Prices to fall? Maybe?

From MSN:

These housing markets are poised for a downturn — and they’re not in Florida or Texas

ome buyers are contending with record-high home prices across most of the U.S., but some markets are poised for a correction and could offer buyers some room for negotiation, a new report says. 

California, New Jersey and Illinois had the highest concentrations of local housing markets at greatest risk of a downturn in the second quarter of this year, while the biggest such cluster was in the New York City metropolitan area, according to the property-data firm Attom. 

The level of risk was measured by variables such as gaps in home affordability, the share of mortgages that were underwater, the percentage of homes facing possible foreclosure, and unemployment. The company looked at nearly 600 counties across the country that had sufficient data to analyze.

“Some markets show signs of potential instability, which suggests a mixed level of risk, particularly in certain regions that repeatedly show signs of concern,” Attom Chief Executive Rob Barber said in a statement. As in other periods over the last few years, the company found that the same concentrations of coastal markets dominated the list of areas most at risk of a downturn.

To be sure, “these observations don’t indicate immediate red flags or warning signs of an impending downturn,” Barber said.

But they do highlight areas of relative risk, he added. “With the housing market still facing challenges, it’s crucial to closely monitor regions where key indicators suggest a higher likelihood of issues,” he said. 

Housing costs have skyrocketed in recent years. The cost of homeownership — which includes mortgage payments, property taxes and insurance for a median-priced single-family home — was “seriously unaffordable” in 33 of the 51 U.S. counties that were deemed most vulnerable to a market downturn in the second quarter of 2024, according to Attom, as they gobbled up at least 43% of average local wages. The median price of a home was $422,600 in July, according to the National Association of Realtors, up 4.2% from the same month last year.

Several counties in the New York City area also feature in the 51 at-risk counties, including Kings County, which covers Brooklyn; Richmond County, which covers Staten Island; and Bronx County. Four counties in New Jersey that Attom considers New York City suburbs — Essex, Passaic, Sussex and Union counties — also appeared on the top 51 list. 

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Employment, Housing Bubble, New Jersey Real Estate, NYC. Bookmark the permalink.

119 Responses to Prices to fall? Maybe?

  1. Insurrection Eddie says:

    3ba/1bth, minimal updates but mostly the late 70s look. Dad passed and Mom lives with daughter Sheila now. All yours for $650,000. There’s no such thing as a starter home, everything now is an epic reach. Can’t afford it? Move to Indiana.

  2. Fast Eddie says:

    $70,000 down and $2,700 per month for a 1bd/1bth apartment. Enjoy the ethnic cuisine permeating the walls and the drunken fight above you at 3:00 AM. Don’t have a kid though or else they’ll be sleeping in that dog cage in the picture. Speaking of pets in small places, I wonder what smells stronger, the pet stank or the Indian food next door?

  3. Fast Eddie says:

    $765,00o and the siding and roof look ready to go. It’s a “charmer” as the description says. $153,000 down and $4,800 per month is a steal! Prestige has a price. Will President Karmella help with the payments?

  4. Fast Eddie says:

    If the price history on this one doesn’t scare you, the monthly payments will:

  5. Fast Eddie says:

    Clifton, baby! Check out the deck around the pool… and the price.


  6. Fast Eddie says:

    “(Reuters) — U.S. employers in August unveiled the greatest number of layoffs in five months, led by cuts in the technology sector, amid a cloudy outlook for growth and ongoing cost concerns, a monthly tally of workforce reduction announcements showed on Thursday.

    Firms announced 75,891 layoffs last month, roughly triple the number in July and the largest month-to-month increase in a year, outplacement firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas said. Still, announced staff reductions are down 3.7% year to date.

    “August’s surge in job cuts reflects growing economic uncertainty and shifting market dynamics. Companies are facing a variety of pressures, from rising operational costs to concerns about a potential economic slowdown, leading them to make tough decisions about workforce management,” Challenger Vice President Andrew Challenger said in a statement.”

  7. Hold my beer says:


    The mobile homes from yesterday’s article are more stylish and affordable.

    If the lounge chairs that match the deck for the Clifton house are part of the deal they need to raise the ask another 50k

  8. BRT says:

    looks like the umpteenth time in recent years that the FBI completely dropped the ball in preventing something.

  9. Fast Eddie says:


    I wanna know how many people jumped off the roof into that pool. And yeah, lounge chairs raise the price by 50K. And feed the squirrels… gotta feed the squirrels.

  10. Hold my beer says:


    Meanwhile in my area 600k gets you into Southlake. It’s like the short hills/millburn of DFW. A lot of the pro athletes live there.

  11. Hold my beer says:


    You and who else took the pool plunge?

  12. Fast Eddie says:

    Meanwhile in my area 600k gets you into Southlake. It’s like the short hills/millburn of DFW.

    Maybe so but do you have unicorns?

  13. Libturd says:

    So I guess we are completely numbed to school shootings now? I know. It’s the person. Not the gun. Of course that does little for the parents of the dead. Ho hum. I think I’ll mow the lawn now. With Agent Orange.

  14. Phoenix says:

    Libturd says:
    September 5, 2024 at 10:20 am
    So I guess we are completely numbed to school shootings now?

    Well Boomer,
    What’s that kid got to look forward to? A 900k Cape in Clifton? Eddie’s Chex Mix? A 150k hip replacement? Global warming? No pension, no Medicare, No Social Security?

    Boomer insured the Children Of America become slaves of the rich, and that their entire lives will be subscription based with no freedom at all.

    Game over.

  15. Libturd says:

    Sp why aren’t these kids shooting grandpa? At least the kid who took a potshot at Trump was aiming at the right generation.

  16. Hold my beer says:

    We have genuine cowgirls . Even better than unicorns

  17. Hold my beer says:


    My kids high school has metal detectors everyone has to go through and 6-8 cops stationed in it. And cell phone use is banned due to kids attacking other kids for tik tok views. It’s a sad world for teens.

  18. Fast Eddie says:

    The school shooting: Why was this not an occurrence before Columbine? And why did Columbine occur? Why is all of this happening now? What changed in the last 20 plus years?

  19. Hold my beer says:


    My wife wound up in the ER in July. Bloodwork, x rays, ultrasound, and 2 grams of magnesium infusion. Hospital billed the insurance company 22k. We had to pay $350 copay and for billed another $1,400. We’re now over 10k in medical and dental out of pocket and will be around 10k in home repairs this year. Last year we also spent around 20k out of pocket between medical and home repair. If we had student loans and car payments we would be sitting at home eating Chex mix and ramen watching YouTube for entertainment.

  20. Fast Eddie says:

    Chex Mix: Today’s Thursday, I put out the variety packs for gen z’ers. I even put ice in the water dispenser for the little nose-pickers. Oh, and a free balloon, too. I mean, I’m doing my part here!

  21. Libturd says:

    It really is.

    No one is certain what changed, and Covid certainly was part of it, but from my viewpoint, it is smart phones (Social Media) and Trump’s assholery and MAGA meanness that has really screwed up a lot of susceptible young minds.

    Imagine growing up now and hearing such statements from a former POTUS.

    “I think there is a definite anti-white feeling in this country and that can’t be allowed.”

    Trump asked why America would want immigrants from “all these sh*thole countries” and that the U.S. should more migrants coming from places like Norway.
    “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,” Trump stated. “But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting.”

    In August 2020, Trump warned people that “the only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.” After he lost to Joe Biden, he made this assertion more frequently with no proof. “This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election,” Trump stated. “We want all voting to stop.”

    “They are poisoning the blood of our country. And I’m not talking about a specific group, and I never read ‘Mein Kampf,’ and I have no idea what Hitler said other than I’ve seen on the news… And I will tell you, a big percentage of the people coming in are from prisons and from mental institutions and are terrorists. And we cannot let that…and that is poisoning our country.”

    “My administration is delivering for African Americans like never before. No President has done more for our Black community,” he exclaimed numerous times. “My Admin has done more for the Black Community than any President since Abraham Lincoln,”

    “You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump said on the tape. “And when you’re a star they let you do it … You can do anything…Grab them by the p***y. You can do anything.”

    To think, the worst political thing I saw as a kid was a drawing of Mickey Mouse giving the Shah of Iran the middle finger.

  22. Libturd says:


    If you ask the average kid in America what their biggest fear is, it’s school shootings. What have their wonderful leaders of both parties, since Columbine done to prevent them?

    This generation is getting fucked from every angle.

  23. Libturd says:

    Oh, that house across the street from me to doors up is still for sale. They raised the price by 100K? What’s that about?

  24. leftwing says:

    “The cost of homeownership…was “seriously unaffordable” in 33 of the 51 U.S. counties that were deemed most vulnerable to a market downturn…”

    I’m guessing the R-squared of a coastal area being seriously unaffordable and an actual regional downturn there is pretty low…In other words, no one gives a fuck if most people can’t afford any home so long as there is at least one buyer for that home…

  25. leftwing says:

    “Oh, and a free balloon, too. I mean, I’m doing my part here!”

    Better be helium, dude.

    Hey, before the last housing crash you hit this level of volume regarding prices and affordability. In all seriousness, you recall the timeframe from when you started all the postings to the actual RE market downturn?

    Want to use you as a leading indicator. Need to nail down timing.

    Not kidding.

  26. leftwing says:


    A while back, clearly over a year ago and maybe two, you posted something regarding our common situation where I commented and offered some data…did not hear back from you on here and it wasn’t relevant to me then so nothing came from your post.

    That specific topic has become very relevant to me now…

    Mind if I reach out to you?


  27. Fast Eddie says:

    In all seriousness, you recall the timeframe from when you started all the postings to the actual RE market downturn?

    I’m fucking old, can’t remember two days ago. ;) Ya know, this sounds like a random search through the archive posts or maybe Grim can do some queries with a bunch of “include” statements? Interesting question though, and proof that some of my posts carry some value. :)

  28. BRT says:

    Lib, where does the FBI fall into the latest shooting with you? They had the threat, they had the kids name, they even visited him and the parents. Every single one of these that have occurred have been preventable.

  29. Fast Eddie says:

    it is smart phones (Social Media) and Trump’s assholery and MAGA meanness…

    Come on. How about we start in the home and guide these kids properly? How about we become responsible for their well-being? How about we become involved in their lives? How about we put our selfish side away and sacrifice for them? How about a little faith sprinkled on top? How about we encourage them to open up to us about anything that bothers them? Access to lyrics, movies, shows, wet ass pussies, video games has nothing to do with it at all, right? Trump’s assholery? Stop already.

  30. LAX says:

    I think we’ve glorified guns, violence, and entertainment for so long that we’ve gotten away from the reality of the situation. Parents are also failing to secure lethal firearms.

  31. Juice Box says:

    The shooter was named after a gun first name Colt?

  32. Grim says:

    I thought Colton was a British name?

  33. leftwing says:

    “Parents are also failing to secure lethal firearms.”


    One of the recent shootings had the parents convicted (or at least tried) on some lesser but still significant charge IIRC…

    Should be really simple…you possess firearms that are not properly secured and are used in a mass shooting by someone in your household you are charged and convicted. Accessory to the main crime, manslaughter, whatever.

    Jail term follows (mis)use of the weapon by household members if not properly secured. Especially if by a minor.

    This vertical would go to near zero…doesn’t prevent a shooter from otherwise obtaining a weapon in their own name but there are more than enough laws for that already, not currently being adequately enforced to BRT’s point here.

  34. Hold my beer says:


    Definitely charge the parents if the gun was theirs and was stored unsecured especially since he had been looked at by the fbi a year ago. Was it stored in a gun cabinet or safe and the kid broke in or found the combination, or was it loaded hanging on a wall or leaning against a bedroom door jam?

  35. Libturd says:


    Sadly, you can’t lock up every kid and their parents who make idle threats. Should guns be taken away from every J6 protestor who fervently cheered hang Pence? How about the person who built and brought the noose to the so-called rally? You can’t have your freedom and then complain whenever the authorities miss. Heck, when was the last time the authorities did anything to the parents of any of these shooters. Lord knows, they are responsible for their kids actions every time. I mean, could you imagine me taking my autistic kid to a shooting range?

  36. Juice Box says:

    It’s not Colton, it’s Colt……A real mess of a family for sure… Family is broken up, divorce and house taken back evicted etc. Mom “Marcee” was arrested last year for drugs meth and stealing. Colt lived separately with father when he was investigated last year for terroristic threats both the local PD and Feds. They have not said how he obtained the weapon and got it into school.

  37. Libturd says:

    I watched interview of Colt’s classmate. Kid barely went to school and when he did, he often skipped classes. Never said a word to anyone. Had few friends. Classic case of parents ignoring kid, kid blaming it on himself, kid acting out to gain attention. Shame semi-automatic weapons are always so readily available. No metal detectors in school. As usual, another pearly-white neighborhood and as usual, white shooter. When it comes to mass killings in America, it always seems to be us crazy white devils.

  38. leftwing says:

    “Sadly, you can’t lock up every kid and their parents who make idle threats. Should guns be taken away from every J6 protestor who fervently cheered hang Pence? How about the person who built and brought the noose to the so-called rally?”

    Apples and oranges, no comparison to specific terrorist threats by a kid on his school and J6 participants generally. In other words, none of them is shooting Pence tomorrow. Lose the TDS you’re displaying today, it undermines your arguments.

    HMB, as I’m sure you know (Texas!) it is soooo easy to properly secure your weapons. Really no excuse.

  39. leftwing says:

    And, lib, yeah if some of those participants should have their weapons taken away under current law/practice, do it.

    My point was broader….after every shooting liberals chime in with ‘regulate guns more’ without acknowledging they are already well regulated and in many cases the resultant shootings should have been caught under current regs but weren’t…

    Enforce the laws you have on the books first, before adding more….

  40. Libturd says:

    So we shouldn’t prosecute people for changting hang the VP at a rally in DC. But when a kid says he’s going to shoot up a school, he goes to jail?

    Better teach your kids to keep their mouths shut. ‘Merica!

  41. LAX says:

    2:10 They’ve sent many of those folks away, thankfully. Now you have Trump actually admitting (LOL) that he did lose the election by a “whisker”. This is angering many of those who refused to accept reality. I think once Trump loses the election he’ll end up actually serving time. Of course, we’ll need an actual leader at the DOJ who has a spine.

  42. Libturd says:

    Trump might not lose.

    When is that debate?

    It’s clear the DNC strategy is to talk as little as possible and let Trump hang himself again (which he appears to be doing). Still nothing off script for Kamala or Guy Smiley.

  43. LAX says:

    2:34 I think he will lose.

  44. Libturd says:

    Many of the J6 protestors had cable ties. So chanting Hang Pence, breaking through police barricades, while carrying cable ties and pepper spray is not the same thing as say, my son saying, “I’m sick of getting burnt pizza at the cafeteria. I’m gonna take out the whole damn school?”

    If I have TDS or whatever the name is you biased Trumpee’s like to say to everyone who simply points out the words that actually come out of Dear Leader’s mouth. Then you can’t see past your biases.

  45. leftwing says:

    Dude, don’t know how you went from me pointing out a bad analogy regarding confiscating weapons to what you write below. I said none of that….I mean I literally *agree* with you on the weapons side at 153p…..

    THAT is the TDS.

    The inability to stay on point or hold a cogent thought for more than one post without bringing up the Orange Man….

    I’d really like grim to run some meta to see which posters *open* a topic on DJT…My guess it is 80/20 with the majority being the libs on this board.

    “So we shouldn’t prosecute people for changting hang the VP at a rally in DC. But when a kid says he’s going to shoot up a school, he goes to jail?”

  46. Juice Box says:

    Hunter Biden to plead guilty. (my guess to get a pardon or commutation before his old man leaves office).

  47. Libturd says:

    We’ll see about the pardon. I don’t think he will, but who knows? If he does or does not, it will speak volumes. Trump pardons everyone who did his dirty work for him, so a precedent was set.

  48. Libturd says:

    Left. The J6 analogy was not about Trump at all. Nor did I say any guns should be confiscated. TDS, on the other hand, is justified in my opinion.

  49. LAX says:

    3:47 many many people see Trump as an existential threat to America.
    Much greater than DEI, that’s for sure.

  50. Boomer Remover says:

    Didn’t Biden say at some point back that he would not pardon Hunter?

    Sh*t, I would. Not Hunter specifically, but if it were my own.

  51. Libturd says:

    “Didn’t Biden say at some point back that he would not pardon Hunter?”

    I believe he did.

  52. Phoenix says:

    sure . stu has my number have him give It to you.

  53. Phoenix says:

    Women entered the workforce full forward.

    no one to watch kids this is what you get.

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 5, 2024 at 11:36 am
    The school shooting: Why was this not an occurrence before Columbine? And why did Columbine occur? Why is all of this happening now? What changed in the last 20 plus years?

  54. Phoenix says:


    she still got her liver? Count your blessings.

    Make sure you know somebody before you go in there. I’m not kidding either

  55. leftwing says:

    “…many many people see Trump as an existential threat to America.”

    That’s the LOL part of TDS…..the myopia.

    The country was established to have a weak Executive Branch for obvious reasons and has survived and thrived through much worse than an Orange Man Child over the last 250 years….

  56. Phoenix says:

    better hope someone doesn’t lie and says that your kid said something they didn’t say. People do that You know.

    Libturd says:
    September 5, 2024 at 2:10 pm
    So we shouldn’t prosecute people for changting hang the VP at a rally in DC. But when a kid says he’s going to shoot up a school, he goes to jail?

    Better teach your kids to keep their mouths shut. ‘Merica!

  57. Phoenix says:

    after that video think about this; there was a time when the women were soft and the men were hard. now the women are hard, and the men are soft.

  58. LAX says:

    6:14 did you hear his inept speech to the NY economic club today.
    He’s an idiot. He can barely string a sentence together.
    No, he doesn’t belong in charge of anything.

  59. NJCoast says:

    Just got Hackensack Meridian’s bill for my husbands emergency surgery/ hospital stay after his aortic artery ruptured: $233,321.29.

  60. Hold my beer says:


    Most of the guys were at least normal size if not obviously gym rats. Almost all of the women working in the er looked like they had pulled the ripcord.

  61. Hold my beer says:


    It’s disgusting what medical care costs in the US

    I went to urgent care a few weeks ago. The check in desk told me we’d already hit the family max out of pocket for the year so my visit was free. I said cool, I will see y’all tomorrow

  62. Hold my beer says:

    Dad allegedly gave the rifle to his son as a Christmas gift. Wtf

    Dad is now charged with 2nd degree murder and manslaughter

  63. SmallGovConservative says:

    Hold my beer says:
    September 5, 2024 at 7:24 pm
    “It’s disgusting what medical care costs in the US”

    Not that I necessarily disagree, but in your opinion what should emergency surgery for a ruptured aorta cost? If not $200k, should it be $100k, $1k, 99 bucks like an Earl Scheib paint job? Should it be ‘free’ like in the UK where I’m guessing NJ Coast’s husband wouldn’t have survived? Who should determine the ‘right’ price — Tony Fauci, the CDC, a new govt agency? Maybe the high cost in this case is actually warranted in order to attract the type of people that can perform super precise thoracic surgery and save someone after a ruptured aorta, which I bet would not have been survivable 20-25 years ago.

  64. SmallGovConservative says:

    LAX says:
    September 5, 2024 at 4:10 pm
    “many many people see Trump as an existential threat…”

    Actually, it’s just morons like you, Rosie O’Donnell and Cher. All of whom whine about T while Joe’s open border allows South American dictators to empty their jails and fentanyl pours in from Asia. You blue state dopes are truly beyond help.

  65. Hold my beer says:


    My wife’s bill for a trip to the ER was 22k. For an x ray, an ultrasound, bloodwork and a magnesium infusion. That’s outrageous.

    There’s no way 200k for emergency surgery is reasonable. The US has the highest medical costs in the world and we get mediocre returns. Healthcare in Taiwan, Singapore is much cheaper and far superior to the US.

  66. BRT says:

    NJ Coast, take my advice. Ask them what they can accept as full payment. I’m going to guess 20k is the magic number. This is all based on how we did billing for my father’s practice. The reality is, if you don’t pay at all, they ultimately send you to collection and the collection agencies settle for 10 cents on the dollar, then split it with the doctor. That bill is a fake number for suckers.

  67. BRT says:

    Sadly, you can’t lock up every kid and their parents who make idle threats.

    I didn’t say lock them up. This is an agency that’s supposed to actively monitor threats. Just like they would with potential terrorists. They should be constantly looking at kids social media/private posts once he makes the threat. Why do we pay all this money for this agency and allow them to access/monitor all of our info if they aren’t going to actually do it when it matters?

    Once the AR was purchased, they should have been on high alert. There’s no excuse here. The FBI is incompetent and they have dropped the ball on open threats numerous times. It’s no different than Nicholas Cruz. Threat was reported online, and he terrorized his local neighborhood for a year. They don’t do their job.

  68. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    September 5, 2024 at 1:18 pm
    ” you can’t lock up every kid and their parents who make idle threats”

    What about current presidents that make real threats against their political opponents, like SlowJoe calling for people to “put Trump in a bullseye”, just days before some kid took his advice. I don’t recall you calling for Joe to be locked up for that non-idle threat.

  69. Libturd says:

    We can never ever take Trump at his word, the MAGA people tell us. Then, when Biden, who MAGA claims was incoherent four years ago says something that can barely even translate to a threat, you have a problem with it. Go take a vacation.

  70. Libturd says:

    Why do I even bother? I’m watching football.

  71. OC1 says:

    Apples and oranges, no comparison to specific terrorist threats by a kid on his school and J6 participants generally.

    News accounts are saying the threat was non-specific as to the location and time, and that the police couldn’t prove he was the poster.

    Once the AR was purchased, they should have been on high alert.

    How would the feds even know the AR was purchased? The seller (if he has a federal license) has to keep a paper record of the sale, but the gov isn’t notified. By law, the federal gov is forbidden from maintaining any sort of national gun registry.

  72. LAX says:

    The missing ingredient but common denominator is

    Common Sense. Juuuust use it.

  73. BRT says:

    How would the feds even know the AR was purchased? The seller (if he has a federal license) has to keep a paper record of the sale, but the gov isn’t notified. By law, the federal gov is forbidden from maintaining any sort of national gun registry.

    If Tulsi Gabbard purchased it, they would know within 30 seconds. And it’s not like they don’t have social media posts of the kid posing with the gun. Like I said…they dropped the ball. You guys consistently make excuses for the people that are supposed to stop these things. I remember when they couldn’t verify whether Nicholas Cruz actually posted that comment. It was done under his name on his youtube account. They would have known where, when, and from what computer he had done it if they took about 5 minutes to investigate the person who reported it.

  74. OC1 says:

    BRT- what do you think law enforcement should have done in this case?

  75. Chicago says:

    BTW. No more yield curve inversion.

    Not necessarily a good thing.

    2’s/10’s both 375

  76. Libturd says:

    Actually, most recessions occur after inversion ends. A more reliable indicator than the inversion itself. Though, nothing in life is a guarantee, besides death and taxes.

  77. BRT says:

    I already stated what I think they should have done. They should be monitoring his past/present/future social media posts & private messaging. In this day and age with the access of information they have, this is incredibly easy to pull off.

    Let me give you an example….the kids at my school were playing jokes on each other. Whenever one of them went to the bathroom, they would google “how do I join Isis?”. Their buddies would be down in the vice principals office within 5 minutes. You really think the FBI doesn’t have the capability of doing this with minimal effort? Program in red flags and get automatic alerts.

    You had a credible threat reported by multiple people, an obvious broken home, and a recipe for disaster. They dropped the ball here. If this were a school, you’d be calling for the teacher’s heads.

  78. Libturd says:

    I’m not arguing that they didn’t drop the ball. They certainly did. You just have too much faith in government. Everyone I know who works for the FEDs is an abject moron. Their only sign of intelligence was to actually CHOOSE TO work for the government.

  79. BRT says:

    lol, I never had faith in government. But someone should lose their job over this one.

  80. leftwing says:

    “Georgia has some of the most lenient gun laws in the land. You reap what you sow.”

    So, basically, existing laws are working…in your paradises of NJ, NY, and CA with restrictive laws per capita gun deaths are the lowest. In Red States with liberal gun laws they are higher. Each of you gets the laws you want, and the resultant consequences. Win-win.

    How about this….Keep your nose and opinion out of their States on guns (ie, STFU about 2A and national gun control) and I’ll get them to STFU about abortion law differences, meaning you can keep liberal policies there and they can keep their restrictive policies. Deal?

  81. leftwing says:

    “Let me give you an example….the kids at my school were playing jokes on each other. Whenever one of them went to the bathroom, they would google “how do I join Isis?”. Their buddies would be down in the vice principals office within 5 minutes.”


    I’m assuming they’re googling on the absent buddies’ phones to set them up…so are you saying that google queries by students in your HS are somehow real time monitored by the administration? Are they using a HS server for web access? Or is it somehow even through 5G?

  82. Juice Box says:

    Dad bought him a gun 6 months after the local sheriff visited their home and interviewed them over school shooting threats online and his mother was just sentenced to jail for five years. I think she was in jail around Christmas when he got his gift of an AR15…

    Dysfunctional, negligent families with guns.. Does not matter your skin color, except when the media who makes it a big deal when they want to. Every week there are hundreds of people killed and thousands wounded with guns in this country. There are over 20,000 people murdered with guns every year….That is nearly 400 bodies every week… Many thousand more wounded in gun violence weekly. This data does not include suicides.

    Imagine how bad it would be if everyone was packing concealed carry and all? I would say the highways alone would be a shooting match with all of the road rage there is today.

  83. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    September 6, 2024 at 8:51 am
    “Georgia has some of the most lenient gun laws in the land. You reap what you sow.”

    What’s the excuse for Dem-run Chicago, the shoot-em-up capital of the US?

  84. OC1 says:

    I already stated what I think they should have done. They should be monitoring his past/present/future social media posts & private messaging.

    After the initial post in 2023 (which couldn’t be proven to be from him) did he post anything on social media about his intent to shoot up his school? None of the news accounts mention him making any other threats.

  85. Juice Box says:

    Wife blew away here husband just down the road from me. Older couple in their mid 70s, she put one right in the noggin too and it was not accidental.

    BTW wife was upset after he suffered a series of strokes in recent years and she was left caring for him for better or worse right? They were multimillionaires too. I gather she did not want that money going to the nursing home and instead blew him a way… A pillow over his head or a drowning might have been a better choice than one in the head and claiming she was just playing with the loaded gun.

  86. Juice Box says:

    re: “None of the news accounts mention him making any other threats.”

    He is alive remember. We will hear his side the story in a few years when some reporter visits him in jail to write his story. When is the execution scheduled?

  87. Juice Box says:

    Again today another shooting at 5AM here in nearby leafy Rumson…? The rich are busy blowing each other away….

  88. OC1 says:

    Imagine how bad it would be if everyone was packing concealed carry and all? I would say the highways alone would be a shooting match with all of the road rage there is today.

    Florida man at it again.

  89. BRT says:

    After the initial post in 2023 (which couldn’t be proven to be from him) did he post anything on social media about his intent to shoot up his school? None of the news accounts mention him making any other threats.

    How would I know what he posted, they scrubbed everything before they released his name. But today they said this

    Meanwhile, a search of Gray’s home in the wake of Wednesday’s massacre uncovered documents stashed in his bedroom detailing his alleged obsession with other school shootings — including the 2018 Parkland massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, law enforcement officials told CNN

    So yeah, I’m pretty sure all the online activity was very very very very very very clear.

  90. BRT says:

    left, yes it’s in real time. Words/phrases are flagged immediately.

    My son wrote in an essay on advantages/disadvantages about the Fall season “My dad is grumpy because he goes back to work”. Google actually autocorrected it to “angry”. He was in guidance the next period with them questioning whether I physically hurt him. I gave them a lecture on how to properly probe information like “tell me about your home life” instead of “does your dad beat you?”. Idiots. I also had to inform them that it’s not a crime to be grumpy or angry.

  91. Phoenix says:

    Women have a term for this, they call it being a “Nurse with a Purse.”

    He should have “manned up” and kicked that stroke’s azz. Instead no matter how much she yelled at him to pick his sock up off the floor, he just gave her that brain dead look that annoyed her all of these years.

    How dare he not do what she asked.

    Juice Box says:
    September 6, 2024 at 11:50 am
    Wife blew away here husband just down the road from me. Older couple in their mid 70s, she put one right in the noggin too and it was not accidental.

    BTW wife was upset after he suffered a series of strokes in recent years and she was left caring for him for better or worse right? They were multimillionaires too. I gather she did not want that money going to the nursing home and instead blew him a way… A pillow over his head or a drowning might have been a better choice than one in the head and claiming she was just playing with the loaded gun.

  92. OC1 says:

    So yeah, I’m pretty sure all the online activity was very very very very very very clear.

    Maybe, maybe not.

  93. YouDoReapWhatYouSow says:


    I agree with Chicago. Not a good thing. It’s starting to look like the next recession will be stagflationary vs. deflationary recession that have been experienced since the 90’s recession.

    In Bloomberg this morning Tom Keene had an expert round table talking about interest rates, unemployment, etc. Their common thread of what will keep inflation in check and maintain a positive real rate as well as an acceptable low nominal rate that keeps a happy face in the FIRE sector was one thing.

    Their assumption was that the labor market has loosened up and will continue to loosen up helping with inflation and corporate profits because of increase in immigration. Classic ivory tower economic thinking without taking into account day to day real politics that has made immigration of any kind a nasty word.


    Leftwing is right. Is not a a bug but a feature of the legal system brought about by the gun industry that no one keeps track in most jurisdiction. Guns are an Alcohol, Taobbaco and Fire Arms (ATF) problem, they are very limited by Federal law on what they can do regarding firearms. Other items like explosives they are on top of it like DEA is on keeping track of opiate pharmaceutical. And the FBI gets involve when Federal lawas are broken or about to be broken.

    Now, if that rifle had been sold in NJ, the NJ State Police would know everything about it. But the Georgia Bureau of Investigation does not have the same State mandate as NJ. You reap what you sow.

    NJ Coast and HMB. About healthcare cost at this point and time is not about getting qualified people, or systemic delivery design. Is about pure greed, that really got going post 1984 when Health Insurance Co were allowed to be for profits instead of non-profits or Mutuals.

    Just realize everyone involve is a gigantic profit machine, even the non-profits. I remember about a decade ago City of Morristown was suing Morristown Medical Center because about 60% of their activities were under for profit entities, but their campus was 100% property tax exempt as a non-profit charity. Morristown wanted Atlantic Health/Morristown MC to pay 60% of the property taxes due.

  94. BRT says:

    and left, it’s not just on the local network. They all have school accounts/chromebooks

  95. Phoenix says:

    School shooting, here was the answer all along:

  96. Phoenix says:

    Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.

    John Maynard Keynes

    Just realize everyone involve is a gigantic profit machine, even the non-profits. I remember about a decade ago City of Morristown was suing Morristown Medical Center because about 60% of their activities were under for profit entities, but their campus was 100% property tax exempt as a non-profit charity. Morristown wanted Atlantic Health/Morristown MC to pay 60% of the property taxes due.

  97. Phoenix says:

    Even Trump’s pilots can’t help themselves but break the law. Hehe.

  98. LAX says:

    I think what we see is inconsistent enforcement-

  99. LAX says:

    12:19 Similar to Steinbeck’s take on American business people. Paraphrase, they spend their who loves climbing over others to achieve great success only to “give back” later in life. I think he was overly optimistic.

  100. LAX says:

    loves = lives

  101. Libturd says:

    For those following the charts. Midline between historic Nasdaq high and low is right around 16K. Those who pulled out when I told you to should consider putting some back in around there. Maybe 10 or 15% of the total. Then keep scaling in when and if markets drop further. If markets go up, you have a nice pile of dry powder. If they go down futher, you are locking in a huge win with every purchase.

  102. Chi in the PRI says:

    Phoenix Family Night At The Movies:

  103. Very Stable Genius says:

    This is good advice.

    Most other financial commentary in here is FOX news based aiming to elect trump

    Libturd says:
    September 6, 2024 at 2:30 pm
    For those following the charts. Midline between historic Nasdaq high and low is right around 16K. Those who pulled out when I told you to should consider putting some back in around there. Maybe 10 or 15% of the total. Then keep scaling in when and if markets drop further. If markets go up, you have a nice pile of dry powder. If they go down futher, you are locking in a huge win with every purchase.

  104. Libturd says:

    DNA down to 5.65.
    DJT in the 17s.

  105. Chi at Falls Wine room says:

    Standing in clot’s Wine Store with Chip.

    Shocked the shit out of him.

  106. LAX says:

    Hahaha ol’ coot.

  107. Libturd says:

    I would have walked in and yelled, “Where they keep the cat food?”

  108. CentralUnionCounty says:

    Phoenix and BRT
    Are we living in an increasingly “failed state”? It seems that you are (both) tuned into the basic daily failures of our government and “trusted sources” and are hoping to bring them to our attention. The cost of our health system, whether insurance or fees, is inhumane and considering the results( the operation was a success but the patient died) of the health system significantly ineffective Many, including myself, think that if we can play the Casino correctly all of the other problems will disappear but you two dont appear willing to go along. Where and what is the solution?

  109. Phoenix says:

    CentralUnionCounty says:
    September 6, 2024 at 10:57 pm
    “Where and what is the solution?”

    Make yourself rich. Very very rich. So rich that you could lose 3/4 of what you owned during a divorce and still be very very rich. You have to be immune even to an event like that. Like Brad Pitt.

    Ever wonder why commercial jet airplanes fly so high? 2 reasons. One is so they don’t have to deal with the weather below. Two is that there is less air resistance, so less energy needed.

    Be like an airplane. Struggle hard to get to altitude. Once up there, leave all of the shite below you behind. Life is beautiful up there. Nice view, floating on air. Having so much cash that buying a 1500 dollar Balenciaga hoodie doesn’t phase you. Doesn’t matter how you achieve this. No one in America cares if you worked hard as a doctor or had gold bars given to you in an NJ diner- money makes you immune to practically anyone.

    Like Elizabeth Keen said in the Blacklist, “Anyone who says crime doesn’t pay isn’t doing it right.”

    America controls it’s enemies, friends, and individuals with money. Constantly gnaws at you with taxes, fees, fines, sanctions. It takes your money and starts wars with fake “weapons of mass destructions.” Billions of your dollars go to other countries, yet you have infrastructure that is a over a hundred years old falling down. Not even one real high speed train.

    Government has wads of cash but so much politics it’s totally ineffective. All of the talk this week about the kid shooting and the FBI- with all of the cash, spy equipment, college degrees- y’all came down hard on them. Well after they couldn’t predict September 11- you expect them to predict this? How many people called in to say there were individuals at a flight school that didn’t want to land airplanes? Hell it was staring them right in the face. So obvious that a conspiracy theorist sounds credible.

    Play the Casino the way you like. The answer is to fly above the problems below, don’t waste your energy or time trying to correct them.

    “Never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.”
    Happy Saturday.

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