From Patch:
NJ Residents Struggling To Pay Rent, Mortgages, Study Says: Report
If you’re struggling to pay your rent or mortgage on time, you’re not alone. In fact, New Jersey residents are finding it harder than most to manage the cost of housing, according to a new study.
Real estate and deed website recently analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey to determine the average delinquency rate for each state, according to the study obtained by the Asbury Park Press.
The study found that more than 6.6 million U.S. households are behind on mortgage payments. Meanwhile, more than 9.4 million renters are struggling to pay rent.
New Jersey came in at No. 5 for delinquencies, topped only by Mississippi, Illinois, Delaware and Wyoming, the report said.
On average, delinquencies ranged from 11 to 12 percent, with 5.57 percent of homeowners in New Jersey late on mortgages and 17.70 percent of renters in the Garden State late on rent payments.
the sinkhole is back on 80 east in wharton, all lanes closed
New Jersey came in at No. 5 for delinquencies, topped only by Mississippi, Illinois, Delaware and Wyoming, the report said.
Mississippi, Delaware and New Jersey all suffering the same malady?
Very Stable Genius, are you reading this? Deplorable, garbage Mississippi and New Jersey together? Blue and Red struggling financially? Nobody struggles in prestigious blue NJ… right? Is this some right wing fuckery stuff?
Just back from a cruise to the Caribbean, sunny and low 80s. Normally, I don’t do cruises as they are just so common, but I did enjoy this one, did it with friends, for one of their birthdays. Stayed away from the buffet for the most part. From what I saw on the ship, obesity is an epidemic.
Hims and Hers has been slammed for its controversial Super Bowl commercial that admonished Americans for being obese and shamed the healthcare industry.
Truth hurts.
So you are married to a horse?
LAX says:
February 10, 2025 at 12:29 am
Mmmmmm a blowout. That was fuuuuun!
That made my Philly princess very happy.
“From what I saw on the ship, obesity is an epidemic.”
Cruises are obsessed with serving food. Fat people are obsessed with eating food. It’s a perfect match.
We went on a 14 day caribbean cruise a few years ago. I liked stopping at a different port every day and of course having great weather. I‘d like to do that same MSC cruise again.
Geezers go on cruises for the buffet.
Young women go on cruises cause their boyfriends pay for it and they like to drink, take selfies, and try to make people think they are worldly.
Young men pay for the cruises to get sex for the week.
‘murican STEM graduates.
While all this noise is going on, the money is being stolen.
Labels matter. You want to defame someone, call them an Oligarch. You want to prop them up, you call them an Entrepreneur.
Same creature, different title. American language is so beautiful.
Do it. You never know when you final ticket will be punched.
Chad Powers says:
February 10, 2025 at 10:04 am
We went on a 14 day caribbean cruise a few years ago. I liked stopping at a different port every day and of course having great weather. I‘d like to do that same MSC cruise again.
Did mainly the restaurant option for dining. The buffet is just a massive amount of food, and I am sure a huge amount of waste. I don’t know how people can eat that much food especially early in the morning. I did of course avail myself of the drink package. St. Thomas was nice but kind of run down and dumpy. Tortola ( British Virgin Islands) was immaculate, everything well maintained. It is a big offshore financial hub, and only 27k people.
Do you recommend the British Virgin Islands as a vacation spot?
Fast: From what we saw, yes I would. It might be too quiet for you, but Tortola beach is beautiful! And the whole island is clean and well maintained. The currency is also U.S. dollar, not Brit pound.
My significant other thinks cruises are a floating petri dish. I had sea sickness on a cruise when I was a teenager and not thrilled. That said, I did some tech work for a cruise line and intrigued by the complexity of operations involved and want to experience it all in person.
3b, how confident were you that you were not going to fall sick?
By the way, I heard the 4-year long cruise around the world are selling out. Americans all want to jump on it.
@Chicago, thanks for the tip about PHYS yesterday. I was wondering if it is leveraged but doesn’t seem to be.
Look at Bermuda too. And of course, Costa Rica.
Where you cruise and the season will impact sea sickness. I’ve been on at least 20 cruises now. Gator, who is susceptible to motion sickness, has been seas sick twice, both for one evening. There are plenty of cruises where seasickness won’t happen. Inside passage to Alaska. A new England/Canada cruise. Truth be told, these ships have huge stabilizers that come out from the side of the ships and extend out 10 to 20 meters. They don’t stop the roll, they but they significantly reduce the up and down. If you do not get carsick or air motion sickness, you will likely be fine on a cruise. Most of the time, you can not even feel the boat moving nor can determine which way the front or back of the boat is. The larger the ship, the less motion in the ocean. And stay away from Antartica and the bottom of South America.
Rent: I took some precautions, which was one of the reasons we stayed away from the buffet. The 2 days we did use it, we ordered well down omelette, and avoided the already made scrambled eggs, which could be undercooked. It’s recommended to also stay away from the salad bar, and potato / cole slaw salad. With the buffet you don’t know how long the food has been sitting out there, and of course lots of people don’t wash their hands. We also stayed well hydrated. The ship was crowded, so no guarantees on getting sick, but just take reasonable precautions, and use the Purell dispensers on the ship. I did get a sinus thing, but have gotten that on our last couple of trips. I think it was from the plane, but I am told you can get that on a ship too, so might have been a combination . My wife was fine, and neither one of us got sea sick.
The larger the ship, the less motion in the ocean.
Speak for yourself. ;)
You peanut allergy and sea sickness people really blow things out of proportion.
I was leaving one of the Cycladic islands last summer via ferry. Four hour delay, bufort 7-8, near gale conditions, mid Meltemi wind season. The ferry comes in and slams the metal ramp on shore. One can see the vessel bop up and down by 12+ feet as the sea churns below. They were timing the crossing of cars and people one by one with the crashing waves to make sure they could cross the ramp onto the ferry and didn’t disappear into the churn below.
Got on, used hand grips to help make it to my seat, took out my phone and scrolled through reddit.
Was it unpleasant? Sure.
Did my nuts tingle from time to time as the boat plunged off of 20ft waves? You bet!
But generally a no fuss made experience.
Thanks for sharing. The advantages of cutting out American politics for a while is a strong motivation right now.
By the way, I heard the 4-year long cruise around the world are selling out. Americans all want to jump on it.
Yes, 360 million plus people are all jumping on it. That 4-year journey may turn into 12 years. We should be so lucky to be rid of angry muppets pining to build a world a home with furnished love. If there’s a “go fund me” page to help the misfits on their journey, let me know, I’ll donate some milk bones.
I was leaving one of the Cycladic islands last summer via ferry. Four hour delay, bufort 7-8, near gale conditions, mid Meltemi wind season. The ferry comes in and slams the metal ramp on shore. One can see the vessel bop up and down by 12+ feet as the sea churns below. They were timing the crossing of cars and people one by one with the crashing waves to make sure they could cross the ramp onto the ferry and didn’t disappear into the churn below.
I read the above with a thick Scottish accent. Ya gotta try it guys, it’s awesome to read it in such a way. :)
Sounds like Santorini you hoser
Peak IPhone…..glitchy and annoying. Especially when sending photos.
I really enjoyed watching the Chiefs get absolutely destroyed yesterday.
It was a real celebration here at our place and maybe my favorite superbowls ever for a lot of reasons.
In their suit, the attorneys general argued that the president cannot unilaterally grant “unfettered access” to secure systems that were previously only accessible to a limited number of career civil servants with security clearances.
“The president does not have the power to give away our private information to anyone he chooses, and he cannot cut federal payments approved by Congress,” they wrote in a statement. “This level of access for unauthorized individuals is unlawful, unprecedented and unacceptable.”
What if Trump can prove that he can walk on water.
Trump muses about a third term while essentially destroying whatever he can in his current administration. By the time a “third term” rolls around I expect they’ll be nothing of value left to govern. That “is” his m.o.
Trump has already saved billion……and billions. The use Mint makes 15 billion pennies each year. That is allot of change..
RentL0rd says:
February 10, 2025 at 12:54 pm
“The advantages of cutting out American politics for a while is a strong motivation…”
Be sure to sterilize yourself in protest, first. I hear it’s all the rage among Dems, and I think it’s a great way to show DJT how really mad you are.
Smalls – unfortunately people are actually that crazy.
Was on an Alaskan cruise about 20 years ago. Don’t mean to oneup you, but the swells were 30-40 feet. This was one of the experiences that got Gator (and pretty much the whole boat except for me and the Bridge staff). I know, because the buffet was closed and they were only serving dinner in the main dining room and that was pretty much all who were there. All outside decks were closed and even healed shoes were not allowed. It was in the North Pacific and I remember going up to the topmost lounge to watch the mean ocean. A couple of times, half of the keel was out of the water. I only threw up once in my entire life, and it’s a good thing I did, because I would have died if I didn’t (massive alcohol poisoning). Once, my brother and I got really sick from a dented can of Libby’s Peaches my mom bought from the discount rack in the back of the Spotswood ShopRite. Yeah, in the 70s, they used to have that. Well, he pucked his brains out non-stop for two days. I had to get my stomach pumped. I’m not sure why I threw up from alcohol that one time, except perhaps the amounts I drank were really stupid. I also drank a mix of beer and whiskey simultaneously which the hot British chicks said were a thing. Maybe it was, but not after a complete night of drinking. Never having thrown up before, I remember getting out of bed to go to the bathroom and wondering why my eyes were tearing. I was also salivating like a rabid dog. Then before I knew it, I filled the entire sink with stomach soup. I ran downstairs cheering to my roomates as I never had puked before. Honestly, I was a little freaked out about what it would feel like. I was so drunk that night, I don’t even remember. I was at a New Year’s Eve party at the Citadel (apartment complex) in Hoboken. Last thing I remembered was walking down the hallway to go to the cab to tak e us back to JC and getting stuck in the door jambs of each unit until my friends pushed me passed them. Then waking up to barf. It’s strange too, because I won many a drinking contest in my college years, mainly because I didn’t barf. Though, often, I would have the habit of losing my wallet (which I would then eventually, and smartly leave in the car), and passing out in random places. I once passed out in a set of hedges and found myself in the back of a complete strangers pickup truck when I was driven back to the Summer Camp I was a counselor at up in Monticello NY. I think I shared that story here ages ago.
And eggs up to $7.47!
I‘m on Reddit and a couple of Facebook groups related to immigration to Germany and citizenship. It is amazing the number of Americans who are freaking out about Trump and wanting to move to Germany. Interestingly most of these people acknowledge they speak no German and have no idea if they qualify for any type of residency permit. The economy in Germany is not good right now so I don‘t know how these people think they‘ll survive.
2:23 Whatever. Germany still owes my family a fortune.
Chad: I have dual citizenship, and also own land, that we may eventually build on. I won’t get myself sterilized, not that it matters at my age, but just saying.
The farm I but from still charges 6 bucks ..and they are top quality orange yolk grass fed. They also didnt bother to slaughter all their chickens.
A bit late for sterilization here as well – a few kids too late. But hey, it is so much better than showing them the world we are going to be in.
One of my hedge currently is investing in a venture that helps with gender alignment abroad. The demand from MAGA americans’ kids and relatives is massive right now.
I’m still trying to figure out this halftime show from last night. It was horrible but now, I’m learning this rapper Hendrick has a beef with the guy Drake from that Drake and Josh show?? Does the average viewer even know this or care? And why is this Hendrick dude singing about him? Is this some subculture, dark web, underground thing? But of all the really great performers out there, how and why does this dude get the gig? It was painful to watch. There are musicians in Nashville that are off the charts and would’ve rocked that place for 20 minutes. Couple that with Lainey Wilson and that’s a home run. What about Metallica, Foo, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Fontaines D.C., fucking black midi for chrs sake…. lol.
Rent: Sterilizing oneself because of Trump, is overkill, but whatever. I simply don’t care. Trump , Biden, Harris, Dems, Repubs, they all blow!
Rappers have always fueded with each other. That’s why half of them are dead.
A bad economy in Germany makes for a sauer Kraut.
3b, agreed with sterilization being overkill. But my point about a lot of MAGA kin needing gender replacement is real. Who knows there may be some MAGA on this thread who are closet trans and yet transphobic.
And “Not like us” is art that you wouldn’t understand Fast Eddie. Kendrick knocked it out of the park. I don’t get the rivalry with Drake, but that comes with territory.
If you are so appalled with two rappers dissing each other, how is it that you are okay with cheeto dissing everyone?
And “Not like us” is art that you wouldn’t understand Fast Eddie.
Nor do I want to. It was horrible. There’s great music out there and we had to endure that dreck. As far as two rappers dissing each other, I couldn’t care if they drowned each other. Call it art if you’d like but it certainly isn’t music. It’s an underground culture and I’m not sure what the NFL message is any longer nor do I care about that either. There’s certain brands that have just totally blasted into the stratosphere. Who knows what these board rooms are thinking but to each their own.
And what the hell is MAGA gender replacement investment ventures. Lol. Holy good fuck, some of you guys are losing your minds. lol.
I thought the halftime show, though unique, was incredibly boring, much like Kendrick’s mainstram rap songs. It was also incredibly black-centric. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but forget about mass appeal. The NFL won’t do it again.
Worse than a rapper breaking rules
3:52 Sex Reassignment Surgery Market size was over USD 802.04 million in 2024 and is anticipated to cross USD 3.34 billion by 2037
Does not fit narrative. Must suppress.
USAID humanitarian packages were found amidst a cache of weapons owned by terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon, an Israel Defense Forces soldier claimed to The Post.
“From the American taxpayer to Hezbollah, with love,” said Asher Fredman, a former IDF soldier and currently executive director of the Misgav Institute for National Security and Zionist Strategy, a think tank, in Jerusalem.
Asher told The Post that he found sniper rifles, anti-tank missiles and explosives alongside the care packages marked “USAID” while on patrol in an undisclosed village in Lebanon where the Iran-backed Hezbollah had a stronghold.
I’ll stick to Index funds and core/explore methodology. How creepy to invest in such a thing. The idea of investments and gender alteration in the same sentence is just so awkward. To each, their own.
Chi, this meme is totally real
Rent: You lost me as in I don’t understand your MAGA gender replacement comment. Anyhow, I know a gay couple married and together for years, who are Trump supporters. They also believe that trans men should not be permitted to play in women sports, and that the whole there is an infinite amount of genders is a bunch of nonsense. They also believe that bi sexuality is nonsense, and that it’s just people who have not fully come out of the closet. I just thought bisexuals were greedy!
You know what a good half time show would have been? A gaggle of drunken, angry liberals at the 50 yard line, staging a protest against America while being pelted with beer and pretzels. lol.
Oh Yeah!
Libturd says:
February 10, 2025 at 1:41 pm
What if Trump can prove that he can walk on water.
A Bergen County detective was arrested for sending a picture of his penis to a minor and attempted to engage in sex.
Interesting…… I always assumed you were bulimic.
Libturd says:
February 10, 2025 at 2:01 pm
I only threw up once in my entire life, and it’s a good thing I did, because I would have died if I didn’t (massive alcohol poisoning).
Between the illegals being kicked out and the large number of people wanting to leave the US because Trump is President, the US will be an empty shell soon. Lots of opportunity out there.
Chad: For most of the people wanting to leave the U.S. it is just chatter, and they ain’t going anywhere. Ellen De Generes moved to the U.K. but who cares. A woman my wife works with told her she is jealous that we can move from the U.S. and told her we are both very lucky, and says it is not fair that we have that ability and she does not. People are going bat shit cray.
Isn’t the port in Santorini inside a caldera which offers relative shelter from the storm?
Santorini is a cultural dump filled with all the wrong kind of people.
Chad – These people also arrive on r/expats in droves. Some are most prepared than others, as they share their super elaborate plans. All, without exception, no language no job offer, no EU citizenship.
Santorini is just too common.
qualified immunity.
What Kendrick did was nasty. mind you, Drake is no saint . But if he didn’t commit the crime that Kendrick is making fun of him of, And he can’t sue him in court I’d be happy if he killed him.
We thought about trying the “expat” thing for a while. Many big multi-nationals offer an international rotation. Thing is that now there is a lot of uncertainty about overseas markets and Pharma. It’s deemed “safer” to be on the Domestic side of the business.
It’s been more than 24 hours. When is Trump going to end Ukraine Russia war?
Does not fit narrative. Must suppress.
USAID humanitarian packages were found amidst a cache of weapons owned by terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon, an Israel Defense Forces soldier claimed to The Post.
There’s no other way that Hezbolah could have gotten those packages unless USAID was supplying them directly, right?
They should have had Twice perform their English songs. Would have been the best half time show ever. They are fun and know how to put on a great performance.
Why is no one talking about Trump not following judge’s orders about the USAID or the NIH funding issue? But Kendrick feuding with Drake warrants murder?
Perspective people, perspective!
Regarding gender alignment. I may have been a bit flippant. What I was trying to say is that there is a huge demand for people who would like to be free from their physical gender and NEED the surgeries. Similarly for fertility and other treatments that are increasingly threatened by this nazi govt. And this need, if you look at the statistics is in areas that are predomiantly white and MAGA. They voted for him inspite of their own families freedoms at stake.
And there is a market for enabling these treatments either in blue states or abroad.
Regarding humanitarian meals found among Hezbolla, it is like saying if Lays chips were found among terrorists then Pepsico is responsible.
And then you make up your own narrative and pat yourself on the back to commend how smart you are.
Chad 4:51,
The US is an increasingly moral shell. Ask anyone abroad.
“Do it. You never know when you final ticket will be punched.”
That’s one thing I got from my lay off. I got to experience what retirement looks like and its nice. I also go to sit back and reflect on my work situation and with my new role I made some adjustments in how I work.
I know a few people that never made it to retirement and a few that died a few months in.
Don’t take life for granted and live for the experiences.
What a lot of people are missing is that while the original song was written for Drake, he wasn’t the only one he was taking aim at last night. I’m sure Donnie would have been squirming at the whole show if he was any way self aware!
One interesting note was a lot of the international media reported Trump was booed at the event and suggestions are that Fox piped canned cheers on its own feed.
Fox is State media now. Soviet style.
They were also very selective over the closed captioning words they put on the air.
“Booty” seemed to offend them. We are truly in the dumbest timeline.
Meanwhile in the real world Musk bids for control of OpenAI. Is he admitging Grok is not all that good.
Funny, I didnt think Donnie would do it. I thought he would dangle it and string him along.
Justice Department to drop federal corruption case against New York City Mayor Eric Adams
This is cold. But it shows Donnie is going for three!
Mike Pence texting JD Vance today
More guard rails coming off!
President Donald Trump removed the head of the Office of Government Ethics from his post, the agency said Monday – the latest example of Trump acting against a government watchdog.
Fab –
“I know he would not be a wolf,
But that he sees the Romans are but sheep:
He were no lion, were not Romans hinds.”
– Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
Cassius always takes the L.
Like I said a lot of people missed what he dropped.
abby @abby4thepeople
People saying Kendrick Lamar should have used the halftime performance to make a statement like he didn’t just have the same dancers who made up the American flag collapse into a hundred individual swastikas.
Like I said a lot of people missed what he dropped.
Including the NFL or did they get the message?
King Trump just gave NYC Mayor Eric Adams a pass. All charges ordered dropped.
I saw bodies in the pose of crime scene photos. That’s pretty much it
Twice would have been empowering.
Rent: From what I understand there is only a tiny minority of people who are transgender, so you may be exaggerating on the huge need for gender change surgery. Then from there you go on to say the majority are white these people’s families are MAGA supporters. I think that is some tortured logic right there.
Ive was great live also