From CNET:
Most Homebuyers Won’t Budge Until Mortgage Rates Drop to 4%, CNET Survey Finds

A recent CNET survey found that half of US adults say lower mortgage rates would make them realistically consider purchasing a house. If average mortgage rates were to fall to 4% or below, that rate could potentially unlock the housing market.
Except bargain mortgage rates aren’t likely in the near term. And experts say it would take a severe economic downturn for mortgage rates to reach the record lows we saw during the pandemic.
After peaking above 8% in late 2023, average mortgage rates have been in the mid-6% range for a while. They could drop close to 6% by the end of the year, but that’s still not enough to draw buyers off the sidelines. A mere 4% of US adults would realistically consider purchasing a home or refinancing their mortgage at a 6% rate.
Chris Vance@Chrisvance123
My take on the Selzer poll:
You can’t talk about how accurate Selzer is, and how critical this poll will be before it is released, then hedge when it comes out with a result you didn’t expect. This poll is almost certainly accurate, and it tells us what to expect in the other midwest states, and maybe nationwide: Kamala Harris is surging. We see the same thing in the Ohio and Kansas polls.
Why don’t we see it in most of the battleground polls? Read Nate Cohen’s confession this week. pollsters and pundits are scared to death about being wrong about Trump, so they are just keep telling us the race is tied. And then you have all the red wave and other junk polls out there misleading people.
I think Ann Selzer just pulled the curtain back and showed us what is really going on out there. Ann Selzer might be wrong. I might be wrong. But that is not what the FACTS are saying right now.
While political experts and pollsters are very wary of putting too much store in any one single poll, Selzer is a widely respected polling organisation with a good record in Iowa. If Harris were even competitive in Iowa – which Trump won in both 2016 and 2020 – it could radically reshape the race.
The Selzer poll has Harris over Trump 47% to 44% among likely voters. A September poll showed Trump with a four-point lead over Harris and a June survey showed him with an 18-point lead over then-candidate Joe Biden.
The future is female.
Guess they can make him 6 ft tall. Or 6 ft 5″. Whatever makes her happy I guess.
Backstage at Ukraine’s adaptation of “The Bachelor,” makeup artists rushed to fix fake lashes and lipstick, while producers hunched over monitors and adjusted camera angles. For the crew of 200 and the show’s 21 participants, the night was going to be a particularly grueling shoot.
Enter Oleksandr Budko. Classically handsome, with sandy hair and blue eyes. He rides a sleek, black motorcycle and has tattoos and an easy smile. He is also a former platoon commander in Ukraine’s Carpathian Sich 49th Infantry Battalion — and a double amputee.
In August 2022, Budko, now 28, whose call sign is Teren, lost both his legs when a missile hit his battalion’s trench in the Kharkiv region.
“It was extremely painful. I looked down and saw that one leg had almost gone and the other … was just a mess of army boots, flesh and earth,” he recalled.
Potential buyers can wish for a 4% rate but one will awesome the fence-sitting sellers will dive in. I think so. Perhaps we need to manipulate the rate and unclog the drain. I mull the idea of staying where I am post retirement or downsizing. Though, is that downsize all I get for my money? Unless I go to some silver city section of Toms River. God help me. I’d rather live in a box somewhere around Delancey Street.
Just drop the rate to zero, and let the games begin.
Famed Pollster Ann Selzer, who has accurately called Iowa for years, explains the new data which has Harris leading Trump in the state by three points:
“No one, including me, would have thought that Iowa could go for Kamala Harris.”
If you’re so excited about the prospect of living in a third world country then why not pick up and go. No one is stopping you.
When Kamala wins, the Republicans have no one else to blame but themselves.
When Trump won, the Democrats had no one else to blame but themselves.
See the pattern?
And when America crashes, Americans will have no one else to blame but themselves. But they will. They will blame the Chinese. Or the Russians.
Over the weekend, I’ve been reading some of Elon Musk’s projects in development and it’s just stunning to see this guy think of something and just make it happen. Too much to list and describe. Then you have RFK Jr. with a health initiative along with others with 21st century ideas and this country could really redefine greatness.
Then I see a video of “her” talking about lipstick on a coffee cup and I rub my eyes and sigh. Listening to her voice as she describes it makes me question whether it’s a parody or not.
If she’s elected, I confidently assume that everyone on this blog will continue to work and make money without missing a beat. The noise at the national and international level is going to be slightly out of control, though. The only thing that really concerns me is national security. I hope that Obammy and crew put the right people in place for protection. You know he’s running the show if she wins so let’s not kid ourselves.
The ones that voted for her and are living week to week, that’ll continue. On top of it, they’ll be paying for someone else’s lifestyle as well. And the jobs numbers for the last three months don’t seem like they’ll soften the blow. That divide but the semi-haves and the semi-have-nots will continue to widen.
Ann Selzer, who has accurately called Iowa for years, explains the new data…
Okay, where is it?
And are we assuming that Emerson is 13 points off course? Because you’re sure about Selzer’s poll while dismissing Emerson’s.
5:00 AM this morning, Derry, NH, a line over a mile long (literally) is waiting to get in to hear JD Vance. If Selzer’s poll is an indication, do we explain the NH line as not meaning a thing?
National security is a myth. The Chinese hacked into the American Hacking system.
That’s f’n brilliant. They used the thing America built to spy on it’s own people as a tool.
Why is America spying on it’s own people?
Hehe. It’s the beginning of the downfall of Western Hegemony. Could have kept it going forever had America been slightly humble, more generous, more reasonable. But now it’s out of control with narcissism and greed, right down to the individuals.
The divide you talk about, that’s the proof in the pudding. Of course it’s going to widen, the turmoil will increase, and all hell is going to break loose here.
It’s not hard to see if you take your blinders off.
Is today a Rice Chex day? Asking for a friend.
Old goats and the unemployed. Or does NH give you the day off for crap like that?
In China, that mile long group of people just manufactured 300 electric cars, 4000 solar panels, and 800 conventional warheads. Hehe.
5:00 AM this morning, Derry, NH, a line over a mile long (literally) is waiting to get in to hear JD Vance.
Only the useless and non-performing have time to go to a “rally” to watch crap like this.
Carb consuming, non performing blobs with legs.
Carb consuming, non performing blobs with legs.
Garbage people, unlike the pretty and healthy people in suburban metropolitan environs.
5.20pm line not 5am for meeting the man in eyeliner makeup
pm…pm… PM!! Does the pedo Tampoon Tim draw a line?
Saw my Ex- inlaws in that line you posted from X.
They are kind of inbred, so it could just be their duplicates.
Face it. Not much happens in New Hampshire
The people in that line are smaller than I had thought.
The people in that line are smaller than I had thought.
Less sunlight available at that latitude, so shorter growing season.
Colder climate, need to burn more calories to keep warm.
Snowy, so you burn more calories from pushing your Subaru out of snowbanks.
Lady with nothing better to do in her life calls the PoPo on a squirrel. A very popular squirrel.
PoPo lights up the rogue squirrel cause it was resisting arrest. Refused to put it’s paws behind it’s back.
Dopey nosey woman Doxxxed and now in hiding from internet squirrel lovers. Hehe.
Had she just minded her own business she might still have a business.
Then you have RFK Jr. with a health initiative
The last guy I would want involved in any health initiative.
garbage following garbage on rfk jr
Die MAGA die.
All of this over a squirrel. Hehe.
Now I know why they call America the entertainment capital of the world. Hehe.
2 h
Monica Keasler you fat, ugly cu**. You will slide down a path filled with jet fuel right into the arms of the Devil and every inch of your body and organs will melt, throb, sizzle and burn for all of eternity. There is no relief for you. My God doesn’t provide that relief for animal killers. You have no outlet for help. So live the rest of your sad days on Earth and just know when your organs fail you have torture and suffering to take over after your last ugly breath on your cheap hospital bed expires.
Maga can’t manufacture a car or an airplane, but gets up a 5 am to demand:
Universal Socialist big government healthcare for the 65 and older.
Universal basic income for 65 and older
Farmers welfare
Tax cuts for bankers
Reduced property taxes for the 65 and older
Tax cuts for real estate developers
etc, etc
Phoenix says:
November 4, 2024 at 8:54 am
Old goats and the unemployed. Or does NH give you the day off for crap like that?
In China, that mile long group of people just manufactured 300 electric cars, 4000 solar panels, and 800 conventional warheads. Hehe.
5:00 AM this morning, Derry, NH, a line over a mile long (literally) is waiting to get in to hear JD Vance.
MAGA then goes back to sleep until 11, cheats mightily in a round of golf, and then desecrates their gold toilet with hamburders.
Rinse and repeat
Moore, a Democrat, correctly predicted the 2016 election – but told host Ayman Mohyeldin this time around, Trump will likely lose.
He added how Trump supporters would be ‘surprised’ at the result –
‘The gift that the Trump campaign keeps giving us, I don’t think they realized, I don’t think they really are in touch with where the majority of Americans are at,’ Moore, 70, began.
‘The majority of Americans do not want this divisiveness, they don’t want a threat of violence,’ he insisted
I found some of his opinions on food additives convincing. I’m curious why you feel this way.
grim says:
November 4, 2024 at 10:23 am
Then you have RFK Jr. with a health initiative
The last guy I would want involved in any health initiative.
The last guy I would want involved in any health initiative.
Sure, why not try to avoid obesity and diabetes by directing the public to ate more from the source. More twinkies anyone?
MAGA aren’t driving a Subaru, wont fit their Hoveround.
The new left don’t tolerate dissent. If you question saint fauci and his history of malfeasance you will find yourself exiled. Everyone’s gotta bend to the orthodoxy no matter how extreme it becomes.
We also don’t like face paint….
What’s with that anyhow??? .
11:35 Polio resurgence FTW!!!
anti-fluoride RFK Jr supported by No Tooth Decay Left Alone PAC.
Looks like the output from Large Language Model ClotGPT.
Phoenix says:
November 4, 2024 at 8:57 am
Carb consuming, non performing blobs with legs.
Ten 431. Logic dictates we will not be here on Wednesday, but which direction?
That said, the contrarian move is that we sit in place.
I’ll take that as a compliment. Hehe
Somebody kicked my Trump sign into the trees.
Should I wish them years of hardship?
My experience with these presidential polls is that people believe the polls that support their candidate and discount polls that show the opposing candidate ahead. The bottom line is that polls aren’t votes and have proven to be unreliable in the past. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
It may have been some wind.
Or, it may have been a lot of “let’s go Brandon” type stuff. Even worse, it may be your innovation on Kamala’s name. I wouldn’t wish anyone say that about any woman — you do it so perversely and pervasively.
Ed Has been giving out bowl and basket Chex. Mix instead of brand name.
Average homebuyers age rises to 56 years old this year from 49 the year before.
Fat Eddie, are you trolling or are you really excited about RFK taking over healthcare?
I mean, c’mon man… a GOP presidency is a one way ticket to hell.
Sure, why not try to avoid obesity and diabetes by directing the public to ate more from the source. More twinkies anyone?
Didn’t Michelle Obama try this? And get attacked by conservatives for her trouble?
Down in Central Florida…. Just back from Universal..
The new home building business seems to bustling lots and lots of new developments since the last time I as here 5 years ago. Townhomes now starting at $500,000, a tad bit overpriced. Just dropped $1400 for four tickets to Universal Studios today with express passes etc. It will be the last time for us, we got on every ride and a few of them twice. The lines were crazy long, that new Hagrid motorcycle rollercoaster is cool goes forward then backward and we rode it at night for our last ride, line was nearly two hours and it seemed like 1/2 the country of Brazil is here on vacation.
Going to hit some golf balls tomorrow, staying at a villa on the Nicklaus golf course, there are a few golf balls landing in the yard and in my pool, going try and not embarrass myself haven’t played much so I will lose a few myself.
No Trump or Kamala signs anywhere, a nice break from the election nonsense.
Didn’t Michelle Obama try this? And get attacked by conservatives for her trouble?
See, she advocated for eating veggies (yuk!), instead of RFK’s recommendations of raw milk, raw meats (incl. yummy road kills), and non-flourinated water, on top of vaccine-free life. What’s there to not like?
Down in Central Florida…. Just back from Universal..
Is the new park open? Did you go?