NJ Economic Predictions 2025

From Princeton Perspectives:

2025 New Jersey Economic Outlook

Real Estate – In real estate, the housing market could see moderate growth, however, housing affordability will remain a challenge. New Jersey’s municipalities are currently contemplating the impact of having to come up with a Housing Element and Fair Share Housing Plan by June 30ththis year. Using the numbers released by the state in 2024, Mercer County municipalities would be required to rehabilitate a total of 1,800 currently existing affordable units county wide, plus build 3,500 new units. Given that usually market rate housing is built to support the affordable units this could mean that thousands of new homes need to be built to meet those numbers. Certainly, housing is a big contributor to our local economy what with labor, lumber, supplies, and equipment.

Unemployment – Unemployment rates are expected to remain stable and low, although we may face shortages in certain sectors. With our states focus on clean energy there could be a boost in jobs related to renewable energy and infrastructure improvements.

State BudgetGovernor Phil Murphy delivered his 2025 State of the State Address in the Assembly Chamber at the New Jersey State House January 14, 2025 (too late for this publication) and as of this posting his office released this statement:

“Over the past seven years, we have built a state that is stronger, fairer, and more prepared to face the future,” said Governor Murphy. “But our job is far from over. As we begin our final year of partnership, we remain more committed than ever to delivering economic security and opportunity to every New Jerseyan. And over the next 12 months, we are going to run through the tape in making New Jersey the best state—anywhere in America—to live, work, and raise a family.” 

There will undoubtedly be budget challenges for New Jersey in 2025 and hopefully there will be fiscal responsibility, especially with the governor’s election happening this year. The new governor must deliver stability in their public policy initiatives as much of the new spending in the budget is not sustainable, and we should be hearing some good ideas to do so from the gubernatorial candidates. We have used $2.4 billion from New Jersey’s budget surplus, not a desirable move. The increase in the corporate business tax to 11.5% has placed us in an uncompetitive position making it harder to attract new business to New Jersey. This rate is the highest in the country and hopefully this unenviable position will receive sorely needed attention in 2025.

We cross our fingers that inflation rates will stabilize in 2025 as higher interest rates can and will affect consumer spending and the housing and auto markets, thus affect our economy.

Small Business – When we think about our local mom and pops and independent businesses there is concern about the new administrations mass deportation and tariffs. Immigrants are predominately working for small businesses who are still dealing with problems that emerged over the last few years: skilled labor shortages, supply chain issues, high costs thanks to inflation, and shrinking profit margins. Prices are still high and with the promise that on day one of the administration to impose tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China, there is valid concern of retribution and increased pricing on imports from these three countries. Mexico alone supplies almost 40% of all fruits and vegetables consumed in the U.S.

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Employment, New Jersey Real Estate, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.

123 Responses to NJ Economic Predictions 2025

  1. grim says:

    From the Daily Record:

    NJ population passes 9.5 million, reaching a new record. See who’s coming and going

    New Jersey’s population topped 9.5 million people in 2024, a state record, according to the latest estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau.

    The estimates, released this month, show that the state’s population climbed to an estimated 9,500,851 in July 2024. The 1.3% increase from 2023 was the largest year-over-year growth rate in the Northeast.

    “This census data is a testament to the important work being done every day across the administration to support our workers and continue building a stronger, fairer New Jersey,” Gov. Phil Murphy said. “We’re incredibly proud that New Jersey is among the top 10 states for population growth.”

    Still, due to an influx of residents arriving from out of the country, the population continues to rise. In the three years before July 2024, New Jersey added 311,544 residents from foreign nations. The state’s total net growth since the 2020 census has been roughly 211,837 residents, Census Bureau records show.

    The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 4,391,600 jobs in the state as of November 2024, and 284,200 employers as of Sept. 30, 2024. Both were the highest totals in New Jersey’s history, state officials said.

  2. SmallGovConservative says:

    grim says:
    January 15, 2025 at 6:55 am
    From the Daily Record: “…due to an influx of residents arriving from out of the country, the population continues to rise…New Jersey added 311,544 residents from foreign nations.”

    Typical blue state; hemorrhaging talented, law-abiding taxpayers to the red states and back-filling with foreigners — many, if not most, illegal. No better symbol of this than the NYC public schools; enrollment decimated after DeBlasio trashed the gifted-and-talented program and school policy effectively turned over to the union during COVID, schools are literally being kept afloat by the children of illegal aliens.

  3. Chicago says:

    Ten 467

  4. RentL0rd says:

    Chi, I know you gave a primer on your cryptic futures(?) code before, but could you point me to it again? What does Ten 467 mean?

  5. ComingtoMovieTheatersSummer2029ButCouldBe2025-26 TheBigShort2 says:

    Small Con,

    Of course NJ attracts immigrants. Jerzy has more job options than Waffle House, Walmart, stripper-h00ker, or moonshine/meth manufacturer.

    My prediction, repost from last thread…

    Yesterday morning on Bloomberg surveillance ~7:30am+, they had guest talking about how Wall Street is salivating at bonuses this year as they expect very helpful and compliant supervision to their needs ans helpers of their great new idea and I predict circa 2027~2028 cause of financial crisis.

    Private Credit is the bonus making word of ’25. Goldman is actually jealous that Apollo thought and acted on it first. Apollo gave a big loan to Intel. Previously this type of large loan to a reputable company would have been made by a regulated bank or syndicate of banks.

    Apollo set up a trading desk. This desk will trade Intel and other Apollo made loans’ derivatives. Mind you they are not trading the loans themselves, but the Loan Backed Security Derivative Contracts tranches and Loan Backed Security Contracts Backed Collaterized Obligations tranches- 20 yrs ago they were trading the same idea based on mortgages. Remember Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) and Mortgage Backed Collaterized Debt Obligations (MBCDO) same thing, different name for the turd.

    Big boys like GS, KKR, Apollo doing this to well known publicly listed company sound decent, but you know that soon enough there is going to be some bank making and selling LBS/LBSCDO tranches on Fort Lee Massage parlors loans.

  6. Juice Box says:

    25% of New Jersey’s population are immigrants.

  7. White Trash Eddie says:

    When we think about our local mom and pops and independent businesses there is concern about the new administrations mass deportation and tariffs.

    The deportations will primarily be those with bad intentions. The 2nd tier will be those that are milling about with their sanctuary issued benefits. Those that have been toiling for years in restaurant kitchens and on landscape trucks will continue to do so. At the same time, the southern border will represent the Berlin Wall with ultra-tight security presence. Try to cross illegally and the Belgian Malinois’ will be released.

  8. Fast Eddie says:



  9. RentL0rd says:

    All of America, except the poor Native Americans are immigrants.

    SmallGov, where did your folks sneak in from?

  10. ComingtoMovieTheatersSummer2029ButCouldBe2025-26 TheBigShort2 says:


    Listen to Bloomberg Surveillance in the morning, it will explain a lot….

    Right now the Consumer Price Index came out today along with yesterday’s Producer Price Index showing disinflation, with the stickiest form of service inflation “rent inflation” dropping fast.

    So it looks like the all clear for stock bull market to continue if business earning are as expected BUT nothing is written down and everyone is holding their breath until OrangeTurd starts blabbing and signing away in an official capacity next week.

    Tariffs will increase product inflation along with the “Insanity Premium” that is in the financial markets because of his continually caotic unknown unknown decisions and how the rest of the world will react to it in the economic, military. foreign policy, etc.

    So the 20yrs/10yrs/ 5yrs US Gov’t Bonds/Notes are great bellwethers of risk appetite vs reward. Why are you going to buy BitCoin when you can get 4.67% from the USG and can buy it direct from them in TreasuryDirect.Gov

    Or if they were paying 1% and inflation was running 1-2% like from 2009-2019, then it makes more sense to put the money in BitCoins, Houses, Stocks or anything that pays more.

  11. RentL0rd says:

    Or, maybe you are a bastard child that does not know. It’s alright.. just keep collecting social security (money from the tax paying immigrants) and shut up.

  12. RentL0rd says:

    Got it ( at least I think I do). Thanks Chi

  13. Juice Box says:

    Comp for GS is up 8% but it’s only the deal makers that will see a bump.

    As far as massage parlor financing, don’t mess with the Triad. 9,000-plus of these
    businesses are operating in every state in the country, with earnings totaling nearly $3 billion a year. That is allot of rub and tugs at $40 a pop.

    That is however also barely a blip in the finance markets, and they like their money liquid as in cash only for money laundering and tax evasion purposes. No way some kind of new securitized product is going to take off getting into any of those rackets.

    If you look at the business formed from the failed credit Swiss unit and Apollo, they are trying to pick up the stuff that might fall thru the cracks. Lending money to Intel? Lots of risk there.

  14. White Trash Eddie says:

    The increase in the corporate business tax to 11.5% has placed us in an uncompetitive position making it harder to attract new business to New Jersey. This rate is the highest in the country and hopefully this unenviable position will receive sorely needed attention in 2025.

    Pensions, nepotism, gluttony at the trough, assistants to the assistants, sidewalk supervisors… public abuse at the hands of private production. Ayn Rand illustrated it perfectly.

  15. Libturd says:

    And how do we vet the good immigrants from the bad ones? Sorry Gary, but the Berlin Wall stretched the entire length of Berlin. The Southern Wall more resembles swiss cheese than a wall.

  16. LAX says:

    Ayn Rand was on welfare.

  17. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    January 15, 2025 at 10:05 am
    “And how do we vet the good immigrants from the bad ones”

    Typical Dem; expects nothing from his elected officials, excuses their terrible governance and accepts the steadily declining standard of living as a result of it. Lib sounds like Eeyore…
    – It’s impossible to secure our borders
    – We need to live with crumbling infrastructure and learn to dodge potholes
    – It’s impossible to stop the fires from destroying LA
    – It’s OK for the the prez to pardon his corrupt kid

  18. Phoenix says:

    Blue team, you finally got the message it’s good to own a weapon in case the apocalypse comes your way:

    Some wealthy Los Angeles homeowners have taken up arms to defend their devastated neighborhoods from looters.

    Residents of Altadena, where fires demolished more than 2,700 structures, have been patrolling the area, questioning strangers, as they work to keep away criminals who want to take advantage of the chaos.

    In some homes, residents have messages that read: ‘Owner armed and present.’

  19. Phoenix says:

    She was an ex-grifter later talking shite. It’s amazing how we put trolls like her and God on the same pedestal.

    Both book writing freaks who have done no actual good at all for society.

    LAX says:
    January 15, 2025 at 10:14 am
    Ayn Rand was on welfare.

  20. Fast Eddie says:

    And how do we vet the good immigrants from the bad ones?

    Technically speaking, the same way our ancestors had to be vetted but apparently that’s no longer required. Get here by any means possible and blend in as quickly as possible. I mean… am I wrong? Is there still a process?

    As for the bad ones? Well if you were arrested and convicted of a felony, that’s a pretty good indicator that you’re being shipped out. Member of a gang? Gone. Ties to terr0rists? Gone. Human traffickers’? Gone. Chinese and Russian intelligence activity? Gone. Illegal activists and dissidents? Gone. How many different countries crossed the southern border in the last four years?

  21. Fast Eddie says:

    It’s amazing how we put trolls like her and God on the same pedestal.

    God is a troll? Who knew.

  22. Fabius Maximus says:

    “patrolling the area, questioning strangers, as they work to keep away criminals who want to take advantage of the chaos.”

    Release the KARENS!

  23. Juice Box says:

    Fab you wannkkker top chart in the link below it has increased from just over 20% to 25% per the last 15 years. This is data from Trenton.


    Take a look at the county chart too…certain counties like Hudson and Passaic are nearly 40% foreign born.

  24. Libturd says:

    Should be lots of rentals available after the tanks roll out.

  25. Phoenix says:

    God doesn’t exist so by definition that makes him a troll

  26. Phoenix says:


    “ I think she is a witch.”

    “ How do you know she’s a witch??”

    “ she turned me into a newt.”

  27. Phoenix says:


    what kind of God would’ve allowed the destruction that happened in your area?

    It’s an absolute shame what happened there. I’m glad you’re OK and I wish all the people out there the best.

    there is no God. However, there is good and evil.

  28. LAX says:


    From 2000–2012, the average annual unauthorized entries exceeded 1.4 million people nationwide
    From 2013–2020, the average unauthorized entries dropped to just over 190,000

  29. Hak Tua, Chief grabs 'em by the pussy says:

    It’s always based on economic opportunity. The border crossings have again slowed dramatically. With MAGA in office, there is little opportunity for immigrants. I’m guessing the economy will turn within three years without their help. I just hope they don’t blame it on the Jews this time around.

  30. D-FENS says:

    CBP says over 9 million in the last 4 years.

    LAX says:
    January 15, 2025 at 12:13 pm

    From 2000–2012, the average annual unauthorized entries exceeded 1.4 million people nationwide
    From 2013–2020, the average unauthorized entries dropped to just over 190,000

  31. Phoenix says:

    Gonna wish you had some of those illegals working in California scraping up the toxic soil, hauling away the ashes, framing, roofing, and siding the new houses, laying the block, replacing the landscaping.

    Blaming anything on the Jews, blacks, Indians, whites, Chinese, etc is all bullshite.

    All groups have good individuals. All groups have bad characters. No religion prevents that.

    End of message.

  32. Phoenix says:

    War in Russia is really heating up. Amazing how a proxy war with a nuclear power isn’t even discussed in the media.

    Those G7 World Economic bas turds are really not liking Russian success. I guess it’s their idea of the Pasadena fire.

  33. Fabius Maximus says:

    President Biden announces the historic ceasefire:

    “I can announce a cease fire and a hostage deal has been reached between Israel and Hamas for more than 15 months of conflict that began with (Hamas’) brutal massacre on October the 7th.”

    Great Job Joe!

  34. Fabius Maximus says:

    Juice let me correct it.
    10% of New Jersey’s population are immigrants that have not yet naturalized.

    So if people come here and naturalize why do you care where they live?
    How about Wallington, 70% white and 42% foreign born. Any issues there?

  35. Phoenix says:


    Hey you stoo opid arrogant fuc cs. How about you legislate that no one is allowed to keep all of this data on Americans to begin with?. Oh, you won’t do that, because it’s an end run around the constitution for you. You enjoy watching us as much as the Chinese watch their citizens, except you scream the lie “freedom” when in fact there is none.

    Good job hackers. I hope you dump all of the data out in the open. I have nothing to hide. But those in power most certainly do.

    N S A Warns iPhone And Android Users—Disable Location Tracking

  36. phoenix says:

    A leak at data broker Gravy Analytics might have exposed precise location data from some of the most popular Android and iOS apps, 404Media reports.

    While the impact of the breach is unconfirmed, a screenshot posted by the hackers on the Russian cybercrime forum XSS indicated they have the “personal data of millions” of users.

    According to screenshots posted on X by Baptiste Robert, CEO of digital security company Predicta Lab, the exposed data also includes location information from the White House, Kremlin, Vatican, military bases, and other sensitive areas.

    Affected apps include Temple Run, Subway Surfers, Tinder, Grindr, MyFitnessPal, Candy Crush, Truecaller, 9GAG, Microsoft 365, and others. The full list shared by Wired also had some pregnancy-tracker and religion-focused apps.

    Gravy Analytics notified the Norwegian Data Protection Authority of the breach last week, stating that it identified unauthorized access to its AWS cloud storage on Jan. 4 via a “misappropriated access key.” According to 404Media, since Gravy collects data from the advertising ecosystem, the breach likely occurred without the users’ or app developers’ knowledge.

  37. Phoenix says:

    If you only stopped tracking us you dolts….

  38. Fast Eddie says:

    The hostage release comes five days before Trump is sworn in. This is 1981 all over again. They feared the outcome of a Reagan administration and history repeats… Trump vowed there would be hell to pay. Peace through strength, the Trump administration vs. the weak and ineffective O’Biden regime, failure vs. success… there it is.

  39. Chad Powers says:

    Well, I do have to say Trump is getting a lot of results and he isn’t even in office yet. Hopefully he can get this Ukrainian war to some type of settlement soon. It’s a lot of blood and US treasure to put into a three year stalemate (or Mexican Standoff as I like to say).

  40. SmallGovConservative says:

    SmallGovConservative says:
    January 14, 2025 at 1:23 pm
    “You Dem stooges would be best served by keeping quiet for the next 4 years while T addresses the dumpster fire that your guy is leaving behind”

    One mess cleaned-up! Unfortunately there are about 1,862 more to go.

    Can you imagine if the dingbat had won? She would’ve asked Hamas to ponder the importance of the passage of time and had no idea what to do next.

  41. Phoenix says:

    Fem N ism hard at work. Hehe.

    Former Camp Director Performed Sexual Acts On Boy At Park: Njsp
    Tara Carr, a 46-year-old Woodlawn woman, was arrested on Thursday, Jan. 9, and charged with sexually assaulting a teenage boy over the course of three months, authorities said.

  42. LAX says:

    I have had a bit of reflection time lately re: the political landscape. It’s every man for himself out there. So to speak. Ugly days ahead. But yeah the DEMs really made some fundamental mistakes many of which were outlined here early in the game. I was on the bandwagon but I completely understand “why” people resisted the Veep’s candidacy. Understand completely. But it is said to think Trump is back in Office. He is such an idiot. I guarantee you that Trump will tank the strong economy that he is inheriting. He will do nothing for his constituency.

  43. Fabius Maximus says:

    No Gary, as I recall it came out that Iran was asked to stall the release of the hostages until after the election, to stop Carter getting the win. This lead to Ollie North borrowing $10 million from some Sultan to fund a weapons shipment to Iran, the proceeds of which would go to Panama to pay off Noriega to get rid of the Sandinistas.

  44. Phoenix says:

    Chad Powers says:
    January 15, 2025 at 2:42 pm
    Well, I do have to say Trump is getting a lot of results and he isn’t even in office yet. Hopefully he can get this Ukrainian war to some type of settlement soon.

    Not gonna happen. His warhawk buddy has already proposed the opposite. This guy loves blood, guts, and violence. You don’t need 18 year old soldiers if what you are really planning is peace.

    Mike Waltz – President-elect Donald Trump’s NSA pick – is now advocating publicly that Ukraine lower its draft age to 18, “Their draft age right now is 26 years old, not 18 … They could generate hundreds of thousands of new soldiers,” he told ABC This Week on Sunday.

    Ukraine needs to “be all in for democracy,” said Waltz. However, any push to lower the draft age is unpopular in Ukraine. Al Jazeera interviewed Ukrainians to gauge the popularity of the war, and raised the question of lowering the draft age, which had been suggested by Biden officials in December. A 20-year-old service member named Vladislav said in an interview that lowering the draft age would be a “bad idea.”

    “I would choose to be shot to death right here, in Kyiv instead of going to the frontline,” said a 17-year-old Ukrainian named Serhiy in these interviews. Serhiy’s mother shared her son’s opinion, as young people “aren’t developed mentally, they will jump on (enemy) weapons without thinking, without understanding.” Continuing with, “they don’t yet have a feeling of self-preservation, they are just flying into battle. This will be (the) destruction of the Ukrainian people.”

  45. Chad Powers says:

    Didn‘t the economist Paul Krugman say prior to Trump‘s first term starting that Trump‘s policies would lead to a recession? That obviously didn‘t happen. In any case you are in good company with your prediction on the economy.

  46. Chad Powers says:

    In order for the Ukraine to negotiate from a position of relative strength they need to make some changes. Ukraine does control some territory in the Kursk region of Russia. However, the Ukrainian military has a large shortfall of military personnel. They need to lower the draft age and utilize older men to support the war effort. Should Trump turn off the money supply I doubt the EU can fill the gap politically. Everyone except the politicians want this war to end.

  47. Fabius Maximus says:

    Another top flight pick by Donnie.

    FactPost ‪@factpostnews.bsky.social‬

    Padilla: Will you defend birthright citizenship as the law of the land?

    Bondi: I will study birthright citizenship

    Padilla: You’re asking to be considered for Attorney General and you still need to study the 14th Amendment of the Constitution?

  48. No One says:

    Were it not for reading Ayn Rand’s fiction and philosophical works during my formative years, and then integrating that wisdom into making good decisions in my life, I may have ended up a bitter nihilist like Phoenix, or an intermittently high and unintelligible writer like LAX.
    There but for the grace of human reason goes I.

  49. Libturd says:

    N S A Warns iPhone And Android Users—Disable Location Tracking

    NSA should be renamed NSS for No Shit Sherlock

  50. Hak Tua, Chief grabs 'em by the pussy says:

    No one. Or you could have ended up like me. Defending the truth regardless of which side it occasionally comes from.

    I look forward to our war with Denmark.

    How great will it be if the hostage exchange takes place during Trump’s invocation. I use that word intentionally.

    I’m off to Granby Colorado where the morning lows on Saturday are supposed to be -26.

    Keep the peace fools.

  51. Fast Eddie says:

    Bondi: I will study birthright citizenship

    Padilla: You’re asking to be considered for Attorney General and you still need to study the 14th Amendment of the Constitution?

    C’mon man, you’re not naive. What was Bondi saying here? :)

  52. Libturd says:

    Risk trade on. Brent and Crude both well over eighty now. Save is Donald. Save us!

    And Smalls or whoever said it. No one listens to Krugman except for the wonkiest of wonks among the Dems. Kind of like how you are with anyone on the Red team.

    I’ll be back on Tuesday. Wondering if it will take that long for Trump to threaten to fire the FED again.

  53. Libturd says:

    Bondi and Bondo are a lot alike.

  54. White Trash Eddie says:

    How great will it be if the hostage exchange takes place during Trump’s invocation. I use that word intentionally.

    Today, tomorrow, Monday… what does it matter? It’s pretty much etched in stone now that Trump is the reason this is happening now.

  55. Hak Tua, Chief grabs 'em by the pussy says:

    Just a gentle reminder.

    Correlation does not imply causation.

  56. LAX says:

    3:25 wanker energy

  57. Fast Eddie says:

    Correlation does not imply causation.

    And man who go to bed with itchy hiney wake up with smelly finger.

  58. Hughesrep says:

    There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.”

  59. Phoenix says:


    Hehe. Good one.

  60. Libturd says:

    He who fart in church sit in pew.

  61. Libturd says:

    My favorite one is:

    He who purchase half price sushi always pay twice.

  62. Juice Box says:

    This guy had Phos-Chek fire retardant spraying out of his house, and it saved his house from the fires in the Pacific Palisades.


    Super nice designs.. They will be lining up at his studio for years.


  63. Juice Box says:

    Just finished watching Land Man last night.

    My wife’s cousin lived there in Midland Tx for much of her life and raised her family there. She married an oil man and worked for the school system. They had a nice home in downtown Midland and a farm out somewhere miles aways near a lake.

    They are both gone now. Both were in bad health but Covid round one did them in. She told me quite a few tales about the boom and bust cycles of Midland Tx. I will never forget her Texas twang.

  64. Juice Box says:

    BTW – re: turn of location tracking etc.

    All hail AI……

    Siri has all of a sudden gotten massively better, and Apple seems to be busy setting lawsuits over privacy as they just settled a consent lawsuit…

    It invaded our privacy tonight when my son mentioned something and I said just ask Siri…It must have recorded the question he asked before I said Siri…I don’t call that consent for sure.

  65. Phoenix says:

    Maybe it was Pegasus listening in. You don’t have any real privacy, your corporate bought government allowed corporations to do this to you.

    Go ahead, try and vote it out. It’s America, you are free to do that.
    Free Dom!

    Juice Box says:
    January 15, 2025 at 8:38 pm
    BTW – re: turn of location tracking etc.

    All hail AI……

    It invaded our privacy tonight when my son mentioned something and I said just ask Siri…It must have recorded the question he asked before I said Siri…I don’t call that consent for sure.

  66. Phoenix says:

    Cape May, the Diamond of NJ:

    Laura Caron, a fifth grade teacher at Middle Township Elementary School, had a relationship with the student, who was born in 2005, Cape May County Prosecutor Jeffrey Sutherland and Chief Michael Emmer in conjunction with Chief Tracey Super, of the Middle Township Police Department said.

    The relationship began in 2016, when the child was approximately 11 years old, and lasted until 2020, officials said. The relationship happened while the child had been living in Caron’s home.

    6abc says the victim was 13 years old when he and Caron, then 28, had a baby in 2019. The outlet says Caron taught the victim and his sibling and the family became close with her over the years, often allowing their boys and their daughter to stay at her house two nights a week. The children moved in permanently in 2016.

  67. Chicago says:

    “Man who runs in front of car gets tired. Man who runs behind car gets exhausted.”

  68. Chicago says:

    “It take many nails to build baby crib, but only one screw to fill it.”

  69. Chicago says:

    Chinese Proverb (jj Edition):
    Foolish man give wife grand piano. Wise man give wife upright organ.

  70. No One says:

    Chi, lol
    First of 1/16

  71. LAX says:

    ^^ dickhead ^^

  72. Juice Box says:

    lol – you don’t see them mention this in all of those TV commercials.

    “Studies suggest muscle loss can constitute up to 39 per cent of the person’s total weight loss while on the drugs — which work by mimicking the ‘fullness’ hormone GLP-1”.

  73. Phoenix says:


    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) filed a lawsuit against Capital One and its parent company, the agency said in a news release on Tuesday, Jan. 14.

    The CFPB accused Capital One of marketing its “360 Savings” accounts as offering some of the nation’s highest interest rates but froze those rates while competitors’ rates climbed. Simultaneously, the bank introduced a nearly identical product, “360 Performance Savings,” offering significantly higher rates—at times more than 14 times the 360 Savings rate.

    According to the CFPB, Capital One deliberately kept existing 360 Savings customers unaware of the new, higher-yielding account to maintain a “two-tier” system, leaving millions of account holders with reduced returns while new customers benefited from the higher rates.

  74. Very Stable Genius says:

    And everyone, EVERYONE over the age of 65 is on Socialist Government funded Universal Healthcare

    LAX says:
    January 15, 2025 at 10:14 am
    Ayn Rand was on welfare.

  75. LAX says:

    It’s a system I paid into as did others. We expect a return on our “investment” — otherwise don’t take a tax out or give us a biiiig refund and call the whole system off.

  76. Very Stable Genius says:

    Bad Italian immigrant! Bad!

    Giuliani Fails to Appear for Trial That Will Decide Fate of Florida Home

    The former mayor of New York City is at risk of forfeiting his sole remaining home, a Palm Beach, Fla., apartment, to election workers he defamed after the 2020 election.

  77. Very Stable Genius says:

    I like Billy Bob since Bad Santa

    Juice Box says:
    January 15, 2025 at 8:27 pm
    Just finished watching Land Man last night.

    My wife’s cousin lived there in Midland Tx for much of her life and raised her family there. She married an oil man and worked for the school system. They had a nice home in downtown Midland and a farm out somewhere miles aways near a lake.

    They are both gone now. Both were in bad health but Covid round one did them in. She told me quite a few tales about the boom and bust cycles of Midland Tx. I will never forget her Texas twang.

  78. White Trash Eddie says:

    And everyone, EVERYONE over the age of 65 is on Socialist Government funded Universal Healthcare

    Don’t forget s0cial security, too. If there’s anything else to collect that I’m missing, let me know.

  79. Very Stable Genius says:

    Republican farmer? Entitled to handouts
    Real Estate developer? Tax breaks galore
    Free Market Banker? You will be bailed out

    Many more categories to pick from

    White Trash Eddie says:
    January 16, 2025 at 2:34 pm
    And everyone, EVERYONE over the age of 65 is on Socialist Government funded Universal Healthcare

    Don’t forget s0cial security, too. If there’s anything else to collect that I’m missing, let me know.

  80. White Trash Eddie says:


    I’m starting a go fund me, are you good for a few grand?

  81. D-FENS says:


    Juice Box says:
    January 15, 2025 at 8:06 pm
    This guy had Phos-Chek fire retardant spraying out of his house, and it saved his house from the fires in the Pacific Palisades.


    Super nice designs.. They will be lining up at his studio for years.


  82. D-FENS says:

    man who run behind car get exhausted, man who run in front of car get tired

  83. RentL0rd says:

    Neighbor and good friends put their house on the market in December. It’s a 100 year old house that could be marked historic. 4 stories.. original farm house before the small subdivision with big lot houses was built 40 years ago.

    Well, they had an offer and bought another house in the midwest – to be closer to their kids and grandkids. We were gonna have a party next weekend.

    Guess what – buyer backed out during inspection for something very trivial. The house was priced reasonably – under $1M for a 4000 sft, 4 story house.

    My friends are greatly disappointed and we cancelled the party.

    Is this a change in tide? Longer on the market and failed contracts?

  84. LAX says:

    Hmmmm bummer.

  85. Fabius Maximus says:

    Isaiah Martin ‪@isaiahrmartin.bsky.social‬

    I see they’re already running off stepchild Vivek, apparently begging him to take a Senate seat he doesn’t want! You know, he never really recovered after he called MAGA stupid. Guess he’s the first one voted off the island!

  86. Chicago says:

    Ten 458

  87. D-FENS says:


    I had two buyers back out at the last second when I sold my place in FL. In one case there was an AC vent that was pointed slightly towards a window so that some condensation would collect there. Not an issue when there was furniture there but her inspector’s equipment detected ‘moisture’ and she completely bugged out even paying for some expensive mold inspector to go over the place with a fine toothed comb. He found absolutely nothing. The 3rd one who finally bought the house hired an uber inspector that nickeled and dimed me for the most trivial things. The guy used drones and scanners and cameras in the pipes etc. I wonder if there’s just so much new equipment that can scan everything and expose every little flaw during inspection giving people more visibility to all the maintenance involved in owning a home before they buy it. Maybe it scares the krap out of them.

  88. No One says:

    Despite being against the policy of wealth redistribution, after being forced to pay in to social security for four decades, I too intend to collect my pittance of a social security check someday as a partial redress for that injustice.
    Which will not make me a hypocrite.

  89. Fast Eddie says:

    Three days until the end of democracy.

  90. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Thank you, Governor Murphy. Wish you could remain our governor for longer….you have helped save this state and make into a powerhouse again. So many doubted you, like lib, but you have proven them all wrong. You have done this while fixing the pension….forever grateful for what you have done for this state that I LOVE.

    Prob the most desirable state to live in now by a mile with all these natural disasters in these other states.

    “Over the past seven years, we have built a state that is stronger, fairer, and more prepared to face the future,” said Governor Murphy. “But our job is far from over. As we begin our final year of partnership, we remain more committed than ever to delivering economic security and opportunity to every New Jerseyan. And over the next 12 months, we are going to run through the tape in making New Jersey the best state—anywhere in America—to live, work, and raise a family.”

  91. The Great Pumpkin says:

    If you aren’t buying crypto….you are a fool. Keep yelling that it is a scam or bet on trump and elon. Your choice. We all have choices. I am forever grateful for the opportunities crypto has given me. Thank you. Give GIGA a look if you are into the idea of fitness, discipline, and being the best you….are you a GIGACHAD? Enjoy the ride.

  92. The Great Pumpkin says:


    Sorry for your loss….you know what I am talking about. He was a great man.

  93. LAX says:

    9:46 you fucked around, you’ll find out.

    Elect a clown, expect a circus.

  94. RentL0rd says:

    D-Fens, that’s just sad and unproductive. With stakes so high buyers and sellers are in the edge.

    Will the new administration exchange all our dollars (which really are just digits in a bank) with different digits?

    And the new bitcoin currency will say what? “In Trump we trust”?

  95. Jim says:

    RentL0rd says:
    January 17, 2025 at 1:10 pm

    Will the new administration exchange all our dollars (which really are just digits in a bank) with different digits?

    And the new bitcoin currency will say what? “In Trump we trust”?
    The new administration has one hell of a job trying to fix what treasonous Joe has done. Joe is responsible for sky high food costs, outrageous rents, skyrocketed house prices and taking millions of dollars through his 24 bank accounts. Joe Biden leaves office with a 32% popularity approval the absolute lowest of any modern president. Lets put the blame where it belongs, or are you just ignorant to what actually happened, lets not forget how the crook pardoned his son for over 10 years of all his wrong doings. Yet there are some people who think Joe was not in politics for himself and his immediate family.

  96. RentL0rd says:

    History will show that President Joe Biden was the mist underrated leader of America.

    Tell me you disagree IF and only IF you are worse off financially today than 4 years ago.

    Not someone else, but you personally.

    Then, write down your net worth with today’s date. Lets come back to it 4 years from now.

  97. RentL0rd says:

    I need to fix my “i”s and “o”s. Ugh

  98. Fabius Maximus says:


    Are you suffering from alternative facts?

    Biden leaves office with higher approval rating than Trump after first term, new poll shows

  99. RentL0rd says:

    “Biden is weak but he is also causing the blizzard on Trump’s inauguration day” – the cult

  100. Real Facts says:

    Yet there are some people who think Joe was not in politics for himself and his immediate family.

    Contrast that with Trump’s family values. He is there to avoid prison.

  101. USA Today says:

    If you haven’t been paying attention as an array of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks sat through Senate confirmation hearings this week, good for you. It has been, at best, nausea-inducing.

    Our Republican senators clearly care more about Trump gifting them a pair of gold sneakers or giving them a pat on the back than they do about America, so the parade of largely unqualified dips Trump wants to run the government is on a glide path to power.

    To make life easier for you, I’ve distilled the hearings down to a generic and obviously real transcript that tells you all you need to know about the “advice and consent” that the GOP-led Senate is providing, which amounts to: “Yeah, sure, whatever.”

  102. RentL0rd says:

    I said this before and will ask again for the thinkers here.

    Any boss would want capable people under him. Even the greedy and stupid. Especially if you are entrusted to run a complex org like the US Govt. Clearly, Trump who ran companies believes in this.

    Yet, he is intent on hiring the F candidates who are clearly incapable of handling the job.

    Now, this is neither Left nor a Right situation.

    So what is it? What does he want?

    Just saying Joe is slow or Hunter peed on his laptop, are not the answers.

    Please tell me – What are we up against?

  103. chicagofinance says:

    On January 8th I drove my son, a teammate and their coach to a track meet at the Armory in Ft. Washington, by the GWB.

    We left my house, drove on the GSP, NJT & across the GWB. We parked at Columbia University Hospital.

    Parking & Tolls for 5 hours = $76

  104. RentL0rd says:

    Chi, did they at least give you 5-stars?

    In other news, the preparation for the inauguration is getting wild I heard

  105. Fabius Maximus says:


    The problem with your route is that you took the Turnpike that is probably $14 vs $4 if you took the Parkway up to rt 80 to the bridge. If you had stayed on the Parkway up to the Thruway, the Cuomo is only $7 vs the $16-18 on the GWB. The trip is longer by miles driven, but traffic is lighter so the time is about the same. If the Sprainbock is backed up you can pay a dollar and change for the Sawmill.

  106. Fabius Maximus says:

    Donnies got this. He’ll have his Sharpie ready.

    Rima Regas@rimaregas.com
    Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Friday said the nation will hit its debt ceiling the day after President Trump is inaugurated, and that the agency will begin “extraordinary measures” to stave off the threat of a national default

  107. LAX says:

    Default is Trump “only suckers pay taxes” Nom de pluuuume

  108. LAX says:

    5:06 You drive?!

  109. Fabius Maximus says:

    For your reading pleasure.

    Senator Ron Wyden ‪@wyden.senate.gov‬
    NEW: My staff just got ahold of this memo from House Budget Committee Republicans. It’s lengthy and hard to digest but it tells us exactly how Republicans plan to sell out the American people for another round of tax cuts to the rich. We’re breaking down the highlights as we go.

    Shame Left isn’t around, I’m sure he’ll b e cheering this one:

    Eliminate Head of Household Filing Status
    $192 billion in 10-year savings
     The Head of Household filing status provides a larger standard deduction for
    unmarried individuals who have children. This option would eliminate the Head of
    Household filing status.

  110. Fabius Maximus says:

    Eddie Rays Tax Foundation fingerprints all over this.

    Eliminate the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction
    About $1.0 trillion in 10-year savings relative to TCJA extension
     This option would fully repeal the deduction for mortgage interest on primary
    residences. This is a Tax Foundation score.

    Lower Home Mortgage Interest Deduction Cap to $500k
    About $50 billion in 10-year savings relative to TCJA extension
     This option would lower the cap on the home mortgage interest deduction from
    the TCJA level of $750k to $500k. This is a Tax Foundation score

  111. Fabius Maximus says:

    Armageddon will be held indoors this year.


    Ron Filipkowski @RonFilipkowski
    MAGA in DC being told that Trump just said the inaugur will be inside: “So we’re not gonna see it in person? I don’t like it. We came all the way from OK. We might as well stayed home & watched it on TV. It sucks. We have farms. We don’t get to not feed the cows cause it’s cold.”

  112. BRT says:

    RETRACTED: Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis


    I told you….crap methodologies to push narratives. Only took a few years to prove me right yet again…but not before it was cited by another 2000 papers to push garbage science.

  113. Juice Box says:

    Fab – $36 trillion on the credit card. You and I will pay for sure with reduced old age benefits and our kids and grandkids too. Everyone that accumulated that debt for the most part will be dead or have one foot in the grave.

    I don’t fault the kids for wanting a crypto currency world. It is however just another private money scheme at the beginning of this the third millennium.

    The cow farmer you mention above will be happy he has his land and a living for sure if things go south.

  114. Juice Box says:

    BRT- Had to use the AI for that one, it’s evil if true.

    Increased Mortality: The study found that all four treatment regimens (chloroquine alone, chloroquine with a macrolide, hydroxychloroquine alone, and hydroxychloroquine with a macrolide) were associated with an increased risk of in-hospital death compared to the control group……

    Increased Risk of Arrhythmias: All treatment regimens were also linked to a significantly higher risk of developing dangerous heart rhythm problems (ventricular arrhythmias) during hospitalization.
    No Evidence of Benefit: The study did not find any evidence that these medications improved patient outcomes for COVID-19.

  115. BRT says:

    Juice, the thing is, there was always a plan in place for repurposed meds because they have a whole library of information on how every drug interacts with every protein/hormone/cell barrier etc… So you can attack mechanisms at various points using multiple drugs that are relatively harmless. That was the original protocol for HCQ+Zinc. And the damning part was, HCQ was only proposed A, because of it’s dual function as an anti-viral, but more importantly, it’s a Zinc Ionophore. Zinc was the primary inhibitor of RNA polymerase….that’s why everyone who probably denounces the treatment flocks to shop rite to get some form of Zinc when they get another type of coronavirus. Once the three letter agencies went bonkers to try to stop it, many doctors started suggesting the supplement Quercetin along with Zinc because you can just get them as supplements and the doctors don’t have to be worried about political witch hunts going after their practice and their license.

  116. Juice Box says:

    BRT- re: : :RNA polymerase” lol if those folks ever paid attention in class.

    In the first few weeks of the vaccine this new miracle MRNA was sold as a prophylactic. Imagine fucking everyone and never getting sick.. Seriously people that got vaccinated had parties.

  117. Juice Box says:

    And to our Sponsor James.

    Pumpkin mentioned the recent loss to your family.

    May the angels welcome them to their heavenly home, and may their memory be a blessing.

    Condolences James and Pumps..

  118. BRT says:

    lol Janet Yellen on the way out “btw, we are out of money”

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