New rules, nothing really changes

From NJ1015:

NJ changes home-buying rules: what this means for you

Some big changes to the process of buying or selling a home in New Jersey are now in effect.

The aim of the new rules, created through legislation that was signed by Gov. Phil Murphy in July, is to increase transparency for folks on both sides of the transaction.

“It definitely will benefit both parties — buyers and sellers,” said Gloria Monks, president of New Jersey Realtors.

The Real Estate Consumer Protection Enhancement Act went into effect on Aug. 1. The updates were floated in New Jersey after the National Association of Realtors agreed to a hefty settlement related to claims that the industry inflated real estate commissions.

Before a buyer is contractually obligated, the seller must provide a completed property condition disclosure statement.

This form would, ideally, inform a prospective buyer about structural issues and other major issues related to the home in question.

“Prior to the legislation, most sellers still completed it, but it was not a required form,” Monks said.

Before a wannabe buyer views a home with a real estate professional, an agreement needs to be signed between the two parties.

This is another system that had already been in place for many offices, but is now a requirement.

“This will spell out exactly what the agency is going to do for them, and how they’re going to be compensated,” Monks said.

At an open house, signage needs to explicitly disclose that the listing agent represents the seller.

“It’s for the buyer to see, so that they know that anything that they share with that agent is knowledge that the seller will find out,” Monks said.

Prospective buyers would still be able to form an agreement with the listing agent on site, given they don’t already have an agreement with another firm.

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82 Responses to New rules, nothing really changes

  1. Fast Eddie says:

    Before a buyer is contractually obligated, the seller must provide a completed property condition disclosure statement.

    This form would, ideally, inform a prospective buyer about structural issues and other major issues related to the home in question.

    “Prior to the legislation, most sellers still completed it, but it was not a required form…

    Wasn’t required? Hmm… was I the only fool to honestly and completely fill them out? I should emphasize “honestly” because the majority of sellers would never lie about a leak somewhere. Right? I said, right?

  2. 3b says:

    Fab: My cousins were not silent, in fact the opposite as I said. It was like everyone else in the country was. They did not want to know about the north, and it might as well have been 5000 miles away. It was much easier to be anti Regan because he was going to start WW 3, and to support the Sandinistas in Nicaragua.

    As for Tommy Foxes and passing the hat around , I don’t think so. First of all, Tommy Foxes did not open until 1998, and the war in the north had pretty much ended at that time. The Good Friday Agreement was in 1998. So no, I don’t think there was a hat going around collecting money for the cause. Second, knowing the owners personally, I doubt they ever would have allowed it, is someone wanted to do it. Finally, Bergenfield is a very diverse town, as it was in 1998 as well, if there was a hat being passed around, I don’t think the Filipino and Colombian patrons were contributing money.

  3. Fast Eddie says:

    Who’s familiar with the Mountain Top, PA area? The area/towns around the I-80 & I-81 intersection? I’m thinking of looking into a double-wide sort of place for a weekend getaway. Does anyone know the area or have a link to browse other than Trulia and Zillow?

  4. Phoenix says:


    One Laugh at Least and the Community Film Project present their first short film together, all about the unofficial language of Northeastern Pennsylvania!

  5. Phoenix says:

    Can’t link it Eddie. YouTube Heynabonics.

  6. Fast Eddie says:


    Just watched it. lol. Some would say that’s also south west Jersey to some degree. The Philly/Delaware accent is weird, too. Water becomes wooder. WTF is that?

  7. JUice Box says:

    3b – My uncle used to send clothing to Gerry Adams. They used to pass the hat around in NYC for the cause, but like you said Good Friday Agreement (GFA) was 1998 and that ended most of the troubles.

  8. Juice Box says:

    Why not post the form?

    The flooding questions are interesting.

    Is there flood insurance on the property? Y/N

  9. Juice Box says:

    BTW – Flooding….. NJ is about to change the code…..

    You will need an elevator with your new shore house…

    The new NJ REAL rules call for higher building heights in coastal flood zones — an additional 5 feet above the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s 100-year flood elevation — to account for rising sea levels over the next 75 years.

  10. Chicago says:

    Ten 399

  11. Fast Eddie says:

    Ben Stiller said every Jewish guy wishes he was a Black guy. What’s he telling us? That Jewish guys are undersized in that department? ;)

  12. Phoenix says:


    But I wish I was the white guy dating Gabby Thomas.

  13. Fast Eddie says:

    In other news, the progressive left is now embracing an old, white, chubby guy who hunts and wears a camo hat. Someone please explain this phenomena.

  14. Fast Eddie says:


    Gabby’s cute but ‘meh’ for me. I will say I have a thing for a number of the FOX women. MSNBC and CNN are just not competing in that category, from what I can see.

  15. Hughesrep says:

    I wonder what the difference is?

  16. 3b says:

    Jobless claims drop from one year high, recession fears ease, markets up.

  17. TraitorJoe says:

    He’s also apparently got a habit of fabricating his military record. That’s not looked at highly in most parts. Ask John Kerry.

  18. LAX says:

    Naw, he’s gonna beat your dumbasses like a red-haired stepchild.

  19. TraitorJoe says:

    If you say you’re a veteran of a conflict and you’re not that’s stolen valor. There’s documented proof that he did.

    And there are contemporaneous rebuttals of his fabrications unlike the overnight hoaxes you buy into.

  20. LAX says:

    These attacks are not pulled from a new playbook.

    Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita, a Marine veteran himself, was a leading voice of the 2004 “swift boat” effort to discredit John Kerry’s military experience.
    The Trump-Vance campaign declined to comment on this story.

    The Harris-Walz campaign said in a statement: “After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he chaired Veterans Affairs and was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform — and as Vice President of the United States he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families.”

    What they’re saying: Joseph Eustice, a 32-year National Guard veteran, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune in 2022 that Walz was a “great soldier” who had “every right to leave.”

    VoteVets, a progressive veterans PAC, directed a message at Vance on Threads and referenced Trump’s lack of military experience and disparaging comments the former president made about veterans.
    “Where’s your opinion on your running mate who dodged the draft 5 times, calls our war dead ‘suckers and losers’ and doesn’t want to be seen with war-wounded,” the PAC asked.

  21. Juice Box says:

    LAX – You are right.. These attacks are not new. Bush got ripped for avoiding Vietnam by being in the Texas Air National guard. There is no difference…

    Get more popcorn 88 days to go….

  22. Chad Powers says:

    I think all the old rules are out the window. DUI in your past? No problem! Womanizer? Now a badge of honor, especially if you claim you’re Bi, Trans or enjoy Threesomes. Shady military past or even avoided military duty in a war zone? Cements your credibility as being anti-war. It‘s a brave new Globalist World out there. Get with the program!

  23. TraitorJoe says:

    There have always been shirkers. Mostly rich. That’s one accusation. It certainly hurt bush but not so much trump because he didn’t run against a vet.

    Stolen valor is another matter. Walz said many times he was a combat vet. That is false.

  24. Fast Eddie says:

    “Look, Daddy! Teacher says, ‘Every time Kumella cackles, a democrat’s dick gets shorter.'”

  25. TraitorJoe says:

    They would be better off saying the video of him claiming that he carried a weapon in combat was a deep fake. I’m sure someone will.

    This episode is at least partly the result of them building up the VP pick to the extent they did. I don’t remember seeing such fanfare. I guess shifting the spotlight to engine appears competent is part of the plan.

  26. LAX says:

    12:47 meanwhile you root for an insurrectionist. Shrug.

  27. Grim says:

    From the WaPo:

    The following year, Walz pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of reckless driving, a misdemeanor, and paid a fine of $200. In a hearing about the plea agreement, Walz’s attorney told a judge that his client had resigned all extracurricular responsibilities at Alliance High School, including his coaching role, and offered to resign his teaching position as well, according to a hearing transcript.

    “He, I think, takes the position that he’s a role model for the students there,” said the attorney, Russell Harford. “He let them down, he let himself down. Because of that, he was ready to resign his position. Fortunately, the principal talked him out of resigning from school.”

  28. LAX says:

    12:51 weird.

  29. Fast Eddie says:

    And what’s up with this weirdo and his wife leaving the windows open to enjoy the aroma of Minneapolis burning? Are these people some sort of Nordic Appalachians? I have visions of a movie like Fargo playing in my head.

  30. Grim says:

    Hard to read that and hold it against the guy.

    How many people in a similar situation would have offered to resign?

    Frankly, makes him look like the better man. Own up, take responsibility for mistakes.

  31. Fast Eddie says:

    And this thing about all the liberals simultaneously texting each other using the tag line of “weird” is like a bunch of 14 year old girls giggling in the corner. All of a sudden, every liberal media entity in America is running with this tagline. Does some union iron worker really want to wear that pussy hat?

  32. Juice Box says:

    Ignore the sideshow..

    Just saying this again —-> Media is going to give Trump all the free airtime he wants, he has scheduled a news conference for later today because he has no fear of the Press.

    We shall see if VP Harris does the same. Right now she is afraid of any unscripted Q & A and has not done any since taking the nomination, that projects a complete lack of confidence. There is no covid this election to use as an excuse, and even sleepy Joe did a few Q&A while campaigning during Covid in 2020, they smoked him out of the basement after three months for a Presser in July 0f 2020. There isn’t that much time this time around to dodge the press. She has a full entourage on Air Force 2 and pretty much anytime she wants to they will be there for Q&A at all events as well.

  33. LAX says:

    1:01 no, I think most people are creeped out by the religious right, elderly men who wear bronzer, and people who change their name times, pedophiles, business cheats, and rapists. Weird is far too generous!

  34. Juice Box says:

    Just a reminder about the 4th estate.

    Bush had a DWI. Media tried to make it a big deal for months and even dropped this “story” on election day in 2020, that he would be banned from entering Canada even as head of State.. Big fat lie ofcourse….

    “W A S H I N G T O N, Nov. 3 — Even if George W. Bush is elected president, he may need special permission to get into Canada because of his arrest for drunken driving.

    The Republican candidate for president acknowledged for the first time on Thursday that he was arrested for driving under the influence on Labor Day weekend in 1976, near his family home in Kennebunkport, Maine.

    According to Canada’s Criminal Code, Bush is deemed an “inadmissible” person, in violation of Section 19 (2) (a.1) of the Immigration Act of Canada.

    In other words, he has committed a crime considered an indictable offense in Canada, and, because of that he is banned.”

  35. Libturd says:

    Hak Tuah

  36. SmallGovConservative says:

    Grim says:
    August 8, 2024 at 12:58 pm
    “Hard to read that and hold it against the guy… makes him look like the better man.”

    Grim working to overtake Lacks as head stooge…

    In the week or so that Tampon Tim has been the veep candidate, we’ve discovered that he’s a coward who abandoned his unit when asked to deploy to Iraq, a liar who on multiple occasions — and continuing today — deliberately misrepresented the details of his military service, and a dangerous jerk who was arrested for driving drunk — and almost 100mph — while a teacher. And yet Grim considers all of this and finds him to be the better man. Weird!

  37. Hughesrep says:

    Trump has no fear of the press because he just ignores them. They can ask him anything they want and Uncle Ranty just goes off on a tangent.

    He gets asked a direct question and he goes off on the reporter.

    They ask him about asylum and he goes off about Hannibal Lector. Very stable genius.

    He’s a few sandwiches shy of a picnic. Ope.

  38. Chicago says:

    Just to be clear, DWI is what it is. However, when you’re in education, especially if you were an administrator, it is an automatic resignation.

    Grim, I don’t buy that story that he was talked out of resigning. He talked someone out of making him quit. He should’ve been fired.

  39. BRT says:

    I’ve worked with teachers that have gotten DUIs. They are always the worst people in the building behind the pedos that were in the building.

  40. Chicago says:

    The DWI for an educator is the same as stolen valor in the military. And embellishing story is no big deal, but in that circumstance, it means all the deal in the world.

  41. Fast Eddie says:

    Tampons in the boys room at an elementary school; sending a message, I presume?

  42. Fast Eddie says:

    As for Cumella, why have a press conference when you’re not even able to fake it? Just stow yourself and take evasive actions whenever the radar indicates a reporter. The toadies on the left are easily abused and willing to take it hard for some fake affection so maybe it will end up as a win for the bitch, anyway.

  43. TraitorJoe says:

    Character is doing the right thing even when no one is watching. It’s not offering to do the right thing and then not doing it because drive talked you out of it.

  44. Juice Box says:

    Grim – on the DWI… Timeline does not jive really. He did terminate from teaching in Alliance Nebraska. Arrest in September 1995 for DWI in Alliance Nebraska where he was a teacher. Plead Guilty a year later to lesser charge in Alliance Nebraska in 1996.

    However he moved out of Nebraska to Mankato Minnesota that same year in 1996 or sometime in 1977 depending on what news story you read and were living there he joined the high school faculty in 1997 for the Fall school and football coaching season.

    Again I won’t hold a DWI against him, but the whole story about qutting? He did quit or well was not given a job for the next semester. Who really knows but him and his wife.

  45. grim says:

    I’m going to side with BRT, ain’t no teacher today resigning over a DWI, and even worse, no cop today is resigning over a DWI. Fired? Yeah, maybe on purpose to trigger the lawsuit and settlement payday.

  46. BRT says:

    3b, I was at Tommy’s at least once a month in 2001-2003. I never saw a fookin hat passed around.

  47. BRT says:

    When teachers have tenure like that and they screw up, principals don’t ask them to “not resign”. They ask them to resign because then they don’t have to deal with it. You honestly think the principal wants to explain why they kept the drunk on staff?

  48. grim says:

    So passed out drunk Vance on the floor gets a pass?

  49. LAX says:

    ChiFi is blowing air. DUI would depend on the district and the circumstances. FFS

    Was he driving a busload of school kids to a field trip?? Was he driving home from a party during the summer. Yes, you have to report any infractions that occur over the summer, but it isn’t automatic dismissal.

  50. LAX says:

    1:45 You consider yourself “outside of the profession” and you think the GOP accepts you. Two massive miscalculations on your part, Grasshopper.

  51. Juice Box says:

    N T Times says his DWI hearing was in March 1996. They then say the moved to Minnesota in 1996. I would say he quit or was fired and did not start the 1996 fall semester in Nebraska. But hey what am I some kind of investigative reporter?

    As far as Vance passed out, at least he was not barreling down the road at nearly 100 miles and hour.

    How about a VP contest for best flyover state drinker?

  52. LAX says:

    1:36 like uh, cheating contractors, sexually assaulting random women, riding on the Lolita Express. Give it up., ur narrative is crap, your candidate is deeply flawed.

  53. LAX says:

    2:19’more from the shillllll

  54. JUice Box says:


    It’s pronounced Shillelagh get it right Footloose….

  55. SomeOne says:

    BRT, They are always the worst people in the building behind the pedos that were in the building.

    How did you know about them being DUI or pedo? How did you handle reporting them to school administration?

  56. Chad Powers says:

    I knew a guy in the military who had five DUIs. He was able to effectively skirt responsibility for them and avoid the majority of negative consequences. Sometimes it’s just who you know or if you have some connections.

  57. Libturd says:

    If a pilot gets a DWI, does he have to blow into the plane to start the engines?

  58. SmallGovConservative says:

    Chicago says:
    August 8, 2024 at 1:26 pm
    “embellishing story is no big deal…”

    Haven’t you heard? Embellishing is fine if you’re a Dem — be it SlowJoe’s plagiarism (or claiming his uncle was eaten by cannibals in the South Pacific), Pocahontas Warren claiming to be an Indian, or Tampon Tim claiming to have fought in the middle east. But if you’re a Rep and claim to have had a ‘perfect’ phone call or the ‘best’ border security, you’ve clearly engaged in disinformation and must be impeached, jailed or shot — or all three.

  59. chicagofinance says:

    Look….. Trump is the lowest form of life around. However, Biden-Harris-Walz are supposed to be the adults in the room. Is it fair? No. But then don’t start a narrative where you run on a moral code, or higher ethics, when you have none.

    I am not making a relative judgement. I am pointing out hypocrisy.

    LAX says:
    August 8, 2024 at 2:19 pm
    1:36 like uh, cheating contractors, sexually assaulting random women, riding on the Lolita Express. Give it up., ur narrative is crap, your candidate is deeply flawed.

  60. chicagofinance says:

    I don’t agree with Vance’s politics, but out of the 4 of them, he is probably the most impressive and laudable person. I don’t agree with what he has to say, but I respect him.

  61. BRT says:


    I had no involvement in anything with any of these people. One teacher got a DUI that ended in a high speed chase and she was busted for possession. The pedos were reported by the aides in the classroom. I found out after the fact. As a teacher, you really don’t have a clue what’s going on in any of the other classrooms. Most of the other teachers in the building outside of my own wing I might see once a month at most.

  62. BRT says:

    Passing out on the floor isn’t a crime. Although, if the public had a picture of a teacher doing so, they’d probably be let go.

  63. Hold my beer says:

    Anyone have an opinion of the capri tapestry merger will go through or not? I saw an article that a hedgie bought back capri thinking the FTC is going to lose in court.

  64. 3b says:

    Nancy Pelosi says she was never impressed with Biden’s political operation. I will leave it at that.

  65. Juice Box says:

    WTF – Austria pixelated the face of the Taylor Swift ISIS terrorist….

  66. Juice Box says:

    Beer – handbags prices are going to crash during the recession, wait until the crash to buy buy buy yourself a new clutch purse.

  67. OC1 says:

    Bush had a DWI. Media tried to make it a big deal for months and even dropped this “story” on election day in 2020, that he would be banned from entering Canada even as head of State.. Big fat lie ofcourse….

    I know a guy who was denied entrance to Canada for a DWI. He was going up for a month long wilderness canoe trip. With him denied entry, his paddling partner had to drop out too.

  68. Juice Box says:

    Yeah but like I said Canada isn’t going to deny POTUS entry over a DWI, if they were to fly up there to discuss a new Treaty, NATO meeting, or G20 meeting. Never going to happen, totally fake news with the 4th estate trying to influence the election.

  69. LAX says:

    Let me say that the guy is a live wire. Smart, tough, and fun. Midwestern Rock star.
    Happy he’s the #2 regardless of the contrived outrage on the right. Just keep on clutching your pearls. It’s gonna be a great run folks. We might come out of this with our first woman POTUS.

  70. OC1 says:

    “Let’s go with that woman who shot her dog!”

  71. Fabius Maximus says:

    “I don’t agree with what he has to say, but I respect him.”

    I thought it was the eyeliner and the, I’ll be nice to your face but, stab you in the back to others. Add in the NYPost talking points and you have a Trifecta!

  72. Fabius Maximus says:

    Juice, that’s the hat. It died off after 1995 as thats when they started to liquify and distribute the cash. That’s another discussion.

  73. Fast Eddie says:

    Interesting. Kaulig Racing just happens to be my favorite team:

  74. 3b says:

    BRT: You never saw a hat being passed around, because it never happened.

  75. Hold my beer says:


    It’s an arbitrage play. Capri is at $32. Tapestry offered $57 a share last summer and ftc blocked it. Court case is next month. Legal experts don’t think ftc has a valid reason to block since there are so many other semi luxury handbag lines out there and ftc hasn’t provided a coherent rationale for opposing.

  76. Fabius Maximus says:

    Nice piece on Tim and Mrs. Walz teaching. You can see why they kept her around.

    Reminds me of Mrs. Fab. She went back and got her MST coming out of Covid. Instead of doing student teaching went straight into the classroom on a Covid license and taught a 4 course curriculum for the year in a private school, before she jumped to public. Big this is that she was invited back to her Alma Mater as an Adjunct Professor to cover a leave. That prof didn’t come back, so she is now teaching a course, she took for her masters.

  77. Fabius Maximus says:

    This is the pinicale of hypocrisy.

    Ron Filipkowski @RonFilipkowski
    RNC Chair Lara Trump says Kamala Harris had no qualifications to be VP but was chosen because she’s a woman, and she would never want to accept any position herself unless she got it strictly on merit.

    She is the RNC Chair for two reasons, she is related to Donnie and has shown that she is faithful to him by funneling $2Mil in charity money through his properties.

  78. SomeOne says:


    Yeah but like I said Canada isn’t going to deny POTUS entry over a DWI

    I remember PM of India, Narendra Modi, was denied a US visa because of Gujarat riots that happened under his governance. After he became a national leader, all seems forgiven.

  79. Fabius Maximus says:

    “You never saw a hat being passed around, because it never happened.”

    Umm, no!

    I would say that the next time you are in the area and are free for a beer at Tommy Foxes or Gerry G’s reach out and we can have a chat. Grim has my email.

  80. Fabius Maximus says:

    I’ll take door number 3! is preparing a superseding indictment to remove immune conduct

    And here is the song that is playing on my phone!

  81. 3b says:

    Fab: Like I pointed out, Tommy Foxes did not open until 1998, Good Friday Agreement. No one was collecting for the IRA at that point, because the war was over. Even before then the contributions had dried up in the USA. There were contributions to Sinn Fein, official fund raisers that they have in New York, but collecting money for guns like the early 70s when the north exploded. Those days were long gone. And as for Tommy Foxes clientele, Bergenfield has been changing rapidly for years. The Irish / Irish Americans that are left there are not that many, even in the late 90s when Tommy Foxes first opened.

    So I am not sayin you are a lying, but for the points I have noted again, I am skeptical that it happened. I will leave it at that.

  82. BRT says:

    My whole block was Irish in Bergenfield, never heard the term “the cause” once. When I moved to the shore, my friends father was a lot older than most (75), Mr. Connolly, we swear was mobbed up. My Irish friend was reading a book on the Westies and one guy was in witness protection. Mr. Connolly chimed in his thick accent, yeah he’s in Spring Lake. I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew people funneling money over to Ireland. All speculation though.

    That being said, Fab, maybe you missed a few days ago where the Catholics and Protestants marched hand in hand in Northern Ireland.

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