NYC may see it’s glory days again

Hat tip to 3b for the Fortune doom loop article:

The ‘prophet of urban doom’ says New York City is in major trouble, and it’s just the first inning of the ballgame: ‘The cycle is out of control’

As nicknames go, Columbia Business School professor Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh has a doozy. The gray lady herself, The New York Times, dubbed him the “prophet of urban doom” last year for his forecasts resulting from his years of research on the economic impact or remote work on real estate and public finance. 

Now, he tells Fortune, he sees an “event horizon” for a 1970s-style downward spiral known in the economics profession as a “doom loop.” And it’s just the first inning.

Everyone knows office buildings across the country have taken a beating from Covid and the rise of remote work. Perhaps only San Francisco is a better example than New York City, where the amount of offices collecting dust is at a record high: almost 20% are sitting empty, hemorrhaging money and shrinking the city’s tax base. 

More economists than Van Nieuwerburgh say that the effects could reach far beyond just the real estate sector: Without drastic changes, he says, NYC could be headed for a self-perpetuating “doom loop” that will affect everything from housing values to public services budgets to the crime rate. The most famous example is the 1970s, when “white flight” and a fiscal crisis sent New York into a slump that it didn’t kick for over a decade. 

It’s a simple equation, Van Nieuwerburgh said in an interview with Fortune, “Governments cutting spending means less money for transportation, less money for education, for sanitation, for all the things that make cities attractive.”

Van Nieuwerburgh, who joined Columbia in 2018, just a few years after winning an award for his research on shocks in the housing market affecting the macroeconomy, sees the “event horizon” for this doom loop coming soon. As federal grant money runs out and delayed tax effects kick in, he says New York is in the “first inning” of what could spiral into a legitimate urban crisis.

“Over the next three to five years, we’re really going to start seeing this. This cycle is out of control.”

The crux of the “doom loop” theory is that it’s self-perpetuating. If vacancies rise and property values fall, cities can’t collect as much in tax revenue and overexposed banks have to cut back on lending. That means less public spending on things like transit, sanitation and public safety, and less investment in small businesses. A dirtier, more dangerous and less accessible downtown is less likely to attract companies and remote workers, meaning vacancies will rise even more and property values will fall further. Wealthy residents could throw in the towel and move their families (and tax dollars) to low-tax states like Texas or Florida. And thus, the cycle repeats itself. 

“The money is now running out, or it has run out. This is the first year where we don’t see extra federal dollars anymore. That’s beginning to bite…[And] the vacancy rate is already at an all-time high,” said Van Nieuwerburgh. “That combination packs a pretty severe punch.”

This entry was posted in Crisis, Demographics, Economics, Employment, Housing Bubble, NYC. Bookmark the permalink.

101 Responses to NYC may see it’s glory days again

  1. grim says:

    Grim Reaper on a tear lately in these parts.

  2. grim says:

    From the Record:

    Can Passaic’s plan to create more affordable housing units work for other NJ towns?

    To create additional affordable housing, the city has proposed a zoning change that would allow for the creation of new apartments, or what’s called accessory dwelling units, in existing one- and two-family homes.

    The accessory dwelling units are secondary apartments generally on a single-family lot, such as a converted basement, attic or garage apartment, which could generate rental income for the homeowner while providing more housing in an area with fewer available apartments.

    The city’s proposal, which remains to be voted on, would allow owners of one- and two-family houses throughout the city to build accessory apartments in an attic or over a garage that are at least 300 square feet and don’t take up more than 50% of the existing home’s living space.

    The city would also allow these units in basements, but not cellars. The difference is that basements are largely above ground. Not many city properties have cellars, officials said.

    The unit also could not take away any onsite parking and must remain affordable by state standards for 20 years. The affordable units would remain deed-restricted for 20 years.

    The unit must also have a separate entrance and meet all city housing codes.

  3. Fast Eddie says:

    The accessory dwelling units are secondary apartments generally on a single-family lot, such as a converted basement, attic or garage apartment, which could generate rental income for the homeowner while providing more housing in an area with fewer available apartments.

    Welcome to the new Passaic and others to follow:

  4. Chicago says:

    Event Horizon?

    Liberate tutemet ex inferis

  5. grim says:

    Passaic Real Estate prices to the moon.

    Friend of mine bought a 4 unit building last year in Passaic, rental property, nearly $700k. He can probably eek out another two apartments on top of the detached garage in the back.

  6. Juice Box says:

    Had to go to a soccer match at Pulaski Park a few months ago. The locals still drive on both sides of the road in Passaic like it’s some kind of central American or Caribbean country where the road signs are optional and it’s ok to stop in the middle of Market St to chat with your friends while holding up traffic.

    The food at the parent run concession stand was like Anthony Bourdain once said that good food is “very often, even most often, simple food” and the food that evening for a soccer match was very good.. We got our buts kicked too. They were very good.

  7. Juice Box says:

    $80 billion in CLOs…

    “Distress in a corner of the commercial mortgage market rose 440% in the last year.

    Loans packaged into commercial real estate CLOs saw a big uptick in distress.

    Multifamily and office borrowers accounted for the brunt of the distress.

    Distress levels in an important corner of the commercial real estate debt market have rocketed higher in the last year.

    Commercial mortgages packaged into collateralized loan obligations and sold to investors as bonds saw a distress rate of 8.6% in January, marking a huge jump from the beginning of 2023 when the rate was 1.4%. The amount of outstanding loans packaged into CLOs is about $80 billion, according to a report by data and analytics firm CRED iQ.”

    Tis but a scratch.

  8. Fast Eddie says:

    Passaic Real Estate prices to the moon.

    I keep saying Paterson. It’s got the location, it could become the next trendy place. Drive up the hill towards Prospect Park and Haledon, really nice views, prime spots. Just my feeling.

  9. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Well, I hope the savings from WFH works out for everybody as it destroys the economy. Cities…who needs cities…everyone can live in Florida and Texas. Right….

    Remember….everything has a cost….there is no free ride.

    Everything is tied to commercial real estate whether you realize it or not…people that don’t realize it are about to learn a lesson.

  10. The Great Pumpkin says:

    And the economy is only as strong as its cities… don’t grow economies on the back of remote workers living in Florida or east bumblef/k. If you understand, you understand…

  11. 3b says:

    Fast: And the Paterson Falls too.

  12. Phoenix says:

    Hey, that’s great. Now how about issuing an order so they can’t keep it here either you half dead traitor.

    President Biden is expected to issue an order as soon as this week to prevent the bulk flow of Americans’ sensitive data — including genetic information — to hostile foreign countries, prime among them China.

    Tech is not your friend. We are. Sign up for The Tech Friend newsletter.
    The plan takes aim at a controversial practice that privacy advocates have long criticized as an enabler of mass surveillance, whether in the United States or other countries.

    The order is designed to block data brokers and other companies from selling access to large stores of geolocation, genomic and other sensitive, personal information to buyers in “countries of concern” such as China, Russia and Iran, administration officials have told industry and civil society experts. The forthcoming order was first reported by Bloomberg

  13. Libturd says:

    “people that don’t realize it are about to learn a lesson.”

    I can’t fuckin’ wait.

    I used to blame NJTransit for my misery. Now I realize it was really the stupidity of the commuter work model that was to blame for each week per month, that I spent on a train. Yes about 10 hours per week. After a year, that’s 520 hours per year or looked at another way…36% of the total hours you work in a year Pumps.

    Fear not. CRE will be bailed out and no one will complain. But give an individual a bail-out for having paid their college loans for ten years straight? Why that’s pure evil.

  14. Phoenix says:

    France’s Macron says sending troops to Ukraine cannot be ruled out.

    grim says:
    February 27, 2024 at 5:37 am
    Grim Reaper on a tear lately in these parts.

    Yeah, that might just send the Grim Reaper on a full blown massacre.

  15. Phoenix says:

    I used to blame NJTransit for my misery. Now I realize it was really the stupidity of the commuter work model that was to blame for each week per month,

    Well, times have changed, and the “work model” was what you had when technology didn’t provide you with the full ability to WFH.

    You use what you have. But remember and respect those-for example, those who have been taking care of your child- they don’t get your “luxury.” They don’t get to save 36% of hours. They don’t get to write off their car, gasoline, repairs, insurance. Yet they stand there at the bedside making sure your loved one breathes for another day.

    Where is their fukking “economic relief” that you get to enjoy and invest? Why are they penalized for working and sacrificing when you are not?

    I tell all of the young ones I work with to quit our lousy career. Get out while you are young. WFH and profit. Be a teacher and get a pension. Work for the building department, stamp a form, and retire after 25 years.

    I hope they all leave it, and that the general public inserts their own feeding tubes and run their own pumps.

  16. Phoenix says:

    “Responsibility” is a chimeric construct in a corrupt system.

    America is a corrupt system.

  17. Phoenix says:

    Hat tip to LW,

    One of the best, most accurate quotes ever written.

    I might spend the 10k one day and put that on a billboard on Rt 80.

  18. Phoenix says:

    Or better yet, these young girls should get together and become landlords.

    It works for the Kushners. They don’t seem to be hurting for money.

    Then they can raise the rent, buy a new Mercedes, get their hair and nails done, and do their WFH business on the beach instead of inserting feeding tubes.

    Hey, and no paying 800 dollars for the “privilege” to park at work.

  19. Fast Eddie says:

    I tell all of the young ones I work with to quit our lousy career.

    Or, mandatory executions once one reaches a certain age to reduce the number of tubage insertions on flaccid boomer men.

  20. 3b says:

    Lib: I don’t have an issue with forgiving loans for people who have been paying for 10 years or more, but I assume some of those people were also spending and paying for other things that were not real necessities over that time period. However, it would have been nice if those of us who paid in cash or paid off loans for their kids college to get a little something too. It does not appear to be any upside to doing the right thing. Just saying.

  21. 3b says:

    Treasury Secretary Yellen, says Russia s frozen assets should be liquidated to use to pay for Ukraine s reconstruction. I don’t see a problem with that, just wondering if this is something she should be publicly commenting on in her role as Treasury Secretary.

  22. Phoenix says:

    Should have gotten a life sentence. Fu kk r.

    But hey, he got 28 years. Wow, a halfway decent sentence from a court in America.

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day. No sympathy. I’d have voted to hang him in public.

  23. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    February 27, 2024 at 9:58 am
    Treasury Secretary Yellen, says Russia s frozen assets should be liquidated to use to pay for Ukraine s reconstruction. I don’t see a problem with that, just wondering if this is something she should be publicly commenting on in her role as Treasury Secretary.

    She should shut her mouth and do the job she is paid to do, helping out the middle class instead of all of her friends and connections.

  24. Phoenix says:

    Stewart Parnell, a former peanut executive convicted for his role in a nationwide salmonella outbreak in 2008 and 2009 that killed nine people, was sentenced Monday afternoon to 28 years in prison at the federal courthouse in Albany, Ga.

    Federal officials had recommended that Parnell receive a life sentence — the harshest punishment ever for a food-related crime.

  25. Phoenix says:

    You are pesky middle class. Yellen don’t like you. Be quiet, go to your job until we reduce you into lower class.

    Yellen wants rich and poor. Poor are easier to control. Stop resisting.

    3b says:
    February 27, 2024 at 9:54 am
    Lib: I don’t have an issue with forgiving loans for people who have been paying for 10 years or more, but I assume some of those people were also spending and paying for other things that were not real necessities over that time period. However, it would have been nice if those of us who paid in cash or paid off loans for their kids college to get a little something too. It does not appear to be any upside to doing the right thing. Just saying.

  26. Phoenix says:

    Americans who test positive for the coronavirus no longer need to routinely stay home from work and school for five days under new guidance planned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Wow, does this include us? I guess the insurance companies complained about having to pay for our short term disability claims.

    Follow the money.

  27. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    February 27, 2024 at 9:22 am
    “But give an individual a bail-out for having paid their college loans for ten years straight? Why that’s pure evil.”

    How about gov gets out of the student loan business altogether? Look at this doozy of a lie from Oblama when he signed his boondoggle Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and effectively nationalized (socialized) student loans: “By cutting out the middleman, we’ll save American taxpayers $68 billion in the coming years”.

    Meanwhile, SlowJoe has already cost taxpayers $130 billion by canceling that amount of student loan debt by the end of 2023. And if not for the supreme court, he would have cost taxpayers $1.5 trillion. I know it’s asking a lot of a Dem stooge, but try seeing the forest instead of getting lost among the trees.

  28. Phoenix says:

    We sent our money to Ukraine, and fired all of our food inspectors. Oh well, enjoy your stunted children you seem to care so much about:

    Cinnamon-flavored applesauce pouches sold in grocery and dollar stores last year poisoned hundreds of American children with extremely high doses of lead, leaving anxious parents to watch for signs of brain damage, developmental delays and seizures.

    But hundreds of pages of documents obtained by The New York Times and the nonprofit health newsroom The Examination, along with interviews with government and company officials in multiple countries, show that in the weeks and months before the recall, the tainted applesauce sailed through a series of checkpoints in a food-safety system meant to protect American consumers.

    The documents and interviews offer the clearest accounting to date of the most widespread toxic exposure in food marketed to young children in decades. Children in 44 states ate the tainted applesauce, some of which contained lead at extraordinarily high levels.

  29. 3b says:

    Here we go again, another government shutdown looming. What a joke this country has become. Just saying.

  30. No One says:

    Rising interest rates accelerates the doom loop. It forces broken promises and some sort of reckoning eventually. But it doesn’t create apocalyptic scenarios, just grey decline coupled with incrementally rising crime and squalor, as we already see happening. Yes, it can get worse. Maybe it eventually gets so bad they actually tell NYC police to start policing again. It wouldn’t even cost them much more money to do so! Maybe they cut benefits for government workers. Maybe some day they restructure their debt, partially defaulting. I’ve seen these things happen in other countries over the decades. It doesn’t lead to “Escape from New York” scenarios, normally. Those people who advocate Modern Monetary Theory imagine that government can create wealth from thin air forever are going to be proven wrong though. Maybe NYC will create its own cryptocurrency and pay everyone with that. Skunkweed-coin would be an appropriate name.

  31. Phoenix says:

    How about gov gets out of the student loan business altogether?

    Or the “electric car taxbreak.”
    Or the “senior home freeze.”
    Or the ” get 5k off a new air conditioner for your home”
    Or the “send our tax dollars to Ukraine which isn’t America.”

  32. Libturd says:

    “It does not appear to be any upside to doing the right thing. Just saying.”

    You mean like every time someone got stimulus in the last three years, and I got zilch, even though I paid nearly half of Gator and My combined incomes on medical costs? Our net had us closer to poverty level than anywhere near where the federal cutoffs were, but they don’t take deductions into consideration when it comes to stimulus. Only gross income. Same with all of NJs catastrophic illness help. NJ is an abhorrent state for your kid to get sick in. If we were smart, we would have moved to Pennsylvania and saved half a million. But we chose to stay in this government-leaching armpit of a state.

  33. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    February 27, 2024 at 10:17 am
    Here we go again, another government shutdown looming. What a joke this country has become. Just saying.

    I hope the number 3 main bearing seizes and spins in it’s journal already like McConnell’s brain.
    Shut the dysfunctional thing down.

    It needs a real reset.

  34. Libturd says:

    “Here we go again, another government shutdown looming.”

    Let me fix that.

    Here we go again, another speaker of the house is about to get canned.

  35. 3b says:

    Lib: Yes, like that, that’s what I mean. We got zilch too, meanwhile others were getting all the stimulus, enhanced super duper unemployment benefits, and all the rest, hanging out in their pool on a Tuesday at noontime drinking cocktails.

  36. 3b says:

    Lib: Another speaker, another potential shutdown, it’s all a circus.

  37. Phoenix says:

    I could imagine a world where there are rainbows, puppies, and kittens. Where the money sent to Ukraine went to a fellow American like your child so you didn’t have to pay all of that, plus your child could have had a full time nurse.

    But your politicians feel like sending your money to other countries that can f’n support themselves instead of to you, your child, and someone who could have had a job taking care of your kid so you didn’t have to do “technically illegal” procedures.

  38. Phoenix says:


    You don’t seem to be getting the message, so I will be blunt.

    You are middle class scum. Stop complaining, stop resisting.

    Signed, your govt.

    Were you expecting adventure?
    Were you hoping for fun?
    My friend, you’re indentured
    And pleasure’s exempt from your tenure
    So venture back down to your slum
    That’s provided at generous prices
    Your worth is determined by your sacrifices

  39. 3b says:

    Whose troops does Macron think he is sending to Ukraine? French? Ain’t happening, NATO troops? But there has been no attack on a NATO country. US troops? Yeah, let’s send them.

  40. Phoenix says:

    True? Not True?

    What is the penalty if she lied?

    Congressman Matt Rosendale’s camp has denied a Democrat’s accusation that he dropped out of the Senate race because he impregnated a staffer.

    The Montana Republican, 63, has threatened former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp with legal action over her ‘false’ and ‘defamatory’ allegations.

    Heitkamp, during an appearance on the Talking Feds with Harry Litman podcast on Monday, claimed: ‘There’s a reason why Rosendale backed out of that Senate race. The rumor is that he impregnated a 20-year-old staff person.’

  41. Libturd says:

    She probably had an illegal abortion.

  42. Phoenix says:

    If you agree with bending the law like Yellen suggests, then why not agree with bending the law like Macron suggests.

    Slippery slope. In fact , they are everywhere now. The rule of law in the USA is being challenged by everyone- drivers on 80, looters at Home Depot.

    Your whole government is based on a lie, there is no honor, there are no morals, there are no rules. It’s a charade. America is teeming with degenerates-and your legal system is overwhelmed and brain dead.

    The general public now knows this watching social media. They have watched your police light up a car over an acorn.

    Video cameras, social media. The truth is coming out, and now AI is going to spread more disinformation.

    It’s all going to unravel.

    Smoke ’em if you got ’em.

  43. 3b says:

    Phoenix: It’s ok. I stopped playing the silly game of voting in 2012. Both parties blow, I just get tired of hearing about how horrible one party is vs the other, and how one party cares about the middle class and the other does not. Neither party cares, about the American people, period. We have two old geezers running for President, one is a lunatic, and the other is losing it, and believes he is a transformative President, who will go down in history as one of the best Presidents ever. We have stupid voters who are going to nominate Trump again, with all the chaos that will bring, and we have Democrats falling over themselves to explain to us mere mortals how Biden’s age is a plus.

  44. 3b says:

    Phoenix: I don’t care about Russia and their assets, I do care about young American men and women being sent off to die in a foreign land.

  45. Juice Box says:

    3B – Belgium is where more than half of all Russia’s 300 billion in frozen assets are held by the depositary and clearing house Euroclear.

    Let Europe deal with the consequences. The money is not in US banks for the most part, they can fight it out in European courts or European battlefields.

  46. Phoenix says:

    Libturd says:
    February 27, 2024 at 10:39 am
    She probably had an illegal abortion.

    I hope he had fun. I hope they both enjoyed their time together.

    And If I had a time machine I would go back and f ucc the “legal age” babysitters that all came on to me. Cause at the end of the day what did being the “faithful” spouse get me anyway? I’ll tell you, nothing.

    Live your life full throttle. Plumber stroked at 48. Just f’n redline the beech and hope the rev limiter saves you. No reason to play it safe.

  47. 3b says:

    63 year old geezer impregnates a 20 year old staffer, if true that is absolutely disgusting.

  48. Phoenix says:

    Get back in your cage. You have no say. We know better. If we want your kid, we are taking them and doing as we please. Don’t resist, we have qualified immunity, and are not shy about using it.

    And don’t even think about comparing us to China.

    Signed, your govt.

    3b says:
    February 27, 2024 at 10:46 am
    Phoenix: I don’t care about Russia and their assets, I do care about young American men and women being sent off to die in a foreign land.

  49. 3b says:

    Juice: Good, then let the Belgians and the other European countries decide what they want to do with Russian assets. Janet should keep her mouth shut, and do whatever it is she is supposed to do as Treasury Secretary. And, she is 77 years old, why hasn’t she retired.

  50. Bystander says:

    “And the economy is only as strong as its cities… don’t grow economies on the back of remote workers”

    Well dingus, here is the reality. NYC capitalism is the bigger f-in problem right now. You had a big hiring spree with free COVID money and now they don’t like paying the higher salaries bc free money gone. They have been shedding hundreds of thousands of middle class white collar workers. The outsource more and what’s left in US in on fumes to keep stock price goosed. If they do hire, it is for wages 40-50% lower than last hire. They love charging higher prices though. Grim and I discussed this, at least 50k more to commute to city post-COVID. You won’t get it. We can talk about all these elite college grads making 150k in the IB but that is a sliver of job market. You need way more 150k to 200k middle class jobs to keep up with costs and housing in NYC. Companies are playing a bad game in NYC. They are trying to force hand – take lower wages and commute 5 days to Manhattan. It is making no sense for middle income to stay in this area, certainly not NYC. You can now make a similar salary elsewhere in lower cost locations. That is the problem commercial real estate is facing. It is not feasible to pay all the costs, just to get a low NYC salary for most workers.

  51. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    February 27, 2024 at 10:49 am
    63 year old geezer impregnates a 20 year old staffer, if true that is absolutely disgusting.

    It’s becoming fashionable for older women to bang younger men now. Funny how that tide has turned.

    I see hot girls with fat guys. I don’t get it, but she like him.

    I remove shampoo bottles from people that slip in the shower. They like it. I don’t get it.

    Some women want 300 cats. I don’t get it.

    Some people walk out of Home Depot with stolen goods. I wouldn’t do that.

    Some guys get turned on by having a D in their mouths, or other places. I don’t get it.

    So why can’t a legal 20 like an 63 y/o? Maybe that is what she wants and he wants. So now decide, is she a child or an adult. Make a law. You think that Monica Lewinsky is a victim? GTFOOH. No f’n way. She knew exactly what she was doing, she knew he was a married man with a child. She didn’t care, she wanted it.

    That’s reality.

  52. Phoenix says:

    And, she is 77 years old, why hasn’t she retired.

    Why don’t everyone’s blind azz parents give up their drivers licences?

  53. No One says:

    If the gal was Aashka Varma, deputy “chief of staff”, then the answer is “wouldn’t”
    Made $80k right out of college with an undergrad poli-sci degree.
    Anyway he’s suing his opponent for defamation of character.

  54. Phoenix says:

    The whole age thing in America.

    What is an adult? 18 legally. Well it depends. You are legal to be drafted, but you are not legal to drink?

    No one sees that as f’d up? If Lewinsky is a victim, then change the law for adulthood to her age +1, make it 27.

    So you can be sent to Russia to be eviscerated by a land mine, but don’t you dare enjoy a White Claw you criminal.

    Yet those making the rules, like Biden, Trump, McConnell, Yellen, Pelosi- are all circling the drain. Making the rules for those young adults that have no say.

    Oh, and those Mom’s against Drunk Driving. F’n hypocrites. Go to You Tube, hundreds of videos of drunk, high and Xanax loaded mommies driving in minivans plowing into street signs.

  55. 3b says:

    Phoenix: I didn’t comment on age and laws etc, just in my opinion a 63 year old man sleeting a 20 year old girl is disgusting. I guess I am just old school.

  56. Hold my beer says:

    The end is near. One of the biggest fishing YouTubers has stopped doing fishing videos to make stock market trading videos.

  57. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    February 27, 2024 at 11:24 am
    Phoenix: I didn’t comment on age and laws etc, just in my opinion a 63 year old man sleeting a 20 year old girl is disgusting. I guess I am just old school.

    Ain’t my gig either. But if there is one thing I have learned, unless a woman is coerced or raped, SHE decides the encounter, never him. So either he did something wrong, or she wanted it for whatever reason. He just took a different road than you or I would have.

    I have had 20 something babysitters come on to me. Not shy at all. You own a house, you are a good father, you make money, you are married, you check all of the boxes that they are looking for.

    But you are a good father, a good husband, a good provider. Your wife, well, she bangs her co-worker. Then tries to steal your child from you forever with a lie.

    Makes one think about the decisions they made-the chances they missed- and just realize, no one cares about cheating in divorce court. In retrospect I should have taken them up on their offers. Why the hell not.

  58. Libturd says:

    He’s not much of a trader. Just a financial news summarizer. He should leave the large mouth to the bass.

  59. Phoenix says:

    He is working from home. He is making money. He is not paying for parking for the privilege of having to drive to work.

    Good for him not being a fool.

    Libturd says:
    February 27, 2024 at 11:35 am
    He’s not much of a trader. Just a financial news summarizer. He should leave the large mouth to the bass.

  60. Libturd says:

    “In retrospect I should have taken them up on their offers. Why the hell not.”

    Because then you couldn’t brag about it here.

  61. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Maybe because you are a good man , with a conscience, and would not want that for your own Daughter.

  62. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    February 27, 2024 at 11:43 am
    Phoenix: Maybe because you are a good man , with a conscience, and would not want that for your own Daughter.

    And where did that get me?

  63. Phoenix says:

    Libturd says:
    February 27, 2024 at 11:37 am
    “In retrospect I should have taken them up on their offers. Why the hell not.”

    Because then you couldn’t brag about it here.

    Naah, this isn’t bragging. This happens to plenty of people all of the time, every day.

    Not just me. I’m not special.

    The point is that women decide the encounter, not men. Unless, like I said, coercion, rape, power issues.

    They are just as much DTF as men are, and sometimes more. I see it at work, I pay attention now, I understand it better.

    It’s the “conscience” that got me into the industry I am in. But when you zoom out, America is just a business at the end of the day, and you are just a cog in the machine.

  64. TraitorJoe says:

    NY was sacrificed to advance the agenda of the DNC.

    First came the defund the police. Elect an soros DA. Elevate drug addicts and criminals to victims and heroes to maintain a narrative. Let violent criminals out out on parole.

    Then came the invasion of poor illegals. Maintain the population numbers and electoral votes throughout a generational migration south. Bankrupt the city in the process.

    Now comes the kangaroo court. Destroy the legitimacy of the property and business law. Deranged judge. Imbeciles running the show. The corporate economy will continue to atrophy as businesses high tail it. There will be no sympathy nationally for the conditions there as they’ve either done it to themselves or allowed it to happen for political purposes.

  65. Chicago says:

    My 84 year old uncle (mom’s brother) has a 6 year old. The mom was 24 at birth.

    3b says:
    February 27, 2024 at 10:49 am
    63 year old geezer impregnates a 20 year old staffer, if true that is absolutely disgusting.

  66. Boomer Remover says:

    Anecdote about Nieuwerburgh’s White Flight II: Managing partner currently in the process of trading his Central Park West duplex for something in Florida.

  67. Boomer Remover says:

    Whaaat!? That’s crazy, Chicago.

    I know a 61 year old with a 29 year old, really nice guy that finished his military career at a much later age. And, a 65 year old with a 35 year old, who initially got together with her when she was 25. Your story tops both of these.

  68. 3b says:

    Chgo: I know people do it, and to each their own I guess. No disrespect to your Uncle.

  69. Fast Eddie says:

    But if there is one thing I have learned, unless a woman is coerced or raped, SHE decides the encounter, never him.

    Ya know, this is true. And it didn’t dawn on me until just the last year or so. My whole life I thought encounters, intimate times, etc. were mutual and eventually realized it isn’t. A man is nothing more than just the recipient of an approval. He didn’t achieve anything, the woman simply decides he’s worthy at that moment; whether in marriage, a casual relationship or whatever.

  70. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Maybe no where, but perhaps being able to sleep at night. I have seen some things over the last few years, absolutely shocking, that has made me come to the realization that doing the right thing is overrated. The alternative however, is to become like them.

  71. 3b says:

    Fast: Unusual talk for you.

  72. Fast Eddie says:


    I’m looking at it from a technical perspective – a logical resolution based on absolute conclusion combined with a cognitive and reflective view that can only come with wisdom, age, experience and awareness.

  73. Libturd says:

    “the kangaroo court”

    Oh you mean the SCOTUS.

  74. 3b says:

    Fast: You are becoming a Philosopher!

  75. Fast Eddie says:


    Lol. Life teaches you things. Ya know? Patience, wisdom and logic allows you to step back and see the larger picture.

  76. LAX says:

    I like making music. A lot. That’s where I am.
    I’ve got notes pouring outta me.

  77. Fast Eddie says:

    “When observing the abstract, one should not lose sight of the observable!”

    Fast Eddie the philosopher just made that up! Lol.

  78. Libturd says:

    In other news, our insurance company just sent me a letter saying they will no longer cover D’s very expensive growth hormone which we shoot him up with every day for the past three years and potentially for life. Insurance company won’t allow an exception unless he rejects the covered replacements. Just spent twenty minutes with Pfizer getting their copay card setup which covers the first 5K the insurance company won’t.

    This is a typical day of dealing with health insurance. We probably average about an hour a day on the phone with someone medically connected to D.

    Can we just socialize this shit already???

  79. 3b says:

    Fast: It is well that you have found your inner peace and tranquillity, and are able to maintain a serene perspective on the chaos of modern life.

  80. Libturd says:

    Just like Phoenix.

  81. Juice Box says:

    Chi – Your Uncle beat Al Pacino for an age difference. His latest baby momma is only 53 years younger than 84 year old Al

  82. Juice Box says:

    Lib -$4.5 trillion annually GDP spend on Healthcare. What kind of tax do we need to cover that and pay healthcare for all?

  83. TraitorJoe says:

    The only reason leftists consider the Supreme Court to be problematic is because they don’t control it. Anything they can’t control they attempt to destroy. It’s the playbook.

  84. Hold my beer says:


    Wasn’t your old office in the ground zero zone? If so you should register with the WTC health program. Might as well get paid if you develop something that’s on the list of illnesses and get the man to cover your deductible and copayments. and your heirs will get a nice payout if you kick the bucket from an illness on the list of certified conditions

  85. OC1 says:

    “Lib -$4.5 trillion annually GDP spend on Healthcare. What kind of tax do we need to cover that and pay healthcare for all?”

    How much do we pay now in health insurance premiums? Does it matter whether you pay $1000/mo to a “medicare for all plan” vs $1000/mo to Blue Cross/Blue Shield?

  86. Hold my beer says:


    Ain’t no stock grants and options for executives if
    We’re Paying 1k a month to Medicare instead of a private health insurer

  87. Libturd says:

    HMB, just north of the qualifying zone. Close enough to see the jumpers and papers flying through the air, but too far to qualify for health benefits.

  88. Hold my beer says:


    Ah. I thought you were on the edge of it and qualified

  89. Boomer Remover says:

    Is it not prudent to register before the sign up window closes for good, and cross the proof of presence documentation bridge when that time comes?

  90. Libturd says:

    I don’t want to be fraudulent. Like all of those forgiven PPP collectors.

  91. chicagofinance says:

    When my uncle first starting dating the girl (who is way young even for me), my cousins Rob, David and I were talking to him about it. Basically, Rob asks him — explain? My uncle gets red in the face and says “well….. it’s hard.” Rob, cuts him off and starts shaking his hand “GOOD FOR YOU!”

    3b says:
    February 27, 2024 at 12:48 pm
    Chgo: I know people do it, and to each their own I guess. No disrespect to your Uncle.

  92. 3b says:

    Chgo: Well that certainly explains it!!

  93. LAX says:

    2:06 I think anyone who is paying attention would wonder about the judgement and integrity of the Court.

  94. Hold my beer says:


    I don’t think there’s a time limit to register with the WTC health program. You or your estate/heirs have to file a claim with the victims compensation fund within 2 years of diagnosis. There’s also limitations like you have to be diagnosed with asthma within 5 years after 9/11 or you get no compensation and no medical coverage.

  95. Juice Box says:

    “medicare for all plan”

    Medicare fraud for all you mean? The jails are filled with Medicare fraudsters. Something like 5700 convictions and many billions in fraud in the last 15 years or so. Our government proves every day they are incapable of managing the existing program.

  96. Juice Box says:

    Chi – is this one of those traditions from Europe? The old “bachelor” is married off to the fat one. The deal is he get the sexy time and she get the farm when he croaks?

  97. Phoenix says:

    Not when sending billions to Ukraine

  98. Phoenix says:


    Can we just socialize this shit already???

  99. Phoenix says:

    Eddie. Took me a while as well. Like having a radio tuned to the wrong frequency. I got it dialed in now. A bit late in life perhaps.

  100. chicagofinance says:

    Juice: there is a bit of a back story, but it was not done for that reason. The girl was fine. Not my type, but certainly could have pulled a good number of guys. My uncle is a musician if that helps.

    Juice Box says:
    February 27, 2024 at 5:08 pm
    Chi – is this one of those traditions from Europe? The old “bachelor” is married off to the fat one. The deal is he get the sexy time and she get the farm when he croaks?

  101. Boomer Remover says:

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitch McConnell, the longest-serving Senate leader in history who maintained his power in the face of dramatic convulsions in the Republican Party for almost two decades, will step down from that position in November.

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