Not much summer left to get your C19 pool installed:
These Are the Most Luxurious Pools Now For Sale in New Jersey
Something a bit lighter I guess. Anyway, this is my favorite, but I’m not sure what the hole on the right is. The round columns and balusters were clearly the wrong design choice given the angular nature of the rest of the design.

Hearing that folks in UK are claiming that herd immunity was achieved given the recent delta wave. They are estimating that 90% of the population now has antibodies, whether from infection or vaccination (70% of population 1 shot) – and that is the reason for the surprising fall off in cases. Suspect today will be the 6th consecutive day of sharp decline in cases.
Gottlieb saying US peak is 3 weeks out at this point, if we follow the UK pattern.
As of yesterday, Delta variant is now 74.5% of NJ cases.
Sounds like China was not thrilled about Israeli NSO using WeChat to spy on Chinese nationals.
Is that Pumps backyard?
It is a selfish sized pool, for one child household, so probably yes..
Lol – some high ranking person probably got his bank account drained. WeChat is an all-purpose super app in China. It runs many 3rd party mini programs inside of it. The banking apps were found to lack proper security, along with many others. They do not have the same level of enforcement on their Apps like Apple does in their ecosystem.
Only reason NSO is not being prosecuted for hacking here in the USA is because well we are probably one of their customers. The Facebook lawsuit against them which Microsoft and Google both joined in as well is telling.. Not a peep from our DOJ. NSO defense is novel they claimed they have “sovereign immunity” here in the USA because their customer is well government(s) of the world. The US government has not made such a declaration yet, but well may have to do so down the road.
That is sick!! Love it.
grim says:
July 27, 2021 at 6:03 am
AP I was very surprised and impressed by. My first time there. I’m not sure if it was just the weather and the threat of storms, but beautiful weather, not overcrowded, reasonable parking and good food.
We’ve ragged on AP here a lot over the years, but the transformation has really been astounding. Not just because my sister in law just did an incredibly cool mural there either..
China naively thought they were in control. 10 steps ahead of you.
Grim says:
July 27, 2021 at 7:17 am
Sounds like China was not thrilled about Israeli NSO using WeChat to spy on Chinese nationals.
Pools like that are never used. They are much like the $100K kitchen, with the imported Italian Marble countertops which are perfect for the placement of takeout bags.
Headed into my Intex shortly.
Interesting idea.
“This California company wants to make modern AC obsolete”
Surprised no one has brought up Tesla…crack, it’s gone!!
The Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony, delayed a year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, drew 16.7 million viewers for NBC on Friday, the smallest audience for the network broadcast in the past 33 years, according to data from the Comcast-owned NBCUniversal on Saturday.
When the athletes/entertainers/celebrities and major networks bleat endlessly about wokeism and symbols while kneeling, turning their backs, walking out and offering their political opinions, what does one expect?
Mask On … Mask Off … Mask On … Mask Off
“what does one expect?”
I expect you to be entertained by a car going around a circle for two hours, hoping a crash brings excitement. JK.
All I can say about TSLA is that of the 50 or so stocks that I track daily, TSLA is the most off of it’s 52-week high by percentage.
“Mask On … Mask Off … Mask On … Mask Off”
What? Pump’s wife finally agreed to put out again?
JPMorgan’s model must be broken. 180? Yea, okay.
“JPMorgan today raised its price target on Tesla $TSLA to $180 from $160 while maintaining its Sell rating”
“P/E ratio was cut in half overnight but sure a 12% Pt raise. Do they have no concept of the projects Tesla is working on?”
I expect you to be entertained by a car going around a circle for two hours, hoping a crash brings excitement. JK.
Actually, listening in on a scanner reveals all those little things going on that you’d never expect… all the adjustments and strategies that become really complex the more you learn. A crash is the least thing you want to happen. Yours is a typical response, though, not only to the subject at hand but to the stolid and blockish thought process of a l1beral mind.
UK. 70% of adults fully vaccinated . 88% have at least one dose.
I go for a swim nearly every day…usually in the evening, barbecue, beer, music etc. Kids don’t go in much during the week because they are in a pool at camp every day and are wiped out when they get home.
Pool Covid-19 or not is worth it to us, we use it, older folks I am told around here by the pool cleaners say they keep their pool open for their dogs…Lol. I remember as a kid not having one and staring longingly with real jealousy over the neighbors fences as they enjoyed their pool and I had a sprinkler and maybe a kiddie pool or most of the time nothing, in my Bronx days we would occasionally hit the city pools but those were real dumps. When we moved to Jersey we would do day trips to Darlington County Park in Mahwah, usually cars filled with neighbors and day trip it up there and you had to get there early before it filled up and you were turned away!
We are not far from the beach. I can be in Pier Village pretty quickly it’s about 10 miles. We go occasionally to the beach, as my kids no longer want to go on the rides at the Point or build sand castles. They would rather swim at home on a weekend and then cool off inside and then back to playing their video games… I have ridden my bike to Sandy Hook too on a cool day, or loaded up the bikes on the rack and taken the kids etc. It’s nice when it is not too crowded.
Summer will be over before you know so enjoy August is almost here.
How long do antibodies last? How long do the vaccines last?
From wearing masks and social distancing to locking everyone down and destroying the economy, experts are all suggesting that we just try the same things we did last time that didn’t work at all.
More importantly in the UK, the death spike never came from their 3rd wave.
Look at a chart of cases vs deaths and it’s incredible the difference.
Wouldn’t that be the vaccine at work? Or not considering that Delta mostly got the unvaccinated?
The babylonbee knows how to do satire. When l1berals try their hand at satire, it’s awkward, ill-timed and blatantly angry. I think losing even with the appearance of winning somehow reveals its emptiness which is ironic since l1berals are all about about appearance.
“Not just because my sister in law just did an incredibly cool mural there either..”
That is very cool. I haven’t seen it but I believe I know exactly where it is….north side, through the pavilion, right on the boardwalk? I recognize the overhang and protrusions.
I have a fair amount of art and history on my walls, mixed in are some photos of mine….one that receives comments often is actually a photo from that AP wall…a big blue eyeball. Some very neat murals there….haven’t been to AP yet this summer, when I’m available the weather wasn’t complying. Likely this weekend.
Pumps – your bone marrow will churn out cells that can make the proteins aka antibodies for decades. Does not mean it will work on the next variant. Only time will tell.
“l1berals are all about about appearance.”
That’s why they/we picked Biden. Why he’s debonaire impersified! Kamala could be Mrs. America!
I think it’s both. Also, at the very early stages of COVID (before politics were in every nook and cranny of the pandemic discussion), I thought the experts generally agreed on the science concerning mutations. Mutations cause variants that are more transmissible and less deadly. Today, the talking heads pretending to be unbiased experts will say over and over again how the variants are “much more transmissible and maybe more deadly.” They toss in the word maybe for plausible deniability later on.
Libturd says:
July 27, 2021 at 11:31 am
Wouldn’t that be the vaccine at work? Or not considering that Delta mostly got the unvaccinated?
Ok Ed but I would save stolid as someone who incessantly posts about 26 year olds who sacrificed whole life, reached top of sport but have purple hair and hate Trump means they are anti-American..or seek another sport beacuse young black males now have individual power and voice in sports when they were told for decades to shut up and take what beans NBA/NFL offered them. Same with college and name, image, likeness. Your d*pshit side constantly berates these selfish players getting “free education” and wanting to get paid yet touts Ayn’s fictional book on capitalism.
Club Hockey Season starts for Gator Junior tonight. The AAA money grab in NJ is completely out of control. It’s gotten like the Blue Ribbon title for schools. Every mom and dad wants to say their kid is playing triple A hockey, when 95% of these kids are barely AA caliber, yet the parents are spending two to two and a half times what AA hockey costs, before factoring the further travel (plane travel, instead of driving). I thought it was getting bad before Covid. Now every club has created a AAA team, though most are playing in divisions I’ve never even heard of.
To try counter this, USA Hockey has created two levels of AA hockey. The higher division is supposed to be made up of AAA type players who have chosen not to travel as much or who simply can’t afford it. The lower AA division will be the same weak AA teams that exist in clubs that have a AAA team (filled with AA players). It’s actually a great idea, but without the promotion of it, parents didn’t seem to buy in. Jr. is playing a scrimmage tonight against Pro-Tec down in Somerset (near New Brunswick). Last year, the ProTec AA was best in the state. Sadly, their top 3 players moved to AAA in other clubs so we expect their AAA team to be what was left over from their winning AA team last year. On the bright side, their club will make twice as much money fielding a team that will play other weak AAA teams only further away. Junior’s coach scheduled as many AAA opponents as is possible since that’s where the only competition will likely be this year. What a complete sh1tshow and money grab. I’m just glad we ain’t paying double for it.
The league really needs to fix this. Honestly, none of these kids, besides a few on the Avalanche (all kids from either Europe or New York) will even garner a college scholarship.
CLAIM: No virus has ever mutated to become more lethal. As viruses mutate, they become less lethal.
AP ASSESSMENT: False. There are documented cases of viruses becoming more deadly.
THE FACTS: As the spread of coronavirus variants raise new public health questions, social media users are sharing misinformation about how viruses mutate.
I’m scared of the long term effects of this getting in your body and establishing itself…that’s why I didn’t think twice about vaccine. Extra protection…sign me up, Scotty!
What I mean is…this virus has shown to carry no symptoms while it stealthily moves around in your body. That’s scary.
Air travel in a COVID world . . .
We are approximately down 20% in air travelers compared to recent dates in 2019. The air numbers are stronger than I expected.
That mural is wonderful.
Now you know why some of these tech companies are pushing remote…not because remote is better, but because they are desperate to steal workers. They tapped silicone valley and all the other major cities out…looking for workers under rocks now. Soon might have a monopoly on all the talent in the labor pool.
“Online interior-design startup Havenly can’t compete with Silicon Valley heavyweights when it comes to compensation, but it used to have an effective weapon in the battle for tech talent: the Rocky Mountains. The 150-person company counted on Denver’s outdoorsy lifestyle to help lure people from more-expensive places.
Since the pandemic spurred leading tech companies to embrace “work from anywhere” policies, that advantage is fading fast. Now that a software engineer or marketing guru can work from a creekside cabin while still pulling down big bucks from Facebook or Salesforce, smaller firms far from the coasts are feeling the pinch.
For Havenly, landing new hires now means competing with companies all over the country, and hanging onto talent has been harder than ever. At one point, even members of Havenly’s executive team were a flight risk.
“My CMO and my CFO were both like, ‘Listen, we love this company but the reality right now is I have an old friend reaching out to me,’ ” said Lee Mayer, Havenly’s co-founder and CEO. She almost lost multiple executives to Bay Area companies offering on average 20% salary increases and no requirement to relocate. “I was getting recruited” too, she said.”
Not because remote is better because you say so. Broad across the board statement, based not on fact, or any kind of experience, but simply because you don’t like it.
Go read what the CEO’s of google and Apple say before you call me out.
Hospitalizations from COVID are up 50% in the last week in Texas. I wonder if we will see a surge in deaths in a week or two.
Vaccinations are going up. Averaged 63,000 a day for the last week. Texas was only around 48,000 a day a week or two ago.
Developers are obsessed with putting huge amounts of units per acre. Of course they are not left with the cost of this long term. Profit short term and leave all the locals with the cost long term.
Before you bust my balls, I’ll be out of here by the time those costs come due. So it’s not about me, just a town I love.
1,190 units at toys r us…that’s going to be a larger population than most Bergen county towns.
I read what they said, does not change what I said.
My kid went to a concert at global field where the rangers play this past Saturday. It’s the tour with fallout boy, Green Day , and wheezer. He told me almost all of the young people had dyed hair and wore masks. He said only the old people weren’t wearing masks. So I asked old people? He said “yeah, you know people over 25”.
Hold, saw a meme showing leftist kids from 90s compared to today.
They went from FU I won’t do what you tell me to FU do what they tell you
Lib, put a toe in airlines, JBLU and LUV.
Tough macro….not afraid of Delta, am afraid of Delta headline risk, really afraid of Lambda if it’s real.
Options, so defined risk, asymmetric leveraged return.
I’ll give you this. Those are the ONLY two airlines to touch. Also, the only two airlines with any loyalty left. Grab your bags, it’s on.
I’ll even drive out to JFK for some JBLU flights. Largest seats in coach, free tv at every seat (though I usually sleep), terra chips and cheap long-term parking at JFK. If the flight times are late at night, I can get to JFK from here in under an hour. Though they are definitely increasing flight number from EWR.
Southwest is extremely profitable because they turn planes around in half the time that the majors do, keeping the planes in the air is the key to profit. Of course, their amazing policies with standby, free bags, free ticket changes, etc., has built massive loyalty.
Just don’t expect either of those two to book you on a different airline if there is a problem. They both are not terribly concerned with on-time performance and I’ve seen both airlines hold a plane at the gate over an hour for one passenger coming in late from a connecting flight.
LOL, it’s the anti-Buffet trade for me…..
I have never take JBLU…..LUV I believe I was on about 15 years ago.
Hear great things about both of them.
Came down to balance sheets, loyalty, some lines on a chart, and the option setup (cheap). And domestic routes near term, especially LUV.
Really interesting piece of MS research, need to find a way to post these things.
I’m likely early so I only went in half a position to leave room to adjust…let’s see how the Delta (virus, not airline) headlines develop….
Here’s the best pool for sale in the Sarasota, FL area.
The whole house reminds me of a cruise ship, including the pool complex. Gotta love the twisting tube water slide into an infinity pool.
Delta is an interesting airline.
Best of the majors. Roomiest seats of the majors. Best customer service in the industry and only major left with loyalty. Since they did not choose to go behemoth like AA and UA/Continental, they are falling behind due to lack of scale. Shame. I like them a lot. Also, large legacy costs being around for so long. If you have to fly for work, Delta is the best. Shame such small presence in NY area.
Hey Chi,
I’m starting to build my major correction strategy and happened upon an ETF that performed interestingly in both the Covid correction and Trump’s December to remember. The symbol is TAIL.
I know you hate my style, but it works. Thinking of slowly moving my long positions into AGG between August and the rest of the year. I’ve done better than well for three years now and really fear for the new economy. If I sense the correction, will use a combination of TAIL, HYLV, HNDL (figure about 20% each). If it looks like the sh1t is hitting the fan, will move the other 40% still in AGG into BAR and SH (or similar 1x inverse). I know I need to get out of these last two long before the bottom is in. The other three are relatively stable in any market. Of those three, some will be more heavily utilized in my taxable account as that is inherent in their design.
In my 401K, I plan to slowly move into more stable investments from my current mix of mainly mega cap high growth stocks with a touch of emerging market, small cap and value as the year goes on.
Of course, the moment Powell/Yellin claim they can’t tighten QE, all bets are off and I’m back into large cap growth.
Flame away.
Old man got balls still.
Mask futures are up, pharmacies, bodegas, gas stations and and the dollar stores busy marking them up again and taking off the clearance tags..
Lib, depending on the exact scenario you are trying to protect take a look at using options.
For example, say you want to stay invested at your current level and are generally happy with your names. You don’t think they have a ton of upside but some, and the risk is higher than normal that you could see downside. You’re willing to accept some downside as normal market noise. Plus, you may not want to deal with sales in taxable accounts unless you need to.
Using VEEV as an example you could right now, with the shares at 326, do the following trade (all expiries 9/17/21, 53 days out):
STO 340C 10.35 (credit)
BTO 320P 13.50 (debit)
STO 290P 4.20 (credit)
The two months of this protection costs you nothing. Actually, for every 100 shares you protect you will actually receive $155.
Here’s the protection: You will bear the first 1.5% of losses, after that you are protected dollar-for-dollar for the next 10% down. After that, you again own the losses.
In return, you agree to cap your gains in the next two months to 4.3%.
The cost here is likely overstated in this straightforward example…if for example the shares run to 340 in the first month you can make some simple adjustments that will net you another $150 or so per 100 shares.
These percentages of protection/upside you give up can be adjusted to your preferences and price outlook.
And, if you are particularly fearful of a potential crash, you could add the following on the QQQ to the above trade (same 9/17/21 expiry):
BTO 326P 2.95 (debit)
STO 290P 1.05 (credit)
That costs 1.90 ($190 per hundred shares). Net that against the 1.55 ($155 per hundred shares) you received above and for the mere cost of 0.35 per share (0.1%) you will have solid protection for a 20% down market for two months.
Wash, rinse, repeat until they blow the all clear horn….
CDC’s new but really just recycled guidelines for students is now masks and social distancing again. Here we are a month from school starting. Governor is “undecided” as well it’s an election year, yet he is putting his mask back on again himself, so writing in on the wall.
Again social distancing means lots and lots of rules that cannot be enforced if the kids are crammed into class rooms, we could see ALL remote coming back again too….
The right logic summarized:
Its simple folks, Dr Fauci worked with a Chinese biolab to create a supervirus that does not actually hurt anyone but you should let yourself get infected with it rather than take the useless vaccine that we should be thanking Trump for.
So the women’s gymnastics world champion for the last 8 years just quit the women’s team because she only won a silver medal? If she won a gold she would not have quit?
Careful, juice. The woke movement doesn’t want to hear it. I got trashed for the following statement by the “woke” brigades.
“She took it for granted how good she was. Stopped putting in the work, and is getting passed up. Couldn’t emotionally take it, and got out of the games.”
Been an athlete for the first half of my life…I know exactly what happened to this girl.
Can she come back from it? That’s the question. No different than tiger woods.
Again social distancing means lots and lots of rules that cannot be enforced if the kids are crammed into class rooms, we could see ALL remote coming back again too….
That’s ok, let’s deprive all the poor kids in person learning for a 3rd school year while we preach about ending inequality and systemic racism.
Pumps I have a feeling the empty stadium is playing a part, there are no roaring fans etc.
Here she is in the US trials for the vaults, she crushed it, the entire video is great too.
She was still breaking records up to a month or two ago, but whatever it is, she doesn’t have the fight in her anymore. Hope she gets it back.
I’m highly competitive. If I win for too long, I hate it. I love a challenge and a fight. Nothing lights the fire in me more than that. I would think she is the same, unbelievable competitiveness, that gets her to push and push, but it’s not easy to keep going when you completely dominate a sport. It becomes boring..
Its simple folks, Dr Fauci worked with a Chinese biolab to create a supervirus that does not actually hurt anyone but you should let yourself get infected with it rather than take the useless vaccine that we should be thanking Trump for.
Cracked the code
Yea, bystander, that was funny. Nice job.
It’s too bad you spearheaded the ping pong center. You could have been highly competitive in that sport too.
Fanone’s testimony is powerful and damning.
For sure. I’m all about making America great, but not like this. Trump destroyed the Republican Party. Jackass. Tea party started it, but he nailed it shut.
Grim says:
July 27, 2021 at 9:36 pm
Fanone’s testimony is powerful and damning.
And if you can’t see how much Trump turned the tide, I can’t help you. These people don’t represent the Republican Party I know. That’s for sure.
I don’t even know how to describe a Republican today. Wtf!! Stick to your principles. Social bs has no business in it.
Big news:
The right logic summarized:
Its simple folks, Dr Fauci worked with a Chinese biolab to create a supervirus that does not actually hurt anyone but you should let yourself get infected with it rather than take the useless vaccine that we should be thanking Trump for.
So explain what is happening in South Africa or India? When will you take this seriously?
You should know this could get out of control fast. Nip it in the butt, force the vaccination. For humanity.
BRT says:
July 27, 2021 at 10:54 pm
The right logic summarized:
Its simple folks, Dr Fauci worked with a Chinese biolab to create a supervirus that does not actually hurt anyone but you should let yourself get infected with it rather than take the useless vaccine that we should be thanking Trump for.
Record house price growth, says Case Shiller today. This data is repeat sales of same homes. Clean data. No mix changes to worry about. Surprised this data didn’t appear on Njrereport today.
Net worths of upper middle class America – aka North Jersey – are rising epically.
“just quit the women’s team because she only won a silver medal?”
For someone who does so much research on so many other topics, you need to go back to the drawing board on this one.
I was wondering if anyone else would post about the hearings today.
For me that video at the start put this all in perspective. This was a coordinated preplanned attack. They even had their own Comms set-up. You can now see why the GOP don’t want this investiaged, as there a lot of senior Rs implicated in all of this.
The Federal Reserve chair, always on the lookout for signs of inflation, might want to drop by Manhattan’s Upper East Side, where a $200 plate of french fries stretches the definition of haute cuisine.
Trump backed candidate for Congress loses special election in Texas.
This area has long been considered the reddest urban area in Texas. Yet trump only won it by 3 points in 2020.
Fab that was the knee jerk to the s*h*it reporting in the MSM. I watched what happened, as well as her US qualifiers. You can totally see the difference. She has the super power that gave her the ability to be the GOAT of gymnastics and do vaults that no one else will even attempt. I believe the empty stands in Japan has much to do with it for you see without the adulation of the crowds there were no smiles seen, she was seen encouraging herself mouthing “one more time” before her vault as there was no roar, no cheering fans to encourage, that missing element affected her, as she did have the ability physically. Hopefully she will make a comeback in the individual competition next week. Mentally when there are cheering fans that make you smile your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides, that simple act of smiling can transform you and the world around you and make you perform better and have the confidence to compete at the highest level. It’s something mentally that is difficult to overcome for anyone even someone as accomplished as Simone Biles.
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“Fanone’s testimony is powerful and damning.”
Meh. Didn’t see the full testimony but did see MSM news coverage…
Bit of a drama queen, banging the table and all. Plus, I was not aware the purpose of a Congressional Special Committee is to demonstrate how people felt. Thought that is the provenance of TikTok.
But what is one to expect when the ‘leaders’ running the Committee are crying like HS girls spurned on a Friday night….
I don’t need to be lectured by members of a group of civil servants so ill-prepared, out of shape, and incompetent that they cannot stop a group of meandering 30-70 year old white men with sticks.
Wake me when we get to real questions…like who took fatal target practice on an unarmed woman and under what authority…and why with a budget larger than the police forces of major cities like Boston or Detroit, an area to patrol a fraction of the size, and on a day that throughout history regularly congregates every leader from each branch of our government in the exact location for which they are responsible at a specified time they were incapable of the only duty for which they were sworn.
The Capitol Police make the NJTP look like Seal Team 6.
This ‘Committee’ is nothing but a blame shifting game.
I watched that Bill Maher link. I don’t like the guy but that was a rather common sense sermon.
“Soc1al media goes wild over the bravery and courage of Simone Biles!” Why does this irk me to no end?
Because as liberals are wont, the traditional meanings of positive traits are twisted to fit their perverse world view and their own shortcomings…
In the eyes of the Left bravery=quitting and courage=self doubt.
Having dealt up close with mental health issues, as many of us likely have, I applaud anyone for speaking out on this topic. As she should have with or without participating. And respect her for doing so.
However, true courage is competing when you know you are a bit “off” and may be at risk of injury and true bravery is pushing through the above with the full understanding you may fail multiple parties on an international stage but accept that risk.
Another Olympic GOAT Phelps talked about how he had allot of trouble and even contemplated suicide, he had to go for a stay at a treatment center over it he was only 19 years old at the time. He had lots of struggles and still does. Biles is in the same spotlight, she is having issues. She is 24 and may be at the end of her career.
Do you folks know the story of the oldest Women’s Olympic Gymnast competing in Tokyo? 46-year Oksana Chusovitina, she first competed in the Olympics for the Soviet Union in 1992!
Agree, it looks like her career is over.
“I just don’t trust myself as much as I used to. And I don’t know if it’s age – I’m a little bit more nervous when I do gymnastics. I feel like I’m also not having as much fun and I know that.
Thanks for the write up on the options. I will begin to learn of their usage. For now, I’ll play it my way as I wouldn’t even know what to look for or how to properly purchase them. In the longer run, I can see how they can be beneficial, especially as a hedge. Thanks for changing my opinion on their usage. The only downside of them (I assume) is that I would have a very difficult time timing them. What if the correction is longer than two months. I imagine the strategy would be to sort of ladder your hedges, which might start to get costly. Utilizing my strategy, I mainly risk the opportunity cost of not being long if the market increases dramatically (with my money sitting in AGG making 7% a year).
On Biles, I agree that this appeared to be a cowardly move on her part and she definitely let her TEAM down. My guess (and this is not going to sound very compassionate) is that after fukcing up the vault, which could happen to the best of athletes, she manages to push herself to the forefront of the press in the ideal Mary Lou Retton moment as she bravely wins the gold by fighting both the evil Russians, Chinese and her inner demons. She will parlay this into becoming the cancel culture hero and international spokesperson for the mentally ill. Though, we should probably let this flush itself out before jumping to any conclusions (wink). If she chooses not to compete in the individuals, then I’m gonna look like an a-hole.
Finally, the attack on the Capitol building is just as inexcusable behavior as the destruction of government buildings by the radicals on the Left. All of the offenders should be punished. The difference here being, the “insurrectionists” were much more organized, much more violent and were after politicians, not government property, in their means of protest. That is the big difference here. But to say the Left was behind the attack on the Capitol is the rantings of Qanon talking.
Glad we can continue to separate our opposing politics from our willingness to help each other financially. :P
That’s why I said this. She is at the Tiger Woods stage. Totally dominated the sport and coming to grips that she might not just want it anymore.
“She took it for granted how good she was. Stopped putting in the work, and is getting passed up. Couldn’t emotionally take it, and got out of the games.”
Ken Langone of Home Depot fame folks advocating for a means test for Social Security, and other slam dunks minimum Corp tax etc….speaking with Sen Warren on squawk box this morning, good 4 1/2 minutes.
Fanone receives this voicemail. NSFC
Told you, she just dropped out all together. I was an athlete my entire youth and a hs soccer coach for 13 years. Understand athletes well.
Libturd/Leftwing, et. al.,
What’s your take on Boeing? I’ve held shares for years and watched it go from $400 plus to around $150 and then move back up to the current price. Airbus is really, the only other game. Logic tells me that eventually this thing sees $400 plus again. Just curious on your take, don’t plan to move it either way.
Joey Jordison, Founding Slipknot Drummer, Dead at 46
“Joey’s death has left us with empty hearts and feelings of indescribable sorrow,” family writes of musician
FE- If I were investing long term buy and hold, I like Amazon the best. Though, I’m guessing you don’t like the mom & pop store destruction aspect of it. Apple, I probably like second and then Google third. I don’t like BA at all. Too many headwinds and too many recent F-ups. The airline industry has just been a lousy sector for a very long time. You could look at a defense contractor as a smart replacement if you don’t want to stray to far from aeronautics.
I have a tech ETF that contains the ones you mentioned above. I’m comfortable with that aspect of it. I’ll hold BA but just wanted to get your take. People and goods need to fly, defense apparatus needs to be manufactured. BA isn’t a bulk of my holdings, was just curious on you or anyone’s take.
Listen the lunatics from the capitol riot were in the wrong, I doubt you’ll see a lot folks supporting the nut bags who were rioting and trying to assault the capital. That being said besides the political theatre of this, which even folks here are falling for hook line and sinker, one needs to ask the hard question of why were they not prepared? They knew this riot was coming, everyone knows when you assemble thousands of angry people in the streets violence is a foregone conclusion, those officers were in a bad place because of a lack of adequate preparation.
I have no doubts it was not a good place to be, but lets be honest only 900 people breached the capital and even fewer were violent, we are talking about fewer than 1000 agitators and probably only 100-200 actual violent actors. On top of this the capital police shot an unarmed women, so what we have is political theatre to deflect from the reality, a police force that did not adequately prepare, allowed the capital to be breached and shot an unarmed women all while being one of the most adequately funded police forces in the country. I don’t put the blame on the rank and file on the ground but rather with the leadership that failed to make adequate preparations.
All that being said, the shameful deprivation of constitutional rights of the accused is more alarming than a couple hundred rednecks who attempted an insurrection. This is not the first time we have encountered political violence and it likely is not the last but it the first time the accused criminal’s constitutional rights have been violated in such an extreme manner. People are innocent until proven guilty and the treatment of the accused vs. the capitol officer who shot the women shows a huge difference in the application of the law. His innocence is assumed where the accused are assumed to be guilty before any trial or evidence is presented. The fact that the democrats were afraid to put the opposition on the commission tells me they need to control the narrative because they fear the truth.
Regardless of what you believe the Democrats invited unrest by their fiat orders changing election laws and procedures in DIRECT VIOLATION of state laws. The fact that no court prevented these changes and then they failed to allow any challenges after the fact upset many voters. Lawlessness just begets more lawlessness, whether you believe fraud occurred or not any honest person will admit sidestepping the legislatures to change election laws was unethical and dishonest. Instead of assuring these people the election was legitimate they waived their hands and said nothing to see here, most honest election ever, without ever presenting any evidence to back up those claims. Literally millions of people questioned the outcome of the election and their concerns were ignored, that is the root cause of the riot. Even if Trump wasn’t spouting the lies, there were enough peculiarities in this election that people were going to be perturbed. The way this unfolded was unprecedented in US elections.
“The way this unfolded was unprecedented in US elections.”
So was the pandemic!
Sorry, 3b.
“Real estate investors expected the global pandemic to spark a long-running slump in the commercial property sector. But commercial real estate sales are now already back to where they were before the spread of Covid-19.
$144.7 billion worth of commercial property sold in the second quarter of 2021, more than the average for that quarter for years 2015 to 2019, Esther Fung reports. Most popular with buyers are multifamily buildings and properties in Sun Belt cities. Relatively low levels of debt and low interest rates have in part allowed real estate to bounce back so fast, noted a report from data firm Real Capital Analytics. “We’re coming out of a recession, and we’re looking at economic forecasts of a few good years,” said Brad Gries, an executive at LaSalle Investment Management, one of the biggest property buyers this year.
It’s not just real estate that property firms are buying, it’s other companies, too. CBRE, the world’s largest commercial-real-estate-services firm, is buying a controlling stake in British property and development management firm Turner & Townsend Holding in a $1.3 billion deal, Peter Grant reports. CBRE said its tenants are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprints and Turner & Townsend has been active in helping building owners overhaul their properties to cut down energy use. “There’s not much [that is] more important on our clients’ radar today than carbon neutrality and green energy,” said CBRE chief executive Bob Sulentic.
And yet another retailer has decided the best way to stay relevant in the age of big online shopping is to go small. Bloomingdale’s plans to introduce Bloomie’s in Virginia this August, a boutique store with fewer products in only 22,000 square feet, a fraction of the 150,000 square feet that Bloomingdales normally occupies. The new store offers “a more convenient and casual concept that fits into the everyday lifestyle needs of our customer,” said Tony Spring, chief executive officer of Bloomingdale’s.”
Eddie on BA, I thought there might be a recovery. The big headwind I see besides COVID reducing demand is the Chinese market potentially going to a domestically produced plane. If the COMAC plane is at all comparable to boeing’s offering they will lose that market and it will hit them hard. BA f’d up a lot recently, I’d expect boeing customers to remain with boeing and airbus customers to remain with airbus. Mixed fleets are inefficient for airlines and the margins in this business are very thin. So there are headwinds, history tells us whoever builds the next plane with far superior operational considerations will start to win market share and thus profits. By it’s nature this is a captive industry without a whole lot of space for the entrance of competitors(it is heavily regulated and capital intensive), if the Chinese don’t f it up it could have negative impacts on both boeing and airbus.
Pony up kids. You need to learn. This is how it’s done. Somehow you need to learn how to work it.
So I guess you won’t be screaming about how bad WFH is?
I find it interesting that you focus on the woman shot at the Capitol. In most if not all police encounters discussed here (at least that I can remember), you’d interpret the events to defend the police officers.
JCer says:
July 28, 2021 at 11:31 am
“…the Democrats invited unrest by their fiat orders changing election laws and procedures in DIRECT VIOLATION of state laws… Lawlessness just begets more lawlessness…”
In addition to this, the Dems aided and encouraged resistance and riot for the previous 4 years — literally from the day that T was elected. As Dem mayors – and the idiots that voted for them – are finding out in city after city, you can’t ignore or encourage lawlessness when you think it serves your purpose to do so, and then be outraged when that lawlessness escalates or is joined by someone that you disagree with.
From Wikipedia – “From November 9–12, 2016 [one day after the election], protests occurred in Oakland, California, against the election of Donald Trump. While originally peaceful, these protests became violent, with protesters lighting trash cans and cars and a building on fire and smashing store windows and throwing bottles at police.”
“Lawlessness just begets more lawlessness…”
Hell of an excuse.
Q: Can you tell me why the hours-long “insurrection” in Washington D.C. is being so aggressively prosecuted and the months-long occupying and destroying of portions of major cities (Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland, Baltimore, etc) seem to be just fading into history, with the label of “Peaceful Demonstrations” and the perpetrators being caught and released?
— Ken, Galveston, Texas
Tangle: Well, I think there’s an obvious reason that it’s being prosecuted the way it is: because it happened to Congress and in Congress. Clearly, members of Congress are going to be more aggressive and proactive about riots that happen in their place of work, that threaten their own lives and that involve an attempt to stop the results of an election from being certified. The same goes for why the “insurrection” is being investigated and pursued by the FBI and the Justice Department: it’s so obviously a federal matter.
That being said, I think the premise of your question is actually incorrect. Protesters and rioters in Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland and Baltimore are getting charged and have been arrested. It’s actually a bit of a media myth that they’re not being prosecuted (one that I see persist on the right more than the left, though plenty of people on the left also seem to think hitting the streets is low-risk).
We actually know this because news organizations like the Associated Press have examined thousands of pages of court documents to better understand who, exactly, was getting arrested at these protests (in some cases, lots of wealthy white people from out of town). In June of 2020, more than a year ago, the estimated number of arrests of protesters was over 10,000. Are some being released or dismissed without charges? Definitely. In both instances.
In Portland, about half of the cases against protesters have been dismissed, which means the other half are still being pursued. That percentage could very well end up being the same rate of prosecution we see from the Capitol riots, though I expect Capitol rioters to continue to face more serious charges (Portland protesters have done damage to federal buildings, but more generally there’s going to be a difference between looting a Target after marching through the streets vs. breaking down the doors of the Capitol building and trashing the place).
So, in short: a lot of protesters have been arrested and charged. Many Capitol protesters were too. But the jury is still out on how aggressively each will be prosecuted in court (for the former, it’s going to depend a lot on the states where they were arrested) and how many of the charges will end up dismissed. “
Dedicated to EZ: Bloodhound Gang cover of Enjoy The Silence with urination….
“The only downside of them (I assume) is that I would have a very difficult time timing them. What if the correction is longer than two months.”
Under the trade you would settle up on expiry (9/17). Whatever you were down (up to 20%) at that point you get that amount (less the 0.35 per share and the 1.5% first loss). If the shares roundtripped in that time – down 20% and then back to par on 9/17 – you are at par and only out of pocket the 0.35. If she is down 20% on 9/17 you get paid out and can either re-up the trade for a further downward move two months further out, play a rebound with no coverage, or something in between. When you have some time it’s worth googling. Some good videos out there.
“On Biles, I agree that this appeared to be a cowardly move on her part…”
If I went that far I did not intend to…would never call an athlete of that caliber a coward, she gave way too much over her short life so far to get where she is. Point was slightly different, I was disagreeing with the woke Left, withdrawing for mental health does not make her a hero.
“But to say the Left was behind the attack on the Capitol is the rantings of Qanon talking.”
I’ve never gone there nor would I….my point was different, the Dems playbook consists of one play….I was calling that out….distortion, drama, emotion, deflection, give us a halo. Woo-hoo, expect to spike the ball.
I just went to google maps, the Capitol area in DC is just over a quarter square mile. That includes he Capitol itself, the park, the three Senate office buildings, the House office buildings, and the Library of Congress.
Think about it in this context….
To protect that quarter square mile and 535 people the Capitol Police have a budget greater than the police forces of the City of Boston or Detroit.
For nearly 200 years there is one day every four years that the Capitol hosts the entire nerve center of America in one building….the current President and VP, the new President and VP, Supreme Court justices, members of Congress, former Presidents, and sundry other leaders and dignitaries. This event is the political equivalent of the Super Bowl, World Series Game 7, and the Olympics rolled into one.
Moreover, the time and place is known decades in advance. There are no surprises.
In that context……how fcuking totally incompetent can you be to allow what happened to occur? With that budget? On that day? Seriously. THAT IS THE CRIME. That lapse of epic proportions is where the investigation should be focused.
Jan 6 was not some terrorist, 9/11 attack out of the blue. It was not some overwhelming use of force. It was a group of people that looked like the infield of a NASCAR race or an SEC tailgate. THESE people breached the Capitol on THAT day?
Any honest investigation would fire if not lock up half the management structure of the Capitol Police and investigate up the civilian reporting chain to see WTF happened….oops, that would land on the Speaker’s desk….now I get it…..better get back to that liberal game plan and inject the flavor of the moment, “root causes”. And cue the crocodile tears. Spare me.
Lmao…pancake in a can (nhmd) has a beautiful one year chart going. My family members are now back to even, but letting it ride. Praying for a big pump sooner or later. NHMD is a roach, somehow keeps surviving.
And, yes, Lib I appreciate our chats here.
And I believe we are closer in politics than our posts indicate…we often agree what we see while occasionally looking at it from different sides of the street.
May be time to see what new is brewing at Grim’s still.
You are often way too logical for this place. The flag is not a symbolism and the Right owns patriotism…of course. Blue lives matter except when it is done by the right, attacking under the instruction of their lying TV god. Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland and Baltimore are sh*thole D citites, run by soci&lists..but we care about their “destruction” when it suits our needs to defend the insane Orange clown posse as lawlessness in those cities, obviously caused the lawlessness at the Capitol. It all makes so much sense.
Agreed. I’ll see if I can come up with a time.
As for the lack of security at the Capitol. I really don’t think it was intentional. I think it was more the case of the incompetence of our government combined with a feeling that these radicals on the right were all talk and no action. None the less, lack of Capitol security is not a partisan issue.
Perhaps, the lack of a Federal response after the initial breach of the inadequate security was more of a partisan issue?
24 years old. She cracked. Couldn’t handle it. Happens even to soldiers in war. And just like them, you can take your whole team down.
That’s what happened. You need to step up your game in these situations, or you bring the whole team down. A loss for all of them.
“Lawlessness just begets more lawlessness…”
Good excuse. If the law doesn’t work, why should you adhere to it anyway. That’s just logical thinking. Of course, for those that it works for, they will tell you to just suck it up. Eff em. Do what you have to do. Maybe then the legal system might just start to work correctly. Naah, that will never happen.
As for the lady shot at the Capitol, well, she was just the type Cipolla wrote his laws about. Did she think anyone in that building cared enough about her simple life over theirs? Did she think anyone there loved her or cared about her more than her vote? Did she think they were really her friends, and that this was her house?
It ain’t rocket science, you break into a place where the elites, who don’t give one crap about you, conduct their immoral business you can expect to get dispatched.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. At least is was a humane death, looks like the guy was a good shot.
Kids, now turn to page three, and repeat after me. Don’t attempt to break into a government building. They are not your friends. They will all see you as a threat to them. They will murder you, legally.
BA is a failure company that had a window of good execution, but it was a mirage. Basically, a tone deaf CEO (Dennis Muilenburg) focused on the bottom line. Alas, these hard charging short-sighted morally deficient folks can create the illusion of finally righting a chronically unwieldy albatross. In this case, he used the company’s strengths (i.e. duopoly position, regulatory capture) to make fatal decisions. The worst part of the whole debacle was his indifferent, callous and “cost-of-doing” business, public statements about people’s lives.
In short, BA is a success because of market realities. Just as you can take a shrewd, prepared, and well-executing world class management team, and stick them in a corporate death march and produce sh!t. You can take BA, with it’s fat, happy and stupid bureaucracy, and mint tons of cash. Do not be fooled by the run up to the 737 max crisis. The real company is a bloated mess, but may not be a bad investment. Maybe for the good of public safety, it will persist as a bloated mess.
JCer says:
July 28, 2021 at 11:52 am
Eddie on BA, I thought there might be a recovery. The big headwind I see besides COVID reducing demand is the Chinese market potentially going to a domestically produced plane. If the COMAC plane is at all comparable to boeing’s offering they will lose that market and it will hit them hard. BA f’d up a lot recently, I’d expect boeing customers to remain with boeing and airbus customers to remain with airbus. Mixed fleets are inefficient for airlines and the margins in this business are very thin. So there are headwinds, history tells us whoever builds the next plane with far superior operational considerations will start to win market share and thus profits. By it’s nature this is a captive industry without a whole lot of space for the entrance of competitors(it is heavily regulated and capital intensive), if the Chinese don’t f it up it could have negative impacts on both boeing and airbus.
Jcer would have been “ok” if the unarmed woman was asphyxiated by knee to the neck.
I kid. Really.
And Leftwing, our boys played quite well yesterday in the scrimmage. Lost 4-3 with 10 skaters to their 17. Had plenty of chances to win too, but kids were too dusty. Not bad for the first game of the season. Protec had beat Union twice already so their dust was shaken off. My kid got the only penalty in the game. I think his team should win NJ AA U16 this year. We’ll see. Generally, a nice bunch of kids on the team this year. I hope they can be aggressive enough.
As predicted, ProTec was made up almost entirely of AA players from last year or weak links on weal AAA teams. Whatever. I hope that extra $4,000 is worth it to their parents.
Why are you focused on tactics? What are your goals? ….. and ending up with “the optimized amount of net wealth at 12/31/2022” is not a goal.
Libturd says:
July 27, 2021 at 4:23 pm
Hey Chi,
I’m starting to build my major correction strategy and happened upon an ETF that performed interestingly in both the Covid correction and Trump’s December to remember. The symbol is TAIL.
I know you hate my style, but it works. Thinking of slowly moving my long positions into AGG between August and the rest of the year. I’ve done better than well for three years now and really fear for the new economy. If I sense the correction, will use a combination of TAIL, HYLV, HNDL (figure about 20% each). If it looks like the sh1t is hitting the fan, will move the other 40% still in AGG into BAR and SH (or similar 1x inverse). I know I need to get out of these last two long before the bottom is in. The other three are relatively stable in any market. Of those three, some will be more heavily utilized in my taxable account as that is inherent in their design.
In my 401K, I plan to slowly move into more stable investments from my current mix of mainly mega cap high growth stocks with a touch of emerging market, small cap and value as the year goes on.
Of course, the moment Powell/Yellin claim they can’t tighten QE, all bets are off and I’m back into large cap growth.
Flame away.
Walked into Chili’s at 7:30PM by the Ocean County mall yesterday at my son’s request after a b-ball game. The place was 2/3 empty; hostess said 30-45 minute wait for table. I said WTF? Not enough staff. We were seated in bar area at 8:15PM. Bartender covered entire area. She was doing the coverage of 3 people. Felt bad. Gave massive tip.
At least the woman was making a sh!tload of money. Bottomless Yeungling draughts for my father-in-law, so she took of us without asking……
Maybe the Dems were smart about it. They let trump shoot himself in the head, not the foot. Let him rile up his base like he always does, and let them make a move that was political suicide. Trump played himself. He doesn’t know how to play real politics. He is a master of angering his base and his enemies, that is what he is really good at. He almost created a Civil War because he angered both sides so much. Friends and family members going at it because of his bs.
Libturd says:
July 28, 2021 at 1:29 pm
Agreed. I’ll see if I can come up with a time.
As for the lack of security at the Capitol. I really don’t think it was intentional. I think it was more the case of the incompetence of our government combined with a feeling that these radicals on the right were all talk and no action. None the less, lack of Capitol security is not a partisan issue.
took care
Lib, have a hockey post for you from yesterday, saved, but it goes into the netherworld filter.
Other than running it through Word and replacing every ‘i’ and ‘o’ with a ‘1’ and ‘0’, which makes things unreadable, I’ll try to see what’s busting it and post. Some empathy, League/District history, and predictions re: NJ hockey.
Good to hear on your son’s team. They looked good last year.
Yup. It’s not easy to dominate a sport, and it’s incredibly difficult to continue to do so. You cant get bored with the success, and thats not easy. Have to have the rocky poster and continue to train 120% which is extremely difficult. Pressure is insane.
Phoenix says:
July 28, 2021 at 1:30 pm
24 years old. She cracked. Couldn’t handle it. Happens even to soldiers in war. And just like them, you can take your whole team down.
That’s what happened. You need to step up your game in these situations, or you bring the whole team down. A loss for all of them.
It is ok to quit two years through your term as Gov of Alaska. In fact, you become even more beloved by the right with TV shows, books and non-stop Fox media promoting how great she is..but the most decorated gymnast in US Olympic history takes a mental break and she is a unpatriotic loser of the wokeism culture..pathetic.
Who blinked, idiot Blumpkin?
“As America struggles to contain the delta variant, Google will require workers returning to U.S. campuses to be vaccinated, and the tech giant is further delaying its return-to-office date to mid-October. “
Their companies can’t function without in person workers. You know damn well they are trying to figure out a way to win this battle as we speak. The future of their company depends on it.
Bystander says:
July 28, 2021 at 2:28 pm
Who blinked, idiot Blumpkin?
“As America struggles to contain the delta variant, Google will require workers returning to U.S. campuses to be vaccinated, and the tech giant is further delaying its return-to-office date to mid-October. “
Comes with the territory. It’s sports, and if you quit no matter what the reason is, people are going to go after you. If Brady quit halfway through the super bowl, you don’t think he would get sh!t?
“but the most decorated gymnast in US Olympic history takes a mental break and she is a unpatriotic loser of the wokeism culture..pathetic.”
“Protesters and rioters in Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland and Baltimore are getting charged and have been arrested. It’s actually a bit of a media myth that they’re not being prosecuted…”
Whether intended or not by the person who provided this response, this is simply a throw-away apology for Dem malfeasance — figuring that as long as you say that some people have been arrested you can avoid the entire issue. Overwhelmingly, rioting has been excused by Dem leaders and their progressive supporters in these cities and others, as those leaders felt it was a net-negative for T — ignoring of course, the impact of that lawlessness on their own cities and the sky-rocketing rates of violent crime that have ensued.
WSJ (Apr 15) – Almost Half of Federal Cases Against Portland Rioters Have Been Dismissed
Minn Reformer (May 27) – One year later, few charges for the arson and destruction
NBC (June 18) Charges dropped for hundreds of alleged looters in New York City
You get the picture…
I do SmallBrain:
FauxNew 2/15 – Kyle Rittenhouse Allowed To Remain Free Despite Violating Bond Terms, Judge Rules
The projected share of new global chip-production capacity that will be created by Chinese manufacturers in the next decade
“Anyone who says crime doesn’t pay isn’t doing it right.”
Elizabeth Keen.
The right are really pushing this Biles narrative to deflect from the hearings yesterday.
How about this for a narrative. She was in a Lose Lose situation. You could see from the qualifying she was off. Say she does buckle down, grits her teeth and John Waynes it through the the next three rotations and bl0ws each one. You would be hounding her for not stepping aside. She did and it was the best for her and the team. The alternates posted great scores in those other rotations. Did they win the gold, no, but that doesn’t diminish how good that ROC team was.
Would you rather she compete and the team not medal?
This is the best outcome, she walks away with a chance to recover and we don’t have to watch another breakdown (or worse) on live TV as we got with Pete Sampras.
WSJ (Apr 15) – Almost Half of Federal Cases Against Portland Rioters Have Been Dismissed
Minn Reformer (May 27) – One year later, few charges for the arson and destruction
NBC (June 18) Charges dropped for hundreds of alleged looters in New York City
It’s all not click-worthy. Leftists get wet, finger themselves and click away when the hated American Flag or anything Trump related is mentioned or written.
She is Tom Brady now? Anyone on right care about her on Monday..nope, only when Fox makes headlines about failed woke olympics. Do you think anyone on the right could pick her from a profile of gymnasts, particurly if Dawes was on it too? You are truly dumb.
Doubling down on your Patriotic Tourists?
“Any honest investigation would fire if not lock up half the management structure of the Capitol Police and investigate up the civilian reporting chain to see WTF happened”
Yes, lets investigate. 14 requests to the DC National Guard and they weren’t allowed to deploy for 5 hours and at that point it was all over. Why did that happen? The NG is under Donnies control. After the election Donnie fired the Pentagon leadership and put in a Patsy. Millar sent a letter to the NG on Jan 4th effectively handcuffing any response from them. That’s where you need to look. This was a coordinated attack that hit 4 entry points simultaneously.
“lawlessness on their own cities and the sky-rocketing rates of violent crime that have ensued.”
What does this have to do with the Capitol? And there’s no crime in Republican Cities? Oh wait, there is no such thing as a Republican city. Anymore.
Let’s see. The largest Republican City is Jacksonville Florida, followed by Fort Worth Texas.
“JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Jacksonville’s 2020 homicide rate has broken 2019’s rate, which was the highest the city saw in almost two decades.
According to the Jacksonville Sherriff’s Office’s transparency website and First Coast News’ homicide tracker, there have been at least 160 homicide in 2020, passing 158 in 2019.
The there have been at least five shootings since early Sunday morning. Jacksonville has seen more than 420 total in 2020, 134 of them deadly. The city’s homicide count stands at 160 with shootings, stabbings, beatings and undetermined deaths factored in. ” And this was mid November. So 45 days to go.
Shall we look at Fort Worth?
“Halfway through 2021, and violent crime is on track to eclipse 2020. Last year had 252 homicides, which is the most in nearly two decades. ”
Poly want a cra-narrative?
Think for yourself. It’s much more interesting than repeating the repeated lies of others.
The goal ChiFi, is not to look the gift horse in the mouth.
Sold off the rest of my CENT today (traditional IRA), Lefty. Started a position in AGG.
“we don’t have to watch another breakdown (or worse) on live TV as we got with Pete Sampras.”
Bystander is correct. All these people commenting on female gymnastics as if they care at all. Even more, they claim to not like sports due to politics… except right now?
PS. Fabius, I had no idea what you’re talking about, but I looked it up and Pete Sampras won that match.
If you knew at 3PM yesterday all the results that came out in the following 3 hours, and also what the Fed said today, could you have predicted where we will close in 10 minutes? It is actually incredibly bullish. I am not critiquing or criticizing. How is your grand plan anything other than a wild stab in the dark? As a result…. what is your goal?
chicagofinance says:
July 28, 2021 at 1:52 pm
….. and ending up with “the optimized amount of net wealth at 12/31/2022” is not a goal.
Libturd says:
July 28, 2021 at 3:39 pm
The goal ChiFi, is not to look the gift horse in the mouth.
I could argue that the best use of your cash right now might be converting as much IRA money to Roth money in 2021…… 2021 AGI be damned…. unless you intend to disgorge IRA asset where they will never be taxed….. you get the feeling that the tax vultures are cornering people with your intentions….be on the lookout for their traps.
Biles…why are we brining politics into this? Why?
I had no idea that the biles issue had turned political. I naively tweeted what i knew had happened to her. The tweet had nothing to do with attacking her or politics. It was an honest assessment of what happened, and what do I get? The damn woke brigade jumping down my throat.
Everything is politics these days…im so tired of it. From science to sports, and everything in the middle, it’s all infected by party politics. What a joke.
At the end of the day, you are either American or you are not. No other country hates each other like Americans do, and it needs to stop. Learn to agree to disagree without pure hate. Trump really did a number on this country for both teams. Both are bat sh!t crazy.
She is the GOAT of olympic gymnasts. That’s why i made the tom brady reference. Some (not me) consider tom brady as the GOAT of the nfl.
Bystander says:
July 28, 2021 at 3:20 pm
She is Tom Brady now? Anyone on right care about her on Monday..nope, only when Fox makes headlines about failed woke olympics. Do you think anyone on the right could pick her from a profile of gymnasts, particurly if Dawes was on it too? You are truly dumb.
Jerome says not quite ready to taper, but he is watching! Party on !! Let the madness continue!!
A Democrat Against Deficits
Congress should pay for its infrastructure spending, not look for creative ways of avoiding responsibility.
Deficit, schmeficit.
Just keep printing and disbursing free money. We are closer now to the Coffin Corner than ever before.
Suck down a bottle of hooch until its time to say lights out.
Bergen county had maybe three, or four people hit by NJ Transit trains this month already. At this point they must be passing Kevorkian’s numbers.
They ain’t all accidents.
25% of Boeing’s business is China. They are screwed if CCCP owned COMAC gets their planes in mass production. China has approx. 1/2 million people working on these programs. It’s only a matter of time, you think if COMAC planes have issues they will stop production?
Why do pedestrians keep getting hit by trains? NJ Transit is trying to solve the mystery.
I had to put together a 15x 9 trampoline for my daughter. Took me 4 hrs. Why are directions for most items pretty much worthless? They can’t leave a little tip that will help, instead they make you figure it out. I guess it comes down to costs.. lower costs by providing bare minimum directions.
Oh, the irony. Wasn’t it Boeing that outsourced it’s engineers to places like China?
Well, you teach your employees well enough, and soon they will be your competition.
America is going to learn a lesson soon. And the biggest actors behind this are just going to scurry of to some other place as their allegiance was never to America, but to themselves.
Square peg, round hole. I could probably make good money putting together cheap furniture from Wayfair or Ikea for people who cannot figure it out.
That’s what’s fun about my job. Your broken bones don’t come with directions, so be thankful there are people who have the ability to reason things out.
And Pumps,
Trampolines are good for my business. Especially poorly assembled ones. But we don’t want your business.
Please do us and your family a favor and have this put together by someone who knows what they are doing. I don’t like seeing anyone get hurt unnecessarily.
There is already enough pain in this world. We don’t need more.
I’m Polish…I started making things with my hands in my mothers stomach. I was taught to figure it out when I was young. You never ever hire someone to do work for you is the Polish motto. It’s changing, as most people can’t screw in a light bulb today.
I’m not a gymnast or former world class athlete like Pumpkin, but I have been a member of a couple of USTA Tennis teams that made it to national finals.
Looks like Biles made several unusual mistakes (for her) and felt like she basically lost her feel and her confidence. For that day, pulling out was probably the right thing for the team, and it took guts to admit it. I guess she had already tried to overcome it, and didn’t work. If I was at a tournament and double faulted all morning, I might suggest to my team captain to substitute for me till I figured it out. In baseball, if a releiver isn’t willing to take the mound in a pressure situation, his career is over. Sports I’d about performing under pressure.
The part I didn’t like was the modern trend of turning it into a mental health problem and using that as the universal defense against all criticisms, turning yourself into a virtuous victim.
I bet the Chinese and Russians are making fun of weak Americans who proudly declare they cannot mentally handle pressure.
Oz Powell is watching for sure. Watching all classic Tw*light Z*ne episodes. His favorite is ‘Its a Good Life’. He very much relates to that kid. Poor child was just a misunderstood mas*er of the universe. He is stuck on a “Nice Place to Visit” as does not get it and keeps rewatching to understand why man is not happy. He will taper once he gets it, in a decade or so.
Libturd says:
July 28, 2021 at 3:36 pm
“Shall we look at Fort Worth?”
Sure, let’s do that. Violent crime rate for Republican governed Ft Worth (pop 870k) is ~560 per 100k people. Let’s look at a similar-sized Dem city; Baltimore (pop 615k) violent crime rate is ~2000 per 100k people — almost 4 times that of Ft Worth. Not fair you say, Baltimore is an exception? How about pretty little Minneapolis (pop ~420k), a city that’s much smaller than Ft Worth and should be much easier to govern; violent crime rate in Minny is ~1100 per 100k — twice that of Ft Worth.
And that’s not even accounting for all of the criminal activity that Dem mayors have de-criminalized, or all of crime that Dem DA’s refuse to prosecute. Fact is, in 2021 it’s difficult to get a true sense of how bad things are in Dem cities. But keep fighting the good fight — no way would Dems be able to get away with such gross malfeasance without stooges like you and Bi to apologize for them.
She says she has the “Twists” the “Yips” it’s involuntary and overrides muscle memory. When you are flying through the air during a vault it can be very dangerous.
We may hear more from her eventually and others about what went down at Karolyi Ranch in Texas where they trained Soviet Style after the 2000 Olympics….
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) was none too pleased when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) last Wednesday barred him from serving on the House select committee investigating the January 6th riot at the Capitol. The move made sense at the time, considering Jordan is one of the most outspoken pushers of the election lie that fueled the insurrection. It makes even more sense now, considering Jordan’s apparent admission on Tuesday night that he spoke to former President Trump on the day of the siege, which could turn him into a material witness in the investigation.
The revelation came during an interview with Bret Baier on Fox News. When Baier asked Jordan whether he spoke to Trump on January 6th, Jordan launched into a readymade non-answer, bulldozing over Baier’s attempts to get him back on the topic of January 6th. Baier succeeded eventually, though, wringing a brief instant of clarify out of Jordan’s jittery rambling.
“Left, Doubling down on your Patriotic Tourists?”
“Left, I will always bring up your glorification of the events of 1/6 and your pride at what happened. How it was inspiring you to hang a picture on the wall to remind you of [our citizens’ right to challenge their government].”
I fixed that weird Patriot reference in that last post. I’ll ignore the equally incorrect ‘glorification’ reference because, well, your perception here really is worth the keystrokes.
Sure, ‘bring’ it on, I stand by the picture of our citizens gathered on the outside of the Capitol protesting. What role they had in scuffles inside doesn’t diminish that for me.
Type all you want on the topic, wear your keys out lol, does not matter to me and will likely not engender further response unless factually incorrect. Cheers.
Fort Worth isn’t like an east coast city . It’s suburban sprawl. Like
Calling Ocean county a city and building a small downtown area in it with a few short skyscrapers.
Phoenix: A fair amount of those pedestrian deaths are suicides.
Bystander: By the time Jerome gets it, it will be too late. And some people continue to cheer the madness on.
I was personally surprised that Biles, at 24, was continuing on with her career. Everyone else from 2016 GTFO of Dodge.
One of my girlfriends from college who used to do gymnastics through high school told me that as you get older, 17-18-19, you really begin to think more and more about the danger of what you are doing. It is really insane and ridiculous. It isn’t shocking at getting the yips.
All that said, it is a fcuking embarrassment and she let he teammates down. She never should have gone to Tokyo. You simply don’t do this kind of stuff. Naomi Osaka though is 10x worse. True snowflake with an arbitrary sense of reality. It is ridiculous that these people are completely bulletproof, and shielded from criticism. If you are enriched by attention, don’t complain about the dark side. Again Osaka is much worse….. as is Serena Williams coming to Osaka’s defense earlier this year when Williams was a typical boor in the 2018 French Open.
Juice Box says:
July 28, 2021 at 6:17 pm
She says she has the “Twists” the “Yips” it’s involuntary and overrides muscle memory. When you are flying through the air during a vault it can be very dangerous.
We may hear more from her eventually and others about what went down at Karolyi Ranch in Texas where they trained Soviet Style after the 2000 Olympics….
“Phoenix: A fair amount of those pedestrian deaths are suicides.”
I’d wager the majority of them are suicides. Hence the Kevorkian reference.
It’s really sad when people feel the only way out of being tortured is to step in front of a passenger train. Especially when they are young,
I’d like to know just how many are killed by NJ Transit each year.
Feel bad…see the video…their skin is messed up…
I don’t care about whether climate change is man made or not, but there is no debating that we have an impact on the world we live in. We have made this River unbearable for the wildlife that needs it to survive.
“The Columbia River is currently 71 degrees Fahrenheit (21.7 degrees Celsius). That’s 3 degrees Fahrenheit (1.7 degrees Celsius) above levels that are safe for salmon and other cold water-loving animals. Climate change made the heat wave in the region more intense, but other human activities are also behind the salmon’s suffering. Dams up and down the Columbia and Snake Rivers have also left water dangerously hot for the fish. Undammed rivers tend to stay cooler thanks to rapidly moving and churning water. Dammed rivers, though, suffer from stagnant water trapped in reservoirs with large surface areas and stagnant water that can warm more rapidly. Unfortunately, this summer has seen low water levels and freakishly hot air temperatures combine with deleterious impacts in the Columbia River basin.”
Pelosi did want Jordan or any other republican who would question the narrative or ask uncomfortable questions for a reason. What ever any one thinks happened on Jan 6th, what the federal government is doing to the suspects is a far greater threat to our country. Ron Paul is more eloquent in his arguments than I am but it seems pretty obvious we are abandoning the principals our country was founded on in how were are handling defendants in the Jan 6th cases.
As for the woman shot, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. But what is appalling is the lack of any sort of investigation or transparency. In watching the video you see a situation where the officer panicked and shot when he shouldn’t have. Yes she was engaged in felonious behavior. There are plenty of cases in my mind where the officer was wrong, Philando Castille was a travesty and a travesty of justice as well but since the officer wasn’t white you know it was ok to shoot a dude complying in a traffic stop with a child in the car. When you assault a cop with a deadly weapon or try to disarm the officer you very likely are going to die, it’s just common sense.
On Rittenhouse, the only thing the kid should have been charged with is violating gun laws, it was very clearly self defense. Say what you will, he should not have been there but it doesn’t change the facts, that angry mob would have killed him, assaulting someone with a gun is an invitation to get shot. The prosecutor in Kenosha is out of her fcuking mind, these people should be prosecuted for the politicization and weaponization of public offices.
This is all related, we are discussing Jan 6th like it was actually a credible threat to our democracy while the justice system is systematically being manipulated and used for political purposes. We cannot apply the law based on how we feel or whether or not we agree with your politics, justice must be blind and what we are seeing now is a very unequal application of the law.
JCer you just wrote some of the most disgusting tripe I’ve read on here.
They were breaking and entering a building known to contain the leaders of the country. Forget politics. They are lucky they all weren’t shot. If this was nearly any other country in the world, they would have been.
Politicized courts? Sorry, but that works both ways. Our Supreme Court looks more like the board of large Catholic Church than anything else.
Rittenhouse? Deathwish for a deathwisher.
As for the Republican choices for the investigation? It was clear the Republicans were playing games with their choices. They chose the two most election fraud believing, publicly lying, Trump supporting reps they had. They would have had a better chance of Pelosi accepting their choices had they selected Jake Angeli and Trump himself to the panel. It was clear those two would have never ruled reasonably and would have done nothing but wasted the time of the committee. Pelosi clearly had no choice.