey kids attend them. And to Chgos point yes I would assume those schools draw some of their best kids, but certainly not all of them. My friends Daughter went to James Madison, graduated, about 10 years ago. He told me all the first year Jersey kids were housed in a separate dorm, close by to a dog food factory. The school had an understanding with the factory that on parents/ family day the company would not make any food due to the smell.
Anyhow I will leave it at that. Send your kid where you want. But this NJ has the best schools is tiresome. I honestly was not all that impressed.
And for those who remember:
Ex: my grandmother was Garfunkel’s piano teacher. Simon was in my mom’s first grade class. Nothing but the dead and dying back in my little town is fcuking Kew Gardens Hills. A bunch of Hasids now…
I saw “Yes” do that Simon and Garfunkel tune.
My dad had that cassette S&G Concert in Central Park, in his car. Whenever we went somewhere, it was a choice between Frank, S & G or Engelbert Humperdink. I know every lyric, every talk-up between songs and the two clear lyrical fukc-ups by Art, like my TD Ameritrade Login. That version of America and the crowd roaring when they mention the NJ Turnpike was pretty phenomenal.
I was lucky enough to see their last reunion show in AC in 2010. Gator and I were the youngest people there by about 30 years. That was the third to last show they performed. It was clear, Paul was doing a big favor for Art. Shame. Simon has quite a solo catalog and much of it, especially the African stuff is really good. Took my older son to see him about three years ago in Tahoe at a concert at the lake, which is simply a great venue.
Holy shi!…48% drop in inventory. Anyone with any kind of business sense, do the math equation.
“On the topic of NJ real estate, if anyone cares, here are the year to date stats through February:
Sales +13%
Homes for sale -48%
Median sales price +22%”
I told you this time would come…
When real estate is stagnant for 10 years in one of the hottest real estate markets on the planet (nyc metro), consider it an enormous buying opportunity. I’m a sucker for calling it out 8 years in advance, but not buying more. Unfortunately, I was in way too invested in real estate.
For Fast Eddie:
I saw all ten of the people killed at that King Soopers shooting were white. Are journalists hot on the trail of this possibly being a racially-motivated hate crime? Or perhaps a religious motivation?
Since his name is Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, journalists are careful to jump to no conclusions whatsoever, unlike other shootings that offer greater identity politics opportunities.
I was at the Central Park S & G concert when dinosaurs walked the earth. I’ve fed Art a few times over the years. Very quirky guy. He once summoned my daughter out of the green room to help him put on his eyeliner. Chifi – Not the daughter who is on the Westchester Cornell Club panel. I had no idea, she’s pretty low key about her accomplishments.
S&G Central Park is the best performance of Sound of Silence ever.
Cheat sheets and he repeatedly lost his train of thought. I listened to it on while on the road. He’s shot, merely a puppet for his handlers.
For the short of memory, who needs notes??
He’s an illegitimate president and walking corpse who needs a kids menu to parrot lines that have no meaning to his pitted brain. It represents the whole sham that is the democrat party. As I was driving yesterday, I noticed the houses with American flags and thought about the ones that didn’t during the campaign and thereafter. The left and their toadies don’t like America, don’t like what it stands for and feel no allegiance to our classical roots. Personal failure breeds resentment and resentment breeds self-loathing. Something or someone let them down. Every week is a new protest, a new reason to finger-point, a new villain to blame. The sight of the American flag and classic ideology triggers anger because the progressive mind feels that they are not a part of it and have been left behind.
For the umpteenth time I ask, Fast Eddie, what is “classic American ideology? Be specific. Layout what that means in detail!
He ain’t all there. It’s that simple. If he was your grandfather, at this point, you would have confiscated his car keys so he can’t drive to McDonalds on his own. That’s basically what we did for mine. One of us drove him every morning for 4 years straight. We also opened all his outgoing mail to stop him from mailing out money to fraudsters.
While we are at it, please explain why Biden is an illegitimate president. How do you know the political ideology of the person flying an American flag at their home if there isn’t a campaign sign on their lawn? Have you ever considered that people who disagree with you can still love this country?
Earlier this week you were making yourself a martyr saying what an austere lifestyle you live. Does that include the BMW and the house with the fancy Bergen County address? You are just a bag of wind!
Flying or not flying the American flag does not make you a good or bad American, stuff that mindset is just as worrisome as some of the nonsense on the left, that if you don’t agree with all of their policies or positions on various issues, then you are suspect and must be silenced. These extremist positions on both sides are in the process of destroying this country.
For Eddie
WSJ editorial excerpt
“He’s been less President than Prime Minister of the Pelosi-Schumer government.”
Chgo: Biden says the filibuster is a relic of Jim Crow era, yet he did nothing in his almost 50 years in D.C. against it, and in fact defended it in the past. The hypocrisy from the Democrats is just astounding to me.
“These extremist positions on both sides are in the process of destroying this country.”
Hell yeah. I ran into perhaps the third centrist I’ve met in the past decade or so yesterday. We had to get a new washer installed, since the timer on our super cheapo 11 year old GE went bad and there is not a replacement to be found for under $250. That whole washer cost me $425 back in 2011. Shame too, because it really was a well designed machine. I even checked for used parts and apparently, this part was so suspect that GE ran out of them nearly 5 years ago. It’s crazy. When I try to buy appliances, the less options/buttons, the more reliable as there is less to break. In this case, besides the start button, there was only this one knob. Well that one knob is great until it’s the thing that breaks. Did the due diligence and got an LG. Same design, impeller, top loading and high efficiency (less water/soap/etc.) and energy star rated too. Will cost $13 a year to operate. Unfortunately, it was only available as a smart device, which is kind of cool, but completely unnecessary. Kind of like the refrigerators with the iPad built in. Machine cost $800, but is huge. As we approach three years from selling our place, we are slowly making smart upgrades. My next project is to replace the broken tiles on my fireplace hearth and perhaps put a marble/granite/quartz(who knows) face on it. We don’t use it any longer since it is so inefficiently designed.
Still no judgement from our case with the town, so no third floor upgrade yet.
Oh yeah, the washer installer was the centrist. He was from the DR and was complaining to me how he’s been busier than ever since those checks came out. He said, none of the people he’s installed washer’s for seemed to have needed it. I said, exactly, but we both supported the government helping those in need. He then says, I didn’t get one since I’m essential. I said, welcome to my world. He then said he paid 12K in taxes over what was withheld and I said, welcome to my world again. He went on to explain how he hated Trump, but supported about half of his policies. I’m not sure what Home Depot is paying him, but it’s some pretty good scratch apparently.
Washers for everyone! The Korean government must be exuberant.
Does that include the BMW and the house with the fancy Bergen County address?
30 plus years of eating shit and working my @ss off and I have to apologize for having a decent house and car? Not. And I never felt like a martyr by not taking trips and cruises and buying fancy toys. I’m okay with a snack and a movie.
Obviously the anti Asian violence scare campaign is the next chapter in the leftist narrative. I wasn’t sure where they were taking it but it’s now clear.
Nothing new really. Categorize everyone. Then whip up fear of some boogeyman, in this case anti Asian mobs and then promise protection.
The same tired playbook. Never mind the fact that the left has been pushing policies to target Asian achievement for years.
Lib: It’s tough being a centrist, you are suspect on both sides. I have been labeled all sorts of things by Democrats and Republicans. I refuse to buy the BS from either side. I have always been that way, never registering for either party. I call issues as I see them, not through the prism of Democrat/ Republican, left/right.
WSJ Editorial Excerpt
The President was at his most dishonest in addressing the Senate legislative filibuster. Asked if the 60-vote threshold is a legacy of racist Jim Crow, Mr. Biden said yes. But then what was Senator Biden doing in 2006 joining a filibuster attempt (which failed) against Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ?
On Wednesday Sen. Ben Sasse, the Nebraska Republican, did the public service of reading Mr. Biden’s entire hour-long 2005 speech defending the filibuster on the Senate floor.
“If there is one thing this country stands for it’s fair play—not tilting the playing field in favor of one side or the other, not changing the rules unilaterally. We play by the rules, and we win or lose by the rules,” Mr. Sasse quoted Vintage Joe of 2005. “That quintessentially American trait is abandoned in the ‘nuclear option.’ Republican Senators as well as Democratic ones have benefited from minority protections. Much more importantly, American citizens have benefited from the Senate’s check on the excesses of the majority.”
But on Thursday Mr. Biden toed the new Democratic Party line that the filibuster is being “abused in a gigantic way,” and he pointed to statistics from last year. Readers may recall that in 2020 Democrats were in the minority and used the filibuster to block GOP proposals, including Sen. Tim Scott’s bipartisan police reform. Were Democrats racists then, and was Mr. Biden in 2005?
I’ll never fly nor salute an American flag until I see justice (liberty and justice for all) and since I don’t expect to ever see it I that’s one less thing for me to concern myself about.
Let’s not also forget the Islamic shooter in CO who killed 10 white folks was let in under one of the Schumer visas from a country that was in the travel ban. Easy to connect the dots.
We can’t vet these people yet we let them in anyway. Collateral damage in the quest of the left to establish a permanent one party rule.
He said, none of the people he’s installed washer’s for seemed to have needed it.
Just like kitchen cabinets and other appliances. Many rarely go bad, but 50k kitchens make women happy.
How many Asians need to be attacked before GOAT and No One believe they are being targeted? Do you believe Dylann Roof just happened to shoot up a Black church? When is it no longer a coincidence? You both supported a president who made racist statements about Asians related to the pandemic.
The Biden presidency is so interwoven with the propaganda industry narratives that they are inseparable. There is no separation from what I can see. They probably drop a script off at the White House every day.
Sure most of the immigrants running over the border are just hard working people, but like any other group there is a certain percentage that are a problem.
So now you have more potential problems.
America truly is a joke. We lock our doors, put Ring cameras up, gates, fences. Have military bases on the borders of other countries. Yet we let people just walk into the country, plenty of them unchecked.
We’re spending 250 billion dollars to replace our entire coast guard fleet.
You can walk right in covid positive. It’s insane.
30 year,
I was attacked, and I am not Asian. I was attacked by the system designed to prevent attacks.
Well maybe if they prosecuted the bastards who waste resources on someone like me-the Amy Coopers of America, they might have some resources to help Asians.
And the way you know just how screwed up our politicians are, here is another Cuomo special:
“Callers who deliberately make false reports based on their race, gender, or religion, can find themselves facing charges for a hate crime.”
Why not just make it a major crime to make a false report? Does it have to have any of those other defining characteristics in order for hate to exist?
America is getting what it deserves.
Biden is brain dead, anyone who isn’t can see that.
He says he is going to run again in 4 years. He can’t even walk.
This country desperately needs additional parties- and rank choice voting, or it’s going the way of the Roman Empire.
“Yet we let people just walk into the country, plenty of them unchecked.”
Well those are your future Democrats. And now you know why the Republicans love that wall.
Crime, nah. Drugs, nah. Jobs, nah. Votes, yup.
Makes absolutely no sense. Or maybe it does…the country needs population growth, so maybe these are the poor fools picked to fill our poverty ranks. They will consume products and do the jobs that nobody wants, aka economic growth for the players at the top.
“Yet we let people just walk into the country, plenty of them unchecked”
If you don’t think there is an economic and cultural impact to importing 10s of millions of uneducated poor you’re wrong.
Here’s another half baked liberal philosophy. Open the border to let in unlimited unskilled labor and raise minimum wage for legal workers.
WTF? The only end I can think of is to increase msssively the number of people dependent on the democrat largesse. Big step toward soci@lism.
They also don’t respect education like Asian and European immigrants, leading to a group of citizens that will always be poor. You don’t have to worry about them all moving up since they are illegal.
Dominion Voting Systems has filed a $1.6bn (£1.2bn) defamation lawsuit against Fox News over false claims
America embraces it’s bull shite and deep fakes. Being “clever” and sneaky, winning at all costs is an endearing quality to have. Getting over on one another, using 50 coupons to save that last nickel, tricking people with fine print, the whole country is infested with snake oil salesmen. And if you can’t be slick or bright enough, then just be a nasty Karen and attack your way into getting what you feel you deserve.
Love the cop story from Bolder. The hero. Gave up his high paying IT job to be a lowly police officer in order to give back to his community. Well, I for one don’t buy this line of crap. Plenty of posters on here fighting for IT jobs that are being outsourced with headhunters offering them pennies for their work. How much you want to bet that Mr. Hero Officer was probably in the same situation. How much of a pay cut you going to take with 7 kids anyway, or did you need the security of the bennies and pension for your brood?
Teachers are paid to teach. Doctors are paid to provide healthcare. Roofers put on roofs. A roofer that falls off a roof is not a hero. He is unlucky. Well, same with a police officer that gets shot. That’s part of the job, is it not? It’s the risk you take by taking that job and you are rewarded by a lifetime pension at 20 years should you survive.
A volunteer fireman is a hero. A neighbor that runs in a burning building and saves the neighbor is a hero. A drafted military soldier who dies in combat is a hero.
When you take a check you are no longer a hero, it’s your job. Get over it.
Except their kids go to urban schools largely where they are being indoctrinated into leftist causes. There is almost no educating taking place.
They are being groomed to be Activists, social reformers, all types of leftist operatives. it’s going to end very badly.
A 30-year-old MIT graduate was found dead in his Chicago apartment on Tuesday. Theodore Hilk was found surrounded by bomb-making equipment for three different explosive devices, and had two active pipe bombs stored in his refrigerator. The discovery, which police initially thought was a meth lab, sparked an evacuation of two floors of the Streeterville apartment block. The Chicago Fire Department later uncovered Azide, a substance most often used commercially as a detonator for large explosives, in Hilk’s flat. How Hilk got hold of the cache of explosives and what he intended to use them for remains unclear.
The migrants that are coming in now, will be in competition with the ones that are already here, and American employers that use them will take advantage of that. And this madness will continue. Then on the social side throw in the Pepe Le Phew nonsense and all the rest of the faux outrage, and we just continue the rapid decline. Oh and the Fed and their don’t worry about inflation, although it appears to me they already are. So we I will say this Trump is right about one thing, the Chinese are indeed laughing at us.
“the country needs population growth,”
Well, if Karen would shut her mouth, stop complaining about her husband, how bad her life is, how she needs more and more clothes, a bigger house, and more money maybe her life would be better.
Maybe instead of droning on about raising her children, how she can’t wait to send them off to school so she can sit on the couch and get drunk on whine watching the lifetime channel and instead embraced them her life would get better.
All of these white woman racists, had they just had more children themselves instead of chasing the almighty dollar, might not have become the minority they are now becoming. Women control the birth rate. A man makes no decisions after the 10 minutes are up- she decides. So if white women are having a problem with minorities all they need to do is look in the mirror cause it’s their decisions that made them minorities.
You don’t like it, step up your game.
On the bias of the shooter. His family was from Syria. He was raised here. Trump’s ban on travel from Muslim countries had nothing to do with it.
“Today, the 21-year-old suspect Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa will appear in court for the first time to face 10 counts of murder charges. Born in Syria and raised in the U.S., the suspect was described by his brother as paranoid, antisocial and mentally ill, according to The Daily Beast. His only previous criminal record was a 2018 misdemeanor assault against another high school student, which was reportedly in response to ethnic slurs and taunts. His “identity was previously known to the F.B.I.” because he was linked to the subject of another investigation, according to The New York Times.”
My best guess, and I’ll carefully qualify it as that, is that it sounds like he was sick of the bullying and took it out on the group most likely responsible for it. This is why Trump’s hateful populist politics is one big fail. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Neither does calling Barrack O’Bama by his Muslim sounding middle name (Hussein) every chance possible.
So not only did these politics embolden hatred, but of course, maintaining easier access to higher volume firearms was also promoted.
You really don’t get to have it both ways. That’s all I’m saying.
The Chinese are not “laughing at us”.
These are ridiculous statements gleaned from
the rights’ pathetic talking points. Biden may be right when
he wonders aloud if the Republican Party will still exist in 2024.
“it’s going to end very badly”
Yes it will.
“Chinese are indeed laughing at us.”
Yes they are.
Well, maybe not. Kamala the attorney is on the job now. She has the Midas touch.
“If you don’t think there is an economic and cultural impact to importing 10s of millions of uneducated poor you’re wrong.”
There absolutely is. We should absolutely be able to handle it like we always have. Or is America just a bunch of flag waving puzzies?
“My best guess, and I’ll carefully qualify it as that, is that it sounds like he was sick of the bullying and took it out on the group most likely responsible for it. This is why Trump’s hateful populist politics is one big fail.”
So it’s your logic that Trump is the reason this person was bullied?
America has been fighting in the Middle East- ummm, almost like forever.
That is nothing new at all. Where that propaganda started I don’t know, but that Middle East crap is something we need to get the hell out of and let everyone over there fight it out themselves. Trump was withdrawing troops. That’s the right idea.
Essex: Stop with the right wing nonsense crap. You proved my point exactly, if you don’t like something you label it and the person right wing. Is that perhaps because it makes you uncomfortable? As perhaps it’s true? Look at how we are tearing ourselves apart over a lot of crap that is just mindless BS, like Pepe Le Phew. Yes the Chinese are laughing at us, as they continue to rise, and we decline. You are a teacher at least entertain the fact that there is validity to the statement.
Lib: We simply don’t know at this point if we can handle millions more in the 21st century, with automation, job outsourcing, AI and all the rest. Time will tell.
That’s the irony in all this…democrats allowing more people to come here that will directly lower the wages of all low skilled workers by doing it for less because they will live in a one room apartment with 5 other people. Talk about playing out your supporters.
3b says:
March 26, 2021 at 10:25 am
The migrants that are coming in now, will be in competition with the ones that are already here, and American employers that use them will take advantage of that.
Phoenix: We should have all of our troops out of the Middle East. There will never be peace or stability there. Let the Chinese and Russians have it. Although you would think the Russians would have learned from Afghanistan.
Well, maybe not laughing, but clearly strategizing. One way to take over a country is to overpopulate it. You can do that without firing a shot.
Just keep importing more of your own, have them reproduce using your resources and you are good to go.
Viruses do the same thing. They hijack your machinery in order to make more copies of themselves.
The winner will be the race that has the least whiny women and the most babies. And white American women are the most whiny and needy of the bunch. Don’t expect much output from them.
3B these talking points are obvious and laughable.
It’s like you think everyone is as dumb as the folks who spout
this nonsense. The looney toons reference is also foolish.
China is absolutely laughing at us. Not at the Republicans or the Dems though. At our country as a whole. As we continue to bail out the rich at the expense of the middle and poor. They are on a resource buying spree to ensure that their brand of soc1alism will continue to improve the lives of all of their people. I am not talking about rights here. I am talking about looking at their country with an unbiased eye. Are they currently behind us. Sure! Will they be much longer? Judging by the lack of impact the tariffs had on their economy? Probably not.
People in this country are so fed up with corrupt politics that many won’t even trust a vaccine or can be trusted to quarantine when infected with a deadly virus. Lord knows contact tracing didn’t happen here.
In a war between China and us, I would be praying our technology and innovation would give us the upper hand. Lord knows the will of our soldiers won’t. And this is no knock on our military heroes. It’s just that loyalty is much stronger under most soc1alist regimes than corrupt capitalists.
I agree. Get them out permanently. And what the Russians learned from Afghanistan is how dirty America really is.
“And white American women are the most whiny and needy of the bunch. Don’t expect much output from them.” That is only if someone falls for one of those types of women. Believe me, others exist and I can tell you they will carry the future on their shoulders.
As this Colorado shooting plays out, I think it will end up being the story of a mentally ill dude (probably autistic) getting sick of the anti-muslim taunting than the U.S. actions in the Middle East. The Syrian’s I know in the United States are not the proud to be Muslim type. They tend to love Syrian culture, but not so much the quran. Especially the ones who emigrate legally to the United States.
America is run by corporate owned politicians that are attorneys. That’s all you need to know. It’s why corporations can pollute, destroy and take over.
China runs it’s corporations, and they do what is good for China, not for themselves.
America is going to eat itself alive from the inside like a case of Fornier’s gangrene.
What a stench.
They are in the minority. You are talking to a guy who works around 90 percent of women all day.
They want a prince like Disney taught them, and they are superheroes at the same time as Disney taught them.
It’s not a good combo.
Most Syrians are Sunni, who tend to be a little more peace loving and fanatic than Shia Muslims. Of course, there’s a chance this guy was Christian or even Jewish as both populations exist in Syria. I have two friends who are Persian Jews from Iran, who have Arabic names.
Hehe I dunno perhaps we need a major cultural retooling.
Essex: You did not address the point. You just danced around it, and labeled it right wing. Typical.
“America is going to eat itself alive from the inside like a case of Fornier’s gangrene.”
Until the population holds our politicians to some sort of standard of decency, it’s only going to get worse. We’ve reached the point that Biden and Trump are the best we can do out of a population of 330 million (yeah, some aren’t 35).
11:02 oh? You had a point?
I disagree. Sure there is taunting, but this Middle East hate thing is ingrained in America and has been for many years. That’s nothing new, and we have been bombing that place for years.
As far as mentally ill, sure. Anyone who kills random innocent people would qualify as mentally ill.
For me, Sandy Hook still bothers me. Little kids. Now that kid was mentally ill. But who was the real idiot? His MOTHER. Yes, the brainiac who thought shooting guns would make a man out of this very ill son of hers. Who purchased them and provided them for him. That one was a real winner. She was the cause of that disaster, not her son.
Sure. But it got way worse over the past 4 your years. And yes, I think about Sandy Hook a lot. They really need to lock away the parents in those cases.
Bill Barr’s daughter worked at Treasury to protect Trump’s tax returns, and loans at Deutsche Bank.
Rudy Giuliani’s son got $363,000 to be WH sports liaison with no experience.
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner used the WH as $640 million bonanza.
It was never about Hunter Biden.
“Until the population holds our politicians to some sort of standard of decency”
Well, as one of my famous co-worker’s once said when asked by management to do something emergent, made this statement, and then got fired
“That ain’t happenin’ ” Well it ain’t.
And it will go as well for America as it did for my co worker.
Lib; I agree with most of what you said, but it’s also the faux outrage crap like which cartoon character is a sexual predator etc stuff that the Chinese are laughing at us about. It in my mind shows what time and leisure people have on their hands in this country to come up with a new outrage seemingly every other day. As for whose troops would fight hardest, I disagree, I think the Chinese males due to China’s one child policy have been coddled and many when push came to shove would be too soft to fight. I would still take US armed forces over Chinese. And all those who volunteer for the US armed forces are in my mind heroes, otherwise there would be a draft.
Essex: Well so much for an educated discussion with a teacher. I will leave it at that.
Worse. No. America is just showing it’s true colors. Yeah you are seeing the racist white woman. Isn’t it better to know the rat your dealing with? I wish I did when I was married.
The justice system in America is the problem. Its the reason cities are on fire, and the same reason some people stormed the Capital. It’s why cancel culture has taken over where judges and juries used to be the place where justice was to be administered.
Now, you go outside the law to get justice. Any way you can. It’s completely ineffective.
Just watched a 48 hrs episode, the DNA of a Killer. They put away an innocent man for 20 years, and after he was found innocent, the judge made him plead guilty anyway for his freedom calling it “time served.”
Well, eff that. You are always bitching about the medical systems in America. Well, I live that every day. And there is nothing I have ever seen in my career, not even close, to what is as corrupt, ineffective, immoral, or as disgusting as what is called the American justice system.
It smells worse than Fornier’s gangrene, and if you have been fortunate enough to have ever smelled it or even courageous enough to look at a picture of that you might understand.
And all those who volunteer for the US armed forces are in my mind heroes.
Yes they are. They are volunteers.
Check out the series “Yellowstone.” It plays out just like this.
Phoenix says:
March 26, 2021 at 10:53 am
America is run by corporate owned politicians that are attorneys. That’s all you need to know. It’s why corporations can pollute, destroy and take over.
China runs it’s corporations, and they do what is good for China, not for themselves.
America is going to eat itself alive from the inside like a case of Fornier’s gangrene.
What a stench.
“I think the Chinese males due to China’s one child policy have been coddled and many when push came to shove would be too soft to fight.”
Don’t underestimate your enemy. I haven’t met many Chinese that I would call soft that’s for damn sure.
Finished that month’s ago. Great show.
It’s Friday night. I need a Buckle Bunny.
It’s just is slipping into the third world. Might as well move to where the weather is nice, where there is no pollution, where people genuinely like each other and where elections are celebrated due to their diversity of options. Also where breakfast consists of a frozen coconut and a straw. And where there is no medical billing. :P
Phoenix: Time will tell, but as of now, I still maintain our forces would fight harder.
Don’t underestimate your enemy. I haven’t met many Chinese that I would call soft that’s for damn sure.
From China or the US?
Don’t want to rain in your gloating parade, BUT…..
Most of the Asians attacked around NYC-Metro are by African-Americans…… or are we not allowed to say that?
30 year realtor says:
March 26, 2021 at 9:35 am
How many Asians need to be attacked before GOAT and No One believe they are being targeted? Do you believe Dylann Roof just happened to shoot up a Black church? When is it no longer a coincidence? You both supported a president who made racist statements about Asians related to the pandemic.
We are just better trained and armed. It all depends on how much the Chinese are able to damage the communication systems we use to coordinate.
It could end up like War Games.
“The only way to win the game is not to play.”
11:22 this teacher doesn’t argue with D students.
Essex: Cheap uncalled for shot on your part. But if nothing else you proved my point on the hypocrisy of the proud open minded left. Have a magical day!
Both, but mostly from America.
I guess they could be softer there. Do they drink estrogen laced Tea?
Feminists in America have been turning bulls and bull calves into steer over here. Look how many high profile men have been neutered lately. Hell, they can even go back in a time machine and neuter from the past. They even snipped off the nuts of one of their own advocates, Al Franken, with a picture from the past.
But I guess they could be softer, who knows. Don’t care enough to find out.
Actually the big issue with a china war is not going to be the military damage.
Its going to be the real fact of overnight realization of how much is made in china and how it will require overnight building of factories here, requiring the invoking of the Defense Act and the destruction of present corporate America’s finely tune and very profitable outsourcing manufacturing infrastructure. Is back to the early 70’s in corporate America, but this time starting from the beginning while lacking generational experience and know how.
Just take 2 general lines of products.
Computer chips, look at how car manufacturing had to stop production. No think what happens if Taiwan Semiconductors in Taiwan and Samsung in South Korea go down because of attack.
Pharmaceuticals, many made in India, but their base substance all come from China. Let’s say a lot of people are going to die because of lack of antibiotics, insulin, cardiac, cancer, and host of other medications as the new infrastructure is built. Kiss Big Pharma good bye.
Georgia election reform:
Thank God! It’s a start!
You can say that. Just not on TV. Here is my uncancelled opinion on it. The urban blacks hate the Asians because lots of Asians set up small retail businesses in the black community and thrive doing it. These Asians respect education and the opportunities given to them unlike their customers who have become dependant on the dole. We’ve all been there. You are waiting in line at a bodega and the brotha in front of you is a nickel short of the three dollars he needs for the blunt to wrap around his ganja. He is screaming at the owner who refuses to sell it to him for $2.95, even though the owner paid 50 cents a cigar in bulk for it. Brotha can’t believe it. Rest of brothas in line don’t even get pissed for having to wait. They are used to it. Me, I just want my $3 40-ounce of Beck’s for my ride to Citi Field. Eventually, I pony up the nickel to the dude in front of me just so I can get going and the Asian owner gets mad at me for it.
Asians will call these brothers niggers to their face. They are much tougher than the Chinese soft boys 3B met in college. With that said, it still does not justify the crime.
Phoenix: I would say they are well capable of disrupting our communication systems. Then there is North Korea, we could destabilize them , which would cause them to attack South Korea, meanwhile millions of North Koreans would flee into China which the Chinese government would not want. Then of course the Russians will try to gain leverage, it would have made sense to have a working relationship with them, but of course we screwed that up to.
Americans can’t even read a road map let alone make a computer chip.
Their wives, in order to be happy, need a 700k house with 30k taxes and and a 50k kitchen in order to place a 50 dollar Uber Eats meal on a plastic plate. They want to zoom to work while the Tahoe they dreamed about sits in the driveway until there is a sale at Talbots.
Was on Facebook, one of the mommies wants to go on a mini vacation with her family.
Says Great Wolf and Kalahari are too expensive-any cheaper ideas?
She is an ATTORNEY. How cheap is this freak? Charges her clients 600 per hour, but can’t afford 200 per night?
I hope her kids throw her in a Cuomo nursing home when she gets old and decrepit.
You know, save a buck.
Not justified? Yeah, watch this. He’s justified all right. I don’t agree with the law, this is pure street justice and I would let this guy walk any and every day.
Phoenix: I briefly glanced at an article in MarketWatch this morning, basically says that male member size and sperm count has been dramatically declining over the last 30 years or; apparently attributable to the use of some type of plastics.
Grim please unmod.
You mean those same Russians the Americans screwed over after WW2 by Truman?
We were dirty then, dirty now, and we are not looked as trustworthy to the world or even to ourselves.
It will be lights out.
The suppression in that bill is disgusting. It will backfire horribly. So much so that I’d be willing to bet that Georgia now goes further blue. Any takers?
A 57-year-old mother has given birth to a healthy baby boy, becoming one of the oldest women in the U.S. to deliver a child.
There is no limit to crazy in America.
12:20 all we need is to make Election Day a national holiday. Bingo
What are the chances of a conventional ground war with China?
I’d say it’d go nuclear really quickly.
11:50 come on don’t be such a baby. You launched a teacher insult and I countered with a stinging jab. Pop!!! Right in the eye. You wanna know a secret, I’m not really as liberal as you might think. There.
Just saw a brand new White Bugatti at Whole Foods last night. Not sure if it was the 3, 6 or 12 million dollar one. Went shopping today up and down the highway did a few stops because we are doing a B-Day party tonight with friends and family. Brand new Maserati SUVs on the road and all other kinds of expensive brand new cars with temporary tags on the road today. I guess people are going on spending sprees…
ExEssex ground war? Where and for what? They want to rule the seas and are quickly ramping up their navy. Many other countries might start sinking their fishing fleets which are sucking up everything in the oceans and encroaching on many other countries territorially waters.
I won’t be labor this with you. It was a teacher insult. I made a statement about Trump being right in his statement that the Chinese are laughing at us. You immediately discounted it as right wing nonsense. No thoughtful consideration, no perhaps there is some truth to that. No, you immediately discounted the statement. I then noted the fact that you are a teacher and said I would have thought based on that fact you might have considered the statement further rather than just dismissing it. There was certainly no insult in that statement. That’s all I will say on the subject going forward.
I am constantly amazed at the toys people out here have.
Go through Malibu on a Sunday. A parade of exotics …
Juice: I believe there navy is now larger than ours.
Juice: Rome partied while the Visigoths stormed the city!
Phoenix: I think the Russians made out quite well after WW 2. Stalin got just about everything he wanted.
Phoenix: One could argue they got screwed after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Putin never forgot that.
12:41 noted.
Brisket update. Meat is now at 145 F since I dropped in my electric smoker this morning, it’s a wifi smoker with an App, lets me know how it’s doing and will shut down to warming mode once the meat his 190 F. I am spritzing the meat every hour on the hour.
We are doing a small B-Day gathering tonight, weather is wonderful. I put out all of my outdoor furniture and will be lighting the firepit and we will be lighting off fireworks tonight as well. If it was any warmer I would have opened my pool!!
Pfizer Covid Jab yesterday went well no issues for me, my wife has a sore arm her nurse jabbed her a bit harder than mine I guess.
Asking people to legitimately vote is wrong?
The Chinese are not laughing at us. It’s two groups. The government, the party and the lemmings, and the other group is everyone else.
We will win in the long run, because any totalitarian regime is always going to create brain drain. The effect on serial entrepreneurs such as Jack Ma will be chilling. The main reason that China looks so formidable is that the information flow is restricted.
That said, there is no question that we will have to go right at the CCP, but it will be more of Yankees-Red Sox rivalry, but in the long run, the best players are going to want to come to the U.S.
There is going to be a seminal moment where China does something out of hubris, or a bad miscalculation, and they will not be able to hide. Maybe it will be their Chernobyl moment. It is only a matter of time. Its just uncomfortable for the U.S. to have such a well organized, talented and determined foe.
Do people forget the USSR that easily?
Why not tow that stuck ship in the Suez Canal backwards a few yards torefloat it with a few dozen heavy bulldozers or a few dozen loaded dump trucks? US Navy has to help them now?
Anecdotally, my rheumatologist is Chinese and took her family back to visit relatives in 2019. A huge overpass that had just started construction over a road she traveled from the airport was finished when she took the road back in 2 weeks. Train station renovations are done overnight. Her son was gobsmacked when he went with his cousin to a restaurant, a “person” came onto a screen to welcome him by name. No money was exchanged, everything was done by face recognition. Nobody uses cash there. Everything is done by smart phone. COVID contact tracing was by phone, anybody near a COVID positive case was rounded up and tested within days. She said the Chinese are light years ahead technologically. When their 5 year old niece proclaimed she was going to the playground after dinner two blocks away alone, her American relatives were shocked. Apparently the kids are out alone all the time with no safety concerns. My doctor said she was a student and in Tiananmen Square during the uprising. She fled to the USA to escape communism. She has lived in both countries with both systems and now believes her Chinese relatives are living a better happier life than hers in America.
The whole PPE supply chain showed how reliant we are on foreign stuff and it should have been a wake up call. The semiconductor shortage is another wake up call. We should just make it national priority to move almost all of our production to domestic, regardless of how much it costs.
After spending a lot of time on this blog one thing that I have learned (from Grim and others) is that ‘ours’ is a dwindling culture and lifestyle. America is crumbling. I’ve managed to live in four regions of the Country and can say that nowhere is immune. Survival in these here United States is not a lock anymore!
The rest of the world lives pretty well while our Country crumbles and slowly dies. Do we need a liberal in office? Yes, if that is what it takes to rebuild things and improve the place.
That is why I support infrastructure improvement vs rewarding already rich millionaires with tax breaks.
Just remember to many people THIS is the face of New Jersey:
The rest of the world lives pretty well while our Country crumbles and slowly dies.
Then leave… and take your utopian, l1beral dreams with you.
I’m sticking around just to smell the rotting corpse.
Trump’s Debtor –
A British reconnaissance plane that monitors Russian war games in the Arctic and Moscow confirmed it has now completed initial tests of Vladimir Putin’s deadly new missile.
Reports say the 6,100 mph Zircon hypersonic weapon has now been fired a total of four times from the Admiral Gorshkov frigate and will go into service next year.
The problem is, what happens to china long term? It’s all gravy when you are building this fast, but what happens when it’s all built? Add in the fact that they will have a declining population at some point stuck with this massive debt used to build all this so rapidly.
I think China already peaked and is already on the decline, they just know it yet. America is copying them now, we are putting in a huge modern infrastructure project in the coming years. We will again be the shiny new, but the difference, we won’t be dealing with a population that is declining and based predominately on old people. They have a huge coming demographic problem….huge population turning old while at the same time, not enough women to keep up with their past population growth. Remember, it costs a lot of money to take care of older population that dwarfs the younger population (ask Japan).
This is where all their technology will come in handy for the elites. When things turn bad, they will suppress it all.
NJCoast says:
March 26, 2021 at 1:51 pm
Anecdotally, my rheumatologist is Chinese and took her family back to visit relatives in 2019. A huge overpass that had just started construction over a road she traveled from the airport was finished when she took the road back in 2 weeks. Train station renovations are done overnight. Her son was gobsmacked when he went with his cousin to a restaurant, a “person” came onto a screen to welcome him by name. No money was exchanged, everything was done by face recognition. Nobody uses cash there. Everything is done by smart phone. COVID contact tracing was by phone, anybody near a COVID positive case was rounded up and tested within days. She said the Chinese are light years ahead technologically. When their 5 year old niece proclaimed she was going to the playground after dinner two blocks away alone, her American relatives were shocked. Apparently the kids are out alone all the time with no safety concerns. My doctor said she was a student and in Tiananmen Square during the uprising. She fled to the USA to escape communism. She has lived in both countries with both systems and now believes her Chinese relatives are living a better happier life than hers in America.
So if you are going to enjoy peak China, better get over there now before these problems begin to surface. Enjoy their new infrastructure before it gets old. Enjoy a population where everyone’s quality of life is rapidly rising. Just don’t stay too long…it will get bad.
Chgo: I used to believe that faithfully; now I am quite skeptical.
Thankfully a real hero was around until the cop showed up with his notepad.
ExEssex says:
March 26, 2021 at 1:58 pm
“… ‘ours’ is a dwindling culture and lifestyle. America is crumbling…”
Unfortunately, I largely agree with this. But I completely disagree that a liberal in office is the solution. In fact, ‘liberals in office’ is largely the reason for our problems. While you can still find examples of good Republican governance, it is almost impossible to find an example of an entity that is well governed by the modern, radically leftist, Dem party. NYC is a perfect example: it was literally fixed (crime reduction, welcoming business/employment climate) by Rudy, and he and Bloomberg delivered a true golden age, which is completely unraveling under BillD. Whether it be the disgusting homeless problem of the western cities, tolerance of riots and destruction in Portland and Minny, the generational corruption and incompetence of failed cities like Detroit, or the effective bankruptcies of Dem-led states like Ill and NJ due to ‘buying’ of votes from public employee unions, this country is indeed crumbling — one Dem-governed municipality at a time. And we’ll now have at least 4 years of the same incompetence at the federal level — open borders, wasteful spending at levels never seen before, military weakness, etc…
Yes, but… China runs them for the benefit of the party, not necessarily the people.
Phoenix says:
March 26, 2021 at 10:53 am
China runs it’s corporations, and they do what is good for China, not for themselves.
“Wasteful spending”
We’ve had wasteful spending for generations
“spending at levels never seen before”
Every president/congress has spent more than the one before and more ever before since maybe the 1830s. That’s on an absolute basis… as well as on a percentage or inflation adjusted basis with very few exceptions.
Yup. As quickly as they modernized and caught up to everyone else, they eventually fell apart. The same thing will happen to China.
“Do people forget the USSR that easily?”
Eventually the African American community has to decide if they want to adopt Marxism. Clearly it’s what they are being sold on. It’s going to tear them and possibly apart like it has elsewhere it’s been tried.
Pumps: Economic stagnation for years was one of the many factors that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, no consumer goods, Black market inferior products that thru did produce. The Soviet Union never caught up with the West economically, there is no comparison to today’s China.
joyce says:
March 26, 2021 at 2:46 pm
“We’ve had wasteful spending for generations…”
Stop limiting the discussion to the feds. My point is that that Dem malfeasance exists at all levels of govt and you will be hard pressed to find a single example of good governance by the modern Dem party — at any level.
Look at this comment from the Reps that lead Bridgewater NJ — at least they’re trying. Can you imagine a modern Dem that even cares/thinks about being a good steward of taxpayer funds — they’re so busy being activists, self-anointed saviors and score-settlers that they don’t care a bit about tax payers.
…said Mayor Matthew Moench. “The only thing that was clear about this budget was that we knew that we could not make up our lost revenue solely on the backs of our residents. This would have led to a double digit tax increase. We needed to made deep, painful cuts…”
” it is our responsibility, as elected officials, to be conscious fiscal stewards of every single dollar,” said Council President Howard Norgalis…
During the 1920’s they were a mess and still a farm based economy. By the end of WWII, they were a superpower. Took over half of Europe. It is the same..
What makes them great now, will hold them back later. True capitalism is superior. They have their hands in everything, and sooner or later, the hand is going to get caught in the cookie jar.
3b says:
March 26, 2021 at 3:01 pm
Pumps: Economic stagnation for years was one of the many factors that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, no consumer goods, Black market inferior products that thru did produce. The Soviet Union never caught up with the West economically, there is no comparison to today’s China.
You can’t control it all. Have to let the market innovate.
ARKK down 8.25% YTD. I have noticed that Wood has stopped buying TSLA on the way down. That may or may not be a good sign.
Long term buying opportunity. Hope it stays low this entire year, I like buying value at the beginning of the next trend up.
That’s why, if you don’t have the stomach for this game, don’t play it.
“As usual, Wood is unfazed. During this “risk-off period,” her expected return for ARKK has risen to roughly 25% from 15% per year over the next five years, she said in a Wednesday panel organized by CFA Institute China.
“While our companies are sacrificing right now, forgoing short-term profits, investing aggressively,” Wood said, “we believe that the payoff will take place within five years. “And therefore, you’ve got both the revenue growth exponential and the margin catch-up, which can lead to some very powerful returns over time.””
Pumps: They did that on the backs of millions they slaughtered. They became a superpower , but empires are expensive to run. They were never ever an economic threat. There is no real comparison between the old Soviet Union and today’s China. And we the USA and the rest of the west, but primarily us gave it all to China.
Whoa….. someone was short the market, lost their nerve and covered on the close.
Weirdo….. and a bad sign….
I know you are merely providing a data point, but I find the description frightening.
There is going to be an entire population of people incapable of performing the most basic personal activities independently.
“She has lived in both countries with both systems and now believes her Chinese relatives are living a better happier life than hers in America.” That is such a telling cultural statement. Having grown up in Flushing, and attending grade school, high school and college with many Asians….. I find that statement incredibly hollow. Of course, I am placing an incredibly cynical prism on it, but I’ve seen that attitude up close. I would describe it as almost a linear kind of thinking. It is mindset of almost pure pragmatism and valuing convenience over everything else.
NJCoast says:
March 26, 2021 at 1:51 pm
Anecdotally, my rheumatologist is Chinese and took her family back to visit relatives in 2019. A huge overpass that had just started construction over a road she traveled from the airport was finished when she took the road back in 2 weeks. Train station renovations are done overnight. Her son was gobsmacked when he went with his cousin to a restaurant, a “person” came onto a screen to welcome him by name. No money was exchanged, everything was done by face recognition. Nobody uses cash there. Everything is done by smart phone. COVID contact tracing was by phone, anybody near a COVID positive case was rounded up and tested within days. She said the Chinese are light years ahead technologically. When their 5 year old niece proclaimed she was going to the playground after dinner two blocks away alone, her American relatives were shocked. Apparently the kids are out alone all the time with no safety concerns. My doctor said she was a student and in Tiananmen Square during the uprising. She fled to the USA to escape communism. She has lived in both countries with both systems and now believes her Chinese relatives are living a better happier life than hers in America.
Check this out using the veil from NJ Coast’s story…..
China’s Youthful, Debt-Fueled Spending Spree Sparks a Reckoning
A new generation helped power rising consumption. Now, new financial regulations are forcing lenders to reassess their business strategies.
Many young, free-spending Chinese people used short-term loans.
By Xie Yu
March 13, 2021 5:30 am ET
Chinese regulators attempting to rein in Ant Group Co. and a swelling online-lending industry have a target in their sights: the excessive, debt-fueled lifestyles of the country’s youth.
Leading up to last year’s coronavirus pandemic, a new generation of tech-savvy and free-spending citizens helped power rising consumption, a growing driver of China’s economy.
Many used short-term loans to pay for expenses such as prestige cosmetics, electronic gadgets and costly restaurant meals. They found credit easy to obtain, thanks to Ant and other Chinese financial-technology companies that provided unsecured loans to millions of people who didn’t have bank-issued credit cards. In 2019, online loans accounted for as much as half of short-term consumer loans in China, according to estimates from Fitch Ratings.
Now, new financial regulations are forcing lenders to reassess their business strategies and have sparked a reckoning about the American-style borrowing and spending habits of China’s younger population. Starting in 2022, Ant and its peers will have to fund at least 30% of the loans they make together with banks, a rule designed to make online lenders bear more risk.
In recent weeks, a grass-roots campaign on Chinese social media dubbed “coming ashore”—a metaphor for becoming debt-free—has been gathering steam, with people sharing their experiences and regrets about overspending and borrowing.
On microblogging site Weibo and Xiaohongshu, another popular social-media platform, people have posted photos of shredded credit cards and screenshots that show them closing their online credit facilities. Some described clawing their way out of debt by reducing daily expenses and avoiding unnecessary purchases.
“A top-down crackdown on overspending has prompted a national soul-searching,” said Daniel Zhi, a partner at KPMG China who leads its financial-strategy consulting service, adding that the regulatory action has “put a lid on the whole online-lending industry.”
In November, a day before Ant’s blockbuster initial public offering was pulled, a column by an official from a division of China’s banking and insurance regulator said that while consumption is a pillar of China’s economy, financial institutions and fintech companies need to act responsibly to protect the rights and interests of their consumers.
The official, Guo Wuping, said fintech companies allowed people to borrow excessively, causing “some low-income people and young people to fall into debt traps.” He described Ant’s Huabei virtual-credit-line service as inclusive but not favorable, as some fees associated with it were higher than what banks charge on credit cards. Ant declined to comment.
Other Chinese state-media outlets have also criticized fintech platforms for encouraging young people to overspend. Last month, a report from China’s central bank said the country is trying to increase domestic consumption without relying on consumer debt. Default rates for short-term loans have been low, but officials worry about risks that could arise if excessive borrowing isn’t curtailed.
Ant, which is controlled by billionaire Jack Ma, is China’s largest provider of online short-term consumer loans. The owner of the popular payments app Alipay had the equivalent of $267 billion in outstanding consumer loans as of June, making up nearly a fifth of China’s total short-term household debt.
Ant’s personal-lending services Huabei and Jiebei—meaning “just spend” and “just borrow”—were used by about half a billion Chinese citizens in the 12 months to June alone. Most of the funding has been supplied by around 100 banks and other commercial lenders Ant partners with.
Mona Wang, a 27-year-old who works in the financial sector in the central city of Xi’an, said that at the end of last year she owed the equivalent of more than $15,000 to various online lenders and banks, including Ant’s Huabei and credit-card issuers. The debt, which totaled roughly 15 times her usual monthly income, was largely the result of her spending on Sal^atore Fe##agamo shoes and other branded items, she said.
A few months ago, during Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. ’s annual Singles Day online shopping festival, Ms. Wang said, she used Huabei to splurge on items including bottles of fiery Mouta! liquor, Lul^lemon yoga clothes, a Dyson hair dryer and a vacuum cleaner. “They just looked like bargains that you should not miss,” she said.
Ms. Wang said she later realized she had overstretched her finances and has had some sleepless nights. Fortunately, she said, a bonus she received in February helped her repay half the debt, and she is now trying to carefully manage her expenses to pay down the rest.
Ant and its peers used to run advertisements that promoted liberal spending behavior. One promoting Huabei, which ran last October, featured a 37-year-old construction worker taking his daughter to a fancy restaurant for her birthday. Another showed a delivery man who used Huabei to buy a saxophone with the words, “Don’t scrimp on the things you love.”
Ant declined to comment on the advertisements. Since the IPO was pulled, the company and its top officials have said that they are rectifying their business and that Ant has made changes to how it lends. In December the company said it had reduced credit limits for some younger borrowers to promote more rational spending habits, without providing specifics.
On Friday, Ant laid out a framework for how it would self-regulate its various digital-finance businesses. As part of this, the company said it would lend responsibly and wouldn’t extend loans to young and low-income borrowers beyond sums needed to cover their basic living expenses.
Yuzhang Wang, 26, said his Huabei credit limit was recently cut to the equivalent of about $2,500 from more than $4,600. Mr. Wang lost his job last year at a vocational-training institute in Beijing and fell behind on more than $30,000 in debt that he had racked up, including from Huabei, on outlays such as Gu@@i and Ver#sace accessories, 1Phones, and costly dinners. He said debt collectors had called him and his family, threatening lawsuits.
Mr. Wang moved back to his hometown, where he juggles working at a factory, driving for a ride-hailing company and hosting wedding parties. He has also resold some purchases online. He has managed to slash his debt by two-thirds.
Economists say they don’t expect China’s online-lending pullback to dampen overall consumer spending severely, given its importance to the economy.
“Consumption is likely to take a hit if online-lending channels are tightened and if Beijing prioritizes reining in financial risks for the short term,” said Aidan Yao, senior emerging-Asia economist at AXA Investment Managers. However, he said that Beijing wants to keep economic growth up and so wouldn’t go so far as to severely limit consumption.
Katie Chen, a Fitch director covering nonbank financial institutions in China, said regulators wouldn’t want to eliminate the entire online-lending industry: “Rather, they want to ensure online lenders do not take excessive risk that could threaten the stability of the financial system.”
—Serena Ng contributed to this article.
Fast Eddie,
Asking people who don’t get a paid day off to pony up the bus fare for the 30-minute trip to the voting center where the line is 4 hours long to cast a vote is wrong. This law change will take a 2 hour line and make it a 4 hour line. I’m still waiting for the proof of fraud.
I agree, Libturd. I assume none of the three of us read the bill’s text as of yet, but based on the article, the changes do not improve controls. Just limiting mail in voting and not combined with other changes is a joke…
Have those freedom loving GA legislatures improve controls AND accesss. Do both if they truly love what gary and more importantly gary’s father stood for all those years.
Let me know when that council president actually makes the cuts instead of just talking about them.
They are ALL the same. McConnel and Pelosi. Biden and Trump. The list is endless. You are a fool to believe that any of them are in it for anything more than to enrich themselves at your expense.
The owner of the American Dream, the mega-mall in New Jersey once billed as the future of retail, has put up nearly half of the ownership of its two largest malls to stay in business.
In March last year, just five months after it opened, American Dream was forced to shut its doors as Covid-19 surged in the US. It stayed closed until October, when some of its attractions and stores reopened.
The 3m-sq-ft mall was regarded as a litmus test for the future of brick-and-mortar shopping at a time when Amazon and online retail are taking an ever larger share of retail sales. Shopping was supposed to be just a fraction of the American Dream experience. The complex, a 30-minute drive from Manhattan, was supposed to house cinemas, restaurants, hotels and multiple theme parks, with multiple attractions having a 2020 opening date.
I’ll take a shot at your deranged dribble.
IF, and a big IF, we lose the US Constitution and become an authoritarian police state, regardless of the leader. It could be Trump Federation of America or United States of Amazon, Google and Apple (USAGA), or whatever.
The issue becomes, we are a police state underling. So now an average citizen will put their loyalties toward “that” police state that treats them a bit better then the other one. We all are going to have a “government chip” in our body, the issue will be which one gives us pain, no pain, or even pleasure on demand.
So yes, if you have a Trump States of America with a new found apartheid to anyone that is not white. You bet your cojones that loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party, a criminal syndicate, or any other entity will occur.
As free marketeers say – is a free market. In this case of “ideologies”, loyalty goes to whoever treats a bit better. BTW, same thing happenned under the feudal lords in Europe after the end of the Bubonic Plague, all of the sudden they had to treat their serf better or risk losing them and having to acquire new ones.
BidenIsTheGOAT says:
March 26, 2021 at 3:01 pm
Eventually the African American community has to decide if they want to adopt Marxism. Clearly it’s what they are being sold on. It’s going to tear them and possibly apart like it has elsewhere it’s been tried.
“joyce says:
March 26, 2021 at 2:42 pm
Yes, but… China runs them for the benefit of the party, not necessarily the people.”
No argument from me on this statement.
Thankfully a real hero was around until the cop showed up with his notepad.”
Personally I’m done with them.
You are already a police state, and the noose is tightening. That 48 hrs I mentioned, yeah, showed how the police skirted laws and warrants using a database from
Turns out they used it to try to convict the wrong man. He got lucky.
Funny how it’s okay for them to break the law to go after you, but not okay for you to break the law.
Had one of them say hi to me. Took every bit of energy to bite my tongue and not tell him to go eff himself. Not after they tortured me.
“And we the USA and the rest of the west, but primarily us gave it all to China.”
Our corporations and the politicians we elected did. And they are still at it today.
Those 55 and older will soon be eligible for COVID vaccine in N.J., Murphy announces. Here’s new list of who qualifies.
Seriously? Wtf, all my 16 year old students are signing up the past 2 weeks. My local doctors office emailed everyone and said they have it if you want it. Who on this planet is waiting for Murphy to give you his official blessing?
When not a single analyst or commentator likes tech, and all the do is pump cyclicals and “value”(which have gone parabolic) I think its time to take the other side of the trade at this point.
Just wait until the worst governor the state has ever elected gets reelected. I would happily take ManGravy back before Murphy. He is so blatantly dishonest. Reminds me a hell of a lot like Trump.
Gay/homosexual doesn’t even factor into my decision when looking at a politician, professional, or any average person. Some of the brightest, nicest, most competent and reasonable people I know are homosexual. I’d support them in any way.
I just wouldn’t date them. Not my thing. Not even after the divorce from hell.
I don’t care that McGreevy packed fudge. I was bothered that he put his lover on the payroll. Still, way less corrupt than any of them since Florio.
Phoenix: And Biden was in the middle of it for years, so I chuckle now when he says he wants to build it back better.
Tech down 20-40% with sustainable growth for years to come. I will take any day over the “value” that has gone parabolic and is in a bubble. Those cyclicals have a few quarters of growth and then they go bust.
McGreevy was in over his head and Charlie Kushner owned him lock stock and barrel. When Kushner went down it was all over, McGreevy was an ambitious guy but he didn’t have the stomach to do what needed to be done to be the machine politician his benefactors wanted. Murphy is arguably much worse than Corzine yet somehow the idiots in this state will vote for him, he is making me wish for the fat man again.
On China how much is real and how much is a mirage? Remember this is a country that grossly violates human rights and basically has forced labor camps. When the labor has no rights and you have nothing but people infrastructure can appear overnight. The same is true of so called “technological lead” the Chinese have, they have a huge pool of cheap engineers so they can build all kinds of cr@p for all kinds of purposes. All the core infrastructure is IP from the USA, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Europe/UK, the Chinese have had to steal a lot of this. Mind you all smart phones for all intents and purposes run on either Apple or Google, running on processors designed in the USA and manufactured in Taiwan. No one is using cash because the government doesn’t want them to they want insight into how money moves, they are scared sh*tless of bitcoin.
The people admiring China are the same people who in 1930 would have been extolling the virtues of the N@zi regime(clean streets, no crime, economic advancement, technology). I’m sorry I don’t care what the quality of life is I’d never look at living in a place like China with rose colored glass. For everyone’t benefit lets hope the Chinese regime collapses.
My old neighbor learned Mandarin in college and got business job traveling between China and the US. He’s done this for over 20 years. Last year, they detained him for a month when he was on his way back to the US. He has no idea why. But it scared him so much, he refuses to go back there.
I don’t admire China because of their rights violations. Though, I won’t deny that they are a legitimate foe and growing stronger by the day. I wouldn’t say the same for us. That’s really all. I am distinctly aware of their censorship and lack of individual rights. None the less, that type of blindness and loyalty can be very dangerous in war.
What a week at work. Working at a sh$tty IB you really see how f-ed the whole system is. The rules and strategies are all centered around not paying people or paying the least regardless of market. We will do anything to not hire tech in US. 90 open roles in our tech tower, 95% of them are in Pune, 30 roles are in my group as 3 major rewrites. They froze us for 3 months and now fuked. Business is ticked and now IT mgt on our a$$ to hire. 25 interviews 6 offers and 6 rejects as higher offers. Mgt does not get, wont boost pay levels and just wants us to beat up Infosys and Wipro. They want us to track why candidates are declining in India. Wake up, the answer is always they got more money. Mgt won’t switch to hiring a single role in US. Our 2021 projects are dead. Yet, not one job contact here is US for my tech background. Amazing
Jcer: I don’t think anyone here admires China, I certainly don’t. But there is real concern, that they will overtake us and end up the dominant economic/ military power in the world. I know there are crazy leftists in this country who would love to see that. As well as in other parts of the world. That is the choice going forward who will be the dominant player in the world going forward, the US or China. It’s always been that way. I would like to think most people would rather the USA, we are certainly no saints, but we are far better in China. Meanwhile the mainstream left in this country just keep screaming about Russia and that awful Putin.
I always find it fascinating talking to people from different cultures/countries realizing that it is one person’s perspective. I always ask them their thoughts of the US and what their country’s media presents about us. Had an interesting conversation with the guys from Gogol Bordello about their experiences growing up in Russia and the Ukraine.
I work with a recent Russian immigrant. He says our government is going down the same path as his did about 30 years ago. He says it’s a huge mistake. This is a very smart guy. He had a balanced opinion of Trump. Liked his trade policies. Hated his immigration policies and personality.
Head fake on nj data covid decrease..big spike up on covid
One constant it seems is that when a country is in turmoil toilet paper is always in short supply. A couple of years ago when someone was telling me they were sending toilet paper to friends in Venezuela, I thought that wouldn’t happen here.
What a week at work. Working at a sh$tty IB you really see how f-ed the whole system is. The rules and strategies are all centered around not paying people or paying the least regardless of market. We will do anything to not hire tech in US.
Talley reportedly held a master’s degree in computer science, but he switched careers around age 40.
“I can tell you that he’s a very kind man and he didn’t have to go into policing, he had a profession before this, but he felt a higher calling,”
“It was remarkable to me that somebody would go to law enforcement from IT,” Jeremy Herko, who is now a lieutenant with the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office, told The Washington Post. “He lost pay. He lost time away from his family. He joined the police academy without a guaranteed job.”
How soon before all the NJ chiefs demand to match this hampton’s chief compensation?
One thing for sure. Between the virus, the social division at home 99% by economic struggle,the newly belligerent chinese communist, and the blocked Sues canal. It has showed that globalization was a pile of horse manure dreamt up by the drug addled greedy boomers and is going to die off with them in the next decade.
How did C. Kushner own McGreevy?
What on earth gives you any confidence that globalization will reverse course let alone cease?
Intel planning to open a plant (or 2) and trying to evolve to a fab that can serve other customers like Apple, Microsoft, Google etc. They lost so much time and talent in the last decade by not opening up their technology, not seeing the mobile transformation, being cocky for cloud leadership which they are losing by minute, choosing MBA marketing folks to run the company instead of the fine scientist tradition. Now they brought back the guy who participated to the x86 revolution. Good luck. It is a bit late. The hard technology secrets are no longer within the country limits. The STEM graduates don’t want to the hard work and commit to a risky hardware career. The software sector and fabless companies are pumped with so much VC money that nobody invests in a 5-10 year physical goods. I wish them luck but they are in so much constraints only a government guarantee would help them succeed.
TSM is investing in AZ too and they will have much more success. This line of business takes decades to develop and perfect.
I said this because of the IB experience mentioned above. It is very hard to revert the force of outsourcing and cheap labor. Perhaps a war, or the threat of it can change this in the long run. Economic forces alone will find the least path of resistance.