Can’t afford to stay, can’t afford to go

From The Hill:

Americans moving at lowest rate in decades: Census Bureau analysis

The percentage of Americans who move is at its lowest rate in recent history. And new research suggests the rate will stay low for quite some time.

Migration hovered at around 20% from just after World War II through the 1980s. Since then, it’s been on a steady decline to just 8.4% in 2021. The latest rate, taken from U.S. Census Bureau statistics, is 8.7% in 2022.

William Frey, a senior demographer at the Brookings Institution, tells Axios that several factors have collided to bring down the moving rate:

  • Younger people are living with their parents longer and delaying marriage
  • Older people, especially those in homes that are paid off, are less likely to move
  • Remote work means fewer people have to move to a new job
  • Two-income households make it tougher for both parties to find new jobs in new cities
  • Sky-high housing prices inhibit the ability to upgrade housing
  • Residual effects of the COVID pandemic

Frey’s analysis revealed one big anomaly. Local moves, defined as moving within the same county, fell to below 5% in the 2021-2022 survey period. That’s down from nearly 9% in 2010. But long-distance moves are up slightly to about 1.5%, following four years of steady decline.

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23 Responses to Can’t afford to stay, can’t afford to go

  1. Chad Powers says:


  2. grim says:

    51 this morning, someone flip the switch to Fall?

  3. Fast Eddie says:

    Will we have 2008 all over again? Will lower lending rates release the log jam and cause prices to fall? Predictions?

  4. Fast Eddie says:

    51 this morning…

    The unicorns in my area are getting their winter coats very early it appears.

  5. 1987 Condo says:

    I’m sure they are not doing this, but I’d be taking advantage of all these demonstrations to collect some information, pictures, profiles etc for the ole NSA database.

  6. BRT says:

    This probably mirrors 2006-2008. Florida prices have already gone down around 10% in the hottest markets. Arizona seems to be on track as well. Northeast reaction was delayed relative to the others in 2008. The runup was less and the fallout was less. NJ has one thing going for it to buffer the fallout, NYC’s exodus.

  7. Fast Eddie says:

    History tells us that real estate generally appreciates at ~ 3.5% YOY. Some places stick closely to that rule and others skyrocket and either fall to some degree or stagnate until time catches up. I think the northeast follows the latter path. We shoot up 40% in a few years and stay that way for a period of time. It doesn’t seem to lose much value in the gravity of NYC.

  8. Chicago says:

    Sept You Tube (Libturd Edition):

  9. LAX says:

    Well folks I hope all is well in your respective worlds. We just finished up August in Southern CA and it was hot! Great swimming pool weather and it cools off nicely at night, but you do feel that desert heat. Almost 8 years into this experiment and life is pretty good. My quiet little “purple” town is great and a bit of a throwback. Ventura Co. has little resemblance to LA County when one compares the two. Ventura is a little slice of paradise. LA is a company town. The film and TV biz in LA is really struggling these days and I see that NorCal Layoffs in Tech have exceeded the carnage of the Tech Crash decades ago. Uncertain of the economy going forward for the Golden State. Stay tuned! It could get interesting.

  10. Libturd says:

    Wow Chi. XTC and Jellyfish were definitely two of my favorites.

  11. Libturd says:

    Heck of an opening week so far this September in the markets.

  12. LAX says:

    DJT testing new lows…..

  13. Libturd says:

    Have you read Truth Social? It’s like a trash can fire, only there is no trash can, nor fire. All that’s there are the mentally ill homeless. It’s just a bunch of stupid conspiracy theorists agreeing with each other.

  14. LAX says:

    Crazy is everywhere these days, You need a big pile of money to insulate you from the unwashed masses.

  15. Hold my beer says:

    I’ve always suspected DEI and ESG were being backed by Russia, China, and/or Iran

  16. HoldMyBeer NeedsAnother6Pack says:


    The biggest damage that OrangeTurd has done is to dull the senses that detect BS on the average person by wearing down with constant BS to the point that they tune out are give in to accepting previously laughable National Inquirer material as perhaps acceptable and plausible. You can see the dribble here all the time, in fact I think the decline in numbers of posts is related to the constant political Pinocchio sized BS thrown about.

    When there is a break in the political BS bombardment, people recalibrate themselves and realize what is up. I think the point where OrangeTurd lost the 2020 election was when he had Covid and for several days reality asserted itself and cognitive dissonance broke thru the people and they saw reality.

    To the professionals in counterintelligence made it worse by creating more foggy mirrors in an already confusing Grand Central Station Main Hall size Hall of Mirrors.

    Is not just the usual suspects of countries. But is many actors pursuing the mighty money regardless of integrity and reality – see dipshits like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck.

    No one is better at this issue than Hannah Arendt and her book “The Banality of Evil”. Below are some of her most well known quote that get to your point.
    -The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
    – The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth, and truth be defamed as lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world – and the category of truth versus falsehood is among the mental means to this end – is being destroyed.
    -There always comes a point beyond which lying becomes counterproductive. This point is reached when the audience to which the lies are addressed is forced to disregard altogether the distinguishing line between truth and falsehood in order to be able to survive.
    -The greatest enemy of authority, therefore, is contempt, and the surest way to undermine it is laughter.

  17. Fast Eddie says:

    Trafalgar now has Trump up in all the swing states. Cumella had no bounce off the convention and is slowly sinking behind the culottes of the manufactured media.

  18. Fast Eddie says:

    “The moon is a cheese wheel, and the stars are sprinkles. The ocean is a bowl of soup, and the fish are noodles. So, why not fly a kite made of clouds and sail a boat made of stars? The world is a playground, and you’re the only one with the key. Go forth and be a unicorn, a dragon, or a magical toaster. The possibilities are as endless as the universe, or maybe even more endless.”

    ~ Cumella Harizz

  19. Libturd says:

    Come on Gary. The Trafalgar Poll is a partisan Republican polling group. They don’t even share their methodology. 538 estimates their polls swing 2% to the right on average. So subtract 2% and you’ll see how well Trump is really doing.

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