August Market Stats

From the Record:

NJ real estate update: Home prices rose in August, but interest rates dipped

Of New Jersey’s 21 counties, eight of them saw more listings compared with August 2023, and four counties saw more new listings compared with July.

In North Jersey, Bergen County was the only county to see new listings increase from this time last year. With 732 new listings, the county saw a 7.96% increase from August 2023. Otherwise, all other North Jersey counties saw new listings decrease from last year:

  • Passaic: 268 (-2.19%)
  • Morris: 368 (-6.12%)
  • Essex: 352 (-20.36%)
  • Sussex: 192 (-14.29%)
  • Hudson: 360 (-7.69%)

Compared with July, all North Jersey counties saw a decrease in new listings:

  • Bergen: -17.19%
  • Passaic: -19.76%
  • Morris: -33.09%
  • Essex: -21.78%
  • Sussex: -11.11%
  • Hudson: -13.88%

In North Jersey, the counties of Essex, Sussex and Hudson had homes stay on the market for more days in August than this time last year, while Bergen, Passaic and Morris counties had homes stay on the market for fewer days.

  • Bergen: 32 days (-12.33%)
  • Passaic: 31 days (-1.59%)
  • Morris: 36 days (-5.26%)
  • Essex: 39 days (20%)
  • Sussex: 44 days (1.73%)
  • Hudson: 45 days (21.62%)

Eighteen of New Jersey’s 21 counties had an increase in median listing prices from August 2023. And when compared with July 2024, just six counties had an increase in median listing prices, while four counties stayed the same.

For North Jersey, median listing prices increased in all six counties compared to this time last year:

  • Bergen: $799,000 (2.27%)
  • Passaic: $525,000 (7.48%)
  • Morris: $699,000 (1.93%)
  • Essex: $580,000 (13.84%)
  • Sussex: $435,000 (11.61%)
  • Hudson: $661,500 (6.69%)
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46 Responses to August Market Stats

  1. Chi in the PRI says:


    With box of wine from Falls Wine Room

  2. Juice Box says:

    Box? Case? What did you get some Balkan Rakia?

  3. Phoenix says:

    Never knew you were a day (morning) drinker.

    I thought that was on only middle aged housewives doing this after putting their children on the bus.

    A NJ example of such:

  4. Phoenix says:

    Oh, and the rescue squad vs the PoPo.

    Blown pupil?

    Maybe y’all should step on it and get drunk lady to the hospital quickly? Minutes count if Rescue squad queen is correct.

    But hey, this is NJ. Better make sure you do your paperwork so you can convict the lady who stroked out and is a gork. Gotta get that money!

  5. Hold my beer says:

    Went to paneras this morning for the first time in maybe 6 months. Had 2 surprises. They no longer make bear claws. They’re making something called an almond pastry. A loaf of white miche bread was over $10.

  6. Phoenix says:


    The home of the 11 dollar Mac and Cheese.

    F that place.

    I’d rather say never again to that place than to 9-11.

  7. LAX says:

    Lot’s of pant up demand here, dats fo sho.

  8. LAX says:

    “Failed Nation” comment from yesterday.
    Those most critical of the Country are also those
    who have, we hope, done their homework and can
    offer solutions. In BRT’s case I’m sure he has good ideas
    to overhaul the schools and equalize spending in more
    efficient ways. Phoenix probably knows a lot about how we can
    improve medical care.

    Failed Nation?

    Perhaps in many ways
    we have failed to protect the middle class and those most
    likely to rise from those ranks. How has this happened? We’ve
    abandoned common sense for “feel good” bullshit that doesn’t
    help anyone. We’ve bailed out the gentry and crapped on the workers.

    Many of our most important suppports for the veterans, the poor, and the unemployed are just old leaky boats filled with holes and sinking.

  9. BRT says:

    Panera is a special brand of ripoff

  10. Fabius Maximus says:

    My old boss gave me a $40 Panera gift card one year. I went in to try and use it but could not justify the prices. I ended up buying the two pack of soup bowls for $4 and change and took them home and fed the family with my own soup. I did this once an month until the card ran out and the kids loved it.

  11. Fabius Maximus says:

    Finally Israel going in the right direction.

    Ami Dror 🇮🇱 עמי דרור @AmiDror
    Tonight, more than 750,000 Israelis, are on the streets of israel calling for the immediate release of all hostages and the immediate impeachment of @Netanyahu and his messianic corrupted government. This is the largest protest in the history of Israel.

  12. Juice Box says:

    Pravda main headlines today. Trump is ahead.

  13. BRT says:

    Perfect weather at the shore today. It’s a shame there are no lifeguards

  14. NJCoast says:

    BRT- Our beach still open with guards.

  15. Juice Box says:

    Don’t shoot the messenger.

    Nate Silver now says Trump wins. He predicts 312 electoral college votes for Trump versus 226 for Harris in a no toss-up map.

  16. BRT says:

    Coast, which beach? I was at Point Pleasant today doing the boardwalk with the kids. Point Lobster for dinner. Local summer is the best.

  17. Fabius Maximus says:

    Ok, just posting for Sh1ts and Giggles. $12.10 where does this stock go?

    Cathie Wood purchases UiPath
    In one of Wood’s noteworthy recent moves, Ark funds snagged 658,219 shares of software automation provider UiPath (PATH) Thursday. The purchase was valued at $8.4 million as of that day’s close.

    The stock is the 10th biggest holding in Ark Innovation ETF.

    Morningstar, like Wood, is bullish on the New York provider of business-process-automation software. Analyst Emma Williams assigns it a narrow moat, meaning she sees it with competitive advantages that will last at least 10 years.

    She puts fair value at $16.50, compared with Friday’s quote of $12.10. The stock has slumped 51% year to date and slid after its Sept. 5 earnings report.

    Fund Manager Interviews:

    Fund manager picks 3 best-of-breed stocks (including Chevron)

    Fund manager picks three blue chip stocks

    $10 billion fund manager picks three favorite stocks

    “UiPath reported solid second-quarter earnings that beat our top-line estimates but fell short in terms of profitability,” Williams wrote in a commentary.

    Revenue rose 10% to $316 million in the second quarter ended July 31 from a year earlier. The company posted a net loss of $86.1 million, or 15 cents a share, widening from $60.4 million, or 11 cents a share.

    “Subscription revenue continues to be a top-line driver, with the firm’s software-as-a-service offering gaining traction among new and existing customers, Williams said. But rising stock-based compensation and restructuring expenses led to a net loss.

    “The firm expects unstable macroeconomic conditions to persist and trimmed its full-year guidance,” she explained. “Nevertheless, this is immaterial to our long-term outlook.”

  18. Chicago says:

    Big Lots! Kaputznick

  19. Very Stable Genius says:

    Republicans have been infected with Marxist collectivism maga.

    Welfare for large industrial farmers, tax write-offs for real estate investors, billions in grants to Republican congressmen during COVID, bank bailouts, socialist universal government healthcare for the over 65 yrs old, the list of Republican government communist welfare goes on, and on, and on….

  20. Fast Eddie says:

    Eddie returning from Atlanta, a weekend of NASCAR. Some of the women are absolutely smoking hot!! One dirty blond was in cowboy boots and hat with short cut-off jeans that was a 10! A lot of gorgeous wo.en! The weather was perfect Saturday and yesterday. In further news, I see that vice president Ludmila is fading. I also see that the giants did well!!

  21. Juice Box says:

    re: Big Lots Kaput

    Amazon continues to destroy traditional Brick and Mortar… I see several Amazon trucks a day in my neighborhood as my office window faces the street. Just a point of reference. Amazon’s Pre-Covid numbers were between 37 to 50 Billion a quarter. Q4 2023 was a whopping 105 Billion.

    Last reported quarter 2024 Q2 it was $90.03 billion, up by 9% year-over-year from $82.55 billion. From $315.88 billion in 2022 it increased by 12% to $352.83 billion in 2023.

    That is allot of fucking deliveries….and a massive amount of returns. The Amazon return counter in Whole Foods is always busy… with at least two people working the counter.

  22. Juice Box says:

    Dick Cheney endorses Kamala?

    This isn’t good for Kamala. She should immediately denounce him as he is a Sith Lord and the architect of allot that went wrong in the middle east over the last 24 years.

  23. Chicago says:

    Speaking Sith Lord.

    Was in a park in Ithaca NY. My son was running a trail. Anyway, there is a bluegrass band playing in the band shell riffing along when they cut in and start playing Mad About Me from the Cantina Band in Star Wars. Lol.

  24. Chicago says:

    Juice: That Amazon return line in Chapel Hill is fucking insane. I was there last week in the middle of the day, and it was 8-9 people deep. Extended past the customer service counter.

  25. Chicago says:

    Also, clot gave me a list of his winery picks. Most are around Seneca Lake. Everything within 30-40 minutes of Watkins Glen.

  26. BRT says:

    Cheney’s endorsement makes sense as they are drooling to go to war with Iran

  27. LAX says:


    I don’t see Trump winning. No matter what.

    Tuesday should be interesting. This time he’ll be debating for real.

    Is Trump a good debater? Or will he, as I predict, get his ass
    handed to him while he rambles aloud like the petulant toddler he is.

  28. SmallGovConservative says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 9, 2024 at 9:24 am
    “I see that vice president Ludmila is fading.”

    Anecdotal, but perhaps indicative…For RU football games I park in a tidy little neighborhood nearby, that appears, based on the number of central/south American flags flown by residents, to have a significant Hispanic mix; surprising to also see multiple Trump 24 flags there this weekend. How ironic if Joe’s open border ends up being the straw that breaks the Dem camel’s back with Hispanic voters.

  29. LAX says:

    Trump isn’t going to win NJ.

  30. LAX says:

    I find it far more interesting that Florida might be in play.

  31. Libturd says:

    SGC, I’ll be at the Washington game on the 27th tailgating with about ten others at the 16W RV. I’m bringing my amazing ribs and smoked bourbon chicken if you want to stop by and see for yourself. LMK.

  32. SomeOne says:

    All, one question on converting overhead space on top of the garage. There is truss-based support for the roof. Need to convert to some beam-based version so that we can have some extra space over a 2-car garage.

    Anyone know what the process is? Go to township recommended engineer? Hire an engineer?

  33. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    September 9, 2024 at 1:43 pm
    “amazing ribs and smoked bourbon chicken…”

    Appreciate the invite Lib, but I believe the RV lot is at Jersey Mike’s arena and I know there’s no way I’ll be able to make it out there before the game. Happy to buy you a beer at halftime if you’re in the vicinity of 104.

  34. Libturd says:

    Against Washington? I’m guessing the spread will be met by the end of the first quarter. I’ve been going to Rutgers games since 1982. I went to all of them in the original Schiano era. Probably attended nearly 100 games in all. Besides Louisville 2006 and Michigan in 2014, Rutgers has not beaten a single opponent that they were supposed to lose to. And there were an awful lot of opponents they were supposed to lose to. I give them about a 3% chance of beating last year’s national champ and that is being overly generous due to the unknown factor that their QB represents. Kyle Monangai does look a lot like a young Ray Rice at least.

  35. Libturd says:

    10 year 3.69, getting cheap again.

  36. LAX says:

    I’m hoping Trump hovers over Kamala in the debate like he did to Hillary and Kamala spins around and kicks him squarely in the nuts.

  37. LAX says:

    Trump then doubles over and throws up the three big Mac’s he ate before the debate and Kamala starts beating the living shit it of the stupid motherfucker. It’d clinch the election for her.

  38. chicagofinance says:

    I think SGC was making a observation in NJ with potential swing state implications.

    LAX says:
    September 9, 2024 at 1:35 pm
    Trump isn’t going to win NJ.

  39. chicagofinance says:

    Wifey interested…… hotels in walking distance during teacher’s convention are reasonable…. possible

  40. chicagofinance says:

    James Earl Jones just died……. are you fucking clairvoyant?

    Juice Box says:
    September 9, 2024 at 10:20 am
    Dick Cheney endorses Kamala?

    This isn’t good for Kamala. She should immediately denounce him as he is a Sith Lord and the architect of allot that went wrong in the middle east over the last 24 years.

  41. LAX says:

    4:51….riiiiight. Wishful thinking.

  42. Juice Box says:

    Moscow residential buildings hit with newly designed Ukrainian long range drones. Supposed fleet of 140 or so of these that were launched are converted existing ultralight aircraft designs Ukraine already produces. They flew low and slow all the way to Moscow, must be using GPS too.

    Aeroprakt A-22 “Flying Fox”

    Engine is Canadian Bombardier Rotax produced in Europe. I would think with EU and US help Ukraine can produce thousands of these.

  43. Fast Eddie says:

    Moscow residential buildings hit with newly designed Ukrainian long range drones.

    Didn’t Putin (and the world) think this was going to be a one week war? Having oodles of nuclear missiles doesn’t necessarily make you a super power.

  44. Phoenix says:


    This is a good thing. Individuals whose country is at war shouldn’t be hanging out and doing nothing while this is going on. I remember while the USA was at war and soldiers were dying. All people cared about was watching the Super Bowl. Hopefully this attack will wake them up and realize they have a part to play in their countries affairs. maybe now those hanging out in Moscow will get together build their own drone factory and build 10 times as many

  45. Libturd says:

    Star Wars was Way ahead of it’s time.

    Attack of the Drones.

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