Starter home? What’s that?

From CBS News:

As more first-time homebuyers are priced out, what can revive the American starter home?

Felicia Ellis is actively looking to buy her first home by the end of the year. A three-bedroom, two-bathroom house on a tree-lined street in Houston seemed like it could be a perfect fit. 

But the starter home Ellis desperately wants seems to be priced like a forever home she can’t afford. Someone else put in an offer, and it was accepted.

“[It was] the one that got away,” Ellis said.

Ellis says she has a good job earning around $70,000, but her student loans have made her debt-to-income ratio a turnoff for lenders. She’s previously been approved for a $200,000 loan, which falls more than $150,000 short of the homes she’s been looking at in an area with good schools for her young daughter. Currently Ellis and her daughter share a room in an apartment Ellis rents with her sister. 

Five years ago, one in three American families could afford a starter home in 63 of America’s largest 100 cities, CBS News found. Now, it’s down to just 10 cities.

This housing crisis is at least a decade in the making, according to Chris Vincent, vice president of government relations and advocacy for Habitat for Humanity. The nonprofit, one of America’s largest builders of starter homes, now focuses on advocacy as much as building.

“A lot of this is from the tailwinds, even from the ’08 financial crisis,” Vincent said. “We’ve essentially not been building enough homes for the last decade to keep up with demand.”

In Silver Spring, Maryland, Carolyn Hipkins got lucky. She was making $54,000 a year when she bought a starter home rehabbed by Habitat for Humanity. The sale price was $360,000 with a 0% mortgage. 

“I was so happy when I got that call on the phone. I had to control myself because I wanted to scream,” Hipkins said.

Habitat for Humanity doesn’t just build single family homes anymore, either. They’re the ninth largest builder of starter homes in the U.S., offering condos and apartments to a range of incomes. One in six families now spend more than half of their income on housing, according to the organization. Vincent says they’re advocating for access to credit and land in “communities of opportunity.”

The housing shortage is also a key economic issue for American voters ahead of the Nov. 5 election. 

Vice President Kamala Harris has proposed providing $25,000 in down payment assistance for Americans who have paid their rent on time for two years. She has also proposed building 3 million affordable new homes and rentals by the end of her first term, offering tax incentives for developers who build starter homes, and a $40 billion fund to help local governments find solutions to the shortage. 

Former President Donald Trump has proposed making federal land available to help with housing supply, but his campaign hasn’t offered any further details.

This entry was posted in Crisis, Demographics, Economics, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate, New Development. Bookmark the permalink.

103 Responses to Starter home? What’s that?

  1. Very Stable Genius says:


  2. Very Stable Genius says:

    Peak greed with Private Equity controlling the supply

    “ Five years ago, one in three American families could afford a starter home in 63 of America’s largest 100 cities, CBS News found. Now, it’s down to just 10 cities.”

  3. Very Stable Genius says:

    Carter volunteered all his life in Habitat for Humanity. Unlike trump, Carter was a successful Real Estate contributor to his community

    “ In Silver Spring, Maryland, Carolyn Hipkins got lucky. She was making $54,000 a year when she bought a starter home rehabbed by Habitat for Humanity.”

  4. Phoenix says:

    Hat tip for your last post yesterday. Those guys are talented. Not easy to do synchronized donuts in Times Square!

    Gotta give credit where credit is due.

  5. Phoenix says:

    Hey thanks officer. I appreciate that bullet to my head you gave me. I was just trying to get home from work. Maybe now my wife can afford a new house when she sues the Taxpayers of the City of New York for your incompetence. Of course you yourselves will enjoy your pension thanks to Qualified Immunity while I remain a Gork for the last of my days. Back the blue!!

    Police opened fire on a subway platform in Brooklyn during a confrontation with an alleged fare-beater, striking the man cops said was armed with a knife, two straphangers caught in the fray, and one of the firing officers, NYPD officials said Sunday.

    One of those two passengers hit by the cops’ bullets, a 49-year-old man, was hospitalized in critical condition after he was hit struck in the head, according to the NYPD.

  6. Fast Eddie says:

    …and a $40 billion fund to help local governments find solutions to the shortage.

    Please vote for her. Please! I want to see how fast the debt will grow, how perplexed the FED Reserve looks when they tell us they’ve never seen this before and the memes for crimes and activity that are beyond words.

    $40 billion to “help” governments find solutions… oh God, please get her elected. We’re too far gone, we need the bread and circus entertainment.

  7. Phoenix says:

    Am I too late for breakfast at Hotel Eddie? I could use some Chex Mix today.


  8. Phoenix says:

    A 49-year-old man was in critical condition late Monday after being shot in the head by the police during a confrontation at a Brooklyn subway station between officers and a knife-wielding man who they believed had not paid his fare, officials said.

    The man with the head wound was one of two bystanders and four people in total who were shot in the melee at the Sutter Avenue L station. Critics said the shooting raised questions about the Police Department’s use of lethal force in a tight, crowded space to enforce a minor, if persistent, offense.

    In addition to the 49-year-old man, those injured in the shooting were a 26-year-old female bystander who was grazed by a bullet, a police officer who was struck under his armpit and the man suspected of failing to pay the fare, who was shot in the stomach, officials said. He was also in critical condition on Monday; the woman and the officer were listed as stable. The police did not release their names.

  9. Phoenix says:

    Wouldn’t it been much cheaper for taxpayers just to let the guy ride for free?

    When all the millions are paid out on this one, you could have let the entire city ride for free for a month.


    Pony up, taxpayers. You don’t push your PoPo to pay for their own insurance, so you can do it yourself. ChaCHing.

  10. Phoenix says:

    Finders Keepers. Hehe.

    CBS News New York learned on Monday a bystander took a knife that was at the scene that police said the suspect was wielding at the time he was shot by officers. The NYPD released an image of the man they are looking for.

  11. Phoenix says:

    What’s the matter. Is every District Attorney too lazy to prosecute someone these days?
    Driver drop his Grey Poupon jar?
    Sure the kid’s foot is fixed, but you know it’s gonna hurt for the rest of her life.

    A 12-year-old girl was hit by a car. It had $19,770 in unpaid tickets.
    Victims of traffic violence in D.C. say the city needs to get drivers who rack up tickets off the roads.

    It wasn’t the first ticket or even the 50th tied to the car. Allen, who was given a photo of the license plate by a witness, learned that the Land Rover has 94 unpaid tickets worth $19,770 from D.C. traffic cameras, six for speeding just this month and four for running red lights since July.

    “With everyone who does that in the District of Columbia, they’re singling me out?” Curtis said.

    The Land Rover is among roughly 2,100 vehicles with 40 or more unpaid tickets, according to D.C. Department of Motor Vehicles numbers from last year.

  12. Fast Eddie says:

    “We’ve essentially not been building enough homes for the last decade to keep up with demand.”

    Maybe we should’ve sealed our borders to not make it worse.

  13. Phoenix says:

    Snitches get stitches. Or punished.

    Hey kid, here is your lesson. Keep your trap shut.

    An 11-year-old boy was punished this month for reporting a classmate for having a bullet at school because, according to administrators, he waited too long to do so.

  14. 3b says:

    Fast: Can you get the 25k, and student loan forgiveness?

  15. Phoenix says:

    Methinks they ain’t exactly homebuyers for 550k Clifton NJ ranch homes.

    Just sayin’

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 17, 2024 at 8:31 am
    “We’ve essentially not been building enough homes for the last decade to keep up with demand.”

    Maybe we should’ve sealed our borders to not make it worse.

  16. Phoenix says:

    “They’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats”

    Great song.

  17. Juice Box says:

    There isn’t a single family new construction being built by me that isn’t well over a million dollars. The newest ones across the street from the cemetery on a busy 40 mph road are going for $1.4 million and you need to bring your own landscaping and build your own back deck. It’s 2.2 million for the new homes at the old garden center.

    The 3br new town houses by Toll Brothers are going for $900,000….

  18. Phoenix says:

    Just think about that when you wonder how far America has fallen.

    In current place, a half dead brain dead President.

    A potential President talking about eating Cats and Dogs.

    A Cackling crow who is so full of herself with no foreign policy experience and lousy at her previous jobs.

    Idiocracy was supposed to be humorous. Now it’s reality. Hehe.

  19. grim says:

    Not only blatantly disregarding the law, completely ignorant of it.

    No better example than the “chase glitch” check fraud scheme that went viral two or three weeks ago. I talked to folks at Chase corp, it absolutely happened, they are prosecuting a very large number of people for bank fraud, no mercy.

    Lots of “oh woe is me, why am I being targeted, this isn’t my fault”

    So much stupid.

  20. Phoenix says:

    Who prosecutes the banks when they commit fraud?

    I’ll tell you. No one.

    In fact, they get handed billions of taxpayer dollars in a bailout by Obama and friends.

    Big fish always wins.

  21. BRT says:

    that “glitch” was just good ol fashioned check fraud. I did experience a real chase glitch when I bought my home. My 40% downpayment was counted as a “deposit”. Mind you, I already closed on the house and had the title. I informed them of the error and they fixed it by depositing another 40% into my account. At that point, I just figured I’d wait and see what happens. That was an extra $280k that sat in my account. It took about 8 months before it was detected.

  22. BRT says:

    When the banks commit fraud, they settle out with no admission of wrong doing and for pennies on the dollar making their fraud profitable. The US government just wants their cut bro. Eric Holder normalized this under Obama.

  23. Phoenix says:

    “Anyone who says crime doesn’t pay isn’t doing it right”

    Elizabeth Keen

  24. Phoenix says:


    That’s exactly how it works. Look like a good cop, pocket some money.

    Win win.

  25. Very Stable Genius says:

    Boomers called him Communist everytime Obama tried to enforce the law against corporations. In general Maga want enforcement of law only against black people.

    BRT says:
    September 17, 2024 at 8:58 am
    When the banks commit fraud, they settle out with no admission of wrong doing and for pennies on the dollar making their fraud profitable. The US government just wants their cut bro. Eric Holder normalized this under Obama.

  26. Very Stable Genius says:

    Wave a big flag at your front door and everything will be ok.
    it will absolve you for not giving a shet about your community

    Phoenix says:
    September 17, 2024 at 8:52 am
    Just think about that when you wonder how far America has fallen.

    In current place, a half dead brain dead President.

    A potential President talking about eating Cats and Dogs.

    A Cackling crow who is so full of herself with no foreign policy experience and lousy at her previous jobs.

    Idiocracy was supposed to be humorous. Now it’s reality. Hehe.

  27. Fast Eddie says:

    Fast: Can you get the 25k, and student loan forgiveness?

    You could break even and improve if Trump gets is. If she gets in, it’ll be the status quo. The pain will continue for those on the edge. For those of us on this forum? I suspect a lot of us will continue to move forward regardless. If she is anointed, most of us can make money faster than they can take money. The lesser muppets will continue to suffer. With Trump, you’ll have a bigger run even if you hate him while the Karmalla supporters are left scratching their heads wondering why things haven’t improved for them personally if she’s cackling from the oval office.

    For those who have an IQ > 100, they’ll realize that foreign policy is infinitely more important than media games. That’ll have a bigger impact than anything else. If she gets in, our adversaries will use her like a worn pea coat.

  28. Juice Box says:

    Ed – my fear is if she gets in the war party the Democrats are going to start sending our sons and daughters to Ukraine.

    The Ukrainians are bleeding out, running low on boots on the ground and they cannot retake that land all the way to Crimea it’s just too well fortified and mined now.

  29. Phoenix says:

    As crazy as the old Orange Dotard sounds, and is, the man does have some sense in that cranium of his.

    He knows he has to make a deal with Putin. Her, like most women, don’t know a damn thing about fighting as they aren’t even subject to Selective Service. I’d want her advice if I were selecting a pocketbook. She has no problem sending men to their deaths, it works fine for the feminist playbook.

    I might just have to vote for Trump if not for anything else but to save the planet from potential nuclear destruction. Hehe.

  30. Juice Box says:

    VSG – Baloney it was Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder who gave the banks a pass. “Too Big to Jail” <———- That quote is on him for his senate testimony in 2013.

    Fact is Obama pick for Attorney General was a disgrace, they actually kept his corner office vacant at Covington & Burling in Washington, D.C. when he went to run the DOJ for five years and then resigned in pretty much a disgrace. He is the single biggest example of the revolving door and conflicts of interest that has ever existed at the DOJ and Obama picked him because he was his “brother”….

  31. Fast Eddie says:


    She’s playing up to the lesser muppets. Swifties are not going to do shit for anybody. The media outlets drum up their base with soundbites and Putin, Iran, China and North Korea watch us implode. She’s a mess. Her vibe is really bad. The fake accents are worse than the stuff Trump comes up with. Trump has a bigmouth and can’t explain dire consequences in simple terms but behind the scenes, shit gets done when he’s at the helm. Our adversaries are loving the nonsense. I saw two Kumulla/Warts lawn signs in the last two weeks and wonder what they’re seeing in her policies. This country is a mess right now.

  32. Hold my beer says:

    Project Zimbabwe

    If clot ran a hedge fund

  33. Chicago says:

    Suggestions for vet? Someone in Brooklyn asking. Has a cat that needs two tooth extractions and is being quoted $2,500-$4,500. Needs to keep it below $2,500. Name the place and she would be willing to go.

  34. LAX says:

    ( )( )=====D – – – Homo Gary

  35. LAX says:

    You know what they don’t see? They don’t see a bunch of Christian’s trying to tell the rest of the Country what to do. They don’t see a fat fucking supreme court justiss taking bribes from a Nazi sympathizer. They don’t see a sundowning fat failure whining constantly about what a cunt he is….the list goes on….and on…,

  36. LAX says:

    Go ahead buddy, move to flyover Country … find the real Americans you fetishize in these pages. They’d kick your ass up one side of the street and town the other.

    You see in “real America” it’s survival of the fittest.
    In real America if you can use your fists you are nothing.
    Trust me when i say you’d go over there like a fart in an elevator.

  37. LAX says:

    Typos but you get the idea. Thanks apple predictive text.

  38. Hold my beer says:

    Tell us you’re not having decade long mid life crisis without saying you’re having a mid life crisis.

  39. LAX says:

    I’d say that things here are pretty darn good.
    Caught the opening show from Johnny Blue Skies
    at the Greek this last weekend. Life is gooood.
    Since midlife is around 40, or sooner…that ship has sailed.

  40. Fast Eddie says:

    Liberals: “We’re the party of peace, inclusion and joy.”

    Also liberals: “Too bad they spotted that gun barrel.”

  41. LAX says:

    11:57 libruls own guns…..derrrrr who’d da thunk it.?!?

  42. BRT says:

    He never tried, he just made them partners. Now they donate to his cause on top of it.

  43. 3b says:

    Juice: Rhetorical of course, but who are these people spending one million or more for houses; do we run out of them at some point?

  44. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Stop being a hater, Harris is going to be an excellent president. And, she did a fantastic job at the debate. This is what we are told at least so embrace it, believe it, and love it. Oh, and she also has Bette Davis eyes.

  45. 3b says:

    In other news, consumers appear to still be spending.

  46. The Great Pumpkin says:

    It’s already been happening. This is the endgame of their whole plan. I’m a former AWS employee and unfortunately experienced all this first hand.

    Phase 1: layoffs – between 2022-2024, they laid off some +30,000 people

    Phase 2: “Return to office” – an initiative where everyone, no matter where you are physically located, must go into an office 2-3 days a week.

    Phase 3: “Return to team” – you must be physically located where your team is (i.e., if you live in Denver and your team is based in Seattle, where there are both offices, you’re out of luck). This was in stark contrast to Andy Jassy during 2020 saying that Amazon is now a remote first company. They did MASSIVE hiring during the pandemic of remote workers and this was unfortunately the last straw for many who were not able / did not want to re-locate

    Phase 4: “The silent sacking” – anyone who somehow didn’t have to re-locate and was able to still work remotely got terrible assignments, was stiff-armed by management, was left out of things, ghosted, etc. etc. Read Justin Garrison’s post on how they made his life a living hell:…

    And now, phase 5: “No remote work” – at this point, no one will be able to work remote anymore and it’s back office work all the time.

    So much for “Earth’s best employer”.

  47. The Great Pumpkin says:

    I said this would happen….wfh is dead. All it took was a tightening of the labor market like I said a few years ago. Here we are…

  48. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Tech workers had the easiest job on the planet for some time….some of these guys were making 400k sitting at home. People are in for a rude awakening.

  49. LAX says:

    Tech has always been highly competitive. Easily commodified and price sensitive.
    Nothing new here. Public money has floated many a tech millionaire.
    The lucky ones get in early and out at a peak.

  50. LAX says:

    New Tech skill unlocked: Exploding pagers.

    Technion doesn’t fool around.

  51. Juice Box says:

    Everyone in the third world has a smartphone now, who the heck is still using pagers?

  52. LAX says:

    1:35 people who want to keep their location secret and untraceable.

  53. Chicago says:

    3b says:
    September 17, 2024 at 12:53 pm
    Phoenix: Stop being a hater, Harris is going to be an excellent president. And, she did a fantastic job at the debate. This is what we are told at least so embrace it, believe it, and love it. Oh, and she also has Bette Davis eyes

  54. LAX says:

    1:49 don’t worry buddy….you’ll be okay. Congrats on the whole college thing.

  55. Fast Eddie says:

    And Cumella can do multiple accents. She’s so talented.

  56. LAX says:

    2:03 the “weirdo” label really suits you.

  57. 3b says:

    She’ll expose you when she snows you.
    Offer feed with the crumbs she throws you
    She’s ferocious and she knows just what it takes to get the votes, yes.
    All the boys think she’s a spy she’s got Kamala Harris eyes.

  58. 3b says:

    Elizabeth Warren wants a 75 bp cut tomorrow. Silly Elizabeth.

  59. 3b says:

    LAX: I think I would be more worried about the anti semitism in the Democratic Party, and Islamic fundamentalism then the Christian right. However, I was told on this site since I am not Jewish I cannot have an opinion on what is anti semitism.

  60. LAX says:

    2:19 antisemitism is everywhere. Dems & Republicans.
    We started our own colleges and country clubs as a result.
    Jews and Blacks equally excluded from certain towns.
    As the post said: That’s just the way it is…,

  61. Fast Eddie says:

    Liberals: The economy is great! O’Bidenomics works!

    Also liberals: Cumella is going to fix the economy on day one!

  62. Fast Eddie says:


    Cumella is safe and in stable condition after attempted press conference.

  63. BRT says:

    The economy is so good that Liz Warren demanded Powell to cut 75 basis points tomorrow.

  64. BRT says:

    3B, You were told that, so was I. So I took the time to post a link to videos of some incidents on campuses to ask the experts who are allowed to have an opinion what they thought and there was no response.

  65. OC1 says:


    What position in the Biden-Harris admin does that chef hold? Secretary of cooking?

  66. Juice Box says:

    So Andy Jassey wants Amazon employees chained to their desks so they are going back to assigned desks.

    Comical… I work with many Amazon folks. We shall see how it goes in January when everyone is supposed to be in the office 5 days a week.

    Amazon Kupier is way behind Starlink…… and Amazon healthcare? No more Doctors hours? We shall see about that there are plenty of telehealth choices already. Sure they might be able to deliver medications faster than CVS. Whoop de d

  67. Libturd says:

    A coworker of mine went to the office yesterday in Manhattan. There were 5 people in an office meant for 150. He remarked how the entire building was empty. Amazon had a shitty quarter as consumers are starting to get tapped out. Rather than blame it on shit management, he blames it on WFH. Maybe Amazon has too many office workers, which is a shame for a company that prides itself on automation and robotix.

    I had to go into Union today to color certify a new digital press. Another Office meant to sit about 50 had 2 workers in place.

  68. Very Stable Genius says:

    See Alan Parker’s Mississippi Burning.

    Maga always went after blacks and Jews. Apartheid didn’t end until 1960’s. Northeastern Jews played a big role in civil rights movement to liberate blacks.

    LAX says:
    September 17, 2024 at 2:29 pm
    2:19 antisemitism is everywhere. Dems & Republicans.
    We started our own colleges and country clubs as a result.
    Jews and Blacks equally excluded from certain towns.
    As the post said: That’s just the way it is…,

  69. The Great Pumpkin says:

    “When $DNA announced the partnership with $GOOG over a year ago, many dismissed it as simply “They are just selling @Ginkgo server capacity and bandwidth. This is the first expression of the true motivation of @googlecloud . Searching for the best Pizza locally is cute but searching for cures of diseases is provocative. Google and Ginkgo Bioworks have one of the “potentially” most powerful alliances for Biological solutions. Go get em @jrkelly . The future is bright !”

  70. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Congratulations, @jrkelly! Even though you are facing financial market headwinds, your team @Ginkgo is laying the foundation to create transformative solutions at the intersection of A.I., biology, and chemistry. @bayer is humbled to be part of it.

  71. The Great Pumpkin says:

    I was just too early….only mistake I made. This company is going to change biology. Using AI for what it was meant for….not the bs day to day nonsense.

  72. BRT says:

    Down 98.3 percent from the IPO price, if you invested 10k into it, you’d have $170 left.

  73. The Great Pumpkin says:

    WFH is dead. A relic you will tell your grand kids about. A time when you didn’t have to go to work, and got to stay home. That adventure with laziness is over. Say bye!!!

    Libturd says:
    September 17, 2024 at 4:33 pm
    A coworker of mine went to the office yesterday in Manhattan. There were 5 people in an office meant for 150. He remarked how the entire building was empty. Amazon had a shitty quarter as consumers are starting to get tapped out. Rather than blame it on shit management, he blames it on WFH. Maybe Amazon has too many office workers, which is a shame for a company that prides itself on automation and robotix.

    I had to go into Union today to color certify a new digital press. Another Office meant to sit about 50 had 2 workers in place.

  74. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Who cares if it’s a hr in the end? Conviction matters. No good investment is easy to make. It’s the most difficult and challenging investments that are almost impossible to pull the trigger that pay out. The few….

    BRT says:
    September 17, 2024 at 4:43 pm
    Down 98.3 percent from the IPO price, if you invested 10k into it, you’d have $170 left.

  75. Very Stable Genius says:

    Remember that Maga fought civil war to keep slavery and south still confederate to this day

    Very Stable Genius says:
    September 17, 2024 at 4:33 pm
    See Alan Parker’s Mississippi Burning.

    Maga always went after blacks and Jews. Apartheid didn’t end until 1960’s. Northeastern Jews played a big role in civil rights movement to liberate blacks.

    LAX says:
    September 17, 2024 at 2:29 pm
    2:19 antisemitism is everywhere. Dems & Republicans.
    We started our own colleges and country clubs as a result.
    Jews and Blacks equally excluded from certain towns.
    As the post said: That’s just the way it is…,

  76. The Great Pumpkin says:

    You have to understand that Gingko is treading unmarked paths. They are creating their own path. There will be setbacks which create buying opportunities. If you believe in this team all they have already done, why would you not place a fabulous bet on them. If they fail, it happens, but a good chance these people are changing biology as we know it…they already are….why google is a direct partner with them. That’s no easy task for a so called chit company trading below cash on hand. They see the vision. They have acted on it for a reason.

    Wall st is focused on the profit numbers, meanwhile I am focused on the players and the science. Just because the numbers are not there yet and we have had setbacks doesn’t mean it’s over. See what these people are made of.

    They took a knockout punch to the chin….let’s see if they can get up. It sure looks like they will.

  77. Libturd says:

    DNA will be bankrupt within two quarters. Go throw some more of your wife’s hard earned money at it.

  78. 3b says:

    LAX: So did too did the Irish when they came here. They were despised by the WASP establishment. We are talking about today. Although I have been told I can’t speak to the subject, the fact remains that the progressive leftist wing of the Democratic Party is filled with anti semitism. I respectfully say that I believe some American Jews have difficulty in accepting that. It’s much easier and more comfortable to condemn the Christian nationalists.

  79. 3b says:

    Lib: I dont know anyone who is back in the office 5 days a week, and in fact quite a few who are still fully remote. The Amazon announcement may give cover to other companies to demand to 5 days in the office, but I don’t think it will have much of an impact.

  80. 3b says:

    VSG: Nice deflection on your part. Typical.

  81. Libturd says:


    I don’t deny it. I just don’t see it as a platform issue. I know plenty of MAGA who are anti-semetic as well, though again, not really a platform issue.

  82. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Give it some more time to play out….it’s over. Amazon declared themselves a remote company in 2020. Now look…5 days a week in 2025. It’s over.

    I said this way back in 2020. Thesis-wfh was the result of a goldilocks labor market. Owners lost control of the leverage…that period is over. Back to what is good for the business as opposed to the employee. I don’t make the rules.

    3b says:
    September 17, 2024 at 5:17 pm
    Lib: I dont know anyone who is back in the office 5 days a week, and in fact quite a few who are still fully remote. The Amazon announcement may give cover to other companies to demand to 5 days in the office, but I don’t think it will have much of an impact.

  83. 3b says:

    Lib: I love ya man! But, there you go again, it’s back to MAGA and plenty of them are anti semitic too. We know there are those on the right who are and have been and open about it too. This anti semitism on the Democratic side is now out in the open and that’s new and it’s vicious and ugly in my opinion ( even though I am not allowed to have one). I stand by my comment that some American Jews are having trouble accepting that.

  84. The Great Pumpkin says:

    How about the real estate angle of this amazon news.

    If more companies do this (I suspect they will), we will see a boomerang effect in pandemic hot spots and far exurban regions that shot up in price due to relocating high income remote workers.

  85. Phoenix says:

    should have checked the farmers almanac. Didn’t realize winter was coming this early. Hehe.

    Libturd says:
    September 17, 2024 at 5:15 pm
    DNA will be bankrupt within two quarters. Go throw some more of your wife’s hard earned money at it.

  86. LAX says:

    5:15 Anti-semitism is built in to Nationalism it always has been.

  87. LAX says:

    Beginning in the nineteenth century with Great Britain and ending with the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans, the European nations established in constitutions the principle of equality under the law. They dropped all restrictions on residence or occupational activities for Jews and other national and religious minorities.
    At the same time, the societies of Europe underwent rapid economic change and social dislocation. The emancipation of the Jews allowed them to live and work among non-Jews, but exposed them to a new form of political antisemitism. It was secular, social, and influenced by economic considerations, though it often reinforced and was reinforced by traditional religious stereotypes.
    The emancipation of the Jews enabled them to own land, enter the civil service, and serve as officers in the national armed forces. It created the impression for some others—particularly those who felt left behind, traumatized by change, or unable to achieve occupational satisfaction and economic security in accordance with their expectations—that Jews were displacing non-Jews in professions traditionally reserved for Christians. It also created for some the impression that at the same time, Jews were being overrepresented in future-oriented professions of the late nineteenth century: finance, banking, trade, industry, medicine, law, journalism, art, music, literature, and theater.


  88. 3b says:

    LAX: So is that the reason why the Democratic progressive left is engaging in anti semitism now? Or, is it deflection on your part, due to you being uncomfortable with accepting it exists on the left?

  89. 3b says:

    NYC Department of Education took staff members and their families on trips to Disney World, D.C., and New Orleans. These trips were intended for homeless students.

  90. Very Stable Genius says:

    Neo-nazism party begging for Jewish votes.
    Quite a sight

  91. 3b says:

    VSG: Is that all you have to contribute to the conversation?

  92. 3b says:

    BRT: Either they did not see your posts, or they saw them and chose to ignore them.

  93. 3b says:

    Juice: Do you really believe there will be US troops in Ukraine? What about the rest of NATO? I don’t see it happening.

  94. LAX says:

    7:04 personally it doesn’t bother me because I know the real power lies away from the far left. They have every right to their opinion. But I vote based on domestic issues and ideology. The Democratic Party is a big tent as they say. Lots of different types of folks underneath that shelter. Lot’s of groups jockeying for position. The most Ivy covered institutions had the most problems managing those protestors. The good ol’ State U’s, not so much.

  95. SmallGovConservative says:

    3b says:
    September 17, 2024 at 5:36 pm
    “…back to MAGA and plenty of them are anti semitic too”

    No they’re not! Modern anti-semitism in this country is overwhelmingly, if not wholly, on the left, whether it be at our blue-state, leftist-controlled universities where Jews no longer feel safe and in some cases are physically barred from parts of campuses, or in the Dem party itself where the Jew-hating ‘squad’ has taken root. I’ve explained to you guys before, but there’s no need to take a gratuitous, unfounded swipe at conservatives every time you make a legitimate observation about libs; it detracts from your point and doesn’t do anything to convince useless stooges like LACKS that you’re being even-handed.

  96. BRT says:

    BRT: Either they did not see your posts, or they saw them and chose to ignore them.

    It’s no different than the Biden senility denial. They will only admit the truth when they’ve been programmed to.

  97. LAX says:

    9:02 I only know what I see. After spending more than enough time in flyover Country as a “Jew” I’d say you are wrong. But that’s pretty much par for the course isn’t it?

  98. Phoenix says:

    Bye bye Tupperware.

  99. Chicago says:

    That Hezbollah pager thing was badass. The IDF is the tits!

    LAX says:
    September 17, 2024 at 2:29 pm
    2:19 antisemitism is everywhere. Dems & Republicans.
    We started our own colleges and country clubs as a result.
    Jews and Blacks equally excluded from certain towns.
    As the post said: That’s just the way it is…,

  100. Chi says:

    Recently saw a reference to Harris as “Kumswalla”.

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 17, 2024 at 2:55 pm

    Cumella is safe and in stable condition after attempted press conference.

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