Please don’t raise rates

From CNBC:

Housing industry urges Powell to stop raising interest rates or risk an economic hard landing

Top real estate and banking officials are calling on the Federal Reserve to stop raising interest rates as the industry suffers through surging housing costs and a “historic shortage” of available homes for sale.

In a letter Monday addressed to the Fed Board of Governors and Chair Jerome Powell, the officials voiced their worries about the direction of monetary policy and the impact it is having on the beleaguered real estate market.

The National Association of Home Builders, the Mortgage Bankers Association and the National Association of Realtors said they wrote the letter “to convey profound concern shared
among our collective memberships that ongoing market uncertainty about the Fed’s rate path is contributing to recent interest rate hikes and volatility.”

The groups ask the Fed not to “contemplate further rate hikes” and not to actively sell its holdings of mortgage securities at least until the housing market has stabilized.

“We urge the Fed to take these simple steps to ensure that this sector does not precipitate the hard landing the Fed has tried so hard to avoid,” the group said.

The letter comes as the Fed is weighing how it should proceed with monetary policy after raising its key borrowing rate 11 times since March 2022.

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114 Responses to Please don’t raise rates

  1. grim says:

    Anchor benefits should be hitting accounts, if you were curious.

  2. Hold my beer says:

    First first

  3. Fast Eddie says:

    Top real estate and banking officials are calling on the Federal Reserve to stop raising interest rates as the industry suffers through surging housing costs and a “historic shortage” of available homes for sale.

    No problem. Here’s your 4% mortgage rate. Btw, eggs, milk, bread, meat and Captain Crunch just doubled. Even trade off?

  4. Hold my beer says:

    I actually bought 2 home builders this week. 1 has a very strong balance sheet, high return on equity, and it’s mostly builds in the nicer towns for upper middle class and affluent buyers in DFW and Austin and Atlanta. The other has high return on equity, balance sheet has continued to improve over the years, and is mainly in the sunbelt.

    You can buy a brand new 3,500 square foot house in a town comparable to Livingston or summit for less than the price of a pos cape in blue ribbon Jersey. The Texas based builder said their sales and backlog are so strong they have slashed their incentives.

  5. Juice Box says:

    From the Article “”not to actively sell its holdings of mortgage securities”

    Hahahahah! Always nice to start the day with a maniacal laugh…

    Sell to whom? There is demand for trillions in very low-coupon MBS?

  6. Hold my beer says:

    “Sell to whom”. You’re channeling BC Bob

  7. Juice Box says:

    SBF trial might get some excitement today. Defense Cross-examination Caroline Ellison, who is hoping to get a lesser sentence for cooperating and even cried on the stand. BoooHoo I’m the victim…

    She is guilty as he is. Both should get long long sentences.

  8. No One says:

    Caroline Ellison might be a bottom decile on looks, bottom decile in ethics, bottom decile in self awareness, but top percentile in intelligence. A one in a million combination that nobody would want, bless her heart.

  9. Very Stable Genius says:

    Tax landlords, tax airbnb, tax all housing speculators

  10. Juice Box says:

    Airbnb article on NYC the other day.

    Law of unintended consequences.

    “AS FEW AS 2 percent of New York City’s previous 22,000 short-term rentals on Airbnb have been registered with the city since a new law banning most listings came into effect in early September. But many illegal short-term rental listings are now being advertised on social media and lesser known platforms, with some still seemingly being listed on Airbnb itself.”

  11. Juice Box says:

    War on Junk Fees begins.. as there is an election to win next November.

    ““These fees are now illegal,” Biden said, adding that there are “tens of billions of dollars in other junk fees across the economy” and he’s directed his teams to crack down there, as well.”

    Federal Trade Commission takes the first “swipe” via the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.. Starting with the bank fees.

    Hotels, car rental concert ticket fees etc also. No mention of AIR LINES OR RESTAURANTS.

  12. JUice Box says:

    re: Anchor Benefits?

    Taxes aren’t a benefit.

    2020 New Jersey gross income was $250,000 or less, homeowners up to $1,750 and eligible renters up to $700 for the 2020 tax filing year,

  13. grim says:

    A one in a million combination

    Yet it describes most of the leadership. They were no Abercrombie, that’s for sure.

  14. grim says:

    Junk fees.

    Funny story, was doing some work with a large entertainment/media company a few years ago.

    Looking at their overhead costs for customer care. Nearly 95% of customer inbound contacts were billing related issues. Primarily proration, secondarily, additional fees from their very complex billing model. Combined, it was nearly indecipherable. Even their contact center agents couldn’t determine if an invoice was right or wrong.

    Presented them an interesting option. They could save double digit millions a year if they simplified their billing, eliminated fees, and simplified proration by not allowing mid-cycle cancellations (allow accounts to expire at the end of the natural billing period).

    They thought their billing model and fee structure was genius. They were thinking all of that money was free and clear, when in fact, they were losing so much money out the back end. At one point, they spent nearly a million dollars deploying a software tool that would create personalized billing explainer videos and send them out to customers. Huh? It was actually causing more phone calls than it solved, because it made customers aware of the stupidity of it all.

    They simplified their billing model, laid off 200 staff, and nobody calls anymore.

    Didn’t need any fancy AI or automation, was just stupid business. All it takes is a handful of confused or pissed off customers to destroy the ‘fee’ business case. Most companies are too disconnected, silo’ed, to realize that.

  15. Old realtor says:

    All of these people are already paying income tax on profits. Many landlords are also dealing with rent control ordinances as well. What exactly are you getting at?
    Very Stable Genius says:
    October 12, 2023 at 8:26 am
    Tax landlords, tax airbnb, tax all housing speculators

  16. Juice Box says:

    re: “What exactly are you getting at?”

    Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man

  17. The Great Pumpkin says:

    STFU. That’s your answer? Tax people more? Smh. Let’s make housing even more expensive. Great idea.

    Very Stable Genius says:
    October 12, 2023 at 8:26 am
    Tax landlords, tax airbnb, tax all housing speculators

  18. ExLax says:

    Returning to the office won’t just cost you more time. It could add another $51 (or more) per day to your expenses, according to a new survey.

    The annual State of Work report from videoconferencing company Owl Labs, first provided to Fortune, finds the average spend of returning workers is $51 per day when they work in person. And workers with pets, the company says, average $71 per day in spending.

    $16 – Lunch

    $14 – Commuting costs

    $13 – Breakfast/coffee

    $8 – Parking

    ($20 – pet care)

    Employees who work a hybrid schedule, the company says, spend just $36 per day.

    Last year’s Owl Labs data looked mostly identical—hybrid workers spent the same additional amount, $51, on in-person days in 2022, showing that a full year of new norms have done little to make an office return more convincing for most workers. “Companies that want to bring workers back to the office this fall might try providing a stipend, free lunch, or pre-tax commuter benefits to help offset these in-office costs,” Frank Weishaupt, Owl Labs’ CEO, told Fortune last year.

  19. ExLax says:

    Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and called Hezbollah terrorist attackers “very smart” as Israel recovers from the deadliest attack it has suffered in 50 years.

  20. ExLax says:

    Trump: Now seems like the perfect time to shit-talk Israel.

  21. ExLax says:


    First, they tested the water. Then came the conversations about ovens, flours, cheese blends and even takeout boxes. In all, owner Mike Burke says, it took more than three years to bring his family’s beloved Staten Island pizzeria, Denino’s, to the West Coast — a blip in time for the century-old company, but a huge and sudden shift for Southern California pizza fans.

    It is now possible to get a pie from one of New York’s most treasured and historic pizza joints; you just have to drive to the Los Angeles suburbs to pick it up.

  22. ExLax says:

    Burke has been leading the way at his family’s New York City-area restaurant Denino’s for more than 20 years, but the celebrated restaurant’s history runs much deeper than that. The Denino’s of today actually started as a candy store on Staten Island back in 1923, before growing to become a pool hall and (after the repeal of Prohibition) bar, then a sit-down tavern with Italian dishes and eventually a pizzeria. For most of that time, the restaurant existed as a singular location, beloved by locals and sought after by New York and New Jersey eaters eager to tick a bite of Denino’s pizza off their list. In 2015, Burke began leading a slow-and-steady franchise approach, adding a location in Manhattan and coastal New Jersey before jumping out to California this year.

  23. Hold my beer says:

    What is our turnip in chief waiting for? Poland and Portugal are evacuating their citizens out of Israel using military planes but we aren’t. I guess we’re too busy treating undocumented travelers to $300 a night hotel rooms.

  24. Juice Box says:

    Those two are desperate men exploiting politics and power to save themselves. Both countries deserve better.

  25. Fast Pithy Eddie says:

    Returning to the office won’t just cost you more time. It could add another $51 (or more) per day to your expenses, according to a new survey.

    We’re exempt in the North East. The wealth factor here will always be way ahead of the pain curve that afflicts those in other parts of the country. We can afford to be arrogant here because… well… we can afford it. Take out Thai for four at $92 on a Wednesday night? Meh. It goes with the exclusive club we call ‘Prestige’!

  26. grim says:

    It’s not a stretch to believe that a ground assault into Gaza is going to elicit a response from other countries.

  27. grim says:

    We want workers back in the city!!!!

    We’re raising the tolls to $23!!!

    F*ck, pick one or the other.

    Not sure why anyone is talking about raising tolls, or “congestion” pricing at this point. Putting up more barriers around the city is going to kill the city.

    NJ transit needs to start selling bulk passes by the “trip”, not the “month”. Monthly passes are stupid in today’s environment.

  28. ExLax says:

    9:53 pancake in a can!!!

  29. ExLax says:

    9:54 — perhaps but the Israelis nuclear subs can level any part of Iran they choose.

  30. BRT says:

    I can get to Florida this weekend cheaper than I can NYC.

  31. Phoenix says:

    Boomer collected tolls all these years, fattened his pockets on the labor from the 20’s and 30’s, but didn’t put any away for a future tunnel. They are still azz raping those two holes every day for more and more money greedy old goats.

    BRT says:
    October 12, 2023 at 10:08 am
    I can get to Florida this weekend cheaper than I can NYC.

  32. Old realtor says:

    Ben Gurien airport is open and operational. Why is a military airlift needed?
    Hold my beer says:
    October 12, 2023 at 9:47 am
    What is our turnip in chief waiting for? Poland and Portugal are evacuating their citizens out of Israel using military planes but we aren’t. I guess we’re too busy treating undocumented travelers to $300 a night hotel rooms.

  33. Old realtor says:

    Ground invasion of Gaza is suicide. Have to assume Hamas has IEDs and other traps set assuming an invasion is imminent.

  34. Juice Box says:

    Old – Yeah but nobody wants to fly in, almost ever airline cancelled flights.

  35. Phoenix says:

    Wasn’t Trump turning tricks with this Saudi guy a few years back? Gave him some of our weapons during the act?

    Iran’s president Ebrahim Raisi and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman hold their first EVER phone call – to discuss the ‘need to end war crimes against Palestine’

  36. Phoenix says:

    Ben Gurien airport has better radars and safety features than American airports. One country can seem to afford them, the other country seems to constantly run out of money for it’s own people.

    Old realtor says:
    October 12, 2023 at 10:16 am
    Ben Gurien airport is open and operational. Why is a military airlift needed?

  37. Fast Eddie says:

    Have to assume Hamas has IEDs and other traps set assuming an invasion is imminent.

    A few Blu-82 daisy cutters should even it out.

  38. 1987 Condo says:

    Gassed up at Costco Wayne this am, $3.19.

    While everyone has been worried about the rise in crude prices, this was noticed by few a couple of weeks ago, from Barrons:

    “Two long-delayed refineries outside the U.S. are set to ramp up production, pumping out about 1 million more barrels a day of fuel. Large new refineries in Mexico and Nigeria are ready to start producing fuel after a long start-up process that had left Wall Street skeptical that they’d open soon”

  39. Phoenix says:

    Well at least Mexico and Nigeria are capable of producing something.

    America used to make Wonder Bread. Now our lords have given us this:

    “Wonder Lofts is an extraordinary collection of brand new 2-5 bedroom residences in the heart of Hoboken, custom hewn from the foundation of the original Wonder Bread Factory.”

    Soon to be built are the Chevrolet Condos, The Pontiac Pavilion, and the Oreo Estates.

  40. Old realtor says:

    2 million people living in Gaza and half of them are children. There has to be a better solution than wholesale slaughter.
    Fast Eddie says:
    October 12, 2023 at 10:30 am
    Have to assume Hamas has IEDs and other traps set assuming an invasion is imminent.

    A few Blu-82 daisy cutters should even it out.

  41. Phoenix says:

    Magical they are. The smell of Wonder Bread permeated each and every stone of the building, bringing back that childhood memory of when you cut off the crust of the bread on that cold snowy morning when you had a day off of school.

    Pay a million to enjoy that memory each and every day of your life at WonderLofts.

  42. ExLax says:

    10:37 once you start beheading infants, raping children, and killing grandmothers you can assume all bets are off.

  43. ExLax says:


    A mob of Islamist Arabs incited by Jew-hatred entered the town and killed as many Jews as they could find. They went door to door, broke into the homes of their victims, and slaughtered innocent men, women and children. These gangs raped, mutilated and tortured them while screaming “Kill the Jews!”

    That was 94 years ago, on Saturday, Aug. 24, 1929, in Hebron. The picture is essentially the same, only that then the Arab riots that included this massacre ended with 133 Jews murdered. This time, it is several times as many, and we don’t know the final figure.

    Given that the events are virtually the same, the question is: Why? There was no state of Israel in 1929. There were no “occupied” territories, no “settlers.” There was no “blockade.” No security fence, no checkpoints, nothing. If the excuses of today’s murderers did not exist at that time, what did exist? A deep, maniacal, murderous and utterly destructive hatred of Jews—the same essential factor operating today, to which all other excuses are subservient.

    It has been the policy of the state of Israel not to show what its enemies do to its citizens. That both kept the victims’ dignity and prevented the demoralization of Israelis. But it also avoided letting the world see clearly what kind of threat Israelis were dealing with. What kind of true evil they are fighting against. Now that is clear. The videos showing mass murder; the kidnapping of children, elderly and women; the storming of a music festival to shoot and kill whatever person they could find; and the stories of rape, execution and utter destruction are there for the world to see.

    These images and videos were propagated by the assassins themselves. They use them to show their strength and prove Israeli weakness. To demonstrate to the Palestinian Arab population that the Jews can be killed like flies. What does it say of a society that these monsters think this type of “propaganda” is a “good” way to mobilize the population? It screams of a deeply perverse and murderous culture, in love with death and destruction. It is the same culture that teaches toddlers to hate. The same society that pays wages to mass murderers and celebrates on the streets with sweets and shootings when Jews get killed. It is the culture that creates the types of monsters capable of the evil they themselves proudly show to the world through social media.

  44. Phoenix says:

    Americans kill plenty of children every day. They don’t give a F. White kids go for top dollar, white females especially. Men, hell, they are disposable. White girl dies, people cry, and GoFund me shoots up like a Musk rocket. Rate is determined by her looks or popularity, or likes on Insta.

    White fat boy dies, well, he ain’t gonna fetch as high a price. And darker kid even less.

    All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Seen it a million times. Even at donation time at work. Or when the PoPo chooses to kneel on a neck.

    “All men are created equal.” Yeah, those words are on that piece of paper they wrote, but no way, no how, in society or in a courtroom does or will any of that actually apply.

    Just stop lying already.

    The more you know…..

    Old realtor says:
    October 12, 2023 at 10:37 am
    2 million people living in Gaza and half of them are children. There has to be a better solution than wholesale slaughter.
    Fast Eddie says:
    October 12, 2023 at 10:30 am
    Have to assume Hamas has IEDs and other traps set assuming an invasion is imminent.

    A few Blu-82 daisy cutters should even it out.

  45. 1987 Condo says:

    Phoenix, sorry for your troubles. Sertraline has really helped me.

  46. Phoenix says:

    Menendez doesn’t care how many kids die in the mines digging the gold for his gold bars now does he?

    Of course not, he is special, he is worth it.

  47. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Cry me a river…lol.

    So, should people like plumbers or warehouse workers that have to go to work get paid much more now? Only the elites get to stay home and save money? This chit is a cancer. The privilege is strong with the white collar class.

    ExLax says:
    October 12, 2023 at 9:17 am
    Returning to the office won’t just cost you more time. It could add another $51 (or more) per day to your expenses, according to a new survey.

  48. Bob says:

    Re lead article: There is no better evidence that the rate increases are having the intended effect.

    Re Israel: I’m not a student of Middle East history but could some of this stem from the fact that Palestine hasn’t been granted official statehood/territory? Yes the tactics of Hamas are abhorrent but isn’t it a bit hypocritical for Jewish people to be granted a formal territory but not the Palestinians? And is the data from the “Human Cost” infographic in the below article correct?

  49. Phoenix says:

    Good for you. Keep doping. Drink some hooch.

    All I needed was that winning lottery ticket, but it was taken by someone else in California.

    Had I won I would have provided you with a lifetime supply of Sertraline. So sorry.

    1987 Condo says:
    October 12, 2023 at 10:54 am
    Phoenix, sorry for your troubles. Sertraline has really helped me.

  50. Phoenix says:

    Hey, just watch Mike Rowe. He is a dirty job worker. I don’t know how that guy does it. Never slipped off a slimy ladder and broken his pelvis. Never blew a couple of discs when lifting a furnace out of a basement. Never burned once by a torch. Never a paper cut when imitating an accountant..

    Guy is just magic…..

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    October 12, 2023 at 10:54 am
    Cry me a river…lol.

    So, should people like plumbers or warehouse workers that have to go to work get paid much more now? Only the elites get to stay home and save money? This chit is a cancer. The privilege is strong with the white collar class.

  51. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Israel has no choice but to bury hamas once and for all. They will never stop their hate. They are brainwashed beyond belief.

    ExLax says:
    October 12, 2023 at 10:47 am

  52. Phoenix says:

    One life is not equal to another, nor is a job.

    A Kardashian baby would have a higher value than a baby in Nigeria.

    Not from a “moral or God” standard, but from one based on the “Earth.”

    Even insurance companies value a life differently, as do our court systems. It’s how lawsuits are valued.

  53. Phoenix says:

    Police dogs are given better burials than many children in the world-even in precious America.

    Why is that?

  54. Fast Eddie says:

    2 million people living in Gaza and half of them are children. There has to be a better solution than wholesale slaughter.

    Once you start burning kids alive in front of their parents, I’d say the rule book gets tossed in the trash can. Carpet bomb the area and then line up a few thousand CAT D11 dozers and ready the land for expansion.

  55. Phoenix says:

    So if I burn your kid, you will burn mine?

    Interesting take on societal thought process. This means I can turn you into a child killer by killing your child.

    Maybe there is some equality in humans after all.

  56. Phoenix says:

    Or Eddie,

    Does it work like this. You have one child, I kill it, I have 5 children, yours is equal to all 5 of mine, so you kill all of them.

    Or do you just kill one and call it even?

    How does it work exactly? Is there some sort of math formula to figure it out? Would Trump know the answer?

  57. No One says:

    Easy, police dog burials in the US are paid for by governments with large revenues.
    I’m sure there must be some parts of the US where police dog burials aren’t fancy.
    Burials are discretionary spending.
    On the other hand, in some parts of the world people eat dogs, even puppies. I used to know a girl in Malaysia whose uncles really liked puppy soup. But we drifted apart after I learned her favorite Scooby Doo character was most sane people’s least favorite puppy, Scrappy Doo. That was the beginning of the end.

  58. ExLax says:

    11:18…you kill my kid? I’ll kill you slowly.

    Traditionally it’s also the kids of the killers that are also destroyed so that they do not come back for revenge. So yeah. You die AND you kid dies. As Eddie would say: Any Questions???

  59. Phoenix says:

    Actually, it’s because or government, has assigned a police dog to be a “higher being” than your family dog that runs outside, gets shot by the police, dies a horrible death, then told by the police brass they had a right to shoot your family pet. Seen plenty of videos of such.

    In the eyes of the law, in America (not Malaysia) a life is not equal for a dog either. And it is humans that have made that decision over a dogs life.

    Dogs are property. Land is property. It’s all about money and property.

    Religion, God, Morality- all bull shite. Bottom line, every time, even this war, it’s over land—- and property.

  60. Phoenix says:

    So you are fine with killing children yourself.

    Thank you for your participation in this moral exercise.

    ExLax says:
    October 12, 2023 at 11:26 am
    11:18…you kill my kid? I’ll kill you slowly.

    Traditionally it’s also the kids of the killers that are also destroyed so that they do not come back for revenge. So yeah. You die AND you kid dies. As Eddie would say: Any Questions???

  61. Old realtor says:

    So Eddie and Ex finally agree on something that doesn’t involve music. Sadly they are both wrong. Humans are a bad breed!

  62. Phoenix says:

    I guess there is no God, where is he with all of this “child killing” going on?

    Too busy writing another testament? a Koran, a Torah?

    He is a slacker. Or as Pumpy says, a lazy “at home” worker.

    Hell Pumpy works way harder than God does.

    Pumpy should run for the “God” title. Honestly I have no doubt that Pumpy could do a better job than God has, that dude hasn’t done anything. He is busy hiding somewhere and won’t answer his phone.

  63. Phoenix says:

    O’l Reader,

    Now they can hold hands and sing Kumbaya together.

    Unite in music and child killing.

  64. ExLax says:

    I’m tired of the collectivist nonsense and the woke ideologues that deny law abiding citizens their basic rights to defend themselves from the “bad seeds”.

  65. Phoenix says:

    I fear for the child that happens to step on your grass while walking home with his friends…

    ExLax says:
    October 12, 2023 at 11:41 am
    I’m tired of the collectivist nonsense and the woke ideologues that deny law abiding citizens their basic rights to defend themselves from the “bad seeds”.

  66. Old realtor says:

    Kill all 2,000,000? Not a good seed among them. Not a single innocent? Do you want to be like them?

  67. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Bingo. Actions have consequences. Anyone bashing israel is insane, imho. You mean the terrorist state that attacked Israel should not be harmed for their actions? Are people f/ing insane? How did appeasement work in the 1930s with germany and Japan? Stop being such pussies. Bad people out there. Hamas is one of them.

    ExLax says:
    October 12, 2023 at 11:41 am
    I’m tired of the collectivist nonsense and the woke ideologues that deny law abiding citizens their basic rights to defend themselves from the “bad seeds”.

  68. Phoenix says:

    O’l Realtor,

    It’s almost like Game of Thrones in real life.

    Humans are barbarians, driven by money, land and greed. Just think about how America started, stole the land from the Indians and the innocent Buffalo. Had slaves as property. It just continues.

    It might end if Russia launches enough nukes, with an American retaliatory strike.

    Too bad we make more weapons than Wonder Bread.

  69. ExLax says:

    11:48 ….they are in the “find out” phase of fuck around now….

  70. Phoenix says:

    Gen Z is very woke.

    Boomer is greedy money hungry I want 50 million for my 50 x 50 lot.

    What a drastic difference.

  71. Juice Box says:

    Both sides listen to divine men who get their inalienable beliefs from scriptures written by long-dead men who wrote about another long past time when they did not even know the earth was round, and that we are not the center of the universe. Perhaps stop listening to them?

    The end of divinity after WWII took a bit as MacArthur had to go and meet God’s divine representative in Japan and order him to give it up. It took a while but we were able to ring it out of them. They are a good and peaceful ally now, but you can bet they wanted us all dead back in 1941.

    Perhaps start with an establishment clause and work their way up from there? We will all be long-dead before it happens, but it would be a good foundation to start on. The indoctrination however will continue for another millennium or so or until perhaps all of the human race is dead and buried.

    Regardless of what rock in the ocean or scrap of land your tribe claims to own and have been there first, we will continue to fight for the most important thing of all who owns and controls the real estate. They just aren’t making any more land.

  72. 1987 Condo says:

    Thanks Phoenix, It is only $3 a month a Costco.

  73. Hold my beer says:

    Old realtor

    A military airlift is needed since almost all airlines have cancelled all of their flights to Israel. I believe El Al is currently the only carrier flying between US and Israel.

    Do you really think it’s safe for Americans to escape by bus to Jordan or Egypt? An Egyptian police officer killed 2 Israeli tourists when the news of the hamas attacks broke.

    Turnips lack of response shows he either doesn’t care about Americans overseas or he can’t comprehend the sh!tshow that could happen if Israel does a full scale
    Ground invasion of Gaza.

  74. Juice Box says:

    I don’t understand are we airlifting women and children only?

  75. Fast Eddie says:

    I fear for the child that happens to step on your grass while walking home with his friends…

    Get off my lawn you whipper snappers!

  76. Juice Box says:

    Beer and Old. Plenty of departures for women and children, over 200 a day. Kick the men off the planes and there will be plenty more room.

  77. Fast Eddie says:


    I’ll make a deal with ya… we can round up all the boomers here, fly them to Gaza and THEN drop the bombs. A compromise. We eliminate Hamas and the greedy, pudgy muppet boomers go bye bye.

  78. ExLax says:

    Though his mind is not for rent… any G-d or government

  79. Old realtor says:

    Hey Pumpkin,
    How exactly do you confuse Israel’s constant barrage of artillery, bombs and missiles fired at Gaza for 5 days without end in site with appeasement? Do you understand what appeasement is?

    Appeasement means giving people what they want to prevent them from harming you or being angry with you.

  80. grim says:

    There will never be peace in the middle east.

  81. The Great Pumpkin says:


    If Israel didn’t respond to this….it is a form of appeasement that will make them look weak and end up dealing with more chit like they are now. They have tried to contain Hamas and that obviously isn’t working. This is what happens when you allow the place where you live to be run by terrorists….the Palestinians need to grow balls and overthrow the terrorist dictatorship ruining their lives.

    Come on, you think Israel is going to keep attacking if they are not being attacked…. If there is no Hamas brainwashing and forcing people to give up their lives to attack Israel? They are the problem and have been.

  82. ExLax says:

    I see BLM has firmly aligned themselves with Palestine.
    A little of that Louis Farrakhan anti-semitism finds its way in.

  83. ExLax says:

    Many Black Lives Matter activists have taken to the streets across the U.S. in recent weeks to voice their support for pro-Palestinian causes, including calls against Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and the U.S.-Israel alliance.

    The 11 days of fighting between Israel and Hamas last month — the worst in the region since 2014 — left at least 256 people dead in Gaza, the United Nations reports, and 13 people have died in Israel, according to Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This latest round of violence has renewed a sense of solidarity with the pro-Palestinian movement among some BLM organizers in the U.S., where sympathy with the Palestinians in the broader conflict has been growing.

    Behind the connection between the two movements is a complicated history of a fissure among earlier generations of African American activists that helped form what Zellie Thomas, an organizer with Black Lives Matter in Paterson, N.J., calls a “Black radical tradition.”

    “What we’re seeing right now is nothing new,” says Thomas, who leads a local chapter of the decentralized movement for Black lives that echoes prior advocacy for Palestinian rights by the Black Panther Party and Angela Davis.

  84. 3b says:

    Grim: That is true.

  85. ExLax says:

    Funny how it is when your neighbors swear they need to annihilate you….

  86. Juice Box says:

    Day of Jihad warnings folks for tomorrow, NYPD on Alert.

    Any area with a concentration of their supporters could see trouble. It’s 4AM in Australia look for news there and then Europe later etc.

    Not saying anything cannot happen here but the odds are never zero.

  87. TraitorJoe says:

    If you voted for Joe then you voted with BLM and Hamas. Both benefactors of the democrat party asking with Iran. Hardly news.

    Maybe that’s why we’re hearing such shriek about needing mass censorship. Need to suppress the facts. The democrat party is a majority pro palestine.

  88. Juice Box says:

    10 yr – 4.84 highest since 2007

  89. The Great Pumpkin says:

    “Hamas inflicted this surprise, devastating attack because it wanted to change the equation, not just between Hamas and Israel, but also between Israel and the axis of Iranian supporters and Iranian proxies,” said reserve Brig. Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser, a former head of research for Israeli military intelligence. “Israel now wants to change the equation, too, but in the other direction—if we kick Hamas out of Gaza.”

  90. Juice Box says:

    I won’t bother sharing links there are already 400+ children blown to pieces, it will be thousands just like every other time. The last war there in 2008 was called Cast Lead. To stop the missile attacks there were over 14,000 bombs and mortars dropped on that narrow strip of land 5 miles wide and 25 miles long. That is when the population was only 1.4 million. Now it’s 2 million with 40% of those being under the age of 15.

    2008 Operation Cast Lead was before Twitter or other Social media including those run elsewhere around the world that cannot be censored by the EU or US and everyone has a smartphone these days.

    Expect the worst when emotions are high. Kirby was just speaking to the press, he said to expect gruesome imagery, and that is before the bombing has really begun.

    Not saying anything can or will happen here but the odds are never zero.

  91. Juice Box says:

    NY Daily News @ 1:11 PM today.

    A Palestinian teen is assaulted — kicked and punched — in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn by a fleeing, Israeli flag-waving group.

    Second such incident linked to Israeli war in a 4-hour span. Comes amid stepped-up NYPD security.

  92. TraitorJoe says:

    Turnip spends all his time sleeping out devising schemes to keep his addict son out of prison. He must work the phones pretty hard, training out to all of the corrupt insiders he’s thrown a bone to over the years. He needs to pull a lot of strings to cover up the family business.

  93. Juice Box says:

    Honorable Senator Menendez just got a new Federal charge added agent or Spy for Egypt. FARA violation.

  94. Very Stable Genius says:

    The Problem With the Housing Market Isn’t Supply—It’s Speculation | Opinion
    ON 9/18/23 AT 6:00 PM EDT

    Once again, housing prices have increased far past any fair value metric. Inflation-adjusted house prices are higher today than they were at the peak of the previous housing mania in March 2006. The same is true of the ratio between house prices and incomes. And once again the prophets of the supply-side are descending from the mountaintop, carrying a stone tablet with a supply and demand graph etched into its face.

    Just as in the run-up to 2008, however, it seems far more likely that financialization is driving up the price of property. That is, speculative investors are driving up the price of housing because they view it not as a good to be used, but as an asset that can earn them money—both through the rental yield and future price appreciation. When we examine the evidence, it looks like this housing upcycle is even more obviously driven by speculative investment than the pre-2008 housing market was.

    Old realtor says:
    October 12, 2023 at 8:56 am
    All of these people are already paying income tax on profits. Many landlords are also dealing with rent control ordinances as well. What exactly are you getting at?
    Very Stable Genius says:
    October 12, 2023 at 8:26 am
    Tax landlords, tax airbnb, tax all housing speculators

  95. Bystander says:

    For you Phoenix, the funniest bit on value of black lives.

  96. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Miami’s Rental Market Roller Coaster Is Headed Downhill
    New inventory, a return to the office and a general slowdown from the Covid housing craze are causing prices in the city’s luxury sector to drop

  97. Hold my beer says:

    Let’s not help US citizens in war zones. But we will give free medical, housing and food to illegals, the majority of whom are not here for asylum but for better economics. What kind of BS is this?

  98. Hold my beer says:


    We have bases in Italy. Each crew could early do 2-3 trips a day.

    I doubt he really cares. Did the puppet masters tell him this is bad optics? Did his campaign point out he could lose New York and New Jersey and have zero chance in Florida if he did nothing?

  99. Hold my beer says:


    The comments on that article are great

  100. Jim says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    October 12, 2023 at 8:26 am
    Tax landlords, tax airbnb, tax all housing speculators

    Like landlords do not already pay through the nose, and I am still paying $$1200 a month out of our SS or an additional $14,400 a year because of capital gains when I sold. NJ already has the highest real estate taxes in the nation so lets charge more to landlords. FU, When I had 23 units my tax bill was over 65,000 a year plus taxes on my house were an additional $10,000. In some buildings I had to pay the state and/or the town to inspect them. That does not include water, sewer, and garbage collection. Sure lets go after somebody who already pays top dollar and is on call 24 hours a day.

    You must have a government job, coddled for life.

  101. Boomer Remover says:

    Vote Jim for King of Boomers.

  102. Phoenix says:

    See my earlier post, it’s all been explained.

    Juice Box says:
    October 12, 2023 at 12:17 pm
    I don’t understand are we airlifting women and children only?

  103. Jim says:

    Boomer Remover says:
    October 12, 2023 at 7:40 pm
    Vote Jim for King of Boomers

    Thanks boomer, except I worked until I was 70, and have only a self funded IRA.No pension for me

    Ironically I agree with most of your posts, except this one. LOL

  104. Juice Box says:

    Ex- They are handing out automatic rifles to civilians. Go and make us proud!!

  105. ExLax says:

    8:30 California doesn’t want ordinary people to have guns.

  106. Fabius Maximus says:

    Just back from ComicCon. I pulled one of my kids from school to go. (Insert Grim’s outrage at my bad parenting!)

    Thursday is now my favorite day. No tripping over the Sunday kids. Lots of just true fans out to enjoy themselves. My favorite moment was my kid on the side screens photobombing a Panel Q&A by dancing in the the line while this guy droned on on the most boring question ever!

    I also got a lot of praise for my Bobbie Boucher Hockey Shirt costume!

  107. Phoenix says:

    American Justice System-Women having fun… Hey, it’s only some guy’s life in the balance…

    Oklahoma Judge Exchanged 500 Text Messages During Murder Trial
    The state’s top jurist recommended that Traci Soderstrom, a district judge in Lincoln County, be removed from the bench after she and a bailiff mocked lawyers, jurors and witnesses.

    Judge Soderstrom and the bailiff “called murder trial witnesses liars, admired the looks of a police officer who was testifying, disparaged the local defense bar, expressed bias in favor of the defendant and displayed gross partiality against the state,” Chief Justice Kane wrote.

    While the district attorney was addressing jurors during jury selection, Judge Soderstrom wrote that he was “sweating thru his coat,” to which the bailiff responded: “Yes. It’s gross. He’s gross and a horrible speaker.”

    The judge texted the bailiff that the jury was “going to hate” the district attorney, then responded to the bailiff’s “crass and demeaning reference” to the prosecutor’s genitals with a “ha ha” icon, the petition states. In another text to the bailiff about the district attorney, Judge Soderstrom wrote: “Why does he have baby hands? … They are so weird looking.”

    When the defense lawyer addressed the jury, the judge had a more positive response, writing, “She’s awesome,” the petition states. During the defense’s opening arguments, the judge texted the bailiff, “Can I clap for her?”

    The judge and the bailiff derided the co-defendant, calling her a liar at least three times, the petition states. When she was on the stand, the judge texted “comments like, ‘Can I please scream liar liar?’” Chief Justice Kane wrote.

    Commenting on a juror’s hair, the judge texted: “That’s a wig. Look at that hair line,” and “definitely wearing a wig,” prompting the bailiff to respond, “OMG, LOL,” the petition states. The judge and bailiff wondered if another juror had teeth.

    In one text, Judge Soderstrom appeared to share her opinion on the case, writing: “State just couldn’t accept that a mom could kill their kid so they went after the next person available,” the petition states. In another text, she wrote, “Dna excluded Marzall on the bed, no way they get guilty on murder.”

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