Can’t afford a house? How about a trailer?


‘It’s not your grandma’s trailer’: Mobile homes are affordable solution to homebuyer woes

Cesar Gaona Jr.’s story is a familiar one.

A native of the Avenel section of Woodbridge in his late 20s, he was excited to buy his first home when he started his search last spring.

But even with his job as a business development manager in the IT sector, he soon found that high interest rates, low inventory and the most competitive real estate market possibly ever stood in his way of fulfilling the American dream of becoming a homeowner.

That was until about five months later when he toured a new unit at the Carteret Mobile Park.

“I purchased the home and I’ve never looked back,” Gaona Jr. said. “It was so unexpected, and it was probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

Gaona Jr. isn’t the only one giving mobile home living, long the victim of a dingy reputation, a try – and loving it.

In the wake of a ruthless real estate market that has gone up nearly 50% since 2020, more homebuyers are turning to mobile homes to finally have a place to call their own.

And turns out, said Edison Mobile Estates and Carteret Mobile Park marketing director Maria Dolan, “It’s not your grandma’s trailer anymore.”

This entry was posted in Crisis, Demographics, Economics, Housing Bubble, New Jersey Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

49 Responses to Can’t afford a house? How about a trailer?

  1. Hold my beer says:


  2. Fast Eddie says:

    In the wake of a ruthless real estate market that has gone up nearly 50% since 2020, more homebuyers are turning to mobile homes to finally have a place to call their own.

    Didn’t I recently say I was exploring a double-wide with a view in upstate New York? ;) Anything livable 140 miles from Hoboken starts at 200K.

    Getting back to the article, does it surprise anyone that mobile home parks are becoming standard now?

  3. Fast Eddie says:

    The Trafalgar Poll is a partisan Republican polling group. They don’t even share their methodology. 538 estimates their polls swing 2% to the right on average.

    Wick, Redfield & Wilton Strategies, Emerson College and InsiderAdvantage are wrong, too? They have Trump up in all swing states as well.

  4. Very Stable Genius says:

    Young Americans Can’t Keep Funding Boomers and Beyond
    Sept. 1, 2024

    Younger Americans have valid reason for disgruntlement: Big shifts in income and wealth are significantly favoring their elders. Under almost every president since 1980, 80 percent of the real growth in domestic spending has gone to Social Security and health care, with Medicare the most expensive health program, according to calculations based on federal data. As a share of G.D.P., all other domestic outlays combined have declined.

    The why is simple. Unlike with most other spending, Congress effectively designed Medicare in 1965 and Social Security in the 1970s in such a way that outlays would increase forever faster than our national income. That’s partly because Medicare costs keep rising along with medical prices and new treatments and because Social Security benefits are designed to increase for each new generation along with inflation and wages. And we’re living longer, which means more years of benefits.

  5. Chicago says:

    Ten at 380-385 area. Been sitting there for a number of days

  6. Juice Box says:

    VSG what do you suggest Canadian style Death Panels and euthanasia?

    Medical assistance in dying AKA euthanasia is now a leading cause of death in Canada about 4.4% of deaths. 13,000 a year and growing….

  7. Chicago says:

    News Brief (Fast Eddie Edition):
    The daughter of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis was arrested last month for allegedly driving with a suspended license, according to a report in Georgia.

    Kinaya Willis, 25, was pulled over in Tyrone, Ga., on Aug. 24 for driving while using a cellphone when police discovered she also had a revoked license, according to an incident report obtained by the Daily Mail.

    She told an officer that she had been using her cellphone “due to her mother calling her related to her pregnancy,” the report notes.

    Kinaya claimed she was “unaware” that her license had been revoked since May 13, also for allegedly driving while it was suspended.

  8. Juice Box says:

    If you want to read about the Trump vs Harris polling head over to Nate Silver’s personal Twitter feed. He is in a one man war with the pollsters and academics who all claim to be experts. Back in 2016 Princeton gave Trump less than 1% chance of winning. Princeton’s Sam Wang had to eat his words and a cricket based upon his shoddy work and a bad bet.

  9. BRT says:

    It’s probably the same in the US, although, we don’t call it Euthanasia, we call it physician error. Although, most of the time, they pretend that’s not even the case. Like I said, we had to fight tooth and nail to prevent them from killing my FIL in the cardiac unit at RWJ.

  10. Fast Eddie says:

    Young Americans Can’t Keep Funding Boomers and Beyond.

    Easy fix: Tell the young Americans to stop buying Starbucks, iShit, Sephora, LuLu, Doc Martens and anything else that feeds the stock market and the boomers will starve to death. Assets will crash, the de-facto currency will be dried-out parchment from Betula Uber trees placing everyone on equal footing. Any questions?

  11. Juice Box says:

    BRT – Those happen too in Canada but in this case I am referencing the MAID program (Medical Assistance in Dying) there with express consent required there is a form to be signed to die by euthanasia, not some doctor playing god.

  12. Hold my beer says:

    Was at discount tire last night. Woman with Tesla must have been there 10 minutes debating to get new tires for $300 each or come back another day to get cheaper tires that the shop could have delivered that day. I kept thinking you’re only going to save maybe $50-$60 a tire getting cheap tires. Might as well pay up and reduce chances of hydroplaning or blowing a tire and decrease the chances of encountering phoenixs Texas coworkers.

  13. Hold my beer says:


    I saw that and laughed. Hope she knows a good attorney.

  14. Fast Eddie says:

    Is it Fanny or Fonny? And is it Kenneea or Kinaaya? And is it Camel-a or Comel-a? Is this supposed to be an exercise is faux cleverness?

  15. Libturd says:

    For what it’s worth. I was once caught driving with a revoked license unknowingly. It’s not terribly difficult to have happen. In my case, I received a ticket once for vehicular trespass for cutting through a hotel parking lot to save time. This was right before I moved to California. I paid my ticket (or I thought I did) but I didn’t realize the dumb offense required a court appearance. So eventually, NJ issued a bench warrant against me and revoked my license. All of this occurred when I was already living in Los Angeles. I only found out about it when a cop pulled me over in Old Reliable (my 95 Civic Hatchback) for having NJ plates. He was permanently stations on Santa Monica Blvd and watched me pass him every day. I would often wave. Bastard ran my plates and pulled me over. In the end, the only expensive issue was getting my license unrevoked. NJ has crazy fees for stuff like that. What a surprise. I think it was $100. Since the court accepted my check, they said I wouldn’t have to make up the court appearance and removed my warrant.

    Moral of the story. Read your traffic tickets very carefully.

  16. Chicago says:

    Hold: wife driving local road. Door frame must have fell off a truck. Ripped open tire. Roadside put spare on. Headed over to Costco to have them put a new tire on, and figured I probably needed to buy a pair to keep the wear even. They are always mobbed so it’s a pain in the ass. I drop the car at 10 in the morning and get a call back at 4 PM, expecting to drop the $500 or whatever. I asked them what did they do. They said oh we found a way to patch the tire. No charge. Costco does it again.

  17. Chicago says:

    I thought there were so many subtleties in that story, including the pregnancy out of wedlock to a young person. Nothing overt, it’s just embedded in all the details

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 4, 2024 at 10:43 am
    Is it Fanny or Fonny? And is it Kenneea or Kinaaya? And is it Camel-a or Comel-a? Is this supposed to be an exercise is faux cleverness?

  18. Hughesrep says:

    Firestone road hazard warranty. Costs me like $20 a tire when I have them replaced. I only use Firestone for tires. I drive all over the TriState, often on construction sites and wholesale distributors. Lots of nails and screws around. Any time I catch one, at least once a year, I just drive to the nearest Firestone, they are all over the place. Fixed or replaced for free.

  19. BRT says:

    Juice, I know, but there are doctors in the US that will gladly “assist” you there as well, some knowingly, others maybe not.

  20. Phoenix says:

    Go to Paterson with a couple c-notes, you can get all you need.

    Wear a diaper if you want to be nice for the clean up crew.

  21. Phoenix says:

    I saw that and laughed. Hope she knows a good attorney.

    Don’t need one. Pay the fine and move on.

  22. Phoenix says:

    In today’s issue of “Protect and Serve”

    A Post investigation has found that predatory school police officers have used their positions to meet, groom and exploit students, while the Justice Department and many law enforcement agencies and school systems have failed to take basic steps to prevent sexual misconduct and root out abusive cops.

    The Post identified more than 200 elementary, middle and high school police officers who were charged with crimes involving child sexual abuse from 2005 through 2022. Some of these officers had faced prior complaints of flirting, texting or touching students — reports that were often downplayed by supervisors as little more than a cop working to earn a student’s trust.

    In Georgia, police allowed an officer to work in an elementary school after he was twice accused of inappropriate behavior with students. Later he pleaded guilty to molesting an 11-year-old with developmental disabilities.

    In Minnesota, no action was taken after a deputy was seen with a seventh-grade boy straddling his lap. He covered his office windows with paper and went on to be convicted of sexually abusing multiple students.

    In Kansas, officials dismissed repeated complaints about a high school officer’s interactions with teenage girls. They didn’t remove him until after he got a 15-year-old pregnant.

  23. BRT says:

    Case in point, doctor kills patient by removing his liver thinking it was another organ. This isn’t the first time he’s removed the wrong organ….

  24. Phoenix says:

    Well in his defense they are similar in color.

    Too bad he didn’t have a smarter resident working with him to say, “you dolt, that’s the liver.”


  25. Hold my beer says:

    Chicago hughesrep

    That’s a great deal. Discount tire warrranty covers stuff like nails and prorated wearing out before reaching the mileage guarantee. It doesn’t cover mechanical issues.

    Firestone isn’t as common as discount tire in Texas. There’s at least 1 discount tire in every town. I think there’s 3 within 20 minutes of our house.

  26. Juice Box says:

    Re: “The daughter of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis“

    Dude- You are missing the best part, her mom showed up at the police stop with her supposed ex-boyfriend Prosecutor Wade..

  27. Phoenix says:


    “Don’t you know who I am?”


  28. Phoenix says:

    Georgia high school shooting: At least two dead and multiple injured after shooter opens fire on campus in back-to-school rampage.

  29. LAX says:

    1:58 you seem giddy.

  30. BRT says:

    Dollar General and Dollar Tree collapsing. Two tiered economy right now.

  31. Fast Eddie says:

    Dollar General and Dollar Tree collapsing.

    Hmm… if anything, I would have thought they’d thrive due to folks looking to cut costs? Why the downfall?

  32. SmallGovConservative says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 4, 2024 at 2:47 pm
    “Dollar General and Dollar Tree collapsing…Why the downfall?”

    SlowJoe and Carmella’s ‘Inflation Acceleration Act’ killed their business model. They can no longer afford to sell anything for a dollar, and I suspect their core customers are highly responsive when prices for the items that they typically purchase at DG or DT jump from $1 to $1.25 or $1.50. Look for fast food/fast casual restaurants to be next, and for largely the same reason — the Dems killed their business model by sending costs soaring.

  33. Phoenix says:

    Trump and SlowJoe borrowed billions and gave it to their friends, plus spent billions in Ukraine.

    It’s just beginning.

  34. Phoenix says:

    An address book that was believed to belong to late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein failed to sell at auction Friday evening after bidders did not meet an undisclosed reserve price.

    Well, that’s because this is one they were supposed to find.
    It’s worthless.

  35. SmallGovConservative says:

    Phoenix says:
    September 4, 2024 at 3:24 pm
    “Trump and SlowJoe…”

    Still not sure why some of you guys feel the need to mention T in every thread in which you accurately criticize the Dems. Everything that DG/DT sold was $1 when T was Prez — and I paid $1.99/gallon for gasoline at the local Delta station on the day the SlowJoe took office. Inflation, and all resulting problems, are Joe’s fault.

  36. Hold my beer says:


    Temu is taking some of the dollar stores market share. Plus the higher profit margin items are discretionary like toys, Clothing and party goods and those sales are down with people buying lower profit margin items like food. It’s a trend that’s been going on for around 2-3 years.

  37. Hold my beer says:

    Also the bulk of dollar stores are in rural towns of under 10k people and those places have declining population which is also causing the sales to drop.

  38. Phoenix says:

    Everything that DG/DT sold was $1 when T was Prez — and I paid $1.99/gallon for gasoline at the local Delta station on the day the SlowJoe took office.

    Yeah, and I had 500 dollars in my bank account 28 days after buying a new laptop.
    Then the credit card bill came due.

    America runs on Dunkin’. And credit.

    Trillions and trillions of dollars of credit and debt.

  39. Hughesrep says:

    DJT stock will soon be available at the Dollar Store.

  40. Phoenix says:

    A US Navy chief who wanted WiFi on her warship secretly ran an illegal Starlink network that she named ‘STINKY’

    Only fans perhaps?

  41. Phoenix says:

    and he will still be richer than you Hugh.

  42. LAX says:

    I won’t miss the cheap Chinese crap from dollar stores.
    The internet killed their business model. Amazon.

    Also leaving the scene – Big Lots.

  43. LAX says:

    Trump Tax Cuts Would Cost More Than Almost All Federal Agencies
    Congress highly unlikely to pass Trump tax plans in full
    Campaign-trail tax vows total $10.5 trillion cost over decade

  44. Fast Eddie says:

    She’s fading fast. Why is she in New Hampshire? Why did they bus people in from Massachusetts to fill the event? Why did she go to Minnesota?

  45. Phoenix says:

    U spent your money in Ukraine. Oh well.

    The radar and frequencies of the Newark area in Philadelphia went out for 5 minutes today. The FAA was aware of the risk and chose to ignore any contingency plan to mitigate the risk to the flying public. Imagine you’re on the highway going 200 mph and suddenly you go blind and you have no way to stop. This is what happens to thousands of passengers flying into EWR today.

    This is one of the biggest aviation incidents involving loss of RADAR in decades. It’s a miracle no one was killed.

    First your force families to a new city in month’s notice to work in a shanty built TRACON room and now they have to deal with full blown WW2 era RADAR failures?

    WHAT WILL IT TAKE FAA?! Another midair over the EWR/LGA border like what happened in 1960 after numerous ignored near collisions?

    Do we really need another deadly accident to remember why the NY TRACON was created in the first place?

    This was not a single senor radar failure. This the entire area screens going completely blank with nothing but a video map.

    Newark’s feed is a telephone line from Westbury, Westbury gets the direct feed still. During SRM panels the exact situation was brought up because of the added potential failure points by running a jumper feed from Westbury instead of a direct feed.

    It was categorized as Moderate risk. The FAA had to mitigate this down to low. They did this by having some backup system that if the feed gets lost or looped that all targets and information would freeze where it last was tracked an all scoped.

    THIS FAILED. The screens on every single scope disappeared. This is a massive issue. The mitigating backups failed which means people flying in and around Newark are at Moderate risk for danger at this very moment. This is unacceptable.

  46. Chicago says:

    Best Charles Barkley line: when asked why he doesn’t buy a woman a watch? ‘Because there is a clock on the stove!”
    Made me laugh out loud! “

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