Like the good ol’ days

From Business Insider:

HENRYs are turning to a little-known and risky type of mortgage as home prices soar 

With home prices and mortgage rates sky high, potential homeowners — even those with deep pockets — are looking for ways to ease the cost burden.

Some ​​Americans who are high earners, but not rich yet, known as HENRYs, are opting for unusual interest-only mortgages that boost affordability, at least in the short-term. These loans allow the borrower to pay just interest and none of the principal for a certain number of years. The loans are generally reserved for more affluent buyers of higher-end property who can afford a sizeable down payment and have sufficient money saved.

There are some attractive benefits of this kind of loan. They offer lower monthly payments at first, which allow borrowers to invest the money they would otherwise spend to pay off their house on other, higher-return investments. They also allow borrowers whose incomes are expected to rise in the future to buy more expensive homes than they otherwise would be able to afford.

There are also higher risks than a conventional mortgage. Borrowers won’t gain equity in their home, beyond the down payment they made. They’re on the hook for potentially higher mortgage payments in the future, and if their home value declines, they could lose the equity they have or the ability to refinance. Some interest-only loans require borrowers to pay off the entirety of the principal once the interest-only period ends.

When Sam, whose last name is known to Business Insider, and his wife were looking to buy a home in Brooklyn in the spring of 2022, the homes they liked largely exceeded their budget, which was between $2–$2.5 million.

But one day they got an unexpected opportunity. Their neighbors directly across the street from their rental apartment in Carroll Gardens were about to put their three-bedroom brownstone on the market. The house was exactly what they were looking for, except it was priced at $3.1 million. But their neighbors offered to sell it to them before putting it on the market. Without broker’s fees, the home would cost about $2.8 million.

Sam, a self-employed marketing consultant, was initially concerned the house was just too risky and expensive of a purchase. The future of New York City real estate was still somewhat unclear as many who fled the city when the pandemic hit were slow to return.

But when First Republic bank offered him and his wife a 40-year interest-only loan, they sprung for it. They paid a 20% down payment and locked in a low mortgage rate of between 2.6 and 2.7% for the first 10 years of the loan, and a guarantee that their rate would double at that point.

This entry was posted in Economics, Employment, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate, NYC, Risky Lending. Bookmark the permalink.

112 Responses to Like the good ol’ days

  1. Fast Eddie says:

    But when First Republic bank offered him and his wife a 40-year interest-only loan, they sprung for it.

    So, they’re renting. They put close to $600,000 down for the privilege of renting. Well, at least they can continue with the $1,100 per month car payment. Or, are they leasing the Range Rover for that much? And Brooklyn… because it requires a NYC address somehow.

  2. Juice Box says:

    Sump pump been going crazy this morning.

  3. grim says:

    Was surprised at how warm it was outside before, had to be at least 65.

  4. Juice Box says:

    Right now we have Caribbean breezes. Jet stream matches the temperature map only Midwest mostly northern is cold. Once it changes and pushes further south the Rossby waves will push the polar air down to us.

  5. Juice Box says:

    Joys of home ownership.. My gutters tie into an underground drainage pipe that the sump also feeds under my back yard paver patio. It flows downhill and ends up in a gravel bed down the side yard where it empties slowly into the driveway. The drain system actually fills up when it rains heavy and overflows the patio drain. The flow by the gravel bed is slow. I need to dig it up this spring and improve the flow, maybe even a catch basin with pump..I have a pipe that runs to the street, just need to figure where I can tie that in.

  6. Juice Box says:

    So in the example above loan payment is $4950 a month for the first 10 years, then it will shoot up to $11,800 a month or more? That is not including taxes?

    Did they get the memo about AI? Self-employed marketing consultant are going the way of the Elevator Operator.

  7. Fast Eddie says:


    Don’t forget the Range Rover lease. You know, images are important.

  8. Libturd says:


    On First Republic. It boggles my mind how big Chase is getting and what a complete POS business model they are. But the sheeple are pretty stupid and simply don’t know better. Certainly, gone are the days where the government was actually out to protect us from getting ripped off.

    As I slowly change all of my banking from Chase to SoFi, I keep running into unexpected fees at Chase that they refuse to refund. One which definitely was not my fault. Their new business model is apparently to nickel and dime their customers with fees and make massive moolah off of the Feds lending rates. Currently, Chase’s checking interest rate is .01% annual. Currently the FEDs lending rate is 5.25 to 5.5%!

    God forbid you accidentally opt in to their overdraft protection, you will be looking at a $34 fee if it’s over $50. Chase made approximately 2 billion dollars off of overdraft fees alone this year. The vast majority of customers, opting in for overdraft protection.

    I just tried to downgrade my Marriott Bonvoy card to avoid the annual fee for the second year to Chase’s Marriott Bold card. Their new policy is to not allow anyone to downgrade their cards until a second year of annual fees are paid. It’s cancel or pay the fee. So be careful of the card sign up perks from Chase, because you will have to pay that initial fee twice. I closed the card entirely because my credit is so high it hardly makes a difference and I’m not sure I am going to need much more credit in the rest of my life.

    Recently, as I have decided to bail from Chase, I asked to be placed into their lowest level checking account. The one that requires $500 of direct deposit into the account a month for it to remain free or it’s $12 a month for the privilege to write paper checks that risk kiting . The banker accidentally placed me into a higher level account that required 5K minimum to avoid a $25 month fee. Well when I noticed and asked for the $25 fee to be reversed, they put me on the phone (this is in the bank) with someone in India who refused me the refund since I had received another refund less than a year ago when downgrading from Chase Private Client. I told them it was their mistake, but it mattered not. So after a 35 year banking relationship, business banking too, two mortgages both over 500K, a car loan and a year of private client, they are willing to let me walk over a $25 fee.

    The truth is, I was planning to walk anyway. But come on now. People NEED to bail from brick and mortar banks. At SoFi and so many other online banks, you can get 4.5 to 5.5% interest, there are no ATM fees for withdrawals, the checking accounts are 100% free with free check printing and off course you can deposit checks online. The only thing tricky is depositing cash.

  9. Hold my beer says:


    How dumb do you have to be to do that? And we get stuck with the bill with higher insurance rates.

  10. BRT says:

    took a look at my positions, sh1tcos and speculative companies seem to be behaving differently than megacaps. Shorting the indices is probably not going to work with those opposite forces. I switched to a few longs like TSLA just based off the chart and a shorted apple after ATH rejection. Eyes on IWM though as it’s been tapping resistance that dates back to Aug 22

  11. Libturd says:

    Here’s a nice radar capture I got on last night’s storm. That new pump I got is worth it’s weight in gold. This one definitely would have flooded my basement without the upgrade. <–Radar <–Pump

  12. Hold my beer says:


    We saw Chuu last night. She can actually sing. She’s very charming and quirky.

    It was the last stop of her Howl tour.

    We had great seats too.

  13. Libturd says:


    Not sure we are going to roll over here. Seriously look at QQQE. When the overvalued megacaps that are overweighting the Nasdaq pull back, your pain will be seriously less.

  14. Libturd says:

    We are over the 5-year trend line, so watch for follow through. If we move up the next two days, you can throw that trend line out the window.

  15. BRT says:

    I’ve got a real short time frame here. Not looking for a crash, just a correction.

  16. Libturd says:


  17. BRT says:

    But yes, that was my point. Equal weighting like RSP and QQQE is showing that there are things happening beneath the index that isn’t reflected in the index itself until you resolve the components beneath it.

  18. Very Stable Genius says:

    I was at event with Bill Ackman yesterday.
    Very tall dude

  19. Phoenix says:

    I wonder if those passengers had any idea she was going to spin the SUV like that. Also I will look up Chuu, no idea who that is.

    Hold my beer says:
    December 18, 2023 at 9:54 am

    How dumb do you have to be to do that? And we get stuck with the bill with higher insurance rates.

  20. chicagofinance says:

    chicagofinance says:
    December 18, 2023 at 12:23 pm
    I sense that Violater is your personal fave. You got 5 of those tracks last night. They only recently added POT, and WFTN is in less than half the shows.

    You lucked into one of the perfect times to see the show. Gahan has worked out the entire show now and how he wants to present it. I saw it in April and October. Almost an identical setlist, but it was still two different shows. Both good, but October was elite.

    LAX says:
    December 18, 2023 at 12:44 am
    DM is absolutely rocking tonight in LA.
    They sound fantastic. Playing hits & deep tracks.

  21. Juice Box says:

    Biden said we don’t have to pay.

    “40 percent of student loan borrowers missed first payment since COVID pause, officials say”

  22. chicagofinance says:


    Claudine Gay and My Scholarship

    She failed to credit me for sections of my book, ‘Black Faces, Black Interests.’

    By Carol M. Swain

    Harvard’s governing fellows last week decided to stand behind President Claudine Gay despite her disastrous congressional testimony and multiple allegations of plagiarism. In a statement, they dismissed the latter as “a few instances of inadequate citation” that constituted “no violation of Harvard’s standards for research misconduct.”

    I write as one of the scholars whose work Ms. Gay plagiarized. She failed to credit me for sections from my 1993 book, “Black Faces, Black Interests: The Representation of African Americans in Congress” and an article I published in 1997, “Women and Blacks in Congress: 1870-1996.” The damage to me extends beyond the two instances of plagiarism identified by researchers Christopher Rufo and Christopher Brunet.

    “Black Faces, Black Interests” received numerous accolades and recognitions. In 1994 it was selected one of Library Choice Journal’s seven outstanding academic books and won the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award and the V.O. Key Award for political science. It won the D.B. Hardeman Prize for its scholarship on Congress in 1995. My book has been cited in court opinions, including by U.S. Supreme Court justices in Johnson v. De Grandy (1994) and Georgia v. Ashcroft (2003).

    Ms. Gay’s damage to me is aggravated because her early work was in the area where my research is considered seminal. Her scholarship on black congressional representation, electoral districting and descriptive representation builds on terrain where I plowed the ground.

    When one follows in the footsteps of a more senior scholar, one is expected to acknowledge the latter’s contribution to the field and how one’s own research and ideas refute, affirm or expand knowledge in the area. Ms. Gay ignored the substantive importance of my research, which she should have acknowledged and engaged. A single citation or two wouldn’t usually be considered intellectually honest.

    When scholars aren’t cited adequately or their work is ignored, it harms them because academic stature is determined by how often other researchers cite your work. Ms. Gay had no problem riding on the coattails of people whose work she used without proper attribution. Many of those whose work she pilfered aren’t as incensed as I am. They are elites who have benefited from a system that protects its own.

    Even aside from the documented instances of plagiarism, Ms. Gay’s work wouldn’t normally have earned tenure in the Ivy League. Tenure at a top-tier institution normally demands ground-breaking originality; her work displays none. In a world where the privilege of diversity is king, Ms. Gay was able to parlay mediocre research into tenure and administrative advancement at what was once considered a world-class university.

    Harvard can’t condemn Ms. Gay because she is the product of an elite system that holds minorities of high pedigree to a lower standard. This harms academia as a whole, and it demeans Americans, of all races, who had to work for everything they earned.

    Ms. Swain is a senior fellow at the Institute for Faith and Culture and a co-author of “The Adversity of Diversity: How the Supreme Court’s Decision to Remove Race from College Admissions Criteria will Doom Diversity Programs.”

  23. Hold my beer says:


    She was the most popular member of Loona. Her style is a lot like IU if you know who that is.

  24. BRT says:

    High school English teachers hold their students to a higher standard than Harvard holds their president. Your academic institutions are broken…very broken. This should surprise nobody. I actively posted about this happening in real time while I was in grad school circa 2006-2010. I saw who was getting tenure, who wasn’t. I saw incompetent professors being fast tracked to dean. I saw incompetent students fast tracked to graduation.

  25. BRT says:

    My younger sister had $30k in student loans 15 years ago. Today, she has $23k. These people don’t pay off their loans. At least not the principle. They all click a minimum payment checkbox. They just let them sit for a quarter of their lives.

  26. Libturd says:

    “Harvard can’t condemn Ms. Gay because she is the product of an elite system that holds minorities of high pedigree to a lower standard.”


  27. No One says:

    Why would anyone pay off the principal of their student loans when Democrats have been promising student loan forgiveness for roughly the past 10 years?

    Why would anyone pay off their mortgage debt if they thought there was a good chance the government would pay it off for them?

    Most of this country has been running on an interest-only basis, including government, since the start of the Vietnam war.

  28. Juice Box says:

    No One – 1960s? Nah I mark the point when women were able to get their own credit. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 , which granted women the right to obtain credit cards separate from their husbands.

  29. BRT says:

    Ironically, Ijust ran into my only student to get into Harvard 10 min ago. She told me she had to lottery into a class because it’s so popular to get into. It’s a class about the dangers of meritocracy.

  30. Juice Box says:

    BRT – It’s easy to attack an imperfect system, and it is worthy of debate in a University setting.

    However in the real world I would rather have surgery performed by doctor who graduated from a US Medical School over say one from Central Asia.

  31. Juice Box says:

    So some trigger happy soldier shot up the Catholic Nunnery in Gaza and the Pope called them out on it. Now Biden (the catholic) had to get on the horn too. I wonder what he said..

  32. Phoenix says:


    Catholic church is full of criminals. I’m not sure they didn’t shoot one of their own.

  33. MeritocracyWithoutEQ GetsYouMAGAandDEI says:


    Meritocracy is the best. But as its present form is missing the EQ, the compassion, the restraint required not to be annoying and hated.

    In short you can be the smartest person in the room, but you need the ability regardless of what sector you are from not to be a d1ck about it and have a mindset that answers the following question in a positive manner – Are you your brother’s keeper?.

    The question is made more problematic because of the amount of “foreigners” that make up the top in meritocracy, which in the NYC metro area is not a big deal, but in middle America it creates friction, as is human nature to see difference in people.

    Making it worse is that many of these foreigner come from cultures where social empathy, charity and noblesse oblige are missing. You don’t see many top hospitals or universities in Latin America, why?, because generally the catholic church made sure there was no alternative to it’s view on charity, along with no interest in the top of society to get involve, just look at Carlos Slim.

    The DEI/ESG from the left and MAGA from the right is coming from the same viewpoint. Remember the average student is a C. The world is operated in a daily bases by C students. So regardless what you think, the rest of the population see the high performers in a meritocracy like in High School.

  34. MeritocracyWithoutEQ GetsYouMAGAandDEI says:

    Actually I should have used this one. Think of the coach as Trump.

  35. Boomer Remover says:

    My wife had a $3K masters loan balance. She decided to just pay it off in two months and not have it hanging out there. Forgiven not forgiven, non constitutional, this that, fk it. Not worth worrying and waiting for $3K.

  36. Phoenix says:

    Here we go again

    Florida drama teacher, Brittiny Lopez-Murray, dubbed ‘rookie of the year’ in 2017, admits to having sex with student, 14, multiple times in her car

  37. Fast Eddie says:


  38. Fast Eddie says:

    I don’t have enough coffee in me to list the reasons why this thing is a reach. Though, my philosophy to list for a price that makes you queasy has been achieved:

  39. Fast Eddie says:

    I can ‘smell’ the issues with this one a half mile away:

  40. TraitorJoe says:

    You could say the same thing about Kamala. Totally incompetent. Got to where she is fire one reason and it’s not merit. Same with all of the DEI appointments in this administration. Mayor Pete is a train wreck.

    I’m short on sympathy to the leftist outrage over the characterization and protests against Israel. When the campus Marxists said the same things about America, the left amplified it. They have a platform to the 1619 fiction. They’ve opened the borders and allowed the third world sentiment to fester. Chicken coming home to roost.

  41. TraitorJoe says:

    Time for hunter’s pep walk. Degenerate loser born with a silver spoon sold us out. Take the whole corrupt family with him. Who knows what will happen in this banana republic. I’m tired of the senile act like Joe doesn’t know what’s going on. He’s facilitates a foreign invasion. A Force equal in size too the red army at its peak has been allow to walk right in. Treason pure and simple.

  42. Very Stable Genius says:

    DEI is a clumsy effort to address slavery. MAGA is the resistance.

    MeritocracyWithoutEQ GetsYouMAGAandDEI says:
    December 18, 2023 at 5:56 pm

    Meritocracy is the best. But as its present form is missing the EQ, the compassion, the restraint required not to be annoying and hated.

  43. TraitorJoe says:

    More succinctly, it’s a movement to institutionalize grievance politics. The leftist academics are indoctrinating the next generation into a victimhood mentality. 10 million open jobs and lefties are complaining about lack of opportunity.

  44. Fast Eddie says:

    DEI is a clumsy effort to address slavery.

    Slavery is still being practiced in America?

  45. Very Stable Genius says:

    Ask a black person.

    Fast Eddie says:
    December 19, 2023 at 8:57 am
    DEI is a clumsy effort to address slavery.

    Slavery is still being practiced in America?

  46. No One says:

    It is mostly people low on merit who love MAGA the most. Their thought leaders basically want the existing welfare state to be converted into affirmative action for white Christians.
    Both the leftists and the rightists du jour hate meritocracy because that requires judging and treating people as individuals, not as collectives, and getting the hell out of the way of the most productive people.

  47. Phoenix says:

    Both the leftists and the rightists du jour hate meritocracy because that requires judging and treating people as individuals, not as collectives, and getting the hell out of the way of the most productive people.

    I’m Phoenix, and I approve of this message.

  48. Phoenix says:

    They’ve opened the borders and allowed the third world sentiment to fester.

    Well, the people on the right aren’t about to go picking vegetables that we need to eat, so someone has to do the work.

    It’s beneath them.

  49. BRT says:

    DEI is a clumsy effort to address slavery. MAGA is the resistance.

    Yeah right. Ivy League directly targets minorities capable of paying full tuition.

  50. Phoenix says:

    Time for hunter’s pep walk. Degenerate loser born with a silver spoon sold us out. Take the whole corrupt family with him. Who knows what will happen in this banana republic. I’m tired of the senile act like Joe doesn’t know what’s going on. He’s facilitates a foreign invasion. A Force equal in size too the red army at its peak has been allow to walk right in. Treason pure and simple.

    Yeah, and Trump pushed for an insurrection.

    And both sides sent manufacturing to China.

    And none of them are in prison. In fact, they will probably both qualify to become President.

    Place is a joke, and middle class Americans are the punchline.

  51. BRT says:


    the class wasn’t presented as a debate. More of a lecture of why meritocracy is bad. Harvard and the rest of them are ideologically captured. This student is my only student to get into Harvard other than the kid who took AP Physics and Calc BC in 7th grade 15 years ago. I read her essay. It was politically ideologically driven mentioning George Floyd. One sentence in there stated “I crave a liberal education”. What’s most likely occurring is that they are admitting people who write things like that as a means of purifying the student body ideologically. It’s no surprise the rally’s a dominating opinions you see on these campuses as a result. The professors are the same. We somehow knew the politics of every Chem professor in the department when I was there. Why would that be?

  52. Phoenix says:

    Yeah right. Ivy League directly targets minorities capable of paying full tuition.

    Rich white people hate it when they have to pay tuition for their Ivy league children when foreigners game the system and win every time.

    Same Rich white people who have been gaming the system against the middle class for years.

  53. 3b says:

    Phoenix: And the people on the left are not going to do it either, as it’s beneath them as well. After all, they are educated, sophisticated people who know what’s best for us. They have contempt for the blue collar workers, the so called uneducated.

  54. TraitorJoe says:

    MAGA is an effort to preserve the welfare state for white Christians. Wow. Dumbest thing I read since someone blamed the lack of hospitals in Central America on the Catholic Church.

  55. Phoenix says:

    So what if someone wants an education that is ideologically driven?

    Religion is an ideology, and plenty of people send their children to religious schools.

    Catholics send their kids to Catholic schools and colleges to push their ideology.

    Your government throws the word “God” out there every time it goes to war bombing innocent people with false “weapons of mass destruction” crap.

  56. 3b says:

    There was an article in the WSJ yesterday, interviewing voters from both sides on the 2024 election, Biden/ Trump. The comments from both indicate that people on both sides are just as ignorant, clueless, misinformed, and even stupid. It’s not just the Republicans/ Trump supporters.

  57. Phoenix says:


    “They have contempt for the blue collar workers, the so called uneducated.”

    Bingo. Saw that crap with my ex wife. We had a guy who owned an excavation company. When she found out that he only had a high school degree she mocked the guy. He had over 50 years of experience digging foundations in developments. Guy was a f’n genius.

    Last night, at work, bunch of girls talking. One stating how she is living with the in-laws and that they are converting a room for her incoming child. She doesn’t own her own house yet, but she is nice, and paid for the conversion even though she didn’t want it done. Nice girl. But here is the rub- she gave them 1k towards the renovation- a guy came in, put 6 high hats and dimmer, plus spackled and painted the entire room. What the women in the room all thought is that the contractor overcharged with a price of 800.00 in labor. Room was about 12×16. The astonished look when I tried to tell them they got one hell of a deal on labor.

    Women really do think the work men do is beneath them. I guess when taking a picture of your feet and posting that on Only Fans gets you 1k, it distorts your perception of what labor is actually worth.

  58. 3b says:

    Islamic fundamentalists despise LGBTQ people, and yet we have groups called Queers for Palestine.

  59. Phoenix says:


    Put any religion in front of this word, and those people are the most f’d up ones you will ever meet.

  60. Phoenix says:

    Of course they do. Because democracy doesn’t work for them when the entire government is infected with Boomers who only care about themselves.

    The latest survey, taken in November 2022 and published in January, found that 78 percent of those surveyed said democracy is “the best political system in all circumstances.” But among the Gen Z cohort, ages 18 to 25, nearly half answered either that it “makes no difference” whether they live under a democracy or a dictatorship (28 percent) or that “dictatorship could be good in certain circumstances” (19 percent). More than a third of millennials, ages 26 to 41, agreed with one of those statements.

  61. Phoenix says:

    Transparency is freedom:

    Over 170 of Jeffrey Epstein’s high-profile associates will be NAMED in court documents set to be unsealed in the first days of 2024
    A judge has ruled to unseal documents that would name 177 Does who are Epstein’s friends, recruiters and victims within the coming weeks
    The material is related to a defamation case brought by Prince Andrew’s accuser Virginia Roberts in New York against Epstein’s madam Ghislaine Maxwell
    The hundreds of files will shed new light on the late financier’s sex trafficking operation and his network of influence

  62. Very Stable Genius says:

    We didn’t give any rights to black people until the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. Maga is the resistance to further integration.

  63. Fast Eddie says:

    Catholics send their kids to Catholic schools and colleges to push their ideology.

    Wrong. They send them there to learn how to read, write and do mathematics. Once the fundamentals are in place, their college educations allow them to produce something tangible so that liberals can consume a steady diet of selective outrage due to their anger and insecurity.

  64. Chicago says:

    VSG: in the same way calling someone Hitler is diminishes the unique extent of the evil man, say modern Blacks in the U.S. are subject to slavery is analogous.

    Very Stable Genius says:
    December 19, 2023 at 8:59 am
    Ask a black person.

    Fast Eddie says:
    December 19, 2023 at 8:57 am
    DEI is a clumsy effort to address slavery.

    Slavery is still being practiced in America?

  65. No One says:

    The government doesn’t collect taxes to finance and run Catholic schools. Or shouldn’t.

    But you cannot run a school without having some sort of philosophy, i.e. ideology. Just as you cannot live your life without some kind of beliefs about what is reality, how do you know it, and what should you do about it.

    The philosophers I hang with have been watching philosophy departments sink into the abyss for hundreds of years, and seeing broader education systems following them, with a particular collapse in the humanities since the 60s. What was extreme and mockable political correctness in the 80s and 90s has now become fully mainstream. The “ivy league” are the worst because they are at the vanguard of bad philosophy and bad ideas. At this point, they don’t think there’s such a thing as reality, and if it did exist, you couldn’t know it anyway. So everything is just arbitrary jibber jabber to them, and on those premises, Ms Gay is a perfect president.

    I recently read a story about Tom Wolfe who got his PhD from Yale, after growing up in the south, attending undergrad in Virginia, and Writing his PhD dissertation at Yale in the 1950s about how communists actually did influence culture in the 30s and 40s through a union of communist writers, the professors were upset with him for being so critical of the communists. This is what he wrote about it to a friend in a letter:
    “These stupid fucks have turned down namely my dissertation, meaning I will have to stay here about a month longer to delete all the offensive passages and retype the sumitch. They called my brilliant manuscript ‘journalistic’ and ‘reactionary,’ which means I must go through with a blue pencil and strike out all the laughs and anti-Red passages and slip in a little liberal merde, so to speak, just to sweeten it. I’ll discuss with you how stupid all these stupid fucks are when I see you.”

  66. Fast Eddie says:

    Actually, we’re really past the point of no return here so, keep voting democrat and just get it over with so we can clear the slate. Hopefully, my grandchildren will be able to reconstruct liberty and the fundamentals of hard work and perseverance instead of hoping to be rescued.

  67. TraitorJoe says:

    Integration of what? Independent thinking into your brain?

    If you really care about the poor, and aren’t a captive vote parroting propaganda, then you must be really pissed at mayorkas and Biden. They threw open the border and have allowed 10 million third worlders in who are in direct competition with the poor for jobs and resources.

    But don’t absolve entirely the people voting for this stuff. In many cases they’ve been voting the same way for generations and getting the same results.

  68. MeritocracyWithoutEQ GetsYouMAGAandDEI says:

    If you are reading this post you are likely a NERD and surely a beneficiary of meritocracy. Regardless of your politics you are likely to be high IQ, comfortable with technology and be on the top 5% nationally in income.

    This is a blog is of Nerd, by Nerd, for Nerds. Here is Dr.Lexus to explain it further for you on how the rest of C students society see you.

  69. Libturd says:

    The Dems got the woke stuff right, but simply took it too far. Much like SNL does with a decent sketch. You could say the same thing about Trump and his populist bullshit. On the surface, some of it seems logical. Next thing you know, evangelists are blessing the Oval Office and Klansmen are being praised as good people. Then, he stands outside a church holding a bible that doesn’t want him to join the congregation. Which is unsurprising, since he never belonged to a house of prayer in his entire lifetime. And his deaf, dumb and blind supporters see no fault in any of it.

  70. Phoenix says:

    Not if all you feed them is Chex Mix. It doesn’t have all of the nutrients they need for neurological growth.

    Fast Eddie says:
    December 19, 2023 at 11:14 am

    Hopefully, my grandchildren will be able to reconstruct liberty and the fundamentals of hard work and perseverance instead of hoping to be rescued.

  71. Phoenix says:


    If some is good, more must be better.

  72. 3b says:

    Lib: All true, and on the other side Queers for Palestine.

  73. Libturd says:


  74. The Great Pumpkin says:

    So weird. How do you get turned on by a child? I really don’t understand all these women…used to be difficult to get the older girl in my teens and 20s. Now you have 20 somethings going for teenagers? Weirdos.

    Phoenix says:
    December 18, 2023 at 9:54 pm
    Here we go again

    Florida drama teacher, Brittiny Lopez-Murray, dubbed ‘rookie of the year’ in 2017, admits to having sex with student, 14, multiple times in her car

  75. BRT says:

    Phoenix, nothing is wrong with it. I would just find it odd to make that statement on a college application. That being said, I no longer do find it alarming, because that’s exactly what they are looking for. They are looking for people that are subscribed to their personal religion, which is what most of these political views have become.

  76. No One says:

    My daughter went to the high school as the kid who got into something like 10 ivies and applied to Stanford by writing “Black Lives Matter” 100 times as his college entrance essay. As woke and intersectional as could be, all the wokesters in high school followed him like a prophet.
    After graduating from Yale, he continued his consulting company where he tricks large companies into hiring him for woke advertising advice and push for social justice, because he claims to speak for all of Gen Z.
    He’s also one of those LGBTQ+ friendly Muslim dudes. I saw one time he backed off social media for a while to work on his “mental health”. I wonder if he’s out with one of those LGBTQ+’s for Hamas signs.

  77. Very Stable Genius says:

    Chifi: I disagree.
    Not to talk about slavery is like not talking about antisemitism. They are evils that must be confronted.
    Bring light into it.
    Love Trumps hate.

    Chicago says:
    December 19, 2023 at 10:44 am
    VSG: in the same way calling someone Hitler is diminishes the unique extent of the evil man, say modern Blacks in the U.S. are subject to slavery is analogous.

    Very Stable Genius says:
    December 19, 2023 at 8:59 am
    Ask a black person.

    Fast Eddie says:
    December 19, 2023 at 8:57 am
    DEI is a clumsy effort to address slavery.

    Slavery is still being practiced in America?

  78. Very Stable Genius says:

    Sounds highly fictitious

    No One says:
    December 19, 2023 at 1:14 pm
    My daughter went to the high school as the kid who got into something like 10 ivies and applied to Stanford by writing “Black Lives Matter” 100 times as his college entrance essay.

  79. Libturd says:

    Truth is, when my son was writing his college essays, I suggested he write about his experience growing up with a brother with a potentially catastrophic illness that most likely left him autistic with the importance of fair treatment for the autistic. He chose not to play the woke card and still did really well. The only school that outright rejected him was UC Los Angeles. Had he stuck with my advice, I’m sure he would’ve gotten in there too.

    Now if it was me writing an essay today, I would probably address the inequality and unfairness that has been caused by woke gone wild.

  80. Bystander says:

    Here is why this country is f-ed and student loan bailouts are needed. At the end of 2002, I took a job in NYC making 70k a year. I was late 20s and I had about 5 years business experience. I see numerous jobs in NYC today that want 5 years business experience and pay is 75K. Are we f-in serious? How can wages be flat from over 22 years ago?

    The Mizuho team is seeking a Product Manager!

    This role is hybrid, with an expectation of two to three days in the NYC office each week, subject to change based on organizational needs.

    Product Management

    Assist in day-to-day management of specific Mizuho cash management products, services and/or channels

    3-5 years of experience in cash management and associated technology, preferably in the product management field

    Ability to travel (up to 10% of the time)

    The expected base salary is $75,000

  81. Boomer Remover says:

    People send their kids to catholic school because of the heavy church subsidy which provides a viable affordable option to public schools. The priests want fresh blood and can provide this due to the subsidies in turn granted to them from governments.

    Most catholic school tuition is a fraction of tuition at institutions not affiliated with a house of worship.

  82. Libturd says:

    Was he this kid?

    In financial news, that’s the eighth green volume bar in a row on the Nasdaq. The 7th looked like a blowoff top, but alas, the 8th is on lower volume (holidays vacation). The last time we had a rally last this long, without a down day was during the covid comeback in 2020. That was ten green bars in a row, and 16 out of 18 from start to finish.

  83. Bystander says:

    I will admit that Adams is getting loopier by the moment:

    Eric Adams On Why NYC Is The ‘Greatest City’: You Can Experience ‘Plane Crashing Into Our Trade Center’

  84. Libturd says:

    I caught that too.

  85. 1987 Condo says:

    No schools in the Newark archdiocese are subsidized.

  86. chicagofinance says:

    Just to be clear, this was posted by Israeli media 5 hours ago. Finally picked up NY Post, but no one else is reporting it just yet. Hmmmmmmmmm

  87. LAX says:

    1:37 wages are worse than flat. They’re fucking negative compared to inflation.

  88. LAX says:

    2:28 add that to the long list of shit people need to know:

  89. BRT says:

    Pfizer looking like it bottomed with a bounce of the 2020 low

  90. BRT says:

    Adams couldn’t have come up with a worse thing to say

  91. chicagofinance says:

    chicagofinance says:
    December 18, 2023 at 12:23 pm
    chicagofinance says:
    December 18, 2023 at 12:23 pm
    I sense that Violater is your personal fave. You got 5 of those tracks last night. They only recently added POT, and WFTN is in less than half the shows.

    You lucked into one of the perfect times to see the show. Gahan has worked out the entire show now and how he wants to present it. I saw it in April and October. Almost an identical setlist, but it was still two different shows. Both good, but October was elite.

    LAX says:
    December 18, 2023 at 12:44 am
    DM is absolutely rocking tonight in LA.
    They sound fantastic. Playing hits & deep tracks.

  92. chicagofinance says:

    I went to high school with a similar person. Absolutely pompous jackass whose condescension was only exceeded by his physical repulsiveness.

    No One says:
    December 19, 2023 at 1:14 pm
    After graduating from Yale, he continued his consulting company where he tricks large companies into hiring him for woke advertising advice and push for social justice, because he claims to speak for all of Gen Z.
    He’s also one of those LGBTQ+ friendly Muslim dudes. I saw one time he backed off social media for a while to work on his “mental health”. I wonder if he’s out with one of those LGBTQ+’s for Hamas signs.

  93. Juice Box says:

    Boomer richer than ever.

    “Most don’t work anymore, but Americans age 70 and older have seen their share of collective wealth surge during the pandemic.

    As a group, these older baby boomers have accumulated more than $14 trillion in additional net worth since the end 2019, based on Federal Reserve data. Their share of the country’s wealth has jumped to a record 30% last quarter”

  94. No One says:

    Learn from DEI specialists “how whiteness works”. Coming to your company’s re-education camp soon. Already at your kids’ schools most likely.
    At least a couple of our posters already have internalized this.

  95. The Great Pumpkin says:

    That’s a complete joke.

    Bystander says:
    December 19, 2023 at 1:37 pm
    Here is why this country is f-ed and student loan bailouts are needed. At the end of 2002, I took a job in NYC making 70k a year. I was late 20s and I had about 5 years business experience. I see numerous jobs in NYC today that want 5 years business experience and pay is 75K. Are we f-in serious? How can wages be flat from over 22 years ago?

  96. No One says:

    Supply vs demand?

  97. No One says:

    Libturd, Chi
    Yes, he’s forever in the media. Inside story I heard from his school friends was that his dad made him apply to Stanford, he didn’t want to go, so just wrote #BlackLivesMatter 100 times to blow off the application essay, and of course that made them want him even more.

  98. Bystander says:


    The demand has moved to India and the supply is 1.5B people. No Americans can compete.

  99. Juice Box says:

    No One – He is 24 now and his “clients” are Fortune 500. He coaches them how to sell to to his generation. I think Lever is one of them. So is there a Woke soap or shampoo out there yet? He is time boxed and will age out and well it might even be too late to ride the coattails to Citibank.

    FGM should be his next endeavor, a common practice his forefathers believed in. You know like protest against companies that do business in countries where FGM is practiced. I can tell you now it ain’t a western tradition we only snip the male skin, not lop off the whole female part with a rusty bottle cap.

  100. Very Stable Genius says:


    Donald Trump is ineligible to hold office again, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled, disqualifying him from the state’s primary ballot.

    Tuesday, December 19, 2023 6:22 PM ET

    It’s the first court to find that the disqualification clause of the 14th Amendment applies to Mr. Trump, in addition to affirming that he engaged in insurrection.

  101. LAX says:

    Trump booted from CO Ballot.

    Insurrectionists not eligible

  102. Very Stable Genius says:

    The 14th Amendment, section 3, was approved after the Civil War and bars officials from seeking future office should they have ‘engaged in insurrection.’

    “ Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. ”

  103. Boomer Remover says:

    I can’t believe AFRM ran from $15 to $50 in a month. There’s just so much exuberance everywhere. What do I make of these big net positive volume days, day in day out… ?

  104. LAX says:

    7:03 I like that for him.

  105. Very Stable Genius says:

    The Colorado decision directly quotes Neil Gorsuch’s *STATE’S RIGHTS* opinions.

  106. Juice Box says:

    Lib in a few decades. (sorry gator)

    Perhaps engage an eastern Europeans from Queens who will bend over for Dave Gahan?

    (Sorry Chi – it was well too easy…)

  107. Juice Box says:

    Grim – BTW I used your life saving ass saving story on a neighbor today. At the early morning dog walk no less he professes he was headed in today, and for sure worried. I told him about your life saving procedure and even being a younger man and all and our doctor friend even said it’s even pleasurable and you might even pay extra next time. Got a laugh at least.

    It sucks getting old….get a dog and go for a walk…

    On that topic boys and girls who are getting older more humor please…..

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