Sorry about the affording thing

From CNBC:

Luxury real estate prices just hit an all-time record 

Real estate is increasingly a tale of two markets — a luxury sector that is booming, and the rest of the market that continues to struggle with higher ratesand low inventory.

Overall real estate sales fell 4% nationwide in the first quarter, according to Redfin. Yet, luxury real estate sales increased more than 2%, posting their best year-over-year gains in three years, according to Redfin.

Real estate experts and brokers chalk up the divergence to interest rates and supply. With mortgage rates now above 7% for a 30-year fixed loan, most homebuyers are finding prices out of reach. Affluent and wealthy buyers, however, are snapping up homes with cash, making them less vulnerable to high rates.

Nearly half of all luxury homes, defined by Redfin as homes in the top 5% of their metro area by value, were bought with all cash in the quarter, according to Redfin. That is the highest share in at least a decade. In Manhattan, all-cash deals hit a record 68% of all sales, according to Miller Samuel.

The flood of cash is also driving up prices at the top. Median luxury-home prices soared nearly 9% in the quarter, roughly twice the increase seen in the broader market, according to Redfin. The median price of luxury homes hit an all-time record of $1,225,000 during the period.

“People with the means to buy high-end homes are jumping in now because they feel confident prices will continue to rise,” said David Palmer, a Redfin agent in Seattle, where the median-priced luxury home sells for $2.7 million. “They’re ready to buy with more optimism and less apprehension.”

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Employment, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

100 Responses to Sorry about the affording thing

  1. LAX says:


  2. Fast Eddie says:

    With mortgage rates now above 7% for a 30-year fixed loan, most homebuyers are finding prices out of reach. Affluent and wealthy buyers, however, are snapping up homes with cash, making them less vulnerable to high rates.

    The decline of the group formerly known as the middle class continues.

  3. Fast Eddie says:

    3 New Jersey spots make the list of ‘America’s 100 Most Charming Main Streets:

  4. Very Stable Genius says:

    “Nearly half of all luxury homes, defined by Redfin as homes in the top 5% of their metro area by value, were bought with all cash in the quarter, according to Redfin. That is the highest share in at least a decade. In Manhattan, all-cash deals hit a record 68% of all sales, according to Miller Samuel.”

  5. Very Stable Genius says:

    I agree.
    Reagan’s trickle down economics destroyed the middle class.
    Republicans made us Brazilian like George Santos. You either rich or poor, no true middle class.

    Fast Eddie says:
    April 23, 2024 at 7:35 am

    The decline of the group formerly known as the middle class continues.

  6. Libturd says:

    Now for something completely unrelated.

    Crude seems to be coming down in price and housing is starting to show some signs of slowing. These are the two components driving inflation. Surprise rate cut coming?

  7. Libturd says:

    Would you expect anything different than from our spoiled offspring who have never faced adversity in their short lives and who have been given everything they have ever wanted or needed.

    Go see another $400 Taylor Swift show as you don a shmatte in a Gaza solidarity camp. Like they have a clue.

  8. Very Stable Genius says:

    People always protesting the wrong thing.

    Kids blaming the victim. Israel is not the enemy.

    Boomers against social services. They are recipients of largest Socialist government program with universal healthcare for the over 65.

  9. 3b says:

    Well at least the cover is lifted, and we know see the left for the anti Semitic, anti Israel creeps they are.

  10. No One says:

    Didn’t pumpkin promise he’d be investing more in ARKK forever?
    Cathie Wood’s investors are jumping ship.

    They rushed into her funds and won big during the pandemic, when the star fund manager became a social-media sensation by making bold bets on disruptive technology stocks such as Tesla, Zoom Video Communications and Roku. They largely stuck with her when the funds’ fortunes reversed after the Federal Reserve raised interest rates. Now, after years of bruising losses, many of them have had enough.

    Investors have pulled a net $2.2 billion from the six actively managed exchange-traded funds at her ARK Investment Management this year, a withdrawal that dwarfs the outflows in all of 2023. Total assets in those funds have dropped 30% in less than four months to $11.1 billion—after peaking at $59 billion in early 2021, when ARK was the world’s largest active ETF manager.

  11. Phoenix says:

    PoPo knocks up student where he was a resource officer. Then taps her and his wife. Snatches kid. His buddies protect him. What a hero, back the blue today!

  12. Chicago says:

    3B. Right there with you. Kind of glad everything is out in the open. Now people can have an objective review of the facts without questioning whether they are unnecessarily paranoid.

  13. Phoenix says:

    America is melting down into it’s pot.

    Blame TikTok.

    It’s the Chinese! It’s the Russians! It’s the North Koreans!


    Cops killing women. Mommies drunk driving. Schools on fire. Teachers banging students. Trump on Trial. Brain dead Biden at the helm of the Titanic.


  14. BRT says:

    The thing to watch is those small caps that Wood owns 10 to 12% of the companies in. If she’s forced to liquidate from outflows….oof.

  15. BRT says:

    Mark Zuckerberg is just as bad as whoever controls TikTok.

  16. Phoenix says:

    Jumping ship? ARKK.
    A little pun in there.
    Did Noah jump too?

    No One says:
    April 23, 2024 at 10:27 am
    Didn’t pumpkin promise he’d be investing more in ARKK forever?
    Cathie Wood’s investors are jumping ship.

  17. Phoenix says:

    Sure is. Meta and it’s Data Centers helping make America more like China every day while claiming it’s superior.

    Freedoms just another word, for, nothing left to lose.

    BRT says:
    April 23, 2024 at 10:37 am
    Mark Zuckerberg is just as bad as whoever controls TikTok.

  18. Phoenix says:

    I forgot one: Student loan forgiveness. Hehe. That’s my favorite. Hehe.

    Cops killing women. Mommies drunk driving. Schools on fire. Teachers banging students. Trump on Trial. Brain dead Biden at the helm of the Titanic.


  19. Old realtor says:

    3b makes a myopic generalization and Chicago can’t wait to jump on the train. You people claim to be educated and intelligent. How is it possible there is no nuance to your thoughts?

    Chicago says:
    April 23, 2024 at 10:34 am
    3B. Right there with you. Kind of glad everything is out in the open. Now people can have an objective review of the facts without questioning whether they are unnecessarily paranoid.

  20. Phoenix says:

    Even more of a rip, it’s 90 degrees in India even before the fire.

    That’s gonna be fun to put out.


  21. Phoenix says:

    This is how you know the world is coming to an end soon

    Meghan Markle Marmalade. Hehe. The Royal Jelly producer. Hehe. Produced in America by the British Royal Family.

    This month, Meghan Markle unofficially launched the first product for her new brand, American Riviera Orchard.

    Over the past few weeks, social media posts from the Duchess of Sussex’s close friends revealed that the rollout for Meghan’s new lifestyle brand has begun. Meghan sent limited-edition, American Riviera Orchard-branded jars of strawberry jam in a basket of lemons to a select group of people. The jars are labeled out of a run of 50, and so far, only six recipients have shared snaps of the jam.

  22. Very Stable Genius says:

    Maga nuanced?

    These treasonous people insurrected against America.

    Old realtor says:
    April 23, 2024 at 10:52 am
    3b makes a myopic generalization and Chicago can’t wait to jump on the train. You people claim to be educated and intelligent. How is it possible there is no nuance to your thoughts?

    Chicago says:
    April 23, 2024 at 10:34 am
    3B. Right there with you. Kind of glad everything is out in the open. Now people can have an objective review of the facts without questioning whether they are unnecessarily paranoid.

  23. Old realtor says:


    You observe their online personalities regularly. Neither one is MAGA. Now you are the one without nuance.

  24. Fast Eddie says:

    These treasonous people insurrected against America.

    Describe your version of America.

  25. Libturd says:

    Hey, has anyone ever put out a zine for MAGA called MAGAzine?

    Do zines exist anymore?

  26. 3b says:

    Old Realtor: You can believe what you want, or more likely what you wish it to be, but the reality says otherwise. The absolute hatred displayed at these protests for Jews and for Israel, the flying of Hezbollah and Hamas flags , the burning of American flags, the attacks on Jewish students, including one at Yale over the weekend. The silence on the Israeli hostages still held by Hamas. A bunch of cowards who kidnapped old men women and children.

    The silence or ambivalence from the University Presidents of these so called elite universities. I could go on. The hatred of Jews and Israel is open and out there now on the left/ Democratic Party side. It was always there, but quiet, now it’s wide open.

    I would imagine this is uncomfortable for many American Jews, who pride themselves on being Liberal, and open and tolerant, based on the history of the Jewish people. But, the reality is many of these Liberals don’t like Jews and are and have been quietly anti semitic. Now it’s open and out there.

  27. BRT says:

    A few months ago, they protested outside of Zahav’s falafel shop. Dude’s from friggin Pittsburgh.

  28. AlfafaExPresOfWomenHatingClub MoscowPhoenixIsNewPrez says:

    Last week post in Scott Galloway’s blog nailed many of the subject talked about here. Cut and pasted below.

    A decent proxy for the success of a society is how it treats children. Not how individuals parent, but the success of the structures, incentives, and leadership charged with preventing a tragedy of the commons. In sum, can we answer a simple question: Do we love our children? In 2024 America, the rejoinder is disheartening.

    Breach of Contract

    We’ve broken the social contract that binds America: Work hard, play by the rules, and you’ll be better off than your parents were. For the first time in our nation’s history, this is no longer true. Today’s 25-year-olds make less than their parents and grandparents did at the same age, yet they carry student debt loads unimaginable to earlier generations. Neither the minimum nor median wage has kept pace with inflation or productivity gains, while housing costs have outpaced them. The statistics on children’s and young adults’ well-being are staggering.

    None of this is lost on young people, and the shattering of the social contract has left them feeling rage and shame. Half of Americans older than 55 say they are “extremely proud” to be American; that number drops to 18% among 18- to 34-year-olds. This weakens the immunity system of America, allowing minor cuts to U.S. society to bring on deadly opportunistic infections. Just as when someone in your life blows up at you, it is about the issue at hand … and it isn’t. American youth’s warranted concern on social justice issues, despite remarkable progress on all these issues, turns seamlessly into rage.


    We don’t lack the resources to level up young people and present the opportunities afforded my generation. But the cohorts who benefited most from the extraordinary post-war economic boom of the 20th century have pulled the ladder up behind them. In 1989 adults under 40 held 12% of household wealth, while those over 70 held 19%. Today those under 40 command just 7% of household wealth, while those over 70 control 30%.

    Higher education is the most effective means of closing the generation gap. But the incumbents have artificially constrained access, sequestering opportunity largely to wealthy households, peppered with a few freakishly remarkable kids from the lower 90% to smear vaseline over the caste(ing) of higher ed. Elite schools tout their financial aid, emphasizing that students with median household incomes pay little or no tuition, but it’s a headfake. Being more generous with a select few low-income students only wallpapers over exclusivity, when the goal should be to eliminate it. We have simply reshuffled the elites.

    Harvard’s undergraduate class size has been static at 1,600 for almost half a century, while its endowment has grown nearly 500% — after inflation. When your asset base is up sixfold but you purposefully do not increase production, you are no longer a public servant but a Chanel bag. Single-digit admissions rates are the ultimate vanity metric, something deans and donors brag about at cocktail parties, when they should be a mark of shame. As I’ve proposed before, we should offer higher ed a grand bargain: Redirect the money earmarked for bailing out the one-third of America that has attended college to increasing freshman seats and reducing costs. The Biden administration’s proposed student loan bailouts shrink the tumor, but don’t address the underlying cancer — declining affordability and accessibility.

    Capital vs. Sweat

    We have elevated capital over sweat (i.e., labor). The public is numb to this mythology, benefitting the incumbents who’ve created it. Back in 2008, when the market crashed, young(ish) people like me, coming into our prime income-earning years, were able to buy growth stocks at low valuations. The foundation of my economic security was buying Amazon at $7 ($179 today) and Apple at $7 ($167 today) and Netflix at $12 ($611 today). Ever since, however, we’ve inflated asset prices by pumping them full of steroids and stimulus using low corporate tax rates and bailouts that are financed on the backs of young people. “Keep me rich, on your credit card,” said every American over the age of 50 to citizens younger than them. In sum: Real median income from labor is up 40% since 1974, while the S&P 500 is up 4,000%.

    We’ve protected the wealth created by ownership at the expense of income earned by labor through the tax code, which favors gains from investments. Gains from stock sales are taxed at lower capital gains rates. Real estate holdings can appreciate tax free, and once sold, the gains can be rolled into another investment. Again, a series of transfers of wealth from earners (youth) to owners (seniors).


    And what taxes are collected are increasingly redistributed to the generation who needs them least. In 1985 the federal government spent three times more per capita on seniors than it did on kids. By 2019 that ratio had risen to eight times. We’ve cut senior poverty from 17% in the 1970s to 9% today, which is admirable. But child poverty has risen over that same period, from 16% to 19%.

    The “demo” in democratic is failing us, as seniors vote seniors into office who then vote themselves more money. With neither age limits nor term limits, and incumbent reelection rates over 90%, congressional seats have become lifetime appointments. Nancy Pelosi may be the sharpest 83-year-old in Congress, but her time has passed: She has a daughter who was born during the Johnson administration, when less than one-third of homes had a color TV. Does our leadership really relate to the challenges facing a 15-year-old girl being sent messages on extreme dieting by Meta, or the budding addiction crisis of young men on phone-based gambling apps? We need churn to recalibrate and transfer wealth, but it’s been dampened with retardants that cost trillions. D.C. has become a cross between The Walking Dead and The Golden Girls — its denizens see the living (young) as nutrition, vs. the future.

  29. Hughesrep says:

    Being a yinzer is worth being protested.

  30. Phoenix says:

    Rage, Rage against the dying of the light.

    Seems like they got the message the Old Goat of America club has given them.

    Jobs without healthcare while their Boomer Run Government taxes them, then gives their money away to Ukraine.

    Sometimes rage is misplaced. Or displaced. But it is often times warranted.

    Smoke ’em if you got ’em. Or should I say Vape. Hehe.

    None of this is lost on young people, and the shattering of the social contract has left them feeling rage and shame. Half of Americans older than 55 say they are “extremely proud” to be American; that number drops to 18% among 18- to 34-year-olds. This weakens the immunity system of America, allowing minor cuts to U.S. society to bring on deadly opportunistic infections. Just as when someone in your life blows up at you, it is about the issue at hand … and it isn’t. American youth’s warranted concern on social justice issues, despite remarkable progress on all these issues, turns seamlessly into rage.

  31. No One says:

    Scott Galloway is highly overrated, even within his area of supposed expertise. And his article above wasn’t within it. Wealth redistribution is a key element of loving children?
    NJ redistributes a ton of wealth to children via the channel of property taxes and teachers unions.
    He fails to grasp one basic issue. Seniors vote, kids don’t. It was the progressives that created the senior entitlements mess. Social security and medicare – that’s where the big spending on seniors is. Instead of adding on more entitlements for kids too, maybe they should focus on privatization of retirement savings systems, privatization of the health care industry, and focusing education on its real purpose, which is to prepare kids to become self-supporting, prosperous adults, which is made easier when living in a free dynamic society rather than one where the government is doing the distribution decisions.

  32. Phoenix says:

    Swedish Medical Center in Denver, where Ms Albuquerque Celada is hospitalized, has announced that it will cover costs for her to return to Brazil.

    So she comes from that hole called Brazil to America on a work exchange program, eats canned soup in America and gets sick.

    The American healthcare system punts her back into Brazil with a ventilator.

    Probably harder for her to sue from a third world country.

  33. Phoenix says:

    He fails to grasp one basic issue. Seniors vote, kids don’t.

    Who do they get to vote for? Senior Citizens Biden, Trump, or Kennedy?

  34. Phoenix says:

    Entitlements like pensions, tenure? Long gone, but boooooomer will be sucking that teet for years- and that teet is filled with fresh milk coming from Gen Z labor.

    “Maybe they should focus on privatization of retirement savings systems.” Well Boomer has already done this, isn’t it called a 401K? I guess you could take it from the PoPo and the teachers. Go for it. Let me know how it works out.

    “Privatization of the health care industry”- slick, well, they are all run by hedge funds now, this is well underway. Haven’t you read Lib’s posts and the toil he has endured to try and take care of his child? The man has fought tirelessly against a “privatized” system for years.

    The hypocrisy of Boomer- to want all the govt bennies for themselves, tax breaks, pensions, Social Security, Medicare.
    But now old goat thinks it’s all bad and should be eradicated and eliminated by those after them. Entitled old fuccs.

  35. Phoenix says:

    What is this, cheap labor program with no health insurance? Kid probably gonna die going back to her country to save a few thousand dollars.

    “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    That America is gone, long gone. Someone should turn out the light on Lady Liberty, the gaslighting old Goat.

    Claudia de Albuquerque Celada, 23, originally from Brazil, was on a work exchange program in Aspen when she started suffering dizziness, double vision, and trouble breathing.

  36. Hold my beer says:


    What if he also has a Pittsburgh toilet?

  37. Phoenix says:

    US banks shut a total of 36 branches in just one week .

    With a little work some of these can be turned into single family homes.

    With an awesome quiet family room once you shut the big heavy door.

  38. Phoenix says:

    Does Harbor Freight sell those?

    Hold my beer says:
    April 23, 2024 at 1:54 pm

    What if he also has a Pittsburgh toilet?

  39. Phoenix haha edition says:

    Maybe Lady Liberty’s torch should be outfitted with LED and Laser lights. Could I have typed too soon?

    Biden considering amnesty for over 1 MILLION illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens giving them ‘parole in place’ and work permits
    Biden weighing executive order granting amnesty and work permits to illegal immigrants who married U.S. citizens but did not qualify for a green card

  40. Very Stable Genius says:

    Scott Galloway is 100% correct.

    Boomers vote for socialist universal healthcare for the 65 yr old, and against healthcare for kids.

  41. Very Stable Genius says:

    She’ll get the world’s best tax payer funded healthcare at 65.

    Phoenix says:
    April 23, 2024 at 1:51 pm
    What is this, cheap labor program with no health insurance? Kid probably gonna die going back to her country to save a few thousand dollars.

    “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    That America is gone, long gone. Someone should turn out the light on Lady Liberty, the gaslighting old Goat.

    Claudia de Albuquerque Celada, 23, originally from Brazil, was on a work exchange program in Aspen when she started suffering dizziness, double vision, and trouble breathing.

  42. Phoenix says:

    No One says:
    April 23, 2024 at 1:32 pm
    NJ redistributes a ton of wealth to children via the channel of property taxes and teachers unions.

    To children? Or to teachers. The same ones that have been hooking up with their students and collecting pensions?

  43. chicagofinance says:

    I have family, friends and clients who have been toeing the line for years based on what academia and the intelligensia have been instructing them. One of the starkest examples is a family of 4 from Brookline. Wife is daughter of a rabbi. Very community oriented. Husband in his 50’s. Two daughters that attended liberal arts colleges. Daughters both spent time in Israel. Serious progressives. The husband is very liberal too, but I sense it is more that he has been browbeaten over time.

    Anyway, husband is lamenting the plight of his daughters who have their woke credentials and are now learning their lesson the hard way. The husband is trying to branch out further in his career, but has been given the message that many organizations are not going to support appointments of any over 50 white male to any public facing positions of authority, and the fact he is a Jew makes it worse.

    I do sense a backlash in the making….. my brother in law is LGBTQ and he was just ousted from an organization in a Red State because of woke backlash. I assume there is goint to be a anti-semitism backlash too. Especially from the Jews.

    I saw an Israeli kid who was an undergrand at NYU being interviewed on the news. He was virtue signalling, as if he is above the fray. The enlightened one. He will learn eventually.

    Old realtor says:
    April 23, 2024 at 10:52 am
    3b makes a myopic generalization and Chicago can’t wait to jump on the train. You people claim to be educated and intelligent. How is it possible there is no nuance to your thoughts?

    Chicago says:
    April 23, 2024 at 10:34 am
    3B. Right there with you. Kind of glad everything is out in the open. Now people can have an objective review of the facts without questioning whether they are unnecessarily paranoid.

  44. leftwing says:

    “Scott Galloway is highly overrated, even within his area of supposed expertise. And his article above wasn’t within it.”

    Used to be a fan, believe pre-Covid I even recommended him here…tiresome now.

    Used to be he wrote well with the obvious and gratuitous liberal tip on occasion. He’s gone full on Liberal now, starting with a conclusion and bending the facts to fit his narrative.

    Too much in his recent screed to correct and annotate, and don’t care enough about his thoughts to do so anyway.

  45. Old realtor says:

    Chicago and 3b,
    Sweeping generalizations about groups that you disagree with are not intelligent conversation. Extreme elements of either Party are not representative of the majority, they are the fringe. This is not to deny the existence of current events and say these people and their acts don’t exist. All I am saying is keep things in perspective. The type of language you employed in your sweeping generalizations is a symptom of of the divided nature of the political environment and serves to perpetuate the division.

  46. Libturd says:

    Well, it is nice to see the woke pendulum swing back a little. It had clearly swung too far.
    As for the anti-semitism. What’s new? When they come for me, remember, I had sausage and peppers on the first night of Passover.

  47. 3b says:

    Yet they carry student debt loads unimaginable to earlier generations. This could have been avoided , by better advice from parents, and yes some parents like to brag about where their kids go or went to college. But, some of them don’t and won’t pay for it. I had one Father tell me how he and his wife sacrificed to pay for their kids college, only to find out after, they did not pay a dime, ( well maybe they paid for the decal for the rear window in the car).

    Community college for 2 years than finish the last two at an in state university. Or, 4 year in state and dorm , or live at home and commute. Lots of savings going this route.

    Of course, this would be horrifying to many parents/ kids in “prestigious” north Jersey towns and elsewhere. And then there was is the rationalization of why out of state vs in state, with diversity being one of my favorites. And, no, Marist, Fordham, Iona, URI, Univ of Delaware, or any other one wishes to choose are not almost Ivy League.

  48. AlfafaExPresOfWomenHatingClub MoscowPhoenixIsNewPrez says:

    No One,

    If I remember correctly from previous post you have a place in DeSantis land along one down the shore?. By your talk you must be a boomer “hoarder”.

    I agree with you about privatization. So no Medicare for you, buy a policy without any tax subsidy from the ACA website, along with paying the true no public subsidy cost for your NJ and FL storm flooding property insurance.


    The VP position for the Women Hating Club still open. Moscow Phoenix needs company otherwise all those videos making koo-koo.

  49. 3b says:

    Lib: It’s new in that it is out in the open now, and it’s from the left/ Democrats.

  50. LAX says:

    The polarization which is exacerbated by social media has really built this winner take all mentality. Them vs Us won’t work. Lincoln was right.

  51. LAX says:

    2:55 i’d like to see less Daily Mail content from Phx.
    It’s really tiresome.

  52. 3b says:

    Old Realtor: I have come to my conclusion after months of watching/ following this situation. If you wish to believe it’s fringe that’s fine, and perhaps you are right. I however, think it is much deeper than that.

  53. Phoenixs says:

    Community college for 2 years than finish the last two at an in state university. Or, 4 year in state and dorm , or live at home and commute. Lots of savings going this route.

    Yeah, but prestige matters. You aren’t getting the same education, or should I say, connections.

    Privilege matters.

  54. chicagofinance says:

    OR: You take issue with this? What other sweeeping generalizations were posted?

    It is very accurate. Not a fringe group. It only appears to be less so, because Jews and Jewish society is so interwoven in this area. Setting aside even the United States, Europe is a cesspool when in comes to this subject. Absolutely stunning.

    3b says:
    April 23, 2024 at 10:05 am
    Well at least the cover is lifted, and we know see the left for the anti Semitic, anti Israel creeps they are.

    Old realtor says:
    April 23, 2024 at 2:42 pm
    Chicago and 3b,
    Sweeping generalizations about groups that you disagree with are not intelligent conversation. Extreme elements of either Party are not representative of the majority, they are the fringe. This is not to deny the existence of current events and say these people and their acts don’t exist. All I am saying is keep things in perspective. The type of language you employed in your sweeping generalizations is a symptom of of the divided nature of the political environment and serves to perpetuate the division.

  55. Phoenix says:

    LAX says:
    April 23, 2024 at 3:00 pm
    2:55 i’d like to see less Daily Mail content from Phx.
    It’s really tiresome.

    Get a job, stop mooching off your wife, and you won’t have so much time to spend on here.


  56. LAX says:

    3:06 you seem to have a job and still ruin this poor blog 24×7.

  57. BRT says:

    Any student that has gotten into an Ivy, I’ve asked to see what they wrote on their essays out of curiosity. I have been amazed because in many of them, they are political in nature. I have no doubt that these schools have ideologically vetted their incoming students through these letters and other means. This isn’t fringe…it’s almost endemic. My 35 year old sister is constantly posting about this stuff and she’s never once thought about the middle east in her entire life. She’s been programmed.

  58. LAX says:

    For the record Phoenix, i “sub”. Worked yesterday in a middle school.
    Its not much, i know. Not like your nursing career.

  59. Phoenix says:

    LAX says:
    April 23, 2024 at 3:07 pm
    3:06 you seem to have a job .

    Not a lazy azz teacher who couldn’t cut it and quit mooching off of a woman.

  60. Alfafa ExPrez says:

    Everyone forgets that Clinton privatized Sallie Mae. Which started a chain reactions where banks started to compete for those loans by giving kickbacks to universities like they do to car dealerships. The kickback became a source of revenue which pushed the universities to lower financial aid standards, just like NINJA mortgage writers did that led to the financial crisis.

    Also in the forgotten folder is that Biden was one the sponsors of the 2004 Bankruptcy Act that made student loans not dischargeable. I think guilt is one of the reasons he keeps pushing for forgiveness now.

  61. LAX says:

    Yesterday a kid took a tennis ball off the bottom of his chair and whipped it at another kid. The ball shattered a chromebook screen. True story.

  62. LAX says:

    3:10 i’d venture to say my career has been longer and more lucrative than yours.

    I’ve also noticed your mental health is absolute shit and you’d be the last caregiver i’d want around.

  63. Very Stable Genius says:

    And yet y’all rightwingers obsessed with sending your kids to an Ivy. Go figure.

    BRT says:
    April 23, 2024 at 3:08 pm
    Any student that has gotten into an Ivy, I’ve asked to see what they wrote on their essays out of curiosity. I have been amazed because in many of them, they are political in nature. I have no doubt that these schools have ideologically vetted their incoming students through these letters and other means. This isn’t fringe…it’s almost endemic. My 35 year old sister is constantly posting about this stuff and she’s never once thought about the middle east in her entire life. She’s been programmed.

  64. Phoenix says:

    That Cretin Bill Clinton also removed Glass-Steagall.

    In his defense, the human body only allows for one head to be engorged with blood at a time. Monica Lewinsky and all.

    Alfafa ExPrez says:
    April 23, 2024 at 3:11 pm
    Everyone forgets that Clinton privatized Sallie Mae. Which started a chain reactions where banks started to compete for those loans by giving kickbacks to universities like they do to car dealerships. The kickback became a source of revenue which pushed the universities to lower financial aid standards, just like NINJA mortgage writers did that led to the financial crisis.

    Also in the forgotten folder is that Biden was one the sponsors of the 2004 Bankruptcy Act that made student loans not dischargeable. I think guilt is one of the reasons he keeps pushing for forgiveness now.

  65. 3b says:

    Biden appears to indicate his uncle who was shot down in Papua New Guinea during WW 2 was eaten by cannibals. The President of Papua/ NG was not amused.

  66. Phoenix says:

    LAX says:
    April 23, 2024 at 3:13 pm
    3:10 i’d venture to say my career has been longer and more lucrative than yours.

    Liberal teacher bragging about how he drinks from the teet of taxpayers-and calling it lucrative.
    Like a tick.

  67. 3b says:

    Very : Who exactly here is obsessed with sending their kids to Ivies?

  68. Phoenix says:

    I thought the rightwingers were obsessed with sending their kids to the university of Mike Rowe.

    My bad.

  69. BRT says:

    If you ever asked me, you don’t get the return on investment. That’s incredibly obvious at this point.

  70. Fast Eddie says:

    For the record Phoenix, i “sub”.

    You should try taking the “dom” role for a change, it’ll turn that frown upside down.

  71. LAX says:

    3:18 i’d take MY life over yours any day.
    FWIW i’m what they call Blue Dog Democrat.
    Look it up, maybe they ran a Daily Mail story on it.

  72. LAX says:

    3:28 pooofter talk

  73. LAX says:

    Any, it’s been fun today. Let me know when Phienicks finally dives in front of that NJ Transit Train.

  74. Phoenix says:

    Nike made Adidas look like cheapskates:

    Caitlin Clark is on the cusp of breaking another record as the former Iowa star is set to sign a historic deal with Nike.

    On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal and The Athletic reported a pending eight-year, $28million contract, including a signature shoe.

    Puma also showed some interest but walked away when told the bidding would start at $3 million per year, according to the WSJ.

    Clark received offers of $16 million over four years from Under Armour and $6 million over four years from Adidas, with both including a signature shoe, according to the WSJ.

  75. LAX says:

    Nobody watches WNBA except divorced nurses.

  76. Libturd says:

    Just heard back from my Freshman at UF. Straight As for second semester. He takes his RBT exam today and he will be working full time this summer as a registered behavioral technician at an ABA center. He was also accepted as an undergraduate research assistant in a Lab this Fall. UF was the best $13K he ever spent. Yeah, it’s HIS money. He also only has two more years to go.

    I’m sure had he gone to BU or UCSD he wouldn’t have been as successful. Sometimes a college finds you. UF really found my boy. I couldn’t have been more proud. The fact I don’t have to pay for it, makes me even prouder.

  77. Phoenix says:

    Not really true, but coming from a guy who watches RuPaul’s Drag race I guess that is what you might think.

  78. Phoenix says:

    Congrats. Glad to see he found a good fit for him.

  79. Juice Box says:

    Strange day when the National Enquirer testifies it was burying stories that clearly weren’t true. Since when have they ever printed any story that was true?

  80. Phoenix says:

    Rutgers–New Brunswick/Undergraduate tuition and fees
    In-state tuition 16,263 USD.

    UF’s in-state tuition and fees in 2021 are $6,380, compared to a national average above $10,000 for other ranked public universities.

    That’s a good deal.

  81. Libturd says:

    Best deal in the country.

  82. Libturd says:

    Since when have they ever printed any story that was true?

    The alien anal probe stories are true. ChiFi told me so.

  83. LAX says:

    In college I dated a UK Cheerleader for a year and a half.

    Fantastic little woman. Very Livvy Dunne, I had to go to see many, many UK Girl’s Basketball games as she cheered or that team, not the mens.

    I slept through one until I caught her glaring at me from the sidelines. She was adorable and now has 5 kids with a neurosurgeon in Texas. Good times,

  84. LAX says:

    3:47 mazel tov

  85. SomeOne says:

    My 35 year old sister is constantly posting about this stuff and she’s never once thought about the middle east in her entire life. She’s been programmed.

    Quite a few here seem to be, including the DJT stock pumpers!

  86. SmallGovConservative says:

    LAX says:
    April 23, 2024 at 4:06 pm
    “In college I dated a UK Cheerleader…Very Livvy Dunne”

    Except she had a peni$, right?

    Actually, some very entertaining trash talking between you and Phoenix; helped pass the time as my bus sat in traffic on the way home. In an eerie coincidence to your comment about driving in front of a train, our driver informed us that someone had jumped from an overpass into oncoming traffic on Rt 78 in Newark — I can’t confirm, just noting what was communicated to us.

  87. No One says:

    And UF keeps getting better after throwing out the most useless DEI administrators, no longer paying them to promote racial discrimination against your son.

  88. 3b says:

    Biden apparently suggested his Uncle who was shot down in Papua / New Guinea was eaten by cannibals. The head of Papua/ New Guinea was not amused.

  89. SmallGovConservative says:

    Old realtor says:
    April 23, 2024 at 2:42 pm
    “Extreme elements of either Party are not representative of the majority…”

    The extreme elements of the Dem party have already pulled it so far to the left that they’re no longer extreme. Jews ignoring the radicalization of the Dem party today are little different than Jews who willingly remained in Germany in the 1930’s —

  90. SmallGovConservative says:

    3b says:
    April 23, 2024 at 7:27 pm
    “Biden apparently suggested his Uncle who was shot down in Papua / New Guinea was eaten by cannibals.”

    Biden’s uncle was neither shot down nor eaten by cannibals. Joe’s a known liar and plagiarist, but two whoppers in one breath is a lot even for him.

  91. BRT says:

    Caitlyn Clark makes the game fun to watch. She’s got an incredible grasp of the game on all levels. She’s not just the best shooter, she’s probably the best passer as well. Girl has it all and was able to take an Iowa team to the finals 2 years in a row. She’s gonna sell out arenas.

  92. BRT says:

    Yeah, it’s just a small fringe, that somehow includes….university presidents.

  93. Chicago says:

    History Doesn’t Repeat But It Rhymes (Old Realtor Edition):

  94. Libturd says:

    Those university presidents are on a tightrope. They shouldn’t be, but they are.

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