From CoreLogic:
U.S. Home Price Insights – February 2023
December 2022 National Home Prices

Home prices nationwide, including distressed sales, increased year over year by 6.9% in December 2022 compared with December 2021. On a month-over-month basis, home prices declined by 0.4% in December 2022 compared with November 2022 (revisions with public records data are standard, and to ensure accuracy, CoreLogic incorporates the newly released public data to provide updated results).
The CoreLogic HPI Forecast indicates that home prices will decrease on a month-over-month basis by 0.2% from December 2022 to January 2023 and on a year-over-year basis by 3% from December 2022 to December 2023.
The effect of rising mortgage rates on housing demand in 2022 became even more evident in December, with annual home price growth dipping to 6.9%, down from a series high of 20% appreciation in April. Only nine states registered double-digit year-over-year price increases in December, compared with 48 that posted double-digit gains in April.
While the national unemployment rate remained at a low 3.5% in December, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, layoffs may be affecting housing demand in some expensive metro areas, particularly those that rely heavily on the tech industry. As noted in the latest US CoreLogic S&P Case-Shiller Index, San Francisco and Seattle posted significant home price deceleration in November. Idaho was the only state to register an annual home price loss in December (-1%), compared with its 17% gain recorded in April 2022. Nevertheless, the pandemic-induced migration to suburban, exurban and rural areas may be winding down, as part of the U.S. workforce gradually returns to offices.
To start with, China just tested Joe Biden, and he failed. China had put a spy balloon over Hawaii, and the president – we now learn – did nothing about a device about a dozen miles in the air leisurely traversing the United States and presumably sending images in real-time back to the Chinese military. U.S. airspace goes to 62 miles up.
Sen. Mitt Romney on tense exchange with Rep. George Santos ahead of President Biden’s State of the Union address:
“He’s a sick puppy….He shouldn’t be in Congress. They’re going to go through the process, and hopefully get him out.”
2’s-10’s inverted 84 bps
Ah more Balloonacy
Spy balloon over Hawaii and Florida. Hey look that was under Trump, quick send out some classified info to our friends in the news.
BY the way love these careful leaks of classified info. How is this not Top Secret? Where is the DOJ? We go after leakers lies Assange and Snowden but not CNN.
Notice how they do not even mention classified in their reporting?
“A US military document that is not in the public domain has revealed how China has allegedly been operating large balloons to traverse several parts of the world.
“The report, dated April 2022 and partially accessed by CNN, stated damning accounts of how Chinese balloons “circumnavigated the globe” in 2019.
In a further embarrassing claim for Donald Trump, who was president at the time, the US Air Force document said such craft had “drifted past Hawaii” and “across Florida” as well.”
Santos and Romney? Romney was the one out of line, it’s like telling a person to get to the back of the bus or you cannot use that bathroom.
Here is how the conversation actually went.
“Mitt: You don’t belong here.
Santos: Go tell that to the 142K that voted for me.
Mitt: You’re an ass.
Santos: You’re a much bigger asshole.”
I would have to say George is right on this one. He should have gone in for a hug and even a smooch on the lips of old Mitt.
Only nine states registered double-digit year-over-year price increases in December, compared with 48 that posted double-digit gains in April. Idaho was the only state to register an annual home price loss in December (-1%) compared with its 17% gain recorded in April 2022.
We’re insulated in the NYC/NJ/CT area. It’s the only thing the house tour guides and I will agree on. They say it as rhetoric, it just happens to be true. A Chernobyl style event would temporarily halt prices and then the parade of buyers would line up shortly afterward. When Sandy hit, I told my brothers that we need to buy something down the shore and sit on it. We didn’t. Those that did are enjoying their ROI. When Covid hit, I said the same about purchasing an apartment in NYC. Again, we didn’t. A decrease doesn’t happen here, it’s just a matter of signing the contract during the trough of the sine wave and that trough is fleeting.
I never understood the idea of sticking air conditioners in walls. Why? And again, tubby Mary, clean the fucking bathrooms. I get that their dated but at least make them spotless. If you can’t do it, skip the Twinkies for a few weeks and use the money to pay someone to scrub them for you:–2006693257
Take 10% of this price. I’d say jump on this one but the hard sell might be the inground pool. Pools are a major b1tch if you don’t know how to handle them. Inground pools are 10 times worse. You better know what you’re doing or you’ll screw yourself royally.–2006693085
Looking at the one above again… ugh… take 15% off and pray for the best. It can work eventually but it needs a “3” handle.
Electric baseboard heat. Some Cats like that. They will lean against it with their front leg on the top of it, when they’ve gotten warm enough they will turn around and do the other side.
See. I can say something positive about one of your house postings.
Baseboard is the best option if it’s gas/oil. Why is it electric? What did I miss?
9:05 college?
You’re right. It’s baseboard water with a gas hookup. When I see those short baseboards I think electric automatically.
I’m sure most cats would still appreciate that heating system.
Dead on.
Btw, you and I were the only ones on this blog saying to buy NYC real estate while the headlines were saying NYC is done forever. LMAO…talk about an easy buying opportunity. Right, it’s dead forever. ROTFLMAO. Can’t believe majority of people believed this nonsense…can’t believe headlines even entertained this garbage.
“When Sandy hit, I told my brothers that we need to buy something down the shore and sit on it. We didn’t. Those that did are enjoying their ROI. When Covid hit, I said the same about purchasing an apartment in NYC. Again, we didn’t.”
Nice and tidy looking, on a main street, though. It appears to be buttoned up and staged for viewing. Does it sell for this price?–2006486674
Fast: Those are Montvale houses, not everyone gets to live in that rarefied town. Lots of condo and apartment building going on there as well. People should buy, and when AI/ chat bots take everyone’s job they can just stay there!
Asking $1 million, Allendale, been sitting for 5 months. What’s the hammer price on this one?–2006427372
Fast: It’s set back from the street, Godwin is a main road, but it’s no Kinderkamack, or Forest Ave.
JP Morgan laying off hundreds more mortgage brokers. Not here I am sure because we are insulated.
Real people go to college, liberals go to collage… a ragbag hodgepodge of dewy-eyed assumptions disguised as reality wrapped in a dim-witted neurosis. T0 dissect the mind of a liberal is a pathologist’s dream.
Forest Avenue is a highway. What speed limit sign?
Fast: Oradell Ave too.
Very dangerous indeed, buying a pool before season starts. One of biggest risks I took when I did inspection in Dec 2014. The seller was meticulous with the documentation, bordering a little nutty. She kept every receipt from pool service and even Leslie’s purchases. Fully stocked chemicals for a season. They left a new Dolphin in shed. New liner installed in 2012, warranty provided. I pulled trigger. These people did not lift a finger themselves. Pool was in perfect condition. I remember the pool service called me to continue and I said no thanks. $200 a week to clean and add chemicals? F-off. Probably $350 now. Certainly learned some hard lessons about adding chemicals that ended staining liner in first year. SwimU and Trouble free Pool are goldmines of info. I remember that I could not find small air leak on one of pipe fittings. Guy on TFP said use saran wrap around each fitting and turn pump on. So obvious yet I was tried sealing each elbow to no avail. Pools are freaking easy to maintain if you stay on top of it. I like it now. Anymore buying that home should wait until summer..and see if they open it. Demand they do and if nothing works, take 50K off asking easy. You could have broken underground pipes, who knows. Major $$$
Pools are freaking easy to maintain if you stay on top of it.
There’s the key. I wrote here about the adventures of doing a re-epoxy of my inground pool last year. It’s not my first go around of pool antics, above ground and inground. I know what they entail. It could be a blessing or a curse for a beginner. When the pool is open and crystal clear, it looks like a paradise. To keep it that way is a daily routine.
5.66% brokered CD……….
to 2/15/23 sorry, lol
2’s-10’s inverted 85 bps…..
some of us here are old enough to remember when it was only inverted 40
Chicago says:
February 9, 2023 at 7:58 am
2’s-10’s inverted 84 bps
GOOG getting pimp slapped the past couple of days…..
Bystander – 50k off ask? No way a home inspector can determine if there are broken broken underground pvc pipes in the pool, that test requires a pressure test on each line etc. Bubbles sure you can see them when the pumps are running but those can be coming from the filter or pump too. I would say most NEW home buyers who never owned a pool would have no idea what to do. Caveat emptor…..
I bought my home in winter, pool covered. Homeowner gave me receipts. I knew the liner would have to be replaced in a few years etc. I was able to get 8 more years out of it. When I replaced the liner it I switched to the salt system, so no more weekly chemicals etc. I only shock when opening etc. Anyway I am looking forward to another nice summer. I always enjoy my outdoor oasis. Most neighbors? You only see them outside when they are firing up a gas grill to cook meat for 10 minutes. I like it that way cannot hear or see most neighbors.. Give them a nice wave when passing by, or no wave if they are asshole or wife is a Karen.
Chi – Pichai set the alert to Code Red and even called up Page and Brin to get off the beach.
Should be a fun year watching them duke it out for Search Bot supremacy.
I mentioned MSFT Bing plugin can access “current news” and make everyone seem much smarter.
Here is a early peek review.
I’ve been trying to get on that Chat AI Open site for a few days. It seems to be swamped, can’t get on. Is there another AI engine to play with?
I never understood the idea of sticking air conditioners in walls. Why?
Builders are cheap and like profit.
They cut corners wherever they can.
Here you go….
RIP Burt Bacharach.
Us old guys grew up listening to a lot of his hits sung by various artists.
Big owners of the industrial properties are betting that changes in global supply chains will boost demand for warehouses and distribution centers in Mexico and U.S. border towns.
Sad. Poor kid dies. NJ taxpayers going to pay when lazy teacher hides back in room.
Two men finally come out and help her. Dewey, Cheatham and Howe to the rescue.
A group of other students with a history of harassment followed that student through the halls, taunting and threatening her with violence, the suit alleges.
In January 2022, the student was attacked in the halls by her peers, struck in the head, neck and back — just as one of the girls had previously threatened, according to the lawsuit.
“The entirety of the assault was filmed by [redacted], who, along with [redacted], later posted video of the assault on a social media platform where it was displayed in a mocking, derisive manner for anyone to see,” the lawsuit reads.
The victim as a result suffered “severe and permanent physical and psychological injuries,” the lawsuit reads.
In Adriana’s case, a 30-second clip shows a group of four girls attacking her in a hallway. She falls to the ground. A teacher briefly comes out of a classroom, and then goes back inside, as Adriana’s boyfriend tries to intervene.
Eventually, two male staff members pull the girls off of Adriana.
GOOG getting pimp slapped the past couple of days…..
Announcing AI platform is good for a 10% rally. Screw up the presentation, good for 10% collapse. Kinda reminded of Bill Gates getting the blue screen of death years back.
That is what I would do if they did not open pool and could not see it running. By looks of place, they invested zero in house and have no documentation. If they pay for independent pool inspector to confirm issues then go for it. Once provided then perhaps negotiate but these people appear looking to unload dump. A dump with potential pool issue is 50K less – assume dig, new pipes (if not winterized), new liner, new pool equipment, new liner and my time to deal with it. Assume up this stuff has gone up considerably post-pandemic.
Sorry typing too fast. Meant new pipes, new patio, new equipment, new liner, labor costs and my time to deal with it. Not even sure what new code comes into play once you start down road. What about insurance? I had some issues trying to get it with a pool. There is no fence around it either. Big issues.
Kodak flew about 40 of us in our company to Rochester to see their new digital color press that they promised could print on 50# stock probably around 2005. They put us all up in a nice hotel, wined and dined us until their presentation of the press. They couln’t even get the press to run. Not one single copy after two days. That second night, our Kodak rep got so drunk, it was laughable. I don’t blame her. What an embarrassment. For rollfed, we are primarily a Ricoh shop. Great product. Like Brother. For those not in print, these machines are huge and feed into a finishing line that when combined with the press easily measure 40 yards long. They print 500 feet a minute at 600×600 resolution full color duplex. That’s the equivalent of 1,090 2-sided full-color pages per minute. It’s throughput is over one million pages per month. For comparison’s sake, our traditional cold-set offset web presses ran at 3,000 feet per second, but had a 40″ image area compared to the 20″ image area of the digital press. So technically 12 times faster. Digital print has come a long way, but still has quite the way to go to catch up to ink and water printing.
Here’s a visual for anyone who cares.
Bystander – still 50k? It’s cheaper to demolish the pool. I am not aware that the mortgage companies require a pool inspection before closing. As far as the fence the yard is fenced and up to code hopefully with locks etc. Again buyer beware Pools are not for everyone. I would think like everything else you can ask for a sellers will warranty everything too.
Insurance can be tough, no diving boards usually. I have one and had to shop around to get coverage.
Then again as I said most people don’t even use their yard other than as a poop container for their dog or to grill for 10 minutes once a week.
On pools.
My 8,000 gallon Intex was non-stop daily maintenance. Then I did $1,500 in mods, and it’s truly maintenance free. All of the water gets filtered twice an hour with the crazy pump and filter I put in. I almost needed to put a second skimmer in because my one skimmer barely has enough capacity for it. Which of course makes my auto vacuum a very happy little shark. The chemicals are easy to learn with the websites posted. I use almost all non-pool supply chemistry. Gallons of Walmart bleach and borax mostly. And of course CYA, which is grossly overpriced at the pool store, but which I can never find anywhere else. I actually go that Job Lot in South Plainfield when I am in the area as it’s half the price of most pool stores. 7 pounds in enough for my entire season and it’s like $20 when they run their sales. My entire chemistry for the year is around $35.
I love my backyard. It’s bordered by a 50 acre farm and just beyond the TopaTopa Mountains. Sunsets are amazing as the Sun sinks behind the Channel Islands. Gorgeous.
“Trump has no chance of getting the nod so why even discuss it? And honestly, I don’t want him there.”
Because he won’t go quietly, since it’s all about him. Quite frankly, I could see him savoring splitting the vote and having the Rs lose because then with some pumpkin-esque level of logic he would twist it around that if only he were the candidate….
“UHC is the devil I think.”
Wish you could have been on my 45 minute call with BC/BS this morning…
“GOOG getting pimp slapped the past couple of days…..”
Probably exit the second half of my low cost, high payout GOOG shorts soon…looks like she had a little bottom fifteen minutes ago so don’t want to turn a big winner into less so playing for pennies…although the intraday techs say if she breaks beneath it’s down to 90.40 +/-….
SPOT rolling would be a lotto ticket for me…c’mon baby, you know you want to….
Passaic Co. Rent Went Up 10 Percent Last Year, Surpassing Most Of U.S.
The average rental unit in Passaic County now costs roughly $2.2K per month, according to new data from Zillow.
“Should be a fun year watching them duke it out for Search Bot supremacy.”
My trading group spent yesterday one upping eachother with ChatGPT postings…one of the favorites was to “write a review about Powell declaring victory against inflation and make it sound like Jim Cramer”. LMAO.
Some tried to do writes ‘as if Trump’ and apparently it returned that it cannot do that person? Can’t confirm if true but LOL.
Agree that it would be cheaper to fill it in but it comes down to seller disclosure. If they are advertising a working in-ground pool then you get them to prove it. If they don’t then price the worst outcome. If you really want the pool then prepare to pay big bucks. If someone wants the place, then they will pay-up regardless. If it sits, I negotiate hard on pool unknowns and lack of maintenance. It is over-priced now given abhorrent conditions. They moved the price up 10% since this market? I take away that 10% on pool alone. Delusional sellers..
Lib – re: “I did $1,500 in mods”
Can’t you buy like 10 of those pools for that price?
Listen since you are a handy dandy guy why not transition?
For the low low price of maybe $100 dollars if you are thrifty or $225 if you are not you can get a salt to chlorine generator from intext new for $185 on Amazon or even new on ebay for like $75.
You need about five 40lb bags of salt. Walmart has them for $6.99 each, so all in $35 for salt.
So $35 bucks in salt and a salt generator for $185 new on Amazon you can dump all of the chemicals including CYA. Salt chlorinators make salt all the time CYA is really not needed. Pool chlorinator is worry free. It is fire and forget for most of the season.
Come to the dark side and transition. Noone might care if you wear a two piece while swimming but the rest of us won’t bat an eye….
The moment that a “bot” picks up the phone for customer service call and starts quizzing me, I hang up the phone. Let businesses learn the hard way.
Leftwing – re: ChatGPT “Some tried to do writes ‘as if Trump’ ”
Not just Trump, there is a slant but no idea how far it goes.
Just remember this is really ML with a massive amount of data. There is massive curation at enormous scale going on here. All of these startups employ thousands and thousands of $2 dollar and hour third-party content moderation contractors usually from impoverished places you would not want to visit. So lots and lots of eyeballs filtering the data scraped from the internet for inappropriate content and what could be deemed inappropriate thought.
No idea how far down the rabbit hole it will go. We shall see.
That’s awesome.
Ex says:
February 9, 2023 at 12:52 pm
I love my backyard. It’s bordered by a 50 acre farm and just beyond the TopaTopa Mountains. Sunsets are amazing as the Sun sinks behind the Channel Islands. Gorgeous.
There is a hacked version of the chatgpt that will answer anything. It does not block anything.
Someone asked the hacked version when is the crash….it said feb 15th. Gave reasons like China and other stuff as reason why. LOL
Click on link for what I was talking about with chatgpt.
Pool was like $600. But the filter and pump combo that comes with it is useless. It’s way too small and algae is a guarantee. I’ll look into the Saltwater mod. Doesn’t sound that bad and I hate chlorine.
Here is the neighborhood and the backyard vista:
Pumps – Before you start buying prepper stuff.
There is nothing mysterious going on here, it’s not hacked.
OPEN AI = Get it OPEN?
APIs a plenty…. Kids have created their own apps to do homework. Others like the tweet you mentioned claim to have access to some mysterious “highly advanced and confidential algo” that can predict the future.
I can assure you no such future predicting algo exists. You can say there will be a crash sometime in the future and even predict the likelihoods of different outcomes that might happen. But to put a date on it? Lol….
Just did the research. I’m only planning on using my Intex one more Summer. I plan to be in Nevada/Costa Rica after that. For one season, it’s simply not worth the hassle. Thanks for the idea though.
I expect to be able to net at least $600 back when I sell my mods. I doubt anyone would want to buy my pool, which is a shame as it keeps on rocking. Of course, I am one of those nuts who spray paints any signs of rust with Krylon the moment they appear.
Lib, with my old company when Xerox 1st developed the Igen they wanted to send my boss up to Rochester, they knew they were not buying one so they sent me. Ground breaking at the time.
Current company uses the HP web presses, crazy how fast they are.
It’s an unlocked version… I didn’t say mysterious. It just bypassed and blocks…and will answer any question from racist bs to suicide.
Juice Box says:
February 9, 2023 at 2:14 pm
Pumps – Before you start buying prepper stuff.
There is nothing mysterious going on here, it’s not hacked.
Sounds WT…just kidding. I am lucky that guy that re-did home in 2004 spent lots o’ money on pool area. Stacked natural stone wall, full pool patio, gated natural wood fence, various plants and dogwood trees behind wall. It is pretty except the dogwoods are worst tree near a pool. The drop shit in all time and big red seeds come twice a year. PITA. There is constant debris to feed algae. I can’t ever have low chlorine or low CYA. Blooms in a day.
RIP Mitch
CYA is the magic pill for chlorine setup. Everyone does so much Chlorine and alkalinity chasing. Once you get your CYA correct, everything stabilizes. Getting it correct is really, knowing how much to add at opening and adding a little after heavy enough rainstorms that water actually left the pool. Also, need to add after long sunny periods as it cooks off with some chlorine.
Keep asking “DAN” about suicide. Eventually he’ll give the right answer.
On stocks, it’s probably just parroting some chatter from some dumb Robinhood “guru”.
Funny you say that as someone in WSB wanted to know “theoretically” how to gain maximum directional downside exposure for Feb 15th. This makes sense now.
3b..but, but RTO, RTO!!
In a message to staff on Thursday, GitHub’s CEO Thomas Dohmke said that due to “new budgetary realignments” the company must reduce the workforce “by up to 10% through the end of FY23.”
The company is also going fully remote, Dohmke wrote, telling staff they’re “seeing very low utilization rates” in their offices.
“We are not vacating offices immediately, but will move to close all of our offices as their leases end or as we are operationally able to do so,” Dohmke wrote.
Yahoo to lay off 20% by year end…First 1,000 this week.
Pumps – AI has been hacked! Here is a picture the Open AI created of you….Watch out for the Terminator he could be coming…on Feb 15th..
I noticed a weird thing with Yahoo Mail and Ad-blocker. When I had it turned on, Yahoo would randomly delete all my Inbox from time to time. It happened 3 times in a year, all my emails sitting in trash. Luckily I did not empty it but a pain to restore a decade worth of emails back to inbox manually. I realized it was punishment for Ad-blocker. When I took off Ad-blocker, no issues in two years. They are shady company in my book.
Yahoo has been DOA since it was looted by the Google Princess…remember her?
The dancing has begun…
Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell who represented our esteemed Senator Menendez in his criminal trials says they are refusing to turn over documents to Congress. I gather a subpoena will be forthcoming then off to a DC judge to decide.
Fab did you donate to Hunter’s legal defense fund? He is going to need it..
Speaking of Pools.
Marissa Mayer, the former head of Yahoo, demolished three townhouses she bought next to her Bay Area home to make way for a pool, the Silicon Valley Business Journal first reported.
At first, Palo Alto city officials rejected Mayer’s proposal, according to the San Francisco Business Times. They cited the Housing Crisis Act of 2019, which prevents people from tearing down existing homes and apartments without plans to replace them with an equivalent number of units.
California has long battled a housing shortage and a homelessness epidemic.
Despite the law, the city approved Mayer’s plans, which include a backyard swimming pool and a one-story building, in December, according to the Business Journal.
Also, Yahoo only has about 8K employees so that 1K is already 12% of workforce. Ouch. Did not realize they were so small for still a top 9-10 most visited web-sites in the world
“On stocks, it’s probably just parroting some chatter from some dumb Robinhood “guru”.”
Shorted the HOOD pig too….hesitated a bit as that idiot CW has a tendency to come into shares of the dogshit she owns post-earnings and she has a quarter billion of this garbage but their quarter was just SO bad…
Not only was every operating metric pointed down but, yet again, these ass clowns demonstrate they cannot competently run a brokerage firm as they take a chargeoff because their internal systems and controls allowed some clients to short more shares than they otherwise could in a security undergoing a share split…
This is not a company. This is not a brokerage. It is nothing more than a pretty UI.
Pretty sure that’s not worth $9B….
That is scary Ex. This made me chuckle.
Totally!!! Remember yahoo finance ? The comments section was epic!!
Funny – all these layoffs across Software engineering, Cloud & Cybersecurity IT, Staff Mgt & Operations, HR & recruiting, product & sales, leadership & training yet I don’t see nary a person who has been let go in financial advisory or investor management. Can someone explain that to me? Oh wait, I know the answer – Oz Powell’s protected class of wealthy. My buddy (AE) still sending me pics about his wonderful hiking trips as he visits clients in Palm Springs. Must be nice.
ByS, don’t think those verticals have many employees to start with certainly relative to other company verticals…IR is one smoking hot, competent chick that gets you in the room with the old professionals (think Rx sales people and doc offices), a couple or so support professionals, a grunt or two, and an admin assistant or two…
Bus Development heavier with more boxes and lines on the chart but still a very small percentage of overall workforce relative to even other support areas…
“…GitHub’s CEO Thomas Dohmke said…the company must reduce the workforce…The company is also going fully remote…they’re “seeing very low utilization rates” in their offices…We are not vacating offices immediately, but will move to close all of our offices as their leases end or as we are operationally able to do so…”
Pre- all the pretty terminology associated with these bubble companies Classes of 2019-2021 wasn’t this previously known as ‘going out of business’?
Triantafillos Parlapanides
This useless turd needs to resign.
3 houses for a pool, and another building? Is that the cabana ? Only the best for Marissa.
You think I would believe a crash is coming Feb 15th? Come on now…that’s why I put lol.
As for my actual market opinion. Due for one more bottom based on historical data. Inversions…and market always bottoms after the Fed begins to drop rates.
“Gave reasons like China and other stuff as reason why. LOL”
Maybe this time is different, and there is a case for that. I am a contrarian by nature, but you don’t always buck the trend. Not this type.
Jets! Unbelievable!!
True left. Outside of mortgage desks, I don’t see any FO layoffs. There won’t be while we remain is Fed induced levitation mode.
Gitlab is not going anywhere. MS owns them and apparently the layoffs may be part of 10k already announced.
Hasn’t been a good month for NJ politicians. That’s two now that got clipped in the span of one month.
Russell D. Heller, a councilman in Milford, a small borough in Hunterdon County, was fatally shot outside the PSE&G Somerset Central Division Headquarters in Franklin by a former co-worker on Wednesday morning, officials said.
Good for us. Not so much for them. ;)
Poor kid. Never got out of the starting gate:
Julissa Thaler, 28, of Spring Park, was on trial for shooting her son, kindergartner Eli Hart, nine times with a shotgun inside her sedan, say prosecutors.
During his testimony on Friday, Hart said his son was popular at his elementary school and dreamed of becoming a firefighter.
“He was always really happy, outgoing, always full of energy, always,” Hart testified, Fox 9 reports.