Go North!

From the NY Post:

Home prices have risen a whopping 79% in five years in this state — and it’s nowhere near Florida or Texas

Homebuyers are grabbing their winter gear and flocking to far-flung Maine — where they’ve managed to drive up the median home price a bone-chilling 78.5% in just five short years, a new report reveals. 

According to freshly published findings from industry news site Pro Tool Reviews, The Pine Tree State has experienced the most significant increase in median home prices of any of the fifty since 2019 — jumping from $219,000 to $391,000.

The explosive growth comes in spite of the fact that Maine’s population has trickled upward a mere 0.32% since 2008, according to research conducted by Pew Charitable Trust — well below states like Texas (1.52%) and Florida (1.34%), better known for their heated housing markets in recent years.

Neighboring New Hampshire slid into second place on the list, experiencing a 76.4% rise in average residential real estate prices since 2019. 

The new wave of northern New England homesteaders don’t appear to be struggling to make their purchases either — The Granite State ranked highest for size of downpayment, boasting $72,750 on average.

Another state in the region took third place on the overall list — Rhode Island, which experienced a 73% jump.

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

130 Responses to Go North!

  1. Chad Powers says:


  2. Very Stable Genius says:


  3. 3b says:

    Sounds like vacation homes in Maine is part of the reason. Still amazing. When does it fall apart?

  4. Fast Eddie says:

    It doesn’t surprise me. Traditional Americans want to live among those that have the same beliefs so they’re flocking to these areas. They’re finding it in the more rural confines of New England. As I’ve mentioned a few days ago, I’ve been looking for a get-away type place in the Poconos and the prices are at “WTF” levels.

  5. Juice Box says:

    re: Poconos

    Go to the local hangout at night the Walmart and meet your neighbors!

  6. Phoenix says:

    Runaway Diesel:

    The most striking proposals were for the elimination of medical debt for millions of Americans; the “first-ever” ban on price gouging for groceries and food; a cap on prescription drug costs; a $25,000 subsidy for first-time home buyers; and a child tax credit that would provide $6,000 per child to families for the first year of a baby’s life.

    The last item followed a suggestion earlier this month from JD Vance, the GOP vice-presidential nominee, that the credit be raised from $2,000 per child to $5,000. Harris is also calling for restoring the Biden administration’s child tax credit that expired at the end of 2021, which raised the benefit for most families from $2,000 per child to $3,000.

  7. SmallGovConservative says:

    Phoenix says:
    August 16, 2024 at 9:13 am
    “The most striking proposals were for the elimination of medical debt…”

    Carmella following SlowJoe’s footsteps and shopping for votes — with law-abiding tax payers set to pay the bill.

  8. Juice Box says:

    A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

    ― Alexander Fraser Tytler (18th Century England)

  9. Very Stable Genius says:

    Big government Socialist government universal healthcare for the 65 will complain about any medical benefit for the under 65.


  10. Fast Eddie says:

    Juice Box,

    I’ve posted the Tytler sequence here a few times. We’re in the latter stages, obviously. The fork in the road was the Obammy administration. The transformation has taken root and that woman will pave the road to dependence.

  11. Very Stable Genius says:

    The U.S. spends a lot of money every year — more than $6 trillion.
    Nearly half of those trillions go to just three programs:
    Social Security,
    Medicaid and

    These are the biggest government entitlements — benefits paid or given out to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
    May 3, 2024

  12. Phoenix says:

    Which is why we needed to stop at the earlier age, “From liberty to abundance.”

    But boomer couldn’t help themselves, and like an amplifier, has increased the rate at which we devolve.

    A boomer making 160k not having to pay increases in property tax? WHat The F ucccc?
    How f’n greedy can the geezers get?

  13. Phoenix says:

    The fork in the road was the Obammy administration.

    Wrong. It’s way back, when they shipped all of the jobs overseas.

    Reagan, Clinton. Maybe even before that.

  14. Phoenix says:

    You don’t have socialist medicine for anyone but Boomer cause Boomer isn’t the sharing type.

    You don’t get a tax break on that overpriced cape you are struggling to pay for cause boomer doesn’t pay his fair share of taxes on his 4 bedroom colonial he bought for 30k when Eisenhower was President.

    You pay a ton of taxes because someone younger has to support boomer’s Pension, something boomer kept for themselves while voting against anyone younger getting one.

  15. No One says:

    This election season we have the National Socialists vs the International Socialists.
    Is it possible that for the first time in US history we have two candidates with IQs under 110 running against each other? Truly historic election.
    You underestimate the stupidity and perversity of many New Deal programs. Those days were still worse policy than what we’ve got now. (See for example: Folsom’s “New Deal or Raw Deal” https://www.independent.org/publications/tir/article.asp?id=770) Fortunately the Supreme Court struck down a few of the worst New Deal programs, and I wonder if history will repeat and the Supreme Court would even strike down some Harris/Trump edicts.

  16. 3b says:

    Fast: I am surprised that you are looking to purchase more real estate. I thought you were more cautious in that regard.

  17. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    August 16, 2024 at 10:15 am
    Fast: I am surprised that you are looking to purchase more real estate. I thought you were more cautious in that regard.

    A trailer in the Poconos near Pocono raceway should cost less than his yearly expenditures on Chex Mix.

    He is just realizing that people actually live there, and that they don’t want to sell him their humble abodes for less than a used Corolla. You know, those lower class people that are worth nothing and shop at WalMart.

  18. Phoenix says:

    If the Laughing Hyena offers me a big enough deal I will vote for her.

    Nothing on her table has my name on it, other than money coming out of my check to give to others.

    That’s what happens with targeted gifts. They help some, but hurt others.

  19. Phoenix says:

    Try and get this to vote. Typical Jersey Girl:


  20. BRT says:

    Phoenix, this was the moment. Listen to Ross Perot. But more importantly, look at Bush and Clinton smirking and shaking their heads like the aholes they were. They were in agreement in laying the foundation to ship jobs outside our borders. It was a team effort.

    We have got to stop sending jobs overseas. It’s pretty simple: If you’re paying $12, $13, $14 an hour for factory workers and you can move your factory South of the border, pay a dollar an hour for labor, … have no health care—that’s the most expensive single element in making a car— have no environmental controls, no pollution controls and no retirement, and you don’t care about anything but making money, there will be a giant sucking sound going south.
    … when [Mexico’s] jobs come up from a dollar an hour to six dollars an hour, and ours go down to six dollars an hour, and then it’s leveled again. But in the meantime, you’ve wrecked the country with these kinds of deals.


  21. No One says:

    It’s mostly government workers who have defined benefit pension plans anymore.
    Private pension plans are dwindling such that only a tiny percentage still get them, and I think they are mostly being demanded by some unions. And the only way that those private pension funds stay above water is by investing in companies that predominantly aren’t unionized.

    Pension plans have a big downside, namely that someone gets stuck working with one company trying to make it all the way to retirement. Cuts down on labor mobility substantially, and ties too much of a person’s retirement to one provider. Some people say they want lifetime employment in one company, but most people woudn’t.
    But 401ks and such shifts risks to individuals, and a lot of people don’t save enough in them until it’s too late, don’t make particularly good choices, etc.
    Seems like Singapore has done a better job incentivizing retirement savings.

    Which reminds me that over the past decades, the few Republicans who have pushed for changes got zapped by scaremongers inside and outside their party. In 2016 Trump mendaciously and opportunistically attacked Cruz and Rubio for offering up some social security reforms coupled with better incentives for private sector savings for the young, taking the traditional Democratic angle of “they’re coming to take away your social security, old people!”
    Trump similarly opportunistically attacked Cruz for proposing to reform and reduce the wasteful farmer subsidies for ethanol. He does nothing from principle, he’s for he has none, he’s no true friend of markets, everything comes from his political calculations of what he thinks is good for him.

  22. Fast Eddie says:

    Fast: I am surprised that you are looking to purchase more real estate. I thought you were more cautious in that regard.

    Yes, I was exploring the possibility. But it seems everything includes lot rents and HOA fees. I don’t want to be stuffed into a lake community with a thousand others. What’s the point? I wanted a double wide on a hill with a view with merely an acre and it doesn’t exist. If it does, the price tag is almost as much as a cape in Perth Amboy.

    And yes, my chex mix expenditures can’t be comprised; I need to continue to do my part and help out the nose pickers.

  23. Fast Eddie says:

    Cumella wants to implement price-fixing on products? Explain that one to stock holders.

  24. Phoenix says:

    Yes, I was exploring the possibility. But it seems everything includes lot rents and HOA fees.

    How dare those capitalists try to extort money from me. Hehe

  25. Phoenix says:

    Pension plans have a big downside, namely that someone gets stuck working with one company trying to make it all the way to retirement. Cuts down on labor mobility substantially, and ties too much of a person’s retirement to one provider.

    Lack of Universal Healthcare cuts down on labor mobility just as much, or more.

    Funny thing is most of those who hate pensions with a passion are fine with the PoPo getting them. It’s a very bizarre hill to stake your flag on.

  26. 3b says:

    Phoenix: If you have a problem with Harris laugh, it’s because you are sexist and intimated by it. It was all discussed on a segment of the Drew Barrymore show. So, if you are thinking of continuing to make fun of her, I have one word for you……..Don’t.

  27. 3b says:

    Fast: Nixon tried price controls, and it was a disaster.

  28. Phoenix says:

    I wanted a double wide on a hill with a view with merely an acre and it doesn’t exist.

    Are you saying that there is no land for sale in America? Buy a hill, then the double wide, and have on trucked up there.

    Or rent a heavy lift helicopter to drop it on site. Or hire a lumberjack to build you a cabin. One that has more testosterone than cash.

  29. Phoenix says:

    I chastised a co-worker the other night when he thought it was funny to laugh out loud like a f’n hyena during a trauma.

    Kamila should act like a professional and not a f’n hyena, just like the dolt muppet co-worker that was male.

    It’s not sexist. But yes, America has an abundance of victimhood, so not surprised at your comment.

    Sorry thing is no one is really there for the real victims, of which KamelFace isn’t one of.

  30. Juice Box says:

    3b – Weird Clip of VP Harris speaking introducing Biden yesterday. She seems a little tipsy……


  31. 3b says:

    Juice: She might have had a nip before she went on stage.

  32. Very Stable Genius says:

    Reagan increased the national deficit by increasing expenditures and lowering taxes.

    Phoenix says:
    August 16, 2024 at 10:08 am
    The fork in the road was the Obammy administration.

    Wrong. It’s way back, when they shipped all of the jobs overseas.

    Reagan, Clinton. Maybe even before that.

  33. 3b says:

    Phoenix: She is a professional, and probably your next President. She is competent and qualified. She will be a plus for America on the world stage. It’s obvious you are intimidated by her.

  34. BRT says:

    All those New Englanders bought vacation homes in Maine. Just like everyone from North Jersey snatched up a beach house and a golf cart. My cousin at LBI showed me her key drawer. She has the keys to 24 different houses in the neighborhood. They gave them to her so she can check on their homes in emergency. No one is there from Sep to May. My cousin in Boston bought a condo in Vermont because his son is involved in skiing.

    Even the people that can’t afford the shore are doing it elsewhere. My neighbor bought a crappy cabin in the poconos. It’s the modern day version of keeping up with the Jones.

  35. Phoenix says:

    This is what victimhood looks like:


  36. No One says:

    I respectfully disagree with you and Perot about the significance of manufacturing going to Mexico or Canada. Mexican workers in industry are still about 25%, about what they were before NAFTA. Jobs in car manufacturing have mostly declined due to industrial robots than they have been to Mexicans. And the result has been better-made cars at lower prices. And more production has gone to southern states (i.e. outside of Michigan). Brazil “protected” their manufacturing sector the way that Trump and Perot would have liked to, and despite lower labor costs than in the US, it’s dysfunctional, with protected companies selling high cost products domestically, and rarely competitive abroad.

    Policy with China was a much bigger issue. Perhaps blame Nixon/Kissinger the most. And Clinton, who was willing to overlook the fact that China isn’t a normally governed country, and yet was willing to pretend that “free-trade” with a structurally tyrannical country wouldn’t lead to long-term geopolitical risks. China ignored almost all of its WTO entry conditions/promises. While there has been some short-term economic benefit to trade with China, it comes at a long term peril, because their government fundamentally rejects the values of individual liberty upon which free trade rests. Now the economic costs of recognizing their danger to free countries is greater.

    The greens in the US are still as usual the “useful idiots” for foreign communists. I read that US companies trying to build advanced chipmaking foundries are being blocked by “wetlands” red tape. And the greens practically killed the nuclear power industry in the US 40 years ago with their fearmongering. Thank goodness these greens weren’t in power when they were ramping up tank, ship, airplane factories and nuclear weapons production during WW2 or we might all be eating sauerkraut and borscht.

  37. Phoenix says:

    We don’t need any more chips.

    An 8080 processor from 1974 has now surpassed the intelligence of the average American.

  38. Fast Eddie says:

    Beach houses are good for four months whereas mountain houses are year round. Plus, I’m into mountain views and stone fire places. Yeah, love the beach but that property is untouchable in price and you’re likely not there in the middle of winter. But as I said, was just exploring the Poconos as my cousin has a place for years and we go to the Pocono race every year and some other things around. Fuck it though, everything’s too expensive.

  39. Phoenix says:

    That last sentence made me spit out my Chex Mix.


    I needed a good laugh to start my day.

    But yes, I agree, she will probably be the next President.

    3b says:
    August 16, 2024 at 10:56 am
    Phoenix: She is a professional, and probably your next President. She is competent and qualified. She will be a plus for America on the world stage. It’s obvious you are intimidated by her.

  40. Phoenix says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    August 16, 2024 at 11:19 am
    Fuck it though, everything’s too expensive.

    Everything fits with enough lube.

    I’ve seen it first hand.

  41. Phoenix says:

    And 3b,

    She most certainly appears confident and qualified. Just look at the last two muppets before her.

    Using them as a benchmark, a Fig Newton looks confident and qualified.

  42. No One says:

    Price-fix the curry and the jerk chicken first, Harris.
    Fun fact, Harris’ dad Donald is a Jamaican Marxist professor. The Economist, a fan of Harris, looked into it, and even they couldn’t escape the fact that he was a big time academic Marxist still dwelling within the failed arguments of that sort, such as labor theory of value. How could she not have been a red-diaper baby?
    Also, based on a photo of her birth certificate, her dad thought that “Jamaican” was a race.

  43. Phoenix says:

    Ohhh NOOO. Worry about TikTok. China guy stealing my data.

    How about worrying about National Public Data, an AMERICAN company, collecting and not securing my data?

    Eddie, I just downloaded your SSN and will be buying you your house in the Poconos. It’s the least I can do for all of the Chex Mix you have given me. Keys and title in your name will be in the mailbox. Congrats!!

    The incident came to light in a class-action lawsuit filed in August and first reported by Bloomberg Law accusing the background check company National Public Data of failing to protect the personal information including names, addresses and social security numbers of what hackers claimed were billions of people.

  44. Phoenix says:

    Hey soon to be President Harris,

    Price fix a house in the Poconos for Eddie.

    He has been taking care of all of the indigent ” youtes” so they don’t grow up to rob the Sac-O-Suds when they get older.

  45. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Just go along with the party line. The commissars in the Democratic Party have rehabilitated Harris. Ignore everything she has said and done, and pretend it never happened. She will be coming out with an economic plan today, that will be incredibly beneficial for Americans. Wrap your arms around it, and be glad, we have Harris instead of Trump. If for some reason you disagree then remain silent. If not you will get in trouble. The Republicans with the the unsophisticated Trump leading them are no match for what the Democrats can do.

  46. 3b says:

    Fast: Heavens forbid! Trailer trash, OMG!!!

  47. Fast Eddie says:

    Eddie don’t mind hanging out with the deplorables. And yes, Cumella better give me some price fixin’.

  48. SomeOne says:

    $6,000 credit for newborns proposed by Harris

  49. 3b says:

    Fast: NASCAR, Trailer, you probably drink domestic beer, if a beer drinker. When do you join the bowling league?

  50. D-FENS says:

    I love the shore in the offseason. I booked a rental with a fireplace overlooking the bay in Brigantine during Christmas time. Spend the day in AC or walking the empty beaches, swing into a local bar, then end the day with a beer and a sunset overlooking the bay.

    Fishing in the back bays in the AC area is surprisingly good. I don’t think I’ve ever caught so many fluke.

    Fast Eddie says:
    August 16, 2024 at 11:19 am
    Beach houses are good for four months whereas mountain houses are year round. Plus, I’m into mountain views and stone fire places. Yeah, love the beach but that property is untouchable in price and you’re likely not there in the middle of winter. But as I said, was just exploring the Poconos as my cousin has a place for years and we go to the Pocono race every year and some other things around. Fuck it though, everything’s too expensive.

  51. Fast Eddie says:

    NASCAR, Trailer, you probably drink domestic beer, if a beer drinker. When do you join the bowling league?

    NASCAR, cigars, bourbon and guitars! A Coors is always welcomed, too.

  52. Very Stable Genius says:

    Elon Musk and Vance want more procreation, ain’t?

    SomeOne says:
    August 16, 2024 at 11:49 am
    $6,000 credit for newborns proposed by Harris

  53. TraitorJoe says:

    I imagine the incidence of alcohol and substance abuse is higher among DEI types. Living a fraudulent life would take a psychological toll on you so you would look for ways to escape.

  54. TraitorJoe says:

    Let’s say for example you run for a party primary and finish dead last. Next election cycle you are handed the nomination with the current leader still engaged and without demonstrating any particular skill or popularity. And then you spend the campaign hiding while surrogates spend the entire time assuring the skeptical public about your qualification. Presenting yourself as a legitimate candidate worker constitute a fraud. That has to weigh on you.

  55. Phoenix says:

    Let me know when you want to meet up at the Minisink Tavern. I’d have a beer and some Chex Mix with y’all.

  56. No One says:

    How long do the newborns have to survive before people get their money?
    There are some perverse economic incentives there.

  57. Very Stable Genius says:

    Let’s say for example that all your business ventures end up in bankruptcy. Your marriages end up in divorce, your current wife hates you, and have a sexual fixation on your daughter. You end up in court for rape, for fraud, for bankruptcy, for insurrection. You run for office and lose the popular vote twice, you lose your reelection. Most people in your cabinet end up bankrupted for fraud, Putin blackmails you into running for office again presenting you as a legitimate candidate.

    Would that weight on you

  58. TraitorJoe says:

    Nice try, though not very original which is your MO. Maybe do it again without including the hoaxes and see what you come up with.

  59. Chicago says:

    Quite a prolific and damnedable list there

    Very Stable Genius says:
    August 16, 2024 at 1:03 pm
    Let’s say for example that all your business ventures end up in bankruptcy. Your marriages end up in divorce, your current wife hates you, and have a sexual fixation on your daughter. You end up in court for rape, for fraud, for bankruptcy, for insurrection. You run for office and lose the popular vote twice, you lose your reelection. Most people in your cabinet end up bankrupted for fraud, Putin blackmails you into running for office again presenting you as a legitimate candidate.

    Would that weight on you

  60. SmallGovConservative says:

    TraitorJoe says:
    August 16, 2024 at 12:31 pm
    “I imagine the incidence of alcohol and substance abuse is higher among DEI types.”

    Having briefly been a part of the middle-age dating scene, my observation is that women in that age cohort drink wine like water, and many, if not most, have at least one anti-depressant/anxiety prescription — I’m sure we all recall that Shrillary couldn’t address her campaign workers on election night because she was passed out. I have no doubt that an incompetent, unqualified dunce like Carmella requires a nip or two before going on stage and demonstrating how stupid she is (though clearly not as stupid as dopes like Unstable).

  61. SomeOne says:

    No One,

    There are some perverse economic incentives there.

    Wow, enough internet for me for the day! :(

    Though, the government should add in things like free day care (not just the JD Vance’s post-menopausal grandma version), supplies, etc. I’d wager that there are more people looking out for the welfare of their newborns than those looking out for 6k.

  62. TraitorJoe says:

    You left off the “if you believe them.” And some of the personal ones, which are verifiable surprise me. I thought it was the left who choose to separate personal lives from candidates. They’ve pulled out the stops and lost all credibility in an attempt to defeat trump of course but even so pivoting to the sanctioning stuff is a sure tell of trying to pro up a loser.

  63. 3b says:

    Fast: Are your neighbors aware of your white trash proclivities? Do you have a clothes line in your backyard?

  64. BRT says:

    My grandfather had a telephone pole installed in the backyard and rigged a pulley system from the upstairs window to the top of it. They hung their clothes from the 2nd story.

  65. BRT says:


    I may end up at the Minisink tomorrow after a hike at the water gap with my family and my friends family. We used to go there when we were 20 because we could get served. But what brought us back was that Burger! It was so awesome!

  66. 3b says:

    BRT: We had a clothes line growing up; everyone in the neighborhood did. Even years later when my Mom had a dryer, she rarely used it, as she liked the clothes line better and the fresh smell. She was not a fan of the dishwasher either.

  67. Fast Eddie says:

    Fast: Are your neighbors aware of your white trash proclivities? Do you have a clothes line in your backyard?

    It never came up, really. I’ll have a chardonnay at backyard parties and wear Huarache Sandals with my Tommy Bahama shorts just to blend. See, I’m tolerant! But when the shit hits the fan, the first thing I’m blowing away are all the “We Believe” yard signs in my neighborhood.

  68. 3b says:

    Fast: Those sandals are butt ugly! The things you have to do to fit in. If your neighbors know any thing about your extra curricular activities, they are probably talking about you. You might consider being a little more discreet.

  69. BRT says:

    “It never came up, really. I’ll have a chardonnay

  70. Phoenix says:

    “If your neighbors know any thing about your extra curricular activities, they are probably talking about you.”

    Fucc them.

    Don’t ever live your life by someone else’s rules. As Bill Burr would say, go suck a You know what.

  71. Phoenix says:

    If you are beekeeping age it’s all good 🤣🤣

  72. Phoenix says:


    Good choice. Now full of NY plates, however.

  73. Phoenix says:


    Former President Donald Trump received an immediate backlash Thursday when he said the Presidential Medal of Freedom he awarded to Dr. Miriam Adelson, the widow of Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson, was “equivalent” and “better than” the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award for bravery in combat.

  74. 3b says:

    Phoenix: It’s very important to fit in when you live in prestigious suburban towns. Fast know this , but he is fighting back.

  75. 3b says:

    Excellent WSJ editorial this evening on Harris s economic plan. A well written factual description of what her plan will do . It is laid out calmly and rationally. In short it will be a disaster, in my words.

  76. Hold my beer says:


    Just focus on how you can make money off of it. And don’t worry about society a d your fellow man. It’s the American thing to do.

  77. BRT says:

    No One, I agree, China was the worst decision, because they actually have intelligent people in government that know how to exploit the situation. China knows exactly how markets work and they purposely game the system in every way. My point was, the attitude towards reducing economic barriers between Bush/Clinton were the problem.

  78. Fabius Maximus says:

    Here you go Gary, a true patriot respecting the flag.

    That is the one thing that really annoys me about people with Trump Flags in front of their house is that the majority have a Stars and Stripes that goes with it and they don’t know how to display it. I get your 1st amendment rights to fly what you want, but at least read and understand the Flag etiquette rules.

  79. Truth Social says:

    Barron was telling classmates his parents were heading for a nasty divorce. Somehow, they managed to mend their broken hearts in 2015, right before the election. They were living separately for 2 years until 2015 rolled around. I guess the campaign helped them find love again.

    I literally saw Barron slap the fuck out of his nanny in Central Park after school.

    How does he (Barron) get along with his siblings? He doesn’t. They don’t like him or his mother.

    A lot of people in NYC know about the antics of the Trump kids…. the domestic workers who worked for the Trump family signed NDAs…

    Like father like son shitting their pants.

    Barron attacked his father at their school Christmas concert

    At Barron Trumps 2015 Christmas show, he didn’t want his father there, so he attacked him. Everyone had to exit the auditorium to calm him down. Trump literally never showed up to school functions until 2015…. what happened in 2015???

    Offsite Link

    Barron got caught killing animals.

    Barron tossed desk, spat on people, hit people repeatedly.

    He attacked someone with a knife multiple times.

    He was even accused of sexually touching someone at a sleepover that resulted in an investigation.

  80. Truth Social says:

    Topping it off Melania is a “functioning” alcoholic🤣🤣🤣

  81. Fast Eddie says:

    Does anyone know what the terms “Price Gauging” and “Hospitility” mean? These are terms from the Cumella book of idioms, uttered in her speech from yesterday.

    Seriously though, the chick looks and sounds scared shitless. I think she’s in so over her head, that she’s shell-shocked. I’m not the only who notices it.

  82. 3b says:

    Fast: We are going to ignore Harris economic plan including price controls , and focus on Trump and Melania and flags.

  83. LAX says:

    My god you guys are stupid.

  84. LAX says:

    Reading this bullshit has become a waste of time.

  85. 3b says:

    LAX: So, you believe price controls are a good economic policy?

  86. LAX says:

    10:57 if you are a petroleum co. With massive government subsidies- damn right I do.

  87. 3b says:

    LAX: Harris is not talking about petroleum companies, she is talking about grocery prices. I suggest you do some research on Nixon price controls in the early 70 ‘ s it was a disaster. Price controls have also failed miserably in socialist countries as well. This will be a disaster if she wins and is able to get this passed.

  88. Fast Eddie says:

    And why was Kumella drunk at her rally yesterday? She was slurring her words.

  89. Phoenix says:

    Seriously though, the chick looks and sounds scared shitless. I think she’s in so over her head, that she’s shell-shocked. I’m not the only who notices it.

    Don’t underestimate your enemy. That one is laughing to disarm you. Nothing funny about her, hold on to your wallets. And she hates men.

  90. Phoenix says:

    I’m glad the laughing hyena is worried about grocery prices. This way people will be able to fill their tents at the homeless encampments with inexpensive food.

  91. 3b says:

    Phoenix: She hates men? She is married.

  92. Phoenix says:

    Then you have Orange hair/face/combover guy.

    Trump says presidential civilian award is ‘better’ than top military honor whose recipients are ‘dead’ or ‘hit’ by bullets
    Trump praised Republican donor Miriam Adelson for having received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, a top civilian award.

    Ho Lee Fucc.. Did this Dotard really say this? Oh, yes, yes he did. No wonder our veterans are homeless, this steaming pile of moist dog feces really has no respect for them.

    You have to be an eejit to sign up/join/enlist in a military for a country where half of the voters think this dicc head should be President.

    The Russians need to put America out of it’s misery. Diagnosis terminal cancer.

  93. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    August 17, 2024 at 1:16 pm
    Phoenix: She hates men? She is married.

    Like that means something…

  94. Phoenix says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    August 17, 2024 at 12:30 pm
    And why was Kumella drunk at her rally yesterday? She was slurring her words.

    Well, in her defense she has a designated driver. No luck seeing her on a traffic stop using the terms ” do you know who I am?” Or “don’t touch me, I want a female officer, you are molesting me,” or ” Hey officer, I think you are cute, I only live down the street.”

    All very common responses, well maybe after this one ” I only had two drinks.”


  95. Phoenix says:

    Can’t wait to see if those military honorees tear all 30 strands of orange hair from his head.

    It would be quite funny. Plus it would be doing him a favor. That combover looks like an albino squirrel pelt.


  96. Hold my beer says:

    Got popcorn? Must see tv?


    How many days into the riots will it take to activate the national guard?

  97. Chicago says:

    Use Walz timeline in June 2020

    Hold my beer says:
    August 17, 2024 at 6:03 pm
    Got popcorn? Must see tv?


    How many days into the riots will it take to activate the national guard?

  98. Chicago says:

    Secret Service (Phoenix Edition):

    The United States Secret Service is investigating allegations a female agent left her post at a campaign event for former President Trump this week to breastfeed her child.

    “All employees of the U.S. Secret Service are held to the highest standards. While there was no impact to the North Carolina event, the specifics of this incident are being examined. Given this is a personnel matter, we are not in a position to comment further,” Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told The Post.

    The breastfeeding allegation was first made by RealClearPolitics correspondent Susan Crabtree in a lengthy X posting Thursday — shortly after the Trump campaign event in Asheville, North Carolina.

    “The site agent went to do one final sweep of the walking route and found the agent breast-feeding her child in a room that is supposed to be set aside for important Secret Service official work, i.e. a potential emergency related to the president,” Crabtree wrote.

    “A working agent on duty cannot bring a child to a protective assignment. The woman was out of the Atlanta Field Office,” she added, citing three people “in the Secret Service community” as the source of the info.

  99. Juice Box says:

    re: Inflation

    Had dinner at the Roots steakhouse last night in Ridgewood. Dinner for 12 was $1500… Only 1 bottle of wine and mixed drinks and sodas for the kids.

    The cookie connect place across the street set us back too $5 a cookie.

    Enjoy your inflaiton and prices controls.

    All in Podcast covered it last night # 59:20


  100. BRT says:

    The only price rise liberals ever oppose is for crude oil. Everything else is fine.

  101. 3b says:

    BRT: Harris s plan is for price controls on groceries, as she said and as was reported. I note that price controls would be a disaster, and then of course the deflection to oil companies. The Harris supporters here either need to say they are for price controls on groceries or they are not. It’s a yes or no answer. If they say they are against price controls, then it is criticism of Harris and the Democrats. They of course won’t do that, and so the deflection.

  102. Juice Box says:


    Margins are thin for sure, many many grocery stores close and go banktupt.

  103. 3b says:

    Juice: Yes, they are. I had a couple of big New England supermarkets as clients years ago. I know their profit margins were very thin. I remember specifically that can goods at the time were literally a few pennies per can.

  104. Fabius Maximus says:

    Secret Service (Phoenix Edition):

    Wow Chi, That has to be the dumbest post I have ever seen in here.

    “found the agent breast-feeding her child in a room”

    Why don’t you start thinking through the logistics of that and see if you can find the flaw. Have a chat with Mrs. Chi and see if see can give you any insight.

  105. Fabius Maximus says:

    “Had dinner at the Roots steakhouse”

    Ok, you cant equate a place like that to inflation.

    For me I have been Jonesing https://www.arthurstavern.com/our-menus/

    We had a great GTG back in the day at the Hoboken one. That has since closed. If anyone wants to have another one I’m up for it. We can settle any election bets over big steaks and big beers.

  106. BRT says:

    Ok, you cant equate a place like that to inflation.

    Check the McDonald’s menu

  107. Juice Box says:

    Fab – re: Arthur’s in Hoboken. Pitchers of beer, and a large ribeye. We used to eat there all the time back in the day.

  108. Phoenix says:


    I’m game.

    Oh, and anyone here that shops for milk, or has their loved ones do it.

    I feel like I am being gaslighted. Weren’t the different types of milk , (skim, 1% 2%, whole), different prices?

    I’d swear they were. Until recently. First ShopRite aka Bowl n’ Basket, and now Weis.

    Just wondering if someone else remembers this.

  109. Phoenix says:

    Thought for the day:

    Imagine if Thomas Jefferson could watch Hamilton and see who they are using to portray his likeness.


  110. 3b says:

    Washington Post criticizes Harris economic plan , says it’s just gimmicks.

  111. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    August 18, 2024 at 10:51 am
    Washington Post criticizes Harris economic plan , says it’s just gimmicks.

    It is. Like putting Bondo over rust.

    Like this stuff: “They” don’t need government assistance, they have a cell phone and a big screen tv.

    Haha. Two things that combined cost less than a rent payment.

    It’s in full swing now. BMW you rent your heated seats. You rent space from Apple to store your photos. You rent access to movies you used to have a physical disk. Hey, even Logitech is coming out with a mouse you can lease. You won’t even own your own f’n mouse. Probably gonna use it to collect data as well just like the F’n General Monster car with it’s snoopy azz On Star Popo caller.

  112. 1987 Condo says:

    Milk: I think it was discriminatory to charge different rates for different “types” of milk.

  113. Hold my beer says:


    6 for a dragonfruit mango refresher. Why would you intentionally leave your house just to get that? I can see grabbing one if you’re out shopping or walking around a city.

    You can make one at home for 75 cents To $1.50. Frozen mango and dragonfruit are about $5 a pound. A few ounces of each in a blender with coconut water or unsweetened tea.

  114. Phoenix says:

    Ruh Roh. Pony up, taxpayers:

    Two Alaska State Troopers have been charged with assault after they beat, stunned and used a police dog on an innocent man in a case of mistaken identity.

    Sargent Joseph Miller, 49, and Canine handler Jason Woodruff, 42, were charged with fourth-degree misdemeanor assault after they caused serious injuries to 37-year-old Ben Tikka.

    Charging documents said the troopers were on the lookout for Garrett Tikka, who was wanted for failing to serve a 10-day sentence for driving with a revoked license.

    On May 24, the accused duo assumed that had gotten hold of Garrett after they found a SUV parked in the Kenai Peninsula community of Soldotna, southwest of Anchorage.

    But instead of Garrett, the man inside the vehicle was his cousin, Ben.

  115. D-FENS says:

    Why doesn’t Harris just implement these policies now? Her party holds the White House already. If it’s such a good idea why do we have to wait until after the next election?

  116. 3b says:

    DFens: It would be up to Biden, and his advisors to do that. But, your point is right, why not now? It it a way for Harris to different herself from Biden?

  117. 3b says:

    Phoenix: As per the article one guy is now saving 150 a month by not buying Starbucks? All that money on coffee, what a waste.

  118. Juice Box says:

    3b – it’s all sugar..vanilla latte can have 35 grams of sugar some drinks are 80 grams..That is several days worth of sugar intake in one drink.

  119. 3b says:

    Juice: That’s not healthy. I never like Starbucks ( to each his own), not a fan of the regular coffe, too bitter , and not into those other foamy/ frost drinks. I prefer DD, or the coffee in the Korean deli s in the city. At home I make my own.

  120. BRT says:

    Had to get one of those smoothies from Playa Bowls at Seaside on Wednesday. I was dying in the heat. $12. Yeah, it’s boardwalk premium as well but the store ain’t cheap in the strip mall either. And yes, you can get all those frozen fruits in shop rite. If you really want the good stuff, go into the Latin Markets. They have the mango, coconut, dragon fruit, and passion fruit pulps in a frozen sheet. They are far superior to what you get at Shop Rite.

    As far as coffee goes, I like going to whole foods and getting their bulk coffee. You can grind it there. $10 a pound. Goes a long way and it’s premium stuff. If I relied on Starbucks to supply my coffee for the day, I’d be 10k in the hole.

  121. Libturd says:

    “BRT: We had a clothes line growing up; everyone in the neighborhood did. Even years later when my Mom had a dryer, she rarely used it, as she liked the clothes line better and the fresh smell. She was not a fan of the dishwasher either.”

    You just wrote a bio on my mom.

    Wake me up for the debate. It will likely be the first unscripted thing Harris will have said since 2022.

    In other news, Trump is looking old these days and so are his populist antics.

  122. BRT says:

    unscripted is a relative term. When Hillary ran in 2016, they gave her all the questions ahead of time.

  123. 3b says:

    Lib: Yes, nothing like old school Moms. I remember those days fondly, I am sure you do too.

    As for populist antics please include Harris s price controls. The Washington Post called her on it you can too.

  124. Libturd says:

    Real nice storm in our area. Probably the heaviest rainfall per hour I’ve seen since the Irene days. If this held on for a few hours, we’d be in real trouble. Luckily, it should only continue for a short while.

  125. Libturd says:

    I am against all price fixing. Look how the increase in the minimum wage has affected the restaurant businesses. All of the chains are closing down. Not that I eat at any of them, but the Applebee’s style restaurant is done.

  126. Juice Box says:

    Re: food

    Took my son for a haircut and new kicks… $25 for a cut now…was $18?

    Spent $50 at Panera today for two sandwiches and a salad…. Place was empty in the afternoon.

    Party on…inflation.

  127. 3b says:

    Lib: Ok. Just checking.

  128. Fast Eddie says:

    Mama La will save us.

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