Vampire squid says prices are going up

From Goldman Sachs:

US house prices are forecast to rise more than 4% next year

US home prices are expected to climb as the Federal Reserve begins cutting interest rates while the underlying economy is still firm, according to Goldman Sachs Research.

Our analysts increased their forecast for US home price appreciation to 4.5% this year and 4.4% in 2025, up from previous estimates of 4.2% and 3.2% respectively in April.

We spoke with Goldman Sachs Research analyst Vinay Viswanathan about the revised outlook and why homes might become more affordable even as prices continue to climb.

Your team recently upped its forecast for US home prices, noting that “bad news is likely good news” for home prices. What did you mean by that?

It’s a reflection of the fact that labor markets appear to be loosening, which gives the Fed more room to cut. Our economists now forecast the Fed will deliver three consecutive 25 basis point rate cuts at the remaining meetings this year.

Now, if we thought the ability of homebuyers to purchase houses would diminish because of a worsening economy, in which people lose jobs and income and are therefore unable to afford a mortgage, rising prices would be bad news.

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Employment, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

71 Responses to Vampire squid says prices are going up

  1. LAX says:

    Kamala cleaned his clock. First, yo

  2. LAX says:

    The Taliban blames America for the 9/11 hijackings in a newly-released video that was aired on Afghan television. The production, “Victorious Force 3,” is the latest in a series of short films celebrating the Taliban’s “martyrdom-seeking” squadrons — that is, the units responsible for conducting complex suicide attacks.


  3. Chicago says:

    WTF? Frist?

  4. Very Stable Genius says:


    Chris Wallace just completely demolished Donald Trump’s debate performance. Wallace went so far as to call Donald Trump’s debate performance tonight the worst debate performance in American history.

  5. Very Stable Genius says:

    Has anyone ever won a debate by shouting

    “they’re eating the dogs!”

  6. says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    September 12, 2024 at 6:47 am

    I guess the debate between Biden and Trump doesn’t count, because Biden was absolutely horrible.

  7. Phoenix says:

    All I saw was two liars going back-and-forth with their lies. if there is a place called hell they Both deserve A spot there. But there isn’t and they won’t.

  8. Phoenix says:

    and Miss Bondo face claims she met with Zielinsky Five times. She didn’t meet with Putin once . That doesn’t seem one-sided, does it? How do you negotiate a deal with only one party? And Trump is right about the nuclear weapons. She is so effing arrogant she thinks she’s untouchable That is one despicable woman . Same attitude as sniper from the movie Long Shot.

  9. Phoenix says:

    It was a cat. and she wasn’t an immigrant.

    CANTON, Ohio — An Ohio woman is facing charges after police say she killed and ate a cat.

    Our sister station WHIO in Dayton reports Alexis Ferrell, 27, of Canton, is accused of killing and eating a cat in front of several other people.

  10. Juice Box says:

    Dude Trump was wrong…It’s actaully Kamala eating cats!

    Some crazy and funny AI memes out there.

    Party on….

  11. Fast Eddie says:

    First commercial space walk happening now… historic and noteworthy. Musk is mind-numbing in the way he brings concepts to life. Neuralink, Starlink, The Boring Co., SolarCity, Tesla and numerous other endeavors… incredible advancements.

  12. Phoenix says:


    that’s the problem. Everything‘s funny.
    till it isn’t.

  13. Phoenix says:


    I’m driving a Tesla right now. It’s an OK car. What makes it special? The charging network. Other than that, I believe most car companies could’ve made this car easily. but were they going to get the tax breaks and incentives that he did?

    Starlink? Joint government and private business deal. It has real military applications. Again, Musk Gets assisted by the federal government.

    And PayPal , Musk Push that Through with help from the government as well. Made millions of Individuals pay taxes and fees on items they Already purchased. Took money out of our pockets and freedoms from our liberties.

    That man is a rat, That’ll sell You out for government money.

  14. 3b says:

    Wonderful vacation in Europe. Fantastic food and weather. Travel and enjoy yourselves in spite of the two miserable choices for President.

  15. Very Stable Genius says:

    I bet that lady is MAGA.
    Them people are weird

    Phoenix says:
    September 12, 2024 at 7:08 am
    It was a cat. and she wasn’t an immigrant.

    CANTON, Ohio — An Ohio woman is facing charges after police say she killed and ate a cat.

    Our sister station WHIO in Dayton reports Alexis Ferrell, 27, of Canton, is accused of killing and eating a cat in front of several other people.

  16. Fast Eddie says:

    That man is a rat, That’ll sell You out for government money.

    ABC just fact-checked that one and said it’s false.

  17. Juice Box says:

    Ducks breast smoked is delicious. Canine cuisine aka xiangrou in China can be tasty too.. Embrace the diversity you xenophobes.

  18. Phoenix says:


    Truth. If I were a cow or a chicken, I’d be screaming racism.


  19. Phoenix says:


    I finally drove one of Musk’s cars. It’s not bad. Technology in it is good. Quick acceleration touch panel works well.
    Where I am on vacation, there are lots of charging stations. That wasn’t even an issue.

    One thing that’s for sure is that conventional car companies could’ve been designing similar technology into their vehicles yet they are happy making money with their lousy infotainment systems.

    The question will be long-term reliability, repair cost, and battery life. Other than that, it’s very pleasant car to drive.

    The other question I have is Will Taylor Swift have his baby?

  20. Juice Box says:

    I just watched a video blogger who interviewed all the meth head racists living in that city Springfield Ohio. I feel sorry for the 20,00 Haitians who were dropped there to escape ‘Barbecue’ the leader of the Haitian cannibal gang running that country. They should have sent them the the Hamptons or Newport Beach or even Newport Rhode Island where they would be more welcome.

    It’s racist to drop them in poor areas and expect the locals to welcome them. Send them were there are more resources and opportunity for jobs.

  21. Phoenix says:


    Not MAGA.


  22. Very Stable Genius says:

    Q: When are we going to be hearing about Trump’s ‘concept of a plan’ on health care?

    Trump press secretary: In the not too distant future

    Q: Do you have a date?

    Trump press secretary: No

  23. OC1 says:

    Funny we don’t have any cell phone videos of those Haitians beheading ducks at the duck pond.

  24. Phoenix says:

    On beheading ducks:

    If you gotta eat, you, gotta eat. That’s life

    Do what you Gotta do to survive.

    this is America. You’re on your own.

  25. BRT says:

    even if you did have a video, would you believe it?

  26. BRT says:

    Martha’s Vineyard had “limited resources” remember?

  27. Phoenix says:


    If you think Kamala has a better plan on healthcare, I have a bridge to sell you. How about the Chesapeake Bay?

  28. Phoenix says:

    Martha’s Vineyard had “limited resources” remember?

    you could probably feed 50,000 Haitians with one bank account of a Martha’s Vineyard resident.

    they don’t eat much

  29. LAX says:

    Looks like the whiny bitch brigade has arrived.
    All hail the incel losers in the crowd.

  30. LongLive TheDreamerGeeks says:


    Disagree with you about legacy car manufacturers able to build a Tesla with or without tax subsidies.

    GM had the electric car market in the early 2000’s, they took all the cars back and destroyed it. They had the large luxurious SUV Hybrid market with Tahoes/GMC and of course they stop production. Hell the Port Authority still uses them around the GWB and NYPD had them for Captains and above ranks.

    Look at inside pictures of Boeing’s disastrous Starliner vs SpaceX Dragon. That will show you where the problem comes from for the legacy manufacturers vs Tesla.

    One gets their engineers from mediocre average universities and bludgeon them into their institutional way. The other gets geeky top universities engineers full of ideas and lets them play with it until they get it right.

    To put it in terms you will understand. Boeing, GM, Ford are the equivalent of Russia. While Tesla, Space X and alike are the equivalent of Ukraine.

  31. Libturd says:

    I agree with Phoenix that Musk is the master of abusing government subsidies much like Trump is the master of abusing bankruptcies and extremely tax advantaged real estate policy. Where I disagree is with the quality of their cars. Personally, I think they are pieces of shit. With shitty door handles to lousy manufacturing requirements. Heck, nearly every one I’ve looked at, either the rear bumber panel or trunk doesn’t align on both sides. I’ve driven one a few times too (car rentals). They jump for sure. Completely dislike the handling and the tech. The tech in my Mazda CX90 is so much better thought out and way more advanced.

  32. OC1 says:

    even if you did have a video, would you believe it?

    Sure, especially if there was a police report to go with it.

    If I saw somebody killing ducks at the local duckpond, I would definitely call the cops.

  33. BRT says:

    Every obscenely rich person was the master of government subsidies. Go back to JP Morgan, it was the same thing. That’s why they shouldn’t exist or at the very least, scaled up like they do.

  34. Hold my beer says:

    What LAX is thinking when he replies to Fast and Phoenix

  35. BRT says:

    The next question is, if there were any evidence out there, would your information pipeline actually allow it to reach your eyes or ears? That’s the primary problem with the internet today.

  36. LAX says:

    12:09 hate is such a strong word.

  37. OC1 says:

    if there were any evidence out there, would your information pipeline actually allow it to reach your eyes or ears?

    I rely on you guys for that!

  38. Fast Eddie says:

    Joe looked so relieved and relaxed at that firehouse in Shanksville, PA. He was toying with the Trump supporters, putting on a Trump hat, joking around, etc. It’s as if he felt like himself for the first time in a long time. He was delighted to be among traditional Americans; grassroots, salt of the earth, hardworking folks. I think he forgot that feeling being around angry and resentful democrats and liberals all these years. It was a real moment.

    Unlike the hag the other night, being forced to memorize line after line and ushered along by equally dismal moderators. She’s so disingenuous, so fake and so forced that the stench permeates through plaster walls. Policy is not a priority, control of tax dollars and mingling with the elite crowd is priority. She was the deciding vote for the ablation reduction act that wasn’t. Joe told us so the other day. She’s the one that’s been to Europe before she’s been to the southern border. She’s the one that was crowned queen of the DEI ball. She wants the job but doesn’t want to DO the job. The only job she’ll do is….. Hey, it’s what got her here.

  39. Insurrection Eddie says:

    So Jimmy, how was school today?


  40. LAX says:

    1:23 I am not sure what debate you watched.

  41. Fast Eddie says:

    “Vice President Harris, do you believe Americans are better off now than four years ago?”

    “I was born a poor black child.”

  42. LAX says:

    1:55 Middle Class….she was born middle class and she spoke to that very eloquently.

    Unlike your dotard in chief and Russian shill Drumpf who sundowned in front of the 67M people and played Q Anon’s greatest hits while the Country laughed at him.

  43. TraitorJoe says:

    Debate. lol. That was a two hour scripted narrative. Totally fictitious. A high school kids could memorize the lines if they were given that much time to prepare.

  44. LAX says:

    2:16 somehow Trump couldn’t pull it off though.

  45. TraitorJoe says:

    Pull what off. Providing an insight into her true nature. No, not in that venue. She just has to repeat what she’s told to say and nothing more.

    The only part of her nature that we did see was her smugness. Laughing about crime, fentanyl and covid deaths. Like a DEI Mary Antonette type.

  46. Fast Eddie says:

    Cumella Antoinette:

    “Let them eat cats.”

  47. Fast Eddie says:

    Well, sold all my Disney stock. That fiasco the other night made it an easy decision. If I would’ve known they’d become a fucking sewer, I would’ve sold at around the peak a few years ago. It’s fitting that they lost 47% of their value, I guess that’s what happens when you move from family entertainment to dog whistle tactics, underhanded perversion and progressive animosity. Remember when we were kids and couldn’t wait for Saturday night and “The Wonderful World of Disney?” What the fuck happened? You not only ruined a company but ruined decades of memories. What causes an industry or product to want to self-destruct? Brit Hume even said after 27 years of working there, I don’t recognize the company. He always spoke softly of the truth, so it’s pointless to argue with him. Nonetheless, chalk it up to another company down with the disease.

  48. Fabius Maximus says:

    This is one of the best responses to the debate.

  49. LAX says:

    Headline: Trump says NO to a third debate

    He got his ass handed to him. Period. End of story.

  50. SmallGovConservative says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 12, 2024 at 3:06 pm
    “sold all my Disney stock.”

    DIS board members should be jailed for deliberately violating their fiduciary responsibility to the company’s shareholders (owners)! My only hope as a long-term owner is that their iconic (priceless?) characters/brands ultimately outlast the leftist radicals that have taken control.

  51. 3b says:

    I see you people are at it again with your candidates. It was nice to get away from it for a while for myself traveling. Anyhow, Harris won the debate, but from a very low bar. However, anyone saying Harris blew Trump out of the water is delusional. She said nothing of substance, empty suit just saying whatever she is told she needs to say. No push back from the moderators or Trump for that matter on her multiple flip- flops. All in all, pretty pathetic performance by both candidates. I don’t think it changed people’s view one way or the other.

  52. LAX says:

    4:08 nonsense

  53. 3b says:

    LAX: The fact you believe otherwise is delusional/denial.

  54. 3b says:

    In other news PwC is laying off 1800 people primarily in its U.S. advisory, tech and operations business.

  55. Very Stable Genius says:

    Big fat lie.
    You never owned

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 12, 2024 at 3:06 pm
    Well, sold all my Disney stock.

  56. Very Stable Genius says:

    Country is not viable without Marxist collectivist universal Medicare for the 65 and older. Country would collapse. Nobody wants any other plan, specially no Boomer Maga.

    Phoenix says:
    September 12, 2024 at 10:29 am

    If you think Kamala has a better plan on healthcare, I have a bridge to sell you. How about the Chesapeake Bay?

  57. Very Stable Genius says:


    Donald Trump said on his social media site that he wouldn’t debate Kamala Harris again.

    Thursday, September 12, 2024 4:32 PM ET

    The Harris campaign said it had raised $47 million in the 24 hours after the debate.

  58. 3b says:

    Very: So I assume when you turn 65 you won’t take Medicare out of principle? It’s only right.

  59. SmallGovConservative says:

    Least surprising story of the week; corruption in Dem-controlled NYC. I’m sure the DoJ could find much worse in any of the other Dem-run ratholes, but the incompetent crooks that run Baltimore, Chicago etc all kept their mouths shut about Joe and Caremlla’s open border…

    Second least surprising story of the week; Venezuelan gang crime in the US. Can you imagine, Joe and the Dems willingly imported organized crime from the third-world.

  60. njtownhomer says:

    I came to read post with diarhea post-debate. A selection of with JDV, Miller and Loomer paired with a 80 year old sour port-cherry won’t be the right choice. Especially with Feles meat.

    Market is happy. Gridlock guaranteed. Senate on GOP, Congress on Dems. Corporate in charge.

  61. Fast Eddie says:

    Big fat lie.
    You never owned

    Come to a get-together, I’ll show you the statement. In fact, I’ll bet you $1,000 and you better fucking pay up. I put in the market sell right after the debate and the proceeds cleared 24 hours later. Put your money where your mouth is… but you liberals never do.

  62. libturd says:

    I do. But I’m really not a liberal. Drill baby drill. Just not in my wife’s pants.

  63. Phoenix says:

    let’s have a get together tomorrow or Saturday.

  64. Jim says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    September 12, 2024 at 4:34 pm
    Big fat lie.
    You never owned

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 12, 2024 at 3:06 pm
    Well, sold all my Disney stock.

    Not very Stable, Not everybody is a liar like you, also known as a TROLL. I guess your parents and grandparents never got SS while most countries take care of their elderly, but you feel Americans shouldn’t. Why not act like a big boy, accept responsibility to the people who have worked all their lives so you could grow up with an entitled attitude like you have.

  65. Troll says:

    Jim’s a faggot FWIW

  66. Jim says:

    Troll says:
    September 12, 2024 at 7:59 pm
    Jim’s a faggot FWIW

    You are so brave hiding behind a phony name, says a lot about you.

  67. BunnyWigglesworth NewNameForCumellaGreasyEddiesLeftGripHand says:


    Please be creative. This is how we do insults around here.

    I expect better of all of you.

  68. LAX says:

    I am in awe of the stupidity displayed by anyone voting for Trump.

Comments are closed.