NY Metro tops Case Shiller in June

From CNBC:

Home prices hit record high in June on S&P Case-Shiller Index

Even as mortgage interest rates were rising, home prices reached the highest level ever on the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index.

On a three-month running average ended in June, prices nationally were 5.4% higher than they were in June 2023, according to data released Tuesday. Despite being a record high for the index, the annual gain was smaller than May’s 5.9% reading.

The index’s 10-city composite rose 7.4% annually, down from 7.8% in the previous month. The 20-city composite was 6.5% higher year over year, down from a 6.9% increase in May.

“While both housing and inflation have slowed, the gap between the two is larger than historical norms, with our National Index averaging 2.8% more than the Consumer Price Index,” noted Brian Luke, head of commodities, real and digital assets at S&P Dow Jones Indices, in a release. “That is a full percentage point above the 50-year average. Before accounting for inflation, home prices have risen over 1,100% since 1974, but have slightly more than doubled (111%) after accounting for inflation.”

New York saw the highest annual gain among the 20 cities, with prices climbing 9% in June, followed by San Diego and Las Vegas with annual increases of 8.7% and 8.5%, respectively. Portland, Oregon, saw just a 0.8% annual rise in June, the smallest gain of the top cities.

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80 Responses to NY Metro tops Case Shiller in June

  1. Fast Eddie says:

    If mortgage rates drop a whole percentage, I suspect more inventory emerges though prices are going to remain the same or increase even more.

  2. Chicago says:

    WTF. Second

  3. RentL0rd says:

    House in the neighborhood received 15 offers over the weekend. Top offer was accepted and fell through during negotiations. The other offers seem to have lost interest or something, because there are new people coming in to see the house now.

    Similar to the house I wanted to check out. The sellers and buyers are not having a difficult time seeing eye-to-eye, especially with everyone else in the middle.

    Is this a new trend? Longer closing cycles and contracts falling through?

    The process is so painful, house buying /selling is for the really really serious folks. Moving once in 5 / 7 years is no longer a thing.

  4. Chicago says:

    Did you see SMCI today?

  5. Fast Eddie says:

    The process is so painful…

    To the point where you want to kill somebody!

  6. Chicago says:

    SMCI 5 month return is -68%.

    Very Cathiwoodesque

  7. SmallGovConservative says:

    RentL0rd says:
    August 28, 2024 at 12:29 pm
    “The process is so painful, house buying /selling is for the really really serious folks.”

    Can someone clarify; why is the process so much more painful than before? Is this an NJ-specific issue? Did the process only become more painful very recently, if so why? In what ways is the process more difficult?

  8. SomeOne says:

    Question out of morbid curiosity: what is a fair value of DJT when the dust settles?

    Right now, stock is trending DJT’s goal: take the country back to 19.80’s, then 19.50’s then 18.00’s.

  9. CumellaGreasyEddie LeftGripPleasureHand says:

    Small Con,

    Real Estate brokerage has always been the land of the scummy nitwits. But it was understood that loyalty was given to the one that pays the commission, except if you were a renter, because everyone screws renters.

    Since the Class Action lawsuit, it looks like the Dual Agreements that brokers are stealthy rolling out are basically the equivalent of the Pharmaceutical Benefit Managers that are middle men between health insurance companies and drug manufacturers.

    In short they are using these Dual Agent agreements to essentially kill off any Fiduciary responsibility to anyone and wheel and deal as needed for their own benefit. If you look carefully they are trying to quietly set the new tone without making a fuss.
    The reason is Technology like Zillow and others soon will make them utterly useless.

    So you got to re-rig it into any paradigm before it become free. Think TicketMaster, you can go and buy in the box office or pay lots of fees to get it mailed/e-ticket. Is just a matter of hours before someone creates a Tinder equivalent of For Sale by Owner. Buyer swipes like/Seller swipes like and each gets others contact info to start process.

    Now add this to the usual swamp of bs that is a real restate transaction where everyone is hiding and manipulating facts all the time just like your (OrangeTraitor boy).

    Made exponentially worse by the amount of speculators in the real estate world presently because of low interest rates since 9/11 and all the continual bail-outs that makes residential real estate a sure thing, even if you screw up just hold on to the next bail out.

    I would say, if you are going to buy and sell. For sale by owner is starting to look very good.

  10. Hold my beer says:

    Getting some masonry work done for $2,600. Mason has to remove some bricks right below the roofline and put a piece of metal in the frame and attach the bricks to it since they’re leaning forward a little and will eventually fall off or get a huge gap. Also needs to take down the middle of our entrance arch, attach a piece of rebar to the header and then put the bricks back and attach them to the new rebar so the rebar carries the weight. Otherwise the column they attach to will collapse or at least shift so much it can’t get rebuilt. Plus he’s going to repoint the cracks and gaps in the mortar and recaulk around some of the windows. He said the bulk of the cost is redoing the arch. He has liability and workers comp insurance and a 5 star rating on Google. Been in business for over 20 years. He said the arch is a very common repair. Builders don’t bother putting rebar in the arch to secure the bricks in place since home warranties are 10 years or less and it takes longer then that for cracks to appear and the pillars to shift.

  11. Juice Box says:

    There are hot dog trucks with more revenue than DJT stock. Daily average usage is somewhere around 80,000 red hat wearing sycophants.

    There are more users on Eddie’s NASCAR MySpace site.

  12. RentL0rd says:

    >> To the point where you want to kill somebody!

    Why limit to one?!

    >> Can someone clarify; why is the process so much more painful than before?

    It was always painful. I have bought and moved 4 houses… buying selling (and renting) was always painful. The more you know of the various little (and big) scams within a single transaction, the more repulsive it gets. That said, NJ has added a new category of agents since August – called “Dual Agency” – different from a traditional “dual agent”.

    There also seems to be little thought to the “unrepresented” ( feels and sounds like “undocumented alien”). Apparently you need to use this terminology of “unrepresented” buyer and “dual agency” if you want to get your legalese right.

  13. BRT says:

    SMCI was always a fake hype machine. But the name got it to 10x. A year ago it dropped like 30% on earnings.

  14. Grim says:

    2600 sounds cheap for all that work

  15. Fast Eddie says:

    There are more users on Eddie’s NASCAR MySpace site.

    Hey! No fair! We almost had a chat going on Google Plus!!

  16. Hold my beer says:


    It’s more work than I was expecting but it does seem cheap for that amount of work. I was not expecting to have the arch over the front patio have to get rebuilt.

  17. Hold my beer says:

    From should be grim. Autocorrect got me.

  18. Old realtor says:

    Surprised there has been no discussion of the 2004 “Mansion Tax” here. What a cash cow for NJ. Half the homes being sold must be getting hit with that tax now.

  19. Old realtor says:

    The new law is great for me. I am effectively retired and it should be incentive for me to never show a house again. Nobody knows how this is all going to shake out in practice. My personal opinion is that the biggest change is more documents to sign. Sellers will offer concessions to cover commission for buyer. In the end a big nothing.

  20. Phoenix says:

    In the latest issue of “Protect and Serve.”

    A Massachusetts police detective has been charged for the strangling death of pregnant woman Sandra Birchmore.

    Matthew Farwell, 38, is accused of killing the 23-year-old some time after she revealed she was pregnant with his child.

    Police allege Farwell had a sexual relationship with Birchmore since she was 15 years old, and that he was motivated to kill her in order to prevent her from speaking out about the relationship.

  21. Phoenix says:

    Hey Joey, you were supposed to pay off the fireman:

    Just recently, a fire was spotted at EV maker Rivian’s Normal, Illinois factory, and it was captured in a dramatic YouTube video.

    Thanks to the swift response from the Normal Fire Department, the blaze was contained and extinguished by midnight Sunday. Fortunately, the fire was limited to the vehicles and did not spread to the plant itself, avoiding what could have been a much larger disaster.

  22. Phoenix says:

    They’re trying to hurt me and take advantage of me.



  23. Fast Eddie says:

    Consumers grappling with inflation-strained household budgets have been dining out less and turning to more affordable at-home meal options, boosting demand for the company’s products.

    Packaged food makers including Campbell, Conagra Brands and General Mills have also been hiking product prices for more than a year to offset steep input costs.

    Your unrealized gains will be taxed, so will your stock trades, tax brackets will be adjusted upward (believe me, they will) and the corporate tax jacked up which will eliminate a truck load of jobs. Then, when you start liquidating assets to live, that’ll be taxed, too. Here’s hoping that microwaveable macaroni and cheese doesn’t affect your health too badly. Geez, I hope that Ablation Reduction Act kicks in soon.

  24. Hold my beer says:

    Wow. Dollar General down 25% today.

  25. Phoenix says:


    You don’t shop without money. So your choices are to forgo it, or steal it.

    Either way doesn’t work for Dollar General.

    People with money aren’t going there, your wife won’t be caught dead shopping at Dollar General, it’s beneath her.

    Game over. Be patient.

  26. Phoenix says:

    Pot, meet Kettle. Hehe

    Welcome to the circus otherwise known as American Election.

    Where everyone is either bought and paid for to tell the Voting Dolts of America what they want to hear in order line their pockets with gold (Thanks Menendez for making that an actual truth.)

    That, added Trump, was an indicator that his opponent was not being sincere in her new-found political positions.

    ‘She doesn’t believe in any of this stuff, which tells you, from a character standpoint, it’s terrible’ he said.

    ‘I mean, she’s so dishonest.’

  27. Fast Eddie says:

    1) Who’s running the country right now?
    2) Will Dana ask Cumella why she lied about the mental health of O’Biden?
    3) Michigan and Wisconsin said they will not take Bobby Jr. off the ballot. I assume O’Biden can’t be removed either, right? I said, right?
    4) How many “Harris for Trump” lawn signs will we see before November 5th?

    I’ll explain point no. 4 to you democrats: Harris is now for fracking, drilling, a border wall, no tax on tips and no electric mandates.

  28. LAX says:

    I’ll tell you who isn’t running the Country……

    Donnie Dumbass

  29. SmallGovConservative says:

    How pathetic that Joe’s Rainbow Navy can’t protect Red Sea shipping, and that it’s the Houthi’s that have to give the OK to salvage the bleeding oil tanker and prevent an ecological disaster! Yet another ‘accomplishment’ for SlowJoe and the Dingbat — fully ceding the middle east to Iran and it’s proxies.

  30. Fast Eddie says:

    I also want to know why Cumella needs to prep for weeks to answer scripted questions while that pedo holds her hand. Shouldn’t that be a clue to the average muppet that she’s not too bright? Or, are her cheerleaders even dumber than she is? It’s over a month now and she hasn’t answered one question on the fly.

  31. LAX says:

    The only Pedo in the race is the child rapist and convicted rapist Trump.
    Let’s be clear about that. Your support and mindless fabricated
    accusations against Walz shows your lack of judgement and character.

  32. Very Stable Genius says:

    Price will double once Trump kicks out the illegals.

    Offspring of Maga as hell ain’t gonna do that kind of work

    Hold my beer says:
    August 28, 2024 at 1:48 pm
    Getting some masonry work done for $2,600. Mason has to remove some bricks right below the roofline and put a piece of metal in the frame and attach the bricks to it since they’re leaning forward a little and will eventually fall off or get a huge gap. Also needs to take down the middle of our entrance arch, attach a piece of rebar to the header and then put the bricks back and attach them to the new rebar so the rebar carries the weight. Otherwise the column they attach to will collapse or at least shift so much it can’t get rebuilt. Plus he’s going to repoint the cracks and gaps in the mortar and recaulk around some of the windows. He said the bulk of the cost is redoing the arch. He has liability and workers comp insurance and a 5 star rating on Google. Been in business for over 20 years. He said the arch is a very common repair. Builders don’t bother putting rebar in the arch to secure the bricks in place since home warranties are 10 years or less and it takes longer then that for cracks to appear and the pillars to shift.

  33. Very Stable Genius says:

    Gary’s kid can’t even give the correct changed as Donkin Donuts cashier and you want him doin masonry?

  34. Chad Powers says:

    Spoke to our neighbor a couple of days ago and it looks like we‘ll finally be able to buy her house. The deal she had fell through when the buyers couldn’t come up with the money. She inherited it from her mother who died less than a year ago. The transfer should be done by the end of the calendar year. An old, fairly small house built in 1933 that was never modernized or significantly updated. The mother was a cheap skate. The house however meets our needs. I‘ll remove the fence dividing the properties and have a much bigger yard. I‘ll fix up the two bedrooms upstairs for guests. The main thing is no one else buys it and builds a big giant house right next to us.

  35. Fast Eddie says:


    Nice move. Glad to read you landed the deal.

  36. Chad Powers says:

    Fast Eddie,
    I very happy as we were very worried about the house being leveled and some type of multi unit condo going up right next door. The yard next door is pretty big so there would be a lot of possibilities for a builder. The daughter has four months to finish emptying the house now but the majority of the stuff is gone already. Her biggest headache is an old heavy piano on the 2nd floor. Definitely something I don’t need.

  37. Very Stable Genius says:

    Army says Arlington National Cemetery worker was ‘pushed aside’ by Trump aides

    UPDATED AUGUST 29, 20246:20 PM ET

    Stephen Fowler
    Quil Lawrence
    Tom Bowman

    The U.S. Army said an employee at Arlington National Cemetery who tried to “ensure adherence” to rules that prohibit political activities at the cemetery “was abruptly pushed aside,” but that the employee decided not to press charges against the Trump campaign staffers who allegedly pushed her.

  38. Juice Box says:

    re: “prohibit political activities at the cemetery”

    Only dead democrats get to vote.

    Clip of Biden campaigning in 2020 on the dead soldiers from the Obama/Biden 8 years of war. Gratuitous Arlington Cemetery photo shoot included. Text 3030 to Joe Biden.


  39. Phoenix says:

    “How pathetic that Joe’s Rainbow Navy”

    Damn. through those boys right under the keel.

  40. Phoenix says:


  41. rob london says:

    I am thinking of making an cash offer for a house without a realtor. I am familiar with the real estate laws and will have an attorney, a title company and my own inspectors. I will construct my own documents with addenda from the boiler plate documents and run them by my attorney. A 2.5% commission can be reduced to a .5% hit for the lawyer and any incidentals. I intend to get a 2.5% concession on the price from the seller. What could go wrong? Thoughts?

  42. Juice Box says:

    re: ” What could go wrong…

    Famous last words???

    Good Luck Bobby London!

  43. SomeOne says:

    Juice, aren’t the things that DJT’s visit to Arlington involved: roughing up a woman officer there plus the airing of a private video of the cemetery on TikTok very different from using standard footage of the cemetery (with a disclaimer)?

    It is like one respected the consent and another didn’t. You see no difference?

  44. Chicago says:

    If you are in a competition, you may want to consider how your approach will be perceived. It’s not about you, it’s about the seller.

    rob london says:
    August 29, 2024 at 8:28 pm
    I am thinking of making an cash offer for a house without a realtor. I am familiar with the real estate laws and will have an attorney, a title company and my own inspectors. I will construct my own documents with addenda from the boiler plate documents and run them by my attorney. A 2.5% commission can be reduced to a .5% hit for the lawyer and any incidentals. I intend to get a 2.5% concession on the price from the seller. What could go wrong? Thoughts?

  45. Chad Powers says:

    Rob London:
    We are also doing a cash purchase for our neighbor‘s house. The house was never listed by a realtor with our neighbor, so we also won’t be using a realtor but it will all go through a lawyer. But the difference is we know the family pretty well and also know the history of the house, which is the exact same design and original builder as our house.

  46. Phoenix says:

    I’m all good with less regulation, as long as it goes with murder charges for the defendants. Less regulation plus criminal, not civil charges.
    You don’t wanna be regulated, well, depending on the state, life in prison or the death sentence.

    Clean your equipment you nasty fuccs.

    The Boar’s Head plant in southern Virginia at the epicenter of a deadly nationwide listeria outbreak was regularly cited for violations in the past year, including the presence of mold, mildew, insects and a “rancid smell,” according to reports by government inspectors.

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports, reviewed by The Washington Post, show that inspectors notified managers at the plant of one or more “noncompliances” on 57 separate days between Aug. 1, 2023, and July 27, 2024. Among the issues cited were “dirty” machinery, flies in pickle containers, “heavy meat buildup” on walls, blood in puddles on the floor, and multiple instances of leaking pipes, clogged drains and heavy dust buildup in certain areas.

    The USDA noncompliance citations were first reported by CBS News.

    Deli meat produced at the Jarratt, Va., facility between May 10 and July 29 is now believed to be responsible for the deaths of nine people and the hospitalization of dozens of others.

  47. Phoenix says:


    He has no respect for our military heroes. Rules don’t apply to him. His comments about McCain, his Presidential medal vs the Medal of Honor, this trip to Arlington- he is like a child with no boundaries.

    So choose this dictator vs Vile Kamala.

    Ain’t worth the gas to drive a mile to vote. Either way USS America is continuing to sink like the Titanic.

    Don’t worry, the rich will get on their lifeboats, they aren’t going to drown.

  48. Phoenix says:

    On today’s episode of “Protect and serve”

    An off-duty cop was arrested for urinating on a female fan and her designer cowgirl boots during a Kenny Chesney concert in Massachusetts.

    Shane Lynch, an officer in Rhode Island, was enjoying the concert in the sandpit area at Gillette Stadium on Saturday night when he allegedly relieved himself around 9:15 pm.

    The woman – who purchased the new boots specifically for the Chesney concert – was also standing in the sandpit area when she ‘felt something wet spray her leg,’ according to the arrest report.

    She then looked down and was horrified to see Shane ‘urinating on her shoes’.

    ‘Did you just pee down my leg?’ the shocked victim asked Lynch.

  49. Fast Eddie says:

    Lynch Shane Lynch!

    What is it with that last name? There was a kid in my neighborhood with the same last name battling anger issues at every turn. And then I had a high school teacher with the same name that was always short-tempered and a real dick head. Does this lineage carry an attitude? lol.

  50. Hold my beer says:

    Phoenix and Fast

    “Shane Lynch, an officer in Rhode Island, was enjoying the concert in the sandpit area at Gillette Stadium on Saturday night when he allegedly relieved himself around 9:15 pm.”

    Maybe he identifies as a cat furry. It’s Massachusetts. That defense might work.

  51. Phoenix says:

    So the question is:

    Do we trust someone with a badge and a gun when they can’t control themselves in a concert? Someone who can’t walk to a Porta John, but has to whip it out and pee into a woman’s boot? Was that his intent? Did he think because he was a cop she would like that, or that it is okay?

    Will he just get a slap on the wrist, fired? Go work for another department after being let go?

    Good luck Shane. Maybe Uvalde will hire you.

  52. BRT says:

    Brandon Miller, the high-profile New York real estate developer who took his own life last month, was in even more dire financial straits than was initially revealed at the time of his death.

    Miller, 43, who flaunted a high-flying Hamptons lifestyle bankrolled by millions of dollars in secret debt along with his influencer wife, Candace, was nearly $34 million in the red, with just $8,000 in his bank account, TheRealDeal reports.

    Pretty impressive runup of credit limits there

  53. Very Stable Genius says:

    Living a fraudulent real estate lifestyle, a mini Trump

    BRT says:
    August 30, 2024 at 11:17 am
    Brandon Miller, the high-profile New York real estate developer who took his own life last month, was in even more dire financial straits than was initially revealed at the time of his death.

    Miller, 43, who flaunted a high-flying Hamptons lifestyle bankrolled by millions of dollars in secret debt along with his influencer wife, Candace, was nearly $34 million in the red, with just $8,000 in his bank account, TheRealDeal reports.

    Pretty impressive runup of credit limits ther

  54. Very Stable Genius says:

    How come them all Maga?

    Phoenix says:
    August 30, 2024 at 11:14 am
    So the question is:

    Do we trust someone with a badge and a gun when they can’t control themselves in a concert? Someone who can’t walk to a Porta John, but has to whip it out and pee into a woman’s boot? Was that his intent? Did he think because he was a cop she would like that, or that it is okay?

    Will he just get a slap on the wrist, fired? Go work for another department after being let go?

    Good luck Shane. Maybe Uvalde will hire

  55. SomeOne says:

    HMB, you give a new name to boot licking of cops! He uses his power and you blame some made-up “anti-woke” excuse?

  56. SomeOne says:

    How come them all Maga?

    Because the people supporting them (boot-lickers) are deep down “anti-woke”.

  57. Hold my beer says:


    Obviously you don’t understand sarcasm.

  58. LAX says:

    9:48 juice is a shill for maga’tards.
    His comments have me employing ignore & skip .

  59. Libturd says:

    So after a week hiatus, it appears nothing has changed here politically.

    A few observations. It’s clear that Kamala will not be answering any questions nor will she be playing the race card. This is very smart and is exactly why she is doing so well. Heck, she is not even playing the woman card which is what sank HRC. Though, I still question her ability to lead America, especially after looking at her vague economic policies (really, the only policy explanations she has made at all), I have a feeling I bet on the wrong horse and will be ceremoniously paying off my bets in the not so different future. Though, it’s all going to come down to the debate, which is going to have crazy ratings due to Harris/Walz lack of access to the press, at least with anything worthy of reporting. I suppose no news is good news for Gary Gnu AND the DNC. On the bright side, I don’t mind spending $200 to see the Orange one in Orange.

    In other news, reming me not to wear boots around any cops nor to ever call the cops when D is around.

  60. Very Stable Genius says:

    Don’t know who will be next president.

    But 100% certain Democrats win the popular vote. They always do.

    3rd time Trump
    losses the popular vote.

    Just sayin’

  61. SmallGovConservative says:

    Lots of Dem duds demonstrating their 21st century ‘masculinity’, which is to say they’re emotional, irrational and dumb. I know the leftist womyn that run your lives say that they appreciate your willingness to take a back seat and let them lead, but it’s really pathetic, and in reality they wish you’d act like men…

    Libturd says:
    August 30, 2024 at 2:29 pm
    “I still question her ability to lead America…”

    No you don’t. You know that she’s incompetent. You won’t admit it because you plan to vote for her and you know how stupid that makes you.

    Very Stable Genius says:
    August 30, 2024 at 2:35 pm
    “Democrats win the popular vote.”

    Only if popular vote = harvested ballots. In addition to destroying institutions like the FBI, BLS and USSC, Dems have destroyed the integrity of our elections; we may never again know who truly ‘won’.

    LAX says:
    August 30, 2024 at 1:38 pm
    “employing ignore”

    I think we can all agree that no one is more worthy of ignoring that you.

  62. Boomer Remover says:

    Chad Powers – Not that I’m keeping track but, aren’t you in Germany?

  63. Fast Eddie says:

    The Ludmilla interview (was it an interview) seated next to her emotional white rescue male dog sort of fizzled. According to leftist media, just showing up was spectacular. Cackles had to make sure she said she holds true to her values multiple times which is a dog whistle for the tampon toadies to inform them that she’s only preaching center policies to get elected. If she gets elected, it’s uber tax, uber regulation, speech guidance and far left agenda disguised in symbolic joy. Be joyful in the further transformation of Amerika ushered in by that defender of the collective utopia, whose name be Obammy. Gen Z loves the mommy state so they’ll be absolutely pliable after they revel in the joy. I think it should actually be spelled “joi” because that version has a newness to it that can replace the outdated parts of marx1sm. A new USSA should be the narrative, filled with “joi” for all!

  64. LAX says:

    2:52 did you say something?

  65. Chad Powers says:

    Boomer Remover:
    Yes, in Bavaria just outside of Nürnberg. A lot of houses here never come up in real estate listings. Like the situation with our neighbor‘s house. We told her that we were interested and she said she already had a family friend who wanted to buy it. Then a few weeks later she told us the deal fell through and she would sell it to us. Housing here has come down a bit in the last year but it’s still very expensive. There is also a housing shortage, likely made worse by the number of refugees they have let into the country since 2015. Also we aren’t getting a discount on the price, but we‘ll sleep better at night owning it. I have always liked real estate and renting it out. We currently own two houses in the US and two in Germany. I do have to say though that inflation, overhead and renovation costs are making it much more difficult to make money.

  66. chicagofinance says:

    Walz is a piece of work. The explanation I can conjure to describe him is that he absolutely IS NOT someone who means what he says. He plays this outward game as a sensitive and empathetic leader, but you can sense the wheels turning in his head. He is a big con man. I don’t buy his garbage for a second.

    I someone refer to him as a sitzpinkler.

    SmallGovConservative says:
    August 30, 2024 at 2:52 pm
    Lots of Dem duds demonstrating their 21st century ‘masculinity’, which is to say they’re emotional, irrational and dumb. I know the leftist womyn that run your lives say that they appreciate your willingness to take a back seat and let them lead, but it’s really pathetic, and in reality they wish you’d act like men…

  67. chicagofinance says:

    Harris was better than I expected in the CNN interview. We’ll see where this goes….. she is going to be able to battle, but I don’t know if she has the chin to take a big hit. She is certainly listening to all the negative critiques, and modifying her behavior, including prepping. It must be humbling to hear that the general public doesn’t really like you and it is necessary to adopt a different persona to win an election. Her ego needed it.

  68. BRT says:

    would love to hear everyone’s comments on this video


  69. LAX says:

    7:00 Walz is what is known as midwestern friendly.
    That facade goes about an inch of two deep and then once he’s
    done with your antics you will meet the real guy. It’s fairly common.

  70. Fast Eddie says:

    He is a big con man. I don’t buy his garbage for a second.

    Gee, ya think? He’s an epic liar and a sneak. The only reason he’s there is because no one else wanted to be tied to her disaster.

  71. Phoenix says:

    Damn, lady.

    Disgusting new allegations made against female Wisconsin elementary school teacher, 24, accused of making out with boy aged 11

  72. Fast Eddie says:

    Disgusting new allegations made against female Wisconsin elementary school teacher…

    She’s midwestern friendly.

  73. LAX says:

    8:55 wake up Gary you’re dreaming again.

  74. BRT says:

    silence is violence

  75. Scrap says:

    “would love to hear everyone’s comments on this video”

    Obviously fake and only gullible dupes would pass it on thinking it was real. You could scroll for 5 seconds and see the account is full blown maga propaganda. Theres a Laura Loomer repost within the past day for crissakes. And the only place this video is found are the most extreme racist accounts with a bunch racist comments about exterminating black people etc. Also people that land on these sorts of fake videos are inundated with right wing propaganda daily and dont realize it and probably consider themselves skeptical and high iq and everyone else is a sheep without a hint of self awareness that they are the true marks. Any further comments needed?

  76. Phoenix says:

    On today’s “Protect and Serve”, beach edition

    A woman is fighting for her life tonight after being ran over by a Wildwood Police Truck on the beach. She’s listed in critical condition.

Comments are closed.