Build baby build


One of N.J.’s wealthiest towns to get first luxury apartment complex amid controversy

Hundreds of rental units are coming to Colts Neck — one of New Jersey’s wealthiest communities — where developers have already broken ground on the township’s first apartment complex.

A total of 360 luxury apartments will be available in the 15-building complex along Route 537 in the township, according to the project’s developers, Kushner Companies, a New York-based real estate firm.

The 30-acre property, named Livana Colts Neck, broke ground last month despite some opposition from neighbors and environmentalists.

In the years leading up to the groundbreaking of the complex, previously named Colts Neck Manor, Kushner Companies sued Freehold Township in 2020, seeking access to the township’s water and sewer lines for the apartments.

Freehold, which borders the development, countersued Kushner, alleging that the company was forcing the township to pay millions to accommodate the large-scale housing project.

Kushner then revised its plans to include an underground, onsite wastewater treatment and disposal system — a change that has sparked controversy.

Along with a mix of one-, two-, and three-bedroom floor plans, it will also include 72 units designated for affordable housing, according to Kushner officials. Construction is expected to be completed by February 2027, officials said.

Colts Neck Township has a median household income of $187,969, one of the highest in New Jersey and nearly double the state’s median. The average residential property value in the Monmouth County township is more than $1 million.

Kushner is also the real estate company behind the $500 million Monmouth Mall redevelopment project in Eatontown. The firm plans to transform the mall into a town center with 1,000 residential units.

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, New Development, New Jersey Real Estate, Shore Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

84 Responses to Build baby build

  1. grim says:

    From MarketWatch:

    A record 60,000 home buyers backed out of deals in July. Here’s why.

    A record number of home buyers backed out of deals in July, despite falling mortgage rates, according to a new report.

    About 59,000 home-purchase agreements were canceled in July, real-estate brokerage Redfin said on Monday, representing about 16% of the homes that went under contract that month.

  2. leftwing says:


  3. Fast Eddie says:

    Hundreds of rental units are coming to Colts Neck…

    Cool. The illegals will be waiting in the parking lot for work at Dunkin Donuts on Route 34. And never mind the portion of those units going to section 8. You know, compassion and all.

  4. Fast Eddie says:

    Cumella up in 6 of 7 swing states now. Congratulations dems, you raised the bar for skulduggery, manipulation and misdirection to levels unthinkable. I’m sure Obammy’s fourth term Cumella’s term will be ‘memorable’.

  5. SomeOne says:

    Eddie, please get some help. Even in the polarized political situations your posts are often wild outliers on this board.

  6. 3b says:

    Fast: Rentals everywhere! And towns can’t get out of their low income housing obligations.

  7. grim says:

    Swiss Cheese in Philly? Vance signed his death warrant in PA.

  8. Hughesrep says:

    No self respecting Philly guy goes to Pats or Genos.

    Big fan of the steak at Johns Roast Pork. Park at Lowes, but watch out walking over the tracks.

  9. TraitorJoe says:

    It’s straight out of 1984. Being forced to resign is now “passing the torch”. Nullifying election results is “defending democracy.” 10s of millions who are engaging in double think.

  10. leftwing says:

    “Cumella up in 6 of 7 swing states now. Congratulations dems, you raised the bar for skulduggery, manipulation and misdirection…”

    Yeah, no.

    Any D win is 100% on DJT…flashbacks of the General (“don’t vote by mail”) and GA races from four years back, this guy can’t get out of his own way…

    Seriously, the level of incompetence from his campaign is astounding. A win here for the Rs would be SO easy, four or five main points to hit on in a handful of jurisdictions that matter…

    Instead there is literally no message, no points to continuously hammer home…when he gets a microphone anytime, anywhere, any medium and he just pours out senseless self-centered oral diarrhea.

    Funny a couple weeks ago I was thinking this guy is like a really bad jam band leader, going off on crazy riffs all over the place that no one including his own band or the audience can follow or wants to…then I saw a NYT editorial that made the same analogy.

    Tuned out of politics from that point on…Ds are looking good for Presidency and have a lock on the House. Let’s pray the former Idiot-in-Chief doesn’t blow the Senate for the Rs so we can at least maintain split government no matter which fool sits behind the Resolute desk.

  11. Phoenix says:

    Bet the women wish they did that with Crypt Keeper Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Too bad they can’t do it with “blue screen of death” Mitch McConnell or BondoFace Nancy Pelosi.

    I’m all for people working when they get older, especially if they need the money, but this is way, way over the top when these people are starting to glitch like an Nvidia graphics card. At least hold on this until Musk can put a chip in their heads.

    TraitorJoe says:
    August 20, 2024 at 9:04 am
    It’s straight out of 1984. Being forced to resign is now “passing the torch”.

  12. leftwing says:

    And the Right needs to stop acting like a bunch of whiny bitches about MSM coverage.

    It sucks, but it’s a given. Deal with it.

    Like moving to Florida and bitching about the heat.

    Accept it as baseline and then work around it.

    Or don’t, spend your time sitting around complaining, and end up like some shriveled up whiny divorcee in the heat…alone, isolated, and outside looking in.

    Is there some way we can just do a hard re-boot on the Republic? Seriously…

  13. DictatorsAndMessiahs SamePileOfDung says:


    Rule #1 of any authoritarian/dictator/self-declared messiah is that they believe their own bs.
    Rule #1 of any fanatic follower of said authoritarian/dictator/self-declared messiah is to make excuses for leader when it fails, otherwise they would have to t accept their secret doubt and faced cognitive dissonance.

    So in Putin’s case is not his fault that the invasion of Ukraine was a failure, it was the underlings. In Xi Ping’s case is the west riling against china’s rise. In Trump’s case, the election was stolen by jewish mexican laser operating drag queens. And so on….

    So why are you so upset at these facts…

    “Seriously, the level of incompetence from his campaign is astounding. A win here for the Rs would be SO easy, four or five main points to hit on in a handful of jurisdictions that matter…

    Instead there is literally no message, no points to continuously hammer home…when he gets a microphone anytime, anywhere, any medium and he just pours out senseless self-centered oral diarrhea.”

  14. Phoenix says:

    Instead there is literally no message, no points to continuously hammer home…when he gets a microphone anytime, anywhere, any medium and he just pours out senseless self-centered oral diarrhea.

    He pushed back that our veterans are useless, and that anyone he appoints should be elevated to saint status.

    Now that’s some fucced up sh ite I haven’t heard anyone vomit out of their mouths at this level of government.

    They were the last people you think would be disrespected. Nope, not our arrogant fuccs in charge. They think they are gods. Well, with all of them never shutting up about their damn religions it doesn’t surprise me.

    America has lost it’s soul, it’s integrity, everything it stands for. Baseball is money whores, Apple Pie is full of pesticides, and Chevrolet’s OnStar rats you to the PoPo and insurance company.

    Happy Tuesday all!

  15. SmallGovConservative says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    August 20, 2024 at 8:27 am
    “Cumella up in 6 of 7 swing states now.”

    Hasn’t she committed to at least one debate? My guess is that the R’s think that even though the Dems will attempt to ‘hide’ her for the duration (and the MSM will gladly play along), if she does just one debate it’ll be impossible for any rational person to ignore her stupidity.

  16. Phoenix says:

    So in Putin’s case is not his fault that the invasion of Ukraine was a failure.

    It’s not a failure at all. In fact, it’s actually good that Ukraine has entered Russia.
    Finally wakes up all of those house mommies there and maybe, just maybe, some will take up arms to protect what belongs to you.

    This is the result of being too complacent. When Civil War happens in America, and it might, gonna be hard for mommy when the first round puts a hole in the door of her Escalade that she adores so much.

  17. Fast Eddie says:


    His only chance is to nail the debate with policy and nothing else. If she wins, let’s hope for a stalemate in the House, Senate or both.

  18. Phoenix says:

    People in the country are feeling poor. Can’t afford a house, a car, food, healthcare.

    She is Santa Claus. He is Scrooge, but the type of Scrooge that supports those of his type. They aren’t the majority.

    Santa Claus is bearing gifts. People like that. Gifts are good.


    Fast Eddie says:
    August 20, 2024 at 9:37 am

    His only chance is to nail the debate with policy and nothing else. If she wins, let’s hope for a stalemate in the House, Senate or both.

  19. Phoenix says:


    If she wins, she promised to lower the price of food. That includes Chex Mix.

    This is a win win for you. If you continue on your path to generosity, you will save some money.

    If you have less mouths to feed cause they can afford their own Chex Mix, you won’t have to get up in the mornings to put it out for them.

    You should be happier either way. Hehe.

  20. Fast Eddie says:

    I understand the SNC convention outside the United Center has a 20 foot high blow-up of an IUD. Ya know, because that’ll offset the $5 cost of a 9.7 ounce box of cereal. Why not put a 20 foot high dildo next to it? At least it’ll signify a hetero feel. Or, is a hetero relationship totally passé these days?

  21. BRT says:

    Lib, it appears he was making fun of John Kerry

  22. LAX says:

    10:02 put your diaper on and stfu .

  23. LAX says:

    9:31 rational person? Doubt you’ll find those in the Trump camp.

  24. Chicago says:

    Ten 384. Settling in not too far off the bounce from two weeks ago

  25. Chicago says:

    NFLX trying to blast through peak-COVID resistance level

  26. Libturd says:

    My bet is not looking so great so far, but there is that debate. I found one snippet so far where it’s clear Kamala has no knowledge whatsoever about anything besides criminal attorneying. She really might blow it all at the debate. That is, if Trump does not continue to make a complete ass of himself with his name calling and lack of focus on any policy.

    It’s extremely clear that the child tax credit and the price gouging policies are again Pelosi and Schumer at work. Just listen to her explanation here. OMG! Completely economically clueless. Let’s just hope Schumer and Pelosi stay alive.

  27. leftwing says:

    Usually don’t respond to dumbass throwaway names…but if you have been around this blog for any period of time you would know of me….

    I’m not ‘upset’ about anything politically, I view these events through a more clinical, academic socioeconomic lens….I’m not in any way a fan of DJT since at least the time I was dressed down as a junior banker three decades ago for even referencing his name back then. Guy is a buffoon….

    Don’t know if that’s responsive given your circuitous references to Xi and Putin obscure any point for me you may be trying to make…just felt like clarifying those two bigger picture references in case that’s what you were fishing for…

  28. Libturd says:

    Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:DNA) Just Reported, And Analysts Assigned A US$1.11 Price Target

  29. Libturd says:

    We all thought Biden/Trump was a shit show as well as HRC/Trump. In 3 months, we are probably all going to wish Biden didn’t step down.

  30. LAX says:

    10:25 perhaps. Still better than anything the right is offering.
    It’s a chance I am willing to take.

  31. leftwing says:

    “My guess is that the R’s think that…if she does just one debate it’ll be impossible for any rational person to ignore her stupidity.”

    Pretty big bet-the-house wager if that’s the case…

    “If she wins, let’s hope for a stalemate in the House, Senate or both.”

    House will go Blue, pretty much a given even before SloJo got dumped. Senate was assumed to go Red, rationally so as a cursory glance at the seats up for election this cycle shows. Especially with Manchin out.

    Today, the Orange Fool has somehow decided to test in spades my comment of weeks ago that only he can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory…

  32. Libturd says:

    NFLX really saved itself by not allowing people to share subscriptions anymore. I used to have a login from a coworker and one from a sister-in-law. Now I’m back to getting NFLX shows on torrents. I recently dropped FUBO and moved to Hulu since I get a big discount from Verizon and since SNY is no longer on FUBO and I need to be heartbroken by the Mets annually. I bet within the next three years, all major sports will require you to either pay to stream the entire season, or you can purchase an individual game. The Mets are now $10 a game or $30 a month if you don’t have Hulu or cable.

  33. Hughesrep says:


    She committed to two, but I imagine counting is a struggle for you. Trump wanted three, but only if one of them was hosted solely by Fox with a live studio audience. Probably no laugh track though.

  34. Libturd says:

    LAX: It’s truly sad that this is the position we are forced to take. I will vote for NOTA to show my displeasure as usual. The swing staters should vote like you.

  35. 3b says:

    Lib: Absolute nonsense out of Harris mouth. Clueless! Of course the Democrats will ignore it. All we can hope for is a split good so nothing gets done.

  36. 3b says:

    Lib: I would have rather had Biden ( and whoever was running the show), than Harris. I have said that since the beginning. Speaking of Biden, I think as the sitting President not having him deliver his remarks until 11:30 EST, was very disrespectful.

  37. Libturd says:


    Forget the politics here. It’s clear as day that the DJT stock will drop to near zero when the 120 million shares held by insiders can be sold post lockup period. Truth Social is a shit show as anyone would have expected an unmoderated site of conspiracists would ever be. Are you exploring any options plays around this or is it simply too obvious of a trade?

  38. Libturd says:


    I listened to Biden’s speech. I still think he was a decent POTUS. I would rank him behind Obama, but ahead of the Clintons. I actually felt bad for him. As for him being put on way past prime time? That was certainly intentional, as is not allowing Kamala to speak freely. This is Democracy today. You don’t get to choose your candidates and the candidates they chose don’t get to speak freely. Enjoy the show.

    My biggest fear with Kamala is a rebirth of BLM and the problems that caused, especially within our cities. It’s clear the equity shit has swung too far. Heck, you would think this convention was for some African party if you didn’t know better. It’s clear Kamala knows little more than playing the race/equity card. Many of her decisions as DA in Cali were about bail reform and black equity. Now don’t get me wrong here. I still believe blacks have generally been screwed here in America. And things should be done to give them a fair shot at the American Dream. But that should not include placing underqualified people into positions where they will fail based on skin pigmentation. What needs to happen is for money to be spent ending the cycle of so much black dependance on government handouts. Education and job skills need to be respected and honored. But you don’t buy votes this way. Much more effective to give everyone a smart phone and free internet and WIC and section 8 housing. And if you have more kids, we’ll raise the child tax credit for you. The next four years is probably going to suck for all. Regardless of which of these two fools get elected.

  39. leftwing says:

    “Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:DNA) Just Reported, And Analysts Assigned A US$1.11 Price Target”

    Almost fell out of my chair thinking that was a 4x from spot but I see they did a reverse split to stay listed?

    Too bad I missed, very easy short there given the reload of the nominal share price…no rational corporate finance reason for that to happen, yet similar to how a company splitting its shares picks up a share price bump…

    Regardless, DNA has been dead man walking since right after the SPAC merger, as I said at the time.

    Even moreso now.

    The company is for all purposes moving toward a liquidation/forced sale, its negative enterprise value means – by definition – that shareholders would get more money by simply shutting the business down and distributing them the cash on the balance sheet rather than letting the company continue and attempt to execute on its business plan…

    Classic death spiral….Employees don’t join – hell don’t stay – at companies with this profile, expect continued brain drain. Major pharmaceutical companies don’t execute multi-year, eight figure contracts around their drug discovery candidates with unstable suppliers….

    The mismanagement by this executive team is epic…like HBS landmark case study for decades to come epic…

    But it’s all about rates, right?

    A $1 target from it’s new $9.32 may be optimistic lol. First few hours of trading and she’s already down 15%….

  40. SomeOne says:


    I think as the sitting President not having him deliver his remarks until 11:30 EST, was very disrespectful

    This comment coming from the team that has been all about “Let’s go Brandon” and its more direct versions?? It was 10:30 PM in Chicago.

  41. leftwing says:

    Lib, 10:55a, second paragraph probably one of your better posts in a long time…

    Watch this interview, start to finish, of Mellody Hobson to see an outstanding Black woman. Outstanding human.

    Put her up for President – either Party – and not only would I vote for her, hell I’d get my ass in gear and raise serious funds for her.

    Intelligent, articulate, strong, capable, informed, accomplished, team player willing to sacrifice personally for the greater good (stepped down as company Chair to get Niccols).

    Seriously, watch this video and then tune into Harris….Harris looks like a kindergartner next to this woman. She’s a fucking idiot.

  42. 3b says:

    Someone: I am not pert of the team of Lets go Brandon, so do not assume. Biden as the sitting President, who we are told made the sacrifice to step down, should have been the first to speak. I stand by my statement that it was disrespectful, as was how he has been treated by the Democrats since his debate fiasco. That said, it was in many respects his own fault for running for a second term, when he said he would not. He should have announced back in 2023 that he would not run again, and then there could have been a real primary process. That said the Republicans should have gotten behind someone like Niki Haley. Instead, we have Harris who is on way over her head, and Trump who is all about Trump. These are two sorry pathetic choices. In the end Biden will only be remembered to quite a WSJ editorial as the President who got ouy of the way.

  43. 3b says:

    Lib: I don’t believe Biden was a good President as he claimed he would be a moderate/centrist and someone who would try and unite the country. I don’t believe he was. As far as behind Obama, I would disagree, and say that Biden had a better understanding of foreign affairs and other issues if for no other reason then all his time in D.C.

    As much as the Republicans are accused of being dividers, which they are to some degree, so are the Democrats, and their message that all minority groups are persecuted and discriminated against by white male America. They should be looking to unite all in this country as Americans first. I hope you are wrong about the BLM movment being reactivated, that will course even more discord. To your point, yes this is where we are as a country and it is sad, except neither party or their supporters will give an inch. Harris has promised lots of good things for various people whether they are realistic or not, and that is what will get people to vote. I give the Dems credit for how quickly they have rehabilitated Harris, in only a matter of weeks. The vibes/good feelings? Yes, people are getting enthusiastic about her. Is it still? Yes, but it is working. Trump on the other hand seems to be just yelling in the wind, and insulting veterans. Shame on the Republicans for choosing this clown again.

  44. Phoenix says:

    I’d take Candace Owens over her. Candace is a bit too religious for me-but she has her head screwed on straight otherwise.

  45. Libturd says:

    I am familiar with Mellody. She did have the advantage of attending a private school, which means her family cared about her education more than the indoctrination Kamala got at Berkeley and then in her high school in Quebec (yes, every middle class family ups and leaves for Quebec). Mellody Hobson is too smart to get embroiled in politics.

  46. Phoenix says:


    The end.

  47. Phoenix says:

    indoctrination Kamala got at Berkeley?

    Please explain. Anything you can cite?

  48. BRT says:

    They kicked Biden down the flight of stairs. Any real liberal would be outraged that there were no primary debates.

  49. leftwing says:

    Phoenix, she’s a red diaper baby. Dad was pretty radical. Marxist, income redistribution, etc.

    Lib the fact that this background may have her comparing negatively to other Black women isn’t really relevant…she is what she is, how she got that way doesn’t really matter…

  50. leftwing says:

    BRT, any view on Lib’s question regarding shorting $DJT?

    Seems like low hanging fruit, no?

    I really don’t feel like pulling apart another SPAC company set of filings lol.

  51. Libturd says:

    Please explain. Anything you can cite?

    Do I really need to?

    Kamala Harris Makes Her Case

    The Presidential candidate has been criticized as a defender of the status quo. Can she prove that she’s a force for change?

    By Dana Goodyear The NewYorker

    Growing up, Harris was surrounded by African-American intellectuals and activists. One of her mother’s closest friends was Mary Lewis, who helped found the field of black studies, at San Francisco State. When Gopalan worked late at the lab, Kamala spent time with her “second mother”—Regina Shelton, who ran a day care in the apartment below theirs, decorated with posters of Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth. Harris writes that Gopalan “knew that her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as black girls, and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud black women.”

    The sisters spent summers with their father, in Palo Alto, and occasionally travelled with him to Jamaica, but he barely registers in Harris’s account. Meena says, “He was not around after the divorce. Their experience and relationship with blackness is through being raised in these communities in Berkeley and Oakland, and not through the lens of being Caribbean.”

    In her late teens, Harris fell in with a group of friends who were bound for historically black colleges. “We all went to private school, we all were educated, we all were very much parented, but we knew kids that weren’t,” Derreck Johnson, a restaurateur in Oakland, told me. He attended the same Catholic school as Maya, before going to Fisk University, and remains close to the family. “The idea of the struggle was embedded in us from our mothers, who told their stories,” he said. Kamala went to Howard and returned to San Francisco for law school. By then, Maya, who had given birth to Meena at seventeen, was in college, so Kamala and her mother often took Meena for overnights and weekends. The matriarchy was intact.

    Gopalan, who died of colon cancer in 2009, had high moral standards. Five feet tall, she commanded respect. “She was one of those very small people that you’re instantly, like, ‘Yes, sir,’ ” Jim Stearns, the consultant, said. Gopalan’s own mother had been an activist in India, educating rural women about contraception, and Gopalan insisted that her daughters commit themselves to social causes. Harris now tells audiences that, whenever she complained, her mother issued a challenge: “Well, Kamala, what are you going to do about it?” Gopalan attended nearly every rally and campaign event and Pride parade and swearing-in, sometimes in a sari. Till her death, Kamala called her “Mommy.”

  52. Libturd says:


    My argument about Kamala’s origins is that she is playing the black, middle-class underprivileged victim of a racist society. But her history is anything but. Remember, she considers her role on having to attend a forced integrated elementary school as a Rosa Parks moment. When in actuality, it was the ultra liberals in cities like Berkeley where they proudly wore the moniker of integrated on their sleeves. Kamala was no Ruby Bridges and certainly she was not a Rosa Parks. Her black experience more resembled my Jewish upbringing in East Brunswick.

  53. Libturd says:

    Here Phoenix.

    That Girl was me. And I heard her talk about her experience long before that debate.

  54. LAX says:

    BRT … the anti-union teacher. Nothing the Democrats do will make you happy.
    But guess what. It’s not your party. No one cares what you think.

  55. Phoenix says:

    sounds to me that she was in indoctrinated long before she made it to Berkeley.

  56. Fast Eddie says:

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice… you know the rest. This is the song the lesser muppets will be singing when they realize they’ve been hoodwinked yet again by the democrats. “But, this time was different. I swear, it was different! They talked about joy and happiness and I really thought they cared about us!”

  57. leftwing says:

    Gotcha Lib, agree and lol on your final comment…

    I’m a big proponent of evaluating peoples’ prospective actions based on who they are and the role they occupy (eg, my positions on fed actions based on those traits of Powell). Haven’t done so for Harris because she doesn’t even make the first cut…she’s such an obvious trainwreck one doesn’t need to dig deeper into her persona to qualify/disqualify her…

    Doing so would be like taking half a day of financial diligence to consider a long position in DNA…just prima facie unnecessary and foolish…

  58. Libturd says:

    So what happens to MAGA/Republicans if Trump loses? What fills the vacuum?

  59. BRT says:

    LAX, there has no been one piece of legislation or policy at the municipal, state, or federal level that has benefitted me or my profession at all. No tax breaks, no deductions, no raises that ever outpaced inflation for 15 years straight. Plenty of increased healthcare contributions The only reason I survived this profession is I jumped ship from my previous district and negotiated to be at the top of the guide.

  60. 3b says:

    Lib: It will hopefully be an opportunity for the Republican Party to rebuild, and stand for something, rather than a cult of personality. If Harris wins, the Democrats will continue to evolve into a real leftist party.

  61. Phoenix says:

    she’s such an obvious trainwreck one doesn’t need to dig deeper into her persona to qualify/disqualify her..

    You will probably have to address her as President Trainwreck.


  62. Juice Box says:

    Problem with VP Harris is she is a thinly veiled Marxist, when she was campaigning in 202o for president she said she has the will to snatch away patents from companies in this case I believe it was drug companies. The video is easy to find….its been all over except the MSM as they are providing cover.

    Look there is no faster way to destroy an industry than to take away their rights and their means of production and profit.

    Here is the recent legislation which VP Harris and Governor Walz now back, today in 2024 so it’s not just a campaign promise folks it can become law. It is not much of a stretch to say there won’t be more legislation like this to confiscate other property once they get going.

    Both candidates are toxic poison…it may come down to which poison will only blind you vs kill you.

  63. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Madame President Trainwreck.

  64. Fast Eddie says:

    So what happens to MAGA/Republicans if Trump loses? What fills the vacuum?

    Who will the media target? What groups? No one in particular as Trump will be out to pasture and out of politics. What group, then?

    Rearden Steel and Taggart Transcontinental will be under the thumb of the federal government. What part of ‘Atlas Shrugged’ isn’t becoming true to form? The only thing most of us on this blog need to do is find a way to hide whatever wealth we have. Who suffers? The ones who voted for her not in the elite class. Promises made, votes purchased and the lower echelon suffers more than ever. The left will throw you a life preserver over the side of the boat and leave the other end attached to nothing.

  65. NJGator says:

    Is the NJEA about to put $35M behind Spiller?

    Sean Spiller: The $35 million man?

    A new independent expenditure group registered with the Election Law Enforcement Commission calling itself “Working for New Jersey” and it plans to get involved in the 2025 Democratic primary election for governor. Daniel Han spotted it on ELEC’s website.

    You might recognize the name of the chairperson: Ed Richardson, the retired executive director of the New Jersey Education Association. Former NJEA spokesperson Steve Wollmer is listed on the document. Former Montclair Education Association President Gayl Shepard is the treasurer. Are you seeing a pattern here? (The one name not on the document never affiliated with the NJEA is Democratic political operative Craig Varoga, who’s listed as “deputy treasurer.”)

    Now get this: Would you believe that Sean Spiller, the NJEA’s president and until recently the mayor of Montclair, is running for governor as a Democrat? Must be a coincidence. Because Working for New Jersey doesn’t name anyone specific in its mission statement: “To make independent expenditures supporting the election of a governor for New Jersey in 2025 who supports public education and working new jersey families and who understands the struggles and needs of everyday people.”

    Here’s the jaw-dropping part of the document: The group estimates it will spend $35 million on the election. To give you some context, candidates for governor participating in the matching funds program are limited to spending $8.7 million — a quarter of that amount — in the primary.

    Where will that money come from? I can only guess. I asked the NJEA, which has already endrorsed its president for governor, if they plan to contribute to the new group. Spokesperson Steve Baker said the union “will be proud to support organizations that state very explicitly that they plan on making independent expenditures that support the election of a governor for New Jersey who supports public education and working New Jersey families and who understands the struggles and needs of everyday people.”

    Even after a period of inflation, $35 million is a really immense amount of money to throw at a gubernatorial primary. Of course, just because they estimate they’ll spend that much doesn’t mean they will. But considering the union has a ton of money and put millions behind Spiller’s candidacy before he even declared, it seems at least somewhat realistic.

    TIPS? FEEDBACK? Email me at

    QUOTE OF THE DAY: “He has cowed them all into being afraid of saying anything. … Our party has just completely caved, strategically and tactically.” — Chris Christie on Donald Trump

    NOTEWORTHY — Sen. Menendez’s resignation is effective today.

    WHERE’S MURPHY? Out of state. He was in Chicago for the DNC on Monday.

  66. LaX says:

    2:07 I can’t say you are completely right. If you’ve ever
    Worked in a Charter school vs a Decent Punlic school.
    You’d feel differently.

  67. BRT says:

    When you get hired as a teacher, the union reps give you paperwork for signing up with the union. On it, there’s a box that asks you to automatically deduct something like $5 per paycheck to the NJEAPAC. All the young twenty somethings check it off not realizing what they are doing.

  68. BRT says:

    My friends have worked for Charters. They get paid even less. I’m challenging you to point me to a single piece of legislation from Democrats that have improved the pocketbooks of teachers. I’ve yet to see a single one in 15 years….yet somehow, they are the party of the teachers. At least in the inner cities, they mail them out free money every year while their community gets nothing in return. I get why they have them in their pocket. Teachers, wtf, we don’t get any handouts, but hand them blind loyalty.

  69. LAX says:

    3:44 first off, teachers in New Jersey do really well.
    Good pay, generous pension. So, I’m not sure what you
    are complaining about. But if you want big money, teaching
    isn’t the ticket. But you knew that.

    I won’t even bore you with what the GOP would like to do to the public schools.

  70. Libturd says:

    What’s that? Attend them for a change?

  71. Juice Box says:

    re: Spiller

    Yes we need to enshrine our bankrupt pensions in the Constitution of NJ

  72. SmallGovConservative says:

    leftwing says:
    August 20, 2024 at 9:16 am
    “Any D win is 100% on DJT… A win here for the Rs would be SO easy…”

    In 2008 the Rs ran a true war hero against an empty suit twink and the Ds won (admittedly, McCain committed political suicide w/ Palin — who by the way now looks like Einstein compared to Carmella). In 2012 the Rs ran a moderate who had been a successful R governor of a blue state, and he also lost to Oblama, who by that time had established himself as an incompetent, pro-Iran, score-settler. Having sufficiently radicalized the D party, Oblama and his minions would crush another Mr Nice Guy — that’s why they hate T, and are literally destroying this country in order to ‘get’ him. Like him or not, there’s no choice but to run a guy like T who’s willing to confront the radical Dems, and at least try to ‘drain the swamp’. Or as you put it, reset the Republic.

  73. LAX says:

    Narrator: Palin does not in fact look like a genius.

  74. BRT says:

    Lib, no joke, she tweeted this a few months ago bragging about how much money she lost.

    As a result, our trading-related capital tax losses should offset trading-related capital tax gains for years, an under-appreciated asset associated with our strategies.

  75. BRT says:

    3:44 first off, teachers in New Jersey do really well.
    Good pay, generous pension. So, I’m not sure what you
    are complaining about.

    You aren’t here. I am. They’ve been going through step freezes for 15 years straight. Most people I know are 15 years in and still trying to hit 80k, but they pay $15-20k in pension and healthcare.. That ain’t doing well in NJ. They have zero hopes of ever buying a single family home. Best they can do is townhome in Bridgewater…and that’s a stretch right now.

  76. BRT says:

    btw, still waiting for that one piece of evidence that teachers are actually supported by the democratic party. Republicans don’t do anything either.

  77. LAX says:

    8:41 I’m not speaking for myself either. It’s bigger than just me.
    I’ve also been fortunate to have a second income in the household that dwarfs
    the teacher salary. That’s not the point though. It’s current and historic support for public education.

  78. Fabius Maximus says:

    So you see Donnie is losing and are now trying to Frontrun the inevitable.
    I wasn’t expecting that from you for at least another month.

  79. Fabius Maximus says:

    I was in Supermarket today and wow the food inflation. Guy ahead of me had about half a basket of food and it was over $100.

    Admittedly this was in Amagasset in the Hamptons and he had Crab Claws and individual pieces of D’Artangun Organic Chicken breasts and a lot of other Boogie crap in the basket.

    This is my last blast of the summer before I head back to the Corporate Life.

  80. LAX says:

    9:57 yesssir. Started this month. 15 min commute.
    Stoked, good jobs in my field are few and far between.

  81. LAX says:

    Emhoff hits it out of the park.

  82. BRT says:

    It’s current and historic support for public education.

    Historic, past 15 years, nada. That’s a long time. More than half of a career for most. Current? Murphy just cut 9 million from Toms River’s budget.

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