Dining rooms and jello molds

From The Atlantic:

Why Dining Rooms Are Disappearing From American Homes

The dining room is the closest thing the American home has to an appendix—a dispensable feature that served some more important function at an earlier stage of architectural evolution. Many of them sit gathering dust, patiently awaiting the next “dinner holiday” on Easter or Thanksgiving.

That’s why the classic, walled-off dining room is getting harder to find in new single-family houses. It won’t be missed by many. Americans now tend to eat in spaces that double as kitchens or living rooms—a small price to pay for making the most of their square footage.

But in many new apartments, even a space to put a table and chairs is absent. Eating is relegated to couches and bedrooms, and hosting a meal has become virtually impossible. This isn’t simply a response to consumer preferences. The housing crisis—and the arbitrary regulations that fuel it—is killing off places to eat whether we like it or not, designing loneliness into American floor plans. If dining space keeps dying, the U.S. might not have a chance to get it back.

The apex predator of the dining room is the “great room”—a combined living room and kitchen, bridged by an open dining space. “It’s not that Americans don’t want dining rooms. It’s that they want something else, and that takes up space,” explains Stephen Smith, the executive director of the Center for Building in North America, a nonprofit that advocates for building-code reform. “In a single-family home, that’s a great room. And so that’s what developers build.”

According to surveys in 2015 and 2016 by the National Association of Home Builders, 86 percent of households want a combined kitchen and dining room—a preference accommodated by only 75 percent of new homes. If anything, the classic dining room isn’t dying fast enough for most people’s taste.

The transition from the classic dining room to the great room mirrors the changes in gender norms and family formation that have occurred over the past 125 years. The dining room emerged in the early 20th century, when an ascendant upper middle class hired migrant laborers as servants. Many American homes from that era were designed around creating a separate sphere for “the help,” with sectioned-off kitchens, laundry rooms, and servants’ quarters. You can still find anachronistic allowances for servants’ quarters tucked away in zoning codes that otherwise ban secondary units.

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137 Responses to Dining rooms and jello molds

  1. leftwing says:


  2. Juice Box says:

    My dining room is now our music room, a baby grand piano, an electronic keyboard, kids saxophone, some sitting furniture etc. Dog spends the most time in there on the sofa barking out our front window at people and dogs walking by.

    Our great room has a large nook with windows and skylights overlooking our pool and yard, that is where we eat dinner, but mostly we sit at the island and eat.

  3. leftwing says:

    Re: that Bergenfield home at 1.4 next to the school from yesterday…even worse, it’s on the egress road from the school. M-F nine months of the year your street is going to be a shitshow twice a day…

    Punched into my old blue ribbon town as similar school-adjacent redevelopment happened well over a decade ago. Recent sales, two 2022 and one 2023, on similar streets are 2.3 to 2.9 on ten+ year old homes.

    In researching that I see new knockdowns have just broken the 4.0 mark on actual sold, not just ask.

    Crazy shit, fifteen years ago people were amazed that comparable houses back then (6/5, lot coverage maxed out) on the standard issue half acre lot were breaking 2.0….

    Good luck to you guys still there. Glad only one of my kids is left, and he’s smart enough to arbitrage the geography…vacuum up the revenue and then GTFO sooner rather than later.

  4. 3b says:

    Old: From yesterday. I dont know about the schools necessary improving because the economic bar is getting higher. Lots of these old Bergen Co towns have a lot of apartments, not to mention all the new apartments being built all over the county. Houses were/are selling in bad neighborhoods with bad schools for big money. The decline in the birth rate will impact too, and there was a discussion a few years ago I. Franklin Lakes about closing one of the grammar schools due to declining endowment. People moving to the town simply were not having children. The impact of migrant children on suburban schools is yet to be felt. I would say a combination of good and bad in that regards.

  5. BRT says:

    The other crazy thing is look at the parking lot at Lincoln School. It’s filled with giant potholes and some parts of it are completely reduced to asphalt grain. In 86, I rode my bike full speed through one pothole and flipped over the handle bars and landed on my head.

  6. BRT says:

    3b, in my district, there were traditionally zero behavior issues. It’s uncanny. However, with all the new housing, we are adding kids and they are trying to bring their bad habits with them to us. The teachers gotta stop it in it’s tracks before it becomes a problem. But I’m not sure they are up to the task because we traditionally exert zero energy on behavior issues.

  7. Fast Eddie says:

    Interesting article above. Anything lending to an “easier” lifestyle has to make you wonder if it’s a positive or negative thing. Eating in your bedroom? I’ll pass. A combined living room and kitchen, bridged by an open dining space makes sense with today’s family pace. If you get rid of the formal dining and living rooms, what are they replaced with? An office and a personal studio of sorts?

  8. 3b says:

    BRT: Are these kids from apartment complexes being built, or just new housing in general. I have heard that the newer apartment complexes built in Wood-Ridge some years ago, part of the transit village thing which was hot in north Jersey for a while are having issues with bad behavior from some of the residents. Supposedly, from the low income units that were set aside for them.

    On the other end, I know a couple that sold their house and moved into the new apartment complex near Wegmans in Montvale. They had planned to work another couple of years and then retire to their house on the Shore. They moved out after a year, due to the noise, cooking smells, and dog barking. They said the walls are paper thin and you can hear and smell everything. This is supposed to be a luxury development, but they said zero quality of life. They have moved down to the shore permanently.

  9. 3b says:

    Fast: Interesting article. I thought I read an article a couple of years ago that said the great room trend was dying and that people were going back to defined, functional, separate spaces, particularly dining rooms.

  10. Fast Eddie says:

    They moved out after a year, due to the noise, cooking smells, and dog barking.

    I briefly toyed with the idea of considering a condo or townhouse in my later retirement years but quickly came to my senses. No way. If I downsize, I still want a yard and greenery around me and I don’t want to smell some “ethnic” cuisine other than the faint aroma of a steak on somebody’s grill. I want to say I’m spoiled now being on 3/4 of an acre so, I may just stay right where I am even when I reach O’Biden mental capacity.

  11. leftwing says:

    Where’s Phoenix?

    Did he finally snap and get busted on a DV or work related charge?

    Missing my daily dose of empathetic misogyny….

    And the teacher mugshots. Hotties there, many of them.

  12. Fast Eddie says:


    The concept of ‘traditional’ anything always works and always will. The newest trends will emerge, fade after a while and we’ll return to organic environs. People 5,000 years ago adhered to the same rules of living, family and community while progress enhanced their lives, not altered it. Experiments come and go and water always return to it’s natural level after a storm.

  13. 3b says:

    Fast: Perhaps, time will tell. I may be getting older, but just seems/ feels like a very unhappy time. We were at a graduation party yesterday, and there was no talk of real estate prices. I was surprised, as it’s usually always a topic of conversation. But, not yesterday. I don’t know why. Just talk of young people graduating and either not coming back to this area, or coming back for a while and then getting out of here. It was a whole different vibe than in the past.

  14. LAX says:

    11:22 I’d rather not pay a monthly maintenance fee. Condo’s can be $$$.

  15. Fast Eddie says:

    Where’s Phoenix?

    True dat. Where is he?

  16. Hold my beer says:

    I think Phoenix has found true love

  17. BRT says:


    new apartment complexes, could be low income, not sure. But also, some from the city. I lived right next to section 8 apartments in West Windsor. Those kids were in a top school district but a huge problem. The cops were called in regularly to the complex. Adults were just as bad.

  18. Hold my beer says:

    Phoenix is probably on vacation with his kid. Wasn’t last week the first full week of no school in Jersey?

  19. 3b says:

    BRT: Too bad. So even a change in environment did not change the mindset.

  20. 3b says:

    Phoenix and Bystander both MIA.

  21. Fast Eddie says:

    Bystander is good… just taking a break from s0cial media.

  22. 3b says:

    Fast: Glad to hear Bystander is good.

  23. LAX says:

    ( )( )===D –phoenix–

  24. Juice Box says:

    Final Supreme Court rulings today before their long summer recess.

    The “presidential immunity” claim will probably be the most watched. There is no explicit immunity grant directly for the president in the Constitution or laws. The president can grant pardons and the legislators cannot be prosecuted for exercising their speech etc, but that is about it.

    It’s all because of previous cases before the court that expanded that belief and practice of never prosecuting a sitting president or former president, as well as “memos” over the years from the Justice Dept bureaucrats that it was unconstitutional to prosecute a sitting president back in 1973 during Watergate. The DOJ has upheld that belief since.

    Mississippi v. Johnson (1867)
    Spalding v. Vilas (1896)
    Barr v. Matteo (1959)
    Nixon v. Fitzgerald (1982)
    Clinton v. Jones (1997)

    Should there be immunity? Depends on really what Jurisdiction you are in. What if former President Clinton went to Sudan on a humanitarian mission and they decided to arrest and prosecute him for the Al-Shifa bombings back in the 1990s? How about George Bush his eight years saw lots of renditions of foreign citizens, and bombings. I don’t see him going anywhere near the middle east soon. Heck Barak Obama won’t step foot over there either, but how about his bombing of an American teenager and his father in Yemen for youtube videos? What about states arresting and prosecuting?

    There is no explicit grant for the president in the Constitution or laws. Nor should there be is the question.

  25. Juice Box says:

    Roaring Kitty a headline again…..Not sure where he is getting all this money.

    Chewy stock this time. The stock was up more than 20% before the bell.

    “The filing showed Roaring Kitty, whose legal name is Keith Gill, bought just over 9 million shares — amounting to a 6.6% stake in the company. That makes him the third-biggest Chewy shareholder, according to FactSet. Based on Friday’s close, that stake is valued at more than $245 million.”

    The SEC filing also included a section that read: “Check the appropriate box to designate whether you are a cat.” There was an “x” next to a response that read: “I am not a cat.” This line was included in Gill’s statement in a series of congressional hearings about 2021′s GameStop trading mania.

  26. Juice Box says:

    Biden headed back at the White House today… I am surprised he is not at Rebooth beach.

    Announcement coming?

  27. Juice Box says:

    I wonder if we get a new Pigasus the Immortal’s presidential campaign this summer.

  28. Fast Eddie says:

    Gretchen: “Michigan is no longer within reach.”

    Isn’t Gretchen a cunty name?

  29. Juice Box says:

    Interesting smear by the WSJ at Kamala. She is one heart beat away from being President right now if old sleepy Joe takes his final dirt nap, there is no reason why she cannot have the job come January.

    I will vote for Kamala….


  30. 3b says:

    Juice: According to reports Jill and Hunter have strongly urged Joe not to drop out.

  31. 3b says:

    Juice: I read that article, and I agree with it. I would rather have Joe than Kamala any day. Even if Joe isn’t really running things , I would rather that situation than Kamala who actually thinks she is capable of doing the job. Arrogant and zero self awareness on her part, I would rather Joe.

  32. No One says:

    Are they still making out Roaring Kitty as some sort of “folk hero” when what he’s really doing is pump and dump, luring his clueless amateur followers to great financial risk?

  33. Juice Box says:

    3b – Hunter I can see for sure after all he needs a pardon or commutation by January 20th 2025 from the old man for all of his federal criminal legal woes. He could do a decade in prison..

    Jill Biden seems to like the limelight being the first lady… like being on the cover of Vogue and having her picture taken all the time and asked to pose etc. She was a model after she dropped out of college, sleepy Joe claims he saw her in advertisements before he married the babysitter…

  34. Juice Box says:

    No One – I am interested in how this guy went from $53,000 to around $275 million in wealth. He must have been trading since he departed social media three years ago, his wealth from the first GME run was something like 40 million. The movie and book deals etc could not have been that much…

  35. Juice Box says:

    3b – Kamala is the only choice…..This is the my reasoning. He may not even make it to November, and if they don’t choose Kamala there will be a large enough rift that might propel Trump back into office.

    Sleepy Joe has Lewy bodies piling up in his brain right now, abnormal clumps of alpha-synuclein proteins that smother and kill neurons. Studies say people last people five to eight years after diagnosis. If he was diagnosed and he should have been by now they are covering it up, he may be on year four…… Remember what happened with Robin William…. It’s not pretty, time is not on the side of Joe Biden or the Democrats.

  36. Chicago says:

    “Smear”? Just a brutal rendering of facts. Agreed it is not polite, but not their job.

    Juice Box says:
    July 1, 2024 at 9:42 am
    Interesting smear by the WSJ at Kamala. She is one heart beat away from being President right now if old sleepy Joe takes his final dirt nap, there is no reason why she cannot have the job come January.

    I will vote for Kamala….

  37. Libturd says:

    If dude was smart, he would stop investing and would instead open a hedge fund. Every Reddit stooge would follow him in and he could just take a giant commission win or lose. You are always better off making money off of other people’s money. Just ask the average politician.


  38. Chicago says:

    I am still perplexed by the uproar from the debate. #1 how was it any different from what was clearly evident for a significant period of time? #2. What is the upshot anyway?

  39. Juice Box says:

    Lib – bare minimum for a hedge fund is a liquid net worth of at least $1 million.

    He would be better going with a Kathy Woods type of demented investing plan and dumping some garbage stocks into several ETFs and pumping them on CNBC. He can get his fees that way instead and trying to rip off the rich with a 2 and 20 fee schedule.

  40. Chicago says:

    FYI – from the point Yellen distorted the curve to now, the amount of wealth asset holders have amassed is shocking. The spread between those with wealth and everyone else is widening dramatically.

  41. Juice Box says:

    Chi – “was clearly evident?” We are taking Cognitive Dissonance here says the head shrinkers. As I have said there is no time for debate…..


  42. Libturd says:


    Biden’s declining rapidly. During the Howard Stern interview late April, he was completely coherent. Though he did talk a lot more slowly. If you don’t have Sirius XM, lots of snippets are on X and Instagram. His physical shape appears to be declining rapidly too. He can only walk very slowly, and I noticed him doing that move, when a line painted on the floor appears to be a step. So you put your foot out to check before taking a step. It looks like a horse counting. He did that on his way off the debate stage. My dad was sharp as a tack until he started taking opiods to relieve the pain from his cancer. His mental and physical capacity collapsed in three months and he died shortly after. I witnessed first-hand someone go from 100% normal to near vegetable in three months. I think this is where Biden is. Why he doesn’t step down is idiotic.


    Scroll through the interview and stop anywhere and listen to him. This is not the same person.

  43. BRt says:

    Lib, the signs were all there in 2020. They are just getting worse. 2020 was supposed to be when you take the keys away from Grandpa, not give them to him.

  44. 3b says:

    Chicago: The public has clearly seen it, but the press and the Democratic machine dismissed any concerns about Biden’s mental health. If any one questioned it, it was deemed a hatchet job, or done in support of Trump. It’s only after Thursday’s debate that the Dem elites are now forced to acknowledge it.

  45. 3b says:

    Juice: There was chatter some time back that Jill urged Biden to run for a second term , as his initial intent was to only do one term. If that’s the truth, it’s shameful on Jill s part.

    As for Kamala, it’s scary thinking she could be President. She is clueless top to bottom . I don’t know how she was state attorney general of California for all those years. Yes, it will be messy, and there will be cries that Kamala is being discriminated against because she is a woman and person of color. Open convention in August and see where it goes. If Kamala becomes the nominee it’s assured that Trump will win in my opinion.

  46. Juice Box says:

    Lib – If he does not step down could be a Kamala coup coming then.

    Only the vice president and a majority of cabinet members can vote to declare a commander in chief “unable to discharge the powers and the duties of his office” under the 25th amendment Section 4 which has never been invoked.

    History said they thought about it back in 1987 when Ronald Reagan during his last year as President was having his senior moments.

  47. Juice Box says:

    Holy Crap…. Trump will skate on erection interference charges!! (yes that was intentional)…


  48. LAX says:

    The Summer of Donnie

  49. Fast Eddie says:

    Football Score:

    Trump: 67
    Democrats: 3

  50. 3b says:

    Thousands of ultra Orthodox men demonstrated and attacked Israeli police yesterday because they don’t want to serve in the military. Shameful on their part , all the benefits of living in Israel, but let other young men and women die to protect the country.

  51. LAX says:

    America: where liars and crooks thrive.

  52. Libturd says:

    Kamala is terrible. And unqualified.

  53. leftwing says:

    “No One – I am interested in how this guy went from $53,000 to around $275 million in wealth…”

    “If dude was smart, he would stop investing and would instead open a hedge fund.”

    Nothing dictates that these moneys are ‘his’ wealth….simply that he has sole dispositive power, which is the general definition of a ‘fund’…

  54. leftwing says:

    “…from the point Yellen distorted the curve to now, the amount of wealth asset holders have amassed is shocking. The spread between those with wealth and everyone else is widening dramatically.”

    Stop confusing liberals with facts. The wealth gap is due to those nasty Repubs, you know, and their reverse-Robin Hood tax policies taking all the money from the hands of the poor…

  55. OC1 says:

    Everything going on now reminds me of that old chinese curse- “may you live in interesting times”.

  56. Juice Box says:

    Left – By all accounts he is trading in a personal E-trade account, this includes his SEC filing. You cannot do that with an LLC or any otherCorp.


  57. leftwing says:

    “Biden’s declining rapidly. During the Howard Stern interview late April, he was completely coherent…Scroll through the interview and stop anywhere and listen to him. This is not the same person.”

    “Lib, the signs were all there in 2020. They are just getting worse. 2020 was supposed to be when you take the keys away from Grandpa, not give them to him.”

    The man wanders around stage shaking hands with invisible people and the leader of the free world is shepherded around the Rose Garden by a giant Easter Bunny to prevent him from speaking off-script. Hell, he hasn’t given a press conference since he was elected, right, lol. His condition is long term and was entirely visible to those not wearing Red colored glasses….

    Lib, you chose to believe the highly curated version of him carefully guarded by the Democrat Party…they just ran out of places to hide him. Now the lie (and THAT is the true Big Lie) is so painfully thrust forward even the most indoctrinated liberal can no longer drink the kool-aid.

  58. Chicago says:

    I think that Biden was tired. Of course, I am not disagreeing with anything that people say, but older people when they are fatigued come across as if they are completely losing their marbles. I’ve seen multiple examples across the last couple of decades in my work.

  59. Juice Box says:

    FYI I was not kidding either.

    This dropped today. FLOTUS is in charge…


  60. leftwing says:

    Juice, re: Kitty, understood and I saw the 13G…again, all that indicates is that he has sole dispositive power over those shares he filed. AFAI recall no obligation to disclose the source of those funds absent explicit requirements in SEC regs.

    Could be 250 million people all giving him a buck on crowdsourcing…as long as he doesn’t act in concert with anyone providing him funding no need to disclose.

  61. leftwing says:

    Haha, from that Vogue tweet/cover TIL that Bernie Sanders has a wife. Don’t know why that blows my mind a bit.

    “FLOTUS gets praise from Bernie Sanders’ spouse Jane.”

  62. OC1 says:


    there is definitely a lot of truth in what you are saying, but two things;

    1) much of the talk about Biden’s decline was coming from right wing media. Some of it was BS, but some of it was accurate. But, unfortunately, when stories of Biden’s decline are sandwhiched between a zillion stories about “Dominion voting machines rigging the election”, “Hunter’s laptop”, and “the Biden crime family” those news sources tend to lose credibility among intelligent people.

    2) Biden has been a very effective president. Whether you like his policies or not, it’s hard to deny that he’s been very effective at passing legislation and implementing policies that he wanted.

    Got a bipartisan infrastructure bill, and manufacturing investment in the US is way up (two things Trump repeatedly tried (remember “infrastructure week”?) and failed to accomplish. Strengthened our aliances around the world. Reinvigorated NATO. Oil and gas production at all time highs, unemployment down from 10% to 4%…

    And just a few weeks ago, he was able to convince house republicans to go against Trump’s wishes and fund Ukraine!

    As the saying goes “nothing succeeds like success”. It was just hard to square the stories of his mental decline with the successes he was having as president.

    I’m still not sure how serious Biden’s mental decline is. But one things for sure-it’s only going to get worse.

    At this point I think Biden needs to ignore his handlers and do a lot more unscripted events. Interviews, press conferences… Let the American people see where he stands.

    If he’s unable to do that, then he should step aside.

  63. BRT says:

    The state of Reagan and Biden is not even comparable. This was Reagan’s final press conference. 30 minutes of eloquent arguments and responses. Btw, 30 minutes of good hard questioning and professionalism from the media as well.


  64. OC1 says:

    You know who I really feel sorry for right now? The judge in Trumps hush money case.

    Sentencing is in less than 2 weeks. What’s the usual sentence for a first time offender convicted of 30+ white collar felonies?

    How will that sentence be carried out if Trump becomes president?

    Will we have a president that has to spend 10 weekends picking up trash along the side of the road in an orange jumpsuit???

    At that point, our desent into a bananna republic will be complete.

  65. leftwing says:

    OC, I’ll agree with you on the lack of credibility from both sides of the media aisle, impacting the believability of anything reported.

    On the successes, I’ll go three quarters of the way…where I won’t go is, first, the two issues are distinct and different, ie. the suitability of someone to be in the office vs. what the office can accomplish. That is, ‘successes’ don’t equal suitability. Second, I see ‘successes’ but not identical to yours (unemployment decline attributed to Joe, oil gas likewise was despite not because of him, etc).

    The office can have accomplishments regardless of the individual’s personality or suitability. Likewise the office was specifically designed to limit the influence and power of any individual within it. Which is some solace when whichever of these two characters put their hand on a Bible on the Mall on a cold day next January…

    “It was just hard to square the stories of his mental decline with the successes he was having as president.”

  66. No One says:

    You didn’t know about how in the 80s Bernie Sanders took his wife to the USSR for their honeymoon?

  67. Fast Eddie says:

    The only accomplishment by O’Biden is doing a boom boom in the potty.

  68. No One says:

    Thanks for that link. I remembered that Reagan was fading a bit versus earlier and not as sharp in his second term as his first term, particularly before the assassination attempt. I think the gunshot permanently took some energy out of him. But in this clip he’s at least 10x sharper than Biden is now. I think Biden going into shouting mode a couple of days ago fooled some people into thinking he’s still got it. No, it seems like he either mumbles or he shouts, neither is normal.

  69. BRT says:

    Biden can’t fake it without the teleprompter, and sometimes he can’t even fake it with the teleprompter. That’s why there has been no press conferences. That’s why a gaggle of women scream at the press to get out the instant they try to ask him a question.

  70. OC1 says:


    I agree that successes don’t equal suitability (for Biden or Trump). My statement was more in the line of an explanation, and not a justification.

    But the job of president is as much about “not doing things” as “doing things”.

    As Obama said- “don’t do stupid stuff”.

    Even if Biden didn’t do much to promote oil and gas production (although I’m pretty sure the IRA contained some pro oil stuff), neither did he do much to impede it (despite what many of his supporters wanted).

  71. LAX says:

    I still think that Trump will lose the election.

  72. OC1 says:

    One more thing before I head out for a hike (I’ve been too agreeable today- gotta preserve my reputation!)

    Right now I think we are seeing the real difference between the left-leaning media and the right-leaning media.

    Left-leaning media (like the NYT and the Atlantic) are being critical of Biden (in both reporting and editorials) in a way that the right-leaning media has never been about Trump.

  73. Libturd says:

    That’s because MAGA can’t do no wrong.

  74. LAX says:

    1:22 Keep sucking that orange mushroom

    ( )( )==D — gary — gary —

  75. LAX says:

    Make sure you pick up your Hawk Tuah

  76. leftwing says:

    “Left-leaning media (like the NYT and the Atlantic) are being critical of Biden (in both reporting and editorials) in a way that the right-leaning media has never been about Trump.”

    “That’s because MAGA can’t do no wrong.”

    You guys are smoking dope.

    The NYT turned from the paper of record to tabloid garbage.

    Only when it became absolutely impossible to continue to hide the obvious while gaslighting an entire population does the NYT/CNN/MSNBC etc hop on the bandwagon…and that gets them credit in your eyes?

    You’re in this pickle of having a vegetable as President and nominee specifically because of the leftist media.


  77. Fast Eddie says:

    I wanna see the angry, binary chubbies scream at the sky when Trump wins again.


  78. 3b says:

    Left: The WSJ is what I would call a right leaning publication, and they have and are not afraid of criticizing Trump. Now as you note that The NY Times and WP and CNBC have finally realized they can’t dismiss Biden’s decline any more, someone claims they are brave to do it vs the right wing media and Trump. Unbelievable!

  79. leftwing says:


    So, at today’s share price of a whopping 0.32 the company now has a *negative* enterprise value.

    To the tune of over $200 million.

    It is literally worth more today dead than alive.

    In grabbing the latest financials I am floored by all the insider selling at these prices…Austin Che, a founder, has dumped around 240,000 shares at around a buck or less in 60+ separate trades over the last three months alone…..

    This is not some junior employee selling to cover taxes on a share grant. Fucking founder dumping a quarter million shares for under a buck.

    But, hey, it’s all about interest rates, right?


  80. Libturd says:

    MAGA can celebrate for now. A bomb threat was called into the public library during a drag queen story time yesterday. The amount of wasted resources from this stunt and disappointed kids was stunning. Half the fucking town was on lockdown. I anxiously look forward to four more years of hatred from these so-called patriots who are completely duped by a carnival barker who dyes his face red and grabs them by the pussy.

    And yes, Biden should step down. But he won’t. It probably won’t matter. If I was gay or lesbian, I would high tail it outta here long before January.

    If you want some investment advice, sell everything you possibly can and put it into index funds. Trump will be raising tariffs on imports making everything you get from China a bloody fortune resulting in crazy inflation. The only way you will be able to stay ahead, will be to have A LOT of money in the stock market. Because lord knows, another fail to trickle down corporate tax cut is coming (plus ZIRP for sure), and no company in their right mind is going to use that excess profit to grow. They will just buy back shares once again juiceing EPS. Just like last time around, the rich will get richer. The middle and lower classes? You’ll be paying a premium for everything. But at least the interest rates on your car loans and credit card debt will be slightly lower. Just look out for the economic collapse that is going to happen when China decides they are not going to pay a tariff and cuts off exports. All brought to you from a guy who incredulously has more bankruptcies than wives (if you don’t count the mistresses).

    Fear not, I will let you know, well ahead of the collapse. And make sure you talk to your kids about abstinence.

  81. LAX says:

    3:46 we’ll all lose if that idiot ever holds office again.
    Everything he touches turns to shit.

  82. 3b says:

    LAX: Agreed. And we can hate both parties for what they have done. The Republicans for giving us Trump again, and the Dems for giving us Biden. Shame on both parties. You can decide which party is deserving of more blame/shame, but in the end we will all lose.

  83. Libturd says:

    Sadly, absolutely true. Both parties are bonafide tire fires.

  84. leftwing says:

    Nice rant, but you’re the one duped Lib.

    Also save the wealth gap and unfairness tripe until and unless you decide *you’ll* donate all of your excess wealth accretion over these years.

    That’s what I really dislike about liberals…charitable and critical with everyone else’s money. At least be an honest conservative/libertarian…take your money, own that it is your money, and tell the rest to get moving.

    Easier to virtue wrap I guess….

  85. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    July 1, 2024 at 11:34 am
    “Kamala is terrible. And unqualified.”

    Who, among all of the potential Dem replacements for Joe — either as president right now, or as nominee — isn’t terrible and unqualified? T+U are literally prerequisites for success in the modern Dem party and accurately describe every ‘nationally known’ Dem. Who would make you happy as a replacement ? Gavin Gruesome, the leader of failing Cali? Fatso Pritzker or Bucktooth Phil, the leaders of broken and broke Illinois and NJ? Shrillary the ambassador killer? AOC, Hakeem the Dream, Bill DeBlasio, mayor of Oakland, “empty suit Pete B”?

  86. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    July 1, 2024 at 5:17 pm
    “Sadly, absolutely true. Both parties are bonafide tire fires.”

    Not true! Just the ranting of a blue state stooge. The reason people are abandoning blue states and piling into red ones is because there are R’s governing well all over the place. You won’t admit it, but you obviously know it’s true because you sent your kid to college in a red state — where the state U is booming in large part because the state itself is well-governed and attracting top-notch human and financial capital.

  87. LAX says:

    I find it amusing that Republicans are rallying around a man who tried like hell to interfere with an election. Clearly a liar, a cheater, and probably the worst President we’ve ever had. They’ll put a complete idiot, a proven losers back at the helm so that the US can be a Christian Country. So that the Gays don’t get the same freedoms as the straits? To own the libs? It’s nuts to watch and I find no reason to ever vote for a republican. Do I always agree with the DEMs style of government or execution? Nope.
    But I and many, many others still prefer freedom over government mandated laws. I think Biden needs to go. Will he? I dunno. I think the GOP had a fine week. But I still like the Blue Team this year.

  88. Fabius Maximus says:

    OC1 “sandwiched between a zillion stories about ” That is the key here. MAGA are so brain washed by media that will just exploit them. I saw a piece from the Jail in Danbury today. Classic old dude with a long grey beard and a beer gut, crying as Bannon was his rock since Rush died.

    This reminds me of that time Hillary had a cold and the Keyboard Neurosurgeons in here were proclaiming Brain Tumor.

    Maya Contreras @mayatcontreras https://x.com/mayatcontreras/status/1807635572715921830
    Just a reminder, the media did to Hillary what they’re doing to Joe now and she was 15 years younger than Joe. They weren’t really concerned about Hillary’s health or Joe’s. They’re concerned about clicks, subscription numbers, and their shareholders.

    It was a bad debate. He bounced back the next day with his NC rally. The debate is in the rear view mirror. We now have the SCOTUS ruling to focus on. The campaign moves forward. No one is getting replaced.

  89. LAX says:

    I think the best course of action is to dump Kamala if Biden won’t leave. She brings no votes to the table. Those people that do support her aint voting red. Ever.

    So you put a really strong 2nd in there to reassure people that of Joe has to go early in the term, they be a strong leader waiting in the Wings.

    Look, things are completely hilarious if you really think about it. I for one am just curious if the DNC will actually so something right this time, There is a lot at stake for them. I know if they fuck it up, then we are really in for a weird ride.

  90. Juice Box says:

    BTW from todays ruling..read the last sentence.

    (3) Presidents cannot be indicted based on conduct for which they are immune from prosecution. On remand, the District Court must carefully analyze the indictment’s remaining allegations to determine whether they too involve conduct for which a President must be immune from prosecution. And the parties and the District Court must ensure that sufficient allegations support the indictment’s charges without such conduct. Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial. Pp. 30–32

  91. SmallGovConservative says:

    LAX says:
    July 1, 2024 at 1:51 pm
    “I still think that Trump will lose the election.”

    Again, the view of a blue state stooge who thinks that everyone is like him — willing to bend over and accept the non-stop failures of Dem governance.

    There is no way for the Dems to legitimately win this election. If they ‘win’, it will require the same kind of chicanery as in 2020, which I have no doubt they’ll try — phony national ’emergency’, throwing T in jail (which is almost a certainty after the debate debacle), all of the above…

  92. Fabius Maximus says:

    NYT lost all credibility years ago. I think the final straw before last week, was Maggies Haberman showing up as a Trump Patsy in the Hush money trial.
    CNN went down the toilet when they appointed Sarah Isgur as political editor.

  93. LAX says:

    5:57 wait and see. The GOP fields such nutbags.
    Add a few more and continue down the road to Idiocracy.

  94. LAX says:

    Exhibit A-

    “…of chicanery as in 2020, which I have no doubt they’ll try — phony national ’emergency’….”

    Maybe Jewish space lasers will come into play.

  95. 3b says:

    Lib: As for hatred , gay pride parades were disrupted over the weekend by anti Israel protesters. Floats were defaced and damaged. Participation attacked. Hate ain’t a right wing thing as some like to believe.

  96. 3b says:

    The silly narrative now by the Democrats is ok fine Biden had a bad night at the debate, but he came back strong the next day at the NC rally. Biden is elderly and the good days/ bad days is fine for an elderly person, but not an elderly person who is the President of the country. I can’t believe people actually think this is rational.

  97. OC1 says:

    “The WSJ is what I would call a right leaning publication, and they have and are not afraid of criticizing Trump.”

    I agree re the WSJ news side- very good reporters and very objective. But the editorial side… not so much.

  98. 3b says:

    Oc1: I have seen the editorial side call Trump to task as well at times, as opposed to The NY Times.

  99. leftwing says:

    “I think Biden needs to go. Will he?”


    Aside from his/her unwillingness to leave the Office you need someone the electorate could view as capable and they need to be able to get on State ballots.

    On the first point no Dem in line for a future Presidential run would touch this election with a ten foot pole. It’s a lose/lose proposition for them, the definition of a suicide pass. You saw that with the CA Dem-bot, he couldn’t ‘get behind Joe 100%’ quickly or forcefully enough to take his name off the table.

    Politicians are sociopathic machiavellians. Anyone qualified has done the math and will pass. Out of ‘respect for Joe’ of course lol.

    On the second point recall States set the rules for who and how one appears on the ballot…I haven’t done any dive into it but with the primaries complete you could very well have an issue with ballot access if a new candidate were to come out of left field. I mentioned this a few days ago regarding the virtual roll call for the DNC to meet the OH ballot certification by August 7.

    Biden will be the candidate, and the MSM and their leftist cohorts will continue to lie to your faces and shout at you to not believe your own eyes regarding this senile old man.

  100. Libturd says:

    The whole red state/blue state thing is utter crapola. Trump was a terrible president. All of his claims are utter bullshit. Like he kept us out of wars. And Biden kept us safe from any new pandemics. What the right calls achievement is completely laughable. Trump’s cabinet looked like Grand Central. He was the most amazing grifter in chief. His tax plan was a complete failure and thats with his forced ZIRP in play. I see how well his Middle East peace accords are working. He claims he has deals with China and then China says they never agreed to anything. He started the whole inflation problem, left it to the Dems who solved it and MAGA is mad that the Dems didn’t figure out how to bring back the old prices. He is a convicted felon. A business failure too many times to count. And get this. He’s really a closet-blue stater. And how about all of those questions he straight up avoided at the debate. Not a peep out of the right on his completely shitty performance. Sure, he outspoke a corpse. Big whoop. And how is that health plan coming along that he promised in 2015?

    You are all free to believe what you want to choose. I am one of the few centrists here willing to admit that both parties absolutely stink. I’ve had the same argument all along. I want a party that will live and let people live. Not one that wants to restrict the rights of women and to force gays to keep it in their pants. Or bring the bible back to school or to give the president dictator powers. If you are going to burn it all down to replace it with this shit? Forget about it. I’ll take the corruption instead.

    The Dems have a lot of their social positions right. MAGA would mandate church on Sunday if they could. Yes, the Dem party is one big corrupt gravy train. But at least with the debt they are growing, we are getting much needed infrastructure (like the second train tunnel under the Hudson). Trump raised the debt similarly and all most have to show for it are wealthier friends among the wealthy.

    As for the excuse that wealthy liberals who don’t volunteer to give all of their money away is somehow proof that they are against more fair taxation. One plus one does not equal too. Many of today’s wealthiest openly admit the way the tax system is setup will lead to it’s earlier demise. Buffet says it. Gates says it. I think Graham said it too. I guess they all should have given all of their money away until they had a net worth equal to the average American. Right? Dumbest statement ever.

    Ultimately, Trump winning will provide many of the wealthier among us with a wonderful retirement, much better than I could have ever imagined. But as much as I don’t have to worry about my financial security, I have a heart for those less fortunate than me. And those who unfortunately were born in the wrong gender or want to buttfuck.

    Trump helping the middle class. That’s so rich. That’s about as dumb as MAGA believing that Trump is like them or even cares one iota about them. This is where the duping is it’s greatest.

    I wonder how many abortions Trump had to pay for before he decided to ban them.

    And now, four more years of watching the leader of the free world act like a giant buffoon to to please the people who think Roadhouse deserved the Academy Award for Best Film.

  101. OC1 says:

    “I can’t believe people actually think this is rational.”

    Is it any less rational than wanting to elect a convicted felon who commited sexual assault and tried to overthrow the election results the last time he was in office?

    They’re not there yet, but give the Dems time. They are working hard to challenge the R’s to be the “party of crazy”.

  102. Libturd says:

    ‘Biden will be the candidate, and the MSM and their leftist cohorts will continue to lie to your faces and shout at you to not believe your own eyes regarding this senile old man.’

    You clearly did not turn away from FoxNews after the debate.

  103. OC1 says:

    “Oc1: I have seen the editorial side call Trump to task as well at times,”

    Because the tax cuts for the rich weren’t big enough?

  104. Libturd says:

    And let me know when Fox news or any of the right wing media has a single negative thing to say about the Orange guy.

    It’s all the same. Why would you expect the left wing media to tear into Biden?

  105. leftwing says:

    “I am one of the few centrists here”


    “Many of today’s wealthiest openly admit the way the tax system is setup will lead to it’s earlier demise. Buffet says it. Gates says it. I think Graham said it too. I guess they all should have given all of their money away until they had a net worth equal to the average American. Right? Dumbest statement ever.”

    Breathe hard, grab some meds, that was a long rant for me to even find that gem…

    So please, professor, explain the fault with that line of thought?

    Because I have a major fucking issue with someone worth tens of billions who literally lives in an entirely different universe saying *I* have to pay more money because the tax system is so unfair while they sit on top of all that wealth.

    Anyone, anytime can write a voluntary check to the IRS.

    Put up. Or shut up.

    Or yeah, live in my shoes and then you have standing to opine what I should pay.

  106. Libturd says:

    Nasdaq 18,000 tomorrow? The country is clearly falling apart. Joe must go.

  107. Libturd says:

    At least Gates is extremely philanthropic. Buffet somewhat. Most of the others are very happy making oodles of money off of their money.

  108. leftwing says:

    “You clearly did not turn away from FoxNews after the debate.”

    Your foresight is clearly lacking.

    Stated what will happen, not what any idiot could have seen on TV last week.

    Mark it down. Very shortly when the Dems run through the processes above – no real takers for the top of the ticket and logistical issues if there were – every outlet from NYT outward will be behind Joe.

    Dems, for all their failings, are good little lemmings.

  109. OC1 says:

    I am skeptical that Trump will actually institute tariffs 10% across the board and 60% on china. Like most of the stuff he promised (eg, build the wall and have mexico pay for it, replace Obamacare with something better) he will give it a half hearted try and then lose interest when he realizes how hard it is to do, and the damage it will do to the US economy.

    Much more modest tariffs, with lot’s and lot’s of exemptions, are more likely.

    But if he really does try to do the things he says he will do, I look forward to the chaos that will ensue when he try’s to deport the 10 million illegal immigrants in the US.

    Illegals are 5% of our total workforce.
    A quarter of our construction workforce.
    And nearly HALF of our agricultural workforce.

    It will be fun to see videos of INS agents invading the MAGAland farm states and rounding up half of their farm workers.

    No need to worry about crops rotting in the fields, though. Americans will take those jobs.

    They’ll have to- probably taking their pay in produce because of the Venezualan levels of inflation we’ll be experiencing.

  110. OC1 says:

    “Mark it down. Very shortly when the Dems run through the processes above – no real takers for the top of the ticket and logistical issues if there were – every outlet from NYT outward will be behind Joe.”

    Given the binary choice we have, that is far and away the smartest thing to do.

    Sometimes both your choices are bad, but usually one is less bad than the other.

  111. 3b says:

    Oc1: I never said it was, and the thought process is just as flawed, if not more so in some respects. How is the President? Well, you know he has his good days and bad days, you know like any of us with elderly relatives. The Democrats could have and should have put up some one else to run, just like the Republicans should have. It’s pretty sad when the rationale was well Biden is the only one that can beat Trump.

  112. leftwing says:

    “I am skeptical that Trump will actually institute tariffs 10% across the board and 60% on china. Like most of the stuff he promised (eg, build the wall and have mexico pay for it, replace Obamacare with something better) he will give it a half hearted try…”

    Uhm, there’s also a funny little thing called Congress? Like, two houses? And a filibuster?

    So unless you believe the Rs get the Presidency, sweep the Senate with 60+ seats, and hold the House (unlikely) little of what he is proposing will see the light of day…

  113. 3b says:

    Lib: Keep it honest Buddy, NASDAQ 18,000 good for the likes of me and you and others here, doesn’t really do anything for the lower income people struggling with inflation, and the younger generations struggling with high house costs and rents and inflation too. And of course when a recession comes they will get slammed with job losses. It would be nice in these uncertain times if our choice for President wasn’t a lunatic on one hand vs our other choice he has his good days and bad days, you know how it is with elderly people.

  114. LAX says:

    He ain’t gonna win. Pure and Simple. The Supreme Court just made themselves a frightening defining fixture of this election. Their overt corruption and ties to insurrection and stupidity mean that these very “Justices” may need to be hung for treason.

  115. OC1 says:

    Frankly, if Trump does win, I’m not all all convinced that he won’t try to stay in office after his term ends.

    I am sure he will have no problem finding some lackey attorneys who will be happy to argue that the 22nd amendment is invalid.

    He didn’t care about the constitution the first time around; why would he care the second time?

  116. 3b says:

    Lib; Forget about Fox News anyone could see over the last 2 years how Biden has declined. The media said it was nothing, it was exaggerated, it was Fox News and others blowing it out of proportion. There are just to many instances including of course oh Joe is prone to gaffes and on and on it went. I didn’t expect the leftist media to tear into Biden, but to completely ignore it and say it was nothing, and now come out after Thursday’s debate and say oh it is something, it is concerning, he is not up to a second term. This is not new, it’s just after Thursday s debate it could not be spun or ignored anymore.

  117. BRT says:

    3b, I did. If you watched the past 2 weeks leading up to the debate, I believe they were making him more public and putting him in positions to demonstrate his decline. The fact that the media turned on him within 5 minutes leads me to believe, it’s all planned. Just a theory at this point.

  118. LAX says:

    Nothing too see here:

    New York

    The Trump Organization revealed plans Monday to develop a luxury Trump Tower in Saudi Arabia.

    The new tower will be built in Jeddah and developed in tandem with Dar Global, the international arm of Saudi mega-developer Dar Al Arkan.

  119. 3b says:

    Lib: As for the new Hudson Tunnel, we are 10 years away ( at least) from completion date. Who knows what NYC, north Jersey will be like at that point, will there be thousands of commuters every day, will more jobs have relocate to other parts of the country or world, more WFH/ hybrid. It’s a long way off before any real economic benefits if there are any at time will be felt. And of course, everything else is old, the tracks signals, stations, trains. In the meantime NJ Transit can’t even keep their system running, 3 major service suspensions last week.

  120. OC1 says:

    “Uhm, there’s also a funny little thing called Congress? Like, two houses? And a filibuster?

    So unless you believe the Rs get the Presidency, sweep the Senate with 60+ seats, and hold the House (unlikely) little of what he is proposing will see the light of day…”

    That’s why I said it would be too hard for him. He would actually have to show some leadership and negotiate and compromise…

    But don’t tell me- tell the people he’s selling that grift to!

    BTW- pretty sure the president can unilaterally institute some small tariffs on his own- but nowhere near 60%.

  121. OC1 says:

    “BTW from todays ruling..read the last sentence.

    (3) Presidents cannot be indicted based on conduct for which they are immune from prosecution. On remand, the District Court must carefully analyze the indictment’s remaining allegations to determine whether they too involve conduct for which a President must be immune from prosecution. And the parties and the District Court must ensure that sufficient allegations support the indictment’s charges without such conduct. Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial. Pp. 30–32”


    I ain’t no lawyer, but the way I read that is that if the pres and his advisors planned to commit a murder, and, say, one of those advisors got cold feet and went to the FBI, then that advisors testimony couldn’t be admitted at trial???

  122. Juice Bix says:

    Oc1 – seemingly only congress can remove him, the FBI and DOJ seemingly cannot investigate or prosecute, this is the end of any special council being appointed to investigate. I bet Clinton wishes he had this back in 1999, remember the Feds came with a warrant to the White House and drew his blood to do the DNA analysis of Lewinsky’s dress stain, she claimed it was presidential spunk, and well the needed hard evidence. Pun intended…

  123. Chicago says:

    WSJ Editorial column trashes Trump almost every day of week. The think he is an unbridled moron. From time to time he says stuff they find useful. That is the extent of their support of him.

    3b says:
    July 1, 2024 at 6:51 pm
    Oc1: I have seen the editorial side call Trump to task as well at times, as opposed to The NY Times.

  124. Chicago says:

    Article about Buffet in WSJ. Worth roughly $130B. Has donated at least 75 % of his wealth to a charitable trust since in the charge of his kids. The kids all sound like trust fund babies that are super, super, super progressive. Especially considering they are 68-71 years old. So it will be Soros redux

    Libturd says:
    July 1, 2024 at 7:18 pm
    At least Gates is extremely philanthropic. Buffet somewhat. Most of the others are very happy making oodles of money off of their money.

  125. Juice box says:

    2 year old SNL clip pretty funny now.


  126. Chicago says:

    Lib: to be absolutely clear, for the 100th time. We do not have a revenue (i.e., tax) problem. We have a spending problem.

  127. OC1 says:

    2 year old SNL clip pretty funny now.



  128. leftwing says:

    Nice pull on the SNL Juice, lol.

  129. OC1 says:


    With a very brief mention of one of our problems at about 30 secs.

  130. SmallGovConservative says:

    OC1 says:
    July 1, 2024 at 8:26 pm
    “if the pres and his advisors planned to commit a murder…”

    You realize that Joe ordered the murder of a guy delivering water in his minivan, along with his kids, right? The minivan was never a legit target; the guy and his kids were blown to smithereens just because Joe wanted to look tough after getting our marines killed during his disastrous Afghan surrender. And don’t forget his complicity in the murder and rape of numerous women by the illegal aliens that he’s allowed to roam the streets. So yeah, Joe is very lucky that he can hide behind his ‘official acts’ immunity.

  131. BRT says:

    MAGA can celebrate for now. A bomb threat was called into the public library during a drag queen story time yesterday.

    Lib, I’d love to hear your take on this:


    Btw, how do you know it was MAGA, maybe it was Hamas?

  132. Juice Box says:

    Chi – our spending problem has been due to our desire to defend pretty much everyone else we perceive are aligned with us or many others who could be aligned with us, that has been going on for a long time now, really since Korea. We are spending 100 billion more this year than in 2020! That is not including any actual war spending or foreign aid just the ability to have superiority over anyone else. If there was an actual war we are fighting in and not our proxies they will have to turn the money printing machine on to the tune of trillions like Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Before the 1970s it was somewhat manageable, now we have run up the credit to the point where it is going to cause a reset. I would say the reset is inevitable at this point. Nobody believes we can grow out of this debt. What the world looks like after that reset who knows, but most likely the divide between the haves and have nots will widen.

    We need new leadership, and well we haven’t gotten it. The failing of just our congress alone with massive omnibus spending bills and failure over the last 40 years to find some balance with just deficit spending, the only ones left in congress and government from that era are still in power, they are clinging to that power until they are headed to their final resting place, nobody sane runs for office anymore. It could take a generation or more…

  133. Juice Box says:

    lol – Spray tan special for Joe Biden’s scotus scolding today? There is no way that is just lighting, his face blends in with the wooden door behind him at the White House.

  134. LAX says:

    ( )( )======D –spray tan —

  135. Juice Box says:

    Spray tan won’t fix this. Here is a good read on common knowledge theory.


  136. Juice Box says:

    LAX – White House should not be an Assisted living memory care facility. That goes for Trump too….

    From my early morning post this on the last thread. Here is a good read on common knowledge theory.


    Frankly anyone saying it’s too late to replace Biden, no it is not. They need to convince the delegates and they need to understand he is only going to get much much worse very quickly. No amount of care can slow the progression of this disease.

  137. Juice Box says:

    Fab – look it up I said Andy Beshear a few years ago. Heck I’ll take our own Governor Phil Murphy over Sleepy Joe now. How about Katie Hobbs?

    Anybody but Joe.

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