Spring Market!

From the Record:

NJ housing inventory spiked by 53% from the end of 2024. Our January market update

As New Jersey’s real estate market picked back up in January from December’s end-of-year lull, the Garden State saw significant increases in new home listings in every single county.

Overall, New Jersey had 6,444 new home listings in January. While this is a 5.85% increase from this time last year, this is a 52.99% increase from December 2024, according to Realtor.com’s monthly market data.

Changes in home prices varied across New Jersey’s 21 counties during January, but the state’s median listing price of $535,000 was a 1.91% increase from last year and a 01.37% decrease from December 2024.

As for the number of days active listings stayed on the market, listings in New Jersey typically stayed on the market for about 58 days in January — a 2.68% increase from last year and a 4.55% increase from December 2024.

Nationwide, January marked the 15th straight month of housing inventory growth with a 24.6% increase, according to Realtor.com’s Monthly Housing Market Trends Report. The median price of homes for sale was down 2.2% in January — with a median price of $400,500 — and homes spent abut 73 days on the market, making January the slowest month since 2020.

Thirteen of New Jersey’s 21 counties had an increase in new listings compared with January 2024, with six of them growing by more than 10%. And all 21 New Jersey counties had an increase in new listings compared with December 2024, with nearly all of these increases being by 25% or more.

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33 Responses to Spring Market!

  1. Chad Powers says:


  2. Chad Powers says:

    It‘s almost 12 noon here on Sinday morning. Perhaps that gave me a slight advantage today. In any event I‘m going with the Eagles for the win by 3 points. KC had a few games this season that they just barely pulled out a victory. The Eagles can win if they play their A game and keep mistakes to a minimum.

  3. Fast Eddie says:

    Changes in home prices varied across New Jersey’s 21 counties during January, but the state’s median listing price of $535,000 was a 1.91% increase from last year and a 01.37% decrease from December 2024.

    Have we hit a plateau? Stagnant prices for a few years?

  4. Chicago says:

    From what I understand, the limitations of matriculating classes are due to the capacity of the physical plant of a school. If you let in 2,000 kids, you have to be able to board, feed and offer classes. It is not as simple as more is more.

    BRT says:
    February 8, 2025 at 10:58 pm
    You know…these universities reject hundreds of thousands of qualified kids from attending. There’s plenty of opportunity to get more cash. Speaking of cash, have you seen the size of their endowments?

  5. Chicago says:

    I remember University of Chicago wanted to increase the size of its Freshman class by 1,000. It was a major capital project that involved years of planning and construction.

  6. White Trash Eddie says:

    …have you seen the size of their endowments?

    Said the sorority girls as the returned from a drunken escapade.

  7. Fast Eddie says:

    I went to see “Becoming Led Zeppelin” yesterday with a bunch of hooligan friends. It brings you through the formation of the band to the pinnacle of world status. It was a documentary with Page, Plant and Jones giving their view. As a two hour documentary, you can only tell so much. It’s a snapshot of the first few years. It was in IMAX which makes it pretty cool.

  8. RentL0rd says:

    There will be a cost to uncertainity. Add courts litigation for hard line, bottom down, irrational policies.


    This will certainly blow up prices across the board. Can someone tell me how the “cost savings” are supposed to trickle down?

    Also, whats the hedge on this uncertainty? RE doesn’t seem to be the solution either with raising inventories.

  9. Chicago says:

    Gold. A hedge, not a solution. We are nearing the peak of chaos. First 100 days. I think the smart money move is not to react until May.

    RentL0rd says:
    February 9, 2025 at 12:00 pm
    There will be a cost to uncertainity. Add courts litigation for hard line, bottom down, irrational policies.


    This will certainly blow up prices across the board. Can someone tell me how the “cost savings” are supposed to trickle down?

    Also, whats the hedge on this uncertainty? RE doesn’t seem to be the solution either with raising inventories.

  10. BRT says:

    From what I understand, the limitations of matriculating classes are due to the capacity of the physical plant of a school. If you let in 2,000 kids, you have to be able to board, feed and offer classes. It is not as simple as more is more.

    I know it’s not simple and done at the snap of a finger, but my larger point is, the justification for endless free money isn’t valid. If you look at Rutgers, the entire infrastructure has been continually upgraded. New buildings everywhere all over campus.

    We wrote grants to fund research that actually involved treating people in Africa with HIV drugs and those drugs are currently in use today. The grant to our members of our department for this collaboration was $800k. The dean of Rutgers college jacked $200k and distributes it to the liberal arts department.

  11. RentL0rd says:

    BRT, you know it is not that simple where you can get a NIH science grant and give it to a liberal arts dept. That is just NOT true. There is so much paperwork and checks and balances. And Rutgers finance guys are penny pinchers.

    You may be taking some outlier, fringe case.

    I am not going to reveal my Rutgers affiliation, but I know it pretty well.

  12. RentL0rd says:

    Chi, it’s hard to take a chunk of your portfolio and convert to physical gold. Maybe a few bars, but thats not going to move the needle – at least for me.

    Maybe a remote vault… need to look into it. Not easy and not sure how that works.

  13. Fast Eddie says:

    Will Trump invite Taylor to the suite?

  14. BRT says:

    lol, they take a percentage over every grant. I even posted the NIH tweet yesterday saying that they are going to limit this practice to 15%.

  15. Very Stable Genius says:

    “Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool.” — posted merit-based DOGE douchebag Marko Elez, who has now resigned after WSJ confronted the White House.

    He also Twitted “Normalize Indian hate”.

  16. njtownhomer says:

    1/3 of molecules for a lot of experiments, meds are made in China. Most of the rare elements are mine there, also lots of engineers working on material science. In fact they generate 3 times more STEM grads than US. AI conferences, or semi China now sends majority of papers. VCs in Silicon Valley are becoming oligarchs, clickbaiters, crypto handlers, clear monopolies. true talent misses out physical sciences.

    The NIH funding cut will be a repeat of Reagan cuts. It will severe the well being of the country in decades to come. But hey, what do I know? MAGA can’t do anything wrong.

  17. Chicago says:

    Just keeping it real. Watched the Sunday morning talking heads.

    Trump’s approval rating is the highest ever. Even higher than any point in his first term.

    This opinion informs the beltway parasites regardless of what you hear.

  18. Chicago says:

    Rent: Not advising to do so, but ticker SPYS is as inexpensive and efficient as needed.

  19. Chicago says:

    Correction!! PHYS

  20. Phoenix says:

    Straight from the Israeli Playbook: Russia Intercepts Explosive-Laden AR Goggles Meant for Frontline TroopsRussian authorities have intercepted a shipment of FPV goggles rigged with explosives, allegedly intended to detonate upon first use.

    These goggles reportedly contained a small amount of plastic explosive — about 10 to 15 grams — but its placement near the temple of the operator makes it quite deadly. Since they were set to detonate once the goggles had been activated, it almost certainly guarantees that a drone pilot might have been wearing them when the explosive charge detonated.

  21. Phoenix says:

    American STEM grauduate:
    “I have my period, I could literally pull my tampon out and show you”


  22. Phoenix says:

    To serve and protect:

    A California man who plummeted down a 20ft cliff while suffering a seizure was tasered by cops, dramatic bodycam footage has revealed.

    Jack Bruce, 22, crashed his red Toyota sedan into a ditch on April 1, 2024 after suffering a seizure behind the wheel.

    Despite not remembering what happened that day, distressing police body cam footage revealed the moment a Hercules Police officer launched a taser at Bruce while other cops forced him out the car.

    Bruce, then 21, appeared to be disoriented after the crash as police officers and firefighters approached him inside the vehicle.

    Bruce was repeatedly asked by officers to step out of the vehicle and soon tased him multiple times during the altercation.

    After he fell to the ground, Bruce screamed in agony and confusion as the officer continued to shock him with the bright yellow taser.

    Bruce, who suffered his first epileptic seizure behind the wheel that day, was told he would be charged with resisting arrest and a DUI, but the case against him was eventually thrown out by the DA.

  23. LeakGalore InTurdLand says:

    Modifying my 2025 predictions.

    By 12/31/2025 – DOGE acquired US Government data will be hacked by foreign governments, enterprising hackers or just let out by one of LordTurd Musk little turds.

  24. Phoenix says:

    Super Bowl commercials are lame.

  25. Libturd says:

    For the most part, they are. I thought the Seal seal was clever. Game is a borefest too.

    Catchng up on all the posts from this weekend, I would say I actually agree that the amount of waste in the federal government is probably much higher than even 15%. I know, because my BIL is well on his way to being a career Federal employee and the things I witness and hear make me question why his entire office is not replaced by a web-based form and database. And the perks and benefits. It’s really stomach churning. And this is US Customs, an office you would think would have a difficult time being that wasteful and corrupt. But I don’t like Trump’s tactics at all. Too much damage is done to the talented workers, of which there are certainly many. The disruption and uncertainty is a huge waste of productivity. How about hiring a few permanent auditors within each department that are loyal to Trump. They can report back the waste they find and can make suggestions for improvement to the cabinet heads that control the departments. This throw it all away and start from scratch is incredibly disruptive and wasteful in itself.

    Of course, what is done with any savings is what matters and Trump appears to be doubling down on tariffs and tax cuts with every single economist expecting exploding deficits and inflation from doing so like they did last time.

  26. BRT says:

    Lib, be honest, you were disappointed you didn’t get your Taylor Swift camera shot every possession.

  27. LAX says:

    Mmmmmm a blowout. That was fuuuuun!

    That made my Philly princess very happy.

  28. White Trash Eddie says:

    Thoughts on the game, even though I really didn’t care. I mean, years ago, I would’ve wished Philly to lose 60 to nothing being a Giants fan. I guess I’m still a Giants fan even through the NFL has changed. There was a time when I, like many, would plan around a regular season game. Now, if I catch it, that’s fine, if I don’t, no biggie.

    Just to backtrack, I watched England vs. France in a Rugby game earlier that day and it was awesome! Underdog England edged out the favorite, France in a really good game. Or is it a match? lol. Anyway, no equipment, blood all over the shirt, covered in grass stains and a total war. It was just great.

    As for KC/Philly… not exactly a nail biter. Though the halftime show was very diverse and entertaining. ◔_◔

    I’m not sure what I watched, nor what Hendricks Kumar said or if any music was involved. I guess the best part of that “performance” was when one of the “performers” unfurled a ‘Sudan/Gaza’ flag.

    All in all, there are elements of the Superbowl that have jumped the shark but as long as there’s money to be spent… then money will be made.

  29. Juice Box says:

    LIB- re: “make suggestions for improvement”.

    There is an entire dept for that GAO. (U.S. Government Accountability Office). It has been around for 103 years and has a 637 million dollar budget to audit and write reports. They publish 900 different reports a year. It is what the congress critters use for research, you might hear them mention it if you ever watch a hearing.

    Here is a highlight of their latest report. ( It looks and sounds just like the report they put out every year for decades).

    “Establishing fiscal rules and targets to address spending and revenue imbalances.

    Addressing financing gaps for Social Security and Medicare.

    Reducing improper payments and improve fraud risk management.

    Replacing the debt limit with an approach linking debt decisions to spending and revenue decisions. Statutory changes are needed to avert the risk of government default and its potentially severe consequences.”

    Again 103 years…Congress does not listen, they don’t write the spending legislation anymore either it’s all lobbyists and special interests. The executive branch hands are tied when it comes to spending. If congress says we need 10,000 new Abrams Tanks even though the Army does not want them then the money must be spent. I use this example for a reason. The Army said since the early 90s we don’t want or need any more tanks. The Congress kept funding production anyway year after year after year. Billions wasted to basically keep a plant in Lima Ohio open.

    Did we even ship those tanks to Ukraine? Not really only 31 tanks were delivered. There are somewhere around 10,000 sitting in storage rusting away. President cannot veto the tank funding, without vetoing the entire omnibus bill. They whole system is broken.

    The late Sen. Everett Dirksen (1896-1969) is credited with saying, “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money.” That was then. Now it is a trillion here, a trillion there ..

    Republican majority in Congress now. Let’s see how the next large number of not necessarily related initiatives come in a single massive omnibus bill. The Democrats will cry foul and worry for the survival of the republic in apocalyptic terms, yet when they have control of the purse they will do the exact same thing.

  30. Phoenix says:

    That made my Philly princess very happy.

    So you are married to a horse?

  31. Phoenix says:

    Halftime show was all about making fun of Drake and calling him a pedo.

    If he isn’t, I hope he wipes Kendrick off the face of the earth.

    Doesn’t seem like the law is very interested in helping Drake.

    Sometimes you just have to do things on your own.

  32. Libturd says:

    Why doesn’t Kendrick just call Drake’s Cell Phone.

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