Hottest Zip Codes in NJ

From Fox 5:

These NY, NJ towns have the hottest ZIP codes for home sales has released its 2024 list of hottest zip codes for home sales, and towns in NY and NJ made the list!

Seven of the 10 hottest zip codes on this year’s list are in the Northeast, while the Midwest claims three spots on the list. noted that three of the Midwest zip codes were on the 2023 list.

2024 Hottest ZIP codes in America

  1. 43230 Gahanna, Ohio
  2. 63021 Ballwin, Mo.
  3. 01970 Salem, Mass.
  4. 07920 Basking Ridge, NJ
  5. 14609 Rochester, NY
  6. 08054 Mount Laurel, NJ
  7. 01453 Leominster, Mass.
  8. 01085 Westfield, Mass.
  9. 46322 Highland, IN
  10. 18062 Macungie, Pa.

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate, New Jersey Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

53 Responses to Hottest Zip Codes in NJ

  1. Very Stable Genius says:


  2. Very Stable Genius says:

    It’s nice, nothing wrong with it

    07920 Basking Ridge, NJ

  3. BRT says:

    Fun fact, Basking Ridge teachers are the lowest paid teachers in Somerset county

  4. Fast Eddie says:

    Montclair should be No. 1. It’s the center of the universe, everyone knows it. Followed by Ridgewood.

  5. Hold my beer says:

    I lived in basking ridge for a year. Full of pretentious wankers. Favorite example 2 SAHM we’re talking in a park. Hubby of 1 had been laid off. Wife was saying they were almost out of money and would have to sell their house, but he had just started a new job that week so now they can go back to remodeling their kitchen. Also knew a guy whose church did a survey. Average member in basking ridge/Warren carried a balance of 15k on credit cards. And this was over 15 years age

  6. SomeOne says:

    HMB, I am sure that for every “almost out of money” (some of them may be exaggerating for effect), there may be many that may be living a very cheap lifestyle (their kids or grandkids may grow up pretentious though). Basking Ridge is not a bad place at all.

  7. BRT says:

    The natives in Basking Ridge are geat. The newcomers that built all the monstrosities fit the profile of what you describe.

  8. Libturd says:


    Same with Montclair. In the 80s and 90s it was a gritty artists community with lots of theater and jazz outlets. Heck there was even a dinner theater with a big band. There was no Anthropologie and no parking issues. The deck at the Y was all that was needed. It was a little rougher on the south side, but the town was much less political and had a more organic feel to it. Since then, Brooklyn has moved in and really wrecked the place. There is nothing worse than seeing those with too much discretionary cash make believe they care about the people they are forcing to leave.

  9. Phoenix says:

    BRT says:
    August 22, 2024 at 7:25 am
    Fun fact, Basking Ridge teachers are the lowest paid teachers in Somerset county.

    You don’t get all that money by being generous. Teachers there aren’t even getting trickle down from those rich ones, they are getting the drops from when they shake it off.

  10. Phoenix says:

    BRT says:
    August 22, 2024 at 9:03 am
    The natives in Basking Ridge are great.

    I’m sure they think they are. So great they have Senior Freezes on their property tax.


  11. Chicago says:

    I need more discretionary cash.

    Libturd says:
    August 22, 2024 at 9:45 am
    . There is nothing worse than seeing those with too much discretionary cash make believe they care about the people they are forcing to leave.

  12. Phoenix says:

    And you know what he is going to do about any of this?

    Nothing. All these fuccs talk a good game. Then they get Pegasused and fall in line.

    “When Republicans use the word — freedom — they mean that the government should be free to invade your doctor’s office, corporations free to pollute your air and water, and banks free to take advantage of customers,” Walz said. “But when we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love, freedom to make your own health-care decisions and, yeah, your kids’ freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in the hall.”

  13. Phoenix says:

    Sounds like fun.

    The Canadian Pacific Kansas City railroad and the Canadian National Railway locked out Teamsters union members at 12:01 a.m. after they failed to reach a deal with Teamsters Canada Rail Conference on a contract late Wednesday, despite days of heated negotiations.

    The Canadian government has rejected calls to intervene, but Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday urged parties to “get to a resolution.”

    The Teamsters say the railways are requesting that the union make concessions “on crew scheduling, rail safety, and fatigue management” — echoing union concerns at the heart of a threatened 2022 rail strike in the United States. Meanwhile, the railroads say they have offered significant pay increases and addressed concerns about scheduling.

    Teamsters Canada, which represents nearly 10,000 rail workers at the two companies, has been without contracts at the companies since the end of 2023.

    The fallout of a Canadian rail strike could be far-reaching in the United States and Canada. Businesses have warned of “devastating consequences” that could trigger inflated prices and supply-chain shortages across North America and beyond. The U.S. railway Union Pacific has said a shutdown would sideline more than 2,500 railcars that normally cross the U.S.-Canada border each day, according to a company document reviewed by The Washington Post.

  14. Hold my beer says:


    I don’t care for it. We then moved to Warren. In April or May when our oldest was going into kindergarten that September we got a tour of the school by an Uber pta mom. Another awful person. She bragged that the school doesn’t have a cafeteria line, instead every day they rotate from a different fast food takeout. McDonald’s, Burger King, fried chicken, pizza and the kids just love it. After meeting the other parents of incoming kindergartners and a few pta members I told my wife as we were driving home that we gotta get out of this town.

  15. Chicago says:

    I haven’t watched a second of either convention.

    He said that? Is he kidding?

    Memo to VP candidate: Who has been in charge? This worked years ago, but this hot air has been road tested now. Just empty.

    Phoenix says:
    August 22, 2024 at 10:26 am
    And you know what he is going to do about any of this?

    Nothing. All these fuccs talk a good game. Then they get Pegasused and fall in line.

    “When Republicans use the word — freedom — they mean that the government should be free to invade your doctor’s office, corporations free to pollute your air and water, and banks free to take advantage of customers,” Walz said. “But when we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love, freedom to make your own health-care decisions and, yeah, your kids’ freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in the hall.”

  16. Phoenix says:


    Never underestimate the stupidity of the average voter in America.

    They will listen to that and believe it.

    No one gives one ratz azz about any stinkin’ fact checkin’

  17. Phoenix says:

    Typical American Voter. Middle class.

    Now will she vote for Jack Daniels or Johnnie Walker? Hehe.

  18. Phoenix says:

    After meeting the other parents of incoming kindergartners and a few pta members I told my wife as we were driving home that we gotta get out of this town.

    These are your fellow Americans. And a bit closer to the heartland than those Bergen County snobs that hire them for cheap labor.

    The racism is always economic. It’s not about color. It’s about money.

    Or maybe it is about color. What shade of green are you?

  19. Libturd says:

    On September 20th, the lock-up period for the DJT spac ends and Trump, who has 60% of the companies shares will have to decide if he is going to screw his supporters or not. It will be interesting to see what he does.

  20. Libturd says:

    The really old elementary schools in Glen Ridge have cafeterias, but they don’t have kitchens. Back in the day, the kids actually walked home for lunch. The school would cater food from some really good restaurants in the area. It was not the healthiest lunch, but it was certainly better than fast food. One day it was pasta from a local italian joint and another day it was pizza from a pizza joint. I think the others were chicken strips, sandwich day and bagel day. Meatball sandwich day and quesadilla day too. When they all got to the middle school, no one wanted the school lunches. I don’t blame them.

  21. Phoenix says:

    When they all got to the middle school, no one wanted the school lunches. I don’t blame them.

    Even the children there became snobs.

    Maybe we should bring back conscription-and let’s start with them instead of the inner cities.

  22. grim says:

    School lunch pizza is one of the greatest foods known to man.

    I’m not talking a slice of pizza, I’m talking about that rectangular style sheet, probably came in frozen on a pallet stacked up like pavers.

  23. Libturd says:

    Speaking of that terrible, floppy, rectangular school pizza. When I was in elementary school, whenever one of the lunch ladies handed someone a plate with a burnt slice, the kids would pass it down the line until it was passed about 50 students back in line. I would snatch that tray and would just sit down at a table with it. By that point, the line wrapped between the lunch tables and there was no way the cashier would ever see it. I did this every Friday for six years. This way, I could spend the lunch money/allowance my parents gave me on Friday ($1) for something more practical. Like four games of pinball.

  24. leftwing says:


    “Did I touch a nerve there? You [don’t] really cover the fact you hate Dems.”

    No nerve politically, just your constant inane trolling. As to ‘hating’ Dems, I don’t…Their policies and platforms (primarily the economic ones) don’t conform with my beliefs and moreover have been shown to be counterproductive to their own stated goals. And, yes, the oft stated and blatantly on display hypocrisy of ‘caring’ but not really bothers me a lot.

    “The Dems wouldn’t nominate some that could get my vote, I would’ve voted for Bernie.”

    Again to address one of your favorite inaccurate trolling comments I don’t ever recall saying that the Dems ‘need to’ nominate someone for me. As to who/what I may have voted for believe what you want, doesn’t really matter to me.

    “If they had bypassed Harris for Newsom, you would still be complaining.”

    One, show me where I have ‘complained’ here about Harris…Two, you are absolutely correct, Newsom would have been a train wreck for me and the Republic and scares the daylights out of me. In the same manner as Hillary…Why? They are more than competent and capable meaning they would be able to enact many of their BS policies…Harris? She’s a fucking idiot, everyone knows it including her own Party (witness Newsom and Whitmer not coming anywhere near the ticket). You’re correct, I would be apoplectic if Newsom were nominated. I’ll take Harris any day over a Newsom, unlike a Newsom she won’t succeed at nearly anything.

    “As for Mellody Hobson, wasn’t she just dumped out of Starbucks for the Burrito guy. But hey, would make a great POTUS…How do you get dumped with a customer base like that.”

    Another A+ for you for control of the facts…she wasn’t dumped dumbass, she was the one doing the dumping, the Chairman of the Board who initiated the transition out of the non-functioning CEO and who brought in the industry recognized rock star in the process giving up her title to get it done.

    “As to, when, where or what I post. If you don’t like it scroll on.”

    Good point, and I will take your advice. You are the political equivalent here of discussing markets with Pumpkin. In other words, totally worthless. I won’t be able to recapture the ten minutes of my life I took responding here but you are correct I will just scroll on in the future.

  25. DontBeMrsDeagle says:

    3b, from yesterday..

    You are scared that they are coming for you, just as Mrs.Deagle. To prevent this communities well off did little thing that fall under the old “Noblesse Oblige” tradition.

    Things like a community fund and fundraising events for supporting things like local sports, arts, charity, and distressed individuals. It gave them local political, moral and public recognition and made them feel good, some would call it “Good Ole Boys” networks. But it worked.

    Otherwise is Mrs.Deagle time…

    3b says:
    August 21, 2024 at 6:41 pm

    Fab: No one said they should, and no one begrudges them making money ( your dating yourself with scratch), it’s the demonizing and fake outrage at the rich.

  26. D-FENS says:

    Wrong. Grade ‘D’ but edible hot dogs, alongside the ice cream scoop worth of mashed potatoes.

    grim says:
    August 22, 2024 at 11:33 am
    School lunch pizza is one of the greatest foods known to man.

    I’m not talking a slice of pizza, I’m talking about that rectangular style sheet, probably came in frozen on a pallet stacked up like pavers.

  27. leftwing says:

    “I’m not talking a slice of pizza, I’m talking about that rectangular style sheet…”

    Tomato pie in my old parts…Not even sure if it was cooked, certainly not served hot. Basically a big rectangular piece of lower quality type focaccia bread coated with thick and sweeter tomato sauce sprinkled with parm/romano, served at room temperature…LOL, I’ll still get some on the very infrequent occasions I head back to where I grew up…old habits…thanks on that memory

    And DJT is in serious trouble…I’m in a Red state now, pretty socially active. Good gathering of last night of a group of 40-60 year olds, the youngest a male born and bred in the South, bunch of former suburban women in the middle of that range formerly from Red/Purple states…the animosity in this group toward DJT was overt. If this demographic can’t even imagine considering getting behind him…

  28. D-FENS says:

    I remember my friends and I saw the boxes of hot dogs being delivered…they literally said ‘grade D but edible’.

  29. Juice Box says:

    image search the school lunch pizza.. lol

    Was that ever real cheese? Not really sure to this day..

  30. leftwing says:

    Ooh, that’s a scary search….here’s what I was talking about….the school version had thicker sauce (God only knows how many grams of sugar in each) and of course the fake ground up from a canister ‘parmesan’ cheese sprinkled on top, not the real stuff

  31. leftwing says:

    “On September 20th, the lock-up period for the DJT spac ends and Trump, who has 60% of the companies shares…”

    Lib, ought to be a slam dunk but unless I’m just yolo’ing it with a dollar amount that doesn’t matter (which I don’t really get the point of) I can’t see the return on time invested. I’d want to rip through the filings and market measures and those SPAC docs are a bitch…I just switched brokers as well, so the market research side of it, especially options, would be brand new and really time consuming…

    I’m out of markets…liquidated nearly everything in the last few weeks…those levered positions I put on Nov-Jan were maxing out on profit at least on a risk/reward basis. Fortuitous entry there for me, crushed the SPX in both my taxable and much more so (!) in my non-tax accounts…plus moving cash to a new broker was just simpler than a whole portfolio of stock and option trades re: year end accounting…

    I’m going to harvest mode…similar to our discussion of a while back when we were around 4000 on SPX if I miss the next ten percent up no big deal got it more than covered already, instead I’ll keep the interest and an equity buy list if we get back down to 5000 or below. Let the market tell me what to do. Put a lot of time since 2019 into trading my portfolios for that extra marginal return…after that five year run at this point I’d prefer to continue to invest in my health, social life, etc rather than add more zeros in etherworld…I’ll still dabble, and use everything I learned to be opportunistic and smart (including hedging out risk especially single stock risk, and taking highly opportunistic skewed risk/reward positions) but my days of being in front of a screen or on for a good part of the day are winding down…

  32. Phoenix says:

    if the boomer taxpayers weren’t so cheap And the teacher is not so greedy with their pensions maybe the kids could’ve had something good to eat.

  33. Libturd says:

    I hear you. It’s exhausting. I did an options search and the trade is clearly known based on the cost of the options.

    I am nearly back to where I was portfolio value wise from when I pulled the last chunk into less risky investments. It feels pretty good to still have the money there and have made it back to the line of scrimmage. Real good actually. My only real investment question is whether the market has priced in the upcoming rate cuts that pundits say could be the full quarter percent. I have a feeling that in the short run, the market drops, like through September and then Oct-Dec, back to the lower interest races.

    I am still waiting for Kamala speak off script. The one time she did since being nominated, she proved her lack of economic understanding (how bad is the Economics school at Howard?). Then the price gouging and now she is talking about taxes on un-realized gains. It’s clear the populous knows nothing about finance. Though, they sure feel guilty when it comes to black POTUS nominees. They never lose. Perhaps the black vote has something to do with that. Which might go a long way in explaining why Democrats have pretty much locked blacks in this cycle of government dependence. And of course, they have all of the future votes of the current slew of immigrants. Praise capitalism. :P

  34. TraitorJoe says:

    The convention, like the aborted primary, and therefore the general election is totally fraudulent. What is the point if the actual party congress chose the candidate behind closed doors. Yet another hoax and attack on democracy. The captured dupes play along.

  35. Juice Box says:

    BLS jobs revision showed that the economy had 818,000 fewer jobs?

  36. TraitorJoe says:

    They’ve the country into a banana republic.

  37. BRT says:

    BLS jobs revision showed that the economy had 818,000 fewer jobs?

    I said all along that they would be revising numbers later, as they’ve become accustomed to. The response was “why would the government ever lie?”.

  38. LAX says:

    1:10 hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha

  39. Old realtor says:

    Already panicked and making excuses.TraitorJoe says:
    August 22, 2024 at 1:10 pm
    The convention, like the aborted primary, and therefore the general election is totally fraudulent. What is the point if the actual party congress chose the candidate behind closed doors. Yet another hoax and attack on democracy. The captured dupes play along.

  40. D-FENS says:

    They collect data by calling households and having them answer questions….in 2024.

    There has to be a better way.

    I wouldn’t believe anything coming from them anymore.

    Juice Box says:
    August 22, 2024 at 1:35 pm
    BLS jobs revision showed that the economy had 818,000 fewer jobs?

  41. chicagofinance says:

    Howard is 13th grade.

    Libturd says:
    August 22, 2024 at 1:07 pm
    I am still waiting for Kamala speak off script. The one time she did since being nominated, she proved her lack of economic understanding (how bad is the Economics school at Howard?).

  42. LAX says:

    5:33 you’re a fucking racist.

  43. LAX says:

    1:07 she’s not a goddam economist btw. Fucktard.

  44. LAX says:

    Need to rename the blog Grim:

    Douchebag Central

  45. Chicago says:

    Biden went to Delaware. No big deal, but for a President it is pretty low grade. I’m sure there are others, but 75th on the U.S. News college rankings speaks for itself. Howard is 115.

  46. Chicago says:

    CUNY is ranked higher than Howard. Not SUNY. CUNY. She has the intellect of raw sewage.

  47. LAX says:

    Elitism will only get you so far, I’m not going to waste our time with this one.
    But you are wrong. Einstein understood ….

  48. Chicago says:

    Once mainstream schools integrated, HBCU’s were rendered obsolete. They are empty institutions of graft, willfully inculcating racist ideology for those willfully looking to segregate themselves. Overpriced Marxist cesspools training people to be useless.

  49. LAX says:

    9:35 yes, but they have a fun Greek Sysytem.

  50. LAX says:

    She gives an Epic Speech. Literally hits it out of the f+cking Park.

    And that pantsuit was on point.

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