NJ #2 in price increases

From CoreLogic:

Home-price growth starting to cool: CoreLogic

Home prices continue to rise even as low inventory and high mortgage rates are keeping first-time and repeat homebuyers out of the market, but the pace of appreciation is starting to cool.

That’s according to CoreLogic’s Home Price Index report, released Tuesday, which shows that annualized home-price growth in June slipped below 5% for the second consecutive month. Prices rose 0.3% from May to June, which is less than half the average growth rate of 0.8% recorded during the same period prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Housing market activity essentially froze at the end of the spring home-buying season as high mortgage rates continued to compress affordability and dissuade potential homebuyers,” CoreLogic chief economist Selma Hepp said in a statement. 

“In addition, cooling home prices continued to spread across more markets. The April surge in mortgage rates notably weighed on consumer sentiment, and consumers increasingly chose to respond to the anticipation of a lower mortgage rate environment later this year.”

Geographically, South Dakota posted the highest rate of year-over-year price growth at 10%. Behind the Mount Rushmore State were New Jersey (9.3%), Rhode Island (9.2%), Connecticut (8.5%) and New Hampshire (8.2%). At the opposite end of the spectrum, Texas and Louisiana each posted gains of less than 1%, while Oregon, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Minnesota and Arkansas posted gains of 1% to 3%.

At the metro level, Miami posted the highest annualized gain in June at 10%, followed by San Diego and Las Vegas at 7.5% and Chicago at 7.2%. Houston (1.7%) and Denver (1.9%) continue to grow at more sluggish rates.

Looking forward to July, the CoreLogic index forecasts slower growth of 0.3% month over month and 2.3% year over year.

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Housing Bubble, New Jersey Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

109 Responses to NJ #2 in price increases

  1. grim says:

    Walz is a better public speaker with his Chadron State College education than Vance is with his Yale.

  2. Hughesrep says:

    He hasn’t nailed a couch, and he knows his way around a good hot dish.

    Probably puts them on defense in rural areas as well. Politically if they can shave a few points off of the Trump+20 areas with the gun nuts and religious freaks it gives them a much easier path with multiple states in the electoral college.

    Shapiro introduced Kamala’s Jewish husband, but they are the anti-Semite party, not the guys that pal around with Nick Fuentes.

  3. 1987 condo says:

    I’m not sure bringing up a fake story in your first speech is the way to go, but maybe it is!

  4. grim says:

    Trump/Vance wear more makeup collectively than any presidential ticket in history, so maybe they are more progressive than we think?

  5. Phoenix says:

    Keep that still running. I need a bottle for the end times.

    Trump/Vance wear more makeup collectively than any presidential ticket in history, so maybe they are more progressive than we think?

  6. Chad Powers says:

    I don’t think Harris made a good move with her VP pick. Kind of the same mistake Trump made. Better to have someone more in the middle who appeals to swing voters. But hey what do I know, I‘m just your average American.

  7. Phoenix says:

    The devastated husband of a female PE teacher accused of sexually abusing a male student sobbed as he waited outside his wife’s court case.

    Poor guy. Thought he married “the one.”

    Today’s women just cannot stop Monkey Branching, even with children. Or doing things like this.

    They have their own version of “Qualified Immunity.” Hehe


  8. Fast Eddie says:

    Behind the Mount Rushmore State were New Jersey (9.3%)…

    NJ is the house version of Taylor Swift ticket demand and pricing. By the way, I feed the squirrels, chipmunks and cardinals in the morning. They come to the deck balcony in the morning and look up at the door. It’ll be in the contract if/when I’m ready to sell. And I expect nothing less than full ask on your bids.

  9. Phoenix says:

    Chad Powers says:
    August 7, 2024 at 7:55 am

    I don’t think Harris made a good move with her VP pick.

    There are no good picks. Everyone you get to choose from is connected, racist, narcissist, criminal, or sexist.

    Or any other “ist” there is. The only thing they all have in common is they are all greedy Bas Turds that will sell your ass out for a sno-cone.

  10. Phoenix says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    August 7, 2024 at 8:05 am

    It’ll be in the contract if/when I’m ready to sell. And I expect nothing less than full ask on your bids.

    You will be the target during the first purge. Just for the safe full of Chex Mix.

  11. Very Stable Genius says:

    Rightwingers wanted Shapiro and are freaking out with Waltz

  12. Very Stable Genius says:

    For a century the KKK has gone after blacks and Jews.

    Trump publicly said there are great people on both sides.

  13. Fast Eddie says:

    You will be the target during the first purge. Just for the safe full of Chex Mix.

    After all I’ve done for the gen z and millennial crowd and this is how they repay me.

  14. 3b says:

    Hughes: So Shapiro who is Jewish introduces Kamala s husband who is also Jewish, and that means there is no anti semitism in the Democratic Party. That’s all it takes?

  15. 3b says:

    Very: And now they are part of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

  16. SmallGovConservative says:

    grim says:
    August 7, 2024 at 6:53 am
    “Walz is a better public speaker…”

    And a certified coward, right?

    Hughesrep says:
    August 7, 2024 at 7:09 am
    “Probably puts them on defense in rural areas…”

    Wishful thinking. Remember, people in other parts of the country, especially rural areas, aren’t like you and the other blue-state stooges. They wake up early to get work done, not to defend Carmella and whichever cuck she chooses to work for her.

    You guys do understand that there’s no chance that Carmella can legitimately win this election, right? Of course that means the next ~80 days could be very interesting as Dem desperation sets in — there’s no telling what they’ll do, but it wouldn’t shock me if the USSS ‘accidentally’ makes another mistake.

  17. Phoenix says:

    This election is increasingly becoming more and more like a Bleve.

  18. Hold my beer says:

    It’s 1984 vs The Handmaid’s Tale

  19. Phoenix says:

    Buy RGR stock.

  20. Fast Eddie says:

    Buy a Glock 9.

  21. LAX says:

    9:03 not like bone spurs though. He led the charge to the buffet.

  22. Chicago says:

    Phx: welcome back; you were missed

  23. Chicago says:

    Ten 394

  24. No One says:

    Trump has proven he can lose to nearly anyone. Many would prefer an empty suit to him. I hope his MAGA movement ends with him, but it looks like the nationalist-welfare-statists cult of personality types hope to keep his brand of politics alive beyond potentially two successive presidential losses.

  25. Chicago says:

    Does not fit narrative, must suppress

    Tim Walz’s past DUI arrest for driving 96 mph in a 55 zone comes back to haunt VP pick

  26. Phoenix says:

    Chi and all

    Needed a break

    Took some time off. Spent more time in LAX’s neighborhood SoCal

    I can see why he likes it there. City itself eh, but the outskirts are nice.

    I staked my claim for my future homeless encampment. Weather should be perfect.


  27. Very Stable Genius says:

    He lost the popular vote twice and he lost his reelection.

    The insurrectionist coup d’etat was his only option

    No One says:
    August 7, 2024 at 9:50 am
    Trump has proven he can lose to nearly anyone. Many would prefer an empty suit to him. I hope his MAGA movement ends with him, but it looks like the nationalist-welfare-statists cult of personality types hope to keep his brand of politics alive beyond potentially two successive presidential losses.

  28. LAX says:

    9:56 LA is a little dystopian but the canyons and beaches are very cool.

  29. LAX says:

    You missed our little 5.6 earthquake last night.
    Fun little shaker. My eighties vintage home shakes and shimmies, but never a crack or crunch. Fun!

  30. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Welcome back. Hope you got lots of rest and relaxation in.

  31. 3b says:

    HELOC balances have reached a record high reaching a peak of 11.5 trillion in June. This is a 20 percent increase since 2021.

  32. 3b says:

    Interest rates on HELOC s as of July 31, were 9.18 percent.

  33. Grim says:

    Saw an ad about taking a heloc for a vacation.

    It’s been a while…

  34. NJCoast says:

    Another health tip after Grim’s colonoscopy advice: If you’re male, ever smoked, overweight, have high blood pressure, or over 60, have an ultrasound of your major arteries once a year. Unfortunately insurance doesn’t cover it but it’s only around $100- $200. Luckily my husband was up late playing poker when he collapsed at the table and they called an ambulance (Hatzalah). Turns out it was a ruptured abdominal aortic artery. 90% don’t make it to the operating table, he would have been home sleeping if not playing cards and died in his sleep. If an enlarged artery is picked up in a routine ultrasound it can be easily stented. Medical technology is amazing, what used to be hours on the operating table with opening up the abdomen is now done vascularly through the groin. Looks like he’ll get to see the grandchildren grow up a bit longer.

  35. Phoenix says:

    If an enlarged artery is picked up in a routine ultrasound it can be easily stented.

    Easily. Haha.

    Not so much when your problem is near the renals.

    Or when the stents leak. I’ve done both. But yes, endovascular has advantages. When you are a candidate that is.

  36. Grim says:

    Lost the hand, walked away a winner that night. WOW.

    Glad to hear he made it though. I’m sure healing is not going to be easy. That kind of thing really changes your outlook on life, usually for the better.

  37. 3b says:

    Grim: Surprised there are not more HELOC ads.

  38. Very Stable Genius says:

    Bet in the future everyone will be on Ozempic.
    Reduces all issues. Including gambling addiction.

    I own the stock

    Grim says:
    August 7, 2024 at 11:48 am
    Lost the hand, walked away a winner that night. WOW.

    Glad to hear he made it though. I’m sure healing is not going to be easy. That kind of thing really changes your outlook on life, usually for the better.

  39. Very Stable Genius says:

    The over 65 are lucky to enjoy big government Socialist universal healthcare.

    Not available for the rest

  40. Jim says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    August 7, 2024 at 12:00 pm
    The over 65 are lucky to enjoy big government Socialist universal healthcare.

    You have to work for it simpleton, and pay into it…..it is not a freebee. You obviously need to learn a lot of how America was built. We take care of our aged, which you seem to have a problem understanding.

  41. Hold my beer says:

    We need an ETF that focuses on companies that make people fatter, dumber, and deeper in debt.

  42. 3b says:

    Very Stable: Stop complaining. You pay $4000.00 for your suits. Health insurance should not be an issue for you.

  43. 3b says:

    Apparently the Trump camp is relieved at the Walz VP pick. They were concerned it might be Shapiro.

  44. Jim says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    August 7, 2024 at 11:57 am
    Bet in the future everyone will be on Ozempic.
    Reduces all issues. Including gambling addiction.

    I own the stock

    I hope you do better at stock picking, that stock is down 11% today. I remember you were bragging about coinbase, that’s down 40% from its high. Now I understand why you want socialized medicine for all. You only pick losers. LOL

  45. Grim says:

    Tim Walz’s past DUI arrest for driving 96 mph in a 55 zone comes back to haunt VP pick

    Waylon Jenning’s good ol boys was on the radio, what would you expect?

    Dude is going to out hillbilly the hillbilly.

  46. Grim says:

    Walz coming over tonight to help me change my hot water heater.

  47. Phoenix says:

    Glad to hear your husband is okay. Nothing easy about what he went through.

    I lost a young co-worker a few weeks ago. Illness.

    You never know when your time is up. Luckily his wasn’t.

    It’s nice to hear about the wins.

  48. Fast Eddie says:


    Heartfelt feeling here. Hope all goes well from here on.

  49. 3b says:

    NJ Coast: Glad to hear your husband is doing OK. All the best to you both.

  50. Fabius Maximus says:

    Coast, that was lucky.

    To add to the PSA. I had the ultrasound after my leg surgery. I was not expecting the cold wand to the groin, so be prepared.

  51. Hughesrep says:


    I grew up in LaGrange, OH. Tell me more about how rural middle America thinks.

  52. Fabius Maximus says:

    So the Bonespurs campaign are going with the Swift Boat attacks. I suppose they have to try something.

    Vance tripped over his feet in PA yesterday. There has to be someone on the campaign doing this deliberately.

    So Harris/Walz are out on their 7 swing states in 5 days. Meanwhile Donnie has taken the week off and will next campaign on Friday in Montana.

  53. Very Stable Genius says:

    Nope. Rightwingers wanted Shapiro. Y’all freaking out

    3b says:
    August 7, 2024 at 12:15 pm
    Apparently the Trump camp is relieved at the Walz VP pick. They were concerned it might be Shapiro.

  54. NJCoast says:

    Thanks all. Hubby’s only risk factors were high blood pressure, male , and age. Thin as a rail, never smoked. No real symptoms until the artery ruptured. And we pay a lot for health insurance and supplemental BTW.

  55. NJCoast says:

    August 7, 2024 at 11:48 am
    Lost the hand, walked away a winner that night. WOW.

    He actually won the big pot before he collapsed! We said to keep it and donate it to the volunteer ambulance service.

  56. LAX says:

    1:06 3B is now just a shill for the Orange Imbecile at this point.

  57. 3b says:

    VSG: Not according to a couple of articles I have read.

  58. Very Stable Genius says:

    I can’t buy more. Already have a fat position

    Jim says:
    August 7, 2024 at 12:16 pm
    Very Stable Genius says:
    August 7, 2024 at 11:57 am
    Bet in the future everyone will be on Ozempic.
    Reduces all issues. Including gambling addiction.

    I own the stock

    I hope you do better at stock picking, that stock is down 11% today.

  59. 3b says:

    LAX: No shilling on my part. But, because I criticize the Democratic party and their behavior, which recently has been especially appalling, that means I am a Trump supporter? That is what is scary with you Dems, if anyone does not agree with what you and your leaders say or do, then we are suspect. Perhaps, some political re-education camps is what we need.

    I hope this new job you are starting helps with your anger, and you should curt back on all the weed.

  60. SmallGovConservative says:

    NJCoast says:
    August 7, 2024 at 11:40 am
    “Looks like he’ll get to see the grandchildren grow up a bit longer.”

    We all love a happy ending! Thanks for the PSA and best wishes…

    Hughesrep says:
    August 7, 2024 at 12:48 pm
    “I grew up in LaGrange, OH…”

    Another town that Carmella and the Coward will lose. I once worked with a guy who grew up in Brownsville, TX and would never stop talking about how much he hated it and it’s ‘macho’ culture, and how happy he was to have found his way to NYC. When he got engaged he wouldn’t stop telling people how much he cried when his then-girlfriend proposed to him. He quit to become a stay-at-home dad after their first child was born, and would stop by periodically to chat with the ladies — with his baby and baby-carriage. I note this only to point out that I can understand why you likely never fit-in in LaGrange, and like the stay-at-home dad, feel more at home in blue NJ.

  61. No One says:

    VPs don’t help elections much but they can hurt a little.
    In practice they are mostly irrelevant unless the president dies.
    Trump is old enough that some might wonder if Vance is underqualified for the presidency. But the same issue with Kamala didn’t stop Biden from being elected.
    What were here policy positions when she was running 5 years ago?

  62. LAX says:

    1:50 wow. Ur a passive aggressive creep.

  63. BRT says:

    Coast, that’s a miracle. Modern medicine with the circulatory system is amazing. The guys at Hackensack or UPenn Philly can fix issues in a day and you are literally walking out on your own the next day

  64. Fast Eddie says:

    This Walz guy is weird.

  65. BRT says:

    Btw, I was in Ocean City NJ yesterday. Such a great town. Far nicer than our more Northern options. Missed that 7 in rainfall at my house. I put 5 fig trees in plastic tubs so they wouldn’t run out of water. They are probably drowning right now

  66. Phoenix says:

    Eddie, here he is using the couch missile:

  67. Phoenix says:


    Runyon Canyon was a great hike. Met some nice people there.

  68. LAX says:

    3:09 you came here when it was hotter than hades!
    Glad you enjoyed it. Nice to have you back. Hehe

  69. Libturd says:

    It’s kinda strange how the anti-Semitic party continues sending billions of dollars to Israel. Those Dems must be REALLY stupid.

  70. Phoenix says:

    Actually there twice. Not as hot the first time. Perfect actually.

    Loved seeing the cars I haven’t seen in forever. And not at car shows either.

    Latin landscapers driving old Chevrolet 20 trucks. Not rusted out.

    Only place in rat hole Jersey you will find that is either at a car show fully restored or in a junkyard.

    Love the tile roofs as well. Fucc shingles. Just more rat contractors to deal with every 20 years.

  71. BRT says:

    Lib, the party is t, but a huge faction within it is

  72. Libturd says:

    NJ Coast,

    Wow! That’s straight up crazy. He probably was looking flush before collapsing. Glad to hear he wasn’t drawn dead. Good thing the Lord was bluffing. Send your husband Gator and my best wishes for a quick recovery.

  73. No One says:

    Funny that Walz was just making speeches about the first amendment not protecting “misinformation” and then he goes and in a speech repeats actual misinformation (the Vance “couch sex” story was literally created by some leftist who used photoshop to create an image of fake text in Vance’s book and then spread it while protected as “satire” on social media.)

  74. grim says:

    Had no real idea about Walz or Vance before all of this.

    Walz looking like the better pick, I can see how we would appeal to a large part of America.

    I spent two weeks in Minnesota last month, not that it qualifies me as anything, but you very quickly pick up the Minnesota vibe, and Walz clearly channels that.

    If they debate, my money is on Walz, there is no way Vance walks away from a debate as a winner.

    I too thought Shapiro was the smart pick, but after hearing Walz, his background, how he’s been parlaying the attacks, I can see it, he’s good. He adds a layer to the ticket that was totally missing.

  75. Fast Eddie says:

    If she wins, those of us who have money and know how to make more of it, will continue to do so. Most of us here may not be THE one percent (I think) but we have the ability to grow our finances exponentially. We discuss strategies here often so it’s quite obvious. There’s nothing linear in our game plans. The only thing I fear is that some major conflict turns into all out war because you know our enemies will continue to take advantage as they did under O’Biden. She’s infinitely weaker and way out of her league so, the best we can hope for is that the country is still standing in four years.

    The ones that are really going to hurt are the ones that voted for her; the lower working class, redistribution crowd, the leeches, gender-confused muppets, etc. All they know is ‘Trump bad’ and ‘pull lever, get toy’. I’d love to think that Trump can pull it off and commence max energy (oil/gas/fracking), a sealed border and less regulation. Max oil/energy will reduce the price of EVERYTHING but how do you explain this concept to the lesser IQ crowd? As I’ve said, most here are attached to the corps and high earners and will ride that wave but that’s the few and far between. The others will realize they’ve been duped again but a short memory seems to be the earmark of the narrow-minded crowd.

    So it goes.

  76. grim says:

    Saw a clip of him this morning where the interviewer was criticizing his voting record, legislation he supported. One of the things the interviewer mentioned was free school meals for low income.

    Good f*cking god, why would anyone in their right mind bring up that topic as an example of bad progressive legislation.

    Walz eye rolls, says something about how terrible it is that kids have food in their belly so that they can actually learn. He didn’t need to say any more, one line he shut down ALL of it.

  77. 3b says:

    LAX: You call me a Trump supporter, I rightfully call you on it, and you are offended? A little self awareness and reflection on your part is in order.

  78. 3b says:

    Lib: You are better than that comment about the Dems and sending money to Israel. There are antisemites in the Democratic party especially in the left/ progressive wing of the party. I know you have some trouble accepting that, but it’s true. And, of course there are antisemites in the Republican Party too.

  79. Libturd says:

    I have no trouble accepting it whatsoever. On the far left, If one person protests, an ask for something, then the squad will take it up. It’s like these so-called protests on college campuses. There are maybe 100 protesters tops, and about 1000 press. It’s the same group of paid fools from the outside that show up at one of these. These are not the Vietnam war protests. I can’t wait for the same idiots to assemble in the Fall. Sure, there are lots of Jesus loving people and poor people who were raised believing the Jews Killed Jesus or at least paid for it. In a country, where a huge portion of the population believes in biblical nonsense, I can understand where this is coming from. Especially among the the less educated. With that said, you could argue. The majority of the country is at dat because there are a few people who are. Does it suck to be Jewish in a Christian country? Nah. Jews know two things very well. How to make money and how To take advantage of government programs. As long as the Dems continue to be the party That loves to spend on programs, I’m pretty sure the vast majority of Jewish dollars will continue to support them.

    Additionally, I would argue that the supposed Hamas supporters in the party are more anti-war than pro Muslim. Same with the college protesters. The same people who are anti- war in Israel, are anti-war against Ukraine as well.

  80. Libturd says:

    I apologize in advance for the complete piece of shit that the iPhone is at dictation. You would think with the billions and billions of dollars they have, they might spend a few Million on improving The feature. Like why did it just capitalize million and the? Honestly, what a complete piece of shit. I can’t wait to see their AI. Is it anything like Siri, Then I may switch to android.

  81. BRT says:

    Lib, you are still playing it down. The staff were the ones making celebratory speeches on Oct 8th. The students followed their lead. And it goes all the way up to the university presidents

  82. 3b says:

    Lib: I think you have blinders on, and it’s easy for you to criticize the Bible believing Christians and their historic anti semitism, ironically enough today the Evangelical Christians are big supporters of the state of Israel.

    You struggle in coming to terms with antisemitism on the Democratic/ Left Progressive side, and appear to dismiss it as 100 people or so protesting, and it’s really just protesting war in general, not Israel. That to me is convoluted thinking, as there have been no protests here in college campuses against Russia s war in Ukraine. And there were no protests against the war in Syria and the thousands of innocent people killed there. I close the topic now, what’s the point. Agree to disagree.

  83. 1987 condo says:

    Non politically, years ago I read Hillbilly Elegy, I could not believe I was reading about the 1990’s, I was thinking the 1920s or 30’s was like this, but apparently so…

  84. LAX says:

    3:32 cars stay new out here. The under carriages aren’t exposed to the woes of winter roads. I love seeing the various forgotten cars that people here keep for decades. No reason to sell really. Nothing like the analog dash.

    Roofs are tile due to fire risk. My roof has concrete slabs. All for fire risk.

  85. Boomer Remover says:

    Something’s fishy!

    I ate sardines in Croatia, it was a good local brand. They tasted great but I felt nauseous within fifteen minutes. Bad can of sardines I thought. I brought one can back with me to the states and ate that can. Nausea within fifteen minutes. Clearly I’m a moron as these cans were produced consecutively.

    I got a completely different can of sardines in the states just recently to top off a salad. Again, tasted great but felt nauseous within fifteen minutes. Huh, I guess there was nothing wrong with those first two cans after all.

    I ate a few cans of wild caught tuna in the following weeks, tasted great, no issues. Man am I glad to have left that mysterious sardine episode behind….

    I ate a can of wild caught Salmon earlier today. Jettisoned my bowels within fifteen minutes. Almost progressed to a both ends episode.

    I grill and eat all these fish – wild and farmed – on the regular without issues. What the [expletive] is goign on with canned fish?

  86. SomeOne says:


    ironically enough today the Evangelical Christians are big supporters of the state of Israel.

    Please go on. What would be the main religious reason for them to support the state of Israel?

  87. Juice Box says:

    NJ Coast – glad to hear he is recovering, and will get to see his grandchildren. Medical tech especially preventative care has come a long way, life expectancy has increased a full five years since the 1980s although our diets arguably are worse.

  88. 3b says:

    1987: I have a family member who was a social worker in Appalachia, I believe Kentucky, and the stories of poverty and dysfunction were shocking. Some areas still did not have fresh water/ plumbing. People who could not read or write. Lots more. This was in the 1980s.

  89. 3b says:

    Someone: It sounds like this is news to you, and you don’t believe it, but it is true. Evangelicals believe that for end days the state of Israel has to be in existence for the second coming. Billy Graham was also a big supporter of Israel. Also, for Evangelicals much more emphasis on the Old Testament rather than the New Testament.

    Now, you know.

  90. Juice Box says:

    Vance vs Walz meh. Top of the ticket. VP Harris won’t take questions from the press and it’s been three weeks now since she got the nomination, no press conferences and no questions. She won’t go on Lester Holt for sure ever again. Trump speaks to the press and takes questions nearly every day. We shall see who gets more free TV time with soundbites and impressions. Again really really bad ads on youtube from Kamala begging for you money ain’t going to cut it. I opted out and the ads keep coming too, don’t waste your money on me as I never donate to politicians.

    Her attack dogs on social media? They stopped using Nazism and Hitler these last few days, so there is a pivot to some kind of “hope and joy” campaign. They are going to try positive messaging. We shall see…but avoiding the press at the airport while Vance hijacks your assigned press pool and gives them soundbites while your vehicle convoy circles the Jet so you can avoid the media? She needs to stop hiding, it’s not going to work Trump and his people know the media better, and the media needs to get paid too, they will put Trump or Vance on the TV News if they continue to hide from the press.

  91. Libturd says:


    I am very well learned in the religions of the world. The Evangelicals don’t need Israel for the Jews, but they do need Israel to exist for the second coming. They can still be anti-semitic and pro-zionist somehow!

    To close the chapter on anti-semitism and the left. I do view it differently than most, admittedly. I don’t find an anti-war protest against Israel as anti-semitism. I see it as an anti-genocide protest for which the protestors are misinformed. Is it anti-semitism because the Palestinian plight is their only focus when worse things are happening around the world? Maybe. Maybe not. It depends on perspective. Some would argue that the other lopsided wars have zero media coverage and the Israeli war on Hamas is front page news.

    I know you think it’s my bias, having been raised Jewish and mainly liberal, so it’s hard to believe that some factions in the party are anti-semetic. Certainly, I wouldn’t be surprised if some were. But from my perspective, individuals arguing that Israel is going too far, in itself, is not anti-semetic. If Biden stopped funding and supporting Israel, it would still not be anti-semetic. Now if AOC or Pelosi said we shouldn’t fund Israel because we hate Jews, it would be anti-semitism.

    Think about it this way. You hate matzoh. You must be an anti-semite.

    I can agree to disagree with you. My thick skin sometimes clouds my thoughts. I also tend to be contrarion in nature as I don’t do a lot of things that our culture expects. From dressing formally, to practicing religion. I was raised in a large family where there were no taboos. Dinner conversation ranged from menstruation to menopause. I also know, that frequently the majority is wrong. You learn this from being raised in a world full of anti-semites. It’s not bad in our area, but get out of it and the stories I could tell. Literally, someone asked my sister to see her horns when she was going to Southern Methodist for her Masters.

    Don’t feel that you need to rebut unless you want to. Like you, I’m trying to better explain my position. BTW, these anti-semitic members of the DNC. Can you provide any examples of their anti-semitism besides not wanting to fund Israel’s war against Hamas?

  92. SomeOne says:

    3b, it was a cheeky comment. Salesmen of one religion are promising the end of times where *only* their subscribers get eternal happiness. For that to happen, people of another religion have to line up like ducks in a row at a selected spot where armageddon happens. I’d hardly call it “supporting”.

  93. 3b says:

    Lib: I won’t rebut. I said what I said in my original post, which you responded only to prove in my mind that I believe you have blinders on. Your rationalization of the difference between the Israel/ Hamas war and Russia/ Ukraine, Syria and the protests proves it in my mind. Your other comment about the Evangelicals can be antisemitic and somehow pro Zionist is tortured. It’s like you can’t acknowledged their support without making a negative comment. That rest of your response is more of the same with an additional request to provide you examples of antisemitism on the part of the Dems/ Leftists. If you can’t see it or choose not to see it, that is your choice. So, let’s end it at that.

  94. 3b says:

    Some: It won’t just be one religion lining up , as it will be the end of the world for everyone. In the meantime the Evangelicals will continue to support Israel.

  95. Fabius Maximus says:


    That was a great nuanced response, I would agree with most of it.
    I would also add that calling for Israel to move away from Bibi and the Theocratic right is also not anti-semitic. Many countries worldwide are recognizing the Palestinian State.

    A lot of of places in Europe like Ireland and the Basque part of Spain are very Pro-Palestine. They identify closely with their fight, looking to rid themselves of those that they see have colonized their homeland. I’m sure 3b would have a very interesting conversation with his Irish cousins. Ireland is an interesting case as it is the roadmap to a permanent solution.

    A Talking Head on TV just made a very salient point that I had not considered. Can you really call the Left wing of the Dems anti-semitic, if they will quite happily support prominent Jewish politicians such as Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein. Maybe it is as you say more misinformed, than malevolent.

    Whenever anyone mentions the rapture I always think of a joke I heard years ago. “Due to the weather, Armageddon will be held indoors this year”.

  96. Grim says:

    Kind of related?

    There is a tik toker named Dan Mclellan that’s a religious scholar. I don’t normally follow that kind of thing but he is always worth a listen. He frequently rebutts topics from a very academic perspective that’s insightful. Lots of Old Testament misconceptions, etc. He seems to like debunking political misquotes of scripture, which could be why I find him so interesting.

  97. BRT says:

    What about the Jewish free zones created in campus. What about them preventing Jewish student and professors from going to class? None of that had anything to do with a war. Just textbook racism

  98. 3b says:

    Fab: Some of the Irish have linked the Palestinian situation to what happened to the Irish under British colonial rule. Ironically, they support Hamas/PLO and their military/ terrorist activities, but were appalled at Provo s campaign of violence. You may remember the not in our name campaign in the past, which was an anti IRA group who condemned their activities. As for my cousins being from a border county they lived with it, and talked about it as their lives were impacted on it. In the rest of Ireland back in the 1980s you did not mention the north, it was like it did not exist.

  99. Juice Box says:

    Lib – you know full well who they are, take your blinders off. You asking for names?

    How about the 70 Democrats in Congress who voted in May against the latest additions to Title VI protections of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, they believe it shouldn’t apply to Jews. That is here In America, and has nothing really to do with the US supplying weapons to the conflict in Israel today, it applies to campuses and their leadership.

    Intersectionality proponents and others including you know VP Harris agrees with many of them, especially when she speaks of equality and equity.

    There are dark corners in both parties and well the Democrats do not get a pass.

  100. Juice Box says:

    BTW – AIPAC has been busy getting rid of the antisemites in the Democratic Party. You can see AOC literally pivot now since they took out Jamal Bowman and now Cori Bush. There is a push to oust Ilhan Omar next week, she barely won the primary last time, this time next week she may be pushed out of the party if she gets defeated.

    AOC and Bernie aren’t gonna save her, they are too busy playing nice now staying around home supporting Kamala and now Walz.

  101. Juice Box says:

    Now that is funny! Antisemite Kanye West has been sucking down $50,000 a month of laughing gas, claims his ex-manager.


  102. Fabius Maximus says:


    There is a lot to unpack there, but I’ll give it a go. Lets start with the Not in my Name doctrine. I wholeheartedly agree with it. I would say that many just give it lip service. But if you subscribe to it then you have to agree that the general population of Gaza, cannot be held accountable for the actions of Hamas. Let me know.

    On your cousins silence. The cynic in me says the the silence was that they did not know who was listening. But I would bet dollars to doughnuts if they lived on the border, that they knew who was running guns, drugs and diesel to the north.

    And on that point I get that there are many that support the cause, that do not fully comprehend their own part. The next time you are in Tommy Foxes and run into Mary, ask her if she ever saw a hat getting passed around for a few dollars, to “help the boys take the fight to the Huns!”. Yasser didn’t supply them for free.

  103. Fabius Maximus says:

    A nice piece on Walz service and discharge and a bonus at the end, on what Vance did in Iraq.


  104. Fabius Maximus says:

    “There is a tik toker named Dan Mclellan that’s a religious scholar.”

    Here is my favorite follow for taking down the Bible Quoters.

    John Fugelsang @JohnFugelsang
    Leviticus is not Jesus.
    There’s a New Covenant, remember? You get to drop the homophobia and enjoy bacon.
    Also, you don’t follow or obey most of Leviticus, so picking and choosing just to be shitty to God’s LGBT children is especially un-Christian and beneath you.

  105. Fabius Maximus says:

    Lucky break for me. This is one I couldn’t pull the trigger on this week.

    Cathie Wood goes big on Amazon
    On Monday, Ark funds snapped up 176,963 shares of retail/technology colossus Amazon (AMZN) , worth $28.5 million as of that day’s close. This was Wood’s first trade in the company since she purchased shares on June 6.

  106. Chicago says:

    Fab: you nauseate me with your condescending and sanctimonious blather. You couldn’t maintain silence on this subject. It just oozes out of you.

    Just say it plainly.

  107. Juice Box says:

    Fab – Lots if angry lefties brigading the comments section on the Washington Post’s reporting on Walz. They don’t like the reporting, so shoot the messenger etc.


    Fact is Waltz is claiming on his previous political advertisements and in previous political speeches he retired at a higher rank. He did not and was demoted before retirement. The whole carried “weapons in war” in was some bit of a stretch.

    Another fact Iraq sucked, Waltz claim to fame started the year before he retired in Mankato MN where he became a local celeb by protesting GWB appearance political rally in his town in 2004, that was the beginnings of his run for Congress in 2006.

    He owns no property in Minnesota anymore and will probably never go back to Mankato. BTW his wife is still on the town payroll, school system administrator, how she is still collecting a paycheck after selling their home and skipping town to Minneapolis five years ago?

    The6 will attack his voting record in congress next. He voted against aVeterans Heath care bill and perhaps others while in congress.

    It’s all sideshow Bob for now. The real battle will be who has a thicker skin, Kamala or Trump because the media machine needs to be fed, billion of dollars on eyeballs and clicks are at stake, and the media will drive people crazy over the next 88 days to get that money.

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