From the NJ Association of Realtors:
Monthly Indicators – December 2023

From NJ Business Magazine:
Closed Home Sales in NJ Down 22.1% in 2023
New Jersey Realtors has released its 2023 year-end residential real estate housing market data revealing the continued impact of low inventory and two-decade-high mortgage rates on home sales.
The townhouse-condo market segment experienced the highest percent change in closed sales at -24%, amounting to 19,175 closed sales in 2023, 6,063 less than 2022. There were -23.2% fewer single family closed sales in 2023, while the adult community market had -6.2% fewer closed sales. Closed sales totaled 84,305 in New Jersey in 2023, a -22.1% percent change over 2022.
The total market median sales price rose 6.3% in 2023 to $455,000, while the single-family market median sales price increased 6.3% to $502,500. While prices remained high in 2023, sellers received more than the list price. In the total market, homes received 101.8% of the list price, a percent change of just -0.3%.
There were 107,517 new listings in 2023, down -20.1% compared to 2022. Of those new listings, single family homes made up the majority, with 71,701 single family new listings in 2023.
“I’m optimistic about the 2024 housing market,” said New Jersey Realtors 2024 President Gloria Monks. “If interest rates come down as predicted, we could see more first-time buyers enter the market this year and more sellers ready to list their home.”
“Despite” ha ha. I think it should read, because of.
The tyrant’s “good intentions” about bag ban matter more than their actual consequences. No mention of frustration, wasted money and time of millions of NJ citizenry. But the crazy organic whole foods lady with her ratty NPR hemp bag driving her SUV alone with a mask is pleased to see the world moving her way.
Nj plastic use tripled “despite” banning our old grocery bags.
Plastic consumption in New Jersey tripled despite the state’s 2022 plastic ban meant to and address the “problem of plastic pollution,” according to a study from a business-research firm.
The study found that the state’s law banning single-use plastic bags led to a 60% decrease in the total bag volume, according to analysis from the Freedonia Report,’s business research division.
However, as consumers started searching for alternatives and purchasing plastic reusable bags, the state saw plastic consumption triple, largely because of the material used in the alternative bags, the report shows.
“Most of these alternative bags are made with non-woven polypropylene, which is not widely recycled in the United States and does not typically contain any post-consumer recycled materials,” the report states.
I’ve got so many reusable bags, I use them as garbage bags now.
“If interest rates come down as predicted, we could see more first-time buyers enter the market this year and more sellers ready to list their home.”
Interest rates go down, more houses to choose from, prices get sticky and instead of getting 100K over asking, sellers get 50K over ask. Everyone’s happy, right?
I just shop in PA. I get bags and straws. Life is great there.
Non-woven polypropylene – Stuff used to make space suits. We all have enough of these bags to personally cover a baseball field during a rainstorm.
The only way to get people to reuse bags is to ban the sale of reusable bags.
Scratch that, ban all bags, period, no exceptions. Purchased clothes? No bag. Purchase take out food? No bag. Alcohol? No bag. No bags at the register, reusable or not.
Behaviorally, this can not be a half-measure. I’ve seen grocery stores offering reusable bags at the register for 50 cents. That’s little disincentive to really get me to remember to bring a bag. I’m probably not the only one with a tall container bin (using a laundry basket) of reusable bags in my garage.
I thought it would make it easier to remember to grab one. Like leaving them in the car. Doesn’t work. F&cking reusable bags everywhere.
At least with little grocery/bodega plastic bags, we reused them in the little waste baskets in the bathroom, office, etc. Probably like half of America does. We have to buy those bags now. Get them from Amazon, they come from China, can’t imagine that’s ecologically sound.
We also have a stash of plastic straws. The glove boxes in the car are full of them. The paper straw goes directly into the trash, and we use the luxurious disposable plastic instead.
On another note, California will most certainly pass a new law that will limit the maximum speed on new cars to 10 miles an hour over the speed limit.
The value of pre-ban sports cars are going to skyrocket, lol.
This is such an accurate description and it makes me wonder: Is this a uniquely American demographic? (I also imagine them anxiously awaiting a hostile interaction while driving their Outback slightly below the speed limit in the passing lane.)
“…the crazy organic whole foods lady with her ratty NPR hemp bag driving her SUV alone with a mask…”
I have to warn the dude’s at the mechanic shop to not “check the cabin air filter” because if they open my glove box, 100 plastic straws pop out like a coiled spring toy.
The crazy organic whole foods lady needs to be ignored. I remember when Amazon just bought Whole Foods. The crazy organic lady was telling the cashier how awful she thought it was that it happened. Then the cashier goes, “do you have an prime account” or whatever it was at the time and she was like “yep”. It took everything in my power to not laugh out loud.
I successfully used a paper straw for a lemon tree graft. That’s about the only use I’ve ever put one to.
They do sell “compostable plastic” straws…which closely resemble normal plastic straws. It’s a joke though, the only way to compost them is for them to be “industrially composted”. They pretty much all end up in the trash anyways.
The thing I don’t get about paper straws is why can’t they at least put a wax coating on them the same way they do cartons of milk and OJ? In the present form paper straws are like sucking a beverage through corrugated cardboard.
Are they f/ing insane? Wow, start collecting pre-ban sports cars.
grim says:
January 26, 2024 at 8:34 am
On another note, California will most certainly pass a new law that will limit the maximum speed on new cars to 10 miles an hour over the speed limit.
The value of pre-ban sports cars are going to skyrocket, lol.
Hope some of you jumped on crypto at the bottom when I said to buy earlier this week. Buy those f/ing dips. Uptrend intact. Been killing it swing trading these swings. Patience and nerves of steel.
when they came out, I ran an experiment putting each “compostable” untensil and straw into the compost pile I had. 6 months later, the grooves on the fork/spoon/knife were still intact and the straw was simply cracked. That’s when I looked it up and it was possibly compostable under landfill conditions. Well…it’s in the landfill anyway.
“…the crazy organic whole foods lady with her ratty NPR hemp bag driving her SUV alone with a mask…”
Be nice to that government worker. Or not. She will outlive you anyway with that pension and all.
If I’m on the jury, this guys ass is worth 150 billion dollars to me. Maybe then the f’n taxpayers will have had enough of this sh ite and do something about it.
Texas grandfather was wrongly ID’d as Sunglass Hut robber by facial recognition technology and GANG-RAPED after being jailed for crime that took place while he was in California, lawsuit claims
Swifties of the world UNITE! Fans rally behind Taylor Swift and start online movement in bid to expose the perverts behind her pornographic AI images.
Maybe this one will be able to penetrate the laws protecting these social media companies.
Her D is bigger than Trump’s and Biden’s combined.
Cheap labor for the rich. Now they don’t need to call Merry Maids. Or pay 30 an hour plus taxes to Care.c** for a babysitter. They heard the rich complaining about how much food costs, their taxes, homeowner insurance, the Mercedes brake job- and like a bunch of heroes they ran to help the rich get stuff done at one tenth the price.
Shocking moment boat full of migrants arrives at San Diego’s famed La Jolla Beach before sprinting into neighborhood where average home costs $2.2M: City saw more than 43,000 migrants arrive in 3 months
If that grandfather wins the $150m lawsuit, besides the big inheritance he will leave his family, he should have a statue made out of gold from a cast of his sphincter, as a memorial to the source of their generational wealth.
And also use some of the money to pay the right people to have his rapists castrated.
Meaning a May rate cut is still on the cards.
A democrap taking a page from the Repug Playbook.
It’s election time, I’m the good cop, have I got a deal for you. Vote for me. Hehe.
No One says:
January 26, 2024 at 9:51 am
If that grandfather wins the $150m lawsuit,
No, I wrote 150 billion.
Bankrupt that state in one shot. F’n Americans allow this crap to go on, they deserve to get raped themselves.
Make it hurt so they finally put down their cell phones, plastic straws, 40 oz soda then waddle to the courthouse and protest about something other than the price of fast food.
It’s small, but it’s something.
“The tyrant’s “good intentions” about bag ban matter more than their actual consequences.”
Never understood why Left permits – no, seeks – weak, facile individuals of at best average intelligence to lecture on and reign over their personal and societal matters.
And then they comply. And then try to force that misdirected compliance on the rest of the citizenry…
Whatever your character flaw please find another way to work it out.
Party on people. Market is up, election year so probably rate cuts at some point,(even though they are not needed). It’s all good!
America is so afraid of work. So afraid the Chinese electric cars will put this lazy country out of it’s misery.
Here is a great video on the Brightline. This is how hard it is to make a “barely” high speed rail line profitable in the USA.
F’n politicians now want tandem loads of gold bars in order to do something positive.
It’s why we can’t get a new Lincoln or Holland tunnel. Too many palms to grease as they give each other a big handy.
You make it sound as if the government disappeared that the people would just do the right things themselves.
Sure, let’s give it a try. No laws apply for a month. None. Let it rip. Or as Scotty would say, “start your engines.”
leftwing says:
January 26, 2024 at 9:59 am
“The tyrant’s “good intentions” about bag ban matter more than their actual consequences.”
Never understood why Left permits – no, seeks – weak, facile individuals of at best average intelligence to lecture on and reign over their personal and societal matters.
And then they comply. And then try to force that misdirected compliance on the rest of the citizenry…
Whatever your character flaw please find another way to work it out.
You know, like the purge. But for one month.
The Snake Pliskins vs the Bunker Dwellers.
A great time stamp.
Latest survey results:
Employees continue to face exceptionally high levels of pressure to compromise workplace standards or the law.
Workplace misconduct is at an all-time high.
Few employees say they work in a strong ethical culture.
Globally, reporting of observed misconduct is at a record high.
Retaliation against employees who report misconduct continues to occur at unacceptable rates.
If you don’t permit a closet to be built in a den, then you can’t use the den as a bedroom. That’s some deep analytical thinking right there.
Americans’ ratings of nearly all 23 professions measured in Gallup’s 2023 Honesty and Ethics poll are lower than they have been in recent years. Only one profession — labor union leaders — has not declined since 2019, yet a relatively low 25% rate their honesty and ethics as “very high” or “high.”
Nurses remain the most trusted profession, with 78% of U.S. adults currently believing nurses have high honesty and ethical standards. However, that is down seven percentage points from 2019 and 11 points from its peak in 2020.
At the other end of the spectrum, members of Congress, senators, car salespeople and advertising practitioners are viewed as the least ethical, with ratings in the single digits that have worsened or remained flat.
Forget Crypto, buying the dips, etc. Here is another low-risk, value-based call. Stop gambling and telling others to join you.
This is how it’s done. Bought Tapestry around 27. Still holding at 39. Plus a 5% dividend to boot.
Libturd says:
November 15, 2023 at 11:34 am
“One new individual name I purchased last week is Tapestry. Luxury handbag manufacturer in a huge acquisition of Capri holdings (Ver$ace, Jimmy Ch00 and M1chael KOrs). TPR is COach, who purchased We1tzman and Spayde already. The story is, Wall Street doesn’t like the acquisition. I did a very deep dive and the synergies and economies of scale gained by TPR by producing those other brands in their own facilities look real good. Accreditive pretty quickly too. 5% dividend while you wait. Take a look. If this rebound has legs, handbags are one of those first things the ladies and trans men (had to get that in there) burn their money on.”
3b says:
January 26, 2024 at 10:14 am
If you don’t permit a closet to be built in a den, then you can’t use the den as a bedroom. That’s some deep analytical thinking right there.
Been like that forever. No closet, no bedroom. Build a 3 closet house with a den, only need a 3 bedroom septic system.
Add that closet however.
But then again, with women choosing money over children, what do you need a five bedroom house for? Her ego, or her shoe collection?
Too bad you couldn’t invest in this Lib.
No, OnlyFans does not have a stock. It is a privately held company, which means that its shares are not traded on the stock market. OnlyFans is owned by Fenix International Limited, which is a private company that is not listed on any stock trading platform
I can’t stand those crinkly, loud, reusable plastic bags. Instead, we have several cloth bags in the trunk on rotation. I go out of my way throw out any crinkly, loud reusable plastic bags that make it into our house on occasion.
I care more about this than I should, but the best cloth bags one can get are the Trader Joe’s bags. Wide loading mouth, long strong loops, good balance/gravity. I’ve used these long before the decree came down.
I’m also surprised that there’s not a shopping bag influencer on TikTok running a bag blog and peddling ultra rare coveted bags to be seen with at the Whole Foods in Manhattan.
Re nurses: MY FIL’s crazy idea to subdivide his stand alone HOA home and rent out to traveling nurses is…. well it’s actually working.
Re congress: NANC is an actively traded ETF which tracks disclosed purchases made by democratic members of congress. I read Pelosi made $500M on NVDA calls in the last few months alone.
Most of the easy ones are private. For a reason.
OnlyFans announced that Keily Blair, the company’s chief strategy and operations officer, has been promoted to CEO of the porn-friendly creator-subscription platform that has been trying to branch out into conventional entertainment sectors.
Company is run by women. As long as they are turning a profit I guess they aren’t so worried about sex trafficking or just want to blame men for it.
Bingo, Lib.
This one is basically prostitution. The oldest profession.
Libturd says:
January 26, 2024 at 10:27 am
Most of the easy ones are private. For a reason.
I leave my crap in the cart, then load it into bags kept in the trunk when I get outside.
Problem solved.
Like I said, the whole bag thing was a gift to corporations like ShopRite- their workers don’t have to bag, they don’t have to pay for bags, and if you want a bag they can profit from it.
Of course old donkey teeth pushed this through. Maybe he got some of those Menendez bars as well perhaps? Who knows what is in someone’s closet?
Phoenix: No closet in a den was the the solution Paramus officials came up with to prevent overcrowding in a massive apartment development that they approved. The thought was if there was no closet , then can’t use the den as a bedroom. I guess they did not factor in to their thinking that one, you don’t necessarily need a closet in a den to use it as a bedroom, and two, you can always buy a standalone closet and put it in the den, and use the den as a bedroom.
Shopping bags–I’ve been using these since for last 3 years:
Trump braces for closing arguments in $10M E. Jean Carroll trial: Ex-president heads to court with lawyer Alina Habba one day after testifying for three-minutes and raging ‘this is not America’
Yes it is Donald Trump. This is America. It’s about time you have a taste of what others have been subjected to for years.
Of course, with your money, it’s just noise. Pay her the 10M you f’n old cheapskate and be done with it. Just like the rest of us had to.
Phoenix: Didn’t she already win a defamation suit against Trump? I can’t keep up with all the indictments and trials. I believe the DA in Georgia has some conflicts/ personal issues too.
In reading Louis Vu1tton’s earnings report released today, my luxury handbag theory was spot on. Better yet, their fancy spirit category (sorry Grim) is having trouble competing with the legal pot industry.
Of course they thought of it. (Paramus).
That’s like the people who go to audit the police and “claim” the police don’t know the law.
They know the law. They are purposely violating it, and your rigts, with the intent to get “order.” Eventually you don’t fall for their bull shi te and they back down, but not without a ton of resistance. It makes them moist to be able to control you.
I don’t believe the officials in Paramus for one minute didn’t know those would turn into bedrooms. It was planned that way to get it pushed through for the landlords who can pocket the money, but if they get caught can blame the tenants.
3b says:
January 26, 2024 at 10:44 am
Phoenix: Didn’t she already win a defamation suit against Trump? I can’t keep up with all the indictments and trials. I believe the DA in Georgia has some conflicts/ personal issues too.
I don’t know. But I do know one thing for sure. Women like money, and they will lie to get it. He might as well cut her a check and be done with it.
Here is our Mount Murphy. We have already dropped off twice this number of empty reusable bags at the Human Needs Pantry in Montclair.
Innocent man sent to jail for rape by his own fiancé | 60 Minutes Australia
Watch this video. Soy boy police officers doing the bidding for her, trying to be her “hero.”
New woman cop gets hired, looks at it, in 1 second realizes she was lying. But the male cops were sniffing so hard that only one of their two heads had any blood left in it.
If it weren’t for the lady cop, this dude was finished. In the end, his family was bankrupted and his parents divorced, he lost his house…
Like I said, the whole bag thing was a gift to corporations like ShopRite- their workers don’t have to bag, they don’t have to pay for bags, and if you want a bag they can profit from it.
In theory, it was supposed to be. It didn’t work that way. Shoplifting went through the roof because those baskets all got taken. So anyone, instead of using a basket just put them in their bags. A lot walked out without paying. It’s gotten so bad that Shop Rite has a computer trying to figure out if you are shop lifting and the poor employees are now tasked with harassing the customers about having things in bags and trying to prevent people from swiping the baskets.
Then the stolen basket thing is no longer a problem, since there are no baskets.
ShopRite didn’t want to pay employees, that was the whole reason behind self checkout.
Eliminate workers, keep more profit, buy their “Bowl and Basket” crap. Use their stupid electronic coupons or don’t get a discount, yeah, grandma and grandpa getting ripped off as they cannot handle the technology.
It’s all a scam.
The market was at a great equilibrium with the plastic bags setup, and then a handful of activists and government officials make the lives of the majority of people permanently slightly less happy to make sure crazy whole foods NPR bag lady is momentarily less angry at everyone before returning to her constant state of rage in between slapping a new COEXIST sticker on her Subaru, or planting another “IN THIS HOME…” sign on her scraggly lawn.
At the moment, crazy NPR bag lady is very upset about the number of women nominated out of the Barbie movie, and is thinking about how unfair it is for white men to win any awards for anything.
This California thing limiting the speed of cars is the latest in a list of craziness by these lefty loonies. The next thing you’ll know is they’ll ban your freedom to crush your baby’s skull like a newborn pup seal.
I now pay it forward with my extra bags. There is always someone inline who forgot a bag. so I offer one of my extras to them. They always take it…Some young man the other day was walking away with unwrapped produce, and actually came back to buy a bag as it was also raining out. I said merry Christmas and handed him a bag knowing full well he was Jewish because of the yakama. He did not take offence, he took the bag gladly thanked me and was on his merry way.
You can call it gambling…I do not. I am making real money. This is no different stocks. Just more volatile, since price discovery is still early. No different than high growth stocks. Up 20% in the past 24 hrs.
Libturd says:
January 26, 2024 at 10:16 am
Forget Crypto, buying the dips, etc. Here is another low-risk, value-based call. Stop gambling and telling others to join you.
This is how it’s done. Bought Tapestry around 27. Still holding at 39. Plus a 5% dividend to boot.
…or planting another “IN THIS HOME…” sign on her scraggly lawn.
Lol. Brilliant. How many “No life is illegal” folks will take in a few “Cabróns” to support the cause? I can see Tuco Salamanca taking over the house… after the bodies have been disposed of.
Shop Rite brought back new baskets last month. They now have the people at self checkout rip it out of your hands the instant you take the last item out of it.
Well, the increased consumption of plastic bags, is theoretically, only temporary until reusable bags sufficiently saturate the customer base. Once customers uptake enough reusable, purchases of reusable should drop significantly. I can’t imagine people keep paying $1-2 for these every time they shop.
Yeah, the bags you posted are the ones I can’t stand in the house. A cloth bag lays/drops/folds/collapses flat. These do not.
In 2022, single women owned 58% of the nearly 35.2 million homes owned by unmarried Americans, while single men owned 42%.
You can thank the divorce courts for this skewed statistic.
Lease the cow. Keep your farm and farmhouse.
Lmao @ last line
Phoenix says:
January 26, 2024 at 12:37 pm
In 2022, single women owned 58% of the nearly 35.2 million homes owned by unmarried Americans, while single men owned 42%.
You can thank the divorce courts for this skewed statistic.
Lease the cow. Keep your farm and farmhouse.
“Up 20% in the past 24 hrs.”
Hmmmm…..can I borrow your magic calculator?
A couple days ago you were “up 10%” on a 2-3% BTC move.
Today on a 5% BTC move you are “up 20%”…..
BRT says:
January 26, 2024 at 12:31 pm
Shop Rite brought back new baskets last month. They now have the people at self checkout rip it out of your hands the instant you take the last item out of it.
I see mommy after mommy waiting for ShopRite and Walmart workers to bring the food to their cars. Apparently shopping is becoming too much of a chore for the SAHM today. The thought of rubbing elbows with the common people gives them the ick.
FTX, Binance and a host of other Crypto hucksters all scams and chock full of illegal activities their founders are now convicted and well now long amounts of jail time.
Then there is the coins themselves, countless scams.
Ignore all that however.
Fundamentally they have no utility other then to avoid the banking systems and big brother. But the dirty secret really is they are way more expensive in the long run than the banking system.
A single bitcoin transaction is actually an enormously complex calculation. The cost of running one is actually much higher in cost for the electricity used alone (never mind the hardware) making it way more expensive than a banking transaction.
Despite that, no Bitcoin fees are charged for the users that are transacting if they are not using one of the scam exchanges.
Wow! That sure is magic no fees or maybe just maybe it is a scam?
As soon as the price drops the mining rigs get shut off. It is only a matter of time before it goes away. There will be no tax or government agency to keep it afloat. FIAT “real” money and banking will never go away. They have all the armies of the world protecting them for starters never mind the rule of law cause becuase well the rule of law can and does fail and then the armies will be sent in to shut it all down.
Chicago says:
January 26, 2024 at 12:47 pm
Old goat has one foot in the grave anyway.
This is what happens when you ban plastic bags:
Terror in Maryland as female driver goes on rampage, hitting five random people with her car and stabbing three others in 90mins of carnage: Cops liken the panic to the hunt for the DC sniper in 2002
Imagine having so much money that 34M goes missing for years without you noticing. Well, the US Army didn’t notice when 100M was stolen from them by a woman.
I need this problem. Hehe.
Ukrainian husband and wife chauffeur are accused of stealing $34 MILLION from tycoon Dem. donor by overcharging his Amex, then using cash to buy private jet, gold bullion and guns
Not trading bitcoin….
Stop saying that I am making chit up. I clearly called the bottom on here, and you bust my balls. Lucky, I am nice enough to share. I ride the trends. Buy and sell as the momentum changes.
I only use Bitcoin as the barometer for the crypto market. It drives it, but I am not playing it. Gains are too small.
leftwing says:
January 26, 2024 at 12:40 pm
“Up 20% in the past 24 hrs.”
Hmmmm…..can I borrow your magic calculator?
A couple days ago you were “up 10%” on a 2-3% BTC move.
Today on a 5% BTC move you are “up 20%”…..
I can say the same thing about corporations and stocks. Not being fair.
When are you going to give up your position against crypto. It’s here to stay. Let it go. Go make money instead of calling a fraud. I was there with you last decade, and it cost me big time. Not doing that anymore.
Juice Box says:
January 26, 2024 at 12:40 pm
FTX, Binance and a host of other Crypto hucksters all scams and chock full of illegal activities their founders are now convicted and well now long amounts of jail time.
Then there is the coins themselves, countless scams.
Ignore all that however.
” I can’t imagine people keep paying $1-2 for these every time they shop.”
I can.
The Millennials don’t seem to notice when you spend $1 here or $2 there. Whether it be on a grocery bag, parking space, for a bottle of water or for nine sprinkle donuts on Candy Crush.
Though it’s really funny. I shared that Forbes Plastic Bag article with my far left echo chamber and you should have seen the responses. You would have thought I made a terroristic threat against Biden.
The conservatives here should love this.
Shocker!! Remote workers bear the brunt of layoffs….who could have thought.
“Workers logging on from home five days a week were 35% more likely to be laid off in 2023”
I kind of like those odds.
“Not trading bitcoin….”
Then what are you in that was up 10% a few days ago and up 20% last night?
You know, I was looking at crypto in the week or two leading up to comment. I came so close to doing the unimaginable – actually asking you for value added advice here on the topic – but then I pulled back because I want to wait for options on the ETFs and equally so because the odds on favorite bet was that you would feed a bunch of oral diarrhea….point taken.
“Whataboutism isn’t a suit of armor. It’s an x-ray into your soul.”
What a profoundly deep statement.
Yeah. That one made me laugh.
You have to give my progressive friends an A for eff0rt.
Donny just lost in court again. On the hook for $85 million.
Jan. 26, 2024, 4:48 p.m. ET
Trump-Carroll Defamation Trial
Jury Orders Trump to Pay Carroll $83.3 Million for Years of Defamation
The jury found Donald J. Trump had acted maliciously in persistently attacking E. Jean Carroll. He was found liable of sexually abusing her last year.
The price of bloated ego.
How come you shop there?
BRT says:
January 26, 2024 at 8:46 am
I have to warn the dude’s at the mechanic shop to not “check the cabin air filter” because if they open my glove box, 100 plastic straws pop out like a coiled spring toy.
The crazy organic whole foods lady needs to be ignored. I remember when Amazon just bought Whole Foods. The crazy organic lady was telling the cashier how awful she thought it was that it happened. Then the cashier goes, “do you have an prime account” or whatever it was at the time and she was like “yep”. It took everything in my power to not laugh out loud.
Send your kid to school that aligns with your values. Plenty of rightwing schools in the Deep South.
Oh, but the rightwinger loves the liberal elite east coast universities. And then try to impose cancel culture
Jury Orders Trump to Pay Carroll $83.3 Million.
Told you he should have just paid the ten.
Females don’t lose in court.
Men protect your assets.
83 million for an “accusation.”
He called it part of a ‘witch hunt’ and blasted U.S. legal system.
Sorry Mr. Trump, we have a legal system. You have used it many times.
What we don’t have is a justice system. So no justice for you. All it took was an “accusation” by a woman and now you are out 83M.
The sharks smell blood in the water. You will have more accusations against you soon enough.
“Females don’t lose in court.”
Tell that to Stormy Daniels and Amber Heard.
Phoenix, if you actually read the news you will see that over $60M is for contempt of the court. What a moron. And his followers are bigger douches.
6:23 if he wants to appeal all
Of that money needs to be in escrow.
NY real estate fraud verdict on the 31st.
He’s gonna be soooooo broke.
For my Polish friends on the blog. Maybe you can understand this:
Do they identify as women?
OC1 says:
January 26, 2024 at 6:21 pm
“Females don’t lose in court.”
Tell that to Stormy Daniels and Amber Heard.
Smart move, China. You can be the “global leader” in manufacturing, no one said you had to be the “global police” as well. Let the stormtroopers and taxpayers of America do that.
Rather than acting like the global leader it purports to be, China has made no appreciable move to shoulder the costs or risks of ensuring security in the Red Sea, despite having its sole declared overseas military base in Djibouti, adjacent to the strait. Nor has it publicly offered a viable alternative to America’s actions. Instead, it seems content to largely sit back and offer veiled criticism of the U.S. military response.
They can’t defend against the illegal ones, let alone the one’s in outer space. Hell they can’t even keep track of hundreds of millions of dollars. Hehe.
Pentagon warns US is unequipped to defend itself from alien invasion
©DOD / US Department of Defense
Internal Pentagon watchdogs have determined that US officials do not have the capabilities to defend America against an alien invasion. A newly declassified document determined the Department of Defense (DoD) lacks comprehensive or coordinated effort to track and analyze Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).
Time to buy a treadmill. Taxpayers can no longer afford to pay for your entitlements.
Buried in Wegovy Costs, North Carolina Will Stop Paying for Obesity Drugs
Starting April 1, state employees in North Carolina will no longer have insurance coverage for costly weight-loss medications like Wegovy and Zepbound.
Welp that didn’t take long.
Damn, there must’ve been a lot of state & municipal mouthbreathers on those scrips.
In June 2021, the insurance plan for North Carolina state employees was paying for 2,800 people to take weight-loss drugs.
Last year, it paid for nearly 25,000. Medications like Wegovy cost the North Carolina State Health Plan $100 million last year, rising seemingly out of nowhere to represent 10 percent of its spending on prescription drugs.
In June 2021, the insurance plan for North Carolina state employees was paying for 2,800 people to take weight-loss drugs.
Last year, it paid for nearly 25,000. Medications like Wegovy cost the North Carolina State Health Plan $100 million last year, rising seemingly out of nowhere to represent 10 percent of its spending on prescription drugs.
In North Carolina, the vote on Thursday to end coverage appeared to be the first in the country by a state health plan. The plan uses state funds to pay most prescription drug costs for 740,000 public workers, teachers, retirees and their family members.
The state health plan is in financial distress. Last year, its cash position declined $250 million. The trustees who voted to end coverage said they had a duty to do the most good for the most people.
“Our responsibility as fiduciaries is to the state health plan,” said Rusty Duke, a trustee. “This is a small number of people that we’re talking about relative to all the members.”
Coverage of the medications for weight loss will end on April 1 unless a last-ditch deal can be reached to reduce costs.
To continue taking the drugs for weight loss, patients will have to pay out of pocket. The medications can cost more than $16,000 a year without insurance coverage
One could lose plenty of weight by #1
Stop drinking so much booze.
#2 Stop smoking cbd/ eating CBD gummies and the associated munchies.
3# Embrace those Mexicans that are running over the border, let them pick your vegetables for a reasonable price, and start eating them instead of 3 big Macs.
Sing along with Mitch on Friday night!
That’s where my money goes, to buy my baby clothes. I buy her everything to keep her in style….
Any of you guys remember that??
Phoenix – stop being silly.
Sedentary is the main reason. You burn nothing by just living . Most “fat” is exhaled in the form of Co2… You don’t see that on a weight loss commercial.
Double your breathing rate. Well that is what it takes to lose 1 lb in a day.
Sure you can cut back on calories but without the breathing via movement it’s a lost cause and early death.
RIP Mitch. You were awesome. Now this is talent, not that Depeche Mode stuff. Hehe
How about this. WFT.
Work from treadmill.
You think all of the wine day drinkers are moving? Calories in, no calories out.
I guess puffing on a CBD vape is moving some air at least.
No autotune, right Mitch? A time when you actually needed talent.
Phx: no THIS!
Phoenix says:
January 26, 2024 at 7:28 pm
For my Polish friends on the blog. Maybe you can understand this:
“I shared that Forbes Plastic Bag article with my far left echo chamber…”
LOL, you guys are my Far Left echo chamber….
“The sharks smell blood in the water. You [DJT] will have more accusations against you soon enough.”
Digging through storage and old computer drives from the late 80s and early 90s….I am certain if I look hard enough I can find an actual time/place intersection with reasonable proximity and plausible non-deniability with DJT….dude grabbed my balls as I was leaving and he was entering the mens room…Seriously.
Not joking.
And I’ll only charge seven figures…high seven, but still just seven….
From Bloomberg,
Atlanta’s Squatter Problem Is Vexing Wall Street Landlords
An estimated 1,200 homes are illegally occupied in the Atlanta metro area, an epicenter for institutional investors.
In the biggest US market for institutional landlords, squatting in vacant rental homes has reached such extremes that owners offer intruders money to leave and many property managers won’t check on suspect houses alone.
A squatter last spring shot one of Matt Urbanski’s employees in the leg during a four-mile car chase through the Atlanta suburb of Lithonia. Urbanski, who runs a home cleaning and construction firm, had been trying to remove the man’s belongings from a house owned by rental industry giant Starwood Capital Group. They got into a scuffle, which escalated into a pursuit and gunfire.
“I’d be terrified in Atlanta to lease out one of my properties,” Urbanski said.
Around 1,200 homes in metro Atlanta recently have had squatters — or people occupying a property illegally without a landlord-tenant relationship — according to an estimate from the National Rental Home Council trade group. That’s far more than in any other US metro area tracked by the council. And it’s hitting big names in America’s single-family-rental business, including Starwood, Cerberus Capital Management’s FirstKey Homes and Amherst Group — all of which have had dozens of properties with squatters. Landlords say evicting intruders can take half a year or more, due to backlogged court systems and overwhelmed sheriff’s offices.
“The large corporations are having a hard time dealing with it,” Urbanski said. “A small individual who would want to use that property to build their long-term wealth and secure their future, it could potentially destroy them.”
Starwood and Amherst declined to comment. FirstKey Homes, based just outside Atlanta, has installed smart-home equipment and created notification systems to address trespassing, said spokesman Alex Horwitz. Tiber Capital Group, which has managed homes for Starwood, declined to comment, but Chief Executive Officer Simon Frost wrote local authorities a letter begging for help.
“Unlawful occupants often brandish weapons and threaten neighbors, including children,” Frost wrote. “This problem is rapidly growing. We are concerned about the impact that this is having on safety and livability of our local neighborhoods.”
Atlanta has proven fertile ground for the single-family rental industry that sprang up following the US foreclosure crisis. Low home prices helped landlords amass large portfolios, and a growing economy promised rising rents. Today, institutional investors own some 72,000 homes in the area, according to data company SFR Analytics. Institutions own 34,000 homes in Phoenix, the landlords’ second-largest market.
Strong job growth and a pandemic real estate boom, fueled in part by people moving from pricier cities, have sent the area’s housing costs soaring. The typical rent across all property types in the Atlanta region rose 34% to $1,897 a month from just before the pandemic until December, compared with a 29% rise nationwide, according to estimates from Zillow.
“There is a lack of affordable housing, and homelessness has increased during the pandemic,” said Helen Z. Willis, councilwoman for the city of South Fulton, which has been deputizing its officers to remove squatters with the local sheriff’s authority.
Although precise figures on squatter-plagued homes are hard to find, the number may have quadrupled since the pandemic’s start, said Beth Cruikshank, an attorney for institutional owners. At one point last year, her firm had filed “intruder affidavits” — documents that can help remove illegal occupants — against squatters in more than 700 area rentals.
Technology is making it easier for squatters to spot and occupy vacant homes. The advent of self-showings allows would-be tenants to request a viewing and receive a code to enter a property, which can go awry when the information falls into the wrong hands. And fake lease documents are readily available on the internet, said David Howard, CEO of the National Rental Home Council.
“People have figured out how to leverage the technology in such a way that they can get into a house, counterfeit a bogus lease document and then just won’t leave,” he said.
Turning on utilities in a vacant house can be as easy as getting a modem from a local internet service provider, said Urbanski, who cleans as many as 40 squatter homes a month. Many internet providers require little proof of residency, he said. Once squatters get a bill for the online account, they can use that to set up water and power service.
In some cases, people may even be squatting unwittingly, Cruikshank said. Scam artists can gain control of a vacant rental home, list it for rent online and draw up fake lease documents. The duped renter often coughs up thousands of dollars in advance and makes monthly rent payments to the scammer.
Reducing the time a property sits vacant is essential for keeping out intruders, and operators aim to get new tenants in their homes within weeks of when the last resident moves out. But squatters don’t need much time to find an empty house. Robin Rinker, a public health worker, placed her home for rent on Zillow on August 24, after moving in with her fiancé. One day later, a friend called to tell her that someone appeared to be living at her old place. Rinker offered the squatter, a young woman, $750 to leave.
“She said, ‘Oh, well, I don’t know if that’s enough,’” Rinker said, quoting the woman. “‘Seven hundred fifty dollars is not enough to keep a roof over my kid’s head.’”
She eventually got the squatter out after two months by filing an intruder affidavit in DeKalb County. Now she’s unsure how to list her property for rent. “I’m terrified to post it online,” Rinker said.
Ridding a home of squatters in just two months is a rare victory, local attorneys say. If a landlord files an eviction lawsuit, getting a court hearing can take three months, and it may take another three months to get a sheriff’s deputy or county marshal to clear out a home, said John Mangrum, a Georgia-based real estate lawyer.
Intruder affidavits can be faster but come with their own troubles. Georgia law allows a property owner to submit an affidavit to the local sheriff, asserting that someone is intruding on the property and instructing the sheriff to remove him. The intruder can avoid immediate removal if he provides a counter affidavit showing a legal right to be there, according to real estate lawyer David Metzger.
Through the first 10 months of 2023, about 275 intruder affidavits had been filed in a single metro Atlanta county, DeKalb, according to records from that county’s sheriff’s office. Of the properties involved, Miami Beach-based Starwood owned 78, Austin-based Amherst owned 70 and FirstKey owned 42.
Tim Arko, 34, needed a lawsuit and seven months to clear squatters from a rental home he managed and partially owned near Atlanta’s prestigious East Lake Golf Club. When he discovered trespassers, one of whom flashed a handgun, he returned to the property with his own rifle for protection, only to be detained and questioned by the police because he was armed, Arko said. He figures he lost $1,800 a month in rent on the home, which experienced heavy damage, including broken appliances and holes in the walls.
He’s leaving the property management business.
“I sued someone named John Doe,” Arko said. “They got to live in a home for seven months, wreck it and leave.”
Big lies work. It’s why they are used. Happened to me personally. And since no one is prosecuted, only rewarded for using them, expect this to increase in velocity over time.
Oh, and watch American Nightmare on Netflix. True story. F’n lazy bas turds.
leftwing says:
January 27, 2024 at 11:09 am
Digging through storage and old computer drives from the late 80s and early 90s….I am certain if I look hard enough I can find an actual time/place intersection with reasonable proximity and plausible non-deniability with DJT….dude grabbed my balls as I was leaving and he was entering the mens room…Seriously.
Not joking.
A big lie (German: große Lüge) is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth primarily used as a political propaganda technique.[1][2] The German expression was first used by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (1925) to describe how people could be induced to believe so colossal a lie because they would not believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously”
Atlanta’s Squatter Problem Is Vexing Wall Street Landlords.
Boo f’n hoo.
Put the homes on the market and let individuals buy them. Not hedge funds.
“A home of your own” George Bush.
Man was right.
Tim Arko, 34, needed a lawsuit and seven months to clear squatters from a rental home he managed and partially owned.
Hey Tim,
I hear McDonalds is hiring. Over 20 dollars an hour now. How dare they offer to pay you so much for flipping a burger. Those da m n minimum wage laws. Flip enough burgers you can make more on minimum wage than flipping homes. Oh, and I would like a large fry as well d head. Oh, and make it fresh.
America muddles in other’s elections. Calls it regime change.
A cover from Time magazine a chipper Boris Yeltsin holding an American flag, and the line “Yanks to the Rescue! The Secret Story of How American Advisers Helped Yeltsin Win.
For those on here who have been desiring an acting career
The thriller film “Roosters” is looking for actors as it prepares to shoot in Somerville in March. The movie is directed by Brian Vadim and produced by Refuse to Walk The Line productions.
“Roosters” is about a secret society for wealthy, powerful men who consider themselves entitled to occasional forays into sordid entertainment like torture, human cockfighting to the death and cannibalism, according to a synopsis.
When the heir-apparent to the society tries to find a way out, his prankster ghost of a father stalks his son to ensure he falls in line, according to a synopsis. Oh and the father is chained to the charbroiled corpse of his wife, according to a synopsis. Yea, it’s that kind of movie.
Used to be the drunk guy, wife beater t-shirt. Nope, women are sucking down the booze by the gallons.
Heart-wrenching final picture of five-year-old girl killed after ’25-year-old woman driving DOUBLE the speed limit while drunk’ smashed into family’s car in Salt Lake City
I thought they don’t drink out in SLC?
Juice: Salt Lake is a little more relaxed than the rest of Utah.
“Digging through storage and old computer drives from the late 80s and early 90s….I am certain if I look hard enough I can find an actual time/place intersection with reasonable proximity and plausible non-deniability with DJT….dude grabbed my balls as I was leaving and he was entering the mens room…Seriously.”
E. Jean Carrols initial civil suit against Trump was a a lot more than “he said/she said”.
She told several friends about the assault at the time, and those friends testified to that at the trial.
I called this 10 years ago. Going mainstream now.
“The US economy may be about to relive the “roaring ’20s,” according to Ed Yardeni.
“We’re in the early stages of a productivity growth boom,” the veteran strategist told Bloomberg.
His comments come with the economy expanding at a stronger-than-expected pace and the S&P 500 trading at an all-time high.
Veteran market strategist Ed Yardeni thinks the US economy might be about to relive the “roaring ’20s”.”,at%20an%20all%2Dtime%20high.
Cops were at Whole Foods today taking a report. Seems the Tequila Bandit made off a bunch of top shelf again..
She told several friends about the assault at the time, and those friends testified to that at the trial..
With your network of work friends established,
you can then begin your smear campaign. Everything
we’ve already covered about crafting allegations
applies here. However, I will reiterate that the DAMN
at Work method calls for you to be subtle and keep
the idiosyncrasies of your work context in mind. For
instance, setting up a formal meeting with a random
employee to claim you’ve been raped by your manager
will likely cause that coworker to become uncomfortable and pass responsibility on to HR prematurely,
either by going to HR directly or encouraging you to
do so. In contrast, however, saying something more
subtly to a work friend during lunch such as “I’m
dreading my next meeting with my manager; I always
catch him looking at my breasts” is far more effective,
especially if the work friend is an opinion leader and/
or has high-level status in the company. A comment
phrased and delivered in that manner can fuel gossip
that will spread your claim and garner its acceptance
company-wide. Likewise, similar comments made
to multiple coworkers over time (be careful not to
overdo it) can create a groundswell,
Speaking of the PoPo and shoplifting. One of the local cops was just pinched for shoplifting. He was skipping scanning items at the shelf checkout.
I checked the state database he was making $88,884 without overtime.
Phoenix – I was harassed by many a woman coworker back in the day. Chrimstas party of 1995 was a memorable one. I could have gone home with at least three different ones, one was married too.
I chose to skip I don’t crap where I eat.
They have investigated themselves and they have found they have done nothing wrong.
Juice Box says:
January 27, 2024 at 4:47 pm
Speaking of the PoPo and shoplifting. One of the local cops was just pinched for shoplifting. He was skipping scanning items at the shelf checkout.
I checked the state database he was making $88,884 without overtime.
Same. Married ones are the worst. They want you to help them wreck their child’s lives. I’m with you, don’t want no part of it. Keep that s hite away from me.
Juice Box says:
January 27, 2024 at 4:50 pm
Phoenix – I was harassed by many a woman coworker back in the day. Chrimstas party of 1995 was a memorable one. I could have gone home with at least three different ones, one was married too.
I chose to skip I don’t crap where I eat.
Read that Pdf.
You will see how it works. It’s no joke.
Juice: The office Xmas parties back in the day were insane. Unbelievable what went on, and the day after it was like nothing happened.
Hand Grenades and Gang Violence Rattle Sweden’s Middle Class
Daniel Cuevas Zuniga had just finished a night shift on a Sunday last month, and was cycling home with his wife, when he spotted a spherical object lying on the ground, stopped and reached down to take it in his hand.
It was an M-75 hand grenade. Manufactured in great numbers for the Yugoslav national army, and then seized by paramilitaries during the civil war in the 1990s, the grenades are packed with plastic explosives and 3,000 steel balls, well suited for attacks on enemy trenches and bunkers. When Mr. Zuniga touched it, he set off the detonator.
Much of the problem is the supply of surplus weapons. The Dayton peace agreement, which ended the Bosnian war, required paramilitaries to disarm and decommission their arsenals. Sellers in Bosnia and Serbia have networks in Sweden’s diaspora and are so eager to unload excess grenades, often rusted from decades in storage, that they throw them in free with the purchase of AK-47s, Mr. Appelgren said. In Sweden the street price of a hand grenade is 100 kroner, or $12.50.
3b says:
January 27, 2024 at 5:08 pm
Juice: The office Xmas parties back in the day were insane. Unbelievable what went on, and the day after it was like nothing happened.
Unless someone wants to bring it up now. No statute of limitations anymore. In fact, just make the whole thing up and sue for a few million.
Taylor Swift is now unsearchable on X, formerly known as Twitter.
I did not think the AI generated images were that bad… I mean the one with Oscar from Sesame Street was pretty damm funny.
3b – re: “No statute of limitations anymore”
No that was temporary, just another way to get Trump.
Elon Musk fears her. Her flying monkeys (look up the term) will tear him to shreds.
Yeah, the Oscar from behind thing was a pi sser.
Juice Box says:
January 27, 2024 at 5:33 pm
Taylor Swift is now unsearchable on X, formerly known as Twitter.
I did not think the AI generated images were that bad… I mean the one with Oscar from Sesame Street was pretty damm funny.
Women will walk around 99 percent nude. Will have multiple “wardrobe malfunctions,” but when it isn’t something they initiate will go bonkers.
Taylor can afford good lawyers. Let it rip.
Reports have said that Swift is considering legal action against the sites hosting the images, which users said they preferred Microsoft Designer to make. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella called the deepfakes “alarming and terrible” in an interview with NBC Nightly News yesterday, and said he believes AI companies need to “move fast” to get better guardrails in place.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre weighed in yesterday as well, calling on Congress to create legislation to protect people from deepfake porn.
Legislation? It’s a national security issue as mentioned by the White House. Send in the military…