Just another day in NJ politics

Hat Tip Gator. From NJ101.5:

NJ Democratic boss stares down officials at corruption-case news conference

Like a boss, Democratic power broker George Norcross sat defiantly in the front row on Monday as the state Attorney General’s Office outlined a blockbuster corruption case.

Attorney General Matthew Platkin and his team said the charges were rooted in a years-long investigation involving a criminal enterprise run by the 68-year-old Norcross and at least five associates.

One of his brothers, 61-year-old Philip Norcross, of Philadelphia, and former Camden Mayor Dana Redd, now living in Sicklerville, are defendants facing counts that include first-degree racketeering, retaliation, concealing, intimidation and threatening.

The indictment says that the “Norcross enterprise” illegally sought and secured property rights along the Camden waterfront to collect hundreds of millions of dollars in state-backed tax credits.

Media coordinators for the OAG tried unsuccessfully to get George Norcross and his attorney, Michael Critchley, to move from the front row of chairs at Monday’s news conference.

Critchley then took issue with the team’s advance instruction that questions would only be fielded from members of the press.

“Turns out that powerful people don’t like being held accountable,” Platkin said at one point from the podium while outlining the case, directly in front of George Norcross.

George Norcross, for decades one of the most powerful unelected people in New Jersey government and politics, is presently a resident of Palm Beach, Florida, according to Platkin’s team.

Beyond racketeering, the defendants were also charged with counts of financial facilitation, misconduct by a corporate official, official misconduct and conspiring to commit theft by extortion, criminal coercion, financial facilitation, misconduct by a corporate official and official misconduct.

Just days earlier, criminal charges were filed against two other Norcross associates who also serve as South Jersey Transportation Commissioners.

Both men, from Sewell, were accused Friday of blocking payments to an engineering firm whose executive refused to go along with a political request from Norcross, Politico reported.

This entry was posted in New Development, New Jersey Real Estate, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.

92 Responses to Just another day in NJ politics

  1. Hold my beer says:


  2. 1987 Condo says:

    Maybe we will get some additional visibility into the Sheridan murders.

  3. Jim says:

    1987 Condo says:
    June 18, 2024 at 6:44 am
    Maybe we will get some additional visibility into the Sheridan murders.

    Maybe we will find out what happened to Vince Foster or even Jeffry Epstein. The Democratic Gestapo knows NO bounds. None of these cases will ever be solved.

  4. D-FENS says:

    Bro really sat in the front row in seats reserved for the press and stared Platkin down as he made tha announcement


  5. Fast Eddie says:

    Democrats abuse NJ like a Bukkake victim in a p0rn flick.

  6. grim says:

    Bro really sat in the front row in seats reserved for the press and stared Platkin down

    Come on, you aren’t really surprised, are you?

    This is civilized compared to the old days when the Dems would just have the mob do their dirty work.

  7. TraitorJoe says:

    The latest volley in the nj civil war. Sweeney was KO’d. The north is going for the kill. It might make sense for dune if these people to invest in the mirrors that look under cars.

  8. 3b says:

    CBS News reports an “undocumented migrant” ( illegal immigrant) was arrested for the rape and murder of a mother of 5 in Maryland last year. He also committed additional violent crimes including assault of a mother and 9 year old in Los Angeles in a home invasion, and suspected in other violent crimes. He is also wanted for crimes committed in El Salvador which he fled in 2023 to escape the charges. This POS was let into this country and committed murder. But hey, we can just ignore it, the border is fine.

  9. TraitorJoe says:

    Let’s hear it for the left. In addition to our own criminally insane they’ve turned our cities into a hunting ground for predators from the entire world. Just a small price to pay in their quest to obtain more power. Kudos.

  10. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Animals out there….

    3b says:
    June 18, 2024 at 10:01 am
    CBS News reports an “undocumented migrant” ( illegal immigrant) was arrested for the rape and murder of a mother of 5 in Maryland last year. He also committed additional violent crimes including assault of a mother and 9 year old in Los Angeles in a home invasion, and suspected in other violent crimes. He is also wanted for crimes committed in El Salvador which he fled in 2023 to escape the charges. This POS was let into this country and committed murder. But hey, we can just ignore it, the border is fine.

  11. Fast Eddie says:

    Picture the ‘Walking Dead’ from around the globe that have infiltrated the southern border. God only knows what the tens of thousands of warped minds are planning. Of all the fuckups by this administration, this mass influx is the worst.

  12. The Great Pumpkin says:

    And not because he is an illegal immigrant…..just talking about the dark side of some people out there.

  13. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Putin finally thinking about giving up? Looks like latest sanctions might be forcing his hand. What a pos. He robbed the Russian people blind. Russia and China might be the two most corrupt major powers out there.

  14. TraitorJoe says:

    When we enforce our laws and deport millions of them with no legal status it will make the streets safer. It should ease the housing shortagess as well. So the people this third world administration treats like dog shlt, the citizens, have a safe and affordable place to live.

  15. Libturd says:

    Should we deport the same criminals who are here legally, because it appears we hardly lock them up anymore.

    Yes, more people equals more crime. It’s a fact that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than homegrown Americans. But it does make a fantastic one off story that all immigrants are here to commit crimes. I liked it better when the lie was they would take all of our jobs.

    Hire some judges already. Neither party is willing to.

  16. TraitorJoe says:

    No, it’s not a fact. It’s a talking point.

  17. Libturd says:

    There are nearly 1,000 people shot a year in NJ. Many of the victims are also parents. I suppose, we should continue to stop immigration, but continue to allow the easy access to guns since once illegal shot a mom. Yeah, it sucks for that mom. But then Republicans are responsible for the 1,000 attempted homicides in NJ. You really can’t logically have it both ways.

  18. Very Stable Genius says:

    “Yesterday I gave a difficult speech in the Senate.

    The final reports are in on the Uvalde tragedy.
    376 armed officers were outside that classroom. For one hour and 17 minutes.
    And they did nothing.

    Final proof that more guns in our schools will not keep our kids safe.”

    Senator Murphy.

  19. leftwing says:

    Not with that tortured logic lol.

  20. Libturd says:

    I could link to all of the studies, some of them very recent Joe. But you would ignore them. So why bother. MAGA can’t do anything wrong. Heck, the vast majority of you think the US elections are fixed. Truth is, MAGA is just a bunch of sore losers too indoctrinated to see how they are being duped. It’s nothing personal. You’ll find out the truth soon enough. But you’ll probably ignore it then too.

  21. leftwing says:

    Actually, the entire lack of logic and critical thinking by VSG makes Lib’s post look like a doctoral thesis.

  22. Libturd says:

    Obviously, it’s hard to find studies not produced by left leaning organizations, just as there is not a single study from the right proving immigrants are more likely to commit crimes than those born here, but here’s a study from Scientific American.


  23. grim says:

    376 armed officers were outside that classroom. For one hour and 17 minutes.
    And they did nothing.

    Legally, specifically, the police have no duty to protect.

    Why in gods name would we have an expectation that they would have done something?

  24. leftwing says:

    Oh, the comforting highhandedness of the liberal safety blanket that over one-half of the population is being ‘duped’ and that liberals – and they alone – have the secret decoder rings.

    May want to look in the mirror brother for a quick assessment of who’s duping whom….

    But then, hey, Linus was always reunited with his blanket…..

    This ‘duping’ shtick is among the cutest of your recent talking points though…

  25. grim says:

    The only duty to protect that applies to police officers applies only to criminals in custody.


    The motto, “To Protect and Serve,” first coined by the Los Angeles Police Department in the 1950s, has been widely copied by police departments everywhere. But what, exactly, is a police officer’s legal obligation to protect people? Must they risk their lives in dangerous situations like the one in Uvalde?

    The answer is no.

    In the 1981 case Warren v. District of Columbia, the D.C. Court of Appeals held that police have a general “public duty,” but that “no specific legal duty exists” unless there is a special relationship between an officer and an individual, such as a person in custody.

    The U.S. Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no specific obligation to protect. In its 1989 decision in DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, the justices ruled that a social services department had no duty to protect a young boy from his abusive father. In 2005’sCastle Rock v. Gonzales, a woman sued the police for failing to protect her from her husband after he violated a restraining order and abducted and killed their three children. Justices said the police had no such duty.

    Most recently, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit upheld a lower court ruling that police could not be held liable for failing to protect students in the 2018 shooting that claimed 17 lives at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

  26. Libturd says:

    I’m not duped. I know how corrupt the Dems are. It’s one giant gravy train for personal enrichment. I’m not stupid! What’s stupid is believing Trump is not in it for himself and cares two shits about any of his policy making that does not result in more profit to his properties. Like Trump cares about guns, religion, etc. And quite frankly, of course he thinks the 2020 election was fixed. Heck, he got caught trying to fix it. But his supporters? Feh.

    And at least I don’t get my talking points from the left wing media. I think of them alls by myself. I don’t watch the news very often. I just read a centrist newsletter everyday.

  27. grim says:

    Final proof that more guns in our schools will not keep our kids safe.”

    Maybe not, but what’s abundantly clear is that police in are schools do nothing to keep kids safe either.

  28. Libturd says:


    Police, at best, are an attempted deterrent to crime. They do not protect you from it and they do not prevent it. They pretty much exist to process criminals AFTER they commit crimes. The fact that we don’t want to pay to keep criminals in prisons very long is making their importance less and less as a deterrent.

  29. Libturd says:

    I saw a pretty good film last night. It was called LaRoy, Texas. For those who can’t stand that every movie is either a super hero, comic book character or a Pixar or Dreamworks animated peace about equity, this movie was really quite entertaining and well done.

  30. BRT says:

    Yes, more people equals more crime.

    With El Salvador and now Honduras building megaprisons and taking the militant response approach, I’d be careful about that one. The criminals will flee and they’ll likely end up in a place where crime is tolerated.

  31. BRT says:

    Yes, more people equals more crime.

    With El Salvador and now Honduras building megaprisons and taking the militant response approach, I’d be careful about that one. The criminals will flee and they’ll likely end up in a place where crime is tolerated. Meanwhile, upstanding citizens who previously fled placed like El Salvador are now talking about going back.

  32. No One says:

    I just rewatched The Fellowship of the Ring for the first time in at least 10 years.
    Great movie. Takes the source material and eternal values seriously. Perhaps too many unrealistic superhero-esque fight sequences, but still good.
    Made before most movies started being cast with diversity quotas, and filled with Mary Sues girbossing the almost universally stupid men.

    As for LaRoy, Texas, the reviews I saw called it Coen Brothers-esque. Not my favorite style.
    I recently watched a hardboiled crime movie that I liked though – L.A. Confidential. There were some depraved, corrupt people, yet in the end I wasn’t left feeling like Phoenix.

  33. BRT says:

    Maybe not, but what’s abundantly clear is that police in are schools do nothing to keep kids safe either.

    I would disagree. Our officers stopped a psycho who tried to sneak the side door in right in his tracks. We have 2 class 2 officers stationed inside the school and the officers on the street regularly stop by and do a walk through the school as part of their patrol.

  34. Fast Eddie says:

    Made before most movies started being cast with diversity quotas, and filled with Mary Sues girbossing the almost universally stupid men.

    Include every occupation now. Diversity quotas are the only qualification to being hired. If you’re a trans with three eyes and multi-colored skin identifying as ‘This and That’ and can speak Gluon, you’re hired. White males? Throw yourself off a bridge.

  35. LAX says:

    What an epic circle jerk. Almost makes me miss Nurse Ratchet’s Daily Mail cut & pastes.

    Broken governance, inept execution of crucial services, and an overall dumbing down of the social fabric are evident today. Wake me up when someone with a brain decides to fix it. Otherwise we’ll all stay locked in our $1m homes hoping the reaper misses us.

  36. Libturd says:

    Though, be careful how much equity hiring you do, because the problem with hiring too many of these people who are more about appearances and gender is too often they focus on their causes more than their work. And just try to get rid of them today. With that said, interview carefully. I’ve done my share and I’m quite unconventional. I have and always will try to get a mix of people into my teams. But I can’t emphasise enough how quality over quantity is what matters in my area and that I’m only interested in those who strive for perfection. Some are turned off by it. I’m cool with it. My team in New York now averages 16 years in tenure in an industry that is known for job hopping. We have pretty decent numbers on my India teams too. But I don’t decide who to hire. Though, I do my best to keep things interesting and the workers happy.

  37. Libturd says:

    By the way, does this market ever go down? I did move 10% of my 401K to a 2030 dated target fund and 10% of my other investments to a free schwab mutual fund that mimics treasuries and has been doing about 5.9% recently (annualized) late last week when I said I would. Might move another 10% at the end of this week if the Nasty keeps chugging along.

  38. Libturd says:

    Wow. Donald Stock is now close to breaching 30. A lot of his supporters are not going to be happy.

  39. SmallGovConservative says:

    Lib, what’s the name of Schwab treasury-like fund?

  40. 3b says:

    Lib: That is not the point, the guy is an illegal immigrant and a killer. Had he not been allowed in that poor Mother would still be alive. We have enough native born killers and psychos in this country without importing more, and hoping for the best. I am sure the family of the Mother who was killed and the family of the young nursing student murdered by an illegal immigrant can take great comfort in knowing not all immigrants are criminals. Some are and are violent and deadly, and they should not be allowed in.

  41. Libturd says:

    SWVXX – I’ve been in it a while. D’s trust is in it. A lot of people sweep their leftover brokerage cash into it. Very safe, obviously.

  42. Libturd says:


    We need judges to process them. I’ve maintained this position since the beginning of time. I am in support of open borders. But we need to process/vet them. It’s not that expensive either. But neither party seems to want to do the correct thing here. MAGA wants a wall and no immigration whatsoever. Dems want infinite future Dem voters.

    Again, I offer an excellent compromise that will never occur when the fringes are driving the agendas of both parties.

  43. 3b says:

    Lib: Open borders is foolish and no country should be in favor of them. There is a system in place and that has been in place and should be followed. Let’s just keep the border open and hope for the best, that appears to be the Liberals belief.

  44. 3b says:

    Absolute chaos in Hoboken with broken down NJ Rancid Transit trains. Apparently it’s getting worse than it ever was.

  45. No One says:

    What’s your yield pickup versus treasury bills right now?
    Schwab charging 0.34% annually, but looks like they basically call up most of the world’s investment banks and taking their 60 day term funding rates every week, which seems like most of the assets.
    At Fidelity I changed by cash default into an ultra-short term t-bill fund. Makes about 5%.
    The problem with bank credit is that people think they’re safe until suddenly they don’t.

    I’ve got too much cash in my portfolio now. Maybe other asset classes will drop before/as the short end of the yield curve drops. I don’t see a lot of attraction in US equities right now. Maybe in the dull areas, Energy stocks look priced normally vs their history. Most other stocks in the US look expensive vs history, strange given that fixed income now pays something again.

  46. The Great Pumpkin says:

    All I know, the higher this market keeps going….the bigger the coming drop. This seems like 95-99 when stocks only went up….

    Bear traders must be getting absolutely destroyed. Bulls just keep adding and adding as they are lost in the greed, and now believe markets only go up. Blow off top cometh!

  47. Libturd says:

    No One.

    I am getting better yield on the treasuries especially considering their tax treatment, so that’s where I try to stash my taxable rainy day funds. The SWVXX is all tax free (IRA) money. Last year I got 5.2% in the fund and 5.9% in my short term treasuries. Surprisingly, my Primis checking (that I was emphatic about you all signing up for it here) is still paying 5.14%. My SOFI and CIT and Capital One and Schwab Checking are all in the low to upper 4s. I have lots of other accounts too, but with little money in them. I opened all of them to take advantage of sign up bonuses. Citizens is doing one right now where they will give you $600 to open a savings and checkings account with minimal direct deposit. I just got a mailer from them for it. As banks go, they run a pretty nice setup as I took advantage of larger offers they made me in the past.

    As for equities, I have a feeling this rally is going to have legs. I think. A Biden or Trump win will both be good for markets in the short run. Biden will keep on spending and Trump will keep making the rich richer while pretending he is helping the working class, while all of the benefits of his corporate tax cuts will go to the rich again through share buy backs and other EPS juicing trickery. Both good for the markets. Both bad for Main Street. I also think the AI bubble will burst long before AI does what it is eventually going to do. Much like the tech bubble burst long before half of the companies that eventually survived did as expected (really well). I don’t doubt AI will change the world. But it’s hard to sustain >100 P/Es for extended periods of time. Sure, Google, Apple, TSLA, NetFlix, etc., all eventually grew by 100 times. But it took decades. So the bubble popping does not mean the idea is over. It’s just not where the easy money is made anymore. I think Crypto may be dying a slow death from here to, but that’s a whole other story. It’s just a tired trade now.

  48. The Great Pumpkin says:

    You are good, but no one is perfect. Crypto is still in its early stages. Bunch of chit coin projects sucking liquidity in the alt coin scene, but the winners will make a killing. This happens with any new technology….look at all the .coms when internet started getting adopted in 90s.

    “I think Crypto may be dying a slow death from here to, but that’s a whole other story. It’s just a tired trade now.”

  49. The Great Pumpkin says:


    I have admitted to myself that I made a mistake with bitcoin and acted accordingly. It has been the single best investment of our lifetime. Stop bashing it and realize the technology will only grow as it infiltrates the economy. Any of us could be swimming in money had we not been so stubborn and instead opened up our mind….I could kick my ass for being young and stubborn. I have changed dramatically as an individual and have grown tremendously as a person…in case you guys can’t tell.

    I have made good money over the past year in crypto. Mostly trading the swings.

  50. OC1 says:

    “Lib: Open borders is foolish and no country should be in favor of them. There is a system in place and that has been in place and should be followed. Let’s just keep the border open and hope for the best, that appears to be the Liberals belief.”

    It ain’t as easy as you think to “close the border” with current US immigration laws. Trump had to resort to declaring a public health emergency (during covid) to do it. Everything else he tried was struck down by the courts.

    But the senate, with Biden’s support, passed a bipartisan immigration bill that would have secured the border.

    Unfortunately, house republicans, at the behest of Trump, decided to kill it.

    It’s pretty clear now that Trump and his supporters in the house don’t really care about the “immigration crisis” they’ve been decrying for years- they just want to use it as a political issue, consequences be damned.

  51. Very Stable Genius says:

    It reminds me of Red Rock West, one of best movies I’ve seen

    Red Rock West is a 1993 American post-Western neo-noir[1] thriller film directed by John Dahl and starring Nicolas Cage, Lara Flynn Boyle, J. T. Walsh, and Dennis Hopper. It was written by Dahl and his brother Rick, and shot in Montana, Willcox, Arizona, Sonoita, Arizona and Elgin, Arizona.

    Libturd says:
    June 18, 2024 at 12:00 pm
    I saw a pretty good film last night. It was called LaRoy, Texas. For those who can’t stand that every movie is either a super hero, comic book character or a Pixar or Dreamworks animated peace about equity, this movie was really quite entertaining and well done.

  52. Very Stable Genius says:

    MAGA wants Slavery back but ain’t gonna happen.

    Libturd says:
    June 18, 2024 at 1:45 pm

    MAGA wants a wall and no immigration whatsoever.

  53. Very Stable Genius says:

    I might have to do same. Growth in 401k has been astonishing.
    30% up in Nvidia in 2 months. I’m 100% equities, all cash has been deployed for the past several years. I don’t want to sell and trigger massive tax bill and don’t want to miss post election growth.

    Only risk to the economy is domestic insurrectionists attempt another coup.

    Libturd says:
    June 18, 2024 at 1:29 pm
    By the way, does this market ever go down? I did move 10% of my 401K to a 2030 dated target fund and 10% of my other investments to a free schwab mutual fund that mimics treasuries and has been doing about 5.9% recently (annualized) late last week when I said I would. Might move another 10% at the end of this week if the Nasty keeps chugging along.

  54. 3b says:

    Oc1 : They passed it after ignoring it for 2 years and saying there was no problem with the border. They were forced to do it; that said you are right on the rest of your point.

  55. Very Stable Genius says:

    Scared Money
    Song by YG

    Scared money don’t make no money (whoa)
    Scared money don’t make no money (whoa)
    Scared money don’t make no money (whoa)

  56. SomeOne says:

    Lib, “Dems want infinite future Dem voters.”

    So many immigrants focus on the “small business tax benefits,” including “no sales tax if paid by cash”. Many are also culturally conservative to the extent that if the government ensures that their kids are forced to marry within their culture/race, one less thing they need to worry about. So, with such views on social and fiscal matters, they gravitate more towards GOP.

    Look at the MAGAs that benefit from ObamaCare that still want to vote for DJT.

  57. 3b says:

    Lib: I have to say I am disappointed you used to be level headed and fair and equally criticize both parties and bad policies. Now, it seems everything and everyone is viewed through the MAGA lense as with your point that MAGA wants no immigration. If those of us who are not MAGA and voice concerns over the border mess then hence we must be MAGA in disguise. If the lunatics on the leftist/ progressive fringe say or do anything they are just idealistic, or young, or they are harmless. I have to say when someone of your intellectual caliber and clear sightedness has been blinded by if you don’t agree then you are suspect, then I have to say there is no hope for this country. No disrespect to you, just my observations over the last couple of years.

  58. D-FENS says:

    Jun 17
    Norcross is being asked to not sit in a “reserved seat” from the
    ’s press team. His defense attorneys are objecting.

  59. D-FENS says:

    Matt Friedman
    Jun 17
    Sen. Bob Menendez is on trial. Democrats lost the county line. And now George Norcross and crew are indicted. The most momentous year for NJ politics since I started covering it in 2007.

  60. LAX says:

    Maga is such a dysfunctional movement led by such a loser most rational people are repelled by it. That bring said, as Lib has mentioned countless times, Biden is no prize.

    Liberal policies on crime and border crossings have eroded the very fabric of this Nation. Far left lunacy is an abomination and needs to he dealt with.

    November will be fascinating.

  61. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Massive bubble…

    “Growth in 401k has been astonishing.
    30% up in Nvidia in 2 months.”

  62. Libturd says:

    It all sounded good until you said, “Only risk to the economy is domestic insurrectionists attempt another coup.”

    You are smart person. Never look through a political lense when investing. NEVER! The only thing more deceitful than regular marketing is politics. 90% of it is pure bullshit. And weeding out the truth from the giant tire fire is nearly impossible. It’s like listening to the analysts. Maybe 10% is useful and I’m being generous here. It took me a really long time to learn, but the key to successful stock picking is to be able to ignore the noise. As the market approaches historically high P/Es the analysts will tell you it’s different this time. The economists will tell you it’s different this time. Pumps will tell you, it’s different this time, but it never is. In the long run (like a minimum of 15 years), revenues don’t mean shit. Earnings drive stock price. Everything that does not have a track record of earnings is gambling. The game today is to try to pick the future blockbusters, but this is a fool’s game, especially with the ease of access to VC. Anyone can mass market a product or service with VC money and make a lot of revenue in the short run. But are they making money. It’s why crypto is garbage. The only thing supporting it is that there are dumber fools lined up behind the current ones. Eventually, the number of fools will dry up.

    There are only two things that matter. Save early and invest regularly. Compounding and the average return of the markets is where you will make your wealth. Not picking the right companies. Picking the right companies is like playing roulette for 99% of the population.

  63. The Great Pumpkin says:

    So many people selling their small caps and buying the bubble stocks. Give me DNA at .42 over Nvidia… All day! What potential do you have with Nvidia? It can never live up to its market cap. Dna can easily blow away 1billion market cap in the next 5-10 years.

    Now here is the sick part, and why most don’t make money in the market: what do you think 90% of the people are buying right now? That’s right…they are selling their small caps and jumping into the mag 7. F that. You are their exit liquidity now.

  64. The Great Pumpkin says:

    F that mainstream thought process. You will get rich this way when you are too old to enjoy it. Basically saving and investing your entire life to never get to spend it. This is just my personal opinion, and nothing wrong with doing that if that’s what you want.

    Picking companies and having conviction is where it is at. Lots of risk, but lots of reward. Scared money, don’t make money.

    “There are only two things that matter. Save early and invest regularly. Compounding and the average return of the markets is where you will make your wealth. Not picking the right companies. Picking the right companies is like playing roulette for 99% of the population.”

  65. The Great Pumpkin says:

    My dude…you thought the same thing 10 years ago in 2014. Admit when you are wrong and adjust. Just trying to help you…sometimes you have to admit you are wrong.

    “It’s why crypto is garbage. The only thing supporting it is that there are dumber fools lined up behind the current ones. Eventually, the number of fools will dry up.”

  66. Libturd says:

    I rest my case.

  67. The Great Pumpkin says:


    Admit you are wrong. Seriously, it will do you well. You missed the greatest investment of our lifetime because you thought it was a scam….as did I. Only difference, 10 years later I am not holding my dick in one hand, and my ego in the other. Time to let go.

  68. D-FENS says:

    You don’t have a border because the CIA doesn’t want one. They have a deal with the devil…the cartels. The cartels are logistics organizations that deal in contraband. Drugs, fentanyl, human trafficking…they move anything illegal. The CIA allow them to operate and make money because they leverage them to control south and central American governments.

    Then along comes Trump and bumbles along trying to build a wall…fkuking it all up.

    It’s not a Democrat vs Republican thing at all. No need to defend your ‘team’.

  69. Libturd says:

    Let’s see. Pancakes. Crypto (had to choose the right one. You were all about Ether or something?), DNA. Can’t remember the others. I always ask you the same question. When do you buy and when do you sell? You always lie about both. Then when the stock chart looks phenomenal, you say you were right. You are not investing. You are throwing darts with your eyes closed. When you open them and one of them happens to hit the bullseye, you say, “See, I told you so.” Then later, you don’t know it, but someone else threw the dart that hit center when your eyes were closed. That was me.

  70. No One says:

    I still don’t see why I would need or want bitcoin in my life other than maybe needing it to pay ransom to some criminal.
    Someone is buying it, I don’t know why.
    Maybe NVDA/IT options exercisers are buying it. Has it been correlated to NASDAQ stocks in the past?

  71. The Great Pumpkin says:


    That’s why you invest the way you do, and that’s perfect because that’s what works for you.

    High risk investing is not about counting the hits….it’s about hitting the few. It’s def not for you.

    Good luck with your strategy.

  72. The Great Pumpkin says:

    The market cap of bitcoin doesn’t agree.

    No One says:
    June 18, 2024 at 5:26 pm
    I still don’t see why I would need or want bitcoin in my life other than maybe needing it to pay ransom to some criminal

  73. Very Stable Genius says:

    Is this a serious or sarcasm?

    D-FENS says:
    June 18, 2024 at 5:14 pm
    You don’t have a border because the CIA doesn’t want one. They have a deal with the devil…the cartels. The cartels are logistics organizations that deal in contraband. Drugs, fentanyl, human trafficking…they move anything illegal. The CIA allow them to operate and make money because they leverage them to control south and central American governments.

    Then along comes Trump and bumbles along trying to build a wall…fkuking it all up.

    It’s not a Democrat vs Republican thing at all. No need to defend your ‘team’.

  74. Very Stable Genius says:

    AI will render crypto obsolete

  75. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Ai might render labor obsolete…so, yea, I could see it happening.

  76. LAX says:

    ( )( )===D –AI—

  77. chicagofinance says:

    I think about it differently. Literally the person should not be in the United States. As a result, every crime they commit is incremental. Period.

    Libturd says:
    June 18, 2024 at 11:29 am
    Obviously, it’s hard to find studies not produced by left leaning organizations, just as there is not a single study from the right proving immigrants are more likely to commit crimes than those born here, but here’s a study from Scientific American.

  78. LAX says:

    7:13 not to mention the huge costs associated with educating illiterates.

  79. BRT says:

    You don’t need a study to understand they consume resources and increase the supply of labor. Moreover, you seem to be justifying unlimited immigration based off of a supposed stat that they commit crimes less often than current citizens. There’s no reason we can’t vet them and keep the creeps out. If you add 50 good standing people and 1 criminal to NYC today, you didn’t improve the city.

  80. BRT says:

    So many people selling their small caps and buying the bubble stocks. Give me DNA at .42 over Nvidia… All day! What potential do you have with Nvidia? It can never live up to its market cap. Dna can easily blow away 1billion market cap in the next 5-10 years.

    I’m reminded of 3 to 4 years ago when I told you the best way to play tech was through the semiconductors because they actually sell products and have real profits. This was well before all the AI bubble hype.

  81. Libturd says:

    When there is a labor shortage due to the lack of us having kids, you will thank Libturd and his support of legal immigration. Heck, it’s how we all got here. We are no different than the current crop.

    Again, time will tell

  82. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    June 18, 2024 at 1:45 pm
    “I am in support of open borders…”

    Utterly moronic, and literally inconceivable that any rational person would say that. I suspect that in all of your hundreds (thousands ???) of pre-Trump posts, you never once stated support for open borders — no reasonable person ever would. But now that you’ve become twisted by TDS, you’ll defend and excuse literally anything that the corrupt and incompetent Dems do. Sad!

  83. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Hats off. That was an epic call. You nailed it.

    BRT says:
    June 18, 2024 at 7:35 pm
    So many people selling their small caps and buying the bubble stocks. Give me DNA at .42 over Nvidia… All day! What potential do you have with Nvidia? It can never live up to its market cap. Dna can easily blow away 1billion market cap in the next 5-10 years.

    I’m reminded of 3 to 4 years ago when I told you the best way to play tech was through the semiconductors because they actually sell products and have real profits. This was well before all the AI bubble hype.

  84. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Now if I wasn’t so stubborn at the time, could have made a lot of money.

  85. SmallGovConservative says:

    Speaking of incompetent Dems…

    Has any picture ever better captured the modern male Dem, than flabby Chuck Schumer standing over a grill with a piece of cheese on a raw burger patty — worthless, emasculated, feeble, feckless, weak, useless! Essentially all of the things that middle east leaders think of when Tony Blinken shows up to beg for help.

  86. LAX says:

    7:50 you literally worship an obese schmuck that wears orange face paint.

  87. The Great Pumpkin says:

    I do believe the value is in biotech…getting half off sales. The sector has been absolutely obliterated because of the rapid increase in rates and its impact on the economic environment in biotech. This blood on the streets peeps. It’s absolutely hated. The lemmings have all left. Now you buy and wait to sell to the lemmings when they return…and they always return. The cycle never dies…

  88. LAX says:

    Amgen. FTW

  89. LAX says:

    My guess is a lot of Americans are getting left out of whatever prosperity seems to exist.
    Sure, the one’s with money are fine. It’s the mobility piece that killed us over Biden’s Presidency. Allowing the Fed to run the economy may end up being Biden’s Waterloo.
    I don’t believe jobs numbers, never have. I believe what I see with my eyes. LA is a company town. It’s in a terrible place economically right now.

  90. 3b says:

    LAX: I agree.

  91. BRT says:

    When there is a labor shortage due to the lack of us having kids, you will thank Libturd and his support of legal immigration. Heck, it’s how we all got here. We are no different than the current crop.

    I have no problem with legal immigration. I have issues with illegal immigration. The better solution is probably to stop debasing our currency into oblivion making it impossible to support kids for the majority of the population.

  92. Juice Box says:

    BRT – My Bergenfield boy… as you know. You are wrong until you are right.


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