August heats up

From Redfin:

U.S. Home Prices Rose 0.5% in August, the Biggest Increase in 4 Months

U.S. home prices grew 0.5% in August on a seasonally adjusted basis, the largest month-over-month increase since April.  On a year-over-year basis, home prices rose 6.7%, the lowest annual increase since January. 

This is according to the Redfin Home Price Index (RHPI), which uses the repeat-sales pricing method to calculate seasonally adjusted changes in prices of single-family homes. The RHPI measures sale prices of homes that sold during a given period, and how those prices have changed since the last time those same homes sold. It’s similar to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Indices but is published more than one month earlier. August data covers the three months ending August 31, 2024. Read the full RHPI methodology here.

Home prices continue to rise in part because there aren’t enough homes for sale.  Housing supply is up 16.7% from a year ago, but is still down almost 30% from pre-pandemic levels. 

“Prices kept creeping up during this unusually slow summer for home sales as mortgage rates came down and supply remained stubbornly low,” said Redfin Senior Economist Sheharyar Bokhari. “If mortgage rates fall further this fall—and we expect they will—price growth will likely pick up as more prospective homebuyers come off the sidelines .”

Mortgage affordability could improve as soon as tomorrow, depending on how much the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates

Twenty (40%) of the 50 most populous U.S. metro areas recorded a seasonally adjusted drop in home prices in August, month over month. 

The biggest decline in August was in San Antonio, TX (-2.4%), followed by Warren, MI (-0.9%) and Oakland, CA (-0.7%). The highest month over month gains were recorded in Philadelphia (1.5%), Detroit (1.3%), and Providence, RI (1.2%).

This entry was posted in Economics, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

127 Responses to August heats up

  1. Fast Eddie says:

    “If mortgage rates fall further this fall—and we expect they will—price growth will likely pick up as more prospective homebuyers come off the sidelines .”

    Wouldn’t some home sellers come off the sidelines as well? Those that didn’t want to lose the 3.x mortgage rate? If you get a 30-yr. fixed rate in the low 5s, perhaps some holdouts will jump in. Then again, that depends on whether supply is outpacing demand – the price fluctuation, that is. Interesting dynamic.

  2. 3b says:

    Fast: What does price growth pick up mean? Did price growth go down at some point and we missed it? No. If rates go down and prices go up that is of no benefit to new home buyers.

  3. Juice Box says:

    47 days until the election and the effective Fed funds rate has been 5.33% for only 1 year, and a almost 2.5 years since we went from ZIRP to the current rate. Who really believes that only two years of higher rates is enough? Obviously congress will not cut spending and borrowing so the government debt would be the only real beneficiary here. We don’t get anywhere near 3% mortgage rates without a combination of ZIRP and QE. Fed needs to corner the market on GSE debt again for that to actually happen. You can forget about low mortgage rates until the next crash and lending/housing crisis, and just like the last one they did not see this one coming either.

  4. Fast Eddie says:


    Did price growth go down at some point and we missed it?

    We must of missed it. I guess we’re priced out forever. However, we’re told that inflation is down so food and services are affordable again!

  5. Juice Box says:

    I am not even sure if I can sanely qualify for a new construction home mortgage in my area. New single family homes are way overpriced now. There simply aren’t that many people walking around with that kind of monthly cash flow.

    1.4 million new home with 20% down is a monthly payment of $7,264 then add on the taxes and you are around $9,000 a month before you even move in and have to paying other expenses like food to just start the living the dream part.

  6. Phoenix says:

    Hook up with Laurie Ann.

    She can buy that house for you with ease.

  7. Phoenix says:

    Karmella going to lower food prices gonna make it affordable to live in America again.

    She is here for you. She feels your pain.


  8. grim says:

    Anyone have access to Reorg Research? Looking for a debt piece published on Monday.

  9. Libturd says:

    Phoenix, stop feeding the bear.

    Juice, no one puts 20% down.

    Chicago, have to agree about the pager bombs. Watch some of the videos on X. They are awesome. The memes are even funnier.

  10. LAX says:

    8:46 you sound so stupid.

  11. Fast Eddie says:

    Juice, no one puts 20% down.

    Why not?

  12. Fast Eddie says:

    And what did Diddy do?

    O mio dio!!

  13. Phoenix says:

    LAX says:
    September 18, 2024 at 9:38 am
    8:46 you sound so stupid.

    These are her words. See how stupid they sound? So much so that you even agreed they are stupid.


  14. Phoenix says:

    Tons of cars being stored at repo lots-no one bidding on them at the prices the banks want- they were overpriced and now their owners can’t pay anymore, banks don’t want to write off the losses.

    So these cars just sit.

  15. Libturd says:

    5 to 10 is much more common today Gary. Same thing with car sales today. I know a Nissan salesguy. Minumum down and terms including 72, 84 and 96 months.

  16. Phoenix says:

    A Nissan CVT transmission doesn’t even last 36 months.


  17. Phoenix says:

    No good deed goes unpunished. Poor guy just doing what his boss told him too. Time stamped for your pleasure

  18. 3b says:

    Lib: No one puts 20 percent down seems to be pretty accurate. So who are these people putting 5 percent down, and where are they getting the money for the monthly money payment not alone all the other expenses as Juice notes. They must be in the import export business.

  19. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Harris is clueless across the board, despite what people say including people on this site. I would say the worst Democratic nominee for President in modern times. That said she will win the election, and the people that were running the country under Biden will continue to run the country.

  20. Phoenix says:

    I agree.

    Just along for the ride. Voting isn’t gonna help now. We no longer have a normal functioning government now.

  21. Phoenix says:

    From influencer to murderer. Nice bod though. Too tatted for my likes.

  22. Libturd says:


    I thought the same until the debate. I had to give her credit where credit was due. She obviously did her debate prep and she performed incredibly well. Especially her ability to lead the Maga moron right into the potholes she dug for him. I admit, her vague economic plans (price controls, home purchase tax breaks, etc.) are nonsense and will never happen, but that’s what all candidates due. Heck, Trump promised huge healthcare reform nine years ago and hasn’t moved an inch towards it. So my theory here is that she can learn and is willing to do the homework. It’s all moot anyway, as you and I agree that the Dem POTUS will be lead by the establishment. But I think you have to give Harris some credit for her debate performance. Though, to be honest witrh you, anyone with half a brain could out debate Trump. She went easy on him.

  23. 3b says:

    Lib: I disagree. I do think she was able to goad Trump, which is pretty easy. Apart from that, she was an empty suit, lots of emotion no substance, and in way over her head. She practiced and rehearsed, and memorized what she was told to, but that’s about it. She has no real knowledge on any subject/ topic, and is way out of her league. That said she will win, and it will be another shit show just like Trump. She has no more moved to the center on any policy matters than Trump has become competent or coherent. She is a terrible choice for President, but it is what it is.

  24. Phoenix says:

    More Government crooks. Right after the two NYC fire captains were caught taking bribes.
    No end in sight for this behavior.

    A New York City Department of Education regional manager and members of her staff took family members on trips meant for homeless students, an investigator said Monday.

    The destinations included Disney World, Washington, D.C. and New Orleans, among other locations, and allegedly took place from 2016-2019.

    Special Commissioner of Investigation of New York City Schools Anastasia Coleman said, following an investigation, her office concluded regional manager of Queens Students in Temporary Housing Linda Wilson brought her family members on trips, and let other staffers bring members of their families, as well. They did so by allegedly forging permissions slips in students’ names. The trips were funded by grants intended to help homeless students, Coleman said.

  25. 3b says:

    Israeli intelligence at it again, this time exploding walkie talkies in Hezbollah militants hands exploding or in their homes.

  26. Fast Eddie says:

    So, when the FED lowers the rate today, what message are they sending?

  27. 3b says:

    In other news NY Times employees are threatening to strike on Election Day. They have a list of demands including a 4 day workweek.

  28. Phoenix says:

    She choked when Trump asked her why she kept his tariffs in place.

    She is just a better liar than him. Still easy to spot, cause he is clearly a dolt on some topics.

  29. 3b says:

    Fast: They are lowering rates to service the massive debt outstanding. Either that or they want you to buy that double wide in the Poconos.

  30. Phoenix says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 18, 2024 at 10:59 am
    So, when the FED lowers the rate today, what message are they sending?

    That the blood pressure is falling, that pressors have been started, and that the patient is severe distress.

  31. Libturd says:

    “exploding walkie talkies”

    If I was in Hezbollah, I would get rid of everything with a cellular chip in it. Hopefully, it makes it less likely for new recruits to join the ranks.

  32. Fast Eddie says:

    Either that or they want you to buy that double wide in the Poconos.

    Tough to find, not much out there. And what’s available is piss poor. I love the descriptions like “strong pet odor” or “watch for nails when entering home” or clear pictures of black mold. Good stuff.

  33. Libturd says:

    “That the blood pressure is falling, that pressors have been started, and that the patient is severe distress.”

    Which is how I expect the market to react to the cuts initially. How these first few cuts could not be priced in is beyond me. Sadly, at some point, I need to get my dry powder reactivated. I’m willing to give up some oppportunity cost here and will stay on the sidelines for now. Come November and December, I expect to get back in.

  34. Chicago says:

    Biden has his close circle of Biden people. He is a long standing Capitol creature. She has no such network as a newbie. I think the Obamunists will be part of the transition team, and she will lean on them to call the shots in the early days, along with whoever was responsible for stabbing Joe in the back (front?), such as Pelosi et al.

    3b says:
    September 18, 2024 at 10:22 am
    Phoenix: Harris is clueless across the board, despite what people say including people on this site. I would say the worst Democratic nominee for President in modern times. That said she will win the election, and the people that were running the country under Biden will continue to run the country.

  35. 3b says:

    Chicago: You are right. It will be the Obama crowd that will run the show on behalf of Harris. There is no love lost between Obama and Biden, and sources say Biden was furious at his treatment by Obama and friends.

  36. 3b says:

    Fast : Strong per order , smells like shit in translation. It just needs some TLC and some imagination. Go ahead and pull the trigger, Powell and Co want you to.

  37. 3b says:

    Explosives found in car trunk near Trump rally in Long Island. What’s next!

  38. LAX says:

    9:46 no it’s you buddy. You sound stupid. Purposefully butchering someone’s name is school yard dumb shit that makes little incel cunts like you feel superior. Wee Willy wankers who have been hurt by women and can’t get laid to save their lives.

  39. LAX says:

    12:02 “were just gonna hafta get over it..”. Clutches pearls….

    Thoughts and prayers, ya’ll

  40. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    September 18, 2024 at 12:02 pm
    Explosives found in car trunk near Trump rally in Long Island. What’s next!

    Cats and dogs being eaten in Brooklyn.


  41. Phoenix says:

    Hehe. 25k off the price of a NJ Starter home.

    Vice President Kamala Harris announced on August 16 her presidential campaign’s plans to lower costs for American families, including housing costs. The first component of the agenda, “Build the American Dream: Lowering the Costs of Renting and Owning a Home,” calls for the construction of 3 million new housing units in the next four years, outlines actions for creating a fairer rental market, and proposes $25,000 in downpayment support for first-time homeowners.

  42. Phoenix says:

    I remember a time when the term “Empty Suit” referred to just men.

    Her idea of helping the middle class is like putting chewing gum in the crack at a dam.

    Just another Obama type shill, who is in bed with corporate and the banks.

    Remember him, the guy who let all of the bankers off for their crimes? This will just be round two. When this housing market crashes, she will bail them out with government cash as well.

  43. Very Stable Genius says:

    Boeing on strike and furloughing employees.

    Got infected with Maga entitlement mentality. No longer any pride on actual work, just like trump trying to get rich on fraud and government bailouts. Sure enough another tax payer bailout coming up.

    Privatize gains and socialize losses, the boomer recipe

  44. Phoenix says:

    When your wife is out on a business trip having fun what pet sitting service does she use to feed and water you?


  45. Phoenix says:

    Rebel Ridge on Netflix, good movie.
    Very realistic.

  46. LAX says:

    12:30….swing and a miss

  47. LAX says:

    Remember Phx not all of us make terrible decisions when choosing a life partner.
    Those men who do choose badly usually end up marrying the first woman who calls them back,

  48. Gary says:


    I saw that movie trailer a few times. Interesting. I think I may need to see it.

    The only question I have is… when all white guys are exterminated, who will liberals blame for all the failures around them?

  49. LAX says:

    12:56 all the white guys… liberals are all black? Geez, it just gets worse and worse…

  50. Libturd says:

    “Explosives found in car trunk near Trump rally in Long Island. What’s next!”

    What did you expect would happen when you promised mass deportations of immigrants, and have doubled down on preaching hate. And HIS SIDE HAS ALL THE GUNS. If the Dems were bought and paid for by the NRA like MAGA is, Trump probably would not have made it through his first term.

    I honestly expect some MAGA kook will take a shot at Harris as her lead expands. After all, that “bitch” has turned America into hell.

  51. Libturd says:

    Car bomb was hoax on the Island. In other news. Crowd at Trump rally made up of 99.9% white people. 80% of them over 40 and 70% of them had bumper balls hanging from their truck hitches.

    Off to Shoprite where I can’t afford to buy anything anymore. Maybe I’ll start eating my buckets of armageddon rations.

  52. 3b says:

    Lib: There is no excuse for violence, including assassination attempts. I love ya, but your objectivity has dimmed. You go on to say that you fully expect some MAGA guy to take a shot at Harris. The fact is they have not, at least not yet, nor was an attempt made on Biden. As for your comment on mass deportations if it turns out that was the reason for this 3rd attempt, well that would not be a positive for illegal migrants would it? In fact it would to some people confirm Trumps assertion about migrants and violence and crime.

    As for who has the guns and who does not, well I don’t know the ratio of Democrats to Republicans gun holders, but I would think Democrats have guns too, or can certainly access them and now explosives too.

  53. grim says:

    This Hezbollah pager thing is insane when you start to think about it.

    How the hell long has this plan been in place? This is not short-term at all. All of these devices would have had to have been secretly manipulated, slipped into the supply chain, distributed accordingly among the target population. It’s being reported that Hezbollah ran their own pager network in country to avoid being tapped, bugged, etc. So they were familiar with the technology, infrastructure, etc. It’s not like they just bought some cheap mobile phones on Temu or something.

    Israel had to have been working on this for far longer than the past year. The level of sophistication, and spycraft necessary to pull this off is absolutely EPIC.

    Now we’re hearing of other devices, walkie talkies. What the hell else is out there as a sleeper kill-trap? Microwaves, laptops, airbags in cars, televisions, what the hell else might have been comprimised in this fashion?

    If they got explosive devices into the supply chain, which signifies nearly next-level sophistication, having simply comprimised devices to leak data, gather intelligence, report locations or positions, hot damn.

    We have fears that Chinese devices might be spying on us, Israel (allegedly) just showed us a whole other possibility I don’t think we even considered as possible.

  54. Phoenix says:

    Ask LAX,
    He is a liberal and acts like he knows everything. Hehe.


    I saw that movie trailer a few times. Interesting. I think I may need to see it.

    The only question I have is… when all white guys are exterminated, who will liberals blame for all the failures around them?

  55. Fast Eddie says:

    Crowd at Trump rally…

    Emphasis on crowd. As supposed to Cumula who needs to bus people in and have a concert along with her spiel. Well, after the concert, the crowd dwindles. One can only take that witch cackle for so long.

  56. Phoenix says:

    I guess that would include LW?

    LAX says:
    September 18, 2024 at 12:49 pm
    Remember Phx not all of us make terrible decisions when choosing a life partner.
    Those men who do choose badly usually end up marrying the first woman who calls them back,

  57. 3b says:

    Grim: WSJ article says the shipping of the devices was most likely intercepted by the Israeli s and that’s when they were altered. As per the article that’s the only was it could have been done.

  58. LAX says:

    Well PHX I’m 58 years-old this month. I’ve lived in 7 different states and count my self really lucky to have made it this far and not lost my optimism. The reason? I married really well. The longer that I live the more grateful I am for that chance meeting which led to a real family and the person I share a home with. I read a lot, same as you, and I get a good night sleep even with the apnea. Life is damn good. But, I realize it’s not that way for everyone. Life can be an absolute terror with a few bad decisions.

  59. 3b says:

    Trumps turn to flip-flop, he is now calling for his SALT cap to be removed.

  60. LAX says:

    That being said. I don’t look to the gubmint for much.
    Even getting unemployment is a bear out here. There’s a ton
    of red tape and hoops to jump through for nearly everything.
    As much as I’ve enjoyed my time here, I can see a return to the eastern
    Seaboard to retire. Rehobeth looks mighty good to me.

  61. Phoenix says:

    If they got explosive devices into the supply chain, which signifies nearly next-level sophistication.

    It’s not really that hard. You know how to make bombs, you know electronics, you bribe someone to get access to them.

    What is the interesting thing is that there is no legal framework, no courts, no rules of war that go along with this type of tactic.

    Why doesn’t America do this? Or they do and don’t put their stamp of approval on it? Would this have to go through some sort of congressional channels in order to implement it?

    Either way, it’s an escalation. Time will tell if it is a smart move or not.

  62. Chicago says:

    50 WTF?

  63. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    September 18, 2024 at 1:51 pm
    Trumps turn to flip-flop, he is now calling for his SALT cap to be removed.

    Kamala flips, Trump Flops, Trump Flips, Kamala Flops.

    Rinse and repeat. Good cop, bad cop.

    You don’t need China and Russia to sow the seeds of destruction, they are already in place.

  64. LAX says:

    1:58 the escalation occurred on Oct 7 when Hamas slaughtered children at a music festival.

  65. 3b says:

    Chgo: I was surprised to! Will be interesting to see how the market reacts over the next day or so. Initial euphoria followed by wait, maybe the Fed knows more than we do and the economy is not so great so market goes down.

  66. Phoenix says:

    Let me clarify.

    Technical escalation. The creativity of it. Eventually some rogue state or individual will do something here and other places.

    Now that we see how easy it is…

  67. 3b says:

    Chgo: Surprised too, not to.

  68. Fast Eddie says:

    You guys were expecting 25 basis points? The FED sees an oncoming train?

  69. grim says:

    Always liked Rehoboth, we had a site up the road in Milford and I’d travel down there all the time. In spring and fall we’d always grab the hotels closer to the beach and spend some extra time down there.

  70. SmallGovConservative says:

    LAX says:
    September 18, 2024 at 12:07 pm
    “You sound stupid. Purposefully butchering someone’s name is school yard dumb…”

    Says the dope that’s thrown around the Drumpf moniker a thousand times; self-awareness not your strong suit, although in your case, what is?

  71. Insurrection Eddie says:

    You hear that sound? That’s the stock boy changing the Chex Mix price tag on the shelf label. It’s now 10% higher per unit. Hey, the dollar just got cheaper so goods cost more. Rev up that inflation engine, we were sputtering at 2.75%. We need the muppets in a constant bind so they’re easier to control. President Mamala said so.

  72. Libturd says:

    Markets gyrating like hush money whore.

  73. SmallGovConservative says:

    LAX says:
    September 18, 2024 at 1:54 pm
    “I can see a return to the eastern Seaboard to retire. Rehobeth looks mighty good to me.”

    Going for that beached whale look? I’m envisioning a group of well-meaning environmentalists trying to roll you back into the surf.

  74. Libturd says:

    Didn’t Lefty emphatically say the FED only cuts by .25?

  75. Libturd says:

    Ever see a whale spew pot smoke out his blow hole?

  76. Juice Box says:

    Amazon movie Jackpot that was released last month had remotely detonating cell phones, pretty much everyone’s cell phone in a small area.

  77. 3b says:

    Lib: I believe he did. Market was flat last time I looked. Perhaps, the market even though they were calling/ betting on 50bp. They might be sorry they got it. I of course think the Fed should have raised rates.

  78. 3b says:

    Teamsters will skip endorsement of a Presidential candidate this election; first time since 1996.

  79. SmallGovConservative says:

    3b says:
    September 18, 2024 at 2:59 pm
    “I of course think the Fed should have raised rates.”

    True. But between the Fed leftists/DEI appointees who simply want to help the Dems (and I’m betting wanted 75bp like Senator Pocahontas) and the contingent that’s been patting themselves on the back for having tamed inflation, 50bp was the best we could hope for. Interesting to see the one level-headed, midwestern member who openly dissented in favor of 25.

  80. LAX says:

    2:30 hmmmmm good point. Carry on.
    If I do resemble a whale it’s a killer whale .

  81. grim says:

    Party time, free money

  82. grim says:

    It’s not really that hard. You know how to make bombs, you know electronics, you bribe someone to get access to them.

    Not that hard? Hezbollah did not buy these from Israel, and most likely, they didn’t transit Israel. So where did Israel intercept them? Did they do this inside the country? Outside? On a ship? In Japan, China, or otherwise?

    Reporting is that 4,000 of these things exploded. That’s an insane number to intercept. They would have had to have significant intelligence about large orders being placed, delivered, etc.

    There isn’t much extra room inside a pager for an explosive, and we’re talking about a whole secondary radio network being required. Even if it was as simple as replacing a battery with some sort of quasi battery/explosive device, it’s still something that would have had to been done with a high level of sophistication.

    No way this was opportunistic, there isn’t enough time.

  83. Juice Box says:

    Amazon warehouse workers now get $22 an hour and free prime….. 1.50 an hour more.Party on Amazon warehouse workers…..

  84. grim says:

    Reuters reporting that these pagers were recently built and shipped by Motorola, they were shipped to Beirut, delivered 2 months ago.

    Oh boy, this is starting to get good.

  85. Very Stable Genius says:

    Indeed, it’s pretty good.

    Look up Green Room, same director. Also a good one

    Phoenix says:
    September 18, 2024 at 12:40 pm
    Rebel Ridge on Netflix, good movie.
    Very realistic.

  86. Very Stable Genius says:

    no good for your boy trump

    Chicago says:
    September 18, 2024 at 2:01 pm
    50 WTF?

  87. Juice Box says:

    GRIM – pagers were made where? Not in Taiwan as first reported, and Victor Orban said they were never in Hungary.

    Some Hungarian holding company? Seems like Mossad they knew about the order and intercepted the manufacturing line itself….

  88. Old realtor says:

    My understanding is that a lot of Hezbollah fighters carried their beepers in their front pockets. Rumor is there is a strong demand for penile transplants in Beirut.

  89. Juice Box says:

    Removable lion battery, pagers were sent a message that caused an error code forcing them to vibrate. User had to push the buttons on it to get it to stop and kaboom. So battery was salted with PETN and a small detonator wire went off when someone pushed the buttons to stop the vibrations. Very little PETN needed.

  90. Grim says:

    Some interesting commentary on the fatalities – suspect the number will skyrocket in the near future due to abdominal infection and internal injuries – perforated intestines, bowel, etc.

    God damn that’s brutal.

  91. chicagofinance says:

    First off…. The Fed is supposed to be apolitical, so on its face, your comment is ridiculous. Second, a policy mistake is bad for all of us. I hope they have not made one.

    Very Stable Genius says:
    September 18, 2024 at 3:36 pm
    no good for your boy trump

    Chicago says:
    September 18, 2024 at 2:01 pm
    50 WTF?

  92. 3b says:

    Chgo: Feds message was they would be data dependent. What in the data warranted a 50bp cut in rates to start. A lot clamoring in the market for 50bp, and they got it, maybe now they are not so sure they wanted it. Market finished down. I guess they need some time to digest it.

  93. Juice Box says:

    Puffy told the judge at the bail hearings only his babies mommas and friends will be allowed to visit him if he is allowed out of jail. So no chance of another freak off you honor…mind you his kids are all grown adults except for one.

  94. Phoenix says:

    don’t forget to do your iOS 18 update. It contains a fix that will keep your phone from exploding.

  95. BRT says:

    They’ve been saying inflation has been coming into target for about a year now. Never happened. But now all of the sudden they are anticipating employment issues and want to head them off. It woulda been nice if they held the same approach on the inflation mandate instead of letting it carry on before they admit there is a problem.

    Btw…Powell literally said, all the people crossing the border raises the unemployment rate as justification for the move. That’s pretty ridiculous.

  96. 3b says:

    Fast: The Fed all but said 25bp, although some were calling for 50, and Elizabeth Warren (clueless as she is) was calling for 75bp.

    As for the train coming you might be right. Market does not like the 50 bp cut at the moment. If the economy is not as strong as originally thought, this could be negative for Harris even if the Fed continues to cut.

  97. LAX says:

    Ah the FED the last bastion of data driven integrity…./s

  98. chicagofinance says:

    Fed said 100 bps cuts by YE 2024 (440), and another 100 next year (to 340).

    3b says:
    September 18, 2024 at 4:44 pm
    Fast: The Fed all but said 25bp, although some were calling for 50, and Elizabeth Warren (clueless as she is) was calling for 75bp.

    As for the train coming you might be right. Market does not like the 50 bp cut at the moment. If the economy is not as strong as originally thought, this could be negative for Harris even if the Fed continues to cut.

  99. 3b says:

    Chgo: Did not expect then to go 50 on the first one.

  100. 3b says:

    NYPD is looking for a man and woman who somehow started an empty train in Queens and drove it a short distance before crashing it and running away. The woman was dressed all in pink including a pink shower cap.

  101. Very Stable Genius says:

    16 pro arriving to my door on Friday

    Phoenix says:
    September 18, 2024 at 4:41 pm
    don’t forget to do your iOS 18 update. It contains a fix that will keep your phone from exploding.

  102. Very Stable Genius says:

    trump will get rid of the Fed and he will set rates. Yes, he said so.

    don’t come here with your apologies or justifications

  103. Juice Box says:

    VSG -VP Harris is on the record to get rid of the Constitution via executive order.

    No Free Speech is where she will start…..

    So……don’t come here with your apologies or justifications….

  104. Juice Box says:

    re: “16 pro arriving to my door”

    You fucking fanboys. I have a 5 year old 11 and just updated to IOS 18….

    Sure you have maybe a slightly better camera, but my phone has 6,000 photos on it and I don’t pay an extra nickel for icloud either or any other add on….and a few milliseconds of cpu time is hardly worth the thousands you flushed down the toilet. I can change my screen for 20 bucks in 15 minutes too and guess what my aftermarket battery last for a fucking week without a charge.

  105. Juice Box says:

    Erection Interference…

    Iranian hackers sent stolen Trump campaign information to Biden campaign:


    Iranian hackers sent unsolicited information they stole from Donald Trump’s presidential campaign to people who were affiliated with Joe Biden’s campaign over the summer, federal law enforcement officials said Wednesday.

    In a joint statement, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said that in late June and early July, Iranian malicious cyber actors “sent unsolicited emails to individuals then associated with President Biden’s campaign that contained an excerpt taken from stolen, non-public material from former President Trump’s campaign as text in the emails.”

  106. Phoenix says:

    “We’re going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs,” Harris told a group of reporters in May 2007.

  107. Juice Box says:

    How the fuck do you screw up an union endorsement? Teamsters are not endorsing VP Harris..

  108. LAX says:

    7:19 when 1/3-1/2 of your members are knuckle draggers.

  109. Phoenix says:

    Juice Box says:
    September 18, 2024 at 7:19 pm
    How the fuck do you screw up an union endorsement? Teamsters are not endorsing VP Harris..

    She hates men. She hates cops. She wants to invade your house. She wants to give men’s hard earned money to Ukraine. She would be willing to send men to die in Ukraine. She supports tariffs that make it harder for the middle class to survive. She thinks lowering the price of Doritos is going to make a difference to the average American. She wants to attack a nuclear armed state.

    She will cackle the whole time while doing it.

  110. LAX says:

    7:38 get a grip ya freak.

  111. Phoenix says:

    Israel’s government is in turmoil and the United States is trying to head off a wider conflict in Lebanon, leaving officials to wonder about the timing of the attack.

    Well, you don’t head off a wider conflict by blowing off the nuts of the Lebanese. Seems to me America and Israel have different objectives and ideas no matter how friendly they are.

    Anyone try to sew nuts back on? Let me tell ‘ya, it’s a lot of work. Hehe.

    Start doing it here. More job security for me.

  112. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Israel is redeploying soliders to their border with southern Lebanon. Looks like they are planning something militarily. Harris won’t want an Israeli invasion right before the election.

  113. 3b says:

    VSG: Will you also be receiving another $4,000.00 suit too.

  114. 3b says:

    Juice: The dockworkers who are threatening to strike want a 77 percent wage increase over 6 years!!

  115. 3b says:

    Lax: Knuckle draggers? Very harsh for a proud liberal like yourself, but not really surprising.

  116. Phoenix says:

    Israel don’t give a F what Harris wants.

    That’s the fact Jack.

    Anyone spot the movie reference?

  117. LAX says:

    8:09 unions come in many flavors. some taste like a turd popsicle,

  118. Phoenix says:

    LAX says:
    September 18, 2024 at 7:28 pm
    7:19 when 1/3-1/2 of your members are knuckle draggers.

    Teachers? PoPo?

    Well the PoPo did drag their knuckles in Uvalde.

    Teachers are just women that men with businesses marry for free health insurance.

  119. Phoenix says:

    That’s capitalism, right?? The duty is to the shareholder, not the sucker working on the bridge above..

    The owners of the cargo ship that crashed into Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge earlier this year, collapsing the span and killing six workers aboard it, prioritized profits over safety

  120. LAX says:

    Haven’t been in a Union since moved to Califunia 7 plus years ago.

  121. LAX says:

    8:22 what are you rattling on about..?

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