Jobs Day!

From CNBC:

Here’s everything to expect when the September jobs report is released Friday

September’s jobs picture is expected to look a lot like August’s — a gradual slowdown in hiring from earlier this year, a modest increase in wages and a labor market that is looking a lot like many policymakers had hoped it would.

Nonfarm payrolls are projected to show growth of 150,000, from 142,000 the month before, with a steady unemployment rate of 4.2%, according to the Dow Jones consensus. On the wage side, the forecast is for a 0.3% monthly gain and a 3.8% increase from a year ago — the annual rate being the same as August.

Should the numbers come in as expected, they would hit close to a sweet spot allowing the Federal Reserve to continue to lower interest rates without a sense of urgency that it could be behind the curve and at risk of causing a recession.

“The jobs market is slowing down and becoming less tight,” said Katie Nixon, chief investment officer at Northern Trust Wealth Management. “The balance of power has shifted back to employers and away from employees, and that certainly will alleviate the wage pressure, which has been a key component of inflation. We’ve been team soft-landing for a while, and this is exactly what a soft landing looks like.”

Of course, there’s always the possibility of a substantial upside or downside surprise to the numbers. 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics will release the report at 8:30 a.m. While there will still be one more nonfarm payrolls count before the presidential vote next month, the October report is expected to be distorted by the dock workers’ strike as well as Hurricane Helene — making September the last “clean” report before Election Day.

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81 Responses to Jobs Day!

  1. Hold my beer says:


  2. Fast Eddie says:


  3. Libturd says:


  4. Chicago says:

    Ten 394

  5. Libturd says:

    Non farms payrolls surge. Thank you Sleeepy Joe and Spermala.

  6. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    October 4, 2024 at 9:06 am
    “Non farms payrolls surge.”

    And Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinfo. And the middle east is quieter than it’s been in decades. And the southern border is secure…

  7. BRT says:

    When is the revision?

  8. Libturd says:

    Damn that southern border. The economy is so hot, the world is scrambling to come over here to find jobs. And we keep creating them. Like it always was. MAGA is over. A whole movement based on repeating the same lies over and over again until those of low intelligence believe it. Where have we seen this before? Good riddance.

    So tell me now. Is the election rigged? Because if Trump wins, it won’t be. But if Cumala wins, it’s clearly rigged. We have a whole duped group of morons who are throwing their weight behind a man who acts like a kindergartner.

  9. Juice Box says:

    Lib – re: “fix an election’s outcome?”

    Right that only happens in banana republics not here!

    American history is replete with examples of partisan electoral rules devised to shape the outcomes of elections, gerrymandering being just one of the most egregious examples. In New Jersey they draw a new map every 1o years, using the census as an reason. Last time New Jersey split my county again and it was completely partisan to the benefit of the two major parties. 700,000 people per congresscritter, lets chop them all up into Blue or Red and divide the counties and towns!

  10. Juice Box says:

    Lib – “the world is scrambling to come over to find jobs.” Yes economic migrants not asylum seekers as the current administration claims.

    The main reason is the standard of living. They have seen an influx recently thousands of people from Turkey at the southern border. Turkey is a modern economy, NATO member and even wants to join the EU, and is a candidate country and is negotiating now to join.

    The Turks all fly to Cancun on “vacation” then hop on a smaller plane to Tijuana and then attempt to cross at San Diego, they don’t go the tough route through the desert as they have money and can afford to fly. Again these are not asylum seekers either.

    Why are they coming here from Turkey? Well I can tell you since I have been there. The standard of living.. They want the American lifestyle wages are stable but low in Turkey.

    We should be exporting our standard of living. Everyone wants to come here? That is not going to work….

  11. Fast Eddie says:

    The economy is so hot, the world is scrambling to come over here to find jobs.

    Well, as we’re told, democracy will end if Trump is elected so I recommend the illegals pause until the outcome is decided. Why make the effort to come here when your country is suffering from the same despair? And for the terrorists crossing the border, you may not have to if he’s elected because we’ll be a dictatorship. Project 2025 will be implemented. Mission accomplished.

  12. Phoenix says:

    On Monday, in Erie, Pennsylvania, he floated some thoughts on how he would combat rising crime against shopkeepers if he were re-elected president – and what he proposed was scarily close to the premise of the horror franchise, The Purge.

    For those who have not seen the films, once a year, for 12 hours, all crime in America is legal, including murder, rape and arson. As police forces stand aside, everyone gets a free pass to act as they please.

    Trump’s suggestion would apply the same principle to policing – allowing law-enforcement units to use “extraordinarily rough” tactics over the course of “one really violent day… and I mean real rough. Word will get out and [crime] will end immediately,” he said.

  13. OC1 says:

    This graph is very telling

    Don’t see anything wrong with that. Immigrants tend to be younger (more likely to be working age) and they overwhelmingly come here to work.

  14. FTW says:

    Native Born people can boomerang back home and live with mom & daddy.
    Or in Phoenix’s case….mom.

  15. FTW says:

    And how….The IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari stated that the IDF eliminated about 250 Hezbollah terrorists and 21 commanders in southern Lebanon in the last four days. During the operation, more than 2,000 military targets were attacked, including terrorist infrastructure, military buildings, warehouses, weapon caches and launch sites. According to the IDF, among the killed terrorists were five battalion commanders, ten company commanders, and six department commanders. It was also reported that the forces are eliminating terrorists who are entrenched in buildings near the border.

  16. FTW says:

    What’s really funny is that “if” and this is a huge if, the GOP had stock market and employment numbers like the Biden/Harris administration – you would be hearing about how Trump is the greatest President ever. It would be endless and every MAGA-tard would be screaming from the rooftops about how America is “back”….

  17. Very Stable Genius says:


    The labor market shows unexpected strength.

    Despite all the hand-wringing, the U.S. labor market remains impressively strong.

    Businesses reported adding 254,000 jobs in September, the government reported on Friday. The number far surpassed forecasts and was the strongest monthly gain since March.

  18. Very Stable Genius says:

    My 401k is relentless, up and up and up

  19. Phoenix says:

    Gonna need some ill eagles down there to fix those North Carolina homes. With insurance paying pennies on the dollar you ain’t gettin’ no union boys to rebuild at that price.

    Time to truck some in from the Home Depots up north. Those men know how to work and deserve respect.

  20. Very Stable Genius says:

    No doubt

    FTW says:
    October 4, 2024 at 11:26 am
    What’s really funny is that “if” and this is a huge if, the GOP had stock market and employment numbers like the Biden/Harris administration – you would be hearing about how Trump is the greatest President ever. It would be endless and every MAGA-tard would be screaming from the rooftops about how America is “back”….

  21. Chad Powers says:

    Not sure if I believe the numbers for the labor market. How long before revised numbers come out, 6 November? Weeks before the presidential election great numbers come in? Reminds of the recent Fed rate cut. Reminds me of the recent port strike that was a strike then was magically resolved. Reminds me of one presidential candidate giving zero press conferences. Reminds me of FEMA running out of money because they spent it all of illegals. Reminds me of a lot of things. The fix is in.

  22. Libturd says:

    This whole immigrant problem is a story that is repeated time and time again throughout history. As soon as the economy cools, the immigrants stop coming. Why? Because they come here looking for a better way of life. And if you are not willing to outwork, out educate, out skill yourself more than a non-English speaking immigrant? Well, then the problem is not immigration. There is a reason that labor of natural born citizens is flat. The only Americans complaining about losing their jobs to poor Mexicans are the ones too fat and lazy to work hard to improve their own lot. These people have walked thousands of miles in pursuit of a better standard of living. Those complaining won’t even walk the length of the Walmart parking lot to spend their SNAP.

    We are a country of immigrants. Every single one of us. And praise those here who didn’t have the same attitudes about immigration that MAGA does. My only wish is that they could be processed. But there is no will from either party to do so. The bill Biden floated would have helped greatly. Trump did next to nothing (the symbolic wall), in his four years and when Biden finally tried, MAGA put politics over common sense. They will lose this election because of it. Wake up and smell the coffee. Trump does not care about you any more than Kamala. He talks a big game, but acts in his own interest. He generates support through the power of complaining. That is why I consider MAGA the party of mean. And mark my words, when he loses this election in a landslide, it will be because the election was again rigged. And the morons who support him will go along with him, even though we probably have the most accurate elections in the world. Again. He just tells the same lies over and over and over until the feeble minded believe him. And yes 3B, BRT, Smalls, etc. The Dems talk a big game as well. But it is not negative, all of the time and they do not blame the blameless and less fortunate for their woes. I look forward to a new Republican party that actually supports constitutional rights instead of stripping people of them. And a party that is willing to compromise.

    Watching these Trump trials is going to be a blast. It’s coming.

  23. Libturd says:

    Come on Chad. It’s just politics. If it sounds like anything, it’s the tears and complaints of sore losers. Again.

  24. Very Stable Genius says:

    Maga angry that economy is doing very good.

    FOX never instructed them to bring up “revisions” during trumps years

  25. Phoenix says:

    Entitled former Colorado county clerk Tina Peters sentenced to 9 years for election tampering.

    Damn I’ve seen some female teachers that banged their students get less time than this.


  26. FTW says:

    11:56 it’s just politics until the insurrection.

  27. Libturd says:

    It wasn’t an insurrection. They thought bashing through barricades was the price of admission. Much like Trump asking for Election Officials to find votes was A okay. You really can’t make this shit up.

  28. Libturd says:

    They eating their cats and dogs. Go pull the lever for THAT. The intelligence displayed is frightening.

  29. Phoenix says:

    Insurrection was such a joke. Man what those guys could have done if they were only serious about what they were doing.

    It was funny seeing those politicians scurry like rats in fear of their lives.

    Only to be afraid of a group of hooligans having fun and taking selfies.


  30. Phoenix says:

    Libturd says:
    October 4, 2024 at 12:10 pm
    They eating their cats and dogs. Go pull the lever for THAT. The intelligence displayed is frightening.

    At least Trump wants to negotiate with Putin. Cackling Kamala is an empty suit.

  31. FTW says:

    12:15 we don’t negotiate with terrorists and murderous dictators.

  32. FTW says:

    12:11 Within 36 hours, five people died: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, three died of natural causes, and a police officer died after being assaulted by rioters. Many people were injured, including 174 police officers.

  33. FTW says:

    Now this…..

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump laid the groundwork to try to overturn the 2020 election even before he lost, knowingly pushed false claims of voter fraud and “resorted to crimes” in his failed bid to cling to power, according to a court filing unsealed Wednesday that offers new evidence from the landmark criminal case against the former president.

    The filing from special counsel Jack Smith’s team offers the most comprehensive view to date of what prosecutors intend to prove if the case charging Trump with conspiring to overturn the election reaches trial. Although a months-long congressional investigation and the indictment itself have chronicled in stark detail Trump’s efforts to undo the election, the filing cites previously unknown accounts offered by Trump’s closest aides to paint a portrait of an “increasingly desperate” president who, while losing his grip on the White House, “used deceit to target every stage of the electoral process.”

  34. FTW says:

    “So what?” the filing quotes Trump as telling an aide after being advised that his vice president, Mike Pence, had been rushed to a secure location after a crowd of violent Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to try to prevent the counting of electoral votes.

    “The details don’t matter,” Trump said, when told by an adviser that a lawyer who was mounting his legal challenges wouldn’t be able to prove the false allegations in court, the filing states.

    The brief was made public over the Trump legal team’s objections in the final month of a closely contested presidential race in which Democrats have sought to make Trump’s refusal to accept the election results four years ago central to their claims that he is unfit for office. The issue flared as recently as Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate when Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, a Democrat, lamented the violence at the Capitol while a Republican opponent, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, refused to directly answer when asked whether Trump had lost the 2020 race.

  35. FTW says:

    The filing was submitted, initially under seal, following a Supreme Court opinion that conferred broad immunity on former presidents for official acts they take in office, a decision that narrowed the scope of the prosecution and eliminated the possibility of a trial before next month’s election.

    The purpose of the brief is to persuade U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan that the offenses charged in the indictment were undertaken in Trump’s private, rather than presidential, capacity and can therefore remain part of the case as it moves forward. Chutkan permitted a redacted version to be made public, even though Trump’s lawyers argued that it was unfair to unseal it so close to the election.

    Though the prospects of a trial are uncertain, particularly if Trump wins the presidency and a new attorney general seeks the dismissal of the case, the brief nonetheless functions as a roadmap for the testimony and evidence prosecutors would elicit before a jury. It is now up to Chutkan to decide which of Trump’s acts are official conduct for which Trump is immune from prosecution and which are, in the words of Smith’s team, “private crimes” on which the case can proceed.

  36. Phoenix says:

    12:11 Within 36 hours, five people died: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, three died of natural causes, and a police officer died after being assaulted by rioters. Many people were injured, including 174 police officers.

    Natural causes. Hehe. Drug overdose. Hehe. Cop probably overdosed on donuts.

    One shot. A silly unarmed broad. Hehe.

  37. Jim says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    October 4, 2024 at 11:35 am
    My 401k is relentless, up and up and up

    Your a pure liar, you boasted on here that you had invested all your $$$ into coinbase and Novo which are about the only stocks down this year. So what is the truth??? Where you lying then or now?

  38. FTW says:


  39. BRT says:

    Don’t see anything wrong with that. Immigrants tend to be younger (more likely to be working age) and they overwhelmingly come here to work.

    But someone looking for work might see it differently

  40. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    October 4, 2024 at 11:56 am
    “it’s the tears and complaints of sore losers”

    Like Laken Riley’s parents, right?

  41. TraitorJoe says:

    Diverting FEMA money to illegals is a perfect microcosm of the past four years. Turn your back on your former constituency and replace then with illegals. Democrat pat playbook.

    And Joe has forgotten there was a storm already. Huh? What storm? Perfect bumbling fool to prop up front while radicals pull the strings.

  42. Phoenix says:

    Oooh, solid burn

    SmallGovConservative says:
    October 4, 2024 at 1:01 pm
    Libturd says:
    October 4, 2024 at 11:56 am
    “it’s the tears and complaints of sore losers”

    Like Laken Riley’s parents, right?

  43. TraitorJoe says:

    Hey we’re flirting with catastrophe and playing nuclear chicken but did you see the jobs report? Liz Cheney said to vote for Kamala, she’ll have this all sorted out in no time.

  44. FTW says:

    Mmmmm a real patriot like Donald j Trump is the only person that can save our doomed Country. Only His selfless Christ-like leadership can bring about the MAGA.

  45. TraitorJoe says:

    There’s been a big pile of fvck ups over the past four years. You aren’t going to get out from them overnight but like any dimwit knows when you find yourself in a hole you stop digging.

  46. FTW says:

    Since Donald Trump first emerged on the scene of American politics in 2015, he has refused to provide a glimpse into his medical records.

    If Trump, 78, succeeds in November, he will become the oldest person ever to serve as president, ousting the current record-holder, Joe Biden. When his potential second term ends, he will be 82 years old.

  47. FTW says:

    How long do cockroaches live?

  48. SmallGovConservative says:

    FTW says:
    October 4, 2024 at 1:15 pm
    “Donald j Trump is the only person that can save our doomed Country…”

    Actually, this election cycle has reinforced how deep the Rep bench is with intelligent, accomplished, qualified candidates, any of whom would likely do a great job. From Vance and Ramaswamy to DeSantis and even a former Dem like Gabbard. Night and day compared to the roster of freaks and imbeciles offered by the Dems — SlowJoe, Stupid Carmella, Tampon Tim, Sen Pocahontas…yikes!

    Why the switch in airport designations from LA to Ft Worth? Please don’t tell me your wife is moving the two of you to a red state.

  49. FTW says:

    I’ve spent enough time in red states. I wouldn’t characterize intellect as much of a factor there. Red states tend to value “appearances” more than reality. Too many unhappy people in those places spouting biblical passages and ignoring any life that resemble Godliness. Red States often have some pretty abysmal longevity figures due to addiction, obesity, and broken families. No, the wife wouldn’t be caught dead there.

  50. FTW says:

    Back in 2015, Wisconsin’s Republican governor, Scott Walker, thought to burnish his culture warrior cred in advance of a bid for the presidency by taking arms against the University of Wisconsin.

    Walker cut the state university’s budget. His hand-picked board of regents gutted tenure protections for its faculty.

    He and his legislative allies disdained the university’s traditional role of producing broad-based academic scholarship to deepen its students’ understanding of the world and talked instead as though the university were a glorified vocational or trade school — “connecting students and workers with the skills needed in today’s workforce,” as a university spokesperson put it at the time.

    Critics predicted that Walker’s policies would exacerbate a faculty flight caused by the university’s low pay compared to that of its peer state universities, while reducing its competitiveness for federal research grants.

    That’s exactly what happened. UW administrators said their professors were being poached by academic institutions — not only Ivy League schools and elite public institutions, but universities that could never have hoped to attract Wisconsin faculty in the past.

    Local newspapers and education journals published columns by UW teachers explaining regretfully why they were leaving the state. Retention bonuses paid to dissuade valued professors from moving soared into the millions.

    The university slid down the rankings of recipients of federal research and development grants — from 10th among recipients of National Science Foundation grants in 2010 to 16th in 2021. The university’s overall research and development spending, the third-highest in the country in 2010, fell to eighth in 2021.

    Walker’s presidential aspirations didn’t last long. He announced his candidacy for the GOP nomination in mid-July 2016 and was out of the race by the third week of September. He did leave a significant partisan legacy, however: His model for appealing to a rabid far-right electoral base by targeting higher education institutions and their faculty has been taken up by Republican politicians in Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. You can expect the movement to expand, spreading intellectual benightment across red-state America.

  51. FTW says:

    And now this…..Superintendent Ryan Walters isn’t just talking about buying Bibles for schools.

    Bids opened Monday for a contract to supply the state Department of Education with 55,000 Bibles. According to the bid documents, vendors must meet certain specifications: Bibles must be the King James Version; must contain the Old and New Testaments; must include copies of the Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights; and must be bound in leather or leather-like material.

    A salesperson at Mardel Christian & Education searched, and though they carry 2,900 Bibles, none fit the parameters.

    But one Bible fits perfectly: Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the U.S.A. Bible, endorsed by former President Donald Trump and commonly referred to as the Trump Bible. They cost $60 each online, with Trump receiving fees for his endorsement.

  52. FTW says:

    Real Intellect and the GOP bench of geniuses:

    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) weighed in on the deadly hurricane which wreaked havoc in her state of Georgia and across the southern United States on Thursday, suggesting that the hurricane had been controlled.

    After the Hurricane Helene death toll rose to over 200, Greene wrote in a social media post, “Yes they can control the weather. It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.”

  53. Phoenix says:

    LAX’s wife heard this and he was scared to death she would take up the offer if he ever headed south: NSFW

  54. FTW says:

    1:57 Newsflash…. I am a country boy. Card carrying hillbilly.

  55. FTW says:

    People say I’m no good and crazy as
    a loon

    Cause I get stoned in the mornin,
    get drunk in the afternoon

    Kinda like my ole blue tick hound I
    like to lay around in the shade

    I ain’t got no money but I’ve damn
    sure got it made


    And I ain’t askin’ nobody for
    If I can’t get it on my own
    If you don’t like the way I’m
    You just leave this long haired
    country boy alone

    [Verse 2]

    Poor girl wants to marry and the
    rich girl wants to flirt

    Rich man goes to college and the
    poor man goes to work

    Drunkard wants another drink of
    wine and the politician wants a

    I don’t want much of nothing at all
    but I will take another toke


    And I ain’t askin’ nobody for
    If I can’t get it on my own

    If you don’t like the way I’m
    You just leave this long haired
    country boy alone


    Preacher man talkin’ on the TV,
    puttin’ down the rock and roll
    He wants me to send a donation
    cause he’s worried about my soul
    He said Jesus walked on the water
    and I know that it’s true
    But sometimes I think that old
    preacher man needs to do a little
    walkin’ too


    And I ain’t askin’ nobody for
    If I can’t get it on my own
    If you don’t like the way I’m
    You just leave this long haired
    country boy alone

  56. FTW says:

    Well, he came from Northern Ireland
    Searchin’ for the free man’s ground
    And he came to bet his fortune
    On a West Virginia plow
    He built a house of timber
    And raised a redhead son
    Then they worked the land together
    And prayed the rain would come
    There’s a scarecrow in the garden
    That looks like Lucifer
    And I’ve been readin’ Revelations
    With my bare feet in the river
    Well, the readhead son got older
    And took a brown eyed wife
    And the fields were green as dollars
    ‘Cause the dirt was black as night
    I came in late September
    The youngest one of three
    And my sisters off and married
    So the land was left to me
    There’s a scarecrow in the garden
    That looks like Lucifer
    And I’ve been readin’ Revelations
    With my bare feet in the river
    I know every single fence post
    Every rock to go around
    I’ve been starin’ at the red oak
    Where I know they’ll lay me down
    The fields ain’t what they once were
    The rains just seem to flood
    And I’ve been thinkin’ ’bout that river
    Wonderin’ how it turns to blood
    I’ve been sittin’ here all mornin’
    I was sittin’ here all night
    There’s a Bible in my left hand
    And a pistol in my right

  57. chicagofinance says:

    Ten 397

  58. Phoenix says:

    Dear North Carolinians,

    I’m sorry to inform you that there is not enough money in the budget to help make you whole due to the fact I sent all of the American tax dollars to Ukraine.

    Included is a coupon for 10 percent discount for the funeral home of your choice, plus a 15 percent coupon for anything you need at Home Depot ( up to a 2500 dollar limit).

    I know you think America comes first, but my son who ran the Ukraine Gas Company told me otherwise.

    Joseph Biden.

  59. FTW says:

    Back on planet Earth….

    Last week, Congress approved $20 billion for FEMA’s disaster relief fund as part of a stopgap spending bill to fund the government through December 20. But the measure left out billions of dollars in requested supplemental disaster funding.

    The Senate approved the measure by a 78-18 vote on September 25 after it passed the House in a 341-82 vote. Republicans supplied the no votes in both chambers.

    Some of the Republicans who voted against the bill represent states that have been hard hit by Helene, including Florida Representative Matt Gaetz.

  60. Phoenix says:

    Congress approved 20 billion for the road repairs and police overtime.

    Sorry homeowner, nothing left for you. That is what you bought insurance for.

    Oh, and hurricane only covers wind. Not water.

    Hope you purchased flood insurance, oopsy if not.

  61. Very Stable Genius says:

    Jim you portray yourself as radical rightwinger,
    but happily suck govts titt with Communist Universal taxpayer Government Healthcare for the 65 and older.

    So which one are you?

    Many maga in here closeted socialist demagogues begging for govt money for farmers, for failed banks, for failed real estate investors, for collapsing Florida buildings, etc,etc

    Jim says:
    October 4, 2024 at 12:43 pm
    Very Stable Genius says:
    October 4, 2024 at 11:35 am
    My 401k is relentless, up and up and up

    Your a pure liar, you boasted on here that you had invested all your $$$ into coinbase and Novo which are about the only stocks down this year. So what is the truth??? Where you lying then or now?

  62. Fast Eddie says:

    …but happily suck govts titt with Communist Universal taxpayer Government Healthcare for the 65 and older.

    Plus one here! Give me my s0cial security and medicare all day!

  63. Jim says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    October 4, 2024 at 2:53 pm
    Jim you portray yourself as radical rightwinger,
    but happily suck govts titt with Communist Universal taxpayer Government Healthcare for the 65 and older.

    Typical Democrat, didn’t answer the simple question, instead deflected and gave me BS. I worked for 50 years paying into SS and earned every dime, that is reality . Unlike you who cries like a baby about older Americans collecting what they paid for. Do you tell your parents what a scumball you are? I am sure they are collecting.
    So what is it lying now or lying that you bought so much Coin and Novo that you couldn’t put another dime into the market, Coin is down over $113 from its high and Novo is down $33.

    You win the Troll of the year award, typing away with nothing but hogwash.

  64. FTW says:

    “The Harris-Biden administration says they don’t have any money [for hurricane relief]. … They spent it all on illegal migrants. … They stole the FEMA money just like they stole it from a bank, so they could give it to their illegal immigrants that they want to have vote for them.”

    Cut through the 2024 election noise. Get The Campaign Moment newsletter.
    — Former president Donald Trump, remarks at a campaign rally in Saginaw, Mich., Oct. 3

    Trump has been trying to weaponize the Hurricane Helene relief efforts, accusing the Biden administration of failing to provide adequate assistance. As part of his critique, he claims that there is no money available for hurricane relief because it was spent already to handle the surge of migrants at the southern border.

    “They stole the FEMA money just like they stole it from a bank,” Trump charged, referring to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, adding in the additional falsehood that Vice President Kamala Harris wants illegal immigrants to vote for her. As we have explained many times before, this would be against the law and there is no evidence to support this claim.
    Even though Trump was once president, he still appears to have little clue about the appropriations process. What’s even richer is that when he was president, he did exactly what he claims Biden did — take money from FEMA’s disaster fund to fund migrant programs at the southern border.

    The Facts
    FEMA is part of the Department of Homeland Security. On Wednesday, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told reporters: “We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another hurricane hitting. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season.”

    He emphasized there was plenty of money to deal with the current disaster. “We are meeting the moment,” he said, adding: “We have the immediate needs right now. On a continuing resolution, we have funds, but that is not a stable source of supply, if you will.”

  65. FTW says:

    3:17 gross!!!!

  66. Phoenix says:

    FEMA is part of the Department of Homeland Security.

    Interesting choice of departments to put it under.

    Less likely to get funds that way.

  67. Hold my beer says:

    I just need one spark

  68. Hold my beer says:

    You guys need to stop complaining about the government, ESG, woke policies and spend your time figuring out how to make money off of them instead.

  69. Libturd says:


    Exactly. And that has nothing to do with partisanship.

    The amount of bullshit that is strewn around is exhausting. What passes for news these days is stupefying.

  70. Libturd says:

    That K-Pop must have pedophiles salivating.

  71. Hold my beer says:


    They’re all in their mid to late 20s in that group.

  72. chicagofinance says:

    Soviet Antisemitism at California’s Claremont Colleges
    Today’s ‘anti-Zionism’ is hard to differentiate from the communist slogans I heard in my youth.

    By Lenny Fukshansky
    Oct. 2, 2024 5:09 pm ET

    My family and I emigrated from the Soviet Union to the U.S. when I was 17. I love America for the many freedoms and opportunities it has given me, especially the liberty to express my opinions and compete on an equal basis. I treasure citizenship in a country that has been blessedly free of antisemitism, where my status as a Jew has never limited me.

    That ideal, however, has become less clear in the past year. At the Claremont Colleges, where I teach, anti-Israel activists insist that we shouldn’t conflate antisemitism with anti-Zionism. My experience suggests the two are closely related. Although antisemitism went through many transformations between the birth of the Soviet Union in 1917 to its demise in 1991, there was one near-constant: anti-Zionism.

    That ideology always colored the biases Soviet Jews confronted. Vladimir Lenin referred to Zionism as “bourgeois nationalism,” an ideology anathema to communist revolutionaries. That prejudice subsided briefly when Soviet officials thought the new state of Israel might become a member of the communist bloc. When it didn’t, Stalin returned to Lenin’s playbook.

    The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the main Russian language encyclopedia in the 20th century, described Zionism as a form of racism and colonialism. Linking Zionism to classic antisemitic stereotypes, it alleged that the “International Zionist Organization owns major financial funds, partly through Jewish monopolists and partly collected by Jewish mandatory charities.”

    This persistent antisemitism sometimes sparked nationwide panics. Authorities began the doctors’ plot in the early 1950s, a state-sponsored campaign that accused a group of mostly Jewish physicians of conspiring to murder prominent Soviet politicians. Many of the campaign’s slogans referred to the threat of Zionism and targeted doctors with Jewish surnames. Soviet authorities called M.S. Vovsi, one of the victims in the publicized trial, “the leader of Zionists embedded into Soviet medicine.” Others referred to the plot as a Zionist conspiracy.

    As we now know, this was simply the first step in Stalin’s plan to eliminate and deport the majority of Russian Jews to the Jewish Autonomous Republic in Siberia. Only his death in 1953 averted the catastrophe and allowed my generation of Jews to be born.

    During my childhood, Soviet antisemitic rhetoric continued to be framed in anti-Zionist terms. When I was 11, a special state committee produced a report alleging a criminal alliance between Nazism and Zionism. This anti-Zionist propaganda from above stirred anti-Jewish feelings from below. I remember a schoolmate telling me that “Hitler should have burnt all of you Jews.” It also wasn’t uncommon to hear slogans like “Jews, go back to your Israel!”

    While Israel was a source of pride for Russian Jews, we were punished for its successes. Strict quotas, which limited the number of Jewish students accepted at top universities, picked up after Israel’s victory in the Six Day War in 1967, when anti-Zionist feeling was running high in the U.S.S.R. In my field, mathematics, the use of “killer questions” given only to Jewish applicants on entrance exams became so infamous that some of them were collected as examples of exceptionally difficult brain-teasers—an excellent way to challenge and educate yourself but a discriminatory and unfair way of evaluating only one undesirable group of applicants.

    I thought I’d left all this behind when I moved to the states. Then came Oct. 7, 2023, and the attendant responses on college campuses. Much like Soviet officials, today’s activists insist that anti-Zionism bears no connection to antisemitism—yet many of their slogans sound painfully familiar. “Jews, go back to your Israel!” has been replaced by “Jews, go back to Poland!” Many people, then and now, consider the word “Zionist” to be derogatory.

    Some old antisemitic tropes have been picked up, dusted off and sold as anti-Zionist. At the Claremont Colleges club fair this fall, the Associated Students of Pomona College—the school’s student government—had on its table booklets titled “Mask Up, We Need You: Palestinian Solidarity, Covid-19, and the Struggle for Liberation.” The group said it neither produced nor intentionally distributed the booklet—but others, like the “7C Staff for Justice in Palestine,” were less shy and even promoted it on its Instagram page. The text pushes a conspiracy theory, reminiscent of the doctors’ plot, implying that the U.S. and Israel purposefully used Covid-19 to commit a eugenics-based genocide against Palestinians, minorities and disabled people. The pamphlet warns that “Zionists and eugenicists rely on you to be poorly informed to fall for their simplified, decontextualized, revisionist, racist and ableist takes.”

    One wonders whether the document would have been any different had Soviet propagandists written it. It reports that “Zionist propaganda follows a parallel playbook of capitalistic distraction”—a line reminiscent of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, which held that Zionism was spread by the “Jewish population of capitalist countries.” The brochure is also littered with references I recall from my youth, including talk of the predations of the “ruling class” and suffering of “exhausted workers.” More generally, today’s anti-Zionist activists refer to each other as “comrades” fighting for the “revolution.”

    Every criticism of Israel needn’t be antisemitic, but nearly all the antisemitism I have encountered, here and in the U.S.S.R., has been mixed with anti-Zionism. As the late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks observed, Jew hatred mutates throughout the ages, and anti-Zionism is simply its most recent incarnation.

    Soviet communism is dead, mercifully, yet some of its dark legacies endure in the nation that defeated it. As a Jew who grew up in that nightmarish regime, I hope America, my adopted home, will find a way to see and reject so much anti-Zionism for the blatant antisemitism it is.

    Mr. Fukshansky is a professor of mathematics at Claremont McKenna College.

  73. Hold my beer says:


    Take a look at LSB Industries $LXU as an example of a chance on how to make money off the government and ESG. They make ammonia. They’re in the process of getting a permit to sequester around 400k tons a year of CO2 at their Arkansas plant on the plants grounds and the permit if approved is supposed to be issued around middle of 2025 and if approved they can start sequestering the CO2 by end of 2025. They have a partner who will build the 1 mile pipeline and other equipment and maintain it for no cost to LSB. The feds will pay the partnership $85 a ton of sequestered CO2 which will add 15-20 million ebitda to lsb. They can then call the ammonia from that plant blue ammonia and sell it at a premium price to traditional gray ammonia. Look up on YouTube Rob Robbotti on best ideas 2024 he has an hour presentation on it and he interviews the CEO for about an hour in another video. Black Bear value also wrote about it in their annual or quarterly letter in 2023 or 2024. And lsb has other potential projects in the pipeline like using ammonia as a fuel for ships instead of diesel and a joint venture to build a 1.1 million ton a year ammonia plant in Texas. It’s a 50/50 joint venture with a Japanese utility. Japan and South Korea have been experimenting with mixing ammonia into their coal fired power plants to reduce CO2 admissions from the plants by 20-30%. Right now it’s just an idea they’re exploring and will decide if it should go forward in 2026. if they do decide to build the plant it won’t be ready until 2029-2030 and will cost at least 2 billion to build. So do your own due diligence. I found them reading another hedge funds annual letter that was talking about CF industries, the largest producer of nitrogen fertilizer in the US.

  74. Libturd says:

    Seems awfully speculative. I will look. But likely not my cup of tea.

  75. Very Stable Genius says:

    Making money off the government is Republicans expertise.

    Collectivist Hypocrites who love corporate welfare and universal government healthcare.

    Grim, ChiFi, and all Republican congressmen received government welfare in the form of grants during COVID

    Hold my beer says:
    October 4, 2024 at 5:17 pm
    You guys need to stop complaining about the government, ESG, woke policies and spend your time figuring out how to make money off of them instead.

  76. OC1 says:

    But someone looking for work might see it differently

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