Are we in the 80s again?

From Fortune:

Say goodbye to the peak of home price appreciation, Fortune 500 chief economist says—it’s behind us

Back to the ’80s

Fleming has spoken with Fortune on several occasions about the comparison of today’s housing market to that of the 1980s. Both periods featured high inflation, rising interest rates, and a boom of homebuyers coming of age, he argues. 

These three factors, Fleming wrote in an October 2023 report, could create a “housing recession” similar to that of the 1980s—a time period when home sales stay low in a frozen, unaffordable market. 

While Fleming has drawn several comparisons to the 1980s housing market, today’s market isn’t exactly the same, he says. 

“This time is different,” he says. “When the Fed started to reduce rates after tackling inflation in the early 1980s, house price appreciation declined nationally very modestly. Now, because supply has been so constrained, house price appreciation has been very strong and is expected to continue to remain positive as the Fed begins to lower rates.”

Also from Fortune:

It’s official: The housing market is turning millennials into their parents. A Fortune 500 economist says it’s a déjà vu market that is replaying the 1980s

It might be time for millennials to let go of the “okay, boomer” mentality considering they’re reliving their parents’ 1980s housing journey. 

Although current mortgage rates—which hit 8% this week—mimic the early 2000s, the overall housing market is actually more reminiscent of the 1980s, according to a new report by the chief economist for the Fortune 500 financial services company First American

“Today’s housing market isn’t anything like the housing market of the mid-2000s,” Mark Fleming, chief economist at First American wrote in a Tuesday report titled “1980s Déjà Vu for the Housing Market.” Of course, Fleming was dismissing the ghost of the housing crash of 2008 that precipitated the Great Financial Crisis, when subprime mortgages and other shoddy lending practices were common. Today is just fundamentally different, he wrote: “The housing market today is not overbuilt, nor is it driven by loose lending standards, sub-prime mortgages, or homeowners who are highly leveraged.”

“However,” he added, there is another precedent: ”the current housing market is similar to the market of the 1980s.” That could be a tough pill for millennials to swallow, considering they largely blame baby boomers for their inability to purchase a home in today’s market since they’re holding onto homes longer out of fear of high mortgage rates—and are swooping in with all-cash offers that can’t be matched by their younger counterparts. 

Fleming cited three key ways the economy and housing market of today seem to “rhyme” with that of the 1980s, noting that both periods featured high inflation, rising interest rates, and a boom of homebuyers coming of age. These three factors could create a similar “housing recession” to the one four decades ago, Fleming argues—one where home sales stay low in a frozen, unaffordable market, but home prices merely stagnate.

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes,” Fleming wrote in a Mark Twain–ish flourish.

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

67 Responses to Are we in the 80s again?

  1. 1987 Condo says:

    First, Grim best wishes for recovery.

    Second, I remember rushing to refinance when rates fell to 7%!

  2. grim says:

    Thanks all, appreciate it. I do think I’m in the clear at this point, or at least a lot clearer than two weeks back, when the pathology, scans, tests were raising more questions than answering. Still a chance it kills me in 15 years, but, something going to kill all of us anyway, I’m just lucky enough to know to watch more closely for this one.

    Pure coincidence, some combination of smart wife (who scheduled the colonoscopy without me even knowing), and dumb luck, catching the initial tumor (polyp) at 0.9mm, and secondary at 1.5mm. There would have been zero chance if I waited until 50 to get scoped, and that’s not speculation. The sub-surface tumor was deep submucosal, if that entered the muscle layer, prognosis gets really bad, really fast. There was some question about margins on the second, on the order of tenths of a millimeter, which started raising questions about a third procedure, which would have been much more aggressive than the first, because of exactly where that tenth was located.

    I’m with Stu on the liver, there’s a good chance it’s a common benign hemangioma, which I was born with as a kid, and my daughter was as well. If you are born with a hemangioma on the outside (red spot, cluster of blood vessels), good chance you have them on the inside too.

    I shouldn’t bother buying lottery tickets anymore, or going to the casino, not going to get this lucky twice in one life.

  3. Chicago says:

    We do a lot of (justified) shitting on women/ex’s (expect LAX). It is great that you show us all what it’s like when someone has your back.

  4. Chicago says:

    You should review your life insurance. Probably upsize your policy through work.

  5. Very Stable Genius says:

    my 40-yr old brother in law went thru it and the family learned a lot.
    First lesson was to LIVE more and worry less about MONEY.
    Second lesson was to take advantage of the very best expertise available in Manhattan – it’s world class and people from all over fly to it.

    Chicago says:
    February 23, 2024 at 6:53 am
    You should review your life insurance. Probably upsize your policy through work.

  6. Very Stable Genius says:

    Remember when Michelle Obama said kids must eat healthier.

    And Sarah Palin attacked her next day showing up with cookies.

  7. Juice Box says:

    Great news Grim!.. You beat Ass Cancer…

    T-Shirt time?

    I kicked my Colon’s Ass Cancer?

    There are all kinds of T-Shirts…..

    Here is one T-Shirt…that might appeal…Not sure if they have your size or gender pronoun.,du_15,q_auto:good/t-shirt-video-featuring-a-woman-fixing-her-hair-3662v_xc2soi.mp4

  8. Glen says:

    Grim, I’m so sorry! I hope you’re right and it is benign

  9. The Great Pumpkin says:


    Sorry to hear about what you have been going through, but glad you caught it early. Thanks for putting into perspective for me that money means absolutely chit and try to live your best life each and every day.

  10. leftwing says:

    Grim, good to hear the better prognosis today. You’ve experienced a lot in life so far…blocked, tackled, and succeeded in some places others don’t go…you didn’t ask for this challenge but approach it like the others…it’s all you can do and your outlook actually does matter to your health…you got this.

  11. Libturd says:

    Great write up on debt to GDP and why Japan can not be used as an example to compare with the United States (which is what I’ve been doing haphazardly forever).

    I tink we’re turning Japanese, I tink we’re turning Japanese, I really tink tso.

  12. Grim says:

    In the grand scheme of things, I had it easy, really f@cking easy, so I don’t deserve the sympathy in my mind. I don’t dare even say the “beat cancer” line, because I don’t know that I even really fought compared to most – it was dumb luck and probabilities.

  13. Juice Box says:

    re: “Japan can not be used as an example to compare with the United States”

    Hahah. That is a simplistic balance sheet explanation for sure.

    US debt over the last two decades is driven mainly by our desire to be world police. Who protects Japan? The United States. Who protects South Korea? The United States. Who protects Germany? The United States…The examples are endless.

    We spill our blood and spent our treasure…The others sit mainly on the sidelines.

    Since 9/11 the U.S. spent $9 trillion on war, this is the additional spending, not the regular DoD budget to keep the lights on. No war spending no massive excess debt. You do not need some egg heads from the Federal Reserve to tell you why it’s a bad comparing the USA to Japan.

  14. Juice Box says:

    re: “don’t deserve the sympathy”

    Cumon dude give you ass some credit. It can take a pounding that is for sure.

  15. Grim fan (another one) says:

    Grim your story has motivated me to arrange my third c-scopy appointment today. Thank you for sharing the details of this very serious health crisis and my best wishes for your full recovery.

  16. Juice Box says:

    Grim – Gemini vs Copilot for the lyrical colon prize.

    Gemini at first refused to write a song at first…so I had to finagle it a bit..

    Promp “write a heavy metal song about a colon that got cancer and beat it. Make the song funny!”

    I say Gemini won this round.

    Verse 1)
    Gut growlin’, bowels roarin’, somethin’ ain’t right down there
    Doc whispers “C-word,” fear like a grizzly in a bear
    Colonoscopy camera, journey through the fiery maze
    Found a polyp lookin’ nasty, like a demon in a haze

    Colon cancer, twisted foe, thought it had me beat
    But I ain’t no quitter, turned that tumor into meat
    Chemo cocktails, fiery rain, radiation’s laser blast
    Battled that beast from the inside, kicked its cancerous ass!

    (Verse 2)
    Hair fell out, skin went yellow, felt like a walking corpse
    But the anger burned within me, a warrior on a course
    Screamin’ at the mirror, “This ain’t over, mutant freak!”
    Puked and rallied, laughed and cried, weakness I would seek

    Colon cancer, twisted foe, thought it had me beat
    But I ain’t no quitter, turned that tumor into meat
    Chemo cocktails, fiery rain, radiation’s laser blast
    Battled that beast from the inside, kicked its cancerous ass!

    Surgery scars, a battle map, etched on my mortal shell
    A reminder of the darkness, the fight I fought in hell
    But now I stand here, fist in air, a beacon in the night
    A testament to courage, a survivor shining bright

    Colon cancer, twisted foe, thought it had me beat
    But I ain’t no quitter, turned that tumor into meat
    Chemo cocktails, fiery rain, radiation’s laser blast
    Battled that beast from the inside, kicked its cancerous ass!

    So if your gut’s in trouble, don’t you fret or despair
    Fight like a warrior, metal spirit, let the laughter fill the air
    For even in the darkness, hope can always bloom
    You can beat this monster, rise above the tomb!

    (Guitar solo, headbanging optional)

    Microsoft CoPilot the style of a heavy metal parody:

    Verse 1:
    You came from hell, you came to kill
    You thought my colon was your thrill
    But you messed with the wrong guy, you messed with the wrong gut
    I kicked your ass, I kicked your butt

    I beat you, I beat you, I beat you, I beat you
    You’re nothing but a tumor, you’re nothing but a loser
    I beat you, I beat you, I beat you, I beat you
    You’re gone for good, you’re out of my hood

    Verse 2:
    You tried to scare me, you tried to pain me
    You tried to ruin my life, you tried to drain me
    But you met your match, you met your doom
    I blasted you away, I made you go boom

    I beat you, I beat you, I beat you, I beat you
    You’re nothing but a tumor, you’re nothing but a loser
    I beat you, I beat you, I beat you, I beat you
    You’re gone for good, you’re out of my hood

    You’re history now, you’re dust in the wind
    You’re a bad joke now, you’re a sin
    I’m alive now, I’m rocking hard
    I’m a metal god now, I’m a star

    I beat you, I beat you, I beat you, I beat you
    You’re nothing but a tumor, you’re nothing but a loser
    I beat you, I beat you, I beat you, I beat you
    You’re gone for good, you’re out of my hood

  17. grim says:

    I mean, that’s like deep prog rock lyrics (Gemini) vs. simplistic radio pop (Copilot).

    Subjective. Copilot would win on the radio, Gemini would be a limited release vinyl.

  18. Phoenix says:

    Best of luck. Can’t begin to tell you how many times also that someone comes into my arena for one condition that was minor only to have a scan discover the thing that was going to do them in-and snagged it early.

    I had a bad one yesterday. Didn’t get your prognosis. Nice guy, working man. He only had 2 years on me.

    The clock is always ticking, everything is about buying time. For you the ref moved the chains back and put the time back on the clock for you. Consider yourself lucky, 2nd down, 2 yards for a first.

  19. Phoenix says:

    SHOCKER: NJ Teacher Had Sex With Student Starting At 15 In School, Car, House: Authorities
    A married teacher had intercourse as part of a years-long sexual relationship with a former Garfield Middle School student beginning when the youngster was 15, including several times in a car — and even at the school, authorities charged.

    Amy Impero D’Ovidio, a 46-year-old Bergen County native, had worked for the Garfield Board of Education when the alleged encounters began, they said.

    She was 35 at the time.

    Locations included “within the Garfield Middle School, at a private residence in Cedar Grove, as well as within a vehicle at unknown locations in Bergen, Essex, and Passaic counties,” Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella said.

    Neither Musella nor criminal records on file in Superior Court in Hackensack specify the owner of the home in Cedar Grove.

    D’Ovidio and her husband, Charles, were living there on Bradford Avenue at the time, according to various online records and a newspaper story about them that was published in June 2008.

    The encounters began sometime after April 1, 2015, when the victim was 15, as well as after the child’s 16th birthday in June 2016, according to a criminal complaint filed by Bergen County Prosecutor’s Detective Diane Da Silva.

    They continued through mid-June 2018, when the victim turned 18, the detective wrote.

    There was also reciprocated oral sex in addition to intercourse, she said.

    As part of the proofs, Da Silva cited “the statement of the victim, photographic evidence, and corroborating information provided by the suspect” that she said were all obtained legally.

    D’Ovidio, who now lives in Pompton Plains, was graduated from Elmwood Park High School and William Paterson University and has held a variety of jobs since.

    She was arrested last Friday, Feb. 16, said Musella, the prosecutor.

    D’Ovidio was booked into the Bergen County Jail before being transferred to the Hudson County Correctional Center in Kearny after a judge in Hackensack refused to release her.

    She is charged with first-degree aggravated sexual assault — which would carry significant mandatory prison time upon conviction — as well as counts nearly as severe: sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual contact, criminal sexual contact and child

  20. Fast Eddie says:

    She justified her spending by saying she hoped to inspire her children and teach them that if they work hard enough, they may one day be able to afford one of the mansions.

    The transformation hatched by the Obammy administration is working well. Once again, history will mark the beginning of the end of a once global powerhouse to a middle of the pack, European style, laborite society.

  21. Phoenix says:

    The money got spent immediately. The small business owner, probably a repub, made money on the steaks and booze. The nail salon, a democrap or repub, made money and so did her employees. The airlines profited. The resort profited. Their stock gained due to increased sales, so the investors profited. The car salesman profited.

    When the old geezer gets his “tax break,” pockets the money, doesn’t spend it, and sits in the basement counting his coins- there is no increase in economic activity.

    So like it or not, her actions are better for the economy than the cheap old goat who pockets the cash.

    Blood not circulating clots. Then the patient dies.

  22. Phoenix says:

    Funny how America didn’t do crap to the Saudis about Jamal Khashoggi or those that helped get him killed. Ronnie Reagan back in 1981 was trying to control the sale of natural gas to Europe. Europe bypassed that skank. Why do we insist on meddling there?

    The Biden administration announced Friday that it will hit Russia with hundreds of new sanctions after the death of dissident Alexei Navalny.

    Most importantly, the U.S. government will aim to tighten an existing Western “price cap” that requires purchasers to buy Russian oil at a discounted rate or face severe financial penalties. Energy sales are by far the biggest source of revenue for the Kremlin, but Western allies have been wary of shutting off a crucial source of fuel for the global economy.

    The West’s sanctions on Russia, though billed as among the toughest ever, have thus far failed to deter Putin from carrying out the war in Ukraine, and the announcement of new measures may raise questions about why the United States had not previously targeted these firms. Despite the predictions of some analysts, Russia’s economy grew by more than 3 percent last year — faster than the United States — as Moscow spent extensively to support the war effort.

  23. Juice Box says:

    Phoenix – Sanctions aren’t working so great.

    Russia still produced and sold 9.5 million barrels a day of crude in 2023. India and others have been reselling the discounted Russian oil it had purchased to European markets, thus making a profit and avoiding the sanctions. Buy for $60 a barrel and sell for $82. I take that trade all day long, it’s just a paper shuffle. I don’t even think they are unloading and reloading the tankers offshore anymore as there is no threat the US Navy is going to go after the super tanker fleets anytime soon.

    Get rich or die trying..

  24. LAX says:

    See they have been dumping radioactive waste off the coast of Catalina Island.
    So much for environmental superiority .

  25. Juice Box says:

    And just so you know it’s not just the US Navy either. All that Russian Urals crude oil on tankers has to go through the Danish Straits. Perhaps more than a million barrels a day sails through those straits, it would be simple thing to enforce the price cap by inspecting tankers as they move through the Danish Straits.

    Their policy has been the following so far. An unnamed Danish defense official told the FT: “In short, we don’t check paperwork or ships passing or sailing through the straits, unless it has to do with safety at sea.”

    EU and their weekend warriors need to get engaged in the War…If you want to make the Russians give up in Ukraine start taking their tankers and their oil.

  26. Fabius Maximus says:

    Great to hear you got a good prognosis.

    I went with ChatGPT and asked for some chords. DM style for Chi and chords for LAX and Gary.

    (Verse 1)
    [Em] In the shadows where the sickness lurks,
    [A] A colon faced a threat, it’s gotta work,
    [Em] A silent enemy, creeping slow,
    [A] But this colon’s gonna let the world know.

    [C] Through the doubts and the fear it found,
    [Em] Strength within, a heartbeat’s sound,
    [C] With synth beats pulsing, it took a stand,
    [Em] Ready to defy fate’s cruel hand.

    [G] Cancer tried to steal its song,
    [D] But this colon knew it didn’t belong,
    [G] Through the echoes of the pain,
    [D] It found a melody to break the chain.

    (Verse 2)
    [Em] Chemical melodies in the air,
    [A] As this colon faced its greatest dare,
    [Em] Through the darkness, it searched for light,
    [A] Determined to win, with all its might.

    [C] With electronic beats, it rose,
    [Em] Above the chaos, it chose,
    [C] To dance through the shadows, and embrace,
    [Em] A future where it could find its place.

    [G] Cancer tried to steal its song,
    [D] But this colon knew it didn’t belong,
    [G] Through the echoes of the pain,
    [D] It found a melody to break the chain.

    [C] Now it shines, in neon glow,
    [Em] A testament to the fight, the show,
    [C] So let the synths swell, let them soar,
    [Em] For this colon found its encore.

    [G] Cancer tried to steal its song,
    [D] But this colon knew it didn’t belong,
    [G] Through the echoes of the pain,
    [D] It found a melody to break the chain.

    [C] So let this rhythm echo, through the night,
    [Em] Of a colon that faced the fight,
    [C] For in the beat of the darkest tune,
    [Em] Even cancer couldn’t consume.

  27. 3b says:

    Juice: The EU will never do that. As for Russia, they won’t give up in Ukraine; they are in it for the long haul, or at least as long as Putin is alive. Even if the US aid to Ukraine is approved I don’t think the Ukrainians are going to defeat Russia, if by defeat we mean that Ukraine gets all of the territory back that they lost in the East, and Crimea.

  28. Phoenix says:

    This one is a character. Watch a minute.

  29. Fabius Maximus says:

    I’ve been playing with the AI models trying to settle on a good one. Its a tough choice. GPT4 I thought was not worth it, and dumped it after a month as I was getting better results with GPT3.5, its a great workhorse. Copilot prompt limits are frustrating.
    Gemini is looking good at the free tier. I think I’ll throw a few dollars at Gemini Advanced to try it out.

  30. Phoenix says:

    Reagan the Rat was always meddling in the region. Europe wanted the fuel just like they do now. But America kept sticking it’s nose where it didn’t belong. America didn’t want the pipeline then, plus blew up Nord Stream as well.

    What is it any of Ronnie’s business if Europe wanted to buy Russian gas? I’ll tell you. None of his F’n business.

    And that is how regime change started in Ukraine.

    Soviet plans to build the pipeline were strongly opposed by the US-administration of Ronald Reagan.[11][12][13] Americans were afraid that Western Europe would become dependent on the Soviet gas supplies, giving leverage to the Soviet Union. They also feared the Kremlin would use the export revenue for military purposes.[14] In December 1981, the US implemented sanctions preventing American companies from exporting oil and gas technologies to the Soviet Union. In June 1982, these sanctions were expanded to cover subsidiaries of US companies in Europe.[14]

    Washington’s Western European allies, however, refused to boycott the pipeline.[15][16] The foreign ministers of the European Economic Community called extension of the American sanctions illegal and sent a formal note of protest.[14] From the European perspective, participation in the pipeline project was seen as an opportunity for the depressed steel and engineering industry in Europe and as a way to diversify from the OPEC oil supplies.[14] Western European governments insisted that contracts already signed between the Soviets and European companies needed to be honored. This led to several European companies being sanctioned by the US.[17][18] Reagan reportedly said: “Well, they can have their damned pipeline. But not with American equipment and not with American technology.”[19] The efforts by the US to prevent the construction of the pipeline, and its export embargo of supplies needed to build it (1980–84), constituted one of the most severe transatlantic crises of the Cold War.[18][20]

  31. Juice Box says:

    LAX – Despite the nuclear fears there in the ocean off California what was dumped was probably once Tritium but is no more.

    No worries really as Tritium continually decays into helium-3 and we do need that helium-3. Helium-3 is the only stable isotope of any element with more protons than neutrons.

    There isn’t much Tritium around at any given moment what comes out of the reactors is really tiny amounts. Beta particles from tritium by the way cannot pass thru skin. There might be less than 100 lbs of the stuff at any given moment worldwide. It will all decay quickly. Not to say they did not also dump other nasty stuff too.

  32. Phoenix says:

    Tritium makes nice glow capsules. Not cheap but they are bright and last for a very long time.

  33. Juice Box says:

    3B – EU leaders are now finger wagging at our Government for not giving more the Ukraine. However they are only doing 50bn euro aid package for Kyiv thru 2027. It’s mostly loans too. A billion here and there even for the Ukrainian chicken oligarch who the polish farmers shut down the border over etc. There are no taxes and tarriffs on the chickens, undercutting the local farmers etc. They should make him sell his super yatch and donate the proceeds to his country. He isn’t the only Oligarch there either.

    The EU needs to do more..27 member states with a population that dwarfs the US they have 448 million people.

  34. Very Stable Genius says:

    Men went to the moon and we banned all drugs.

    Yet, right wingers oppose any restrictions on carcinogens in our food.

  35. SmallGovConservative says:


    Add me to the cast of characters here that are happy to hear of your positive prognosis, and wish you the best going forward. You’re obviously in good hands with the docs at either Sinai or MSK, but if you ever feel you need another opinion, I highly recommend getting yourself to Houston and a doc at MD Anderson.

  36. 3b says:

    Juice: The EU needs to step up and do far more, and not loans, but direct aid. The Europeans have been complaining about the US for years and how they are treated by the US as children, and the US will get them in a war. 40 years ago it was Ronald Ray Gun and how he was going to cause the destruction of Europe. Now, we have a European country Ukraine, invaded by Russia, and the EU is looking at the US to take the lead. And, let’s not forget when the old Yugoslavia imploded , and the Europeans basically did nothing. If the EU is serious about Ukraine some day joining the EU, and NATO, then take the lead. The US has helped, and will continue to when the current impasse is resolved, but it is the EU and Europeans who should be spearheading the effort.

  37. Juice Box says:

    3b – Again it’s pure madness. Oil tankers aren’t searched for sanctions violations and what is worse the natural gas is still flowing.

    Despite the ongoing war, Russia’s Gazprom has continued to pump gas to Europe via the Ukrainian pipeline, it connected and delivered at the Sudzha interconnection point on the Russia-Ukraine border. It’s about 40% of prewar levels but none the less the gas is still flowing…

    They (Ukranians) even offered to make up for the volume of gas not reaching Europe after the CIA blew up Nord Stream-1.

  38. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    February 23, 2024 at 1:02 pm
    Juice: The EU needs to step up and do far more, and not loans, but direct aid.

    Not gonna happen. America wants Russia out of Ukraine more than Europe does. So you will pay for the war with your tax dollars, and hit more potholes when you drive cause your government doesn’t care about you.

    It will take your money and spend it any way it damn well pleases.

  39. Fast Eddie says:

    Buses are lining up in San Diego to take the flow of illegals to train stations and airports. All blue sanctuary locales are the desired destinations when illegals are asked. Texas shut it down, ultra blue California is too stoned to care, I assume.

  40. Juice Box says:

    Here is some more War madness for you.

    Both the Russian and Uranian soldiers can and do use the wireless telecom networks for cellular service. It’s not all bad. A Russian general was killed after a mobile phone call he made, they tracked him down based upon his cell signal connection.

  41. 3b says:

    Juice: That is insane! Why is Ukraine facilitating this?

  42. 3b says:

    France expelled a Tunisian Islamic cleric, after a video of him surfaced where he says among other things the tri color is Satanic, and means nothing to Allah. Also negative comments about women, and how Jews are the enemy.

    New French immigration laws allow for swift deportation of foreign residents who by their words and actions are a threat to the values of the Republic. He was a foreign resident of France for 38 years. He was deported back to Tunisia 12 hours after his arrest. I have to say that is fast.

  43. Juice Box says:

    3B – That French/Tunisian guy will be back. His wife and children are citizens of France and well the EU, they will appeal to the EU court of human rights. He will be back by summer.

  44. 3b says:

    Juice; His lawyers said they are going to appeal it. I don’t know if he has a wife and children. It will be interesting to see what happens. I don’t understand why these Islamic zealots insist on coming to the west, if they hate it so much. Just stay home.

  45. Juice Box says:

    3B – He owns a construction business, has a French wife and five French children and his youngest is in hospital in France undergoing cancer treatment.

    Brussels will allow him back in.

  46. Libturd says:

    Islam is incredibly expansionist. Not unlike christianity was during the dark ages.

  47. 3b says:

    Lib: We are a thousand years and more removed from the dark ages. This is now. As for Islamic expansionism, they are already dominant in most of the world. And if we are talking about the dark ages, we may well have another one if this brand of hateful Islam becomes dominant in the west. Sorry, but these so called holy men scare me, hatred of Jews, obsession with dominating women, just all around ignorance. They offer nothing good to their people.

  48. 3b says:

    Juice: If that’s the case, you are right, he will be back.

  49. Phoenix says:

    Home foreclosures are on the up across the US as Americans continue to battle against soaring interest rates and rising costs.

    Last month, 37,679 properties had a foreclosure filing, according to fresh figures from real estate data provider ATTOM – up 10 percent from the month prior

  50. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    February 23, 2024 at 3:11 pm
    Sorry, but these so called holy men scare me, hatred of Jews, obsession with dominating women, just all around ignorance. They offer nothing good to their people.

    Yeah, here’s a local one:

    Dawid Wejnerowski, the now-former priest of the St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Alpha, had a blood alcohol level more than twice the legal limit when Pohatcong police pulled him over on suspicion of shoplifting from Walmart on Monday, Feb. 19 around 10:15 p.m., Police Chief Scott Robb said.

    Officers approached the priest’s vehicle, pointed out to them by a Walmart employee in the store parking lot, but Wejnerowski backed the car out of a parking spot and drove off from the officer’s patrol car, which had its lights and sirens activated, Robb said.

    Wejnerowski drove erratically through the Parkside section of Pohatcong Township and came to a stop in a front yard on Liberty Boulevard, the chief said.

    The priest was arrested and removed from the vehicle. After apprehending him, police found the items he snatched from Walmart and open containers of alcohol in his car, Robb said.

    Wejnerowski was charged with shoplifting, eluding police, driving while intoxicated, and multiple other traffic offenses. Wejnerowski’s blood alcohol level was 0.21%. The legal driving limit in New Jersey is .08%. He was released pending a court date.

  51. 3b says:

    Phoenix: No argument there, but not the same thing.

  52. Libturd says:

    Wejnerowski might have to blow his car to start it instead of an alter boy, for a change.

  53. Phoenix says:

    (claimed the company will only approve customers on a case-by-case basis)
    We will decide who we spy on -ie- whoever pays us, that’s who.
    Senior Trump signed off on this. Hope those women don’t think they won’t be watched heading into an abortion clinic.

    Privacy experts are sounding the alarm on a new satellite capable of spying on your every move that is set to launch in 2025.

    The satellite, created by startup company Albedo, is so high quality it can zoom in on people or license plates from space, raising concerns among expert that it will create a ‘big brother is always watching’ scenario.

    Albedo claims the satellite won’t have facial recognition software but doesn’t mention that it will refrain from imaging people or protecting people’s privacy.
    He confirmed that the satellite’s 10-centimeter resolution will be able to identify people but claimed the company will only approve customers on a case-by-case basis and will build ‘robust internal tools to find bad actors, as well as the obvious measures of adding punitive clauses to our terms and conditions.

  54. Phoenix says:

    Q. How do you get a nun pregnant?

    A. Dress her up like an altar boy.

  55. leftwing says:

    “We are a thousand years and more removed from the dark ages.”

    Chronologically, perhaps.

  56. Shore Guy says:

    Maybe that satellite will be able to help me when I misplace my keys.

  57. Juice Box says:

    Satellite? What is this the 1980s? Every house in every neighborhood and everywhere is wired with cameras, if you dog takes a poop and you don’t pick it up the real housewives will be on you tail!

  58. Juice Box says:

    Fab – How goes the search for Spock and a new gig?

    Asking from a friend…. By now you should be fully immersed in the AI revolution. They are now talking a trillion in new spending from the corporations.

  59. Clotpoll says:

    Am I trapped in a PCP flashback?

    Booooooooyaaaaaaahhhh!!!!! Greedy grubbers don’t stand a chance just abandon your crapshack now and start walking toward Canada maybe you’ll make it over before they close the border!!!

  60. Clotpoll says:

    OMFG, I hope you’re doing well, Grim. Fucking cancer.

    Still trying to process that this place is still going strong. Shouldn’t have ever guessed it wasn’t.

  61. Clotpoll says:

    OMFG, I hope you’re doing well, Grim. Fucking cancer.

    Still trying to process that this place is still going strong. Shouldn’t have ever guessed it wasn’t.

  62. Fabius Maximus says:


    The market is still in a weird state. While they say they are investing, honestly they aren’t. It may get to that number but we are a long way away. Also, news in the space is like getting info from a firehose. There is so much breaking and new info to digest, I think some firms are caught in the headlights.

    The jobs are all over the place. Lots of FL and GA, VA and TX. Most firms are foucusing on Full Stack developers as their main requirement.
    AI in many firms is small teams dipping a toe in the water with existing staff.

    My old firm, are driving their AI with a few existing devs and a short development cycle. Its working for them.
    I do have an issue with the old firm. I just discovered this week that they released a website that is almost exactly what I was building. I now have to navigate how I raise that to say “you are building a battleship or a Death Star, I’m in a row boat and I had no idea you were working on this!” When I say he design is close its down to the domain name. Any advice appreciated. If you want to take this offline, Grim has my details.

    For me I’m behind on Kaggle, but I have 5 books in flight with a few in the hopper.
    I’m still in no rush. Unemployment finally kicked in, so I’m finally getting something from the tap. Numbers are still looking good, so no urgency to find the next.

  63. Fabius Maximus says:

    Clot great to see you back. Did you make the break for the Canadian Border and get caught half way there?

    Glad to see your CarTOONs got rid of Mikey, but not sure if the new crew is an upgrade.

    See you tomorrow!

  64. Fabius Maximus says:

    One for you and those J6 patriots you have on the office wall!

  65. Fabius Maximus says:

    Lest we forget how the red states roll!

  66. Fabius Maximus says:

    True Dat!

    Tristan Snell@TristanSnell
    Wayne LaPierre just got busted for doing what Clarence Thomas has been doing for DECADES.

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