From the Star Ledger:
These 37 N.J. towns have home values of at least $1M. See latest statewide ranking.
New Jersey’s home prices continued to steadily increase through the end of last year with typical home values of at least $1 million in 37 towns across the state, according to the latest Zillow data.
The top five home values were once again reported two pairs of neighboring Jersey Shore towns – Deal and Allenhurst in Monmouth County and Avalon and Stone Harbor in Cape May County – along with Alpine in Bergen County.
Nearly every ZIP code included in Zillow’s data for December posted increases in home values, topped by a more than 20% surge in the Three Bridges section of Readington Township. Just seven towns reported declines and five of those were less than 1% drops in Jersey Shore towns, which can be swayed by seasonality.
Statewide, the typical home value was $495,287 as of December, placing the Garden State eighth in the nation for most expensive homes. Nationwide, the typical home value was $342,685 in December, according to the data.

FOIST!!! First time in months.
very good, $755,000
Reagan destroyed middle class. You are millionaire or poor. Take your pick.
$50m a year CEOs laying off workers. Workers can’t afford middle class house in NJ
Democrats claim another victory
Feb. 14, 2024, 5:03 a.m. ET
In the heart of Long Island, where Republicans have won every major election in the last three years, Tom Suozzi fought through ripping political headwinds to claim victory on Tuesday in a special House election, seizing a coveted swing district that had been held by George Santos.
What you want is kept private by municipalities. Closest thing public is DataUniverse dot com by Asbury Park Press. Is behind pay wall, but not a secure wall – so you can get around it sometimes.
Tips to get around wall. Use Tor or Duck Duck browser to avoid or reset cookies and trackers. Hit reader view or Send to Printer as it loads up, before the wall goes up.
Owning real estate in Deal and Allenhurst over the years has been like winning the lottery. Homes were considered “white elephants” back in the day and could be purchased for a song. Lots of old homes in Deal have been replaced. Allenhurst has a historic preservation ordinance so the old homes are being restored to their original splendor but with modern interiors.
Lose your job, have your wife call you a deadbeat and take your kids since you can’t keep her happy in her 2.1M home she needs to feel good about herself……
Ex-Meta engineer shot dead his college-sweetheart wife in bathtub before killing his twin sons, 4, and turning the gun on himself in horrific murder-suicide at their $2.1M Bay Area home
Glitchy Mc Connell’s China connection. Guess the Repubs have one too just like Biden.
Well, had one anyway..
Mitch McConnell’s sister-in-law and Bank of China executive Angela Chao dies in car wreck at age 50
Love, American Style. Happy Valentines day to all!
An Airbnb host attempted to extort a married guest by sharing security footage of him with another woman after he left a bad review of his stay, a lawsuit alleged.
‘Hello Shawn, hope you are well. Sorry it took so long to get the photos you requested together to show your stay at our home. But I had faith, was driven by integrity, so I committed to get these posted for you and Airbnb. Photo at 3:16 AM is especially notable. Should I forward the photos and videos to [Mackey’s wife] Teresa, or will you?’
Chex-Mix American style. Hehe. Which of Sleepy Joe’s handlers sign off on this one, maybe Jill?
Federal Government will start PAYING off people’s rent in two states starting this YEAR under new $1.5billion Medicaid pilot program.
The first two states to roll out the program this fall, Arizona and Oregon, will target specific subpopulations of Medicaid beneficiaries who qualify under each states’ specific guidelines – which includes people currently homeless or at risk of losing housing and people with mental illness.
In Arizona, which will allocate $550million of its Medicaid funding to the program, 2.5million people are enrolled in the healthcare program.
Oregon will spend part of its $1billion Medicaid budget to combat homelessness through several initiatives, including the rental assistance program. Approximately 125,000 beneficiaries qualify for the new program in the state.
Best mousepad ever?
Why is there no Passaic County towns on this list? And kudos to Monmouth for taking 4 out of the top 10! I’m a little disappointed in the Bergen County performance, they’re resting a bit too much on reputation. They better get it together or these unicorns will be migrating to a county hungry to compete. And just a terrible showing for Somerset!
More child support for the w-2 workers of America. Add this to the check I pay Ukraine every month it won’t be long before I’m at Eddie’s house for a morsel of Chex Mix. Text me your address, Eddie.
Trump threat rattles NATO, as alliance scrambles to show 18 of its 31 members are paying their way (so nearly HALF are still relying on US and UK funding)
Trump was right again.
Landlords under this program are Private Equity billionaires.
Phoenix says:
February 14, 2024 at 9:53 am
Federal Government will start PAYING off people’s rent in two states starting this YEAR under new $1.5billion Medicaid pilot program.
That or Yujin.
As per Axios, Susan Rice called Xavier Becerra a bitch ass and idiot. She is also accused of being disrespectful to Harris, calling her a “staffer”. The White House appears to be in chaos.
Fast: I know Monmouth Co has the shore beaches , but here in Bergen Co, we have the mighty and majestic Hackensack River.
Why you have the Ukraine war. Time stamped for you. But this whole video nails it.
Uber drivers can’t afford buying a house in NJ but Uber declares $7 billion share buybacks
These comments were all related to the border crisis.
Sleepy Joe takes credit:
Very Stable Genius says:
February 14, 2024 at 10:10 am
Uber drivers can’t afford buying a house in NJ but Uber declares $7 billion share buybacks
60 year old female Uber Eats driver can’t afford to pay a ticket, get a warrant against her , then when, while out trying to earn enough to pay the ticket and warrant, get arrested. Hero police officer races food to starving Snookie’s husband.
Poor woman just trying to make a living goes to jail and gets her car towed over a traffic warrant. Her problems have just quadrupled. More tickets, towing fees, storage fees, contempt of court, lawyers fee.
She should have just applied to welfare, sat home, and ate bags of Chex Mix washing it down with Mountain Dew.
I apologize. Her car didn’t get towed. There is a sparkle of light left in humanity.
While watching Fox News coverage of the border crisis
“She should have just applied to welfare, sat home, and ate bags of Chex Mix washing it down with Mountain Dew.”
Those watching Fox News don’t those watching Fox News don’t eat Chex mix. They sprinkle it on the yard.
Eddie, please correct me if I’m wrong.
Phoenix – re: “ Trump threat rattles NATO”
Trump is more of a threat than Putin to NATO. The threat of a Russian invasion won’t make them spend more money to have a professional military more than weekend warriors.
If the sources are to be believed, Jill Biden was instrumental in convincing Biden to run for re-election , and continues to believe he should. I just don’t understand why at this stage in her life, she is so intent on her husband running for a second term.
3b says:
February 14, 2024 at 10:03 am
“The White House appears to be in chaos…”
The WH didn’t know that the SecDef was hospitalized for a week. That, as well as Joe’s dementia and the fact we know that someone(s) in the admin is smuggling cocaine into the WH itself, is a pretty good indicator that yeah, the WH is in chaos.
I just don’t understand why at this stage in her life, she is so intent on her husband running for a second term.
That one is easy. No old woman wants her husband around anymore. Ever heard the term “nurse with a purse?”
That’s what women say about marrying men when they get older, that is what they think men want.
Last thing a woman ever wants to do is to take care of the man that supported her azz for the last 30 years. Once you become a burden to her, you become useless.
Getting Joe out of the house is her goal. Then his handlers have to take care of him and she is free to live her life out in luxury.
Never thought I would have been watching one of her videos, but hey, she was spot on for this entire 40 minutes. Who would have known?
She’s traveling the world & the country and like Phoenix said, she has an army of Secret Service handlers for him. Taking care of an 80 year old man is draining work.
Is that Melania to 78 yr old Trump?
Phoenix says:
February 14, 2024 at 11:08 am
No old woman wants her husband around anymore. Ever heard the term “nurse with a purse?”
11:03 you literally had a revolving door under Trump. They accomplished Nothing
And openly mocked the potus . Couple that with incompetence and that’s chaos.
I’ll answer this in 4 words for you.
Of course it is.
Very Stable Genius says:
February 14, 2024 at 11:21 am
Is that Melania to 78 yr old Trump?
Phoenix says:
February 14, 2024 at 11:08 am
No old woman wants her husband around anymore. Ever heard the term “nurse with a purse?”
“I just don’t understand why at this stage in her life, she is so intent on her husband running for a second term.”
LOL, easy.
With another term she keeps the most exclusive house in the world, fully staffed top to bottom with every need or desire imaginable, any time she wants a social calendar that few anywhere could replicate, ultimate exclusive transport anywhere she wants without delay by car, helicopter, or 747, and an army of people to keep the doddering old fool at arm’s length.
Without another term? All gonzo, and she’s changing adult diapers listening to Corn Pop stories.
But it’s all about the service for others. Especially the great unwashed masses. LOLOL.
Humans are closest to bonobos. BRT please chime in.
Why does monogamy prove so difficult for so many?
And if it doesn’t come naturally to humans, why do so many modern societies insist on it anyway?
In humans and numerous other species, females who are officially tied to one partner may have others in secret, the secrecy being necessary to prevent not only social sanctions but also violence and abandonment on the part of males.
There are numerous potential advantages to this behavior, even though (as noted above) it won’t necessarily increase the number of children a female bears. Through adultery, a female might get more resources or higher-quality genes than her partner can provide, for example.
One is just math: Males and females are roughly equal in number, so if one male monopolizes multiple females, society will have to deal with the “excess” males somehow.
Ukraine is one example of how to get rid of pesky unwanted males.
There are a bunch, but one in particular where I work. Husband is a member of the PoPo.
Just wait till he finds out, me thinks her boytoy just might find out the hard way that there is a right way and a wrong way to do business.
But she is stealthy. To the untrained eye that is. Retune the radar, receive the reflection, and suddenly the Romulan cloaking device doesn’t work good enough.
Left: I understand that. But, the Biden’s have plenty of money, so they can hire all the help they need, and travel and all the rest. You would think she would just want to enjoy herself, and not deal with all that’s going on. Just my thoughts.
3b says:
February 14, 2024 at 12:09 pm
Left: I understand that. But, the Biden’s have plenty of money, so they can hire all the help they need, and travel and all the rest. You would think she would just want to enjoy herself, and not deal with all that’s going on. Just my thoughts.
Compared to them you are a plebe. Everything you suggested would be a downgrade, and that woman is not going to downgrade. They don’t think like you do. At all. Don’t care about you, your situations, or how they spend your tax dollars. You wanna see, take the red pill Neo.
Left is correct. She is on top of the mountain, and those that are don’t ever want to get off. She will ride that train as long as she can.
You should watch HBO’s Rome if you have not. The men are the pawns and the women are the controllers behind the scenes, pulling the strings on entire system. It is downright shocking the depths that they go to, but also probably very true. Heirs are everything.
Current headline Daily Mail.
War? What war? Benjamin Netanyahu’s son, 32, hunkers down in luxury Florida high-rise protected by Israeli Shin Bet bodyguards… as his countrymen go to war against Hamas
Take a minute. See if she is telling the truth or not.
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
Dedicated to Phx & Eddie:
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Yeah. She has great stage presence seeing her concert videos.
LAX says:
February 14, 2024 at 11:36 am
“you literally had a revolving door under T…”
Not surprising that an unaccomplished dud like you would think it’s a good thing that there’s been virtually no turnover in SlowJoe’s admin. Much like Dem voters gravitate to govt jobs and academia where there is no accountability and no need to actually accomplish anything, it makes complete sense that un-talented and incompetent Dem politicians like Blinken, Buttigeg, Harris and Mayorkas would find ‘forever’ jobs with Joe.
Bystander: I have not seen it, is it still on?
White House just said that Russia is posing a threat to our national security but won’t say what the threat is.
Congresscritters said it’s not aliens and not to panic, they were briefed in secret of course as in sworn to secrecy so we should know any minute now.
“Several key lawmakers, including Johnson, said there was no reason to be alarmed.
“I want to assure the American people there is no need for public alarm,” Johnson said at the Capitol. “We are going to work together to address this matter, as we do all sensitive matters that are classified and beyond that, I’m not at liberty to disclose classified information and really can’t say much more, but we just want to assure everyone steady hands are at the wheel, we’re working on it, and there’s no need for alarm.”
“People should not panic — that is unequivocal. People should not panic,” said Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee.
Turner “is right to highlight this issue, but it’s so sensitive that he is right now not publicly discussing it,” Himes told reporters. “And I don’t want people thinking that martians are landing or that your Wednesday is going to be ruined. But it is something that the Congress and the administration does need to address in the medium to long run.”
White House says we must pass the war funding or the world will end too.
Long over – by 15 years but can still stream it. Only 2 seasons bc production costs were sky high
This melting pot is one of the most dangerous places in the Country. I give you San Bernardino Co.
Jonathan Mauk, 59, was going to the store in San Bernardino County to run some errands on February 5 when he accidentally backed his Chevrolet Camaro into another woman’s car, who was leaving her parking spot.
The impact was minor – and the woman, Shawntece Norton, 36, was left with a scratch on her vehicle.
But as mechanic Mauk got out of his car to apologize, Norton stepped out of and shot the man in the face before driving off, police said.
Norton was tracked down and arrested 12 hours later. She was charged with murder along with the special allegation of personal/intentional use of a firearm.
“Shawntece” – that name just screams white privilege.
2:12 Two IPOs, tenured NJ teacher (tier 1 retired) and married to a smoke show.
I think I know a completely inept manager when I see them.
Bystander: I am way behind!
He shouldn’t have disrespected her car. Women just aren’t going to take it anymore. Hehe.
LAX says:
February 14, 2024 at 2:55 pm
This melting pot is one of the most dangerous places in the Country. I give you San Bernardino Co.
Jonathan Mauk, 59, was going to the store in San Bernardino County to run some errands on February 5 when he accidentally backed his Chevrolet Camaro into another woman’s car, who was leaving her parking spot.
The impact was minor – and the woman, Shawntece Norton, 36, was left with a scratch on her vehicle.
But as mechanic Mauk got out of his car to apologize, Norton stepped out of and shot the man in the face before driving off, police said.
Norton was tracked down and arrested 12 hours later. She was charged with murder along with the special allegation of personal/intentional use of a firearm.
No need for alarm, don’t panic, don’t run for the hills, don’t eat the cyanide caplet… I think a global event is imminent and they’re warning us without warning us.
Well, we knew the Vegetable’s regime was the worst in the last hundred years but nobody predicted we’d go out this way.
To quote a line from a Gordon Lightfoot song, ” “Fellas, it’s been good to know ya.”
Kansas City Chiefs parade shooting: Multiple people shot in Union Station as one million gather to watch Travis Kelce and team celebrate Super Bowl win.
Hehe squared. Fuk’n dolt.
Bonkers moment Florida cop opens fire on handcuffed, unarmed suspect in his own patrol car after an ACORN landed on vehicle and he thought he’d been shot at
What immediate threat do we face right now from Russia? They are still slogging away in Ukraine.
3:18 she looked mad ya’ll. Why’d you make me shoot dat man, mad.
Morgan Stanley is eliminating hundreds of wealth management positions including managing director’s; cost cutting by the firms new CEO.
The whole thing is just a sickening money grab. As an aside, it doesn’t even mention the fact that these panels will become inert in short order to boot.
Residential Solar Confronts a Critical Year
High rates and less-generous subsidies have pushed some rooftop solar companies into bankruptcy
By Jinjoo Lee
After years of fast and expensive growth, America’s residential solar companies are wilting under high interest rates and less favorable state incentives. Is it darkest before dawn for the survivors?
Sunlight Financial, a financing provider for rooftop solar systems, declared bankruptcy in October. SunPower SPWR 15.43%increase; green up pointing triangle, a rooftop solar and storage provider, in a December filing flagged the risk of defaulting on some of its debt and said there was “substantial doubt” about its ability to continue as a going concern. Last month, the company said it adopted a restructuring plan to cut operating costs, citing slower sales driven in part by interest rates. Solar micro-inverter company Enphase Energy increase; green up pointing triangle said in a December filing that it will lay off about 10% of its workforce and stop manufacturing at certain locations to reduce operating costs. SolarEdge Technologies SEDG 7.92%increase; green up pointing triangle, another inverter provider, said last month that it would reduce its head count by 16% to “align its cost structure to current market dynamics.”
High interest rates have been a double-whammy for the rooftop solar business: Not only do solar companies rely on debt to fund their installations, but customers also tend to finance their purchases. The average quoted interest rate on consumer solar loans is 6.58% so far this year, a steep climb from 2.45% in the first quarter of 2022, according to EnergySage, a marketplace that connects consumers with solar installers.
Making matters worse, California, the biggest market for home solar, last year reduced the amount that rooftop solar systems can get for selling excess electricity back to the grid. That effectively cut the value of solar export credits by about 75% on average, which means it now takes consumers 8-to-10 years to break even on a solar panel. That is about four years longer than it used to take, according to Zoë Gaston, solar analyst at Wood Mackenzie. While California’s new rules do shorten the payback period on solar-plus-storage systems, industry analysts said that market will take time to grow simply because batteries exceed many consumers’ budgets.
Conditions haven’t looked this dim for the sector in a while. Wood Mackenzie expects there to be 12% fewer U.S. residential solar installations in 2024 than 2023—the first annual contraction since 2017. BloombergNEF expects a slight uptick this year compared with 2023, but expects U.S. home solar installations to rise by just 5% a year between 2023 and 2030—a substantial slowdown from the 32% annual growth the sector saw on average between 2019 and 2022. Solar stocks are already reflecting a lot of pessimism: Installers Sunrun RUN 10.51%increase; green up pointing triangle and Sunnova Energy NOVA 8.97%increase; green up pointing triangle have slumped about 30% over the past 12 months, while SunPower is down 77%. Solar inverter providers Enphase and SolarEdge are down 42% and 74%, respectively.
Is it time to go bargain hunting? While industrywide challenges can be a boon for survivors, the path to winner-takes-all success isn’t as obvious in this sector. Scale has indeed helped companies bring down their financing costs—for example, by enabling them to bundle loans and sell them to investors as asset-backed securities. But other costs, such as door-to-door marketing and maintaining local maintenance fleets, are by their nature local and sticky. Sunrun, the top installer by market share, saw its installation costs per watt rise 13% from 2017 to 2022. Its sales and marketing costs per watt more than doubled over that period.
Pol Lezcano, solar industry analyst at BloombergNEF, said he thinks the industry eventually needs to evolve to a market more similar to the one in Germany, where a typical residential solar system cost about $1.90 a watt in 2023, compared with $3 a watt in the U.S. In Germany, solar installers tend to be local contractors—say, electricians—that have relatively low overheads and don’t require steep marketing costs because they already have a Rolodex of local customers, Lezcano said.
What shifts should residential solar companies take in order to succeed in a new business climate? Join the conversation below.
Absent some dramatic casualties, though, the more likely scenario is that companies and their investors will reset their growth expectations. Installers probably need to “take a page from the oil and gas handbook” and start prioritizing cash flows instead of growth, according to Jordan Levy, equity analyst at Truist Securities. Wall Street analysts expect large installers such as Sunrun and Sunnova to burn cash well into the future, while expecting SunPower to generate moderate free cash flow this year.
Until these companies actually start delivering on those cash flows, it is difficult to see the rainbow at the end of this storm for rooftop solar.
“Making matters worse, California, the biggest market for home solar, last year reduced the amount that rooftop solar systems can get for selling excess electricity back to the grid. That effectively cut the value of solar export credits by about 75% on average, which means it now takes consumers 8-to-10 years to break even on a solar panel.”
This is the rub. A fucking bullshit artificial market that forces energy into the grid at an arbitrary price and makes the public pay higher rates.
BREAKEVEN? You have toxic and ugly glass caving in the roof of your house? Pay for that fix.
In the skies with Phx & Fasat Eddie:
Call it the Consumer Chex Index.
A $9.99 bag of Chex Mix that a comedian purchased at New York’s LaGuardia Airport has inspired a global scavenger hunt and impromptu internet referendum on why airport food prices can climb so high.
The stunt comes amid consumer frustration about the often high prices of once-cheap everyday goods—like the $18 Big Mac combo at a McDonald’s that recently went viral. The government tracks inflation by sending hundreds of representatives to businesses around the country to tally the monthly consumer-price index. This homegrown riff on the CPI drives home just how variable those prices can be.
New York-based comedian Kylie Brakeman has summoned a crowdsourced, deeply unscientific, list of prices for Chex Mix’s 8.75-ounce bag of “traditional” flavor from around the U.S. and beyond. Her spreadsheet contains nearly 40 airports, with confirmed prices ranging from $3.49 a bag in New Orleans to $13.29 in Las Vegas.
Chex Mix is Brakeman’s go-to plane snack, she says. She prefers trail mix, but she says it’s usually too pricey. “I’m pretty ride-or-die for Chex Mix,” says Brakeman, who counts writing for “The Tonight Show” among her credits.
It cost how much?
The discovery of the costly bag of Chex Mix piqued Brakeman’s curiosity. The 27-year-old posted her initial findings based on her own observations to X, and welcomed her nearly 200,000 followers to report their own findings.
She set ground rules: Bags should be around 8 ounces—not snack-size—and in the traditional flavor. Prices should be pretax.
Responses came pouring in from all over. A $6.99 bag of Chex Mix was reported at Hermes Quijada International Airport in Tierra del Fuego province, Argentina. Brakeman shared the results with a Google spreadsheet.
The experiment gave Brakeman a crash course in what it’s like to be a statistician.
She combed the responses in an effort to weed out bad data, though she admits it may not have been the most sound data-collecting practice. Some people shared photos of the prices they found as evidence.
Brakeman broke the price reports into four categories: Those she’s seen herself, those she’s seen photographic proof of, those she hasn’t seen pictures of but suspects are true, and “I’m not sure I believe you” prices.
Not all of the data proved accurate. People reported Chex Mix at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport cost $12.99 or $14.99. A spokesman reviewed prices across the three concourses and said that 8.75-ounce bags cost $5.99.
A spokesman for Pittsburgh International Airport disputed the price of $7.99 that Brakeman was told. A check of several stores across the airport found a lower price: $3.79. Both airport spokesmen provided a reporter with photographic proof.
Brakeman’s response: “I really don’t want to make any enemies here.”
Apples to apples
Prices of items at the airport vary widely, whether it’s Chex Mix or a pint of beer. And airport prices are almost always higher than those found at stores. That can frustrate travelers, says Ryan Hamilton, an associate professor of marketing at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School.
Brakeman’s experiment lifts the veil on the seemingly inscrutable math that goes into pricing goods at airports, Hamilton says.
“When it’s fully transparent and we realize that there’s another group that’s getting a lower price, that level of transparency kicks our fairness sensors into high gear, and we feel very angry about it,” he says.
Research from industry trade group Airports Council International-North America found that more than 80% of airports have adopted an approach called street pricing plus.
Under this methodology, the price of an item like a bag of Chex Mix in airport shops is tethered to the price people would pay outside the airport. Often, airport retailers hike prices by a certain amount to account for the added costs of doing business at an airport. Most airports require that shops set prices no higher than 10% above street pricing. Metro areas that follow this model include Washington, D.C., and New York City.
Generally, the prices are based on comparable convenience stores in the area near the airport, says Blaise Waguespack, professor of marketing at Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla.
In other words: Don’t expect prices like what you’d find at a dollar or big-box store. A 13-ounce bag of Chex Mix at a Walmart Supercenter near the Seattle airport cost $3.96, according to the store’s website.
Inflation has also pushed prices higher.
Some airports, including Salt Lake City International Airport, require that the prices in the airport match street pricing, with no extra markup allowed. Even then, airport retailers have leeway in setting prices.
Two retailers at SLC set the price of Chex Mix at $3.79, while one offers a bargain at $2.99, according to Brad Wolfe, the airport’s commercial manager. That’s allowed, since both prices are within the range set by street pricing, he says.
Brakeman says the Chex experiment has prompted her to rethink her snacking choices. And she might ask her followers to log prices for other airport items.
“A whole new world has opened up to me in the realm of economic indexes of small snacks,” Brakeman says. “If anybody has a six-figure data-scientist job lying around that they’re not using, I’ll happily take it.”
ABS news reports Space Nukes are the threat from Russia..
Pol Lezcano, solar industry analyst at BloombergNEF, said he thinks the industry eventually needs to evolve to a market more similar to the one in Germany, where a typical residential solar system cost about $1.90 a watt in 2023, compared with $3 a watt in the U.S.
In Germany, they can use Chinese solar panels that are inexpensive. America tariffs them.
The dark framed panels don’t look bad either. It depends on what you buy.
Then and now
When EF Hutton talks, people listen.
Smith Barney, They make money the old fashioned way, they EARN it.
Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Blackrock- We are going to insert it forcefully. You will like it. Or not.
I’m quaking. I guess I’ll call her after all and get that hookup. What the hell. Might as well pound it before the world ends.
Juice Box says:
February 14, 2024 at 4:35 pm
ABS news reports Space Nukes are the threat from Russia..
PA Man Shoots, Kills Wife Of NJ Friend Who Took Him In, Dies Soon After.
Husband: My friend needs a place to stay for a little bit.
Wife: I don’t want your deadbeat friend in my house. I don’t care if he saved your life in Fallujah. You do what I say.
3b – immediate threat we face….A missile from space might get here a tad quicker…. perhaps 2 minutes vs 15 minutes so you will have less time to kiss you ass goodbye. The Russian Bulava missile with a cruise speed of Mach 20 to mach 24 means if it is launched from a submarine off the coast of Ireland it gets to NYC in like less than 15 minutes.
The Russian first strike capabilities are approx 624 nuclear warheads from their submarine fleet. Lets say realistically only 10% those missiles are at sea now and actaully work. That still means the east coast is toast.
There is no way in haughty Bergen County you escape the blast or fallout. NYC area is among the first targets along with Washington DC.
But hey lets keep poking the bear….
Juice: Ok. Understood. Would the Russians really do it though? In the end it would be the end for both countries, and probably most of the world.
More likely than not they reverse engineered how Spacelink work and can disabled them with strategic explosions and there goes Ukraine’s comms.
Other options are that they got working kinetic weapons but if they are anything like their hypersonic missile quality and performance will leave a lot to be desired.
Stay tuned. Is only a matter of hours before someone leaks it to embarrass someone else politically.
Do you think a maga anti Swift conspiracy theorist opened fire on that parade?
There is no way in haughty Bergen County you escape the blast or fallout. NYC area is among the first targets along with Washington DC.
Might make housing more affordable there. The neutrons and photons will eliminate any Rheingold/Cabbage odors completely.
re: “strategic explosions and there goes Ukraine’s comms”
Starlink’s current grid of 5500 satellites operate at 342 miles.
Elon can launch a ton of satellites in a week…
Here is the current map…most people have zero idea how amazing this really is.
BTW almost a cleanup in isle 1 at Whole Foods this evening…I would have gone out to get dinner as my wife is in the city and I am home but a late work meeting kept me on Zoom later than I planned. Minding my business in Whole Foods and picked thru the last remaining sushi rolls and about to leave and some dude comes by and was POed I took the remaining sushi rolls actually said “you took the last roll”. I said Dude there were four left and yes I have them but so did the 100 other customers that were just here before you and me…
Guy looked at me dejected, so I handed him one sushi roll and then took the rest of the chicken dumplings…….
Little secret with the dumplings is you have to heat them up properly on a stove top in sliver of water to get them nice and toasty, and my wife and kids actually seem to love them more than sushi.. That just means more sushi for me…. I don’t know why but all I eat these days is sushi and asian food in general.
That’s how it starts. And the next thing you know you’re only listening to k pop and watching k dramas
Guy looked at me dejected, so I handed him one sushi roll and then took the rest of the chicken dumplings…….
It’s Valentine’s day. You gave a little love.
For all you know that bit of compassion kept him from stepping in front of a train tonight.
You are a good human.
Western BC would escape the blast radius, central Bergen might only see some shockwave damage.
They would need to target Jersey.
Thermal damage basically as far as Teaneck, but survivable.
Philly might be the worse target for NJ.
Grim says:
February 14, 2024 at 7:19 pm
Thermal damage basically as far as Teaneck, but survivable.
Bright side is you won’t need a haircut in a couple of weeks. You will all look like Teaneck police officers minus the uniforms, vests, badges and guns.
Never knew I had a MTHFR gene. Been called one many times. Now I know why.
my wife and I already planned it out for a NYC/DC blast to escape fallout based on maps/models. We concluded we need to escape to western PA. You have to have enough fossil fuels to do so.
I always have a few sets of dumpling wrappers frozen in the freezer. You can make them from scratch pretty easily. If you let them thaw out overnight.
BRT says:
February 14, 2024 at 7:27 pm
my wife and I already planned it out for a NYC/DC blast to escape fallout based on maps/models. We concluded we need to escape to western PA. You have to have enough fossil fuels to do so.
Yeah, you will be fuc kkd waiting at the Wawa for a supercharger spot to open up.
Fabius will be flying by you in his Hybrid Prius with 600 mile range, not including the two Jerry cans worth of fuel strapped to the trunk.
His legs went numb when the squirrel dropped an acorn on him. Shots fired. This has to be the funniest video I have ever seen now that I know the poor guy inside hasn’t been killed. He did a mag dump into his own patrol car. Hehe.
Phoenix – I always give love….There is no better way to live.
You know and live this…At least we are the same…
Happy V-Day!
You as well.
It appears they caught the squirrel that threw the acorn. It was a felon. Attacked a guy in NJ a few years back. Been wanted ever since.
Nope Phoenix, I’ll be drilling gas tanks/siphoning fuel on my way to my destination. It’s everyone for themselves at that point.
Juice Box says:
February 14, 2024 at 4:35 pm
ABS news reports Space Nukes are the threat from Russia..
Grim – Sorry but the inept Russians never updated their target maps.
That old NIKE base ain’t far away. The one in Mahwah.
I have several targets near me too.. Weapon Station Earl….
If the air raid horns actually sound ( the kiss your ass good bye ones) go east to the ocean and steal a boat….It’s is your only chance….
LOL, was going to say something similar…the Russian/former Soviet shit is so decrepit and unreliable it will miss midtown Manhattan and land right on grim’s house….
BRT, what about EMP re: your vehicular escape plan?
Bebo lives (jj Edition):
Regime change. Seize the Russian pipelines and extort Russia to get rich by controlling the gas flow to Europe. Joe Biden to the rescue 2023 using hard working Americans tax dollars….
Washington Post
September 28, 2019
The gas tycoon and the vice president’s son: The story of Hunter Biden’s foray into Ukraine.
When then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son joined the board of an obscure Ukrainian gas company half a decade ago, it was a stunning coup for its owner, a former Ukrainian minister working to remake the company’s image as he faced a money-laundering investigation.
For Hunter Biden, the job came with risks: Ukraine was in the throes of political upheaval, and there was building scrutiny of former government officials profiting in the lucrative gas industry. His father was the face of the Obama administration’s effort to get Ukraine to crack down on corruption.
For some Ukrainians, Hunter Biden’s association with Burisma undermined his father’s calls to end corruption in Ukraine. It also raised concerns that prosecutors would avoid pursuing alleged wrongdoing by Zlochevsky out of fear that the former minister had high-level connections in the United States — the critical backer of the Ukrainian government at the time.
Hunter Biden became involved in Ukraine at a chaotic political moment for the former Soviet republic. In early 2014, an uprising on Kiev’s Independence Square, known as the maidan, ousted the Russia-leaning government of President Viktor Yanukovych and swept into power a group of Ukrainian politicians seeking closer relations with Europe and the United States.
Eventually, Zlochevsky built what would ultimately become Ukraine’s largest gas producer and transformed himself into one of the country’s richest men.
So the Biden family is there during the regime change, corruption everywhere, Russia’s pipelines to Europe seized by the “American” regime. Basically the “new” middleman dope pusher trying to extort the drug supplier as the supplier no longer has a way to sell their goods without being ripped off.
So they build their own pipeline, Nordstream, to eliminate the new American “regime” artists and avoid having to pay the Ukrainian “tax,” only to have western media tell dopey Americans that they blew it up themselves.
No wonder Biden is giving our money away, him and his druggie son have their hands buried in the cookie jar.
“Imagine where you’d be today if you were able to tell Russia: ‘Keep your gas,’ ” Biden said. “It would be a very different world.”
As vice president, Biden said Ukraine should increase gas production. Then his son got a job with a Ukrainian gas company.