From WalletHub:
Best and Worst States to Retire (2024)
Many people fear that retirement will mark the end of their financial security, and others worry they might never actually get to retire. That’s understandable when 28% of non-retired adults haven’t saved any money for retirement and Social Security benefits replace only about 37% of the average worker’s earnings.
Living in the right place after you retire can make your money go a lot further. To determine the best states to retire, WalletHub compared the 50 states across 46 key indicators of retirement-friendliness, from financial factors like tax rates and the cost of living to things like access to quality medical care and fun activities.
To supplement this report, WalletHub also released a retirement savings survey that examined Americans’ attitudes on retirement and the money they have set aside for it.

First to tell you, this isn’t going to go well. This was powerful.
“ America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves ”
– Abraham Lincoln
First … b last
Hehe. Women aren’t having kids anymore, plus low income doesn’t pay tax anyway, this makes that part a bunch of bullstei.
Just wait till the tariff tax kicks in. Government will pocket that money and give it to their “friends” while the middle and lower classes pay more for things they need. And no, major manufacturing won’t be coming back to America any time soon-unless a robot is doing the work.
American corporations have a hatred for their employees. Having to pay them is a drag.
Heads I win, tales you lose. Hehe.
The House on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed bipartisan legislation to cut taxes for working families and restore certain corporate tax breaks.
The bill passed the House by a vote of 357 to 70. It would expand eligibility for the child tax credit among the lowest-income families and adjust payments for inflation for the 2024 and 2025 filing years.
It would also bolster certain business tax credits — including deductions for research and development, interest expenses and investments in equipment
As for New Jersey, lack of affordability is a given but the quality of life and health care rankings are a bit surprising. Perhaps the stress of cutting off each other on the Parkway at 85 MPH and too many goomba attitudes adds to the slide. The affordability factor is numero uno when it comes to outward migration and will continue to grow.
More on work from home (or is that moron work from home?).
I start work every day before 8am now. I usually wrap up around 5:30pm. In my commuter days, I would be lucky if I was past Newark at 8am and usually wouldn’t get into my office (12 miles away from home) until after 9am. I would leave work around 5pm and if lucky would get home around 6:45p, that is if NJ Transit didn’t fuck me. So on a good commute day, my employer got 7 and a half hours from me (lunch took 1/2 an hour because I had to go somewhere to get it). Today, I will give my office two more hours than I would if I had commuted. I will not be exhausted. I can listen to Howard Stern or jazz music in the background (without headphones) and no one will complain. I can get my laundry done so I am free at night to spend quality time with the family. I finish work so early that I cook dinner every night. We used to do takeout at least twice to three times per week. But most importantly, I love my job at least twice as much as I used to since working from home. A happy worker is a much more productive worker. This is the part you continue to ignore Pumps. Quite frankly I think your whole anti-WFH stance comes from a standpoint of abject jealousy.
Can we please relegate the term “culture” to the trash bin?
Culture is not the output of a training session or powerpoint deck.
Culture is not an output of an activity, and especially not the output of the marketing team, who are some of the FURTHEST away from the real culture in any company.
The culture a company says it has, is never the culture it really has. This is the corporate equivalent of a pathological liar going around telling everyone they are honest. The more a company feels it needs to emphasize its culture, the further it probably is from actually having that culture.
Nothing better than the new CEO coming in and making it a goal to change the culture, followed by a 57 city roadshow and new posters on the walls. Cue the stupid KPI catchphrase, WOOOOO 94 in 24! Let’s go get it!
BTW, today is my 25th anniversary at my employer. That’s a hell of a run. I have worked nearly half of my life for the same employer as a mid-level manager. That says something. If I were a fireman or cop, I would have retired five years ago with a full pension that would start at age 55 (in my case, in another eighteen months. If I was a teacher, I could have retired today but wouldn’t have been able to collect for another six and a half years. If I retired today from where I’ve worked for 25 years, I would get the same thing had I never worked a day.
Spot on. Let’s all get boots on the ground and get our ducks in a row to discuss this! Or would you guys rather table it and wait until we could align our synergies and at least go for the low-hanging fruit. At the end of the day, we need to be proactive and think out of the box to understand why the elephant in the room needs to be retired for good!
re: “Culture”
Our HR Dept told us we were not a software company..!!!!!
Lol our only product is our software.
Barry Sternlicht just gave a VERY thoughtful interview about the growing troubles in commercial real estate:
Here’s what he had to say:
“We have a problem in real estate. In every sector of real estate, not just office, because of the 500 basis point increase in rates that was vertical.
The office market has an existential crisis right now… it’s a $3 trillion dollar asset class that’s probably worth $1.8 trillion [now].
There’s $1.2 trillion of losses spread somewhere, and nobody knows exactly where it all is…
There are buildings in New York that were bought for $200 million… the loan was $100 million… and we [personally] thought it was worth $30 million.
There’s a building for sale right now in San Francisco. It was bought for $850 per sq ft. The loan was $450 per sq ft. They’ll [probably] sell it for $250 per sq ft… that’s $0.25 on the dollar.
That would mean we lost three-quarters of the total asset class…
This asset class is not just owned by rich people. It’s owned by pension plans and other people… small investors.
We’re not just talking about towers. We’re talking about the buildings that surround towns and municipalities. What happens to those cities?
But there is a bright spot – the office situation is a completely US phenomenon.
I just was in Munich last week, and rents in Munich are up 15%. The vacancy rate in Munich is 2% for Class A. In Seoul, Korea, it’s 1%. In Tokyo, it’s 4%.
Everyone’s back to work except for Americans.
We’ve gone off the deep end. We don’t show up for work, we don’t apply for jobs, and we don’t feel like we have to go back to the office.”
We are a joke. WE HAVE BECOME A COUNTRY OF ENTITLED PUSSIES. Most of this blog falls into this bs weak mentality. Actually take a shower, groom yourself, and go to work…nah,…i rather sit in sweat pants at home and not shower for days. Pathetic and weak mentality.
It’s in his nature….so dead on.
No place is perfect. Vegas is not for everyone, that’s for sure.
OC1 says:
January 31, 2024 at 4:00 pm
If you move to Vegas, you’ll stop bitching about NJ taxes and traffic and start bitching about the summer heat, electric bills for air conditioning, and the tourists. ;)
Go grab a pair of balls, put on a suit, and be a real man. Not some child working in sweat pants from home… pathetic.
Boomer Remover says:
January 31, 2024 at 8:26 pm
Pumpkin you keep pushing this negative work from home narrative.
I have been working from home since 8:15AM, it’s 7:59PM now. Yesterday I drove a nearly four hour conference call. I am helping my client to package and sell a high eight figure entertainment deal… from home… in my sweatpants.
Dumb grin.
My wife is in the other home office is helping develop digital learning solutions for a SaaS company. We are both working our asses off, and with this sale support we really are working more than usual.
Your do nothing from home narrative is just that. We’re giving you example after example of functional wfh arrangements, and you choose to ignore them.
My BIL in law is in a bulge bracket bank. He commutes three of five days and says that he is much more productive at home. He says he spends until eleven AM winding down from the morning commute, then puts in a few hours and badges out.
Anecdotally, I understand that post covid showing up by 9AM sharp is now also not mandatory, many come in and “clock in” in around 10:30.
The Great Pumpkin says:
February 1, 2024 at 9:02 am
“We are a joke…take a shower, groom yourself, and go to work…”
I actually agree with this — well said GP!
It’s still not clear to me whether the pro-WFH contingent here on this blog are arguing that office-based work is essentially dead and full-time WFH is/will be the norm, or that hybrid will be the norm. My guess would be hybrid (say 3 office/2 home) more so than full-time WFH, but that’s more anecdotal than anything. In any case, I don’t think the final chapter will be written until WFH has been through a recession. It’ll be interesting to see if it holds up when people are truly fearful of losing their jobs, an employers have all of the leverage.
Ten 389
I understand your point on culture as it’s thrown around as frequently as space-age is used on infomercials. Though, I’m going to play the Devil’s advocate with you here.
My company has a culture of “Can do.” If you can’t flex your schedule, work perfectly, nor not buy into it, you will not survive a month here. Our high level of both new employee churn and coworkers with lifetime tenure speaks to this culture. Our companies longevity and incredible growth further adds to our credibility. Quite frankly, there is little that sets one printer apart from another. It’s ink on paper. Our culture is what truly differentiates us. Sure, you pay an arm and a leg to work with us. But you know when you drop your document off on Thursday night at 8pm. It will be filed with the SEC, printed and fulfilled, all at the highest quality with first books in the mail by 7am. You will never be bothered even if you submitted your files in WordPerfect or we received scanned copy. We are pretty much capable of doing anything as long as you are willing to pay a premium for it. And we’ll never bother you. Our tenure allows us to “know” what you meant or want.
It’s funny. From day one, whenever we lost a major client, my uber-experienced mentor would always say, if it was due to price, don’t sweat it. They’ll be back when the competitor screws it up. And in nearly all cases, he was right. You would have thought the raw size of the industry leader RRD, with their massive scale, could do what we do. But commercial print is another animal entirely. Where you can screw up about one in ten jobs and still come out ahead. In financial print, you really couldn’t screw up any. Not only would you have to pay to reprint the job, but you might have to give away the next two jobs to maintain a relationship with that client. I witnessed some pretty impressive people lose their jobs on their first strike. I was fortunate enough to really only be responsible for one major snafu. And it wasn’t my mistake. But the error was performed by one of my team members, who consequently got the axe.
This “culture” of perfection and expedience is discussed even during initial interviews when hiring. It’s so ingrained in everyone. It’s so common that no one complains nor brags when they are forced to work 30 hours straight, for example. Or when they somehow figured out a way to find stock for a job that is not available from the mill. It’s just the average day at our company.
There is a piece of software we use to automate imposition for our soft proofs. The vendor is famous for not giving us our new serial numbers until the day before their current license expires. Every single member on my team, multiple members on my India team and four different individuals in asset management have all reached out to me starting about two weeks ago to ask where the new serials are. It’s just the average day at our company.
Our company has a theme which they update every year. It’s corny marketing but it’s very apropo for our culture. Currently, the motto is “Expand Possible.” I think last year it was “Innovating with Purpose.” Though trite, these slogans are really the focus of our SMEs. This focus on perfection while maximizing potential of both quality and expediency to stay ahead of our competitors is truly what sets us apart. Much of this has recently been obtained through the automation of workflows that were previously performed manually, which made them more prone to human error. Perhaps our culture will change as more of what we do becomes automated and the need to kill ourselves to achieve impossible subsides? Though, I doubt it as there will always be new assignments generated where manual solutions must first be determined before automating them can occur.
Small Gov; No one here has said that complete remote will replace in office work,(although some companies, a minority have gone that route). The consensus is and the reality from what I see from my friends and family is that 2 to 5 days a week in the office is the norm, as in hybrid.
I don’t understand the just wait until a recession and everyone will fearfully run back to the office. In fact, and ironically with layoffs will come even less need for office space as there will be less people in the companies that are laying off employees. A recession will in my view give employers two ways to cut costs, get rid of people and office space.
Postman always rings twice? Postcard over the edge?
Pumps – re: “Everyone’s back to work except for Americans.”
First of all Europeans work way less than the USA.
The workweek there is about to get even shorter.
“Forty-five employers in Germany will begin trialling a four-day work week in February to determine its impact on productivity and employee wellbeing.
The trial is part of the massive pilot led by New Zealand-based 4 Day Week Global, which has also overseen the trials of similar arrangements in countries such as the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
The German trial will last for six months to determine if the country’s labour unions are correct in predicting that it would make staff healthier, happier, and more productive, Bloomberg reported.”
Juice: And countries like Germany and Sweden, have government subsidized child care on site, not to mention government sponsored health care, lots of vacation time, and multiple paid holidays throughout the year.
WFH: There is an argument here that not dressing properly and preparing to go to work by physically going to work may create a sense of malaise. If perception is reality then the perception of being dressed and in a structured, working environment will result in consistency which translates to more/better production. It seems logical so I guess we’ll know the outcome longer term.
Fast: One could reasonably argue the other side of that. As for dressing properly suits are no longer the norm any more even before remote, and dressing properly for some in an office seems to be a challenge. Even when in the office full time back in the day, there were people who had personal hygiene issues, as in they stank. Not to mention the people that don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom, even when coming out of the stall, or the ones who brush their teeth in the sink, or shave and leave it there.
Lib, there is an early retirement option at age 55 for Teachers, there is a penalty applied to your pension amount to counter.
Prudential “culture” in 80’s and 90’s was basically you called all “levels” by first name and no one “yelled” at anyone.
3b says:
February 1, 2024 at 9:31 am
“A recession will in my view give employers two ways to cut costs, get rid of people and office space.”
That’s true, but it’s interesting to see that companies like IBM are already using WFH as a way to achieve headcount reduction goals. I know that one company looking to reduce costs isn’t perfectly indicative of how companies will behave more broadly in a recession, but it’s clear that WFH is in the crosshairs when it comes to companies considering how to reduce headcount/costs.
Small: Some companies are, but not all. I believe the smarter companies won’t engage that strategy. I would also say it would not be rational for a firm to evaluate 2 employees one WFH and one in the office, and base the criteria solely on that. As people here know who have actually worked in an office, there plenty of people who can goof off there too.
However it all plays out for most mid and large size companies it’s not going back to 5 days a week in the office. Those days are gone.
I was thinking the same thing. Ever wear a suit and stand on the A-C-E platform at Penn Station New York in a Summer rush hour when there is a disabled train causing a thirty minute delay? After ten minutes, they can’t fit any more people on the platform. After twenty, you exit the station and blow your subway fair to step outside into the 90 degree heat and humidity to get a breather. You would be more comfortable in a sauna as it’s a dry heat. And the smell of everyone sweating profusely mixed with the evaporating rotting sewage on the tracks! This is why I began to drive to work in the city at 5:30am. It cost me about $10 more a day to commute. But it was air-conditioned, reliable time-wise and allowed me much more time to not get interrupted as most coworkers arrived after 9am since they relied on public transit.
Lib; Agreed. I can’t see how anyone would be nostalgic for those days. And today throw in the overwhelming smell of pot on top of what you just described. I have seen people outside of office buildings smoking pot, do they than go back to their office high?
9:31: I should have said 2 to 3 days a week in the office is the norm.
This is the problem….wtf happened to professionalism?
Part of success is acting the part. Living it. You embrace the routine. The routine is not supposed to be easy, which is why it is respected. Everyone just looks for the easy way out now. Bunch of pussies that don’t know what it takes to be a professional, but want to wear the title. They are the athletes that just want to scrimmage, and not put in the hard work it takes to be a professional athlete. Our workers have become weak and self centered. PUSSIES, go put on a suit and act the part. Actions are who we are. Keep taking the easy way out…see what happens to this nation down the line.
3b says:
February 1, 2024 at 10:08 am
Fast: One could reasonably argue the other side of that. As for dressing properly suits are no longer the norm any more even before remote, and dressing properly for some in an office seems to be a challenge.
That was perhaps the dumbest post I have ever read. You really should not be teaching.
A Boston doctor has been found not guilty of masturbating in front of a teen girl while on an airplane, after having to step down from his job over the accusations.
Lawyers for Dr. Sudipta Mohanty, 33, said more than a dozen passengers sitting in seats near Mohanty and flight attendants said they didn’t see anything consistent with the accusation.
Acting U.S. Attorney Joshua Levy said he was disappointed in the outcome, but he respects the verdict.
Hey Josh, question for you. Why are you so disappointed you a hole? Do you believe everyone is guilty? Did you not get a win in your win column? No ego stroking press conference for you?
Stu: for my money the most brutal platform was the summertime Lex Ave 42nd Street stop. So insanely hot. I know they have installed massive air flow systems in recent years. As for disgusting, the heavy sewage smell on the Lex Ave express 59th Street station buried three or four levels down from Bloomingdale’s. Try the dungeon.
I remember not going down there for about 15 years and laughed upon returning. I wonder whether it has every been resolved?
There are roles, like yours, where WFH doesn’t work.
Then there are roles, like being a lawyer, that WFH works great, except for that 10 minutes in a fancy office where you do your first face to face with your client.
You can then go back into the shadows to answer the questions of the minions you have working below you, and read their work later.
You can still bill your 500/hr, in 6 minute increments, and give great advice as the turd from the steak you ate slowly slips from your butthole as you speak to your client over the phone. There is no reason to be in the office for any of that.
Maybe you are jealous, IDK, but some jobs have plenty of allowance for WFH.
It’s a significant cost savings all around, even for the planet. The only thing I believe is that all things being equal, those who have careers, like yours and mine, should be able to write off travel expenses. That would level the playing field.
Chgo: Agreed that was a bad one, and more often than not the escalator was broken, and so had to schlep up all those stairs. 14th/ Lex was another bad one. And moving over to NJ, nothing more dreary than the Pavonia/ Newport stop covered in mold, dimly lit, and constant leaks.
Lethal Weapon.
Diplomatic Immunity. Hehe. F U officer, Diplomatic Immunity “TRUMPS” Qualified immunity. You got out-legaled.
Motorbike-riding son of Israeli diplomat sobs in mugshot after ‘intentionally running over Florida cop because he hates waiting behind traffic’ – and immediately pulling the immunity card.
Gil was stopped for traffic violations on December 31, and a video of the encounter shows him telling an officer his dad is a diplomat.
‘Would you like me to call him?’ the teen is heard asking the officer.
Despite having at least two previous encounters with cops in just two months, Gil was released on his own recognizance after his lawyer argued that his father Eli Gil, a diplomat at Miami’s Israeli Consulate, has diplomatic status.
The State Department states that ‘family members forming part of the household of diplomatic agents enjoy precisely the same privileges and immunities as do the sponsoring diplomatic agents.’
Carnival announces record bookings for 2024 cruises. People are spending money( whether they have it or not). Seems to me interest rates are just fine, no need to cut rates anytime soon.
Any reason America is incapable of making a clean, efficient, and pleasant form of mass transportation?
It’s the “culture” of the people. You know, like “culture” of the corporation.
And grim, you are right about the culture of a corporation. It is never what it says it is, and that is a form of gaslighting.
This country will implode from the inside.
3b says:
February 1, 2024 at 11:15 am
Chgo: Agreed that was a bad one, and more often than not the escalator was broken, and so had to schlep up all those stairs. 14th/ Lex was another bad one. And moving over to NJ, nothing more dreary than the Pavonia/ Newport stop covered in mold, dimly lit, and constant leaks.
Hopefully they convict her on that alone. Bet she is a Repub with those great family values. Hehe.
Humiliation for Michigan school shooter’s mom as her affair with firefighter is exposed during her trial: Texts reveal their parking lot trysts – and how she LIED about not being able to remove son from school hours BEFORE massacre
Right….sure. Agree to disagree. Professionalism requires effort and ambition. Getting harder and harder to find professionals. It’s sad. WFH rules!! I sit in my sweats all day and stuff my fat face all f/ing day while getting zero exercise.
Libturd says:
February 1, 2024 at 10:59 am
That was perhaps the dumbest post I have ever read. You really should not be teaching.
Btw, I wake up 5;40 am and hit the gym before work. Aka I have ambition and effort. I do my work than most by 7 am.
* I do more work than most do in a day by 7 am.
Boomer has money. Don’t let that old Subaru she is driving fool you. Then she cries no children in the neighborhood will shovel her driveway for Chex Mix. Hehe.
3b, this is the clientele, time stamped for you.
3b says:
February 1, 2024 at 11:20 am
Carnival announces record bookings for 2024 cruises. People are spending money( whether they have it or not). Seems to me interest rates are just fine, no need to cut rates anytime soon.
Phoenix: I don’t think it’s all Boomers booking those cruises. Just saying.
Was going to mention the broken escalator too. The PATH at Christopher was no treat either nor were the 88 steps to street level. The 23rd St. Path was no picnic either. As for stairs, Lex at 53rd was insane too. I think 90 steps up when the escalator wasn’t working.
Here’s a fun one. Of the 8 escalators at the old WTC PATH concourse, there was one escalator that ran a bit faster than all of the others. Remember which one it was?
Those stops you mention are all bad as well, have used them multiple times over the years. Ironically, since the WTC was rebuilt, they have replaced most of the escalators with stairs. Last time I was there in September, lots of empty stores as well, some are closed, some were never occupied to being with.
The PATH at Christopher was no treat either nor were the 88 steps to street level.
Those steps are probably the reason you are still alive today. Hehe.
Americans don’t need escalators. They need the other E.
You are probably right. My old commute was like 3 miles of walking not to mention all of the steps.
3b says:
February 1, 2024 at 11:32 am
Phoenix: I don’t think it’s all Boomers booking those cruises. Just saying.
Agreed. Young kids like to travel as well before they get knocked up. A last taste of freedom before the culture of corporations feeds you into the first stage of the compressor.
Libturd says:
February 1, 2024 at 11:41 am
You are probably right. My old commute was like 3 miles of walking not to mention all of the steps.
Yup. And all of that screeching of brakes, the smell of wheel grease mixed with urine and sweat-that is what makes you what you are today.
Embrace that, and the music played by your parents.
It’s about the ride, not the destination. I know what the destination looks like, I see it all the time.
Go enjoy the ride Stu.
Oh Snap!
She was banging a married firefighter. Imagine your affair discovered when your lover’s kid lights up a school with a 9mm.
The mother of Oxford school shooter Ethan Crumbley was having an affair with a married firefighter .
Crumbley told her lover that she had ‘failed miserably’ as a parent after her son was arrested for the murders.
‘You didn’t do this’, Brian Meloche told her in response.
‘Be careful of anything you type on messenger or text,’ he wrote later, ‘The FBI is involved, they can access anything and everything.’
Well son, now your wife can too. Hehe. Bet you wish you used that hose to put out fires instead. You just humiliated all of your children as well.
Phoenix: And don’t forget the ones defecating in the subway car, and the guy wanking off behind the newspaper, and leaving a present behind on the seat. That makes a man out of you, not like those sissy suburban workers who drove to work.
3b, yes they do. A lot of them are popping gummies throughout the day as well. I’ve said it before, I have about 7 or 8 friends that magically picked up a new bad habit with legalization that they never had before.
When the trains are full and a near empty car exists, trust me. Do not go in there.
BRT: So they are getting high, but they are back in the office.
Response to the many comments on inbuilding, NIMBY, and zoning….
Fast, BRT, 3b….
“People can’t be accused of NIMBY if…”
Don’t ever be intimidated into apologizing for desiring to uphold YOUR standards. The continuity, values, and stability of YOUR community derive directly from these efforts.
Terms with negative connotation like NIMBY or any of the dozen new ‘-isms’ are invented by others who seek to disrupt your community and your standards for their own purposes and personal gain. These terms and their efforts exist to shame you into silence, even acquiescence, to abandon YOUR standards for theirs.
Do not succumb.
You are debating, and being shamed for upholding your community values, by two of the most diehard liberals on this board. One of whom has such concern over the plight of those unable to afford housing that his business is literally tossing families incapable of paying their mortgage out of their homes and redeveloping them for profit.
Hold your ground. NIMBY in the broad community sense is not negative. It is a bedrock of who you are and what you have to give to the future.
“I’m not to blame for the lack of new housing! I just want my town to remain exactly the same as it was the day I bought my house 20 years ago!”
This concept, these near exact words, are the basis of every municipality’s Zoning Code. If not ensconced in the actual Code they are in the Master Plan on which the Code is based. The Master Plan and Zoning Code are *working* by *not* enabling high density development in most of the suburbs. Feature, not flaw.
And, notably, every jurisdiction no matter how liberal or conservative has such prohibitions according to the community standards each determine desirable for *their own community*.
Structures will not be erected in Central Park any time soon, and even if a tower is permitted in many areas of NYC if you don’t have the air rights you are SOL.
So, the next time a liberal tries to shame you on your values, hold firm. Smile nicely, listen attentively, then raise your your chin and with a pleasant smile and a calm voice look them straight in the eye and tell them to go fuck themselves.
Awesome post on NIMBY! Riding the same train. F them with a brick.
3 percent toll hike coming to the Turnpike and GS Pkwy effective March 1.
Who gives a 15 yo boy a handgun for his birthday/Xmas present?
Especially one who kept the head of a bird in a jar.
What is with the ad hominem attacks, Pumps?
Is that where we are at now?
“the next time a liberal tries to shame you on your values”
3 percent toll hike coming to the Turnpike and GS Pkwy effective March 1.
When are they making route 80 and 287 toll roads?
Fast: Be patient, that will be coming. And, remember if taxes and tolls are an issue for you, than you should leave; that is what Gov Murph says.
A woman who is enjoying herself riding the hose of a fireman and who is only thinking about herself and not her child.
Yeah, I said it. Tell me i’m wrong.
No One says:
February 1, 2024 at 1:26 pm
Who gives a 15 yo boy a handgun for his birthday/Xmas present?
Especially one who kept the head of a bird in a jar.
Exactly left.
There’s a clear difference between advocating against something and recognizing that something is just not possible. Like I said, Bergen county can build themselves into the permanent traffic jam from hell, I don’t care.
To give you an idea of where the area is at, I drove through New Bridge Rd from Bergenfield to Hackensack. In New Milford, by FDU, they put up these apartments.
Click on it, notice they have people walking the sidewalk in the proposed caricature graphic, and then it fades to the real graphic…sorry no room for a sidewalk, but if you walk on the grass there, you’ll probably get sideswiped by someone’s rear view mirror. This was probably the last tiny parcel of land that wasn’t a park in the 4/5 towns nearby. And it’s just awkward that they were able to slide it in there.
The way people drive that road there, I guarantee you there is a fatality waiting to happen at both the entrance and exit of the parking lot behind it.
BRT: I drove by that a few months ago, and I believe all the stores were empty. There is also the massive apartment complex opened a few years ago, between the Home Depot, and Riverside Mall. From there you can drive south on Kinderkamack Rd as it turns into Hackensack, and see the massive 500 unit complex they built on the old Bergen Co DPW site, it’s called the Jefferson, and the address is 1 Kinderkamack, just Kinderkamack from there you can continue further into Hackensack and see massive apartment construction projects everywhere.
Hackensack is insane with condos. More power to them. I could never live in one. The millenials don’t seem to mind them.
Surprised that this was released from behind the paywall so quickly.
Sound quality is bad at first, but it clears up by minute 7.
Lib: Most of the new construction in Hackensack is rentals. They want to make it Hoboken North, meet me in “The Sack” is the marketing tagline.
SALT deduction to double to 20k in this new tax bill if approved by Senate, apparently chances of Senate passage is less than 50/50. The deduction would only be for married couples. That seems unfair to single people, and what about Domestic Partners. Just saying.
Heard they were trying to fix SALT deduction. There is no will. Just more spending and less collecting.
Lib: Yep! More spending and less collecting is right!
Financial industry layoffs increasing, more automation and AI part of the reason, and of course just cost cutting.
We had our town meeting today. Financial Services still sucked. The rest of our company made up for the shortfall and we finished last quarter and last year ahead of budget in all of our other sectors.
That’s with everyone working from home.
Lib: That is impressed. If you all had worn suits at home your company could have done even better!
Since when was NIMBY strictly liberal? For me I see it more the other way. At least liberal is more prone to welcoming others.
Lefty, I dont see you as identifying liberal anytime soon.
Hackensack is just doing what Dean Gimbal did in Edgewater with lines of stick built condos. River Road is still drivable as will be River st in the Sack.
Fab: I know quite a few people who identify as Liberal, and mention low/moderate income housing in their towns and they become very uncomfortable. They will give you a laundry list of why it just would not work in their town, but do welcome it in someone else’s town. Also, try mentioning regionalizing schools with less affluent/ towns with large minority populations, and look for the horror on their faces. There are Conservatives who are out and out racists and admit it. But, there are many Liberals who are just as racist, but it’s a more quiet racism.
Don’t wear a suit and tie or a jacket and tie to teach?
Really? What is your definition of “others”? Once again a liberal thinks they have the moral high ground. I am going to make a gues that “others” relates to external features, and not diversity of thought.
Fabius Maximus says:
February 1, 2024 at 5:10 pm
At least liberal is more prone to welcoming others.
Fabs never been to Princeton
Problem solved.
A small American city is so desperate for workers it doesn’t just want migrants to move there – it will pay them $15,000 to come.
But Topeka, the capital of Kansas, wishes a few of those buses would come its way to join its growing Hispanic community that makes up 17 per cent of the population.
Phoenix: The article did say they want legal residents. Just saying.
you need workers you take what you can get. Hehe.
But new research suggests that generative A.I. — the kind used in chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT — will have its biggest impact on white-collar workers with high-paying jobs in industries like banking and tech.
But it makes clear that workers need to better prepare for a future in which A.I. could play a significant role in many workplaces that until now have been largely untouched by technological disruption.
For people in tech, it means they may be building their A.I. replacements.
“There’s no question the workers who will be impacted most are those with college degrees, and those are the people who always thought they were safe,”
“Since when was NIMBY strictly liberal?”
Did not say that….I said that liberals frame terms like NIMBY in the pejorative in an attempt to shame others’ for their core values.
Would whole-heartedly agree that conservatives – lower case ‘c’ – are NIMBY…almost by definition.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with NIMBY writ large…such attitude maintains the values and visions shared by multitudes, often generationally, for the future.
In fact, one of the best known and most celebrated cases of NIMBY is in some of our back yards and something I strongly agree with and am thankful for…the wall of NIMBY that greeted the jetport slated for what is now the Great Swamp that was relocated as the present day Newark Airport….
I know the story well, so haven’t watched this documentary, but just reading the summary gives you the gist if you are unfamiliar…
Nothing wrong with NIMBY, and in fact such attitudes are the bedrock of the towns in which you live today, and why they are what they are….
What were the towns like in which you live today 1-2 generations ago? Different
Agree towns change over fifty years, of course.
Question is what changes THEIR residents want…
Halving the permissible lot size and providing for expansion of multi-family complexes outside of areas currently allowed would substantially alter the fabric of these towns.
That’s why you find these complexes shoe-horned next to highways with no sidewalks in commercial areas. It’s where they are currently permitted. To preserve the overall character of the town. Same reason there aren’t Mattress Firms on residential cul-de-sacs…
If the residents of these towns like them the way they are, that is exactly their prerogative. If they want to change the character of their town likewise their prerogative.
But their community is run for them…not for some theoretical non-residents of other areas who may some day desire to move in….
Everyone loves local control and home rule (zoning) until they hate local control and home rule (why does nothing ever get done anymore)