From MarketWatch:
Home-price growth has ‘stalled,’ Case-Shiller says
Home prices in the 20 biggest U.S. metropolitan areas lost more steam in September, buckling under the pressure of high mortgage rates and historic unaffordability.
The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller 20-city house-price index rose 0.2% in September, compared with the previous month.
Home prices in the 20 major U.S. metropolitan markets were up 4.6% in the 12 months ending in September.

That’s a deceleration compared with an increase of 5.2% the previous month. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires and the Wall Street Journal expected the 20-city index to increase by 4.8%.
A broader measure of home prices, the national index, rose 0.3% in September and was up 3.9% over the past year. All numbers are seasonally adjusted.
Home prices posted the slowest gain since September 2023.
Even though prices are growing less rapidly, the 20-city and national indexes still inched to new record highs in September.
You Tube Algorithm gives me Chris P Bacon
Prices slowing? When you’ve reached the Thermosphere, you’re about to run out of oxygen. Though, houses may join digital currency as an exclusive asset, reserved for capable muppets only.
The commentary on the blog over the last month has really declined. Cluelessness and ignorance on the left as well as the right. That has certainly been demonstrated over the last few weeks. There used to be useful discussion, now it’s hysterics. Just saying.
The 101st airborne is being deployed to pull 10 year old kids out of classrooms!
Just remember there are 1.3 million illegal aliens who have already been ordered deported by a Judge and yet they are still here. They had their day in court..
So what should be done with them? Pass a new law and let them stay?
Ten 425
I am making the simple point that pension funds are sustainable long term unless they are robbed. In the case of NJ teacher’s pension, it was not funded for over 20 years….that’s f’ing theft! That fund would be producing excess capital with the run we have had in the market over the last 1o years. It makes me sick that people like you used to advocate that it was not sustainable because it was too rich of a benefit, and should be taken away. Yeah, let’s rob the people, being robbed, some more. Cool story.
Libturd says:
November 26, 2024 at 12:52 pm
You are a complete and utter fool.
When you rob from the pension in the good times, what are you going to do during the bad times. This is what Kodak is doing, probably in an effort to save their company which has been going down the toilet ever since digital replaced the need for film. I’ve been to their headquarters (or what’s left of it) in Rochester many times. They used to be one of our largest suppliers of film, plates, software and equipment. Today we do not pay them a penny.
What KODAK is doing is the same thing all NJ governors did which killed the NJ pension.
I am making the simple point that pension funds are sustainable long term unless they are robbed.
But pensions are always robbed, which is why they are always doomed to fail.
NJ homer,
Maybe it is the top, but based on all the charts and the cycle, this party is only getting started in crypto. About to go wild, IMHO. It was in consolidation for almost the entire past year and has finally broken out of that trend.
The commentary on the blog over the last month has really declined. Cluelessness and ignorance on the left as well as the right. That has certainly been demonstrated over the last few weeks. There used to be useful discussion, now it’s hysterics. Just saying.
Maybe it will change in a few weeks. Election year brings out the worst in people. If you want amusement, you can go back and read posts from Aug/Sep/Oct and view the cognitive dissonance with 20/20 hindsight vision. That’s the fun part of having foresight.
3b, don’t blame the traffic when you are the traffic.
We just elected the most ineloquent, incoherent leader, so it’s only fair we follow suit.
I am expecting a massive run in crypto and will put my money where my mouth is. If i lose, it happens, but I am playing the hand that I see. I could be wrong, but based on my experience, I am going to go with what I know. This run is only beginning and will be the blowoff top.
RentL0rd says:
November 27, 2024 at 9:15 am
We just elected the most ineloquent, incoherent leader, so it’s only fair we follow suit.
Yet he won in a landslide, very telling. I guess you just wanted to prove 3B was correct. Good Job!
You won the battle and lost the war.
But yes, congrats to all Americans.
Pumps – re: “it was not funded for over 20 years”
Blame your union and the people who control the contributions the politicians.
Fact is New Jersey has a Democratic trifecta. The Democratic Party controls the offices of governor and both chambers of the state legislature. For the last 22 years the both chambers of the state legislature have been controlled by the Democrats. Except for Chris Christies short tenure as Governor from 2010-2017 the Govenor has been a Democrat as well.
The annual state contribution rate is set by the legislature…all controlled by Democrats longer than you have been teaching.
RentL0rd – re: ” ineloquent, incoherent leader”
Even the foreign press is making fun of VP Harris’s latest speech to supporters.
I don’t want to get into this back and forth.
Let is elevate the discourse here.
But how can we? Do we want to talk about Jay Bhattacharya? The guy to lead NIH who, if had his way would have killed millions more during the pandemic?
New York, which includes the NY/NJ/CT metro area is up more than any other metro area. I don’t see any slowing… housing in my area is listed and replaced with a ‘sold’ sign shortly afterward. The ones trying to scrape together a down payment are getting trampled. Condos are the only option if you’re not backed by mom and dad money allowing you to bid up with reckless abandon. No one’s going to take away Ellory and Graydon’s future bedrooms! And Muffin Muppet loves that counter top even if it’s of the soup de jour variety.
RentLOrd – Stanford Professor and a Doctor… does that alone make him fringe?
He just has a different opinion on how to handle a pandemic.
Another thing he does not believe climate change caused Covid-19. NIH still says a bat virus possibly from Laos Vietnam infected a Civet and ended up in a wet market in Wuhan China all because of Climate Change. There is zero chance it escaped from a lab where it was being experimented on just down the road from the wet market.
“Mommy, why does Mamala Kamala look so drunk?”
But how can we? Do we want to talk about Jay Bhattacharya? The guy to lead NIH who, if had his way would have killed millions more during the pandemic?
Mission failed
Discourse? Delusion and stupidity.
Most are over it. Landslide? Jim?
No one really wants to argue with cult members.
NIH still says a bat virus possibly from Laos Vietnam infected a Civet and ended up in a wet market in Wuhan China all because of Climate Change.
I just looked at the NIH website. Nowhere does it say covid “emerged because of climate change”. It does say that climate change may be making the emergence of new virus’s like covid more likely.
And the NIH doesn’t say there’s zero chance covid emerged from a lab leak- just that the evidence favors the wet market.
3b says:
November 27, 2024 at 7:50 am
“The commentary on the blog over the last month has really declined.”
Directly correlated to the significantly higher rate of posting from RentL0rd, who seems to be experiencing an extended mental health episode. Many of his posts are simply nonsensical, such as the ‘Bhattacharya would have killed millions more during the pandemic’ drivel. Surprisingly, the other lib that seems to be struggling w/ fear and anger is Lib himself; I expected less drama and more level-headedness from him.
re: “drunk”
Nah just recovering from a bender. Who hasn’t after a loss?
One of her donors the Mondavi family rented their home in Hawaii to her and Doug. I am pretty sure the place was pretty well stocked with their Fume Blanc and so was Air Force II… Probably has a few cases stashed at the Naval Observatory in Washington as well. She has to get back to work in the Senate and cast tie breaking votes, they want to pack the courts with favorable Judges before Biden is out of office. There are 16 Federal Judge nominees currently pending on the Senate floor, four circuit nominees and 12 district nominees. There are also several more pending in committee, including two nominees who had their hearing last week and who are expected to be advanced after the Thanksgiving recess and ultimately confirmed as Judges.
OC1 – They mention climate change and the covid virus. What more do you need? A video of a pangolin swimming from Vietnam to China?
re: “evidence favors the wet market”
For you see there was a study occurring of the wet markets for two years right up until Covid-19 broke out. No pangolins found…..none…but hey they Chinese are lying about all of it anyway.
Look when you infect a cell with multiple viruses a process called recombination occurs and a new virus emerges. This is the actual cause of Covid-19..
Where it happened? Was it inside an animal or inside a lab? We will never know.
But it wasn’t because of the sea level rose 15 centimeters over the last 100 years.
OC1 – They mention climate change and the covid virus. What more do you need?
For the NIH to actually take the position that climate change caused the emergence of covid.
“Caused” and “may have contributed to” are two very different conclusions!
Where it happened? Was it inside an animal or inside a lab? We will never know.
True, but the majority of scientists think the wet market is the likely source. That may change with new evidence, but that’s where things stand right now.
Bhattacharya is an epidemiologist who if you know the difference is not a real scientist with lab experience. So, another wrong hire.
Reminds me of the dentist in Hangover who calls himself a doctor.
Not really… The fact remains it’s origins are covered up, and it was never a correct position for any American scientists (majority or otherwise) to assume against, suppress, or marginalize a lab-origins hypothesis. Yet they did with little or no evidence very early on in the pandemic. This was BEFORE scientists even found the bat viruses in Laos 1500 miles away from Wuhan that match Covid-19 the closest.
A bit more evidence has come up. More than 100 of the first covid-19 patients in China who fell ill in December 2019 had no known epidemiological link to the Huanan Wet market or even lived in its immediate vicinity.
Whatever caused the super spreader event in Wuhan China and later the rest of the world the public the wet markets were certainly amplifiers of the spread. Fact is there were no pangolins sold there, that should end any theory that it emerged there unless there was another animal carrying covid-19. So which animal was it?
Newsflash: labs routinely develop different strains for experiments.
So it is possible.
But there is no clear evidence that it came from the lab.
It is not black and white and laymen cannot handle nuance or grey areas. And you want to elevate the quality of discussion!
Clearly there’s bullshit on both sides of the aisle. Where I think the discussion becomes useless is when:
1. Wonks repeat the same talking points promoted by their favorite media outlets, because we’ve all heard them already multiple times.
2. When there is absolutely no critical thought exhibited in either the introduction of a point and moreso in the rebuttal. Yeah, we know the right likes guns and the left doesn’t.
3. When we resort to name calling and focus on the person and not the issue. Pump’s exempted. He lies so much and is so unselfaware that he deserves the smackdown.
4. When we can’t separate facts from opinion and ignore the other’s perspective. I am adamently prochoice, but I respect that there are a lot of people who aren’t.
5. When we intentionally try to decieve each other by leaving out important details. Like saying a million criminals crossed the border and leave out the fact that it occurred over a time span of 40 years so we can attribute them all to Biden.
6. When we don’t admit our shit stinks too.
Quite honestly, I occasionally exagerate, knowing it will make you either laugh or cringe. There is no need to point out my fault when I go for the humor. For example 3b, when I made my tongue in cheek comments about school vouchers.
Everyone is free to ignore my posts. But I don’t recommend it.
I always thought Covid-19 came from the lab. Of course China and our own government who funded such labs would want to deny it. What I never knew was how much Fauci and others made off of discoveries made in these labs when they are sold to Pharma companies. But very few are aware of the tens of millions these government scientists make. Again, leading to the root of all evil with our democracy. Capitalism is great until it permeates the walls in DC.
I don’t know what will happen over the next 4 years….but Trump is a puppet of Elon. Make no doubt about it.
What did election results prove again? Never ever bet against Elon Musk.
I just hope Elon understands that govt is not supposed to be run like a business. Throw away all these jobs with no jobs to replace them, and you will create an economic mess. Talk about creating income inequality the likes of which have never been seen before. Govt jobs are a redistribution mechanism that is needed in our economy of winners and losers. You have to meet somewhere in the middle…can’t be so extreme.
A bit more evidence has come up. More than 100 of the first covid-19 patients in China who fell ill in December 2019 had no known epidemiological link to the Huanan Wet market or even lived in its immediate vicinity.
Did they have a link to the lab?
If not, than this info doesn’t seem to favor either hypothesis.
Good point Hak Tua.
My comments are sure to cause the Right to be uncomfortable. But if you want comfort, you should go to facebook.
Anyone else stay up till 1:50am last night to watch Rutgers men’s basketball beat the Irish? I can barely function today and I’m getting on a plane in Newark tomorrow at 6:10am. Praise noise cancelling headphones!
or Read the Open The Books report.
OC1- re: “Did they have a link to the lab?”
Patent Zero it’s called.
Ben Hu patient zero who is a high-level researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Here is a story about it from Matt Taibbi.
Pumps re: “I don’t know what will happen over the next 4 years”
I know one thing for certain. There won’t be any fix to the pension issues in New Jersey.
Lib: I agree with your points for the most part. Some here on the left might want to read your points again, and self reflect. And by the way my comments on the discourse was not directed at you. When sometimes you do go over the top, you usually self-correct.
He reportedly had a “covid-like” disease- maybe covid, maybe not.
One piece of evidence among many.
OC1 – Also latest stuff from the White House int he last year or so from President Biden’s people say the following…These are the people with access to the classified intel.
Director of National Intelligence in a report released today said that all agencies of the government “continue to assess that both a natural and laboratory-associated origin remain plausible hypotheses to explain the first human infection.”
“Wuhan lab did not always adhere to safety protocols in studying coronaviruses, and the intelligence agencies also say that institute researchers have genetically engineered coronaviruses. The FBI and Energy Department favor the lab leak hypothesis. The CIA has not taken a position.”
Lmao…sad truth. Criminals.
Man, if I could go back in time and avoid becoming a teacher…
I am ambitious, skillful, and love to work hard.
Juice Box says:
November 27, 2024 at 11:41 am
Pumps re: “I don’t know what will happen over the next 4 years”
I know one thing for certain. There won’t be any fix to the pension issues in New Jersey.
43 monkeys escape from a lab in South Carolina.
Sh1t happens. But you don’t ingest bleach and drop your pandemic protocols. Like how Trump did last time.
Constantly correcting the rightwing is tiring… but the loud mouths need some checks and balances.
Constantly correcting the nuts on the left is tiring too.
Wake me up when there are Abrams tanks rolling down the street looking for illegal aliens.
So you don’t like my Trump merch?
9 and 2 Vikings sign Daniel Jones… their practice squad for the remainder of the season. Backup as an insurance policy if Sam Darnold gets injured and or Nick Mullens or Brett Rypien don’t work out.
Lib – It’s a work of art…
Some more interesting immigration numbers… Asylum from where????
725,000 undocumented Indian immigrants were in the US, making them the third-largest group after those from Mexico and El Salvador.
Walmart to scrap DEI initiatives… yet another company ending that experiment. I understand these companies were afraid of being labeled as sex1st, rac1st, discriminatory, etc. but there comes a time when performance matters above all else. I’m surprised they strung it out as long as they did. But, it’s safe to come out of the bunker now; DEI, progressive nonsense, woke ideology has been left for dead. A decade plus of failed s0cial engineering comes to an end. Tradition and common sense prevails.
More FUD going in to 2025….
Alexander Vindman tells MSNBC that Elon Musk might be giving “state secrets” to Vladimir Putin, and that his support for Trump comes at Putin’s behest.
You cannot even be a janitor at SpaceX without being watched by the government. We are talking Top Secret security clearance with the possibility of needing additional access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) depending on the specific role around the satellites being launched.
If there were any inkling that Elon was sharing intel with Putin it would have bubbled up by the NSA and the CIA.
Vindman is a sourpus….
Alexander Vindman tells MSNBC that Elon Musk might be giving “state secrets” to Vladimir Putin…
What’s the frequency, Kenneth?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone or as 47 would say, “Gobble, gobble that beef curtain.”
First off, I met the Vindman twins back in college at a party. Great guy. A real patriot and an outstanding citizen.
Second, there is talk from some sources that Musk talks to Putin on a regular basis. And we know that Starlink has played a big role in the Russian incursion.
I don’t trust Elon one bit. He is a complete douche bag – remember the whole Thailand cave debacle in 2018. He is a true megalomaniac.
So unless you have something more credible, STFU before you call Misk’s involvement with Russia FUD.
Rent – You are starting to sound like that nutjob Keith Olbermann, calling for a military arrest and prison for Elon and to take away his compaines.
I will repeat what you said come with something credible.
Right now you, Vindman along with wacko Olbermann are just blowing smoke up each other’s asses. Keep lying to yourselves..
Here’s my question to you Juice.
Why do you think it’s not a possibility that Musk has a cozy relationship with Putin? Why do you dismiss it with such vehemence? And you call everyone who questions or brings some evidence a nut job, wacko, smoke up the ass, blah blah.. WHY? It’s so fckin juvenile.
Think about it.. you don’t have to answer me.
Cozy? This is why Olbermann and many of you are certifiable. You ignore an obvious truth. Ask Zelensky himself if you don’t believe your own eyes.
Elon is supplying technology that so far has helped prevent Russia from winning in Ukraine. Ukraine relies on Starlink satellites for its drone war. This is direct support he provides to Ukraine. He has given the Ukrainians a significant frontline advantage since the 2022 invasion, as Ukrainian forces can and do share real-time drone feeds between units, and communicate in areas where combat has destroyed all other means of communication besides old fashioned military short range radio communication. Ukraine has no satellites of it’s own.
Yes Russians had also been cheating the sanctions and buying Starlinks through other countries and using them near the front lines too. I believe that is shut down now, as our own US Department of Defense has been working with Ukraine and SpaceX to curtail illicit Russian use of the starlink network.
So you agree that Musk’s Starlink satellites can tilt the power in Russia-Ukraine war easily to one side or the other.
And you are saying Russia uses Starlink illegally, while Ukraine is allowed (by Musk).
So it goes without saying that if Musk allows only identifiable equipment to use Starlink, the war would almost be over in Ukraine’s favor.
Almost, because there are other factors involved of course – like machines using only GPS.
Now tell me how hard it is to stop illicit use of Starlink?
Rent -the Russian use of the Starlink equipment was stopped 7 months ago….
As far as tilting the power, that happened when he gave them the tech. They used it to locate and blow up thousands of Russian tanks and equipment and kill tens of thousands of Russia soldiers.
At least NOW admit he is not a Russian asset. If he went anywhere near Russia he would be arrested and jailed.
Juice Box says:
November 27, 2024 at 12:49 pm
Wake me up when there are Abrams tanks rolling down the street looking for illegal aliens.
Haven’t seen them yet, but there are hundreds of threads and police calls about drones the size of cars flying over Morris County, NJ. The PoPo have told residents not to call them. Well that’s easy, they are government drones. No need to inform what you know about already. They seem to travel in groups of 5 or so.
First off, the Pentagon has no real control of Starlink – as the report itself says. Its concerning that a private citizen, an almost trillionaire is in control of this conversation.
Second, a much later report says how Russia is still benefiting from Starlink.
Musk has full control of who is allowed and who is not. In fact, pentagon probably doea not even know the extent of usage.
Look who joined the board of Unusual Machines, a drone company that is heavily dependent upon China
Now, what does this drone know about drones?!
Rent – You really are Cuckoo for CoCoa puffs
re: “the Pentagon has no real control of Starlink”
Don’t need to OFAC of the US Department of the Treasury does that. You do understand how sanctions work right? Are saying Musk is giving Starlink to the Ruskies now. SpaceX said it does not do business with the Russian government or its military, and Starlink said that its service doesn’t work in Russia.
They may have gotten terminals via the black market and have subscriptions based in UAE and Kazakhstan as service is not available in Russia.
Starlink uses tech like geo-fencing technology, IP address assignment based on service address, and satellite signal strength checks which limit connectivity to only authorized regions, effectively blocking access from outside those areas. It’s not foolproof and can be circumvented.
Herein lies the problem they would need to shut it off for the entire Ukraine region…and cripple Ukraine and it’s military.
Happy Thanksgiving to all you Turkeys Gobble Gobble!!!
Happy Thanksgiving all!
Let’s all save the wine-drinking for the Giants game.
Watched Conclave yesterday. Great movie. Must watch for all you red turkeys.
I am happy that Grim has given us this spot to quibble.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Bet she is thankful. For being this lucky?
New York Representative Nicole Malliotakis made an amazing insider trade
– Bought New York Community Bank stock at its EXACT all time low
– Just one day later, news broke out that NYCB stock was buying signature bank and the stock SKYROCKETED 77%
“Was this luck, or did Malliotakis have some sort of insider information on this stock?”
It’s all good Phoenix.
Trump will pardon the turkey even if she is found guilty.
Phoenix says:
November 28, 2024 at 1:33 pm
Bet she is thankful. For being this lucky?
New York Representative Nicole Malliotakis made an amazing insider trade.
Nancy Pelosi would be proud, how stupid can these politicians be. Absolutely needs to be investigated and pay the price…but aren’t these politicians exempt from prosecution???
Trump can pardon her, and Nancy Pelosi too.