Still not building enough homes

From Fortune:

2024 new home sales hit their highest pace in three years. Does that mean lower home prices are around the corner?

Home values have skyrocketed over recent years. The median sales price in the final quarter of 2024 was $419,200 and the average price was $510,300, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development—both figures a hair below all-time highs.

But one industry expert predicts we’ll see even more new construction in 2025, and that should offer price relief for those seeking to jump from renting to homeownership or looking to move. 

Noelle Tassey, CEO of the real estate platform Redy, makes the case that more new inventory will put downward pressure on prices for both new builds and existing homes as sellers strive to attract price-sensitive buyers.

There were 683,000 new homes sold in the U.S. in 2024, per Census Bureau data. That compares to 666,000 in 2023, 641,000 in 2022, 771,000 in 2021, and 822,000 in 2020. These figures fall far short of the all-time high in annual new home sales—1,283,000 homes in 2005.

“Right now, the United States is missing about 4.5 million homes,” says Tassey. “That inventory shortage has driven up the cost of homes significantly.” 

Complicating matters is where Americans are moving to. High-growth regions experiencing an influx of residents probably won’t see home prices easing as much as elsewhere.

“The South, specifically in the Sunbelt region, will likely keep seeing a significant population boom and high demand for new construction,” says Tassey. 

New home sales in the South were 411,000 in 2024, roughly flat with 2023 levels and up slightly from 2022. Redy sees supply increasing in areas like the Sunbelt, but demand is climbing faster than new homes can be built. 

“Buyers are incredibly price-sensitive right now,” says Tassey. “Between high mortgage rates and elevated inflation, buyers are very aware of how much money they’re spending.”

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168 Responses to Still not building enough homes

  1. Chad Powers says:


  2. Hold my beer says:


  3. RentL0rd says:

    3b, from yesterday – the small population you talk about is 1.6 million.

    There is epigenetic research that suggests increasing number of youth will be trans. Political affiliation obviously is immaterial, but statistically they are more in red states.

    So, does that exaggerate my claim – maybe. Is it true – absolutely.

  4. Very Stable Genius says:


  5. Very Stable Genius says:

    Trump Pauses Enforcement of Law Banning Foreign Bribery
    The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it illegal for companies that operate in the United States to pay foreign government officials to secure or keep business deals.

    By Isabella Kwai
    Feb. 11, 2025
    Updated 6:12 a.m. ET
    President Trump on Monday ordered a pause in the enforcement of a federal law aimed at curbing corruption in multinational companies, saying it creates an uneven playing field for American firms.

    The law, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, was enacted in 1977 and makes it illegal for companies that operate in the United States to pay foreign government officials to secure business deals. Federal authorities have used the law to crack down on bribery, especially in countries where it is a common business practice.

  6. Very Stable Genius says:

    Many antibribery investigations in recent years have targeted foreign companies, which come under the law’s jurisdiction if they have American investors or commit part of the alleged scheme in the U.S. The Swiss commodities-trading giant Glencore paid about $700 million in 2022 to resolve foreign-bribery charges tied to conduct in Brazil and other countries. One of its biggest rivals, Trafigura, pleaded guilty last year to conspiring to violate the antibribery law and agreed to pay nearly $127 million.

  7. Chicago says:

    WTF? It’s 6:48

  8. grim says:

    Early to bed, early to rise…

  9. Fast Eddie says:

    Complicating matters is where Americans are moving to. High-growth regions experiencing an influx of residents probably won’t see home prices easing as much as elsewhere.

    “The South, specifically in the Sunbelt region, will likely keep seeing a significant population boom and high demand for new construction,” says Tassey.

    Well, I guess Detroit and Portland will have to wait another year to enter the fray.

  10. Fast Eddie says:

    “Right now, the United States is missing about 4.5 million homes,” says Tassey. “That inventory shortage has driven up the cost of homes significantly.”

    If there’s a trigger that opens the flood gates for listings, what effect will it have on specific regions regarding price? A swarm of people to the south? A move away from the north east? Who benefits the most? Where does supply swell and where will be the most demand?

  11. Very Stable Genius says:

    Vance says it’s ok to ignore the courts.

    Does that mean that we all can ignore them?

  12. D-FENS says:

    Oof. Just got January’s natural gas bill

  13. Very Stable Genius says:

    The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is not a rule; it’s a law passed by Congress and signed by the President.

    A law that Trump has decided not to enforce as part of his oath to “faithfully execute the office.”

  14. Chicago says:

    Cheating. You are GMT+2 or something. This is crap!

    Chad Powers says:
    February 11, 2025 at 6:00 am

  15. RentL0rd says:

    Attack the food stamps and ease foreign bribery.

    Layoff employees and cut taxes for businesses.

    Cut research and dept of education, pour money into fake intelligence.

    Not like us.

  16. RentL0rd says:

    D-Fen, you made me look at the energy bill dammit.

    $560 for Jan

  17. Very Stable Genius says:

    The Environmental Protection Agency is demoting career employees who oversee scientific research, the enforcement of pollution laws, hazardous waste cleanup and the agency’s human resources department and will replace them with political appointees, according to two people familiar with the approach.
    The move would give Trump administration loyalists more influence over aspects of the agency that were traditionally led by nonpartisan experts who have served across Republican and Democratic administrations.

    Mr. Trump has stocked the agency with political appointees who have worked as lawyers and lobbyists for the oil and chemical industries. They include David Fotouhi, the nominee for deputy administrator, a lawyer who recently challenged a ban on asbestos; Aaron Szabo, a lobbyist for both the oil and chemical industries who is expected to be the top air pollution regulator; and Nancy Beck, a longtime chemical industry lobbyist, who is serving as a senior E.P.A. adviser on chemical safety and pollution.

  18. Phoenix says:

    Sure you can. At your own risk. Sometimes you do what you gotta do.

    Very Stable Genius says:
    February 11, 2025 at 7:27 am
    Vance says it’s ok to ignore the courts.

    Does that mean that we all can ignore them?

  19. 3b says:

    The highest percentage of trans teens are in NY, Maryland, New Mexico, Hawaii, and DC. If the numbers are increasing, that’s another topic. Is it environmental! Mental/ Emotional issues, or is it fashionable and trendy now to be trans.

  20. Phoenix says:

    Or maybe they always existed but kept it quiet so haters wouldn’t try to kill them.

    I actually saw an albino rabbit a few months back. First time ever, and I have been on this planet for quite some time.

    Nature makes unusual creatures. But they are still a part of nature.

    Oh, and if the Catholic church hates gays so much, why did they spend all of the donation money from the members on protecting their homosexual pedophilic preists?

    3b says:
    February 11, 2025 at 8:40 am
    The highest percentage of trans teens are in NY, Maryland, New Mexico, Hawaii, and DC. If the numbers are increasing, that’s another topic. Is it environmental! Mental/ Emotional issues, or is it fashionable and trendy now to be trans.

  21. 3b says:

    Very: Our own government has been ignoring laws for years. We had a government that failed to enforce border security. Selective outrage.

  22. Juice Box says:

    Re: “ Foreign Corrupt Practices Act”

    They are going to have to bribe people to take the Palestinians. First up is the King of Jordan, he is in Washington now and will be told to expect a million refugees. They will perhaps offer up parts of Syria. The south and west are already controlled by US Troops some are rich rich oil and gas fields too.

  23. Phoenix says:

    As always, follow the money. Just like when Biden’s son was making piles of cash in Ukraine.

    The south and west are already controlled by US Troops some are rich rich oil and gas fields too.

  24. 3b says:

    Phoenix: The Catholic church does not hate gays anymore. That’s not the job of Islam. Also, you should know there is a difference between pedophiles which these priests were and homosexuality. I am surprised at you.

  25. Phoenix says:

    Very: Our own government has been ignoring laws for years.

    True. I have posted many videos where police have ignored the rights of citizens and even harmed them, only to use qualified immunity as a defense for the moral crimes they commit.

  26. 3b says:

    Juice: Trump is out of his mind with this Gaza plan. We were supposed to be staying out of foreign entanglement that don’t impact the U.S. , this is the exact opposite. Is he looking for more 9/11 events?

  27. 3b says:

    Should have said hating gays is now the job of Islam.

  28. Save Bieber says:

    Poor Justin Bieber..married that woman seven years ago and she refuses to have children with him. He should get out ASAP before depression makes him suicidal.

  29. Phoenix says:

    The Catholic church is seething with hate. I was one. Even part of one of their tribunals where I called them out on their bull shite.
    Watched those Catholic mommies lie to my face and their children right in the church.
    Watched how their management wanted money over morality.

    If there was a God, half the people in there should catch on fire when that holy water gets splashed on them. Knew many that cheated on spouses, etc.

    F’n hypocrites, go there only to make people think they are somehow better than those who don’t show up in church on Sunday.

    For a laugh, watch this video. The mom thinking going to church is a great idea after she is done banging the State Farm guy. Only funny cause this is how Catholic women think

    3b says:
    February 11, 2025 at 8:48 am
    Phoenix: The Catholic church does not hate gays anymore. That’s not the job of Islam. Also, you should know there is a difference between pedophiles which these priests were and homosexuality. I am surprised at you.

  30. Phoenix says:

    He is a real estate developer. That’s waterfront property. 9/11 thought process doesn’t even enter his mind, greed is the only thing he thinks about, that’s why that bullet whizzing over his head doesn’t even register in his moneybrain.

    He sees hotels, golf courses, and women to grab (well, when you have that kind of money, they are okay with being grabbed, at least until they can get enough proof to sue you.)

    3b says:
    February 11, 2025 at 8:53 am
    Juice: Trump is out of his mind with this Gaza plan. We were supposed to be staying out of foreign entanglement that don’t impact the U.S. , this is the exact opposite. Is he looking for more 9/11 events?

  31. Phoenix says:

    Give Islam credit for one thing, they tell you who they are right to your face.

    Catholics on the other hand are like a rip current. All calm on the surface, but you don’t ever know what is lurking underneath.

    I’d guess about 70 percent of them actually practice what they preach. Oh, I’ll be generous and say 75 just to make you happy.

  32. Libturd says:

    Like a good partner, State Farm is there.

  33. Juice Box says:

    3B – We had been messing around in the sand for ever. Sine 9/11 costs have been estimated to be 6.4 trillion.

    However our policy goes all the way back to FDR who met with then King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia in 1945. FDR had to travel there during the war to secure access to their oil reserves. Roosevelt gifted the King a US built DC 3 passenger plane, today that would be considered a bribe.

    We still need their oil and they still need our stuff mainly weapons and protection of the shipping lanes. We aren’t blowing up Houtis or the Somalis to give them democracy it’s to keep the oil flowing.

  34. Chad Powers says:

    I put in my ‚1‘ at 12 noon European Central Time then went to my favorite Indian restaurant. They have a lunch special for Chicken Curry which includes steamed rice and naan bread for 8.50€!

  35. 3b says:

    Juice: That is understood, getting involved with redeveloping Gaza and moving people in and out is not something we should be involved in. It’s madness. It could lead to other 9/11 incidents.

  36. Phoenix says:

    Then America would have more to cry about. As if it’s meddling in world didn’t cause the first 9/11.

    3b says:
    February 11, 2025 at 9:47 am
    Juice: That is understood, getting involved with redeveloping Gaza and moving people in and out is not something we should be involved in. It’s madness. It could lead to other 9/11 incidents.

  37. Phoenix says:

    Not according to Trump. He says we have plenty of oil. American oil. The best oil. There is no better oil than American oil. American oil that comes from the best place in the world, the Gulf of America.

    Juice Box says:
    February 11, 2025 at 9:12 am

    We still need their oil and they still need our stuff mainly weapons and protection of the shipping lanes. We aren’t blowing up Houtis or the Somalis to give them democracy it’s to keep the oil flowi

  38. SmallGovConservative says:

    RentL0rd says:
    February 11, 2025 at 6:35 am
    “research that suggests increasing number of youth will be trans”

    Does anyone need more proof that modern Dems are insane?

  39. Phoenix says:

    funny. Heidi Gardner plays the cheating blond wife in a few videos. She is a great actress.

    Libturd says:
    February 11, 2025 at 9:10 am
    Like a good partner, State Farm is there.

  40. Phoenix says:

    Is a handful of aberratitions in genetic code all it takes to keep you up at night?
    What a stupid topic to hang your hat on when half the world is at war.

    Maybe it’s your wife and daughters birth control that they pissed into the water system that caused this. Estrogen in water is known to cause lots of effects, even perhaps your future prostate cancer

    SmallGovConservative says:
    February 11, 2025 at 9:57 am
    RentL0rd says:
    February 11, 2025 at 6:35 am
    “research that suggests increasing number of youth will be trans”

    Does anyone need more proof that modern Dems are insane?

    Countries where the highest numbers of women use oral contraceptives have the highest rates of death from prostate cancer, a new study finds.

    Birth control pills contain the female hormone estrogen, and in recent years, some experts have raised concerns about the presence of estrogen and similar compounds in foods and the water supply.

    “Several studies now have found an association between estrogen exposure and prostate cancer,” said study researcher Dr. David Margel, a uro-oncology fellow at the University of Toronto. In this case, he said, “We think this is environmental —[estrogen] goes into the water, into our food chain.”

  41. Phoenix says:

    Ukrainian soldiers with FPV drone chasing after them talking:

    Uke1: “Get down, drone gonna find and kill us”

    Uke2: “There is guy in Azof brigade that is trans. That is more important.”

  42. SmallGovConservative says:

    3b says:
    February 11, 2025 at 9:47 am
    “getting involved with redeveloping Gaza and moving people in and out is not something we should be involved in. It’s madness”

    Do yourself a favor, stop getting verklempt every time DJT says something. His point, which is completely correct, is that what’s actually madness is to do the same thing that’s been done for decades in the middle east — and expect things to get better. In this case, turning Gaza into rubble, allowing civilians to return, shipping billions in USAID and not accounting for it, and allowing Hamas to regroup MAKES NO SENSE!

  43. Juice Box says:

    Coworkers wife was just laid off do to Federal Grant freeze. She is five months pregnant too… some kind of job in education.

  44. Phoenix says:

    America bribed the Indians with a blanket laced with smallpox.

    Then we lecture the Arabs on chemical warfare. Well, I guess we should know all about those kinds of tactics, America played dirty right from the get-go.

    Oh, and all the whining here about China’s intellectual theft. The upstart nation was a den of intellectual piracy. One of its top officials urged his countrymen to steal and copy foreign machinery. Across the ocean, a leading industrial power tried in vain to guard its trade secrets from the brash young rival.

    In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the rogue nation was the United States. The official endorsing thievery was Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. And the main victim was Britain.

    How times have changed.

    Now, the United States accuses China of the very sort of illicit practices that helped America leapfrog European rivals two centuries ago and emerge as an industrial giant.

    “The message we are sending to China today is, Do as I say, not as I did,’ ” said Peter Andreas, professor at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. “The fact of the matter is that the U.S. was the world’s hotbed of intellectual property theft.”

    Roosevelt gifted the King a US built DC 3 passenger plane, today that would be considered a bribe.

  45. Phoenix says:

    All the other problems in the world aren’t important. Just please concentrate on this, the 1.14 percent of unusual people in America. But whatever you do, don’t pay attention to the money. We are stealing it by the truckload right now. Focus, keep focused on those 1.14 genetic abberations. I’ll be back after I have fleeced the entire middle class.

    AI Overview
    Learn more
    1.4 Million Adults Identify As Transgender In America, Study …
    About 1.14% of adults in the United States identify as transgender, which is roughly 3 million people. However, people often overestimate the number of transgender people.

  46. Phoenix says:

    Hope she didn’t talk her hubby into a 6000 sq ft Jersey McMansion with a 6.5% interest rate.

    Juice Box says:
    February 11, 2025 at 10:09 am
    Coworkers wife was just laid off do to Federal Grant freeze. She is five months pregnant too… some kind of job in education.

  47. Phoenix says:

    President Trump claims that Ukraine has “essentially agreed” to give the US half a trillion dollars worth of rare earth minerals as payment for the military aid Washington has provided Kyiv.

    “They have tremendously valuable land in terms of rare earth [minerals], in terms of oil and gas, in terms of other things. I want to have our money secured, because we’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars [in Ukraine]

  48. 3b says:

    Small. How about we just stay out of Gaza period. It’s up to the Israelis now to decide what the next steps are.

  49. Chad Powers says:

    A friend of mine lives in Texas and the company he works for recruits workers for UAAID among others. Needless to say his business is currently at a standstill. He is retired from the army and his wife works, but they have two mortgages to pay at the moment. Hopefully the new administration sorts things out quickly. The uncertainty is terrible right now.

  50. Chad Powers says:


  51. RentL0rd says:

    3b, I agree with you about staying out of Gaza. But staying out of Gaza means that we also not supply the bombs to Israel. Too late for that.

    Smallman, science does not care which party you belong to.

    All the Roundup and Monsanto chemicals have an effect on our genes. That in turn affects future generations. Just like a tadpole can turn into a male or female depending on the temperature of the water. NIH has been sponsoring several research projects in this area – and the chemical industry hates this research.

    So we can forever be in the dark, and claim like ignorant 3b, that lgbtq+ are just cuz of a whim.

  52. Phoenix says:

    Dr Evil and Mini Me Trump are going to make the decisions from now on.
    America got the President it deserved.

    3b says:
    February 11, 2025 at 10:45 am
    Small. How about we just stay out of Gaza period. It’s up to the Israelis now to decide what the next steps are.

  53. Phoenix says:

    Texas, isn’t that a red state? Military man? Who did he vote for, Orange hair guy or black lady?

    Chad Powers says:
    February 11, 2025 at 10:54 am
    A friend of mine lives in Texas and the company he works for recruits workers for UAAID among others. Needless to say his business is currently at a standstill. He is retired from the army and his wife works, but they have two mortgages to pay at the moment. Hopefully the new administration sorts things out quickly. The uncertainty is terrible right now.

  54. Phoenix says:

    NIH has been sponsoring several research projects in this area – and the chemical industry hates this research.j

    Bye Bye NIH.
    Signed, Donald Trump.

  55. Libturd says:


    Some of what Trump is doing, is overdue and necessary, and even I, applaud him for it. It’s how Trump is doing EVERYTHING. That is the problem!

  56. Boomer Remover says:

    ^^ Agreed.

  57. RentL0rd says:

    The problem is we still try to have checks and balances.

    So Trump will not succeed but he will also destroy what we have. So it is a lose-lose. Both dems and republicans will lose and Putin wins.

  58. Chat Gpt says:

    Experience unparalleled luxury at the upcoming Trump Resort and Golf Club, set against the stunning Mediterranean coastline of the Gaza Strip. Envisioned by President Donald Trump, this exclusive destination aims to transform Gaza into the “Riviera of the Middle East,” offering world-class amenities and breathtaking views.

    Indulge in our championship golf course, designed for both seasoned players and newcomers, providing a unique challenge amidst serene landscapes. Relax in opulent suites that blend modern elegance with comfort, each offering panoramic sea vistas. Savor gourmet dining experiences featuring international and local cuisines crafted by renowned chefs.

    Beyond luxury, the resort is part of a visionary plan to revitalize the Gaza Strip, turning it into a beacon of prosperity and peace. Join us in being part of this historic transformation, where unparalleled comfort meets a commitment to a brighter future.

    Discover the Trump Resort and Golf Club in Gaza – where luxury knows no bounds.

  59. Chad Powers says:

    Based on comments my friend made about Kamala Harris as well as the migrant problems Texas has experienced, my friend most certainly voted for Trump.

  60. Boomer Remover says:

    Rent, don’t forget the lib cucks who will also perish in this firestorm. That’s gotta count for something.

  61. LAX says:

    FAFO . Pure and simple. Red state Voters.

  62. Phoenix says:

    Want a metaphor?

    America is going to be like the Pacific Palisades.

  63. Fast Eddie says:

    It’s interesting how CNN and MSNBC move quickly from one story to the next. Each time they pivot, they try to stamp the new story as the current crisis and while reporting it as if it’s an epic bombshell. They’ve been doing this for eight plus years now but can’t milk any one story because they’re trying to keep up with the pace. They’re totally reactionary, always on the defensive and everything the current administration does will somehow end democracy. Every move will end democracy. Weren’t we told that democracy would be over if Trump got elected? Is it over or are we still fighting for it?

    But, it’s great to see a real executive in the White House. Trump grabs every issue by the throat and insists on production and results. He’s a steamroller with the quintessential New York attitude. For the first time in our lives, change for the better is taking place. No more raiding the till; the party’s over. Funding for these “projects” and “research” will be under a microscope. 85% of tax-funded initiatives shouldn’t go to consultants, advisors and administrators in the guise of productivity. That’s not productivity, it’s theft. The end. Everything is under scrutiny and all will be accounted for.

    The democrats remind me of the so-called victim where the chubby, drunk girl throws herself on the ground in agony when the cop was five feet away from her. The funniest ones are when they gently lay down and don’t toss themselves. That’s comedy, pretty much what the dems offer these days. Did you see Schumer’s whistleblower hotline? It’s inundated with epic ridicule and laughable fuckupery. Well-deserved. The dems may want to try to be proactive these days and look for a plan. Anger isn’t a plan. Denial isn’t a plan. A communal existence isn’t a plan. Uncommon sense isn’t a plan. Symbolism isn’t a plan. Fake news isn’t a plan.

  64. Boomer Remover says:

    Can confirm wife’s family and their friends really resonated with the message of increased/crushing municipal burdens of housing & healing migrant populations coming in over the border.

  65. Hak Tua, Chief grabs 'em by the pussy says:

    Putting on a show for a cult following IS the plan.

  66. Boomer Remover says:

    You know what’s interesting? How a sizeable chunk of LA burned down to the ground, there were two days of nonstop reporting, and then media just moved on.

    The news cycle was disproportionate to the relative size of the domestic disaster.

  67. Libturd says:

    All show. Just like Trump taught ’em.

  68. RentL0rd says:

    11:47, nothing like a boogeyman to rouse up the peasants. It worked through out history.

  69. 3b says:

    Rent: Hamas used their own people as canon fodder. They don’t give a damn about their people, and they would sacrifice even more. If they had not attacked Israel , this would not have happened. The border between Israel and Gaza was flimsy wire fences; the border between Gaza and Egypt is a massive impenetrable wall that Trump would be proud of. Gaza should be rebuilt under the Arab states there, particularly Saudi Arabia, and Israel should build a massive wall and get out for good. Same in the West Bank, keep the areas close to the Israeli border and get out. Let the Arab countries figure out what to do with it all.

  70. 3b says:

    Hak: The Democrats got their own version of a cult. And, can you tell Hakeem to stop sending me emails every other hour of every day.

  71. 3b says:

    Lib: You like some of the things Trump is doing, just not the way he is doing it, maybe that’s the only way to get it done. Just saying.

  72. grim says:

    It’s interesting how CNN and MSNBC move quickly from one story to the next. Each time they pivot, they try to stamp the new story as the current crisis and while reporting it as if it’s an epic bombshell. They’ve been doing this for eight plus years now but can’t milk any one story because they’re trying to keep up with the pace.

    This is what happens when you confuse journalism with celebrity. We have no more journalists in the media, we have celebrities and aspiring celebrities.

  73. TheUSAIsNowHudsonCountyInPoliticalIntegrity says:

    Fat Eddie,

    Where we are headed is “Competitive Authoritarianism”. Is McCann’s Jersey City. Is Sacco’s North Bergen. Is DeSantis’s Florida. I think you understand now. So what counts is how close you are to the power source.

    You have to give a break to the media because its members have grown up in generally honest, functional communities and are shocked at what they are seeing. Us Hudson County boys know a different reality, actually are comfortable in this new lay of the land and can profit handsomely with a now kneecapped DOJ. Hell I think Adams now think he should have been a bigger crook.


    Your friend deserves the comeuppance he gets. Getting played by propaganda is on him being a nitwit. Should have been more critical and realize and support where his bread and butter comes from – look at the TechLords, they know their moat is decided by Government and they’ll kneel to it.

  74. LAX says:

    3b I actually enjoy reading most of your thoughts here and in many ways I agree.
    The only problem is that we are trading entrenched and ineffectual leaders for a guy who just operates in such a strange way. His handlers and his playbook are troubling and I think that once a few of his “changes” kick in most of us will feel the burn of a recession and it’s going to be really ugly. America doesn’t necessarily need a Strong Man style of leadership. It needs competency and balance. yeah, I think the DEMs message is dead now and a lot of the nonsense they tried to sell is also going to go away. But it’ll be the programs that are gutted and the tariffs that really kill the economy in agriculture and in industry. These are places that trump and the GOp made inroads and won with. They’ll hurt the most.

  75. TheFutureMyBoy IsOrganizedCrime says:


    “For a guy who just operates in a such a strange way”

    No is not strange. Is actually very old school. In NJ is know colloquially as “municipal bossism or municipal socialism”. Look up Frank “I’m the Law” Hague. But every state has their version of it.

    Is just that up to now, the party insiders kept the likes of OrangeTurd away. But the insiders forgot about the little guy. The little guy wants to burn everything now because they think it’s going to be better. But it will not unless you are connected.

  76. Libturd says:


    Is anything getting done? Honest question. As much as there was nothing stoppping Dem leadership from their immorality and corruption, they could have if they wanted to. They chose not to and this brought us Donald. IMO, Donald would do a lot better playing by the rules than by trying to break them himselves. It’s almost as if he didn’t learn anything the last time he served. It’s like we are replacing one broken system with another and throwing out everything that worked so well for the past 250 years, minus the last 30 or so filled with lack of compromise, which I think our forefathers never even considered. Then again, they all escaped from the corrupt British Empire, so anything would have been better, I suppose.

    And the real cherry on the pie, is going to come when Trump runs up new record breaking deficits from his tax and tariff plans while claiming he achieved savings. It’s coming. I’m about 98% sure of this.

    Then will we be great?

  77. Libturd says:


    Read Tangle.

  78. Fast Eddie says:

    Frank Hague, McCann… old school! Only Hudson County boys can relate.

  79. 3b says:

    Lib: I agree for the most part with your last comment. I would add that if the Dems wish to come back in 4 years, then they need to move to the center, and dumb all their outlandish far left nonsense. It serves no one.

  80. 3b says:

    Effective immediately the Gulf of America, formerly the Gulf of Mexico will now be known as the Gulf of 3b.

  81. LAX says:

    1:11 I see a lot of “chainsaw AL” from Sunbeam here…..we know how that turned out…

  82. Fast Eddie says:

    Major transformation will occur in the former Gaza Strip. Trump just did his daily presser alongside the King of Jordan. Both Jordan and Egypt have agreed to welcome displaced Palestinians while the former strip will be built into a manufacturing and resort megalopolis. A major win for the Middle East and another step to eliminate terrorist activity. This is huge. Dancing around the edges over and over, year after year hasn’t worked and never will. It’s amazing how this president seems to be making groundbreaking moves on a daily basis. It’s an astonishing difference based on decades of how past presidents have acted. Trump has rewritten the script.

  83. LAX says:

    1:31 He certainly has! That is good in some ways I think. I won’t lie.

    But, let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater….

  84. LAX says:

    Face it, people vote with their pocket books and the last time around it with Biden it was a very steady but hard road to follow. Okay? The DEMs come off as being the “intellectual ivory tower” type of bureaucrat. That just isn’t playing well. Their fixation on fairness for terrorists like “Hamas” was sickening and I think in some ways that was the downfall.

  85. Chicago says:

    Excerpt Gerard Baker WSJ Op-Ed:

    (A word about those teenagers: Funny how the left is so outraged about kids barely out of college marching into buildings along Constitution Avenue to investigate the misuse of government budgets. They cheered as hordes of little Maoists straight out of Ivy League schools took over tech companies, media organizations and the entire marketing departments of corporate America in the past decade to subject the rest of us to the iron rule of woke ideology.)

  86. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    February 11, 2025 at 12:11 pm
    “All show. Just like Trump taught”

    So an 80-90% drop in illegal border encounters/crossings is ‘all show’? Why is it so difficult for you to admit that DJT fixed Joe’s border crisis?

    LAX says:
    February 11, 2025 at 12:56 pm
    “a guy who just operates in such a strange way”

    It’s only strange to Dems because they have no experience with strong, results-oriented leaders who don’t care about being abrasive, or being disliked by low-performing slouches. You’ve lived a very insulated life, relying on your wife to keep a roof over your head so that you’ve likely never had to work with/for a person that demanded anything from you.

  87. Chicago says:

    There. Fixed it.

    Fast Eddie says:
    February 11, 2025 at 11:46 am

    But, it’s great to see a real executive in the White House. Trump grabs every issue by the pussy and insists on production and results.

  88. Libturd says:

    Jordan opposes Trump plan to permanently resettle Palestinians

    More MAGA lies.

  89. Libturd says:

    How many times is Trump going to claim he has deals with foreign leaders when he doesn’t? What’s going to happen when these foreign leaders get sick of his imperialist bullshit?

  90. 3b says:

    LAX: I don’t know how it will all turn out with Trump, and some of his economic policies may be disastrous. And his Gaza project is just bizarre, and I believe could lead to massive terrorist acts on American soil. As for a recession, I believe we are overdue for one, will Trumps policies cause it, perhaps, but we were going to get one anyhow due to massive structural issues that have nothing to do with Trump, number one being consumer debt.

    I try to look at the bigger picture, and instead of freaking about Trump, and doing the proverbial pearl clutching, want to understand why people voted for him after the chaos of his first term. My older brother is the most anti Trump person I know, it’s an obsession with him. He believes it’s simply the uneducated, unwashed that voted for Trump. When I point out how well Trump did in monied, educated towns in Bergen County, and I would reasonably think in other similar areas all over the country, he refuses to acknowledge that. In my view that stance is foolish.

    I do know that the Dems message did not go over with the majority of the American people, the ridiculous Woke nonsense, the constant lecturing which started with Obama, and the view that we are this awful racist, sexist , misogynistic country in the world. I happen to think we are overall a good country with the most diverse population in the world. A multi racial and ethnic country that has its problems, but is inherently a good country.

  91. Libturd says:


    Where is your source? I hope this is not simply your optimism.

    “Both Jordan and Egypt have agreed to welcome displaced Palestinians”

  92. Hold my beer says:


    Ius Texans prefer to call it The Gulf of Texas.

  93. 3b says:

    An American teacher held in prison in Moscow has been released after negotiations with Trump representatives.

  94. Hold my beer says:

    Sadly the DNC learned nothing from the last elections. They probably think they didn’t go far enough left and need more identity politics instead of focusing on economic issues that benefit the working and middle class.

    Why is the senator who had a stroke now the voice of reason for the democrats?

  95. 3b says:

    Lib: NBC News is reporting that the Jordanian King is open to discussions on taking in Palestinians, and as a gesture has agreed to take in 2000 sick children from Gaza. I think it’s madness, but whatever.

  96. Phoenix says:


    Hold my beer says:
    February 11, 2025 at 2:06 pm

    Ius Texans prefer to call it The Gulf of Texas.

  97. 3b says:

    Hold: They suffer from tunnel vision, and we know best. If they keep this up , Vance will be President in 2028.

  98. 3b says:

    It’s the Gulf of 3b as I have decreed.

  99. Fast Eddie says:

    The King of Jordan announced he would immediately take in 2,000 Palestinian kids with cancer with more negotiating to come. Egypt announced on Sunday it will host a summit of Arab leaders on Feb. 27 to discuss the future of the Gaza Strip.

  100. Libturd says:

    So he hasn’t agreed. Thanks.

  101. Phoenix says:

    Boomer ain’t gonna pay it back anyway. And neither will you if you scamper off to Costa Rica. Leaving might be the only option.

    And the real cherry on the pie, is going to come when Trump runs up new record breaking deficits from his tax and tariff plans while claiming he achieved savings. It’s coming. I’m about 98% sure of this.

  102. Fast Eddie says:


    American Marc Fogel released from Russian custody.

  103. Libturd says:

    In other news, Trump gets approval for Trump Tower Moscow.

  104. Libturd says:

    I kid, sort of.

  105. Fast Eddie says:

    Jordan has 2.9 million Palestinian refugees and will eventually take in more. Greece and Turkey are taking in substantial numbers as well and even Canada will take 5,000 refugees. Egypt will create camps in the Sinai Peninsula while the strip formerly known as Gaza rebuilds and then some will relocate back to that region. Again, unprecedented developments in days that most administrations can’t even fathom in four years.

  106. Libturd says:

    Hamas’ announcement about delaying hostages’ release came as President Trump said in a Fox News interview posted online Monday that Palestinians would not be allowed to return to Gaza under his plan for the U.S. to take over Gaza and relocate the enclave’s residents.

  107. Libturd says:

    I’ll believe it when I see it Gary. For now, you must have some kind of special news source. You know, one that tells you what you want to hear.

  108. Phoenix says:

    How many is NJ taking in?

  109. Phoenix says:

    Do palestinians like Chex Mix?

    Asking for a friend

  110. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Ellen De Generes left, she hangs her hat in the UK now.

  111. Very Stable Genius says:

    Can the president simply ignore the courts and decide for himself what his power is? And what can or will the courts do if he tries?

    Over the weekend, Vice President JD Vance suggested the administration might try just that, writing on X that “judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power.”

    That word “legitimate” is doing all the work in Vance’s tweet. Who decides what the executive’s legitimate power is? Typically the courts. Vance is suggesting that it should be the president himself. That also seems to be Trump’s view.

    Archived clip of Donald Trump: I have an Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president. But I don’t even talk about that.

  112. Fast Eddie says:

    The Gen Z crowd’s approval of Trump is currently at a 56 to 44 margin. 18 to 29 year olds voted for O’Biden by 25 points over Trump in 2020 and only 4 points over Trump for Cumella in 2024. Long story short… dems are hemorrhaging the youth vote as well. The dems plan? Trump sucks. Not much of a plan and I can’t see the dems moving to the center as it leaves the misfit muppets with no place to go. Who’s going to support multiple genders, pregnant men and trans story time?

  113. Very Stable Genius says:

    Republicans rescuing big Farmers welfare. Socialism for some

    Congressional Republicans from farm states are trying to save a $1.8 billion U.S. food-aid program that purchases U.S.-grown food and is administered by USAID, which has been largely closed by the Trump administration in recent weeks. 

    Legislation to be introduced Tuesday would preserve the Food for Peace program by transferring it to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which currently funds it but doesn’t run it. The bill’s sponsors include GOP Reps. Tracey Mann of Kansas, Rick Crawford of Arkansas, Dan Newhouse of Washington, David Rouzer of North Carolina and House Agriculture Committee Chairman GT Thompson of Pennsylvania, along with Republican Sens. Jerry Moran of Kansas and John Hoeven of North Dakota.

  114. LAX says:

    2:54 But Trump does suck.

  115. LAX says:

    2:54 I think once people begin to feel the intense pain that Trump’s ill-conceived policies enable AND the kids realize the havoc that will be caused to public colleges and schools across the Country. Whatever “honeymoon” he is on will end very, very quickly.

    Pain is Pain. Regardless of YOUR obsession with the DEMs embrace of diversity, the PAIN will be intense across all races and genders. Trump hasn’t done one thing right in his life. He isn’t going to start now. Next Stop? Social Security and Medicare.

    He’ll gut those programs and all of the retirees on fixed incomes will literally crap themselves. Just like Trump does in his diaper.

  116. SmallGovConservative says:

    3b says:
    February 11, 2025 at 2:40 pm
    “Ellen De Generes left, she hangs her hat in the UK now.”

    Between the leftist nuts that are sterilizing and those that are self-deporting, I wonder if the Dems have made the endangered species list yet.

  117. RentL0rd says:

    2:20, the least Putin can do for Trump liberating all the oligarchs’ yacts by removing the foreign interference rules.

    Let me see, what else was given up – oh yea, destroying our internal agencies.

  118. LAX says:

    3:29 Old man trolling. We’ll see how happy you are when you are locked out of medicare.

  119. WhereIsTheQuidProQuoHiding says:

    Let’s start a game. Is called spot the Quid Pro Quo

    QUID – OrangeTurd disbanded the FBI Oligarchs Asset Tracking Taskforce.

    QUO – Marc Fogel released.

  120. Fabius Maximus says:

    “hordes of little Maoists straight out of Ivy League schools took over tech companies, media organizations and the entire marketing departments of corporate America”

    At least they had a degree in a relevant field.

  121. Fabius Maximus says:

    “the former strip will be built into a manufacturing and resort megalopolis. ”

    that will be boycotted harder that Sun City. Hamas and others will use it as a major recruitment tool and it will be a massive terrorist target. The security needed to keep people safe will be insane.

  122. Libturd says:

    I’ll believe it when it happens Fab. So far, Trump’s been all talk and has accomplished very little besides burn bridges in nearly every direction. What he has succeeded in is very low hanging fruit. Like, not minting pennies and declaring two genders. Meanwhile, Canada no longer will buy our shit, Mexico hasn’t agreed to anything and the number of deportations has been less than with Biden and Obama. We’ll give it some time. In the meantime, I’ll continue pointing out the lies from the truths.

  123. Very Stable Genius says:


    Maoist Boomers will remain maga as long as trump doesn’t curtail Maoist universal healthcare. Same with Maoist farmers and their government handouts.

    LAX says:
    February 11, 2025 at 3:31 pm
    3:29 Old man trolling. We’ll see how happy you are when you are locked out of medicare.

  124. RentL0rd says:

    Lib 4:35,

    This is not an accident but by design.

    If anyone thinks Putin is on the sidelines with popcorn, you don’t know the little man. Small d1ck energy is real.

    And we know Musk has been in weekly calls with Putin prior to the election.

  125. 3b says:

    Lib: Just to keep you balance as far as what Trump has or has not done, you know he has been in office for less than a month. Comparing what he has or has not done including deportations with Biden and Trump is just ridiculous at this point.

  126. 3b says:

    Rent: The Russia Trump thing has really gotten old, you should stop with that silliness.

  127. 3b says:

    Fast: How is Trump having the U S take over Gaza and rebuild it a positive for the U. S. I think it’s insane.

  128. 3b says:

    Fab: A worthless degree.

  129. RentL0rd says:

    bbb – you have the facts in your face, but you decide to lick cheeto’s ass. Just ‘cuz you have beef with your brother doesn’t mean you have to believe the exact opposite of what he believes.

  130. RentL0rd says:

    By the way, “Beef” is a great mini series you should watch. It is representative of MAGA – how they devolve from a dumpster fire to a full on volcano, just cuz they hate something (dems/immigrants/debt)

  131. RentL0rd says:

    And Russia “thing” is not old by any means. It is as fresh as today’s Marc Fogel. But sure, keep your blinders on.

  132. 3b says:

    Rent: I believe it is you who have blinders on, when it comes to Russia and Trump. We have been hearing about this for the last 8 plus years. If you want to criticize Trump do it on something real like this Gaza madness.

  133. chicagofinance says:

    I thought Hamas had tunnel vision?

    3b says:
    February 11, 2025 at 2:16 pm
    Hold: They suffer from tunnel vision, and we know best.

  134. RentL0rd says:

    So, why do you think Russia is innocent?

  135. 3b says:

    Rent: Stop with the ignorance and name calling, licking Cheetos ass? Seriously? And I never said I had a beef with my brother, I used it as an example of where/ why the Dems have no message. You condemn MAGA supporters as being stupid and ignorant, yet you engage in name calling and general nonsense just like some of them do.

  136. Fast Eddie says:


    FEMA CFO Mary Comans and three other officials have been fired for diverting $59,000,000 to luxury hotels in NYC to house illegal aliens.

  137. LAX says:

    5:50 Dang. that is NUTS

  138. OC1 says:

    FEMA CFO Mary Comans and three other officials have been fired for diverting $59,000,000 to luxury hotels in NYC to house illegal aliens.

    “In reality, Congress allocated $650 million to the shelter program through the Customs and Border Protection budget for the 2024 fiscal year. Payments issued by the program are administered by FEMA, but are separate from the billions of dollars the agency spends on disaster relief.”

  139. Hughesrep says:

    Cant let things like facts get in the way of some good solid manufactured outrage.

  140. RentL0rd says:

    You could see the glee in Fast Eddie’s comments. The “gotcha” high-five that only a high school teenager can experience. No in depth analysis, no fact checking… just plain dumb maga cult behavior.

    Yo Fat Eddie, stop watching FoxNews.

    By the way, housing for the poor to help them get back on their feet is the least a first world country can do it’s citizens.

  141. RentL0rd says:

    What is more appalling is that an unelected private immigrant controlling both the whitehouse and a popular news (cough) channel is able to twist MAGA’s mind.

    There, how does that sound? All true.

  142. 3b says:

    Rent: What does him being an immigrant have to do with it?

  143. Very Stable Genius says:

    “In reality, Congress allocated $650 million to the shelter program through the Customs and Border Protection budget for the 2024 fiscal year. Payments issued by the program are administered by FEMA, but are separate from the billions of dollars the agency spends on disaster relief.

    The shelter program has been used by Democratic cities like Denver and Chicago, but also by groups in Republican-led states, including Texas and Arizona.
    New York City officials said that Congress appropriated $237 million to the city last year to help reimburse it for a small portion of the more than $7 billion the city and state have spent to shelter, feed and provide other services to migrants.

    The city applied for the funds in April 2024 and FEMA began allocating them later in the year, city officials said. The $59 million Mr. Musk referred to in his post, city officials said, appeared to be a payment from FEMA that the city received last week as part of that allocation. About $19 million was spent on hotels, while the rest was used to pay for food, security and congregate shelters, city officials said.”

  144. RentL0rd says:

    bbb, you keep missing the point. And if I have to explain it, you don’t get the irony of it all. You are so MAGA.. keep getting distracted by little things and miss the big picture.

  145. SmallGovConservative says:

    OC1 says:
    February 11, 2025 at 6:18 pm
    “Congress allocated $650 million to the shelter program through the Customs and Border Protection…Payments issued by the program are administered by FEMA”

    Meanwhile direct from FEMA’s website: ‘Our mission is helping people before, during and after disasters’…Sheltering illegal aliens in luxury hotels has absolutely nothing to do with FEMA’s mission; having it administer those payments is nothing more than a big gov shell game. Mix up all the money and know one will ever know where it’s coming from or where it’s going to. Thank goodness for DOGE!

  146. LAX says:

    7:55 I gotta say I agree with you on this one.

  147. LAX says:

    A study by an MIT economist shows that the United States of America has regressed materially to a third-world nation for most of its citizens.

    America divided: This concept increasingly graces political discourse in the U.S., pitting left against right, conservative thought against the liberal agenda. But for decades, [U.S.] Americans have been rearranging along another divide, one just as stark if not far more significant—a chasm once bridged by a flourishing middle class.

    Peter Temin, Professor Emeritus of Economics at MIT, believes the ongoing death of “middle America” has sparked the emergence of two countries within one, the hallmark of developing nations.

    In his new book, The Vanishing Middle Class: Prejudice and Power in a Dual Economy, Temin paints a bleak picture where one country has a bounty of resources and power, and the other toils day after day with minimal access to the long-coveted “American dream.”

    In his view, the United States is shifting toward an economic and political makeup more similar to developing nations than the wealthy, economically stable nation it has long been.

  148. RentL0rd says:

    Smallgov, you fell victim to Elon’s lies. Plain and simple.

  149. 3b says:

    Rent:MAGA that’s hysterical,. You can’t present a coherent post, mostly just sensationalist nonsense, when I question it, you deflect by calling me MAGA. You are the typical extreme leftist, silence anyone who dares question you. I will just ignore you going forward.

  150. BRT says:

    3b, I really haven’t been able to read the board since the new year for the same reason I don’t watch the news. It’s just a talking point of the day from central command. No actual real discussion.

  151. OC1 says:


    Is there another govt entity that has more experience providing emergency housing, food, etc. for large numbers of people on short notice than FEMA?

  152. Boomer Remover says:

    Elon Musk addressing the public from behind the resolute desk while wearing a trucker hat, jeans and a t-shirt is insane. Am I the only one seeing this!?

    When was the last tie that an non-elected or non-government person has ever addressed the US public from *behind* the President’s desk? This is truly unprecedented.

  153. RentL0rd says:

    BRT, burying your head in sand in these trying times is cowardice. If your dad’s generation did not listen to the radio and fight for freedom you wouldn’t be having the life you do. The least you can do is participate in political discourse.. and raise your own awareness.

    It is taxing no doubt.

  154. Boomer Remover says:

    Trump is just sitting there like a lame cuck looking around nodding for eight minutes as Elon explains “what the goal of a significant part of this presidency is”…. am I taking crazy pills?

  155. Fast Eddie says:

    Here’s some in depth analysis:

    “The Democrats’ unfavorability rating is the highest since Quinnipiac pollsters began asking the question in November 2008. Similarly, the percentage of voters viewing the GOP favorably is the highest over the same period.

    The brutal rating for Democrats comes as the party is licking its wounds from the 2024 election cycle, which saw all 50 states move to the right.”


  156. Fast Eddie says:

    More analysis from Joe Rogan:

    “The Democratic Party is going to keep shedding people. They’re not going to correct course.”

    They don’t understand social media or the dynamics of a completely state-controlled mainstream media, where they only pushed the narratives you guys wanted,” he said.

    By ignoring alternative viewpoints and dismissing dissent, Rogan suggested, the party is deepening the divide between itself and disaffected voters. “We know they’ve got talking points,” he said. “We don’t trust you anymore.”

    Rogan, known for his outspoken and unfiltered commentary, suggested that the Democratic party’s messaging and reliance on traditional media alienates voters. “They’re not course-correcting at all. They’re saying stupid sh*t. It’s all nonsense,” he said.

    The former UFC commentator added that Americans are increasingly rejecting major news outlets. “We don’t trust you anymore. We don’t trust The New York Times. We don’t trust The Washington Post. We don’t trust CNN or MSNBC. They’re all full of propaganda,” Rogan said.

    This growing distrust, he argued, has fueled the rise of alternative media and online voices. “That’s why the internet rose. It’s not because there’s some sort of heavily funded right-wing conspiracy. No, you guys suck,” he said. “You’re not real people. Nobody wants to hang out with Brian Stelter.”


  157. LAX says:

    8:48 well I never…

  158. njtownhomer says:

    9:37 esteemed scholar Rogan, born to a rich family, acts as a poor regular guy, lives kind of weird, facilitates bro culture and weird conspiracies, misinformation. Modern day pied piper of pure maga.

  159. RentL0rd says:

    Fast Eddie, When you are in a war, you should at least know who’s your enemy.

  160. BRT says:

    I’m more than aware, funny coming from you. I give you inside information on how NIH grants get spent and you just write it off as a lie.

  161. LAX says:

    9:37 once Reagan killed the fairness doctrine and allowed one sided reporting, the rise of right and left wing media began. 24×7 news cycle brainwashed some really clueless people into thinking the government was their enemy. Rush Limbaugh railed against Clinton. Etc Etc. but it’s created people so out of touch with reality that they’ll vote against their own well-being in favor of Corporations.

  162. Walking says:

    Boomer, regarding musks attire today, remember when the Republicans/fox went all crazy that the Whitehouse was going ghetto with the way Obama dressed, not a peep about the lack of respect to dress properly in public for musk

  163. Libturd says:

    “BRT says:
    February 11, 2025 at 8:48 pm
    3b, I really haven’t been able to read the board since the new year for the same reason I don’t watch the news. It’s just a talking point of the day from central command. No actual real discussion.”

    Some of us are willing to actually discuss issues amd don’t simply parrot talking points. I no longer watch any news outside of the local crap at 10pm and switch between PIX 11 (where old anchors go to die) and FOX 5 (where clueless hot anchors start out until they get wrinkled and move to PIX). My only real news source is Tangle News and many more would do well to read it. Back to the discussions, one must be willing to admit they might be wrong or misguided, at least on occasion. No one is perfect. It also helps to love your enemy. Though there are quite a few diehards, Flab, Smalls, Rent (most of the time) and Jim too. There are many here who are willing to listen. I actually enjoy Gary’s view even when I feel it is completely misguided. I love 3b, because yes, sometimes I get carried away and need to be put in my place. Quite frankly, the wonks get annoying to me as well, but they play an important role in the conversations. Sadly, they represent what is most commonly believed and knowing this is important. I’ve always said politics swings like a pendulum. Back and forth. From left to right. Like wide ties, to narrow ones and then back to wide ties again. Most of it is noise. Being able to separate the chaff from the wheat is the key to really understanding what is going on.

    Or you could just ignore the nonsense.

    Rogen is noise. Fox News is noise. MSNBC is noise. So I completely ignore them. So should everyone, but humans love controversy. Life would be boring otherwise, right? It’s those who don’t see that most of this noise is manufactured to sell pillows and pharmaceuticals (ask your doctor) that scares the bejesus out of me.

    Remember, Trump supporters have givin the POTUS 7 billion in just DJT and $TRUMP alone. That scares the bejesus out of me too.

    Good night friends.

  164. LAX says:

    The huge budget cuts have essentially wiped out the federal agency’s research and statistics office – one of the country’s largest funders of education research – the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). IES gathers and disseminates data and research on a variety of subjects, including but not limited to the state of US student achievement, school crime and safety, and high school science course completion; their research is used widely by educators, state and local departments of education, school districts, colleges and other researchers.

  165. RentL0rd says:

    I have been on and off this blog for 15 years now. Most of them as a lurker. If anything, short term, as a business owner in a high tax bracket, I would materially gain from most of the fiscal policies of GOP. Heck, I actually met JD and have a connection if I really need to.

    The reason I am alarmed is beyond my personal gain. This boat is rocking and I don’t trust the captain.

    I also trust Grim enough to not dox me.

    Be safe y’ll. This isn’t looking good.

  166. Phoenix says:

    But my tax dollars can be sent to Ukraine. Thanks Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

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