Demographics driving housing

From Newsweek:

How Millennials Are Shifting the Housing Market

For a large number of millennials, the generation born between 1981 and 1996, the time to buy a home has never been quite right.

Older millennials were not yet 30 when the financial crisis of 2007-2008 upended the housing market and the US economy, causing the worst downturn in the country since the Great Recession. When younger millennials came of age to buy a home, the US housing market was booming, driven by high demand and low inventory, with prices reaching heights that made properties unaffordable to many.

Despite adverse economic conditions, and tired of waiting for the perfect moment, many got on the property ladder anyway—and their late arrival has shaken up the entire housing market, according to experts.

“Because of the high cost of living, millennials have had to delay marriage, they’ve had to delay having children. So what’s going on is that there’s been a delay in household formation, though right now the rate of household formation is double the rate of population growth,” Phil Powell, executive director of Indiana University’s Business Research Center, told Newsweek.

“What that means is that there is unprecedented demand for housing and that is why housing prices are going up,” he added. Millennials, said Powell, “are putting upward pressure on prices and it’s going to continue, it’s not a fad or some bubble in the housing market. This is real, it’s demographic.”

They’re also not the only generation keeping prices up.

Alejandra Grindal, chief economist at Ned Davis Research, told Newsweek that baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) are also adding price pressure. “They are the second-largest age cohort in the U.S., and they’re also driving up demand, partly because they can afford to,” she said. Millennials, in 2020, overtook baby boomers to become the largest generation in the U.S.

“Compared to prior generations,” she added, “[Baby boomers] also plan on staying in their homes much longer. They don’t want to go to assisted living or nursing care. They want to live in their homes as long as possible. Plus a lot of them would like to own second homes.”

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

111 Responses to Demographics driving housing

  1. Chicago says:


  2. Hold my beer says:

    Phoenix and Juice

    Why keep the old pig around for a little bit of sausage?

  3. Very Stable Genius says:

    S&P 500 futures rose Thursday, boosted by a jump in Nvidia shares as the chip giant posted record revenue and issued upbeat guidance.

    S&P 500 futures climbed 1.2%, and Nasdaq 100 futures gained 2.1%. Futures tied to the Dow Jones Industrial Average added 133 points

  4. 3b says:

    Juice: From yesterday, I feel sorry for your friend,he got a raw deal. I am shocked about the Real Houcsewives bit, I just thought that it was stupid entertainment, nothing more. It’s insane if some middle age women are being influenced by these shows. She won’t live that life, where is the money coming from? And two kids 17 and 19, so child support payments will be limited. It’s good you are keeping an eye on him. There are men who suffer in quiet desperation, no support groups as you note.

  5. Bystander says:

    F&ck, we have been taking about millenials for 20 years. The oldest are now middle age (42-43). Can we shut up about them driving the future? With little demand in job market and home prices / rates at crazy highs, they are screwed..end of story.

  6. 3b says:

    Yes, all demand. I am sure those 3 percent mortgage rates had no impact at all.

  7. Very Stable Genius says:

    401-k skyrocketing. Thank you Mr. President Biden.

    “Market watchers are crediting Nvidia with turbocharging a global rally.
    Stocks in Asia and Europe rallied on the news, including ASML, the Dutch chips-equipment maker. Meanwhile, the Nikkei 225, a benchmark index in Japan, closed at a record”

  8. Bystander says:

    The first test for any man with a gf is to give her remote and ask what she wants to watch. If “Real” anything, dump her..seriously.

  9. Chicago says:

    Millennials are going to inherit boomer wealth. These entitled self absorbed idiots will be calling all the shots in about 10 years.

    Bystander says:
    February 22, 2024 at 8:02 am
    F&ck, we have been taking about millenials for 20 years. The oldest are now middle age (42-43). Can we shut up about them driving the future? With little demand in job market and home prices / rates at crazy highs, they are screwed..end of story.

  10. Fast Eddie says:

    “[Baby boomers] also plan on staying in their homes much longer. They don’t want to go to assisted living or nursing care. They want to live in their homes as long as possible. Plus a lot of them would like to own second homes.”

    Certainly! Who’s going to sprinkle Chex Mix on the lawn for the Gen Z’ers if the Boomers move to a facility? On 2nd thought, I saw a post yesterday mentioning pigeon feed. Hmmm… now there’s an idea!

  11. Bystander says:

    Some will inherit chi and they will inherit great amounts due to wealth concentration via Fed policies. We know the Ridgewoods, Greenwichs and Scarsdales will only grow more elite. The great majority won’t have a pot to piss in bc mom/dad spent it all on extravagance and end of life care.

  12. Fast Eddie says:

    The first test for any man with a gf is to give her remote and ask what she wants to watch.

    Jerry Springer? P0rn pay per view? Youtube epic job fails and world’s greatest disasters?

  13. Fast Eddie says:

    Millennials, said Powell, “are putting upward pressure on prices and it’s going to continue, it’s not a fad or some bubble in the housing market. This is real, it’s demographic.”

    When the 3bd/2bth Saddle Brook cape reaches a seven-digit hammer price, we need to have a get-to-together at Silk City Distillery.

  14. 3b says:

    We have all this demand for houses from Millenials, who will pay , as long as interest rates fall to some number below 7 percent. On the other hand, the birth rate has been declining. So why the demand for single family houses?

  15. Bystander says:

    Pron pay per view? Is it 1992? I would say girl action is ok. Lex Steele is trouble. He’s got too much umm, personality.

    “want to make sure not kissing Nat King Cole over here”

  16. Very Stable Genius says:

    Hoarded dough will be spent.
    Either by you or by your entitled self absorbed idiots offspring once you die. Your choice.

    Chicago says:
    February 22, 2024 at 8:25 am
    Millennials are going to inherit boomer wealth. These entitled self absorbed idiots will be calling all the shots in about 10 years.

    Bystander says:
    February 22, 2024 at 8:02 am
    F&ck, we have been taking about millenials for 20 years. The oldest are now middle age (42-43). Can we shut up about them driving the future? With little demand in job market and home prices / rates at crazy highs, they are screwed..end of story.

  17. Boomer Remover says:

    Older millennial here. I can buy the demand argument in the states, though all I see is 2020 purchases relisted 25-33% higher. What doesn’t make sense to me, every single time I see it, is condos in western Europe’s larger cities going for $300-700K USD. A plebeian town home on the outskirts of a large city is now $300K USD… that’s western NJ pricing!

    Europe does not have fixed interest 30 year mortgages. Further, Europe’s households do not come close to the net HHI of US families, including NYC metro where we can expect similar pricing. Torrent appreciation in the face of relatively stagnant salaries.

  18. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Today’s opening article was the drum I beat on this blog for 10 years….and was laughed at. Millennials/boomers will want to buy and there will not be enough supply. Demographics matter…it really is that simple.

    I truly believe it is dangerous to buy right now…I just don’t see where the demographics will support current pricing long-term (talking 2030s/2040s). Wildcards: People may live a lot longer…..people may own multiple properties as the norm….maybe illegal immigrants have enough kids that can support overpriced housing 25 years from now.

  19. The Great Pumpkin says:

    I believe we are due for a correction….this might be a good spot to sell into the wave. This market can’t just keep going up…but who the f knows.

    Very Stable Genius says:
    February 22, 2024 at 8:16 am
    401-k skyrocketing. Thank you Mr. President Biden.

    “Market watchers are crediting Nvidia with turbocharging a global rally.
    Stocks in Asia and Europe rallied on the news, including ASML, the Dutch chips-equipment maker. Meanwhile, the Nikkei 225, a benchmark index in Japan, closed at a record”

  20. Boomer Remover says:

    Wholesome euphoria on the Nasdaq today. No blowoff top here, no.

  21. Hold my beer says:

    I sold my regional bank stock yesterday. The bank has a very solid balance sheet and no exposure to office buildings in cities other than 2 union headquarters. I’m Worried about contagion as commercial real estate defaults trashing the stock price by association.

  22. Boomer Remover says:

    3b — Because everyone is buying rental properties. If you don’t own rental property, which is a more tangible asset to those who are buying it, then you’re not getting ahead of your neighbor.

    Would love to see a stat on number of homes owned by individuals over time.

  23. Very Stable Genius says:

    You are estimating home prices in 2040s?
    What do you see in terms of availability by 3000?

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    February 22, 2024 at 9:10 am
    Today’s opening article was the drum I beat on this blog for 10 years….and was laughed at. Millennials/boomers will want to buy and there will not be enough supply. Demographics matter…it really is that simple.

    I truly believe it is dangerous to buy right now…I just don’t see where the demographics will support current pricing long-term (talking 2030s/2040s). Wildcards: People may live a lot longer…..people may own multiple properties as the norm….maybe illegal immigrants have enough kids that can support overpriced housing 25 years from

  24. 3b says:

    Boomer: Ok that may make sense on its face, but why buy rental housing if the birth rate is declining? Would it not make sense to buy apartments and rent them? If you have a young couple with no kids or just one, do they need that 3 bed / 2 bath house?

  25. Grim says:

    Now I’m not sure if the smell was volatility or North Jersey pretentiousness.

    I still think vol

  26. Bystander says:

    Laughed at, dhingus, because you never had to confidence to follow own advice and but every Bergen Cty house under the sun.

  27. Bystander says:


  28. Very Stable Genius says:

    Correction? aren’t we barely back at 2022 level?

    Bloomberg article about 1 trillion on the sidelines waiting to get in.

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    February 22, 2024 at 9:13 am
    I believe we are due for a correction….this might be a good spot to sell into the wave. This market can’t just keep going up…but who the f knows.

    Very Stable Genius says:
    February 22, 2024 at 8:16 am
    401-k skyrocketing. Thank you Mr. President Biden.

    “Market watchers are crediting Nvidia with turbocharging a global rally.
    Stocks in Asia and Europe rallied on the news, including ASML, the Dutch chips-equipment maker. Meanwhile, the Nikkei 225, a benchmark index in Japan, closed at a record”

  29. Grim says:

    My kids 529s are nearing eye watering territory, especially my daughter (now 11).

    Let it ride or rotate safer?

  30. Bystander says:


    25-33%? I am seeing 50% to 60% by me, with the real grubbers trying 75%

  31. Fast Eddie says:

    Lex Steele is trouble. He’s got too much umm, personality.

    I gotta look up that name but I think I know what you’re referring to. LOL!!

  32. Chicago says:

    What did you invest it in? If she is class of 2030, then don’t even give a second thought of doing anything at all. Maybe you want to pause, putting in deposits if you are dollar cost averaging over time.

    Grim says:
    February 22, 2024 at 9:26 am
    My kids 529s are nearing eye watering territory, especially my daughter (now 11).

    Let it ride or rotate safer?

  33. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Mocking me?!! In 2013, I said my house would be a million in 2020s and here we are.

    I am not so much focused on exact price, I am focused on the supply/demand equation…demographics.

    Very Stable Genius says:
    February 22, 2024 at 9:22 am
    You are estimating home prices in 2040s?
    What do you see in terms of availability by 3000?

  34. Boomer Remover says:

    My knee jerk response is that net immigration inflows outpacing birth rate decline? They may not be viable buyers when they enter, but by the time they and their kids move up the socioeconomic ladder they will be.

  35. The Great Pumpkin says:

    I believe in roaring 20s 2.0.

    In the short term, I believe we are frothy and need a correction.

    Very Stable Genius says:
    February 22, 2024 at 9:26 am
    Correction? aren’t we barely back at 2022 level?

    Bloomberg article about 1 trillion on the sidelines waiting to get in.

  36. Libturd says:

    We all need to pull our money and build some single family homes.

  37. Hold my beer says:


    My kid in colleges 529 is all cash. 10th grader has 3/4 invested as if starting college next year and 1/4 starting following year. Got enough to pay for 4 years state college room and board for both. If they go to grad school or private have plenty of time to save some more, to cover at least another year. But If market were to implode in the next year or 2 we’d be hurting even to cover state school so I’m very conservative with their 529s.

    If they were in middle school or elementary I would probably set aside enough for 1-2 years college at a state school and let the rest ride and take some off the table each year until they were mostly cash as 9th/10th graders, unless we got to internet bubble levels then I’d be all cash no matter what grade they were in.

    Of course with the student loan forgiveness I should have bought a new car every 3 years and you wealthy new Jerseyans could have covered the student loan debt forgiveness for me.

  38. Libturd says:

    On the 529 tip.

    Just leave it in whatever is working. I was originally in a date-targeted fund, but it would have really worked against me if I had left it in there the last few years. So after the Covid drop, I moved it into a 2040 fund and watched it explode. It’s still in there and still booming. As a matter of fact, the 6K I withdrew from it for the Fall Semester was halfway replaced when I had to pull 7K for the Spring Semester. I bless my son every day for smartly choosing UF and saving me a boatload. He is still running a 3.8 and has applied to the honors program as well as a well-funded neuropsychology research project for next year. He just got his first full-time gig as an RBT where he interned the last two Summers. Pretty impressive for a kid that’s only 18. Most future ABA therapists don’t earn their RBT until they’ve completed their undergraduate degree. Better yet, the center he is working at is run by one of the most renown ABA specialists in the field. Working under her should open some seriously heavy doors in his future. Getting back to the 529 question Grim. You probably have enough dough to pay your kids college costs out-of-pocket. As long as the FED hasn’t returned to ZIRP and the gun has bullets, I would stay aggressive. The charts say we need to stay above NAS 15,000 before you need to be concerned.

  39. Libturd says:


    That student loan forgiveness is not nearly as generous as it sounds when you hear those big numbers. I found this mind-blowing when I looked into it. Just imagine how large the total of student loan debt actually is if this loan forgiveness looks tiny as a slice compared to the whole pizza pie.

  40. Libturd says:

    Total college debt 1.74 trillion. Amount of debt Biden has forgiven 138 billion. That’s less than 8% of the total.

    To qualify, for a borrower to be eligible for this forgiveness they must be enrolled in the SAVE Plan, have been making at least 10 years of payments, and have originally taken out $12,000 or less for college. For every $1,000 borrowed above $12,000, a borrower can receive forgiveness after an additional year of payments.

    Personally, I hate any loan forgiveness. But if you want to throw some cheese away, I’d rather see it go to the fucked generation investing in their futures than a bunch of saggy plastic pants wearing boomers who have gotten every break in the book for way too long.

  41. Very Stable Genius says:

    My 529’s are doing great so I stopped contributing. My investments do best when I leave them alone

    Grim says:
    February 22, 2024 at 9:26 am
    My kids 529s are nearing eye watering territory, especially my daughter (now 11).

    Let it ride or rotate safer?

  42. Very Stable Genius says:

    Congratulations. America is the land of freedom and opportunity
    and your kid will do very well in life.

    Conservatives unfortunately are unwilling to work hard and their racial resentment is not helping them.

    Libturd says:
    February 22, 2024 at 9:58 am

    He is still running a 3.8 and has applied to the honors program as well as a well-funded neuropsychology research project for next year.

  43. 3b says:

    Boomer: Perhaps, but that is a big assumption. And, it won’t be as easy to move up the socio economic ladder now and going forward then it was in the past.

  44. 3b says:

    Lib: 1.74 trillion in student loan debt, how are the Millenials and younger generations going to pay those loans, plus housing costs, daycare, and save for retirement. Plus, I understand there are significant numbers of Gen X and Boomers with student loan debt . I saw something yesterday that said the average 401l k balance of Gen X is 40k, and 40 percent of Gen X 401l balance is zero.

  45. Chicago says:

    Why is everything reductive to food for you?

    Libturd says:
    February 22, 2024 at 10:00
    of student loan debt actually is if this loan forgiveness looks tiny as a slice compared to the whole pizza pie.

  46. leftwing says:

    Regarding your soon-to-be divorced friend…

    “She will soon find out he cannot and could never could really afford the lifestyle…”

    Let me fix that for you…”HE will soon find out he cannot and never could……”

    And 19 and 17 and you think no child support…how quaint….and don’t forget college costs.

    In about four years your guy will be wondering why he didn’t just take a prison sentence stamping plates at $1.20 an hour.

  47. 3b says:

    Left: Doesn’t child support end at 18 or 21? And, for college costs is that not negotiable in the divorce proceedings?

  48. Libturd says:

    “In about four years your guy will be wondering why he didn’t just take a prison sentence stamping plates at $1.20 an hour”

    I’ve been telling Gator since before we were married that if she thinks she is going to get a dime out of me if she is responsible for a divorce, that I could hide better than a seasoned war criminal.

  49. 3b says:

    Lib: A friend ‘ s brother got divorced, the wife fell in “love” with her trainer, the trainer then dumped the wife, who in turn wanted to get back together with the husband, who told her to feck off! Still not finalized and it’s almost 5 years.

  50. Libturd says:

    “Why is everything reductive to food for you?”

    That reminds me of my programming days. I was a very sloppy coder and my supervisors would constantly beg me to use subroutines. I told them I use a subroutine every single day. At lunchtime. Praise Blimpie.

  51. BRT says:

    My older sister’s “fiancée” has been separated from his wife for 20 years, still not officially divorced, but engaged to my 46 year old sister. I mean…there are places that say Divorce, $300. Just friggin do it.

  52. leftwing says:

    “Doesn’t child support end at 18 or 21? And, for college costs is that not negotiable in the divorce proceedings?”

    Google ‘NJ divorce emancipation’. Make sure the results include case law.

    College, PAR (earning parent) is going to pay.

    My kids’ college costs were covered by the earnings, sweat, and foresight of the 529s I funded in full when the youngest was born.

    The c**t suburban housewife in a black bathrobe actually had the balls to tell my attorney in chambers that I was ‘lucky’ there 529s for my children relative to the decisions being made on my support obligations.

    My response was likely the closest I’ve come to actually being imprisoned.

  53. Phoenix says:

    Marriage is a legal contract that is easy to get into and hard to get out of.

  54. 3b says:

    Left: That is shocking. I do remember when my brother got divorced years ago, he said he was glad he did not get divorced in NJ, as the settlement would have been worse. A couple of years after the divorce was finalized he did move back to NJ.

  55. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    February 22, 2024 at 11:37 am
    Left: That is shocking.

    Really? What isn’t shocking in NJ. They are now going to legislate ebikes and scooters to have insurance.

    You can’t even pump your own gas in this police state.

  56. Libturd says:


    Being the youngest of seven, before I was married, some of my sibs were already on their second round of marital bliss. I told Gator getting married was silly. Eventually, she pulled the ultimatum and I broke down for her. Though, being married really didn’t change anything. We had already been together for seven years. I did make it very clear though, besides my crazy thoughts on divorce I shared earlier. I said if the pasture is greener somewhere else, just tell me and we’ll make it so. Go behind my back and all bets are off. Of course, the same applies for me. 32 years together and always faithful. Why not? There have been plenty of opportunities to blow my marriage too. But never thought it would be worth it.

    I have a friend who cheated on his wife and got caught. He might as well be a eunuch at this point, he is so pussified. I think the only reason he sticks around is due to his wife’s humongous inheritance.

  57. Phoenix says:

    You are lucky, not special. You just had one that didn’t go off the rails. It doesn’t go as planned, it’s more like a f’n car accident.
    One second you are okay, the next second the PoPo are at your house.

    Women lie, they plan. And if your wife wants to screw you, there is a good chance the last thing you will see is the barrel of the gun in your face.

    All of those “discussions” before hand, yeah, if she wants to f you legally, don’t mean jack shite.

    Not in NJ. Not in those courts.

  58. 3b says:

    Lib: I understand. I have been with my wife for years. I got it out of my system so to speak before I got married. No desire to cheat, but there are women out there who know men are married and have no problem making a play for them. It seems like it’s almost like they want married men, especially if the woman is divorced. My brother was looking for love again after his divorce, and finally came to the conclusion what’s the point. He said if he ever meets someone again and it’s a meaningful relationship, they can live together, if she won’t agree to that, then she can go scratch.
    I know a woman living with a man, who has made it clear to her he has no intent to marry her. She appears to accept it, but I think she still thinks he will eventually agree to marry her.
    My view on marriage was one and done, if it did not work, then I was not doing it a second time. I understand many second marriages can work, and so I can see doing it twice, but I know people who were married twice and some even more, and are still looking to get married again. I don’t understand it.

  59. 3b says:

    Phoenix: I don’t know Gator, but after all that she and Lib have been through, and from what I know of her when she used to post, I honestly can’t see that happening.

  60. 3b says:

    Lib: If the guy is hanging around for inheritance, it doesn’t mean he will get any of it.

  61. leftwing says:

    “I think the only reason he sticks around is due to his wife’s humongous inheritance.”

    Which by the way is off the table in a divorce. Last parent diagnosed with terminal cancer?

    Make me odds the wife files the day after. I’ll hit whatever you offer.

  62. Libturd says:


    She’s a keeper. I wouldn’t have dated her for seven years if she wasn’t.

    And Phoenix, I know all about the unfairness of divorces. You think you have it bad, one of my sisters made the mistake of marrying someone who was unemployed. His folks were loaded and my sister must have figured that they would take care of them if need be. Instead, the moment they got married, they showed their appreciation to my sister by blessing her for taking their deadbeat son off of their hands. He was a real sweetheart and would bend over backwards for my sister, but at the end of the day, he was a former spoiled brat who never worked a tough day in his life. My sister had to pay for the schlepp, who clearly decided to never remarry, though he’s been dating the same someone for over a decade. Smart guy. He got everything he always wanted and is still getting it. He of course got as much visitation rights to his daughter as my sister did. Plus my sister is now stuck in Ohio.

  63. BRT says:

    Chris Rock had a standup a few years ago about cheating and marriage.

    He basically said, a guy will sleep with your wife. But a woman will steal your husband.

    Btw, this happens in the wild with birds especially. One builds a nest and another female will come in and fight it to the death to steal her mate and home. Meanwhile, the male just sits there and watches the fight.

  64. Libturd says:

    “Lib: If the guy is hanging around for inheritance, it doesn’t mean he will get any of it.”

    They already are living off of it. He works. She doesn’t, except when she makes believe she is a shrink. Though all she ever does is travel. They are not good with money. These are the former Red Bankers who owed more on their house 15 years after they bought it, then what they paid for it.

  65. Libturd says:

    Garb that Naz 16K hat again. Time for test number two. I expect her to continue melting up slowly for a while now.

  66. leftwing says:

    “Marriage is a legal contract that is easy to get into and hard to get out of.”

    Yes, but the singular most insidious aspect is that you are never shown the contract in advance.

    Put a credit card agreement in front of me at 29.9% or a car lease at an imputed interest rate of 15% I’m rejecting that contract and telling you to go fuck yourself.


    I’ve reviewed the ‘contract’ I made publicly in front of a few hundred witnesses…there were four qualitative terms. That’s all.

    Nowhere was it stated or implied that at any time, for no demonstrable reason, and unilaterally could the other party on no notice abrogate that contract and be entitled to take my children, receive one-half of my wealth, obtain near lifetime support from me, and have little to no financial responsibility for our common children.

    Trust me, I’ve looked really hard what I said on that altar and nowhere, no how, no way was any of that ever said or even remotely implied.

    Let me state this again as clearly and loudly as possible…if you or anyone dear to you has high earning potential and the ability to generate wealth meaningful to them they are out of their mind to get married.

    If they do based on a single decision of another person hostile to their interests that marriage will be overwhelmingly the worst financial ever.

    Might as well take everything they have earned and will earn and give it to Cathy Wood to invest at a market top. Believe it or not, they would be better off financially at the end of the day.

    Caveat emptor. A person with the profile above can obtain every positive aspect of a marriage more cheaply and with zero tail risk by renting, rather than owning.

  67. leftwing says:

    “Meanwhile, the male just sits there and watches the fight.”

    Smart species. Human males should take note.

  68. Very Stable Genius says:

    So much for “Family Values”

  69. Boomer Remover says:

    “I know a woman living with a man, who has made it clear to her he has no intent to marry her. She appears to accept it, but I think she still thinks he will eventually agree to marry her.”

    You know my BIL’s girlfriend?

    She BTW still files MFJ as she is not divorced from the prior.

    Crazy how we all have the same stories, eh?

  70. leftwing says:

    “So much for “Family Values””

    If that’s directed at me, meh….find the times I’ve used that term lol.

  71. Very Stable Genius says:

    Not directed at you.

    leftwing says:
    February 22, 2024 at 12:53 pm
    “So much for “Family Values””

    If that’s directed at me, meh….find the times I’ve used that term

  72. 3b says:

    Boomer: Yep, lots of similar stories, I guess it’s the nature of these things.

  73. Very Stable Genius says:

    How so? Too much gambling?

    Libturd says:
    February 22, 2024 at 11:50 am

    There have been plenty of opportunities to blow my marriage too.

  74. Libturd says:


    That’s kept under control. Though lots of women are looking for business in the casinos. I was referring to opportunities to be unfaithful.

  75. Juice Box says:

    Change topic.. Spring Break.

    Haven’t been to the Caribbean in a long long time, my kids are older and don’t want to do Florida anymore . I just rented a nice oceanfront newly remodeled home on an island for the week. The ocean laps right up to the back yard patio, very private street with some mega mansions away from the tourist hotels. House is immaculate, and we have our own private beach and it’s a short stroll into town and the nearby ferry to other islands etc.

    Here is an image from the the patio.

    So I offered the spare bedroom to the in-laws. They just have to arrive.. FIL says I should pay for his flight!!!! Dude has a million dollar home and brand new $80,000 electric-hybrid truck in the driveway. He could spring for airfare….

    How do I dis-invite them? Is that even possible?

  76. 3b says:

    Juice: How does your wife feel about this?

  77. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Damn truth right here…it’s pure gambling.

    Phoenix says:
    February 22, 2024 at 11:58 am
    You are lucky, not special. You just had one that didn’t go off the rails. It doesn’t go as planned, it’s more like a f’n car accident.
    One second you are okay, the next second the PoPo are at your house.

    Women lie, they plan. And if your wife wants to screw you, there is a good chance the last thing you will see is the barrel of the gun in your face.

    All of those “discussions” before hand, yeah, if she wants to f you legally, don’t mean jack shite.

    Not in NJ. Not in those courts.

  78. Juice Box says:

    3b – Problem is when we were doing Florida and other trips I did spring for their tickets. They were always super cheap to Orlando etc. I always paid for the house, food, drinks, activities and all the rest. I even flew them to Ireland twice etc. This time I thought they could do their own airfare. I have really spoiled them.

    How do I unspoil the grandparents?

  79. The Great Pumpkin says:

    And just remember….all females are calculated in their moves. So pray you do not marry one without morals, values, or ethics.

  80. Libturd says:


    Tell them a storm wiped the place out. I think it was Hurricane Cheapo.

  81. The Great Pumpkin says:

    When one company has this much influence over the entire market….be f/ing very careful. This market is pure smoke and mirrors at this point.

  82. Bystander says:

    Bursitis in knee. This sucks. Any tips? 3rd day and can’t go up down steps. Doc said wrap and Prednisone..

  83. 3b says:

    Juice: I think you have your answer, for the sake of family peace, you are going to have to pay for the ticket.

  84. Boomer Remover says:

    Is the bursitis as a result of a mechanical injury? Are your muscles so tight that they stress the bursa?

    I trust you were not prescribed oral prednisone for this localized issue. If so, do you want to go through with the shot?

  85. Libturd says:

    I suggest you book a trip to Africa. That’s where the negroes.

  86. BRT says:

    Anti-inflammatories just mask the problem and the steroidals potentially make acute tendon injury a possibility. Get a neoprene brace. It will keep the entire area warm. Once it’s reduced, I would go to Trinity Rehab and get them to look at you. They give you good passive exercises and then work on your muscles with massage/release techniques. Most likely a muscle imbalance between hamstrings & quads.

    Try to get that hamstring loose by passive stretch. I lay against a beam and invert my leg 90 degrees relative to the floor and let it sit against the beam. The goal is to completely release any tension in the muscle. Sometimes takes 5 to 10 minutes. Releasing the quads, I just sit on my knees with back straight up for 5 minutes. Again, not using the muscles in the legs at all during these stretches.

    I’ve been through just about every knee, hip, achilles, or foot ailment. Once you get to some sort of normal, do a decent yoga routine every once in a while. I have had zero issues for about 5 years straight after nearly a decade of ailment after ailment.

  87. LAX says:

    I don’t know about you guys but I’m rooting for Travis & Taylor.

  88. 3b says:

    BRT: Why Trinity?

  89. Libturd says:

    Amtrak relaunched its 40K point deal for their CC.

    $100 annual fee, but you easily get $1,000 in train faire after 2K in spending over 6 months. It costs Gator Jr. and I 30K in points to take the autotrain down to Florida and stay in a first-class bedroom (with our own shower and bathroom).

    It’s a sick deal if you take the auto train or just use Amtrak a lot.

  90. leftwing says:

    Juice, that’s harsh. We did the villa thing when my kids were growing up…open invite for grandparents, some nieces/nephews. Never paid for their transport so didn’t have that precedent set…but once they got down there we took care of everything else, including high ticket items like scuba, boating, jetski, etc….

    Obviously talk to your wife, keep emotion or judgment out of it, no mention of daddy’s financial condition…just say to her it’s about your nuclear family’s total cost (food is going to set you back, do you have someone cooking for you?).

    Frame it like that, and if she agrees have her present it to her dad. If she’s lukewarm, keep the wife happy, fly the in-laws, and get a smaller villa next year…

  91. Jim says:

    Juice Box says:
    February 22, 2024 at 1:45 pm

    I take my complete family every year to a different location for a weeks summer vacation, but from the beginning I have paid for the vacation and my kids have paid for the food. But I have also sprung for a few dinners and lunches out.
    You set a precedent that is hard to change, just explain in these times of extraordinary inflation you cannot afford to pay their way. If they want to come let them pay. Sounds like they are doing fine, geez grandparents are the ones who should be spending their $$$.

  92. chicagofinance says:

    Juice: Agree with left. Ultimately, do you want to die on this hill?

    As someone who works in this area, you have to be a judge of character. Is this typical, or out of character? How old are they? Is this a last hurrah, or are they young enough that you will have many more vacations with them? How big is your wife’s family? Iss she going to be sole/majority heir? What is the expectations of care when either of your in-laws bites it, or has a major medical episode?

    If your sense is that this set-up is a one way street, your wife is down the pecking order in the sibling group, they expect you to wipe their asses (literally) when they get older, they expect you to drop everything and come to their aid? It’s all a continuum.

    Most important, make a sober decision when there is no emergency, no stress, everyone is healthy etc…. if you communicate the rules of the game with your wife, and maybe implicitly to your in-laws, then you should be fine.

    Hate to be mercenary, but if they have $$$$, and are unlikely to piss through all of it, is it worth bitching about several thousand $, when in the long run you will receive a five or multiple six figure sum.

    Oh. ….and as a final pagmatic note, what fucking cheap bastards.

  93. BRT says:


    been through a lot of Physical Therapy in my 20s & early 30s. Trinity has the best system IMO. Their stretches they show you are all passive so you are not using your muscles at all while stretching increasing the effectiveness of the stretch, a lot of them letting gravity do the work. They also didn’t have me ever ice down. The targeted massages they did were also great at loosening up the muscles/tendons. They are pretty good at identifying all the imbalances you have and what you need to do to fix it.

    Physical Therapists in general are good. I’ve had doctors suggest surgery to me over a dozen times for various things. Never did it, and it turns out, I never needed it. Last time I was there, 10 years ago, the PT told me, most of the people he sees he probably could have fixed without surgery.

  94. OC1 says:

    “1.74 trillion in student loan debt, how are the Millenials and younger generations going to pay those loans, plus housing costs, daycare, and save for retirement.”

    I don’t think we need to worry too much about Millenials and younger generations- in terms of wealth, they’re doing better than GenXers AND Boomers were doing at the same age:

    According to the St. Louis Fed, younger Americans (millennials and Gen Zers) own $1.33 for every $1 of wealth owned by Gen Xers at the same age, and $1.21 for every $1 of wealth owned by baby boomers at the same age.

  95. Fabius Maximus says:

    $1k for two tickets to keep the peace? I`ll ring that bell all day.

  96. Juice Box says:

    It’s now $2500 airfare vs what should be maybe $900?

    Fuk this inflation….

  97. 3b says:

    Oc1: I read your link, and it appears that is the case according to the St. Louis Fed. I find that difficult to believe on its face. I will do my own further research.

  98. grim says:

    Well, last 2 months just about been hell.

    That “saved my life” colonoscopy quickly turned into, “sorry, too late”, you have incredibly rare neuroendocrine cancer, of which there is no cure once it metastasizes, which it may have done. Second surgery, resection, remove a second tumor (was behind the first). Fast forward two CTs, two MRIs, a very specific kind of radio tracer PET scan that’s basically 8 years worth of radiation in one afternoon, and at least two dozen blood tests, and I am back to “saved my life”, except I now realize that my original doctor was absolutely not kidding when he said it. Awesome doctors at Sinai said ‘cancer free…but not so fast’ yesterday.

    Not in the clear just yet, we need to diagnose a tumor in my liver, that may be benign and unrelated as it didn’t light up on the PET, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have some other kind of cancer (odds are low, but neuroendocrine metastasizes to the liver first, almost always).

    This is the same kind of incurable pancreatic cancer that Steve Jobs died of. FML I think I aged 5 years in 2 months, but at least I ain’t dead yet. Going to need to get PET/CT/MRI/Endoscopy probably every year for the next 5 years.

    To make this even better. The insurance company is battling it out with Sinai and I can’t see my doctors after March 1st, so need to transition everything over to Memorial Sloan Kettering, including probably re-doing this whole last round of imaging again. Sucks because the team at Sinai are the OG’s of neuroendocrine cancer. Have another PET scheduled for the 28th, they fast-tracked it get the results before the clock ran out. Really, really awesome people.

  99. Bystander says:


    No injury. It just came suddenly on Tues night and now really bad. I have a bandage from urgent care. The Prednisone is pill form. The recommend ortho dr. which I will try. Tightness is probably issue. I get charlie horses sometimes at night. 51 sucks.

  100. LAX says:

    Wow. Grim.

  101. chicagofinance says:

    grim speechless

  102. BRT says:

    By, it’s likely not an acute injury. Probably took months of imbalance to develop. Symptoms hit fast because of the friction that finally evolves. With these things, it usually takes a lot of work to fix in the form of targeted strengthening and stretching. A lot of people get better and stop doing their rehab exercises only for it to soon return.

    Charlie horses at night? Eat some bananas. Yoga helps with that as well though.

  103. BRT says:

    Grim, so sorry. Praying for you buddy.

  104. 3b says:

    Grim: So sorry to hear. Hopefully it will all be good. Prayers.

  105. Jim says:

    Grim, praying for you. Give it everything you have, I am sure you will. When my first wife had cancer Mt. Sinai was absolutely the best .

  106. Bystander says:

    Wow, grim. I don’t know what to say. That is some heavy stuff that puts whole non-sense we post here into perspective. I truly hope this treatment works out for you. I am shocked, saddened and yet very hopeful for you. That Polish blood is tough stuff. Keep at it. Glad you shared with us so that we can remember the importance of life, family, health. We are all people dealing with shit behinds the scenes of this blog. I can’t imagine this ordeal’s toll on you and your family. Best of luck.

  107. Hold my beer says:

    Oh my grim. Speechless. Was thinking you had a polyp that would get bad in the future. Sorry to hear this. Hoping you get treated successfully.

  108. SomeOne says:

    Grim, best wishes for smooth recovery over time. Hope the doctors from Sinai are 100% right and you just go through regular checkups.

  109. NJCoast says:

    Grim. Gobsmacked. My thoughts are with you and yours.

  110. Libturd says:


    Crazy shit. Have a feeling you’ll be fine. We’re all pulling for ya none the less. I imagine your cheeky daughter is your big concern. Don’t worry. Be happy. That’s what saves all of us.

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