That’s all you got?

From Jersey Digs:

Just Sold Alpine Mansion Sets New Jersey’s 2024 Price Record

A leafy suburb that regularly ranks as one of the most expensive zip codes in the country is unsurprisingly home to the year’s priciest home sale in the Garden State.

Last month, a $16.7 million sale was finalized for a sprawling 22,782 square foot estate in the Bergen County borough of Alpine. Built in 2004, the home sits on about four acres in the borough’s Rio Vista section and was listed for sale back in March for just under $20 million.

The impressive home, which boasts 12-foot ceilings across four levels accessible via an elevator, includes eight bedrooms, nine full bathrooms, and three half-baths. Totaling 25 rooms sporting a brick exterior with a slate roof, the home boasts high-end amenities like a bowling alley, home theater, a billiards room, plus a large wine cellar.

The sellers purchased the mansion in 2013 for $13.375 million according to property records, meaning they took home a profit on the sale despite taking less than their original asking price. The home was listed by Rosemarie Campi with Prominent Properties Sotheby’s International Realty-Alpine.

The $16.7 million sales price seems to have bested the Garden State’s previous 2024 record. Another home in Alpine on Cambridge Way that sold for $8 million back in May after sitting on the market for years appears to be the previous record.

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147 Responses to That’s all you got?

  1. Very Stable Genius says:


  2. Very Stable Genius says:

    Everybody wants to live in NJ.

    Maga and Democrats alike love Blue states

    “ A leafy suburb that regularly ranks as one of the most expensive zip codes in the country is unsurprisingly home to the year’s priciest home sale in the Garden”

  3. Very Stable Genius says:

    This summer was quite odd. Barely any house in surrounding towns went on sale.

  4. grim says:

    Was reported that the house was sold to a young family.

    Boo yah, to be young and middle class in NJ, this is the life.

  5. grim says:

    The buyers, a young family, were represented by Richard Orlando and Jason Pierce of Prominent Properties Sotheby’s International Realty in Tenafly.

  6. Fast Eddie says:

    What’s the criteria for being a housing agent that gets to list a $22 million dollar house? Okay, you got some details about the house; number of rooms, bedrooms, baths, etc. That took less than a day. Now, you have a seller’s disclosure which required no inspection of your own. If you’re 1/3 motivated, you get your own inspection done but then again, you’re not liable, the seller’s are for lying about the foundational shift that was covered up. Then you do a write-up using pretentious, foppy words and some glossy shots. Okay, that actually took some effort. So what’s your commission for being a house escort on this price tag?

  7. Fast Eddie says:

    So, this Walz weirdo is a stand-up guy for resigning as a teacher due to a DUI but then turns around and says he was in combat? No, he didn’t resign, he was given an ultimatum or was fired and was offered the chance to save face. Any guy that’s willing go as far as using fake valor for personal gain is deeply flawed.

  8. 3b says:

    Very: Too bad Alpine and all those other wealthy towns don’t want low income people immigrants in their towns and schools.

  9. Hold my beer says:

    How long before health insurance companies can see what’s on your grocery receipts and raise your rates or cancel your policy?

  10. Fast Eddie says:

    You can embellish and say you ran 5 miles today but it was really 4 miles. That’s normal human behavior. Everyone embellishes and makes claims. But when your buddies lost limbs or died on foreign soil while you claim to be there with them on the battlefield, that’s egregious, especially when it’s front-line military. These cats are elite and that club is elite. You don’t fuck with it. It’s like putting “The Pagans” on the back of your jacket, just because you feel like it… that’s a no-no. All respect is gone. And any man that likes molding butter with his hands is weird. Anyone that gets off on watching his city burn while 1,500 businesses get wiped out is not normal. The guy gives off a bad vibe, a pedo vibe. He’s a weirdo.

  11. Fast Eddie says:

    And did anyone see Cumella’s 60 second “press” conference on the tarmac yesterday? She looked terrified… as to tell herself, “please don’t fuck up.” She gave two word answers and her handler(s) abruptly pulled her away.

  12. grim says:

    Walz is winning the social media game, this is non-negotiable. This guy seems to have gotten more mindshare than the presidential candidate, and seriously risks overshadowing her. I can see lots of people voting that ticket specifically because of Walz. It’s a little bit of a phenomenon at this point.

  13. Chad Powers says:

    Fast Eddie:

    The only thing missing from Kamala‘s quickie presser was the Easter Bunny coming over to redirect her the hell out of there. Not sure if the old hide in the basement campaigning will work this time around although it looks like that’s how she’s starting out.

  14. Old realtor says:

    Walz was a brilliant choice. He is just a regular guy. His job is to comfort all the White voters who don’t like Trump and assure them that they have nothing to fear from Harris.

  15. grim says:

    The stolen valor angle will do little to sway undecideds or democrats, it’s not going to move the polls. Again on the social media front, there is a tsunami of veterans posting rebuttals to this, supporting Walz, his service, his rank, his comments, etc. I see folks pulling his actual service history as public record and posting that. All the crap being slung at Walz just gets slung right back at Trump.

  16. grim says:

    Trump was by far the top pick after getting shot, it was his to lose.

    Now, Vance is looking more and more like a liability, and the Dems are finding themselves in such an advantageous position, one that I don’t think they ever planned for with Walz. I can’t even listen to the statements coming out of the Repubs, it’s insult, insult, insult, claim. Where is any real substance? I’ve been a republican forever, and again, this is the best we can muster up?

  17. Old realtor says:

    The best one was the Trump spokesperson who criticized Walz for a Minnesota law permitting convicted criminals to vote if not incarcerated.

  18. Fast Eddie says:

    If she gets the nod, give the people what they deserve.

  19. grim says:

    Sorry Chi, I get your respect for Vance, but I just don’t see it. I’d probably like him more if he dropped the party talk bullshit and actually spoke his mind. He feels very, very fake, his speeches, his persona, etc etc. There was nothing notable in his RNC speech, I really doubt he even wrote that stump speech. Even his personal anecdotes seem contrived.

  20. Phoenix says:

    As soon as the CDOA, Connected Dolts of America, put all of their hospital data on personal apps. You know, cause they want it at the yoga studio, gym, or their Iphone.

    Oopsy, can’t sue us, no HIPPA. Hehe.

  21. Phoenix says:

    Vance, Walz, Kamala and Trump are all liabilities.

    USS America is taking on water. Mutiny on board.


  22. ExLax says:

    No worries VP Harris is campaigning on lowering food prices…….

    She is going to show tell those big bad corporations to lower the cost of my Doritos…….You’ll See.

  23. Phoenix says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    August 9, 2024 at 9:34 am

    If she gets the nod, give the people what they deserve.

    No Eddie. The ones going to take the brunt of it are still in grade school right now.

    The ones causing it are the ones sniffing hair, falling off bikes, or freezing and glitching in front of the television cameras. The nursing home residents currently running the empire.

  24. No One says:

    I say let the commies win the presidential election as long as the Republicans can block them with control of congress. Hopefully their repeated failures would lead to a MAGA purge from Republican leadership thereafter, as Trump has been steering them the wrong direction for 8 years now. Meanwhile, J.D. Vance has done an intellectual 180 over the past 10 years to go for political popularity.
    Kamala and Walz, it’s funny that they are intellectual lightweights who have absorbed what would have in the past been seen as far-left positions that have now become normalized enough to run on. In a sense Trump is right about that, but he’s incapable of making coherent arguments against them, always reflexively moving to low IQ personal attacks that play well with his low IQ base.
    Anyway, gridlock would be the best case outcome of this election whomever wins, because everyone is so bad.

  25. Phoenix says:

    No one cares about Walz’s valor.

    If he lowers their taxes, they will just make him an honorary combat vet, and photoshop his picture into their group photos.

    Cash is king.

  26. SmallGovConservative says:

    grim says:
    August 9, 2024 at 9:24 am
    “I can see lots of people voting that ticket specifically because of Walz.”

    For a guy with astute takes on so many different topics, your newfound (???) devotion to the Dems is very odd. Tampon Tim is a radical leftist, and like Caremlla there is nothing ‘regular’ about him. His DWI while a teacher, his cowardly abandonment of his unit when called to serve in Iraq, and his deliberate misrepresentation of his rank and service record, are matters of fact, not opinion. And despite the Dem-aligned media’s willingness to not probe any of his flaws, we’re just now learning of a potential ‘cozy’ relationship with the Chinese commie party, and the damage that’s been done to Minneapolis by his support for the 2020 riots. But you think this borderline commie is the guy that’s likely to persuade rational, independent people to vote for an incompetent Berkeley leftist. Weird!

  27. grim says:

    Just call it how I see it.

    No One is right – the best we can hope for now is gridlock.

  28. Juice Box says:

    Why is anyone really shocked that the country has been moving left? It’s been a process that has been going on for decades.

    BTW – Whether you are a fan of Tucker or not his last guest was a great one. Geoff Shepard a lawyer from the Nixon Administration. He has documented proof the prosecution of Nixon was illegal, because as the prosecutors were meeting with and colluding with the Judge in secret, as well as the Appeals Court in DC.

    It’s two hours long so watch it on 1.5 speed…

    Or you can skip to the documentary that just dropped it’s an hour long.

  29. Phoenix says:

    America is a Jokester country. Trump won because he was the best name caller. Dotard Americans love that crap. They vote for the funny one, the one that has the best put downs.

    Now Kamala is playing the same game. I look forward to the Kamala/Trump debate.

    In other news I got a Tornado watch. There is no place like home.

  30. Old realtor says:

    The Republican outrage over tampons in priceless. Not sure what the trouble is about. Keep alienating women and minorities. Brilliant strategy.

  31. grim says:

    I mean, JD’s biggest applause was his story about finding 19 loaded handguns in his grandmothers possessions after she died. He made jokes about them being scattered all over the house, stored inappropriately, wildly reckless.

    Standing applause? I own guns. I own handguns. I have applied for a concealed carry (only because I can, not that I would choose to carry). I proudly inherited half my father’s long gun collection, including a Citori that I absolutely cherish. This is the anecdote he shares? Recklessness? The same grandmother that threatened vigilante justice against his friend, threatening to kill him in a way that nobody would ever find out (again, to standing applause). I can share lots of childhood anecdotes about learning gun safety, how to shoot, etc. These are some of my fondest memories growing up. None of these involve the f*cking insane recklessness of 19 loaded handguns in kitchen drawers.

    Holy f*ck. This is not how a gun rights advocate talks (the NRA was probably crying during that speech), I fail to see how an intellectual would celebrate this as being some kind of proof point of his commitment to American values and ideals.

  32. Chad Powers says:


    Gridlock is your friend in the very partisan times we live in. Sometimes not getting anything accomplished is progress.

  33. Juice Box says:

    Grim did Grandma survive WWII in Europe? Much of Poland was destroyed during the war by the Nazis.

  34. SmallGovConservative says:

    Old realtor says:
    August 9, 2024 at 9:55 am
    “…outrage over tampons in priceless.”

    What outrage? It’s just a recognition that tampons in boys bathrooms is a perfect symbol of the insanity of the modern Dem party. If you were normal, you’d agree. But then again, you’re a Jew who’s getting ready to vote for a radical leftist from Berkeley — where they hate Jews and agree with Iran that Israel should be eradicated. As T noted yesterday, you need to have your head examined.

  35. Juice Box says:

    MN – found it… Grandma was born Bonnie Eloise Blanton in 1933 in Keck, Ky., deep in the heart of central Appalachia.

  36. grim says:

    Wow, Blanton last name in KY, bourbon heritage

  37. Phoenix says:

    Leftist Libturd.

    Gunslinger Grim

    Evangelical Eddie

    I’ll start with those.

  38. Phoenix says:

    “What outrage? It’s just a recognition that tampons in boys bathrooms is a perfect symbol of the insanity of the modern Dem party.”

    They make absolute sense if you got’s the runs and it’s test day.


  39. Fast Eddie says:

    Appalachia, guns and bourbon… sounds rather American.

  40. BRT says:

    lol, do you guys even remember the boys bathroom in school?

  41. No One says:

    Hillbilly Elegy was a good book. When he wrote it, Vance took a brave, clear look at both the virtues and the many vices of white trashdom, and generally said they should give up their vices and pull themselves out of their dysfunction like he did. His cantankerous grandma basically raised him, dysfunctional but protective of him, in a very dysfunctional family. 10 years ago the politics in his book seemed vaguely libertarian, and fairly critical of what welfare statism ends up doing for dysfunctional people.

    What blows me away is the 180 he pulled as a politician. Now he’s trying to appeal to the hicks that he once disdained by saying nothing is their fault, it’s China’s fault, it’s the government’s fault for not creating a better welfare state for you common people to breed into. Formerly atheist/agnostic, in the last 10 years he turned Catholic despite having no history of it in his side of the family, while marrying an Indian. Why? I’m guessing daddy issues leading to a craving to obey and submit to a powerful father figure. Or is it just an act knowing there are no high level Republican atheists?

  42. 3b says:

    I think both Vance and Walz are weird. As I said when Trump picked Vance as his VP he has a darth Vader vibe.

    Walz just plays the folksy rural type, but he is as progressive as Harris his record as MN Governor proves it. If this is what white men need as per Old Realtor , then that does not say much, in fact it says white men are stupid if they can’t see through it. This is a really left ticket on the Democratic side, not looking to go moderate, in spite of Harris back pedaling on some of her former positions.

    As for Walz personally, something insincere about him, just like Vance, and he needs a hair cut. Trump and Vance , Harris and Walz that’s your choice America. Yes, we are in decline.

  43. Old realtor says:

    Ah antisemitism. I have been keeping a lid on my annoyance about all the non Jews here who fancy themselves experts on antisemitism. All of you should reexamine your expertise on the Jewish experience.

  44. Juice Box says:

    One thing about Walz and his Midwest background.

    When Minnesotans tell you it’s “hot” outside, it’s just a completely different frame of reference by about 30 degrees colder. Their versions of “conservative” and “liberal” are not quite the same polarizing designations in the coastal cities, more centrist. The Lutheran influence is massive. It’s Catholic Lite…meaning belief alone is enough to get you into heaven, they do not have the same fire and brimstone if you sin and don’t get absolution aka catholic confession, but they do have confession too if you want it just in case.

    I can go on and on about it, but I had to visit a doctor there, turns out the doctor was from New Jersey a nice Jewish woman. She treated me and told me she would never move back to Jersey. It was because people actually do respect each other, it is not just the “midwest nice” designation we have all heard about, and well you get way more for your money.

    I feel that way down here in Monmouth county. We are much much nicer people, we wave at each other as we drive by in the neighborhood, we stop and chat with neighbors regularly. We are having our annual neighborhood party again in September should be about 700 adults and children attending. Shopping experiences are generally nice hard working young people. I recently befriended a cashier in our local supermarket who is studying computer science, nice kid I am trying to get him into our intern program.

    Walz will do well as Grim says, he checks allot of boxes, hunter, farmer, teacher, football coach, ex-military, middle aged fat white male, speaks his mind, and spent plenty of time battling down in Washington DC as a congressman.

    Yes VP Harris is at the top of the ticket, selected (not elected) because she is a woman and of color. If she has any chance Walz will have to work some magic to swing the undecideds and maybe even some of the 40% of people who don’t even bother to vote.

  45. Juice Box says:

    re: “boys bathroom”

    Our middle school boys destroyed their bathroom, some kind of tick tok challenge.

  46. Fast Eddie says:

    …he checks allot of boxes, hunter, farmer, teacher, football coach, ex-military, middle aged fat white male, speaks his mind, and spent plenty of time battling down in Washington DC as a congressman.

    So, she doesn’t need to earn it. I see. Like the past, someone else will push her forward. Why not just kick her to the curb and put him at the top of the ticket.

  47. Phoenix says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    August 9, 2024 at 10:33 am

    Appalachia, guns and bourbon… sounds rather American.

    Sounds like an episode of Justified.

  48. TraitorJoe says:

    The idea that Walz will win over undecided is fancy. He has no appeal to moderates.

  49. Juice Box says:

    re: “doesn’t need to earn it”..

    No difference this time really. 2016 was a slam dunk for Trump because Hillary was turned off way too many independent, undecided and apathetic voters who did not bother showing up to the polls for her.

    Biden did not really need to check any other boxes other than “anybody but Trump” Record turnout in 2020 to beat him. Remember Biden Harris was not elected by just the left. White adults who do not have a college degree make up 41% of eligible voters.

  50. 3b says:

    Old: So only Jews can decide if something or someone is anti semitic? Ok, that is your right. If that is the case, then only Black Americans should be able to decide what is racist. Lots of white liberals out there who deem themselves to be experts on what is racist or not and comment on the Black American experience. As an example you can look at the lecture Joy Behar gave Rep Tim Scott, an African American Senator from SC. He was discussing his experience growing up Black in America, and how he does not believe there is systemic racism in this country. Behar told him he was wrong and just did not understand.

  51. Chicago says:

    3b: +1

  52. Chicago says:

    1 in 8 is on some form of GLP-1? WTF?

  53. Phoenix says:

    Chicago says:
    August 9, 2024 at 11:20 am

    1 in 8 is on some form of GLP-1? WTF?

    Yeah. Should be 4 of 8.

  54. Phoenix says:

    As illogical as it sounds, that is how it works in practice.

    It’s called human nature.

    3b says:
    August 9, 2024 at 11:15 am

    Old: So only Jews can decide if something or someone is anti semitic? Ok, that is your right. If that is the case, then only Black Americans should be able to decide what is racist.

  55. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    August 9, 2024 at 10:47 am

    I think both Vance and Walz are weird.

    Weird. Creepy.

    Labels used against people that are very hard to defend against.

    +5 to the Democrats for using this tactic. Now lets see how the Repubs defend against it.

  56. Juice Box says:

    re: “reexamine your expertise on the Jewish experience”

    Let me see first Jewish experience with a girl I dated when I was in high school lived near the home mentioned above in Grim’s article. I drove up to that fancy home in Rio Vista to pick her up one day and her smoking hot mom answered the door. Turns out my date inherited her dad’s looks. Nice girl if you know what I mean, well rounded, and well we parted ways after a few dates that summer.

    I also had a nice Jewish experience on a first date in Manhattan, she took me back to her midtown apt near central park, near the place that was shown as the Seinfeld Apt in the TV show, had a nice view if you stretched you neck out the window you could see a sliver of central park west and man she could sing, but like that episode where Jerry’s date had man-hands my date had hairy arms. It just was not going to work.

    There are a bunch of other ones including the NJ school teacher who moonlighted as a stripper but hey those kind of stories should not be told around children. Too far up the Hot/Crazy chart for me…

    I even met a nice girl in a bar from Israel. During our conversation she swore she would never go back. Seems she only wanted an anchor to the USA like a husband or baby to stay here….No thanks…

  57. Phoenix says:

    it is not just the “midwest nice” designation we have all heard about.

    Midwest nice: The ones that will shoot you if you steal an ear of corn for your starving child…

  58. BRT says:

    There is a very simple criteria for identifying racism and it’s by definition.

  59. LAX says:

    Trump loses his Orange Face….Drudge Headline

    F’ing hilarious. He’s losing his mind, too.

  60. SmallGovConservative says:

    Old realtor says:
    August 9, 2024 at 10:48 am
    “I have been keeping a lid on my annoyance about all the non Jews here who fancy themselves experts on antisemitism”

    Would everyone on this blog please state your race, ethnicity, religion, sexual identification and orientation, as well as any other relevant personal info (such as your spouse’s race, ethnicity, religion and/or whether anyone in your family identified as LGBTXYZ++), so that Old knows whether he can accept any of your opinions — understanding that his opinions on anything related to the Jewish experience, are better than your opinions on anything related to the Jewish experience. Thank you.

  61. Juice Box says:

    It’s not breakdancing if they aren’t using a linoleum meant for a kitchen floor.

    Can’t believe they want to make it an Olympic sport…it’s kind of cringey, some really bad breaking….When you do it on a pommel horse sure but some of these kids are just rolling around on a floor.

  62. LAX says:

    12:04 we all know your opinion is worthless, culled from right wing media.
    Let’s start there.

  63. Juice Box says:

    Snoop Dogg too that is Hip Hop era, they weren’t breakers.

    I did not even hear Herbie Hancok’s Rockit…played..

  64. LAX says:

    No, I don’t need a bunch of WASPs trying to tell me about the Jewish experience.
    No more than I’d try to inform a Black or Hispanic person about their unique lives and challenges.

    It’s an obvious point and no wonder the nuances escape you.

  65. SmallGovConservative says:

    LAX says:
    August 9, 2024 at 12:00 pm
    “Trump loses his Orange Face…”

    Didn’t you hear, the party that you support had him shot. And by the way, while recovering from having been shot by/because of the Dems, he conducted a longer press conference than SlowJoe and Carmella combined have conducted over the past 3+ years. those two, along with you of course, are the literal embodiment of worthless.

  66. Old realtor says:

    If you are interested in mainstream views of Jewish or Black Americans, look at how they voted in 2020. It couldn’t be more clear that Republicans are out of touch with these voting groups. Somewhere between 25% to 33% of Jewish voters pulled the lever for Trump. About 13% of Black voters chose Trump.

  67. LAX says:

    12:15 you are to dumb to argue with anyone.

  68. LAX says:

    11:36 Dude. That’s pretty sad. By the time I was sixteen I’d been to Israel twice.
    Worked on a Kibbutz, hung around kids from Tel Aviv. Fallen in love a little with a local gal. Been Bar Mitzvahed. Heard first hand accounts of the Holocaust from my grandparents and other family members. I’d also been treated to various forms of discrimination from tiny-minded bigots. A rich tapestry.

  69. Old realtor says:

    A big chunk of the Jews who support Trump look at the Christian Right as useful idiots.

  70. LAX says:

    I’d also embraced chopped liver and matzo ball soup.
    Not in the biblical way, though.

  71. LAX says:

    12:31 they’ll always be wealthy people who will vote for a Tax Cut.
    These same people will always put their interests above others.
    “Gridlock” is what most corporate leaders embrace.

  72. Phoenix says:

    Money is the universal religion. It pretty much transcends just about everything.

  73. Phoenix says:

    About 13% of Black voters chose Trump.

    Bet none of them live in the hood.

    You vote for the one that lines your pockets with gold.

  74. Juice Box says:

    Lax? re: “sad” hardly… I put smiles on all of those Jewish girls faces many times….
    I am a hardly-observant goy… But I do have kinship with you as my private parts were snipped too!

  75. 3b says:

    Old: A lot has changed since 2020. It is possible Jewish American voters may not be as enthusiastic about the Democrats as they were in the past.

  76. 3b says:

    Old: Your comment about Jews considering Evangelicals as useful idiots, is that your opinion, or do you know that as a fact? Do you believe Jews are cynically manipulating American Evangelicals to get what they want? J

  77. Old realtor says:

    There are plenty of Jewish voices here. I am curious if there are any Jews here who voted for Biden in 2020 who will vote for Trump this time around. If anyone here falls into that category I would love to hear about it and why.

  78. Old realtor says:

    No manipulation involved with the Religious Right. They went there willingly

  79. Old realtor says:

    Give it a bit of thought. A religious group believes the land you occupy is holy and in order for their Messiah to come, all of your people need to be on that land. Once this occurs, you and all your people will be destroyed.

    This group wants to support you so you will be there to be destroyed? You don’t believe in their God or their Rapture but you benefit from their pursuit. Useful idiots!

    Widely held belief of both American Jews and Israelis I know.

  80. Juice Box says:

    Here is a little Jewish Humor before the Sabbath..

  81. LAX says:

    1:10 the ol’ lake of fire for the non-believers.
    I know the settlements appreciated the donations, but seriously?!!!

  82. 3b says:

    Old: On a day to day basis, it really does not matter. When the world ends, then it will be the end for everyone. If, in the meantime Evangelicals support Israel s right to exist, that’s not a bad thing. There is a whole subset of Jewish people who live in Israel, and don’t even recognize it.

  83. Phoenix says:

    There is no Messiah. There is no God. This is all crazy talk. You know what is real? Gravity. Science. Evolution.

    Ain’t no man up there controlling everything. Maybe a few down here on earth though…. Hehe

    A religious group believes the land you occupy is holy and in order for their Messiah to come, all of your people need to be on that land. Once this occurs, you and all your people will be destroyed.

  84. SmallGovConservative says:

    Old realtor says:
    August 9, 2024 at 1:00 pm
    “I am curious if there are any Jews here who voted for Biden in 2020 who will vote for Trump this time around.”

    Not here (as far as I know, although I suppose he could be NoOne, Chi, Left or any of the other rational, successful posters), but Bill Ackman is a good example of a lifelong Northeast Jew who’s finally had it with the modern, incompetent, irrational Dem party. I suspect there are far more who have simply not gone public.

  85. JUice Box says:

    We need to keep gas prices down before the election, and bomb the children too….

    “The Biden administration has decided to lift a ban on U.S. sales of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia, three sources familiar with the matter told Reuters on Friday, reversing a three-year-old policy to pressure the kingdom to wind down the Yemen war.”

  86. Juice Box says:

    Hummm? Putting the nail in Hunter Biden’s pardon?

    “The DOJ officially admits Hunter Biden was bribed by a criminal Romanian oligarch to influence U.S. policy through Joe Biden when he was Vice President in 2015.”

  87. Libturd says:

    Hallelujah Phoenix.

    And yes Old Realtor, I’ve heard the whole belief about the Jews needing to be in Israel for the second coming many, many times.

    Hasid’s vote Republican. Orthodox down to Reconstructionists vote Democrat wholly. Or is that holy?

  88. SomeOne says:

    A religious group believes the land you occupy is holy and in order for their Messiah to come, all of your people need to be on that land. Once this occurs, you and all your people will be destroyed.

    If this were some fan fiction, will the Messiah come in the form of a Bond Villian? Some other cult(ure)s have similar things — a punisher for end of times.

  89. LAX says:

    2:21 your level for competence must be laughably low if you consider Trump or any of our recent Republican leaders to be remotely competent.

  90. BRT says:

    I would love the expert opinion then, do we consider this racism?

  91. LAX says:

    The Incompetent Malfeasance of Today’s Republican Party
    They’re mendacious buffoons, but their lack of political acumen makes them no less dangerous than if they knew how to shoot straight.

    “Never attribute to malice that which can better be explained by incompetence” is a variation of the adage Hanlon’s Razor. When it comes to the modern conservative movement, it is difficult to discern where the malice ends and the incompetence begins.

    There has been much to criticize about Republican rule for many decades: a combination of cruelty and ineffectuality tainted conservative responses to everything from the HIV/AIDS crisis under Ronald Reagan to the invasion of Iraq under George W. Bush. The travesties of our era, when all but a few Republicans show fealty to former president Donald Trump, deserve their own place in the annals of incompetent malfeasance.

    The spiraling descent of conservatism as a governing philosophy is only accelerating.

    The GOP House Majority is so fraught with dissent, so animated by belligerence, and so lacking in policy acumen that it has passed a record-low number of bills. Last year was the least productive legislative year since the Great Depression. It saw the passage of only 27 bills. The culture of callousness that started in the 1990s with the late broadcaster Rush Limbaugh and the rise of House Speaker Newt Gingrich was at least relatively productive. Their heirs are politicians like Representative Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Matt Gaetz of Florida, and Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri, who preen for Fox News and Truth Social rather than solve America’s problems. The mere election of a House Speaker last year was a comedy rather than a coronation as one candidate after another fell to internal backbiting until the House GOP Conference settled on Mike Johnson of Louisiana. Incompetence, brinksmanship, and caving to the Republican Conference’s most narcissistic and ideological members is the name of the game.

  92. SomeOne says:

    Juice, 11:36

    Pretty classy huh. Even your recollections of youth friendships / romances aren’t able to capture something positive. You checked all things: “ugly”, “hairy”, “stripper”, and “gold digger” — a perfect 4.0.

    It seems you also won’t vote for a woman president candidate — make it 5.0?

  93. No One says:

    I’m still trying to understand why US Christian Conservatives are so fond of the state of Israel. What does Tucker Carlson say?
    It’s got to be a different reason than non-religious people like myself have for generally supporting Israel in conflicts.
    Do they know that Jews aren’t generally for Jesus?
    I thought MAGA don’t care about conflicts outside US borders anymore. How do they decide which ones they care about?

  94. chicagofinance says:


    Juice Box says:
    August 9, 2024 at 1:17 pm
    Here is a little Jewish Humor before the Sabbath..

  95. No One says:

    I miss JJ’s stories about young ladies leaving snail trails on the crushed valor of his car.
    They just hit different. RIP JJ

  96. chicagofinance says:

    Yeah, but did you see her in fatigues with a machine gun?

    Juice Box says:
    August 9, 2024 at 11:36 am
    I even met a nice girl in a bar from Israel. During our conversation she swore she would never go back. Seems she only wanted an anchor to the USA like a husband or baby to stay here….No thanks…

  97. 3b says:

    Since we are touching on Jews and Israel. I am watching on Netflix a move called The Spy, based on a true story. Israeli intelligence , early 1960 s. Sacha Baron Cohen ( Borat) is the main character. It’s very good if anyone is interested.

  98. Juice Box says:

    SomeOne – classy? I was going for levity based upon real life experiences. I forgot the catch phrase from Seinfeld…”Not that there is anything wrong with that.” so lighten up Francis. I know plenty of great women from all faiths and backgrounds and cultures and I have experienced many of them. Perhaps you need to expand your experiences as well? You should never drive the same model car your whole life, especially early on when you first start driving are just figuring out what brand you like, heck you might prefer a stick shift, who knows?

    My opinion on VP Harris is what I have said from the beginning she will be selected not elected for the top spot in the DNC. This is the party saving democracy right? I have already complemented her running mate today. What more do you want? Should I sign up to be a democrat today and donate to the campaign, get the bumper sticker and all? I am still not convinced she can win, and will continue to say so until convinced otherwise. I am really in the majority here undecided. However I don’t like the Hobson’s choice the Democrats gave us and I am also not happy with the Morton’s fork between the two main choices. Maybe I will pick the crazy one running from my clan so I can say I voted for a Kennedy too. You know my mother’s first vote in America was for JFK. She is very proud of that vote especially since back then they had voter tests in NYC. In in the 1960s New York state law required all would-be voters to pass a literacy test in English if you did not know that…well now you do.

    And for the 50th time in as many months I do not want Trump.

  99. Juice Box says:

    3b – Israeli intelligence

    The Hamas leader they just killed in Tehran? Well it turns out, it was not a stealth bombing mission with F-35s jets that was too fantastical to pull off. Mossad had a human asset perhaps the cleaning lady or the maintence crew bug the VIP suite, they saw him in the room from probably a spy cam and remote denotated the bomb they planted? Perhaps and exploding planter? How about an exploding commode? Ouch Allah!!!

  100. Bob says:

    Serious question: What demographic was Vance supposed to win over that wasn’t already pro Trump? The rural pseudo-intellectuals?

    And what exactly is Trump campaigning on? The wall? Too late. Anti-war? Too soft. States rights? What’s this 1860?

    He was at his best when he took China to task and challenged globalism. But that’s not what corporate America wants. His Mar-a-Lago speech this week was about as coherent and impactful as Biden was four years ago. How exactly is he going to Make America Great this time? What is his message besides “the opposition is too liberal?”

    If he doesn’t figure it out soon it will be time for the GOP to start creating a post-Trump platform.

  101. Juice Box says:

    B0b – You are missing the connection….. Trump —> Elon Musk —-> Peter Thiel ——->Hillbilly Vance

    One camp in Silicon Valley wants Trump and the other wants VP Harris. Billionaires vs Billionaires and their mega donations to the PACs.

    All of the latest ads on you tube and other social media as well as the Olympics on TV are coming from the Facebook side of the party.. Future Forward PAC.

    Elon and his crew want Crypto approved so you and 401k can start buying it, probably whether you like it or not as it could be smashed in to index funds too. They need Trump and they got him and well he is now the party of Crypto..

  102. 3b says:

    Some one: You can make fun of the Evangelicals all you want, but at least they are not out and about planting bombs , and cutting people’s heads off, and beating young women to death for not wearing the Hijab.

  103. 3b says:

    Juice: We had a picture of the Sacred Heart and JFK hanging in our kitchen when we were growing up. All my Irish American friends did too.

  104. LAX says:

    3:24 they’re just slut shaming teenagers in front of abortion clinics, killing doctors, and setting the occasional bomb, but they’re gooood people.

  105. 3b says:

    Juice: Israeli intelligence does not mess around, they are experts. However they did it, it was in the heart of Tehran. This is a major security embarrassment for the leaders of Iran who run around in bed sheets and kill women for not covering up.

  106. 3b says:

    LAX: You have a somewhat valid point. Islamic terrorists have slaughtered more innocent people than any Evangelical has.

  107. Bob says:

    Juice, maybe I am dense but I’m not making the connection. Your contention is that Trump could not have bagged Elon, Thiel, and Crypto without Vance? Doesn’t compute.

  108. Bob says:

    What would the fallout of a soured deal between Trump and Musk look like? Epic Narcissistic Meltdown!!!

  109. Juice Box says:

    Bob – It’s always more than one reason Vance’s Hillbilly appeals to the swing states but really it is a package deal he is bringing PAC money dude. Trump is radioactive to the billionaire class right now. They don’t want to invest they believe he has a chance to win and that also includes someone else out there talking. They are just now starting to fill the coffers for the right. Americans for Prosperity Kochs just put up money. Elon’s PAC and others are starting to come forward. We are talking a billion dollars on each side at least RAISED AND SPENT in the next 87 days.

  110. SomeOne says:

    3b, 3:24: that is a very low bar to compare against, no?

    Juice, 3:01: Fair enough. I am just an old man, rapidly approach the age where one just watches TV (or just Fox) and starting to fail to see levity/humor in anyone’s posts but mine… So please accept my apologies for trying to roast you.

  111. SomeOne says:

    What would the fallout of a soured deal between Trump and Musk look like? Epic Narcissistic Meltdown!!!

    Predator vs Alien. No matter who wins, we lose!

  112. Bob says:

    Juice. Still not getting it. Bagmen are a dime a dozen. Policy is set by the person in charge and that’s who PACs support. If I was putting up a billion dollars, I’d want to broaden the base of popular support. Vance doesn’t seem compelling enough to move the undecided voters in the swing states.

    That said, perhaps Trump’s options were limited as picking a non-white male would have offended his base. Where is Condoleezza Rice when you need her?

  113. 3b says:


    Predator vs Alien, Trump vs Harris we all lose.

  114. 3b says:

    Bob: Are you saying that all of Trump’s base is racist?

  115. SomeOne says:

    3b, you know that Harris was “Born in the USA”, right? Musk was an Alien that got naturalized (that may still fondly remember his Apartheid life in SA)

  116. Phoenix says:

    Hehe. oops. too weak.

    Hahahaha. 🤣🤣🤣

    Good one LAX. That’s funny. You got me on that one.

    LAX says:
    August 9, 2024 at 3:28 pm
    3:24 they’re just slut shaming teenagers in front of abortion clinics, killing doctors, and setting the occasional bomb, but they’re gooood people.

  117. TraitorJoe says:

    What’s the point in passing a bill when the other party controls the senate and white House. I’ll have to reconsider the willful part of willful stupidity to describe some of these people. Maybe they really think Kamala is smart.

  118. Phoenix says:

    Where is Condi? Guess you haven’t seen this.

  119. No One says:

    Nobody normal would accept the VP job under Trump after seeing how he has treated previous hires.

  120. 3b says:

    Someone: I have no idea what you are talking about re Harris and being born in the USA, as for Musk he came to the U.S. when he was 17.

    I will give the politics topic a rest now, and the Jews, Israel, and antisemitism topics too.

    Not an inch.

  121. BRT says:

    Tim Walz must have been a really crappy teacher. He doesn’t believe learning loss occurred.

  122. LAX says:

    3:33 the Crusades has entered the chat…

  123. Fast Eddie says:

    Trump, Kavanaugh, Scalise, Zeldin… why do leftists keep trying to assassinate their political opponents? Why do they possess blind hatred? Is it insecurity? Self-doubt? Unable to harbor healthy relationships? Abuse and neglect as a child? What causes leftists to become misfits? Or even better, why do misfits so easily relate to leftists?

  124. LAX says:

    5:46 Trump’s shooter was a MAGA/goof. Flags in the yard. Registered Republican.

  125. Fast Eddie says:

    It does raise an interesting question; why are democrats so angry and misaligned? Why do they feel the need to prove themselves? Why are they always in a defensive posture and always lashing out? I think I’ll do a study and call it, “The Warm Blanket Theory.” It’ll be a treatise on the struggle and plight of the modern American liberal.

  126. LAX says:

    6:21 you couldn’t pour pee out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.

  127. Fast Eddie says:

    A liberal isn’t called to maturity but is instead invited to begin a second childhood. Like playful kids, they’re promised (but never truly given) economic, social and political security without having to assume responsibility. If another child attempts to take their toy(s), they lash out in a rage. January 6th was an anomaly, not the norm. Those on the left use occupy movements, street fires, destruction, pink pussy hat and white dress posturing and symbolism on a regular basis not as a supplement for their cause but as standard procedure.

  128. Bob says:


    I don’t believe his entire base is racist. In fact, if Trump pivoted to say he liked purple unicorns, I’m pretty sure a big part of his base would follow (perhaps with a bit of reticence). Which is why I think his VP pick was a wasted opportunity. But at this point I don’t get the sense he has a huge amount of respect for minorities, and neither does a good portion of his base. Do you have a different perception?

  129. Very Stable Genius says:

    It’s big government Socialist cult of personality Maga vs Democrats.

    I used to be Republican: Law & Order, hard work, self-reliance, Capitalism. But the Republican Party was replaced by Maga: cult of personality, insurrectionist, felon as candidate, big welfare free universal healthcare and minimum universal income for the elderly. Lots of hate.

    Now I become a strong independent and will only vote on the issues.

    Maga is going to increase the deficit by another 2 trillion with their plan to eliminate the tax on Social Security. But Maga can only offer welfare, hate and racism, and increased deficit. A shame

  130. Very Stable Genius says:

    That’s the main issue for me, the national debt.
    Maga will increase the national deficit.

    “ Republicans were fiscal Paul Reveres, warning of a “tipping point” of debt that would turn America into Greece. But as former vice president Dick Cheney once said, Ronald Reagan proved that in politics, “deficits don’t matter”—and Republican voters showed it again in 2016 by nominating Donald Trump, a candidate who christened himself the “King of Debt,” pledged to double what Hillary Clinton would spend on infrastructure and chastised opponents who wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare”

  131. Fast Eddie says:

    I sent a message to a realtor three days ago inquiring about a getaway place in the Poconos. You think I got a response? Nothing. No text, no email, no phone call… nothing. I didn’t even get a canned response acknowledging the inquiry. And they expect a commission for this lax and lazy business dealing?

  132. Phoenix says:


    Offer them a couple-two-tree beers. 🤣🤣🤣

  133. D-FENS says:

    Nobody votes for the Vice president

  134. Fast Eddie says:

    Walz: No personal investments, no 401K, a minus 1 on economic savviness. There’s something about him that’s pervy. She’s not going to him for financial advice. He’s even more clueless on economic matters than she is. There’s something about that guy that’s off. Relatable? He’s a weirdo. And why doesn’t she have any policies on her website? It’s just donations and merch. Awful. And can she at least switch up her speech from place to place? Does she even know she’s using the same exact words. And her voice. Holy shit, irritating as hell!

  135. BRT says:

    Eddie, that sounds like he’s a true representative of America.

  136. BRT says:

    That’s the main issue for me, the national debt.

    Unless Kamala gets elected, then it’s no longer an issue again right?

  137. Phoenix says:

    No one is fixing the national debt.

    Don’t worry, you will die, and you won’t have to pay it back.

    Those kids at the elementary school have got your back. It’s all good.

  138. 3b says:

    DFens: Maybe after the Biden fiasco more people should pay attention to it.

  139. LAX says:

    3:18 his first book deal will be $20m. Dude’s ticket is punched.

  140. Juice Box says:

    Ed you forgot to mention Walz does not pay any property tax, he sold his Mankato home in 2019 after he became governor and moved into government housing aka government mansion etc, he own no property in that state.

  141. Juice Box says:

    Additional government filing in the Hunter Biden case, $3 million from a Romanian to influence US Policy when his dad was the Vice President. I have a feeling that would have never happened if Biden was still running for president. How much more will they try to suppress? It’s not like they did not have this information during the Obama, Trump or Biden administrators.

  142. 3b says:

    Not an inch.

  143. Libturd says:

    I just switched from Fubo to Hulu + Live TV. I already get the Disney Bundle for free with Verizon Wireless. Now that SNY left FUBO, I had to switch to watch the Mets. I’ll lose the Devils, but I’ll get it back through ESPN+ and my VPN. I read that the AppleTV SmartDNS actually works pretty well with it. We’ll see. Between a credit card offer, a $9/month discount from Rakutan and a $22 month credit from Verizon, I will end up saving almost $40/month with the switch.

  144. WickedOrange says:

    This Alpine house is my son’s friend’s house. I always felt odd dropping my son off there in my subaru. :-) We used to have our end-of-season lacrosse pool party there.

    The owner who sold is a West Point grad. This is one of two properties he has in Alpine.

    For a guy who has had this level of success, he is super down-to-earth and a really nice guy.

    It’s nice to know that one can be that successful and not be a narcissist.

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