Back to “normal”?

From the AP:

For home shoppers, the Fed’s big rate cut is likely just a small step towards affording a home

The Federal Reserve gave home shoppers what they hoped for this week: a big rate cut and a signal of more cuts to come. 

Even so, aspiring homebuyers and homeowners eager to refinance should temper their expectations of a big drop in mortgage rates from here.

While the Fed doesn’t set mortgage rates, its policy pivot does clear a path for mortgage rates to go lower. But in this case, the Fed’s action was widely anticipated, so rates moved lower well before the cut was even announced. 

“We’ve seen the bulk of the easing that we’re going to get already this year,” said Danielle Hale, chief economist at “I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if mortgage rates ticked up a bit from here before declining again.”

When mortgage rates rise, they can add hundreds of dollars a month in costs for borrowers. The average rate on a 30-year mortgage rose from below 3% in September 2021 to a 23-year high of 7.8% last October. That coincided with the Fed jacking up its benchmark interest rate to fight inflation.

Rates have been mostly declining since July in anticipation of a Fed rate cut. The average rate on a 30-year mortgage is now 6.09%, according to mortgage buyer Freddie Mac. That’s down from 7.22% in May, its peak so far this year. 

While lower rates give home shoppers more purchasing power, a mortgage around 6% is still not low enough for many Americans struggling to afford a home. That’s mostly because home prices have soared 49% over the past five years, roughly double the growth in wages. They remain near record highs, propped up by a shortage of homes in many markets. 

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Employment, Housing Bubble, Mortgages, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

97 Responses to Back to “normal”?

  1. Juice Box says:

    The realtor who sold me my house also had a home in our development. He paid $262,000 back in 1989, and listed it for $899,000 this month. It’s now pending probably a few bucks higher. Pictures are like a time warp from the 1990s…The entire place needs a gut renovation. Whomever purchases it will need to replace everything. Linoleum floors and Corian countertops and teal green carpet everywhere…

  2. Fast Eddie says:

    They remain near record highs, propped up by a shortage of homes in many markets.

    As long as rates stay where they are, the shortage will continue. At some point, the log jam will break and a slew of homes will start to go up for sale. If the 30-year fixed drops another 100 basis points, that might just do it.

  3. Juice Box says:

    Zelensky around was in Scranton yesterday to visit our plant cranking out 155 mm shells fired from artillery. Range is short, US made Howitzer is 14 miles, so mostly the front lines..

    He says he has a plan to present to Biden and Kamala on how to end the war in Ukraine by probably starting WWIII, asking for tens of billion of dollars if not more in long range missiles.

    ““We do have long-range weapons. But let’s just say not the amount we need.” Zelensky said Friday, adding that “neither the US nor the United Kingdom gave us permission to use these weapons on the territory of Russia.”

    Just for a point of reference Russia has shot about 10,000 long range missiles at Ukraine. Ukraine has maybe shot down a 1/3rd of those, the rest have laid waste to their towns, cities and infrastructure and caused many casualties. They aren’t used on the front lines, that is the job of cheaper artillery.

    10,000 cruise missiles? US and EU developed ones are anywhere from $1 to $4 million a piece, depending on the version.

    Lots of history about having ground launched cruise missiles. Russia fires theirs from Aircraft for a reason. 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, there are to be no mass produced truck mounted cruise missiles. Ship and Aircraft only, this was intentional to limit the number of these very destructive and hard to shoot down missiles.

    I hope we don’t get WWIII over this folks.

  4. 3b says:

    Juice: That kitchen does not look bad at all. Dated, but still nice looking. 900,000.00 one million, 1.2 million , who are these people paying these prices, with only 5 to 10 percent down, and 15k to 25k in property taxes.

  5. 3b says:

    Fast: I don’t know how much further mortgage rates will fall. They are not going back to 3 percent and less like they were in 2021/22. As for a shortage of houses, there are plenty of apartments being built all around north Jersey. If young people are not having kids there is no need for single family houses.

  6. Phoenix says:

    I think you and I are in the minority here, but I believe the more we involve ourselves the closer we get to WW3.

    One thing is for sure, Russia isn’t backing down now, they are done with deals, and are taking that place whatever the cost. And if America sticks it’s nose in, well, Russia already knows it can’t fight America in a conventional war. Maybe just nuke us and not Europe.

  7. Phoenix says:

    If young people are not having kids there is no need for single family houses.

    Other than to have privacy, to gain equity, to not be at the mercy of a landlord, to be able to make the place that you like, to have a dog without an extra charge.

    Should I go on? I got a better idea.

    If INFERTILE boomer doesn’t have anymore kids, take boomer and throw her in an apartment with her cat. She loves to squawk so there are other harpies there for her to communicate with. Won’t need a harem of men to fix the things for her, she will have a super for that.

  8. Juice Box says:

    3b – re: Kitchen….

    Keeping up with the Joneses, as soon as they move in and are invited over to the neighbors the jealousy will set in, as many homes in the neighborhood like mine have been blown up and redone bigger living areas, kitchens etc and better and have inground pools etc.

    Speaking of invites our neighborhood party is next week. We skipped last year so have to make up for time. The “Real Housewives” in the neighborhood have been off the rails on social media lately complaining about the school buses being late, dogs barking, speeders in the neighborhood and too many deer in the area. A few will get pretty drunk and maybe even start a fight.

  9. Phoenix says:

    US and EU developed ones are anywhere from $1 to $4 million a piece, depending on the version.

    25k each on TEMU. One quarter are duds but you are still far ahead of the game.

    I’d bet if it were legal and you asked the Chinese to make these they could make 500k of them and ship them to you in less than a month.

    They know how to build things and aren’t afraid to break a nail, aren’t tired at 9am, won’t say they have ADHD and can’t make the fuse, Or just whine and say they prefer to make shells instead. Those are all American thoughts.

  10. Phoenix says:


    Men don’t give a F. It’s the price you pay to marry the P.

    Booze, a couch, and a large screen tv that costs less than a countertop.

    Lease the cow, don’t buy it. Enjoy your peace, you can never make them happy for any length of time, it’s all transient and transactional.

    Keeping up with the Joneses, as soon as they move in and are invited over to the neighbors the jealousy will set in,

  11. Phoenix says:

    Confirm amount of individuals that reside in residential homes. If a development consists of homes that have a less than 70 percent bedroom occupancy, development should be disbanded, lots divided, and houses converted to smaller single family homes.
    All current new home construction should be limited to 14oo sq ft maximum.

  12. Juice Box says:

    Phoenix – They cannot take back the land by force. It’s all minefields on a 600 mile front now. You don’t hear all that much about it but Russia’s $20,000 dollar Lancet drone takes out most Ukrainian equipment that gets near the front lines. That drone is made with off the shelf equipment, Jetson TX2 module by NVIDIA, and Xilinx Zynq SoC module owned by AMD. It’s as deadly as they come too, probably better than the off the shelf and custom drones Ukraine is using.

    So now the Ukraine has invaded Russia and is try and force perhaps a regime change? They will need a much larger army, and the long range weapons will only cause an escalation of the kind we have not seen since in a while. Actually we came close one time during Vietnam. Early during Nixon’s first days as president had ordered secret planning called “Duck Hook” and the “Joint Chiefs of Staff Readiness Test” where we scrambled B-52s in a mock exercises to force Russia and North Vietnam to the Negotiation table, it did not work. Later in the war during the height of Nixon’s paranoia he set in motion operation “linebacker” to setoff a nuke to get them to surrender. This was in 1972 around the time of the Paris negotiations. Nixon’s aides fed him enough alcohol and he passed out and eventually woke up and accepted a standard bombing raid instead. We dropped millions of bombs and shells in Vietnam, they weren’t going to surrender, they had countless secret “chinese” boots on the ground pretending to be North Vietnamese NVA soldiers an endless supply.

    More recently GWB also was considering a nuclear attack on Iran and told the Pentagon to plan for it, as it is in his own book Decision Points…

  13. Libturd says:

    So Phoenix, Juice. Just let Russia have the Ukraine? If we don’t risk WW3 here, then when they invade Poland or Estonia you still stay Peacenik? Though I am as anti-war as many, when you let agressors do their thing without punishment, they will just do it again and again. They ALWAYS do. Russia has a history of this too. So you don’t stop them in Ukraine. Where does this leave you? I think there is no choice here. Tell Putin, withdraw or war. I support it. He will. There really is no other option.

    As for Nukes. You simply can’t fear them in your war calculations. Ever wonder why Putin is not afraid of our nukes? Heck, we are still the only country crazy enough to have used them. And against an incredibly weakened Japan. In their perspective, they should fear our nukes way more than their own.

    When it comes to nukes, you simply have to leave the fear of their use out of the equation. Like JFK wisely did during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

    And remember, the Moscow/DC hotline is still live.

  14. Phoenix says:

    Like it or not, Putin is a man. And a leader. Determined. Has a plan, good or bad, but a plan. Driven. Motivated by a purpose. A man’s whole life is driven by purpose.

    Not like Biden, a clueless old goat, to be followed by a cackling hen. Cackling hen is motivated by narcissism and image.

    Both with nukes.

  15. Phoenix says:

    So Phoenix, Juice. Just let Russia have the Ukraine? If we don’t risk WW3 here, then when they invade Poland or Estonia you still stay Peacenik?

    Yes, just let Russia have Ukraine.

    Poland is NATO. Ukraine is not. Ukraine stole from Russia, Poland did not.

    Putin will be happy with just Ukraine. Oh, and unfreeze his assets as well, they don’t belong to you American Banker. None of your f’n business, it’s theft-just like when the PoPo pulls you over and steals your cash claiming it’s drug money.

    Enough already about being the world’s police.

  16. Phoenix says:

    In their perspective, they should fear our nukes way more than their own.

    Most Russians are f’n potato farmers, why should they fear death?

    OTOH, America is full of the richest narcissistic fuccs who cry when they have to drive their Tahoe to the store without heated seats.

    America hasn’t been punched in the face since Pearl Harbor, and even that didn’t touch the continental USA.
    America cried for a few days after a couple of buildings fell, then turned on the tv to see the next football game.

    No real idea what war feels like, cause they just watch us unleash it on others all over the world.

    Time is coming. You may just reap the seeds you sow.

  17. Phoenix says:

    Regime change is aggression. F U V Neuland

    when you let agressors do their thing without punishment, they will just do it again and again. They ALWAYS do.

  18. Juice Box says:

    Lib – We did not win Vietnam either. The time to stop this was a decade ago as it started in 2014, when Barak Obama was president and Joe Biden was Vice President. It’s their war, they did nothing then and since the Russians had a decade to dig in and harden their defenses. The Ukrainians cannot take back the land with their army and our weapons and now Zelensky is here hat in hand asking for more long range cruise missiles as he thinks it’s ok to risk global thermonuclear war, just as Nixon did in 1969 and again in 1972. He does not run this country, he should be sent home empty handed on long range weapons.

  19. LAX says:

    alright Phoenix you can fuckoff now.

  20. Phoenix says:

    Ukraine theft. Biden’s son working for Ukraine gas company. It’s all there if you look:

    A serious dispute began in March 2005 over the price of natural gas supplied and the cost of transit. During this conflict, Russia claimed Ukraine was not paying for gas, but diverting that which was intended to be exported to the EU from the pipelines. Ukrainian officials at first denied the accusation,[2][3] but later Naftogaz admitted that because of harsh winter (lower than minus 30C) some natural gas intended for other European countries was retained and used for domestic needs. Ukraine said it will still meet its contractual transit obligations. The dispute reached a high point on 1 January 2006, when Russia cut off all gas supplies passing through Ukrainian territory.[4] On 4 January 2006, a preliminary agreement between Russia and Ukraine was achieved, and the supply was restored. The situation calmed until October 2007 when new disputes began over Ukrainian gas debts. This led to reduction of gas supplies in March 2008. During the last months of 2008, relations once again became tense when Ukraine and Russia could not agree on the debts owed by Ukraine.[citation needed]

    In January 2009, this disagreement resulted in supply disruptions in many European nations, with eighteen European countries reporting major drops in or complete cut-offs of their gas supplies transported through Ukraine from Russia.[5][6] In September 2009 officials from both countries stated they felt the situation was under control and that there would be no more conflicts over the topic,[7][8] at least until the Ukrainian 2010 presidential elections.[9] However, in October 2009, another disagreement arose about the amount of gas Ukraine would import from Russia in 2010. Ukraine intended to import less gas in 2010 as a result of reduced industry needs because of its economic recession; however, Gazprom insisted that Ukraine fulfill its contractual obligations and purchase the previously agreed upon quantities of gas.[10]

    On 8 June 2010, a Stockholm court of arbitration ruled Naftohaz of Ukraine must return 12.1 billion cubic metres (430 billion cubic feet) of gas to RosUkrEnergo, a Swiss-based company in which Gazprom controls a 50% stake. Russia accused Ukrainian side of diverting gas from pipelines passing through Ukraine in 2009.[11][12] Several high-ranking Ukrainian officials stated the return “would not be quick”.[13]

  21. Libturd says:

    You are referring to the stolen NG from the pipeline that Russia ran through the Ukraine to Europe. I’m not sure this justifies the end of the country.

    If I were running our country, I would ship LNG to the countries buying russian gas for less than Russia charges. Then when Russia attacks those ships, you will see what this war is REALLY about.

  22. Juice Box says:

    No surprise by the way, oligarchs won’t let them blow it up.

    Russian pipeline running through Ukraine is still operational. This is the natural gas pipeline that flows from Russia to Europe via Ukraine.

  23. Libturd says:

    Phoenix, I am familiar with the gas theft. Still? Invasion as justification?

    We did not win in Vietnam because our leaders were chicken to go all in. Kind of like in the Ukraine.

    Phoenix says, ‘Time is coming. You may just reap the seeds you sow.”


    We just tend to be too scared to flex our muscles.

  24. Libturd says:

    On the Ukraine, we’ll have to agree to disagree. Fuck, I would announce they are now a NATO member and Russia should get the fuck out. When they don’t, push them out with the long-range missiles. Just shoot one at each major city in Russia.

    I don’t fuck around.

  25. LAX says:

    What good is being the leading super power if you won’t defend you allies?

  26. 3b says:

    Juice: Will the real housewives look to steal the men? I am guessing some of their men are old tired and out of shape. These gals might be looking for a young buck like yourself! Mind yourself well at that party!

  27. 3b says:

    Lib; The Russian invasion of Ukraine was wrong, but that’s where we are now. It’s unrealistic to think Ukraine will win, or be able to get back most of the conquered territory. Crimea for example is definitely not happening, and probably most of the Donetsk region as well. So what is the answer, I don’t know. As for invading Poland and Estonia, that won’t happen as it’s then an attack on NATO, and Russia will lose. Also, even if you were right, empires cost money to hold its one of the reasons for the breakup of the old Soviet Union.

  28. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Eventually those old boomers will be out of those house and they will be available for sale. Perhaps, than the younger generations will then have kids and need houses, but there is no guarantee. The dramatic decline in the birth rate is happening all over the world. In the meantime the young people are in the apartments with no kids, and the boomers are in the houses with no kids.

  29. 3b says:

    LAX: The bad boys are not afraid of us anymore. The Middle East is a mess, Iran is close to getting nukes, the Houthis have caused massive disruption to Red Sea shipping. China is harassing Taiwan and the Philippines, Venezuela is falling apart, and there are Islamist terrorist groups operating in many parts of Africa.

  30. BRT says:

    Lib, Putin won on the eastern front. Redraw lines, and end it. It’s over. He ain’t invading Poland.

  31. LAX says:

    12:31 all the more reason to double down on support for allies.

  32. 3b says:

    LAX: I don’t disagree, but one has the be realistic as well. Part of the reason Russia invaded was because of the Biden administration ambivalence from the beginning on what kind and how much support to give Ukraine. Do you remember Biden s “minor incursion “ comment?

  33. LAX says:

    I think Putin’s invasion was a miscalculation that has cost him dearly.

  34. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    September 23, 2024 at 11:22 am
    “Just let Russia have the Ukraine? If we don’t risk WW3 here…”

    You stooges literally get dumber by the day, although I suppose that’s inevitable when you decide that you’re going to support the modern Dem party. Let’s review: Russia grabs a piece of Ukraine under the previous, feckless Dem prez, then does NOT take another piece under a Rep prez, then takes another piece(s) under the current, also-feckless Dem prez (costing US taxpayers $200B), and your proposal is to give the Dems 4 more years and be prepared to engage in WW3. I mean, that’s literally insane.

  35. 3b says:

    LAX: Putin in playing the long game. He has taken Crimea and a big chunk of Donetsk. He still apparently has the support of his people, and his economy while not great is doing Ok.

  36. LAX says:

    Watched the Lev Parnas documentary over the weekend. Fascinating look at just how porous and riddled with Russian Oligarchs Trumps administration was. No surprise really that he’d let Putin do whatever he wants. It is obvious that Trump is heavily indebted to Putin and his gang of money men.

  37. Fast Eddie says:

    I took a ride Upstate NY yesterday on the east side of the Hudson, somewhere around Putnam County. There was a ‘Harrus/Waltz’ sign on somebody’s lawn. No American flag anywhere, of course. Next to the lawn sign was another lawn sign that said, “Strength Through Joy.” Do a search on that phrase, let me know what you come up with.

  38. LAX says:

    Joy and Happiness VS Division and Grievance. I know which one I prefer. Attitude is everything. Integrity means something. 6 more weeks.

  39. 3b says:

    LAX: You and Hillary need to let the Russian obsession thing die. It’s simply not true. And Putin invaded Ukraine with Biden as President, not Trump. Putin is not afraid of Biden, and he certainly won’t be afraid of Harris when she is President.

  40. Libturd says:

    Trump has wanted a hotel in Moscow forever. Hence his manlove for Putin.

  41. Libturd says:

    Putin was not afraid of Trump either. I’m guessing, he would have gotten his invasion in exchange for that skyscraper in Moscow that Trump wants. It’s the Art of the Deal.

  42. Libturd says:

    Heck, Biden should release a book. The Art of the Steal.

  43. 3b says:

    Lib: You are better than that, Lax it is to be expected, but I am surprised at you. A serious discussion on Ukraine, and it’s turned into a Trump thing. No point in even trying anymore, it will always be Trump even when he is out of the picture.

  44. Juice Box says:

    Joy and Happiness? Are you taking a pill for that?

  45. 3b says:

    Fast: There is a Harris shrine at a house on Midland Ave in Paramus. I have never seen anything like it before whether Democrat or Republicans. As part of the shrine, there are flags with Harris ‘ s face printed on them. It adds a real old time Soviet Dear Leader touch to the display. I understand they are Harris supporters, but you know the old saying less is more.

  46. Fast Eddie says:

    The left are political pedophiles. They know exactly what the weaker muppets want to hear and the educated snobs and elites are only to willing to form the narrative, gather the finances and groom the masses. Are there enough of us to stop it or enough of them to implement their ideas? The word “Joy” gets used A LOT by that side. They’re not dumb enough to lift the exact slogan but know the exact trigger points. Massage the muppets and consolidate power. Achieve it and gain the upper hand on those who believe in traditional America. Isolate the so-called deplorables and continue the narrative. Save democracy in the name of joy!! If she does get elected, then this country deserves whatever comes next.

  47. chicagofinance says:

    Tren de Aragua

    3b says:
    September 23, 2024 at 12:31 pm
    LAX: The bad boys are not afraid of us anymore. The Middle East is a mess, Iran is close to getting nukes, the Houthis have caused massive disruption to Red Sea shipping. China is harassing Taiwan and the Philippines, Venezuela is falling apart, and there are Islamist terrorist groups operating in many parts of Africa.

  48. Libturd says:

    I didn’t say Trump was responsible for it. I was responding to Smalls.

  49. Libturd says:

    That Shrine is Gary’s house. He is clearly a closet Democrat. Any Chex Mix on display?

  50. 3b says:

    Fast: I am shocked and impressed at how the Democrats reinvented Harris, and now she is the savior for democracy and fix everything and anything. And the Democrats are eating it up, just as gullible as any Trump supporter might be.

    The fact is however, that the Democratic party is much more sophisticated than Trump and the Republicans, They have the media, the big money, and the celebrities behind them. The Republicans made a big mistake in going with Trump again. I think Harris is going to be a poor President. Her arrogance and lack of knowledge on any topic or policy is shocking. The Democrats were supposed to be the adults.

  51. 3b says:

    I forgot about that. I am sure its just hype, and the Tren guys are just looking for new investment opportunities in the US.

  52. Fast Eddie says:


    We’ve just announced that we’re deploying more troops to the Middle East. Let the left have Madame President Mamala. I’m sure they’ll find someone or something to blame for their failures and the media will nod. Or, the media will write the narrative and her administration will adopt it.

    If it wasn’t for young family members early in their careers and closer to starting families, I really wouldn’t give a fuck. As long as my s0cial security check gets deposited, let the riff raff argue over their tat and muffin top gripes. Joy never paid the electric bill but evidently, it doesn’t matter.

  53. Libturd says:

    Trump stock approaching Gingko price. I wonder which goed under first?

  54. 3b says:

    Fast: Harris is in way over her head, and she will be totally out of place on the world stage. But, the Democrats tell us she is the best, and that there was no none better to lead America going forward. All you need is vibes. The sad thing is no matter how bad she might perform as President, she will be defended even by people here. And it will still be what about Trump.

  55. LAX says:

    Hahahahahaha I will just leave this here:

    Ivanka at the G20

  56. chicagofinance says:

    Need to move a large and fragile piece of future from Parisippany area down to Colts Neck. Asking for a friend…..


  57. Juice Box says:

    Shitty reporting. This group ‘Police Leaders for Community Safety’ with a total membership of 50 cops has only been around since June of this year.

    Harris gets stunning endorsement from group that normally backs Trump

  58. Phoenix says:

    Not just stolen gas. Meddling way back when Reagan was president.

    Soviet plans to build the pipeline were strongly opposed by the US-administration of Ronald Reagan.[11][12][13] Americans were afraid that Western Europe would become dependent on the Soviet gas supplies, giving leverage to the Soviet Union. They also feared the Kremlin would use the export revenue for military purposes.[14] In December 1981, the US implemented sanctions preventing American companies from exporting oil and gas technologies to the Soviet Union. In June 1982, these sanctions were expanded to cover subsidiaries of US companies in Europe.[14]
    Washington’s Western European allies, however, refused to boycott the pipeline.[15][16] The foreign ministers of the European Economic Community called extension of the American sanctions illegal and sent a formal note of protest.[14] From the European perspective, participation in the pipeline project was seen as an opportunity for the depressed steel and engineering industry in Europe and as a way to diversify from the OPEC oil supplies.[14] Western European governments insisted that contracts already signed between the Soviets and European companies needed to be honored. This led to several European companies being sanctioned by the US.[17][18] Reagan reportedly said: “Well, they can have their damned pipeline. But not with American equipment and not with American technology.”[19] The efforts by the US to prevent the construction of the pipeline, and its export embargo of supplies needed to build it (1980–84), constituted one of the most severe transatlantic crises of the Cold War.[18][20]

  59. LAX says:

    Phoenix now a russian bot. Slow night as the Secaucus Holiday Inn Lounge??

  60. Hold my beer says:


    Want kind of future? Dystopian? Commodity?

  61. Fabius Maximus says:

    So Gary, where are you with the “Appeal to Heaven” flags? They are the ones that really worry me.

    And now that the Trump flags are starting to show, where are you on those that put the Trump flag over Old Glory?

    3b, I drive past that Midland Avenue house and its fun to see how its grown.

    I do think its great that Harris Walz adopted Donnies Blue and White color scheme. . It really tones down the message and I’m sure it pisses off the Magas.

  62. Fabius Maximus says:

    This winner is close to me and he just got his new batch of flags in. The White paint on the big flag was where he painted over the 2020 flag after the loss.,-74.0154105,3a,23.5y,181.36h,92.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBTr5u1HMBiYW2Rcq3aFxmg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkxOC4xIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

    No American Flag to be seen in this picture, but when he does go for it, he usually messes it up. At one point he had the Canadian flag at High Honor. I think that’s when MAGA was backing Canadian truckers who didn’t show up.

  63. BRT says:

    Trump has nearly zero to do with Ukraine and it’s situation today or it’s buildup.

  64. LAX says:

    8:49 Trump is near zero. Quit bellyaching and watch some NewsMax while you still can.

  65. BRT says:

    I don’t watch cable news son. Poisons the brain. So do too many drugs and alcohol.

  66. LAX says:

    comment 69 ( )( ) ===D – – – –

  67. Phoenix says:

    Sophisticated, impactful use of artificial intelligence is vital for holding our own against China and other rivals in an increasingly competitive world.

    But AI uses a lot of electricity. A simple ChatGPT-4 query uses more than 10 times the voltage of a Google search.

    Hey WAPO, teach your children something. 10 times the voltage. Like WTF does that mean without comparing the current draw?

    I guess journalists don’t need to know basic physics when they post their articles.

  68. Phoenix says:

    Diner meetings, cash drops, palm greasing, nepotism, getting all of that right takes time. Then you have the bidding process, where making sure the correct connected bidder actually wins, unlike stolen elections which are fairer. Then the contractors have to find the lowest cost workers in order to maximize profits, not Americans of course because they “prefer not to” with crappy wages, no vacations, no health insurance. Hehe.

    It takes the United States 10 to 20 years to get approval for and build new transmission lines. Compare that to China’s autocratic centralized efficiency: Beijing has largely consolidated its regional utilities into one state-run organization, and it can build new power lines in under five years. China now has a power system with a speed and scale that may be challenging for the United States to match; from 2014 to 2021 China built 80 times the interregional grid capacity that we did.

    China is also the fastest builder of energy generation in the world. In the 11 years it took us to add two reactors to the Vogtle nuclear plant near Augusta, Ga., our only new reactors in three decades, China built almost 40. Meanwhile, between 2022 and 2023 China added more solar capacity than the rest of the world combined.

  69. Fast Eddie says:

    Beijing has largely consolidated its regional utilities into one state-run organization…

    Cumella would love a one-state solution. Ah, maybe that’s her economic plan. Efficiency at the end of a barrel. It would work except you’d have to first eliminate those who qualify for Ozempic treatments. You can’t dig ditches, climb poles and lay lines when 50 lbs. overweight with severe sleep apnea.

  70. BRT says:

    Was at Citi Field on Saturday for Mets Phillies. What a trainwreck. Left home at 12 pm for a 4:10 game. GWB traffic is a nightmare. Got outside Citifield (500 ft away) at 4:00. It took over an hour to move another block into the lot. Watched the 1st inning start on screen outside. By the time I got in, it’s top of the 7th. Game is over about 30 min later. What a waste of time. The Mets are stupid for running their lots and traffic so inefficiently. When half of the stadium can’t get in before the 5th, that’s just costing them money.

    I’m reminded time and time again why I don’t go into NYC. Citizen’s Bank Park is far superior. You drive in, and you park, and it’s effortless.

    My wife and I determined, we could have driven to Philadelphia airport, flown into LaGuardia, walked from LaGuardia to Citi Field, and it would have been quicker.

  71. Old realtor says:

    I have a guy to move that piece of furniture. You can email me

  72. Libturd says:

    BRT, that blows. There are just too many people and not enough lots. I park in Flushing along Main Ave for $15. It’s $15 and one stop on the purple 7. Since it’s the terminus of the line, there is always a train wating. I drive out no later than 3;30pm on a weeday and get a great Asian meal in Flushing before heading over to the game.

    CBP is a much better experience all around. Though exiting out of those lots can take forever. I saw the Savannah Bananas there on Saturday night. What a show! I go to a couple Philly games each year.

  73. Libturd says:

    As to why I bring up Trump all of the time and consider him responsible for a lot of shit.

    I am in Costco with my BIL waiting to get our flu and covid vaccinations. We are sitting in the chairs near the pharmacy register. Suddenly, a dude in line, waiting to pick up his scripts walks up to us and asks what we are doing. I told him we were getting our flu and covid shots. He immediatelly pipes up with, the flu shot MIGHT be okay, but the Covid shot kills. I told him he was a fool. He said hope you don’t get turbo cancer like his two friends did and that was the end of that. I googled turbo cancer as I had never heard of it. Trust me, it’s just another conspiracy theory.

    Then a big old Jamaican woman comes up to the counter and throws a complete conniption over getting generics over the brand she likes and how they are not the same thing. Even though the pharmacist said it was the same active ingredients, the Jamaican woman would have no part of it and was outright rude to the Pharamacist. “You can’t tell me what to put in my bodu now.”

  74. Juice Box says:

    Lib – There are no long term studies on mRNA vaccines. There are however short term studies that state there is the potential for oncogenic properties, especially if any single dose contains a huge number of different viral mRNAs. This is the pharmaceutical companies telling us to split up the mRNA vaccination schedules and they aren’t going to make mRNA super vaccines to fight different strains and even different viruses or even the coming mRNA cancer vaccines and even maybe mixing them together to make a super vaccine. It’s possible to make one shot but we think it might cause cancer so go ahead and keep getting separate shots every year for strains of all kinds of viruses that might have already mutated.

    And no the turbo cancer is because you smoked three packs a day for 40 years and ate a leafy green vegetable only a few times a year usually Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  75. Fast Eddie says:


    I wasn’t familiar with the term ‘turbo cancer’ until I did a search. Will this revoke my membership as a card-carrying, extreme right-winger? I feel like the team let me down on this one.

  76. Libturd says:

    Ha ha.

    Just the willingness of a complete stranger to but their nose in someone elses business, when completely unknowledgable about the topic, is a recent phenonenom. I’m sure he felt he was an expert. He was also extremely rude to the pharma tech when she gave him his scripts. He was yelling at her that he didn’t want one of the drugs his doctor prescribed and to take them back. Like somehow she was supposed to know what went down in a conversation between this vaccine expert and his doctor. Of course, she next had to deal with Jamaican me crazy lady. I really felt bad for her.

    On the bright side, found a great lunch deal when you are near Costco in Clifton. Pizzaria Uno’s does a salad/personal pizza combo all in for $9.50. It’s enough for two lunches or two people. I love deep dish and includes all the varieties. A definite, Captaion Cheapo Splurge. And you can only eat so many $1.50 hot dog and diet sodas.

  77. 3b says:

    Carepoint Health will lay off 2600 employees starting in December, at Hospital in Bayonne, Hoboken, and Jersey City.

  78. BRT says:

    The covid mRNA vaccines were 0% effective at preventing spread and infection. So naturally, we should scale up to try it with every other virus when we have technology that is far superior that gives a much broader viral profile without all the side effects. Makes sense….

  79. Libturd says:

    I took the Novovax. Non-mRNA. Also covers the current strain going around.

  80. Libturd says:

    “The covid mRNA vaccines were 0% effective at preventing spread and infection.”

    Not true.

  81. Libturd says:

    And here.

    Nothing personal, but I think you are letting your politics get in the way of the truth.

  82. BRT says:

    I don’t apply politics to scientific analysis. The study you posted cannot realistically draw their conclusions that it was a booster or a previous infection that was responsible for immunity. As far as transmission goes, when I have 85 students with 2 doses and over 70 of them get covid in a 2 week period, you can try to statistically determine the effectiveness of that dose or the probability of that happening.

    Furthermore, your article in the methods section mentions the word “estimated” an absurd amount of times. I can post plenty of articles showing all cause mortality is indistinguishable in every cohort over the long term. It’s a mathematical modeling study, not a clinical trial. You can also post some mathematical modeling studies showing that a Biker rally in North Dakota was responsible for 200k deaths.

    But humor Lib, if you get an mRNA vax, in your opinion, what do you think the chances are you don’t get covid within 6 months of that? Give me a percentage.

  83. BRT says:

    btw, I’ll point out again that the Omicron wave which resulted in much larger peaks of positive tests followed immediately after the majority of the population completed their two shots and maybe even a booster. Any mathematical study that would conclude that it prevented transmission is obviously delusional. To be fair, your article you posted even states “before the emergence of the omicron [B.1.1.529] variant” for a reason.

    I’ve stated the scientific reasons for a long time based on the literature I’ve read as to why it doesn’t prevent transmission.

    1. The virus mutates too quickly
    2. The spike protein is limited information
    3. The incubation time on the more modern variants is too short for antibodies to prevent infection

    You could argue that it was somewhat preventative in the Delta wave, but even that’s debatable given the data. Once Omicron hit, 0% effective. And might I point out, a previous infection, which is the mother of all forms of qualified immunity won’t even prevent a reinfection.

    In short, your posting old data. Who cares whether it was effective against Delta. Delta’s gone. Omicron wiped it off the face of the planet.

  84. SomeOne says:

    Lib, US population is a great example of Dunnig Kruger effect. The only nation that thinks it is Christ’s chosen nation to start with. And the anti-vax crowd is loud, often incorrect, and always insufferable.

  85. Libturd says:

    I don’t know. My family of five have kept up their mRNA regiment just as we do with our flu regiment. So that’s six of them I think. Of the five, only I got Covid and I’m pretty sure my brother’s wife gave it to me as my brother had it. His wife supposedly didn’t, never tested. Then their two kids got it right around when I did. So my SIL probably was asymptomatic. My best friend, who could care less about vaccines, now has it for the fifth time.

    I know Omicron changed the game. But the vaccine during Delta was a game changer. And there is tons of proof that the mRNA during Onicron, was somewhat effective and reduced the impact if you did get it. As to the Novovax vaccine, I don’t think I would do another mRNA, but certainly the Novovax should help prevent us from getting it.

    Now, there are a bunch of fools who don’t believe they should vaccinate their children to prevent anything. Measles and Polio included.

    How many times did you get it? You live your life your way. I’ll take the risk that hundreds of millions have taken with no ill effect from risking some kind of vaccine induced symptoms. Haven’t had the flu since the late 90s btw, nor has anyone in our family as well. Meanwhile, all Winter long, half our friends claim they are vaccinated and are suffering unnecessarily. Then you see how few are getting vaccinated and you know all of your friends that got sick are lying.

  86. 3b says:

    Someone: You paint with a broad brush. The U.S. population thinks it’s Christ s chosen nation?? Is that the entire population, or a certain percentage?

  87. 3b says:

    Dr. Jay Varma NYC ‘s Covid czar was fired for admitting to attending sex parties and a rave during Covid while warning NYC residents to not socialize, and distance themselves during Covid.

  88. Libturd says:

    Lot’s of idiots did not follow their own advice. Look at Pelosi.

  89. 3b says:

    Lib: True. But, let’s put it in perspective this guy was the head of NYC Covid’s effort, to compare his behavior to Pelosi getting her hair done is a huge stretch.

  90. BRT says:

    Lib, first off, you have no idea whether or not they actually got covid. My wife tested positive 5 times, yet has never been symptomatic. Maybe you just missed it. If you followed what I said all along, having a single series if you had no previous infection was useful. It ends there. Does it prevent transmission? No, and that fact was apparent once everyone got it. And whatever effectiveness it had was easily circumvented by the mutation of the virus into something with a shorter incubation time. Maybe you don’t believe in evolution?

    You know Fauci got it a 3rd time despite his 20 shots. So did Biden. What gives? Don’t talk about other vaccines with respect to this one. They are not the same thing. Polio and Measles vaccines work to 100% eliminate transmission. This one doesn’t.

  91. Libturd says:

    The truth is, I have so little respect for politicians and most of the people they appoint since it’s usually based on how much the appointee donated or participated in the politician’s election. This goes a long way to explain why the trains suck, the school construction fund is broke and why it costs more to build a road in NJ than anywhere else in the world.

    Murphy has been the worst with this. Since he’s rich, it takes very little money to buy yourself a 6 figure salary and pension. His appointments very rarely have any practical experience to work in the profession they are often appointed to. So when I hear that the dude appointed to head NYC’s Covid expert does not follow the advice he gives, I know he likely has no scienctific background and most likely helped get De Blasio elected.

  92. SomeOne says:

    3b, my bad and fair enough. I used a very broad brush. There are a few (one too many) nuts, probably the loud ones that make a lot of noise to get attention, and mess up things for others.

  93. Libturd says:


    I’ll do more research.

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